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(An Institute of National Importance)


Fundamentals of Network Analysis

Dr. Ramulu Chinthamalla
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

22 September 2020

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❖ Application of KVL:
1. Series connection of N-Resistors:

Fig. (a) Series combination of N resistors. (b) Electrically equivalent circuit.

✓ The equivalent resistance of any number of resistors connected in
series is the sum of the individual resistances.
For N resistors in series then,
R eq = R 1 + R 2 +  +R N =  Rn
n =1

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✓ We are therefore able to replace a two-terminal network
consisting of N series resistors with a single two-terminal element
Req that has the same v-i relationship.


✓ Voltage division is used to express the voltage across one of
several series resistors in terms of the voltage across the
combination. In Fig., the voltage across R1 and R2 is found via KVL
and Ohm’s law:

 R1   R2 
v1 =  v ; v2 =  v
 R1 + R2   R1 + R2 

Fig. An illustration of voltage division.

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✓ The general result for voltage division across a string of N series

 Rk 
vk =  v
 R1 + R2 +  + RN 

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❖ Application of KCL:
1. Application connection of N-Resistors:

Fig. (a) A circuit with N resistors in parallel. (b) Equivalent circuit.

✓ The value of the equivalent resistance for N parallel resistors is

1 1 1 1
= + +  +
Req R1 R2 RN

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✓ The special case of only two parallel resistors is encountered
fairly often, and is given by

Req = R1 R2
1 1
R1 R2
Or, more simply,
R1 R2
R eq =
R1 + R2

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✓ The dual of voltage division is current division. We are now given a
total current supplied to several parallel resistors, as shown in the
circuit of Fig.

The current flowing through R 2 is

v i ( R1 R2 ) i R1 R2
i2 = = =
R2 R2 R2 R1 + R2
or i2 = i
R1 + R2
Fig. An illustration of current division. i1 = i
R1 + R2

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For a parallel combination of N resisitors, the current through resistor R k
ik = i
1 1 1
+ +  +
R1 R1 RN

• Wye-Delta Transformations:
✓ Situations often arise in circuit analysis when the resistors are
neither in parallel nor in series. For example, consider the bridge
circuit in Fig. How do we combine resistors through when the
resistors are neither in series nor in parallel?

✓ Many circuits of the type shown in Fig. can be simplified by using

three-terminal equivalent networks. These arethe wye (Y) or tee
(T) network shown in Fig. and the delta (∆) or
pi (∏) network shown in Fig.
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Fig. Two forms of the same network: (a) Y, (b) T Fig. Two forms of the same network: (a) ∆ (b) ∏

• Delta to Wye Conversion:

Note: Each resistor in the Y
network is the product of the
resistors in the two Adjacent
∆ branches, divided by the
sum of the three ∆ resistor.

Fig. Superposition of Y and networks as

an aid in transforming one to the other.

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• Wye to Delta Conversion:

Fig. Superposition of Y and networks as

an aid in transforming one to the other.

Note: Each resistor in the network is the sum of all possible products of Y
resistors taken two at a time, divided by the opposite Y resistor.

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✓ Node: The common point where two or more elements are


• Simple Node: Current division doesn’t takes place.

▪ Principle Node: Current division takes place.

✓ Procedure:
i) Identify the total number of node.
ii) Assign the voltage at each. One node is taken as reference
iii) Develop the KCL equation for each non-reference node.
iv) Solve the KCL equations to get the node voltage.

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✓ Node:
1. Applicable for both planar and non-planar networks.
2. Number of equations required to solve an electrical network
e = N-1

✓ You need to understand one important point related to reference

node the reference node is the node at which the potential is equal
to zero and it is advised to take the reference node has the node
where maximum branches are connected but we will always take
the bottom node as the reference.

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❑ Nodal analysis is a method that provides a general procedure for
analyzing circuits using node voltages as the circuit variables.

❑ Nodal Analysis is also called the Node-Voltage Method

❑ Nodal analysis method is used to find VOLTAGE at each NODE by

using KCL and OHM’S LAW.


