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˝ ;fsr[o gq;kfd..

Bhagwan Bilas
Holy Hymns of
Bawa Bhagwan Dass Ji
Sri Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji

English Translation and Transliteration

Dr. Ajit Singh Aulakh

English Vesion First Edition 2006

Price –

Publisher :

Admn Committee
Rasokhana Sri Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji
Village & Post Office : Majaara Nauabad, Distt. Nawan Shehar
Phone : 01823-279124

Printers : Jeewan Printers, 312, East Mohan Nagar, Amritsar. Phone : 0183-2705003, 5095774

O Mother, hail, hail to the father
Hail Hail to the family,
Hail, Hail to the good mother,
Who gave birth to the Guru.
Blessed, blessed is the Guru
Who meditates on the Name.
He saves himself and saves those who see him.

This English Edition of these holy hymns

is dedicated to mother Sri Sahib Devi Ji
and father Sri Mangal Dass Ji of
Sri Hazoor Nabh Kanwal Raja Sahib Ji

˝ ;fsr[o gq;kfd..

Bhagwan Bilas

Holy Hymns of
Care-free Saint Bawa Bhagwan Dass Ji

nkfd nzs wZX g{oB UAeko ww o{g.
;fsr[o e/ gq;kfd ;/ ikfB:' o{g nB{g.. 1..
Aad ant madh pooran Oankaar mam roop.
Satgur ke prasaad se jaanio roop anoop.1.
Meaning : In the beginning, in the end, in the midway only one thy unique form. By the grace of
Almighty I have perceived thy wonderful appearance.1.

Unzeko T[oXko e/ poBB eoK pbk;.
;fsr[o e/ gq;kfd ;? nBGt j' gqek;.. 2..
Oankaar urdhaar ke barnan karaan blaas.
Satguru ke prasaad sai anbhav ho prakaas.2.
Meaning : By keeping the name of wonderful Almighty in any heart I describe the jollities of God.
By the grace of Satguru I may realize the Divine knowledge.2.

;P?:k.. j"I gqBkw eo{z r[o e' r[o pkM B wkBs n"oB e'.
r[o dksk GfJU ir nzso j? r[o dkB dhU wB ;"foB e'.
Sp d/ts j?I ;G jh ;[o e' T[o ukjs j? r[o i"oB e'.
dk; GrtkB ifj gkt Xo/ r[o ;h; Bwk sj m"oB e'.. 1..
Swaiyya. HauÆ Pranaam karoon gur ko gur baajh na maanat auran ko.
Gur daata bhai-o jag antar hai gur daan deeo man sauran ko.
Chhab devat hain sabh hee sur ko ur chaahat hai gur jauran ko.
Daas Bhagwaan jeh paav dhare gur sees nama teh ¢hauran ko.1.
Word Meaning:- Pranaam – to bow. Sauran – to adorn, to amend. Sur – god, heart. Jauran – to whom.
Meaning:- I pay obeisance to my Guru, and without Guru I have not faith on any other one. Guru is the only donor
in the world. Guru has adorned my mind. All the gods get elegance from the Guru who worship the Guru
from the core of their hearts. Raja Sahib says, Where the Guru keeps his foot, I pay homage to that

;P?:k.. nBfdB g{is j"I r[o e' r[o g{i ;/ g{i j? d/tB e'.
t/ gotkfj tbh todkfJe bkfJe j? r[o ;/tB e'.
tko jh tko Bw' r[o e' r[o ikBDjko j? G/tB e'.
dk; GrtkB fj fXnkB Xo' sj frnkB ftrnkB e/ b/tB e'.. 2..
Swaiyya Andin poojat hauÆ Gur ko Gur pooj se pooj hai devan ko.
Ve parvaah vali vardaaik laa-ik hai Gur sewan ko.

Vaar hee vaar namo Gur ko Gur jaanaÄhaar hai bhevan ko.
Daas Bhagwaan hi dhiaan dharo tah giaan vigiaan ke levan ko.2.
Word Meaning:- Andin – night and day. Devan – gods. Vardaaik – blesser. Bhevan – secrets. Giaan– Divine knowledge.
Meaning:- I day and night pay obeisance to my Guru, whom even gods worship. My Guru knows all the hidden
secrets. I bow before him again and again. Raja Sahib says in order to get divine knowledge, we must
engross ourselves in the vision of such a Guru.2.

;P?:k.. nkfd nBkfd nekb r[o{ r[o pqjwk wj/; rB/; w[okoh.
nkB BKjh r[o i/tv ikBs j? gqphB r[o{ fpX ;koh.
r[o frnks ;/ frnks j? rksB eh r[o frnkB ;/ GkB pqjwpukoh.
dk; GrtkB fdO;N eo/ r[o f;q;N so/ Gt f;zXB Gkoh.. 3..
Swaiyya Aad anaad akaal Guru Gur Brahma Mahes Ganes Muraari.
Aan naahee Gur jewaÎ jaanat hai parbeen Guru bidh saaree.
Gur giaat se giaat hai gaatan kee gur giaan se bhaan brahamchaari.
Das Bhagwaan dris¢ kare gur sris¢ tare bhav sindhan bhaaree.3.
Word Meaning:- Aad – beginning. Anaad – without beginning. Akal – immortal. Aan – any other. Parbeen – wise. Giaat –
to know. Gaatan – body. Bhav sindhan – worldly ocean.
Meaning:- Guru is Brahma, Guru is Shivji, Vishnu and Krishan, Guru is the beginning of all. But Guru has no
beginning, in the beginning and in the end he remains same. That is my Guru. Guru is very wise in all
respects. From the Guru form Sun we get the divine knowledge, by which we perceive the secrets of all
bodies. Guru also provides us knowledge to achieve Divine blessing. Raja Ji says, Guru by his Divine
gracious glance, helps the mankind to cross the worldly ocean.3.

Explanation:– Uparle tinnaan swaiyyaan vich Raja Sahib ne Guru dee mehma dassi hai ki Guru aatma giaan te gun
ratanaaÆ da samundar hai. Giaan andhkaar jo sooraj chandrma de prakash naal door naheen ho sakda,
us noo Guru door karda hai.

Gur kee Mehma kiaa kahaa Gur bibek sat sar.

(Aasa Mehla 5, Page 397)

Je sau Chanda ugveh sooraj cha¾eh hajaar.

Ete chanaÄ hodiaan Gur bin ghor andhkaar.
(Mehla 2, Page 463.)

English Version:- What praise of Guru should I describe. The Guru is ocean of Divine knowledge and truthfulness.
If a hundred moons and thousand suns should rise, but inspite of this all illumination, there remains pitch
darkness without teachings of the Guru.

;P?:k.. gqb'e eh tks ;[Dh ip s/ sp s/ w[fj w"i BIjh eS[ Gkt?.

wkor phu p/soBh Bdh Uj soBh j? w[;eb b'e ;[Dkt?.
:kd eoK ip tK fdB e' B?Bh Bho n;ko n;ko jh ikt?.
yktB ;'tB G{fb frU j[D dk; GrtKB feT[ o?D fpjkt?.. 4..
Swaiyya Parlok kee vaat suÄee jab te tab te muhe mauj nahee kachch bhaavai.
Maarg beech betarnee nadee oh tarnee hai muskal lok suÄaavai.
Yaad karaan jab vaan din ko nainee neer asaar asaar hee jaavai.
Khaavan sovan bhool gio huÄ daas Bhagwaan kio raiÄ bihaavai.4.
Word Meaning:- Maarag – path. Betarnee – unswimable. RaiÄ – night.

Meaning:- When I have heard about the next world no ecstasy attracts me. People tell me that in the way of next
world there comes an unswimable river. It is very difficult to cross that river. When I remember that day
of leaving for next world; then uncontrollable water flows from my eyes; eating, drinking, sleeping etc. I
have forgotten and I pass the night very hardly.4.

