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Bipolar junction transistor - Basics

Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley invented the
bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1949, while working for Bell Telephone

This revolutionary invention changed the world.

The invention of the BJT followed the invention of the point-contact

transistor by Walter Brattain and John Bardeen.

The point-contact transistor has several problems that prevented it from

becoming a viable device.

BJT is a three-terminal device.

BJT is used as amplifier and switch.

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 1

Circuit diagram of pnp transistor consisting of two

The two n-type regions merge to form a very thin base.

EB junction: Forward bias

CB junction: Reverse bias

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Band diagram (PNP)

Junction bias?

Major current flows?

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Basic amplifier circuits
Common-base configuration

α =
IE (1)

α = current amplification in common base circuit

Typical values: α > 0.99 (for state-of-the-art transistor)

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Common-emitter configuration

β = amplification in common-emitter circuit

IC IC ⎛1 ⎞ α
β = = = ⎜ − 1⎟ =
IB IE − IC ⎝α ⎠ 1− α (2)

β > 100 for state-of-the art transistors

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Common-collector configuration

IE IC / α β
= =
IB IB α (3)

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Nature of bipolar transistor
BJT is a current amplifier (not a voltage amplifier).

BJT is current-controlled current source.

BJT base current controls the emitter current and thereby the collector

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Qualitative discussion of pnp transistor

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Basic ideas

EB junction is asymmetric:

I Ep >> I En (4)

The emitter hole current is controlled by EB junction.

The base width is small.

WB << Lp (5)

Most holes diffusing into the base will reach the collector if condition of
Eq. (5) is met.

Thus the base current controls collector current.

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Discussion of currents

EB junction currents (EB junction is forward biased)

(1) Holes diffusing from the E into the B

(2) Electrons diffusing from the B into the E

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Base currents

(3) Recombination of holes injected into base

(4) Most holes reach C since LP >> WB

BC junction currents (BC is reversely biased)

(5) Electron minority carrier current from C to B

(6) Hole minority carrier current from B to C

We know that current (5) and (6) can be neglected for most practical

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 11

Basic equations
What is the fraction of the emitter hole current that reaches the

IC = B I Ep (6)

B = Base transport factor

B = Probability that a hole injected into B reaches C


© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 12

What fraction of total emitter current is emitter hole current?

EEp = γ IE (
= γ I En + I Ep ) (7)

γ = Emitter Efficiency

γ = Ratio of I Ep to I E

γ ≤ 1

I Ep ⎛ I ⎞ I En
γ = = ⎜1 + En ⎟ ≈ 1 −
I En + I Ep ⎜ I ⎟ I Ep (8)
⎝ Ep ⎠

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Current amplification α

α = = B = Bγ
IE IE (9)

We will later calculate B and γ in two ways:

1. Approximate calculation
2. Exact calculation

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Approximate hole distribution in base (PNP)

Long base (WB >> Lp)

δp ( xn ) = ∆p e − xn / LP (10)

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Short base (WB << Lp)

Exponential function can be linearized

At xn = 0 it is ∆p = pn 0 eeVBE / kT − 1 ( ) (11)

At xn = WB it is ∆p = pn 0 ( eeV
CB / kT
− 1 ) = − pn 0 (12)

That is p (xn = WB ) = 0 (13)

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Can you identify the diffusion triangle in the figure?

Equation for diffusion triangle:

⎛ xn ⎞
p( xn ) = ∆p ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
⎝ WB ⎠ (14)

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Diffusion Current:

Jp = − e Dp
dx (15)

Jp ∝ slope (i. e. dp / dx )

Short base changes slope (i. e. dp / dx)

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Approximate calculation: Emitter efficiency (PNP)
Recall the Shockley equation:

⎛ DP
= e A ⎜⎜ pn 0 +
Dn ⎞ eV kT
np 0 ⎟⎟ e − 1 ( ) (16)
⎝ LP Ln ⎠

… where first summand within first parenthesis is due to hole injection

… where second summand within first parenthesis is due to electron


Emitter is “long”, and therefore the electron current from base into
emitter is given by

I En = eA
np 0 eeV kT − 1 ( ) (17)

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Base is “short”, and therefore the hole current from emitter into base is
given by

I Ep = eA
pn 0 e ( eV kT
− 1

where last term, i. e. ( Lp / WB ), is correction due to increase in slope

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One obtains the emitter efficiency using Eqs. (8), (17), and (18)

np 0
I En Ln
γ = 1 − = 1 −
pn 0 (19)

using np 0 = ni2 p = ni2 N A (20)

and pn 0 = ni2 n = ni2 N D (21)

one obtains:

γ = 1 −
Dp Ln N A (22)

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 21

How can we attain high emitter efficiency?

For a high value of γ:

1. WB must be very short

2. NA >> ND (23)

That is,

Emitter doping >> Base doping

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Problem: Assume a PNP transistor with the following parameters:

Emitter doping: NA = 1 × 1018 cm–3
Base doping: ND = 1 × 1017 cm–3
Dp = Dn
WB = 100 nm
Ln = 1 µm
Calculate emitter efficiency.