❑ Nodal Analysis is based on the application of the Kirchhoff’s
Current Law (KCL).
❑ Having ‘n’ nodes there will be ‘n-1’ simultaneous equations to
❑ Solving ‘n-1’ equations all the nodes voltages can be obtained.
❑ The number of non reference nodes is equal to the number of
Nodal equations that can be obtained.


✓Count the number of principal nodes or junctions in the circuit. Call

this number n. (A principal node or junction is a point where 3 or
more branches join.

✓Number the nodes n1, n2, . . . , nn and draw them on the circuit
diagram. Call the voltages at these nodes V1, V2, . . . , Vn,

✓Choose one of the nodes to be the reference node or ground and

assign it a voltage of zero.
✓Write a KCL equation for each of the non-reference nodes.

✓Use Ohm’s law to express the branch currents in terms of node


✓After the application of Ohm’s Law get the ‘n-1’ node equations
in terms of node voltages and resistances.

✓Solve ‘n-1’ node equations for the values of node voltages and get
the required node voltages as result.
Q1. Obtain the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig.1 ?

Fig. 1.
Applying KCL at node − 1
V1 - V2 V1 - V3
+3+ + =0
1 2
3 + V1 - V2 + 0.5V1 − 0.5V3 = 0
1.5V1 − V2 − 0.5V3 = −3 - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
Applying KCL at node − 2
V2 - V1 V2 - V3 V2
+ + =0
1 4 3
V2 - V1 + 0.25V2 − 0.25V3 + 0.3333V2 = 0
− V1 + 1.5833V2 − 0.25V3 = 0 ----------- ( 2 )

Applying KCL at node − 3

V3 V3 - V1 V3 - V2
−7 + + + =0
5 2 4
-7 + 0.2V3 + 0.5V3 − 0.5V2 + 0.25V3 − 0.25V2 = 0
−0.5V1 − 0.25V2 + 0.95V3 = 7 ----------- ( 3 )
By resolving eqns. (1), (2) & (3)we have
V1 = 5.23V
V2 = 5.118V
V3 = 11.47V
→ Current through the 1 is given by
V1 - V2
→ I1 = = 5.23 - 5.118 = 0.112A

Q2. Obtain the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig.2 ?

Fig. 2.
Applying KCL at node − 1
V1 - V2 V1 - V3
− (−8) − (−3) + + =0
3 4
0.5833V1 − 0.3333V2 − 0.25V3 = −11 - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
Applying KCL at node − 2
V2 - V1 V2 V2 - V3
+ (−3) + + + =0
3 1 7
- 0.3333V1 + 1.4761V2 − 0.1428V3 = 3 - - - - - - - - - - - (2 )
Applying KCL at node − 3
V3 - V2 V3 - V1 V3
+ (−25) + + + =0
7 4 5
- 0.25V1 − 1.428V2 + 0.5928V3 = 25 - - - - - - - - - - - (3)
By resolving eqns. (1), (2) & (3)we have
V1 = 5.412V
V2 = 7.736V
V3 = 46.32V

Q3. Using nodal analysis, find ‘vx’ in the circuit of Fig.3.

Fig. 3.
Applying KCL at node − 1
V1 - V2 V1 V1 - V3
−4+ + + =0
50 100 20
0.08V1 − 0.02V2 − 0.05V3 = 4 - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
Applying KCL at node − 2

4 + (− 2 ) − 10 +
V2 - V1 V2 - V3
+ =0
50 40
- 0.02V1 + 0.045V2 − 0.025V3 = 8 - - - - - - - - - - - (2 )
Applying KCL at node − 3
V3 - V2 V3 V3 - V1
− (−2) + + + =0
40 25 20
- 0.05V1 − 0.025V2 + 0.115V3 = −2 - - - - - - - - - - - (3)

By resolving eqns. (1), (2) & (3)we have

V1 = 264.308V
V2 = 397.427 V = vx
Q4. Using nodal analysis, find ‘vx’ in the circuit of Fig.4.

Fig. 4.

Sol : i) No.of nodes = 2

Fig. 4(a).