;P?:k.. ykfJ sqk; Bok; j{J/ ip ;fsr[o nkB fwb/ fs; t/b/.
;wM f;XKs wsKs ;jh fJj[ f;fynk dhBh T[B/ p?m ne/b/.
p?sqBh fs;? gqi'iB eh ej[ fsq;Bk Bdh so gko i' y/b/.
dk; GrtkB Bfuzs oj' np ;{yw iKB gSKB ;[t/b/.. 5..
Swaiyya Khaae traas nraas hooe jab satgur aan mile tis wele.
samjh sidhaant mataant sahee ih sikhiaa deenee une bai¢h akele.
Baitarnee tisai parjojan kee kauh trisna nadee tar paar jo khele.
Daas Bhagwaan nachint raho ab sookham jaan pachhaan suwele.5.
Word Meaning:- Traas – fear. Sidhaant – philosophy. Mataant – divergent views. Parjojan – aim. Sookham– easy.
Meaning:- When due to fear I became sad at that time I met the Satguru. My Satguru knew the truth. He delivered
me his sermon sitting in a lovely place. He advised me that you can swim the unswimmable river. That
is river of avarice, and that you have to cross. Satguru consoled me to remain worriless, as I have
realized the river of avarice in time, so I will be able to cross it very easily.5.

;P?:k.. n?B T[ikro j? r[D ;kro j'fJ nekro pks puko'.

e?;k j? o{g[ Uj[ d/y ;o{g Bk i{g eh y/v w/ pkih e' jko'.

j? ;qpZsO iZsO eZsO fwsO ;ZsO J/e; ;ko'.

dk; GrtkB BK rkcb j' eo ;[X ;o{g e' gbe p;ko'.. 6..
Swaiyya Ain ujaagar hai guÄ saagar hoe akaagar baat bichaaro.
Kaisa hai roop oh dekh saroop na joop kee kheÎ me baajee ko haaro.
Hai sarbattar jattar kattar, mittar, sattar ekas saaro.
Daas Bhagwaan naaÆ gaaphal ho kar sudh saroop ko palak basaaro.6.
Word Meaning:- Ain – correct. Ujaagar – manifest. Akaagar – to concentrate. Joop – gambling. Sarbattar, jattar, kattar –
every where. Ekas saaro – uniform.
Meaning:- God, the Ocean of merits have been showing his splendour everywhere. Contemplate and concentrate
on this matter in a lonely place. See his true form. Don’t lose your this life in the game of gambling. God
is harmoniously pervading everywhere. Raja Sahib says, “Don’t forget your true image due to

;P?:k.. iK r[B e' r[Bh y'is j?I fBs ;' r[B[ ;sr[o[ ;/t ;'I gk:'.
BdohI jh Bdo fBjkb eo/ fyB Ghso G/d n" Gow u[ek:'.
iK gd ekoB e;N j?I gkts ;' r[o B/ gd[ ;ji byk:'.
dk; GrtKB Bw' r[o e' fiB nksw shoE j? go;k:'.. 7..
Swaiyya JaaÆ gun ko gunee khojat hain nit so gun satgur sev soÆ paayo.
NadareeÆ hee nadar nihaal kare khin bheetar bhed au bharm chukaayo.
JaaÆ pad haarn kasat hain paavat so gur ne pad sehaj lakhaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan Namo gur ko jin aatam teerath hai parsaayo.7.

Word Meaning:- NadreeÆ – seeing. Khin bheetar – in short while. Bhed bharam – Mis-understanding. Pad – post. Sehaj –
Meaning:- Good deeds which are very difficult to inherit, can be attained easily by serving the Satguru. Satguru
makes a follower exalted even with one sight. He clears all types of misunderstandings. To achieve
which divine post man bears many hardships, the guru installs on that post very easily. Raja Sahib says
I pay obeisance to that Satguru, by whose grace I have taken bath in the celestial internal soul.7.

;P?:k.. ;sr[o e' fwb fpr; oj/ fod ewb fyV/ i?;/ GKB T[d/.
wB'oki fBbki dk gki frU ip ski bhU j{Jh ;kB T[d/.
gqw gd nNb ;wki bfjU GJ/ rki ntki frnKB T[d/.
fBikB`d e/ oki yoki Bzjh fJT[I dk; GrtKB fpfrnkB T[d/.. 8..
Swaiyya Satgur ko mil bigas rahe rid kamal khi¾e jaise bhaan ude.
Manoraaj nilaaj da paaj gio jab taaj leeo hooee saan ude.
Pram pad a¢al samaaj lahio bhae gaaj awaaj giaan ude.
Nijanand ke raaj kharaaj nahee io daas Bhagwaan bigiaan ude.8.
Word Meaning:- Bigas – to bloom. Rid kamal – heart lotus. Manoraaj – imaginary. Nilaaj – shameless. Paaj – to make a
show. Ude – to rise. Samaaj – worldly things. Gaaj awaaj – sound of lightning. Nijanand – personal
enjoyment. Kharaaj – tax. Bigiaan – divine knowledge.
Meaning:- With the rise of Guru form sun, the heart lotus has blossomed. The illusion of false sovereignty has
vanished and now the everlasting true crown adorns the head. I have achieved the supreme divine post
and precious substances. I have also got the divine enlightenment with the great sound of lightning. The
kingdom of supreme bliss is free from all types of taxes. Raja Sahib says this celestial bliss is redeeming

Explanation- Begampura sehar ko naao. Dookh andoh nahee tihe ¢haao.
Na taswees khiraaj na maal. Khauf khata na taraas jawaal.1. (page 345)
English Version:- Begampura is the name of town. At that place there is no pain or worry. There is no fear of tax of goods.
Neither awe nor error, nor dread nor decline is there.1.
Daas Kabir cha¾io ga¾h oopar raaj leeo abinaasee. (Page 1162.)
English Version:- Kabir, the Lord’s slave has mounted the fortress and obtained an imperishable Empire.

;P?:k.. ;{oi uzd ij J/e irk sjK ekwb gho gtk dJh Mkeh.
j' T[Bws fpoki fojk sj ;wM ;jh fJj[ mkjo nkeh.
S'fv ;skp fJj fdb w[ekw ej/ r[o wIBib j? ni/ pkeh.
T[go ik fp;oKw eo' np dk; GrtKB Uj[ s'V e/ skeh.. 9..
Swaiyya Sooraj chand jah ek jaga tahaaÆ kaamal peer pawa daee jhaakee.
Ho unmat biraaj riha tah samajh sahee ih ¢haahar aakee.
Chhod sataab ih dil mukaam kahe gur manjal hai aje baakee.
Upar ja bisraam karo ab daas Bhagwaan oh to¾ ke taakee.9.
Word Meaning:- Unmat – intoxicated. Ùhaahar – place of rest. Aakee – rebellious.
Meaning:- Where sun and moon are at one place, the true satguru has shown the glimpse of that place. These are
all supernatural powers. My mind settled there after being intoxicated. Raja Sahib says my Guru has
advised me that only after conquering the mind, a man gets glimpse of God.9.
Explanation:- Dasam duaar agam apaara param purkh kee ghaa¢ee. (Page 974)

English Version:- The tenth gate is abode of the inaccessible and Infinite Supreme Lord.

;P?:k.. ij J/e pqjw Bzjh e'T{ d{;o nkg jh nkg nikg weKB/.
ij Bk fdB oks BIjh gqGkfs sj ;zX n;zX ej[ e"D pykB/.
o{g Bk o/y BIjh ij G/y sj b/y nb/y ej[ e"D bykB/.
frnkB nfrnkB ij Bk; GJ/ sj dk; GrtKB ej[ eow eh wkB/.. 10..
Swaiyya Jah ek braham nahee ko-oo doosar aap hee aap ajaap makaane.
Jah na din raat nahee prabhaat tah sandh asandh kauh kauÄ bakhaane.
Roop na rekh nahee jah bhekh tah lekh alekh kauh kauÄ lakhaane.
Giaan agiaan jah naas bhae tah daas Bhagwaan kauh karam kee maane.10.
Word Meaning:- Ajaap – Which can not be recited. Sandh – to combine. Asandh – to break. Bhekh – dress. Lakhaane –
Meaning:- Where there is only one Braham, there whom have we to contemplate? Where there is no difference
between day and night there what is difference of to commune or discommune. Where the form of
Braham can not be described, Raja Sahib says it is said there is no difference between the enlightened
one’s and fools, there is no throng of bondages of Karmas.10.