Dn WB N D 1
γ = 1 − = 1 − = 0.99
Dp Ln N A 100

The problem assumed reasonable parameters. For such reasonable

parameters, we obtain a high current gain.

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 23

Approximate calculation: Base transport factor (PNP)

Thought experiment: Let’s assume that the BC junction would not

influence the hole distribution. Warning: Strictly speaking, this is
incorrect assumption!

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In this case, the following hole distribution would be obtained:

Base recombination current ∝ Q1 / τ ∝ ∆p WB (24)

Collector current ∝ Q2 / τ ∝ ∆p Lp (25)

(Note: In Eqs. 24 and 25, we use that WB << LP)

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It is

IC Q2 τ ⎛ Q1 ⎞
B = = = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ ≈ 1 − Q1 Q2
I Ep Q1 τ + Q2 τ ⎝ Q2 ⎠ (26)

Using Eqs. (24), (25), and (26) one obtains:

B = 1 −
Lp (27)

End of thought experiment.

Warning: This thought experiment is an oversimplification and the

result (Eq. 27) must not be used.

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 26

Exact hole distribution in the base (PNP)
Hole concentration at the emitter side of base

∆pE = ∆p ( xn = 0 ) = pn 0 eeVBE kT − 1 ≈ pn 0 eeVBE kT ( ) (28)

Hole concentration at the collector side of base

∆pC = ∆p (xn = WB ) = pn 0 eeVBC kT − 1 ≈ − pn 0 ( ) (29)

… note that VBC is negative

Eqs. (28) and (29) are the boundary conditions for the hole
concentration in the base

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There is no electric field in the neutral region of the base. Therefore,
transport can be described by the diffusion equation

d2 δp (xn )
δp (xn ) =
dxn Lp 2 (30)

General solution of this equation is given by

− xn Lp
δp ( xn ) = C1 e
xn Lp
+ C2 e (31)

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The constants C1 and C2 will be determined by using the boundary

δp ( xn = 0 ) = C1 + C2 = ∆ pE (32)

−WB Lp
δp ( xn = WB ) = C1 e
+ C2 e = ∆pC (33)

Solving Eqs. (32) and (33) for C1 and C2 yields

∆pC − ∆pE e −WB LP

C1 =
eWB LP − e −WB LP (34)

∆pE eWB LP − ∆pC

C2 =
eWB LP − e −WB LP (35)

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 29

Insert the constants C1 and C2 into Eq. (31)

For ∆pC ≈ 0 , the hole concentration in the base is given by

eWB LP e − xn LP − e −WB LP e xn LP
δ p ( xn ) ≈ ∆ p E
eWB LP − e −WB LP (36)

This function has an exponentially decreasing part and an

exponentially increasing part.

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Discussion of slopes

Recall that the slope [ dδp( xn ) / dxn ] determines the diffusion current.

Slope is larger at xn = 0 as compared to xn = WB.

The difference in slope is due to recombination in base.

Approximation for exponential function:

For WB << LP, we can expand the exponential function into a power

x x2
ex = 1 + + + ...
1! 2!

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Inserting this approximation into Eq. (36) and neglecting all quadratic and
higher terms in Eq. (36) yields

⎛ xn ⎞
δp( xn ) = ∆pE ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
⎝ WB ⎠ (37)

This equation represents the diffusion triangle in the base.

The strictly triangular shape is valid for negligible recombination in the


© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 33

Mathematics of exponential functions
Exponential function = Natural decay function

For the next section, we need some mathematical relations for

exponential functions and they are summarized below:

⎛ 1⎞
e = lim ⎜1 + ⎟ = 2.718 ...
n →∞ ⎝ n⎠

x x2 x3
ex = 1 + + + + ...
1! 2! 3!

Give some examples of natural (i. e. exponential) decays!

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 34

Function : y = y0 e − x x0

dy y0
Slope : = −
dx x = 0 x0

Integral : ∫0 y0 e − x x0 dx = y0 x0

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Mathematics of hyperbolic exponential functions
For the next section, we need some mathematical relations for
hyperbolic exponential functions and they are summarized below:

Hyperbolic sin function : sinh x =

1 e x − e− x )
Hyperbolic cos function : 1 e x + e− x
cosh x = ( )
(Note: Hyperbolic cos function is also called “chain function”. Why?)

sinh x
Hyperbolic tan function : tanh x =
cosh x

cosh x
Hyperbolic cot function : coth x =
sinh x

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Hyperbolic secan function :
2 1
sech x = =
x −x
e + e cosh x

Hyperbolic cosecan function :

2 1
cosech x = =
x −x
e − e sinh x

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Exact E, B, and C currents
We have calculated the hole distribution in the base and can now
calculate the currents of the three terminals E, B, and C by using the

δp( xn )
I = − e A Dp
dxn (38)

Emitter current

Emitter current is obtained by using Eqs. (31), (34), (35), (38)