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✓ This branch is the part of some network and potential at point 1 is
equal to Vx and potential at point 2 is equal to Vy ,resistor having
the value of resistance R is connected with the voltage source
providing voltage V and current I is flowing in this branch now, the
voltage source is opposing the current I because this is +ve terminal
and we know that current will leave the +ve terminal-----in 2nd case
source is assisting the current I, therefore we will write plus V.

(V −V ) −V
x y
---------- for Case-1

(V −V ) +V
x y
---------- for Case-2

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Sol : iv) The KCL equation :
I1 + I 2 + I3 = 0
( vx − 0 ) − 4 + ( vx − 0 ) − 2 +
( −2 ) = 0
1 1
After simplification vx = 4 V
vx − 2 4 − 2
Current I = I 2 = = = 2A
1 1

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Q5. For the circuit of Fig. 4.5, compute the voltage across each
current source.

Ans: v3A = 5.235 V; v7A = 11.47 V.

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Q6. Obtain the node voltages in the circuit of Fig. 3.4.
Sol : i) No.of nodes = 3
iii) At node -1
( V1 - V2 ) + V1 − 3 = 0
6 2
4V1 - V2 = 18 - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
iv) The KCL equation at node - 2 :
( V2 - V1 ) + V2 + 12 = 0
6 7
13V2 - 7V1 = -504 - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
By solving eq.(2) & eq.(3)
V1 = -6 V and V2 = -42 V
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• Case-1: When the voltage source is connected between the
reference node and non-reference node.

• Case-2: When the voltage source (dependent or independent) is

connected between the two non-reference nodes, the two
nonreference nodes form a generalized node or supernode; we
apply both KCL and KVL to determine the node voltages. (Super-
node Analysis)
✓ A supernode is formed by enclosing a
(dependent or independent) voltage source
connected between two nonreference nodes
and any elements connected in parallel with it.

✓ A supernode may be regarded as a closed

surface enclosing the voltage source and its two

9/22/2020 Fig. A circuit with a supernode. 28

Q7. Find the value of current ‘I’ using nodal analysis.

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Sol : i) No.of nodes = 4
iii) At node -1
V1 - 0 = 10 V
V1 = 10 V - - - - - - - - - -(1)
iv) The KCL equation at node - 2 :
( V2 - V1 ) + V2 +
( V2 - V3 ) = 0
1 1 1
3V2 - V3 = 10 - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
The KCL equation at node - 3 :
If a voltage source is connected ( V3 - V1 ) + ( V3 - V2 ) + V3 =0
between the reference node and a
1 1 1
nonreference node, we simply set
the voltage at the nonreference
node equal to the voltage of the V2 + 3V3 = 10 - - - - - - - - - - - (3)
voltage source. In above Fig.,for By solving eq.(2) & eq.(3)
example, V1=10 V. V3 = 5 V
V3 5
Current I = = = 5A
1 1
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Q8. Find the power delivered by the 2 V source.

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Sol : i) No.of nodes = 4
iii) Applying KCL at node -1
V1 - 5 ( V1 - V2 ) ( V1 - V3 )
+ + =0
1 2 1
5 V
V1 + 2 - V3 = 5 - - - - - - - - - (1)
2 2

iv) The KCL equation at node - 2 :

V2 + 2 = 0  V2 = −2 - - - - - - - - - (2)
The KCL equation at node - 3 :
( V3 - V1 ) + ( V3 - V2 ) + 3v = 0
1 1
As we know that V1 + v = V2  V2 - V1 = v
V3 - V1 + V3 - V2 + 3 ( V3 - V1 ) = 0
-2V1 + V2 + V3 = 0 - - - - - - - - - (3)
Substituting eq.(2) in eq.(1)
V1 - V3 = 4  5V1 - 2V3 = 8 - - - - - - - - - (4)
Substituting eq.(2) in eq.(3)
-2V1 + V3 = 2 - - - - - - - - - (5)
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By solving eq.(4) & eq.(5)
V1 = 12 V and V3 = 26 V
Current flowing through 2V source is given by
V -V V -V 
I 2V = −  2 1 + 2 3 
 2 1 
 -2 -12 -2 - 26 
I 2V = −  +
 2 1 
After simplification
I 2V = 35A
Now power delivered by the 2V source is
Pdel = ( 2V )  ( 35A ) = 70W