;P?:k.. ij nkgDk nkg Bj`&h g[zB gkg sj po ;okg ek feT[I nfGwkBh.

ij X{g Bk SKw Bk ekw j? ykw sj ukw n" dKw eh e"D ejKBh.
ij J/e nrkX BK nkX fpnkX T[gkX n;kX sj e"D gqKBh.
nwo nio BjhI ij io sj dk; GrtkB pek BIjh ckBh.. 11..

Swaiyya Jah aapÄa aap nahee punn paap tah bar saraap ka kion abhimaanee.
Jah dhoop na chhaam na kaam hai khaam tah chaam au daam kee kauÄ kahaanee.
Jah ek agaadh na aadh biaadh upaadh asaadh tah kauÄ praanee.
Amar ajar naheeÆ jah jar tah daas Bhagwaan baka nahee faanee.11.
Word Meaning:- Kaam – desire. Khaam – temporary. Chaam – skin. Daam – money. Agaadh – limitless. Biaadh –
disease. Upaadh – accidental disease. Asaadh – resourceless.
Meaning:- Where there is only oneself then why to be proud of boon or curse, charity or sin. Where there is no
sunshine, shade and desire, there what to mention of money and leather. Where there is no living
animal, but only one unfathomable God, there arises no question of healing the three diseases namely
aadh, biaadh and upaadh.11.
Explanation:- Jab akaar ih kachh na dris¢eta. Paap punn tab kah te hota. (Page 290)
English Version:- When the world was in no form visible,
Then who committed good or bad acts?

;P?:k.. r[o feqgk eoh ij wkB; T{go ;' Bzjh pkjo Y{zvD ikJ/.
nkgDk nkg fpdko bhU ip Bk pD ezdO nzdO XkJ/.
fgqswk g{i Bk gkm eo/ Bzjh wzdO nzdO xzN pikJ/.
dk; GrtKB fpfrnKB gdkoE fBofwfb i's nk phu irkJ/.. 12..
Swaiyya Gur kirpa karee jah maanas oopar so nahee baahar ÎhoonÎaÄ jaae.
AapÄa aap bidaar leeo jab na baÄ kandar andar dhaae.
Pritma pooj na pa¢h kare nahee mandar andar ghan¢ bajaae.

Daas Bhagwaan bigiaan padaarth nirmal jot aa beech jagaae.12.

Word Meaning:- Kandar – cave. Pritma – statue. Bigiaan – divine knowledge.
Meaning:- On whom the Guru showers his grace, he does not search God outside. When his inner soul is
enlightened then he does not wanders in the caves of the mountains to find the God. Then he neither
worships the idols nor recites the mantars nor resounds the bells. Raja Sahib says, kindle the flame of
divine knowledge in your heart.12.

;P?:k.. wkor gkfJ bhU ip j? sp d/; fd;kB Bk Y{vD XkJ/.

shoE pos Bk B/w eo/ BjhI g{i gyKB fXnkB brkJ/.
M{bk M[bkfJ BK mKv GfJU jm eow ehJ/ Bj`&h eow ewkJ/.
dk; GrtKB BdkB Bk T{oB g{oB frnkB j? i's irkJ/.. 13..
Swaiyya Maarag paae leeo jab hai tab des disaan na ÎhooÎaÄ dhaae.
Teerath barat na nem kare naheeÆ pooj pakhaan dhiaan lagaae.
Jhoola jhulaae na ¢haanÎ bhaio ha¢h karam kee-e nahee karam kamaae.
Daas Bhagwaan nadaan na oorn pooran giaan hai jot jagaae.13.
Word Meaning:- Maarag – way. Disaan – in the countries. ÙhaanÎ bhaio – penance of standing. Ooran – it is not
Meaning:- When you have found the true path, then you should not wander in other countries to find God. When
you have analysed yourself then don’t search God in the forests and caves of mountains. To take bath
at the places of pilgrimage, to observe fast, to perform other rituals, to worship the stones all these
religious observances are worthless.13.

Explanation:- Piaare in bidh milaÄ na jaaee mai kee-e karam aneka.

Haar pario Suaamee kai duaarai deejai budh bibeka. (page 641.)
English Version:- My dear, by these methods the Lord is not met and I have performed many such rituals. I have dropped
down weary at the Lord’s door and pray for the grant of discerning intellect. Pause.

;P?:k.. XzB XzB wkB; s/ ir w?I fiBh eow ;[fWs nfWs ewkJ/.
;cb ;oho GfJU fsB ek fiBh J/e ndP? gd fus fdqVkJ/.
nksw o; bhU fsB B/ fiBh nzsfo fpqs fXnkB brkJ/.
fBowb i's irh xN Ghso dk; GrtKB j? dO;B gkJ/.. 14..
Swaiyya Dhann dhann maanas te jag maiÆ jinee karam sukirat akirat kamaae.
Safal sareer bhaio tin ka jinee ek advai pad chit dri¾aae.
Aatam ras leeo tin ne jinee antar brit dhiaan lagaae.
Nirmal jot jagee gha¢ bheetar daas Bhagwaan hai darsan paae.14.
Word Meaning:- Sukirat – good work. Akirat – form. Advai – hateredness. Dri¾aae – to confirm. Gha¢ – heart.
Meaning:- Those people have made their lives fruitful, who have done good works in this world. They have made
their bodies effective. They have fixed the doubtless path in their minds. They have united their minds
with the inner soul. They have enjoyed eternal bliss. Raja Sahib says in whose hearts, the holy light have
kindled, they have seen the God.14.

;P?:k.. wkB; iBw Uj[ ;cb GJ/ i'Jh nkgD/ nkge/ y'i w/ nkJ/.
G?o'I G{s w;kD wBkts BK r[rk r'o wVh Bj`h EKB wBkJ/.

YkJhnk u[okJhnk Bk uhs Xo/I BIjh ;kY;sh rqj g{i eokJ/.

dk; GrtKB nk nzso w/ fJT[I fBowb i's j? yZ{p[ irkJ/.. 15..
Swaiyya: Maanas janam oh safal bhae joee aapÄe aapke khoj me aae.
Bhairon bhoot masaaÄ manaavat na gugga, gor ma¾ee nahee thaan manaae.
Ïhaaeeaa churaaeeaa na cheet dharen nahee saÎhsatee greh pooj kraae.
Daas Bhagwaan aa antar me ion nirmal jot hai khoob jagaae.15.
Word Meaning:- Ïhaaeeaa – two and a half year. SaÎhsatee – trouble due to Saturn, which remains for seven years.
Gugga – King of snakes. Bhairon – a form of Shivjee, who rides a dog. Masaan – graveyard.
Meaning:- They have made their lives fruitful who coming in this world analyse themselves. Worship of Bhairon,
ghosts, graveyards, Gugga peer etc. is useless. Only worship of God is fruitful. Raja Sahib says, search
pure flame of God in your inner soul.15.
Explanation:- Raja Sahib de is aashe nooÆ jo unaaÆ ne upper likhe swaiyye wich biaan keeta han, Dasam Guru, Guru
Gobind Sahib Ji us khaka roop jaagdi jot da biaan aapnee rachna wich is prakaar karde han.

Swaiyya Jaagat jot japai nis baasur ek bina man naik na aane.
Pooran prem parteet sajai barat gor ma¾ee ma¢ bhool na maane.
Teerath daan daiaa tap sanjam ek bina nah ek pachhaanai.
Pooran jot jagai gha¢ mai tal khaalas taahe nakhaalas jaane.1.

