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Introduction and Classification

Dr S.Anuradha
Associate Professor
Department of ECE
National Institute of Technology
EC202 :Signals and Systems

• Signals systems syllabus.doc

Text Book
Signal & Systems (2nd Edition)
By A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky & S. H. Nawa
Signal & Systems
By Prentice Hall

Reference Book
Signal & Systems (2nd Edition)
By S. Haykin & B.V. Veen
Signals & Systems
By Smarajit Gosh
Objective of the Lecture

This class will develop Your’ knowledge in/on

concepts of signals, systems and Classify the
signals as Continuous time and Discrete time
Signals and Systems Defined
• A signal is any physical phenomenon which
conveys information
• Systems respond to signals and produce new
• Excitation signals are applied at system inputs
and response signals are produced at system

A Communication System as a
System Example
• A communication system has an information
signal plus noise signals
• This is an example of a system that consists of
an interconnection of smaller systems

Classification of Signals
Signals can be classified in several ways. Some important classifications of signals

Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals

Analog and Digital Signals

Periodic and Aperiodic Signals

Even and Odd Signals

Causal, Noncausal, and Anticausal Signal

Energy and Power Signals

Deterministic and Random Signals

Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals
• Continuous-time signals are defined for a continuous of values of the
independent variable. In the case of continuous-time signals, the
independent variable t is continuous. X(t)
• Discrete-time signals are defined only at discrete times, and for these
signals, the independent variable n takes on only a discrete set of
amplitude values. X[n]
• The process of converting a continuous time signal into a Discrete-
time signal is referred to as sampling.
• Analog and Digital Signals

• An analog signal is a continuous-time signal whose

amplitude can take any value in a continuous range.

• A digital signal is a discrete-time signal that can

only have a discrete set of values.

• The process of converting a discrete-time signal

into a digital signal is referred to as quantization.
Deterministic and Random Signals
• For any given time, the values of deterministic
signal are completely specified.
• a deterministic signal can be described
mathematically as a function of time.
• A random signal takes random statistically
characterized random values at any given time.
Noise is a common example of random signal.
Causal ,non causal and anticausal signals
A causal signal is one that has zero values for negative time,
i.e., t < 0.
A signal is noncausal if it has nonzero values for both the
negative and positive times.
An anticausal signal has zero values for positive time, i.e., t >
Standard/Elementary signals
Unit step unction: this is important signal used in many cases
Ex: When we apply break to an automobile we are applying
constant force.
The Unit Impulse Function
Sinusoidal signal

A- amplitude of x(t), ɸ- phase, 2πf- angular frequency

The Real Exponential Function
The Sinc Function

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