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✓ Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 4.9a

✓ The next step is the application of KCL

at each of the three nonreference
✓ If we try to do that, we see that we will
Fig. 4.9a
run into some difficulty at both nodes 2
and 3, for we do not know what the
current is in the branch with the
voltage source.
✓ There is no way by which we can express the current as a
function of the voltage, for the definition of a voltage source is
exactly that the voltage is independent of the current.

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✓ There are two ways out of this dilemma. The more difficult
approach is to assign an unknown current to the branch which
contains the voltage source, proceed to apply KCL three times,
and then apply KVL (v3 − v2 = 22) once between nodes 2 and 3;
the result is then four equations in four unknowns.

✓ The easier method is to treat node 2, node 3, and the voltage

source together as a sort of supernode and apply KCL to both
nodes at the same time; the supernode is indicated by the region
enclosed by the broken line in Fig. 4.9a. This is okay because if
the total current leaving node 2 is zero and the total current
leaving node 3 is zero, then the total current leaving the
combination of the two nodes is zero.

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Q9. Determine the value of the unknown node voltage v1 in the
circuit of Fig. 4.9a.

Sol : i) No.of nodes = 4

ii) Nodes 2 and 3 forms a super node.
iii) Applying KCL at node -1
v - v (v - v )
- (-8) - (-3) + 1 2 + 1 3 = 0
3 4
0.5833v1 -0.3333v2 -0.2500v3 =-11 --------------(1)
Next we consider the 2 -3 supernode.Two current sources are connected,
and four resistors.Thus
KCL equation at supernode :
v -v v v (v - v )
-3- 25 + 2 1 + 2 − 25 + 3 + 3 1 = 0
3 1 5 4
- 0.5833v1 +1.3333v2 +0.45v3 =28 --------------(2)

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✓ Since we have three unknowns, we need one additional equation,
and it must utilize the fact that there is a 22 V voltage source
between nodes 2 and 3:

v3-v2= 22 -----------------(3)

✓ Solving Eqs. (1) to (3),the solution for v1 is 1.071 V.

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Q9. Find the voltages at the three nonreference nodes in the circuit
of Fig. 3.7.

▪ CASE 1 : If a voltage source is connected between the reference

node and a nonreference node, we simply set the voltage at the
nonreference node equal to the voltage of the voltage source. In
Fig. 3.7, for example,

✓ Thus, our analysis is somewhat simplified by this knowledge of the voltage at this node.
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▪ CASE 2: If the voltage source (dependent or independent) is
connected between two nonreference nodes, the two
nonreference node form a generalized node or supernode; we
apply both KCL and KVL to determine the node voltages.

✓ A supernode is formed by enclosing a (dependent or independent)

voltage source connected between two nonreference nodes and
any elements connected in parallel with it.

✓ A supernode may be regarded as a closed surface enclosing the

voltage source and its two nodes.

✓ In Fig. 3.7, nodes 2 and 3 form a supernode. (We could have more
than two nodes forming a single supernode.

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✓ There is no way of knowing the current through a voltage source
in advance. However, KCL must be satisfied at a supernode like
any other node. Hence, at the supernode in Fig. 3.7,

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Mesh analysis provides another general procedure for analyzing circuits, using mesh
currents as the circuit variables.

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Note: The direction of the mesh current is arbitrary—(clockwise or counterclockwise)—
and does not affect the validity of the solution.

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Find the mesh currents for the circuit shown in Figure
E1.16(a) by applying super mesh analysis.

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[4] William Hart Hayt_ Jack E Kemmerly_ Steven M Durbin - Engineering circuit analysis-
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[5] Singh - Network Analysis And Synthesis-Mc Graw Hill India (2013).

[6] Google Images.(2019). Retrieved from

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Thank You

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