;P?:k.. nkgD/ nkfg e' ;'X oj/ ip p'X pokr dwKr w/ nkJ/.
ghnk gq/w w/ wrB GJ/ GfJnk rrB frnkB Bk ;rB wBkJ/.

fbt bhB j' phB gqphB ;[D oj/ GhB fGnkBe Gow[ u[ekJ/.
dk; GrtKB fpfrnKB gSKB s" fBowb i's j? irwr gkJ/.. 16..
Swaiyya AapÄe aap ko sodh rahe jab bodh braag damang me aae.
Peeaa prem me magan bhae bhaiaa gagan giaan na sagan manaae.
Liv leen ho been parbeen suÄ rahe bheen bhiaanak bharam chukaae.
Daas Bhagwaan bigiaan pachhaan tau nirmal jot hai jagmag paae.16.
Word Meaning:- Sodh – to make pure. Bodh braag – sad mood. Magan – absorbed. Gagan – sky. Been – the sound that
resounds at the tenth door. Parbeen – wise. Bheen bhiaanak– fearless. Bharam – doubt.
Meaning:- When a tendency of sadness prevails in you, then make yourself pure. When you get absorbed in the
love of your God and you perceive the divine knowledge then at that time you should shirk good or bad
omens. That music which is resounding in the tenth door of your human body, listen it very carefully so
that the darkness of doubtness may vanish. Raja Sahib says when you recognise yourself then a holy
flame of light ignites in your heart.16.

;P?:k.. J/e nokX b? ykbe pkbe wkbe j? i'Jh ngo ngko'.

BIjh eo nkbe j? ;G gkbe skbe j? ij e[b fpjko'.
j? ;G g{oB Bk ezjh T{oB u{oB ehihJ/ fus jzeko'.
dk; GrtKB BdKB ej/ np ikB e/ phu j? ikB ;zGko'.. 17..
Swaiyya Ek araadh lai khaalak baalak maalak hai joee apar apaaro.
Nahee kar aalak hai sabh paalak taalak hai jah kul bihaaro.

Hai sabh pooran na kaÆhee ooran chooran keejee-e chit hankaaro.

Daas Bhagwaan nadaan kahe ab jaan ke beech hai jaan sambhaaro.17.
Word Meaning:- Araadh – to remember. Khaalak – God. Paalak – sustainer. Taalak – subordinate. Ooran – incomplete.
Chooran – to destroy.
Meaning:- Remember that God who is very far is father of the whole world. All the dealings of the world are under
him. He is Master and sustainer of all. Always remember Him, never show any type of laziness while
remembering Him. After dispelling your conceitedness see that God is complete in all respects: Raja
Sahib says, “O foolish man! until you have life, remember God, breath by breath”.17.

;P?:k.. i/ rs ukjs j?I wB w{oy sT[ fBopKD eh pKD e' gk:'.

;hxo eki ;tko b/j[ s[w ;[os n" ;pd eh ;ko e' gk:'.
Bkw fi;/ g[o p/rw ;?jo ;?b eo' skfj edw Nek:'.
dk; GrtKB fJj y'i bt' fco wjb yw'; e/ phu ;wk:'.. 18..
Swaiyya Je gat chahat hain man moorakh tau nirbaan kee baaÄ ko paayo.
Seegar kaaj swaar leh tum surat ou sabad kee saar ko paayo.
Naam jise pur Begam sehar sail karo tahe kadam ¢akaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan ih khoj lawo phir mahal khamos ke beech samaayo.18.
Word Meaning:- Gat – salvation. NirbaaÄ – release. BaaÄ – nature. Sabad surat kee saar – how to get absorbed into the
divine word. Begam – without pain.
Meaning:– O my foolish mind! If you want deliverance then learn the method, how to become sad, you will learn
very soon how to get absorbed into the divine word. Where there is no thought and pain, try to have a
walk in that sorrowless city. Raja Sahib says that this Begam city lies at quit silent place. Please try to

find it.18.
Explanation:- uparle swaiyye wich Raja Sahib ne jis Begampure shehar da ishaara keeta hai us baare Bhagat
Ravidaas Ji aapnee baaÄi wich likhde han ki uh puree othe hai jithe gam nahee hai. Lokaan de kalpe hoe
swarag de mukaable te aatmak sukh dee awastha da warÄan hai.
Begampura is name of the town. At that place there is no pain or worry. There is no fear of tax of goods.
Neither awe, nor error nor dread nor decline is there. I have now found that excellent abode. O my
brother! There is everlasting safety. Pause.
Firm, stable and forever is the sovereighnty of God. There is no second or third only one God is there.
Populated and ever famous is that city. The wealthy and content dwell there. As they please so do they
walk about. They have the knowledge of the God’s Residence, so none obstructs them.
O Ravi Dass, the emancipated shoe-maker! say He, who is my fellow citizen, He is my friend.3.2.

;t?:k.. :wB/w s/ nk;D n" fgqsjko s/ ;wdw fXnkB n" i'r ewk:'.
J/j nm nzr jh i'r e/ ;kde ;kX i'rh;o Bkw ejk:'.
;[os n" fBos eh y/v ouk eo p/B nBkjd fezr pik:'.
dk; GrtkB fJT[ ;[zB e/ w?jb r?p ek ukBD nip jh gk:'.. 19..
Swaiyya Yamnem te aasaÄ nau prithaar te samdam dhiaan au jog kamaayo.
Eh a¢h ang hee jog ke saadak saadh jogeesar naam kahaayo.
Surat au nirat kee kheÎ racha kar ben anaahad king bajaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan io sun ke maihal gaib ka chaanaÄ ajab hee paayo.19.
Word Meaning:- Yamnem – to stop mind and organ from wicked deeds. Samdam – to control mind and organs.
Prithaar – to stop. King – celestial sound.

Meaning:- Keeping mind and organs in control, contemplate on the tenth door. This is the real Yoga. These eight
parts are means to attain yoga. The yogis work hard on these ways and means and attain very high
positions in the court of God. Commune your mind with the tenth door in such a way that your inner soul
may shine like lightning. Raja Sahib in such a way in the house of vacuum found the perfect mental
tranquility and saw a wonderful light.19.

;P?:k.. d{X fpy/ i?;/ fxqs fojk ou phu nBksw nKsw s?;/.
pkM pb'pB j? oj ikts j's ;o{g BK ;kps n?;/.
frnKB wXKD fco/ ns ;z[dO B/sB Bkw eo/ ip G?;/.
dk; GrtKB i/ pqjw wE/I BIjh j'fJ nyzv nB`d sK e?;/.. 20..
Swaiyya Doodh bikhe jaise ghirat riha rach beech anaatam aatam taise.
Baajh baloban hai rah jaawat hot saroop na saabat aise.
Giaan madhaaÄ phire at sunder netan naam kare jab bhaise.
Daas Bhagwaan je Braham matheÆ nahee hoe akhanÎ anand taaÆ kaise.20.
Word Meaning:- Ghrit – Ghee. Aatam – Braham. Baloban – to churn. Madhaani – churner. Netan – netra.
Meaning:- As butter remains mixed in milk, in that way omnipotent God is omnipresent every where in the world.
How we can see our inner soul without knowing the technique and without practising. Raja Sahib says
that without practising again and agains with netra of practice and churner of knowledge the everlasting
bliss can be achieved. By living in the fear of God and meditating Guru’s word, a man can realize the
spiritual pleasure.20.
Es aashe nooÆ Kabir jee ba¾e sohÄe dhang naal biaan karde han:-

Har ka bilovana biloh mere bhaaee.

Sehaj blovoh jaise tat na jaaee.1.Rahaao.
Tan kar matkee man maahe biloee.
Is matkee maahe sabad sanjoee.2.
Har ka bilovna man ka beechaara.
Gur parsad paavai anmrit dhaara.3.
(Page 478)
O my brother! Churn, God’s churn steadily churn it that the butter may not lost.1.pause.
Make your body churning jar and churn therein with stick of your mind.
Into this churning jar amass the curd of God’s Name. The Lord’s churning is to heartily meditate on Him.
By Guru’s grace a man obtains the ambrosial stream.
O Kabir! If God casts His favourable glance then man gets the yonder shore by clinging to Lord’s

;P?:k.. ;' gqwksw j? ;jh nksw fpB;s BkfjB j? nfpBk;h.

nfdq; nBk; ek fXnkB Xo' wB fdq; gdkoE j? ;G Bk;h.
n;N d;k yN uko g[ekos Bkw n" o{g j? ekb rqk;h.
dk; GrtKB nBksw e' si nksw bhB ;dk ;[y ok;h.. 21..
Swaiyya So pramaatam hai sahee aatam binsat naahan hai abinaasee.
Aadris anaas ka dhiaan dharo man dris padaarath hai sabh naasee.
As¢ dasa kha¢ chaar pukaarat naam au roop hai kaal graasee.
Daas Bhagwaan anatam ko taj aatam leen sada sukh raasee.21.