I Ep = I p ( xn = 0 ) = e A (C2 − C1 )
Lp (39)

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Dp ⎛ WB WB ⎞
I Ep = eA ⎜⎜ ∆pE coth − ∆pC cosech ⎟⎟
Lp ⎝ LP LP ⎠ (40)

Collector current

I C = I p ( xn = WB ) = e A
(C2 e−W
− C1 eWB LP ) (41)

Dp ⎛ WB WB ⎞
IC = eA ⎜
⎜ ∆pE cosech − ∆pC coth ⎟⎟
Lp ⎝ LP LP ⎠ (42)

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Base current

IB = I E − IC ≈ I Ep − I C (43)

Dp ⎡ ⎤
⎢ (∆pE + ∆pC ) tanh
IB = eA ⎥
Lp ⎢⎣ 2 Lp ⎥⎦ (44)

Eqs. (40), (42), and (44) are generally valid, i.e. for any bias
configuration and bias condition of the transistor. The equations can be
simplified for a transistor under regular operating conditions, which are

Î VBE = forward bias

Î VCB = reverse bias

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Appropriate E, B, and C currents
VBE = forward bias Î ∆pE ≠ 0

VCB = reverse bias Î ∆pC = 0

From Eqs. (40), (42), and (44) it follows that

I Ep = eA ∆pE coth
Lp Lp (45)

Using coth x ≈ (1 / x) + ( x / 3) , one obtains

⎛ Lp Dp
W ⎞
I Ep = eA ∆pE ⎜ + B ⎟
Lp ⎜ WB 3L ⎟ (46)
⎝ p ⎠

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Dp W
IC = eA ∆pE cosech B
Lp Lp (47)

Using cosech x ≈ (1 / x) − ( x / 6) , one obtains

⎛ Lp Dp
W ⎞
IC = eA ∆pE ⎜ − B ⎟
Lp ⎜ WB 6L ⎟ (48)
⎝ p ⎠

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IB = IE − IC ≈ I Ep − I C (49)

⎛ 1 WB Dp1 W ⎞
= eA ∆pE ⎜ + B ⎟
Lp ⎜ 3 Lp 6 L ⎟ (50)
⎝ p ⎠

It follows that

IB = eA WB ∆pE = eA ∆pE
2 L2p 2τ p (51)

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 43

Base transport factor
Using Eqs. (45) and (47) we calculate

IC cosech (WB Lp ) WB
B = = = sech
I Ep coth (WB Lp ) Lp (52)

Using sech x ≈ 1 − (1 / 2) x , one obtains

1 ⎛⎜ WB ⎞⎟
B = 1 −
2 ⎜⎝ Lp ⎟⎠ (53)

We now have a good expression for B.

Compare this to Eq. (27)! (Recall: Do not use Eq. 27)

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We now have γ (i. e. the emitter efficiency, see Eq. 22) and B (i. e. the
base transport factor, see Eq. 53).

Since α = γ B, we can calculate the current amplification of a transistor:

⎛ Dn WB N D ⎞⎟ ⎛ 2 ⎞

α = γB = 1 − ⎜1 − W B ⎟
⎜ D L N ⎟ ⎜ 2⎟ (54)
⎝ p n A ⎠ ⎝ 2 Lp ⎠

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 45


Problem: Calculate the Base Transport Factor for WB = 0.1 µm and for
the following diffusion lengths:

(1) Lp = 0.1 µm and (2) Lp = 1 µm.

Solution: Calculating the base transport factor using

B = 1 − (1 / 2) WB / Lp 2 ( )

(1) B = 0.5 and (2) B = 0.995

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 46

Summary of operation regimes


VBE is too low to provide significant injection

Given is a transistor with

Lp = 1 µm, WB = 0.1 µm

Dp = 10 cm 2 /s, N D, Base = 1017 cm−3

ni = 1010 cm−3 , A = 100 × 100 µm 2

Calculate IEp for VBE = 0.3 V!

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 47

ni 2 eV kT
∆pE = pn 0 eeV kT = e = 108 cm −3
I Ep ≈ eA ∆pE = 1.6 × 10−9 A

Calculate IEP for VBE = 0.7 V!

∆pE = 5.6 × 1014 cm −3

I Ep = 8.9 mA

Forward active
Forward biased EB junction ∆pE ≠ 0
Reverse biased CB junction ∆pC = 0
Diffusion triangle in base

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CB junction is forward biased as well. Simultaneous transistor action in

both directions, i. e. both diodes are forward biased.

If | VBE | > | VCB |, one obtains the following hole distribution in the base:

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It is useful to consider the following thought experiment: Consider a
transistor with VEB = 0.7 V = const..

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Curves are displaced by 0.7 V.

Î The I-V curves can be identified as a diode characteristic plus a

current from emitter.

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Bridge between device physics and electrical circuit

Material parameters Device physics Circuit parameters

Mobilities Emitter
Lifetimes efficiency
in common
Diffusion constants (γ)
Base configuration
transport (α)
Physical constants
Material constants factor (B)

in common

© E. F. Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003 52

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