Word Meaning:- Binsat – not goes. Abinaasee – immortal. Aadris – that can not be seen. Anaas – that can not be
destroyed. As¢ dasa – Eighteen puranas. Kah¢ – six shastras. Chaar – four vedas. Naam au roop – the
world. Anaatam roop – the God.
Meaning:- It is the God, who remains forever, He is not perishable. He is the true spirit. Therefore always remember
the Name of unseen and immortal God. As the all the articles which we see must perish one day.
Eighteen Puranas, six shastras, four vedas say again and again that this world will vanish one day. Raja
Sahib says that before you leave this mortal world, recite the Name immortal God, who is treasure of

;P?:k.. j? xN nzso ;op fBozso j'fJ fJeZsO pks pu`koh.

;sr[o pkM BjhI jE nkts fwb eo T[BjB eki ;t`koh.
;pd eh e[zih e' b? eo pkbe s" rVQ eKfJnK e/ e[bc T[sKoh.
dk; GrtKB y[b/I yZN uZeq ik rrBzsO ;[ofs f;XKoh.. 22..
Swaiyya Hai gha¢ antar sarab nirantar hoe ikattar baat bachaaree.
Satgur baajh naheeÆ hath aavat mil kar unhan kaaj sawaaree.
Sabad kee kunjee ko lai kar baalak tau garh kaaÆiaa ke kulf utaaree.
Daas Bhagwaan khuleÆ kha¢ chakkar ja gagnantar surat sidhaaree.
Word Meaning:- Gha¢ – heart. Nirantar – continuously. Ikattar – gathering. Unhan – they, the Guru. Baalak – ignorant.
Ga¾h – the fort. Kulf – lock. Kha¢ chakkar – six chakkaras, these are following:– 1. Mula dhaar, at the
anus. 2. Swadhsathan, at the root of penis. 3. Manipurak, on the naval. 4. Anahat, in the heart. 5.
Vishudh, in the throat. 6. Agya, between the two eye brows. Gagnantar – tenth door.
Meaning:- Raja Ji says after acquiring the concentration of mind after contemplating I have perceived that God is

pervading everywhere; He has been prevailing in all hearts. A man should try to find Him in his heart. But
key is in the hand of Satguru. After meeting the True Guru one can have the glimpse of God. O ignorant
man! After receiving ‘Divine Word’ from the Satguru in the form of key, open the lock of your body in the
form of fort. Raja Sahib says after breaking the six circles, the tenth door opens.22.
Explanation:– Gur kunjee paahoo nival man ko¢ha tan chhat.
Nanak Gur bin man ka taak na ugha¾ai avar na kunjee hath. (page 1237.)

The body-roofed mind’s house is locked with the lock of mammonish attachment and its key with the
Guru. O Nanak! without the Guru, the mind’s door can not be opened, since the key is in no one else’s

;P?:k.. ikrqs ;[gB ;e'gs ;/ T[m s[ohnk e/ phu w/ ikfJ ;wk:'.

B"I dotki/ e' o'e e/ ;kde d;w/ j' ekwb edw Nek:'.
S'fv e/ ;zr ;w{jB ek fco j'fJ fBjzr B nzr jNk:'.
dk; GrtKB BdKB ;jh np r?pb r?p j' r?p e' gk:'.. 23..
Swaiyya Jaagart supan sakopat se u¢h tureeaa ke beech me jaae samaayo.
NauÆ darwaaje ko rok ke saadak dasme ho kaamal kadam ¢akaayo.
Chhod ke sang samoohan ka phir hoe nihang na ang ha¢aayo.
Daas Bhagwaan nadaan sahee ab gaibal gaib ho gaib ko paayo.23.
Word Meaning:- Jaagart – awake. Supan – half awake. Sakopat – sound sleep. Tureeaa – perception. NauÆ darwaaje –
nine doors. Saadak – firm in faith. Nihang – fearless. Gaibal gaib – unfathomable.
Meaning:- After crossing three stages of man’s awareness; awakening, dreamery and sound sleep, a man absorbs

himself in the stage enlightenment. O faithful man! After controlling nine doors of your body attune your
mind in the tenth door. By refreaining your soul from alll sides and by controlling lust, rath etc., becoming
fearless march forward. Raja Sahib says beyond all the concealed and hidden consciences and sense
organs you will find one God; the Almighty.23.

;P?:k.. c{b eh rzX ;wKB ;oho w/ B{o fpnkg fojk ;G nzdo.

xfN gfN n" sN shoE ib Eb j? fJe nksw izrb wzdo.
;kyk S'fv e/ ;kyh dh ;kfo bj' fJT[I r';k rj' w[V ekfJnK eh ezdo.
;{yw ;ko ;o{g bj? ip dk; GrtKB j' p[X fpxzpo.. 24..
Swaiyya Phool kee gandh samaan sareer me noor biaap riha sabh andar.
Gha¢ pa¢ au ta¢ teerath jal thal hai ik aatam jangle mandar.
Saakha chhod ke saakhee dee saar laho ion gosa gaho mu¾ kaaiaaÆ kee kandar.
Sookham saar saroop lahai jab daas Bhagwaan ho budh bighambar.24.
Word Meaning:- Gandh – fragrance or odour. Saakha – branches. Sakhee – owner of the body. Gosa – brink. Kandar –
cave. Saar – evidence. Bighambar – deep.
Meaning:- Like the fragrance of flower, the God’s light have been pervailing in all the inner souls. In all the hearts,
on the brinks of pilgrimage places, in the water, in the planes, in the forests there is one corporeal soul.
Sitting on the physiological soul and refraining your mind from the worldly environment perceive the
creator. Raja Sahib says that we can appreciate the delicacy of the unfathomable God, if our minds are
also very delicate.24.

;P?:k.. ;zs iDkts ;ku[ s[M/ BIjh wkBs j?I wB w{oy ihnk.
fBskgos jh J/j T[gd/; eo/I s/o/ j? xN nzso g{oB ghnk.

f;fynk ;jh BIjh rjh r[tko s?I j? T[Bwkd s[M/ e'Jh Ehnk.
B dfonkcs e[M ;Bkys dk; GrtKB Bk fB;uk j? ehnk.. 25..
Swaiyya Sant jaÄaavat saach tujhe nahee maanat hain man moorakh jeeaa.
Nitaaparat jee eh updes karen tere hai gha¢ antar pooran peeaa.
Sikhiaa sahee nahee gahee guwaar tain hai unmaad tujhe koee theeaa.
Na dariaafat kujh sanaakhat daas Bhagwaan na nischa hai keeaa.25.
Word Meaning:- Janaavat – to advise. Nitaaparat – every day. Sikhiaa – advice. Gahee – caught. Guvaar – foolish.
Unmaad – madness. Theeaa – happened. Dariaafat – to know. Sanaakhat – recognition. Nischa –
Word Meaning:- The saints tell you the mystries of God, but this foolishman does not care about their advice. The saints
advise him daily that true God is in your inner soul. But foolish man does not hear the profitable advice
of the saints. He even does not discern. Raja Sahib describes that neither he has a belief, neither he
asks about this from others, nor he has any acquintance with Him.25.

;P?:k.. gkDh g? p{o fiT[ yKJh fpy/ fwqr e{d fgnk fpu ikD nzr{oh.
r's/ ykfJ ngKo j? e;N bj/ sp ;wMh jehes Bk ip g{oh.
G'r ojZ; owDh gSkD bj/I w/o/ o{g J/j e;N eo{oh.
dk; GrtKB sK eow eo' ip wow bj' gjb/ fs; io{oh.. 26..
Swaiyya PaaÄee pai boor jio khaaÆee likhe mirg kood piaa bich jaaÄ angooree.
Gote khaae apaar hai kasa¢ lahe tab samjhee hakeekat na jab pooree.

Bhog rahass ramÄee pachhaaÄ lahen mere roop eh kasa¢ karooree.

Daas Bhagwaan taan karam karo jab maram laho pehle tis jarooree.26.
Word Meaning:- Mirg – deer. Angooree – greenery. Hakeekat – real story. Rahass ramÄee – perceiving the tastes of lust
to be sweet. Kasa¢ karooree – bitter and painful. Maram – secrets.
Meaning:- Seeing the green moss on the water, the deer plunges into water. Without knowing the real truth he
bears the suffocation and gulping of water while drowning. A man enjoys the worldly ravishments
considering them as sweet. That is why he suffers dreadful pains. Raja Sahib advises that before doing
anything, first you must know about the fruit of that preposterous act or incident.26.

;P?:k.. gqwkoE wkor ub ;e/ feT[I iktB gzi Bk d/ pNtko/.

gkfJnk nzX/o pr?o nzX/o fJj[ j?B d[b/o b[N/o eoko/.
ekcbk gkfJ bhnk ip ;zsB ;zzr j' fsBjB gzX gXko/.
dk; GrtKB fJT[I ;jh ;bkws g"j[u rJ/ ikfJ gj[uBjko/.. 27..
Swaiyya Parmaarth maarag chal sake kion jaavan panj na de ba¢waare.
Paaiaa andher bagair andher ih hain duler lu¢er karaare.
Kaafla paae leeaa jab santan sang ho tinhan pandh padhaare.
Daas Bhagwaan ion sahee salaamat pauhach gae jaae pauhchanhaare.27.
Word Meaning:- Parmaarth – the way of deliverance. Maarg – the way. Kaafla – carvan. Pandh – the way. Jaae – place.
Meaning:- How we can attain deliverance if there are five passions namely lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment
and ego standing as robbers in our way. In spite of light of sun and moon they have created darkness
everywhere. How brave and fearless are these robbers. But when we get the company of holy saints

then we can save ourself from these demons, as in the company of saints, they become powerless. Raja
Sahib says that safest way to get rid of these demons, lies in the company of saints.27.
Explanation:- Kaam karodh aad de maaran laee bhee saadh sangat wich wicharan wala Naam da raseeaa hee
samrath hai. Ih waÎee dhaa¾ hai, jo wasen wasen nassde nahee. Inhaan dee fauj taka¾ee hausle walee
Jin mil maare panch soorbeer aiso kaun balee re.
Jin panch maar bidaar gudaare so poora ih kalee re.1.Rahaao.
WaÎee kom was bhaageh naahee muhkam fauj ha¢hlee re.
Kauh Nanak tin jan nirdaliaa sadhsangat kai jhalee re. (page 404.)

English Version:- Who is there such a powerful person, who have seized and destroyed the five brave devil heroes. He,
who passes his life having defeated and slain the five, is perfect in this dark age. Pause.
There is a great race, which can not be controlled and which flees not. They form a mighty and stubborn
army. O Nanak! The man who is under the protection of saints company, crushes them.

;P?:k.. iK sB g? eo rop oj/ jw sK sB phu j? e"D pvkJh.

jkv s/ wk; n" BkVh e' fgzio[ gzyh j{nk fpu dkyb nkJh.
nopk fJBk;o w/b GfJnk ip nksw wZX GJh o[;BkJh.
dk; GrtKB Bk wkD eo' fEo ojDk BIjh ebp{s fJj[ GkJh.. 28..
Swaiyya JaaÆ tan pai kar garb rahe ham taaÆ tan beech hai kauÄ baÎaaee.
HaaÎ te maas au naa¾ee ko pinjar pankhee hooaa bich daakhal aaee.
Arba inaasar mel bhaiaa jab aatam madh bhaee rusnaaee.
Daas Bhagwaan na maaÄ karo thir rehÄa nahee kalboot ih bhaaee.28.

Word Meaning:- Garb – ego. Pankhee – birds. Arba inaasar – Air, water, fire and earth. Kalboot – body form.
Meaning:- We feel proud of our body, tell me what are its virtues and excellences? It is just a ribs collection of
bones, flesh and veins and soul in the form of bird resides in it. Five elements namely the fire, the earth,
the water, the air and the sky have made this body and spiritual knowledge enlightens it. Raja Sahib
says, don’t be proud of your body, this skelton will not stay for ever.28.
Note - Swaiyya No. 29 is not included in it.

;P?:k.. wkD; d/j pDh ns ;z[dO ;z[do d/y gdkoE eh j?.

d/j jZv wk; eh j? wb w{sq e' Bt d[nko w? ;[u Bk dh j?.
;[zdO p;s fdq;N B nkts ;[zdO ikD ej ekoB bh j?.
pks iEkoE j? gowkoE dk; GrtKB fJj[ ;[zdO ih j?.. 30..
Swaiyya MaaÄas deh baÄee at sundar sundar dekh padaarath kee hai.
Deh haÎÎ maas kee hai mal mootar ko nav duaar mai such na dee hai.
Sundar basat drisa¢ na aawat sundar jaaÄ kah kaaran lee hai.
Baat jathaarath hai parmaarth daas Bhagwaan ih sundar jee hai.30.
Word Meaning:- MaaÄas – mankind. Padaarath – articles. Nav duaar – nine doors of the body, which remain open while
tenth remains closed. Sooch – purity. Jathaarath – real.
Meaning:- Our human body which seems to be very beautiful, O man! Have you realised it, what it consists of? Our
body made of bones and flesh, have nine doors, from which filth oozes out constantly; what is pure and
chaste in it. The Lord of this heeman form resides in it, but remains invisible. What is the reason of it?
According to Raja Ji, how can we call this human body beautiful? The real handsome Lord has been
hidden in the soul. Only the Supreme Soul, God is the truth, always realise Him.30.

Explanation:- Raja Ji de is aashe nooÆ Bhagat Ravidas ne Guru Granth Sahib Ji de andar aapne shabad vich biaan
keeta hai ki kih¾e jeeooÄ ute maaÄ kareeai? MaaÄ tiaag ke Hari de la¾ lagÄa chaaheeda hai.

Sorath Bhagat Ravidas Ji.

Jal kee bheet pavan ka thanbha rakat bund ka gaara.
HaaÎ maas naa¾ee ko pinjar pankhee basai bichaara.
Pranee kiaa mera kiaa tera. Jaise tarwar pankh basera.1.Rahaao.
(page 659)
English Version:- The body is a wall of water, supported by a pillar of air and ovary and semen are its mortar.
The skeleton is of bones, flesh and veins; with in it abides the poor soul bird.
O Mortal! What is mine and what is thine?
As a bird perches on a tree. Pause.

;P?:k.. n"X xN/ Bo o'i po'i jh u'i eo/I wB Gkts e?;/.

;[cB f;q;N fpy/ gV w{oy G'r'I e' pKSs j? np n?;/.
;qg e/ w{zj fpy/ fgnk dkdo wZSo ykD e' ukjs i?;/.
dk; GrtkB J/j ni[p jh n?jwe ikD e/ ;s i' ;zus g?;/.. 31..
Swaiyya Audh gha¢e nar roj broj hee choj karen man bhaavat kaise.
Sufan srisa¢ bikhe pa¾ moorakh bhogon ko baanchhat hai ab aise.
Sarp ko moonh bikhe piaa daadar machhar khaaÄ ko chaahat jaise.
Daas Bhagwaan eh ajab hee aihmak jaaÄ ke sat jo sanchat paise.31.
Word Meaning:- Audh – age. Choj – enjoyment. Baanchhat – wants. Sarp – snake. Daadar – the frog. Sanchat paise –

gathers money.
Meaning:- Your life has been decreasing day and night. Why are you enjoying lust of your passion according to
your will. This world is just like a dream. The foolish man desires to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and
shows greediness to amass more wealth. In this way he works like a snake who had already caught a
frog in his mouth and wants to swallow a mosquito also. But he must know that he has not to live for ever.
Raja Sahib says, the foolish man knows each and every thing, but still he has been hoarding money.31.
Bhagat Kabir Ji likhde han:–
Kabir man jaanai sabh baat jaanat hee augan karai.
Kaahe kee kuslaat haath deep kooe parai.216. (page 1376)

English Version:- O Kabir! man knows everything and knowingly commits sins.
What is the use of it to have a lamp in his hand, if the man still falls into a well?.216.

;P?:k.. ;P? ;o{g f;woD eo' ns/ fp;/ fp;woD ehihJ/ GkJh.
fp;/ fp;woD p'X j' ikfJ ;o{g fp;woD ;ko r[tkJh.
f;woZD ;o{g nBzd nsh eo fp;/ fp;wofD ebj nXekJh.
dk; GrtKB fpfrnKB bj' ij Bkfj f;woZD fp;woD ekJh.. 32..
Swaiyya Swai saroop simraÄ karo ate bise bismarÄ keejee-e bhaaee.
Bise bismarÄ bodh ho jaae saroop bismarÄ saar guvaaee.
SimraÄ saroop anand atee kar bise bismarÄ kalah adhkaaee.
Daas Bhagwaan bigiaan laho jeh naahe simraÄ bismarÄ kaaee.32.
Word Meaning:- Swai saroop – one’s form. BismarÄ – to forget. Bise – bad deeds. Bodh – to know. Saar – elements.

Kalah – pain. Adhkaaee – plenty. Bigiaan – Divine knowledge.

Meaning:- Forgetting the immortal acts and evil deeds, contemplate that God who resides inside your inner soul.
By forgetting the sins we perceive the Divine knowledge. By remembering the evil deeds the recitation
power vanishes. By contemplation on the Name of God we get everlasting bliss and enjoyment. But
sinful attitude brings suffering and pain. Raja Sahib says that stage of spiritual knowledge is higher than
recitation and forgetfullness and to achieve this stage one should recite the name of God.32.

;P?:k.. gkfJ nNZb nuZb ;'T{ i'T{ d/; nSb nwb nB{gk.
nkgDk nkg BIjh fsB skg Bk ikg nikg j? G{gB G{gk.
n?B ngko Bk gko T[oko B ;ko n;ko j? ;ko ;o{gk.
ndP? nG? ;P? ;'fJ ;zwe dk; GrtKB j? o{g nB{gk.. 33..
Swaiyya Paae attal achal so-oo jo-oo des achhal amal anoopa.
AapÄa aap nahee tin taap na jaap ajaap hai bhoopan bhoopa.
Ain apaar na paar uraar na saar asaar hai saar saroopa.
Advai abhai swai soe samak daas Bhagwaan hai roop anoopa.33.
Word Meaning:- Achal – stable. Amal – pure. Anoop – uncomparable. Tin taap – three diseases, 1. Aadh - disease of
mind, 2. Biaaadh - disease of body, 3. upaadh - the disease of doubt. Abhai – fearless. Swai – self.
Samak – beautiful.
Meaning:- The country which can not be eulogized, try to get that immutable, immovable, undeceivable and pure
country. There on all sides one self pervails. There does not exist three diseases i.e. Aadh the disease
of mind, biaadh the disease of body and upaadh the disease of doubt. Neither there is meditation nor
silent repetition of God’s Name. There is reign of King of Kings. He is endless and limitless. He has a

very beautiful form. Raja Sahib says that God is spiteless, fearless, everlasting light and his shape is
marvellous and unique.33.

;P?:k.. n?;' d/; bfjU fwb ;zsB e' ij ir niZr j? irwr ;kok.
fjio e/ pkp fj;kp Bjh BIjh ytkp nikp Bk p?B pekok.
wbeb w"s ekohw BjhA BIjh sz[w n" jw Bk jw g;kok.
jZe oche jehes j? fJj dk; GrtKB i[ ibtk fBnkok.. 34..
Swaiyya Aiso des lahio mil santan ko jah jag ajag hai jagmag saara.
Hijar ke baab hisaab nahee, nahee khwaab ajaab na bain bakaara.
Malkal maut kaareem nahee, nahee tum au ham na ham pasaara.
Haq rapheek hakeekat hai ih daas Bhagwaan ju jalwa niaara.34.
Word Meaning:- Hijar – separation. Baab – bad condition. Ajaab – pain. Bain – utterance. Bakaara – war cry of a warrior.
Malkal – angel of death. Kaareem – blesser. Pasaara – expansion. Haq – God. Rafeek – friend. Jalwa –
Meaning:- Such a country can be found having meeting with the saints. There is no world formation, but a holy light
glows on all sides. There is no pang of separation. The sins and pains are just like dreams. There is no
fear of angel of death and neither there exist conceit, arrogance and self. Raja Sahib says the reality is
that only God is our real friend and His splendour is unique.34.

;P?:k.. j? gqek;e nkg fJj bk;e j' eo nk;e ej[ y[d B{oh.
wkb' j' wkb by' y[d jkb nBbjZe ej[ j'ek d/ wB;{oh.

pks j? n"o[ eo' e[M r"o fco n"oB e/ s"o B Gky ro{oh.
eo JhwKB fJj d/y b? ikB j? dk; GrtKB i' ibtk io{oh.. 35..
Swaiyya Hai prakaasak aap ih laasak ho kar aasak kauh khud nooree.
Maalo ho maal lakho khud haal anlhaq kauh hoka de mansooree.
Baat hai aur karo kujh gaur phir auran ke taur na bhaakh garooree.
Kar eemaan ih dekh lai jaan hai daas Bhagwaan jo jalwa jarooree.35.
Word Meaning:- Laasak – peacock, daneer. Anlhaq – I am God. Taur – like that. Eemaan – belief.
Meaning:- When becoming a lover recognizes himself then seeing the celestial light he becomes so delighted that
he starts dancing like a peacock. When he perceives his inner worth then feeling satiated like Mansoor
he cries,“I am God”. Think over it deeply, this is quite another matter, when he knows the inner divine
secret then he does not talk the words of egoness. Raja Sahib clarifies that if you have to see the
pleasing glimpse of the God, then consolidate your belief on God. Always recite the holy name of

;P?:k.. ;d ;udk Bzd ;o{g ;jh gqhg{oB nksw J/e gSkB'.

;w;Nh fpn;Nh ek G/d by' BIjh p{zd ;o'to Gow e' wkB'.
;qtZr nbgZr T[vkfJ d'T{ ss gd pqjw jh pqjw pyKB'.
dk; GrtKB fudkxB j? ;'T{ ;s nBzd ;o{g f;nkB'.. 36..
Swaiyya Sad sachda nand saroop sahee preepooran aatam ek pachhaano.
Samsa¢ee bias¢ee ka bhed lakho nahee boond sarovar bharm ko maano.
Sarwag alpag uÎaae do-oo tat pad braham he braham bakhaano.

Daas Bhagwaan chidaghan hai so-oo sat anand saroop siaano.36.

Word Meaning:- Sachda nand – having everlasting true form. Chit – sentient being. Anand – happiness. Preepooran –
accomplished everywhere. Samsa¢ee – all delightful forms. Bias¢ee – living form. Sarvag – all powerful
God. Alpag – living creature. Chidaghan – accomplished God.
Meaning:- True, sentient and everlasting blissful form of God is accomplished everywhere. Perceive it, that there is
no difference between God and living creature as there is no discremination between the drop of water
and tank full of water. People consider it varying due to illusion. After erasing the difference between the
smallness of living creatures and greatness of God, consider that there is only one God accomplished
everywhere. Raja Sahib says that like the sky God is pervading uniformly throughout the universe.36.

;P?:k.. r';gzd n" r[or s/ r[opk n" w[or w/ w"ifdbk fdb wkbe J/ek.
r'oyok ri rkU i[ r'BB ;{eo ;[nkB B J/e jh N/ek.
rzrk r'dktoh r'wsh r'eb rfJnk r[ck fro rj' pp/ek.
xNk wNk nek; ;Gh wjKek;[ w/ dk; GrtKB j? J/e nB/ek.. 37..
Swaiyya Gospand au gurg te gurba au murg me maujdila dil maalak eka.
Gorkhara gaj gaao ju gonan sookar suaan na ek hee ¢eka.
Ganga Godaavari Gomatee Gokal Gaya gupha gir gaho babeka.
Gha¢a ma¢a akaas sabhee mahaaÆkaas me daas Bhagwaan hai ek aneka.37.
Word Meaning:- Gospand – goat. Gurg – wolf. Gurba – cat. Murg – cock. Gorkhara – zebra. Gaj – elephant. Gaao – cow.
Sookar – boar. Suaan – dog. Gha¢a – pitcher. Ma¢a – house. MahaaÆkaas – sky.
Meaning:- Only there is one delightful Master in goats, wolves, cats and cocks. There is also one Master in zebra,
elephant, cow, dog, boar. Perceive it after careful consideration that there is one Master in Ganga,

Godaavaree, Gomatee, Gokal, Gaya and even in the caves of mountains. Raja Sahib says, “In the
thousand water-pots only one sky is reflected. On the bursting of the water-pots the sky pageant alone
is left. Like the pitcher, room and sky, the imperishable Lord is pervading similarly throughout the

;P?:k.. Ueko neko T[eko weko noX fpzd{ fpnkge J/e nB{gk.
;fs fus nBzd ;o{g ;jh n?;' jh gqhg{oB o{g no{gk.
;op ekb j? ;op ;EkBB w/ ;'T{ j? fJe o; ;w{j ww o{gk.
dk; GrtkB gSKB fs;/ fJe j? ;opZr i/ G{gB G{gk.. 38..
Swaiyya Okaar akaar ukaar makaar ardh bindoo biaapak ek anoopa.
Sat chit anand saroop sahee aiso hee preepooran roop aroopa.
Sarb kaal hai sarb sathaanan me so-oo hai ik ras samooh mam roopa.
Daas Bhagwaan pachhaan tise ik hai sarbag je bhoopan bhoopa.38.
Word Meaning:- Okaar – Brahma, Vishnoo and Mahesh. Biaapak – every where (pervading). Sat – truth. Chit – awake.
Anand – happiness. So-oo – same. Sarbag – omnipotent, possessor of all virtues. Sarbviaapak –
omnipresent, all pervasive.
Meaning:- Only one God in the form of three powers i.e. Brahma, Vishnoo and Mahesh is pervading every where.
Making his form unique and marvellous, He is true, sentient and everlasting blissful. God is omnipresent
and all pervasive every where. In all times and in all places He is uniformly pervading. Recognize that all
powerful Almighty is possessor of all virtues.38.
Explanation:- Hari saade andar hee hai, par aape dee sojhee na hoÄ karke manukh bharm vich piaa rehnda hai te
andar vasde Hari nooÆ nahee pachhaaÄda.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji explains this thought as under:–

Kaahe re ban khojan jaaee.
Sarb niwaasee sada alepa tohee sang samaaee.1.Rahaao.
Puhap madh jio baas basat hai mukar maahe jaise chhaaee.
Taise hee Har base nirantar gha¢ hee khojoh bhaaee.1.
(page 684)
English Version:- O man! Why do you go to forest to search God. God, though ever detached dwells everywhere and even
it abides in your heart. As the fragnance abides in the flower and as reflection in the mirror, so does God
dwell within you, therefore search Him within your heart.

;P?:k.. wb fpy/g nktoB J/j shB fgqspzX nzsjeoB w/ iKB'.

wb Bftos j? fBowb eow fpy/g Bftos T[gk;Bk wkB'.
nktoB fBftos frnKB GfJnk ;jh j'fJ ;[szsO ;ku[ f;nkB'.
iht pqjw eh J/esk w/ j[D dk; GrtKB eh G/d gSkB'.. 39..
Swaiyya Mal bikhep aavarn eh teen pirtbandh antahkarn me jaano.
Mal navirat hai nirmal karm bikhep navirat upaasna maano.
Aavarn nivirat giaan bhaiaa sahee hoe sutantar saach siaano.
Jeev Braham kee ekta me huÄ daas Bhagwaan kee bhed pachhaano.39.
Word Meaning:- Mal – dirt. Bikhep – worry. Aavarn – curtain. Pritbandh – hinderance. Antahkarn – inner organ. Navirat –
to dispel, to eradicate. Upaasna – worship. Giaan – knowledge.
Meaning:- In the inner-self there are three turbulents, which cause hinderance. These turbulents are filth, confusion

and curtain. The filth can be washed away by doing good deeds. Confusion can be ractified by
performing worship and curtain can be dispelled by divine knowledge. In this way knowing your inner
self, mend yourself and be free from all obstacles. Raja Sahib says that in this way there remains no
discrimination between the animates and the God.39.

;P?:k.. fwfEnk ;z;ko i' ;Zs j? Gk;s skfj Bftosh e' ;kXB uko/.
;otD wzBB fBfXnk;B ;/ ;kfynks j? eko ;o{g fgnko/.
;Zs n;Zs e' ikD bhnk ip fsnkr` r?qjD j? fJe ;ko/.
f;X nt;Ek w/ ihtB w[es j' dk; GrtKB j? puB fBnko/.. 40..
Swaiyya Mithiaa sansaar jo satt hai bhaasat taahe navirtee ko saadhan chaare.
SarwaÄ manan nidhaasan se saakhiaat hai kaar saroop piaare.
Sat asat ko jaaÄ leaa jab tiaagang graihan hai ik saare.
Sidh awastha me jeevan mukat ho daas Bhagwaan hai bachan niaare.40.
Word Meaning:- Mithiaa – false. Bhaasat – it seems. Navirtee – to give up. Saadhan – means. SarwaÄ– to hear. Manan –
to believe. Nidhaasan – to act. Saakhiaat – obvious. Tiaagang – to leave; to forsake. Graihan – to catch.
Ik saare – similar. Sidh – great man. Awastha – condition. Jeevan mukat – who live after controlling
Meaning:- The false world which seems to be true, there are four means to abandon it. Firstly one should hear the
Name of God, secondly having faith on God worship in such a practical way that you yourself become as
manifest God. When you realized the true and the false, then what remains to forsake? It means that
concentration of mind becomes uniform. Raja Sahib says that those human beings attaining the highest
stage, get the sublime post of Jeevan mukat i.e. they live after killing their all desires and passions.40.

;P?:k.. wkbe w"i wjZps j? i'T{ j? ;qpsO ww ;o{gk.

p/d g[oKB es/p e[okB J/j[ eo oj/ j?I ;G w/oh jh T{gk.
jo jo jkb w/ jZe iwkb j? yk; fynkb w/ o{g no{gk.
dk; GrtKB fJj[ owi gSKB fpt;Ek fpfrnKB j? G{gB G{gk.. 41..
Swaiyya Maalak mauj mohabat hai jo-oo hai sarbatar mam saroopa.
Bed puraan kateb Quraan eh kar rahe hain sabh meree hee oopa.
Har har haal me haq jamaal hai khaas khiaal me roop aroopa.
Daas Bhagwaan ih ramaj pachhaan bivastha bigiaan hai bhoopan bhoopa.41.
Word Meaning:- Bed – four Vedas. Puraan – eighteen puranas. Kateb – four katebs. Haq – God. Jamaal – glimpse.
Ramaj – mystery. Biwastha – condition. Bigiaan – divine knowledge.
Meaning:- Love, attachment and affection is may Form. Vedas, Puraanas, Katebs and Quraan are singing my
praises. Under all conditions it is light of God. On each idea and thought the formless God is manifesting
Himself. Raja Sahib advises to know this mystery and says that Master of divine knowledge is king of

;P?:k.. j/ w/o/ o{g d/UI s[M/ eh T[gwk BIjh s' fpB d{;o n'o e' Ehnk.
fpUw ;who n" Bko j? nzG ohX gzuB w/ BIjh u/sB Ehnk.
;pih ;[c?dh n" ;[oyh f;nkjh j? iodh e/ phu BIjh j'o[ ihnk.
s/o/ jh nk;o/ dweK nB/e j?I dk; GrtKB f;XKs fJj[ bhnk.. 42..
Swaiyya He mere roop deon tujhe kee upma nahee to bin doosar aur ko theeaa.

Biom sameer au naar hai ambh reedh panchan me nahee chetan theeaa.
Sabjee sufaidee au surkhee siaahee hai jardee ke beech nahee hor jeeaa.
Tere hee aasre damkaaÆ anek hain daas Bhagwaan sidhaant ih leeaa.42.
Word Meaning:- Biom – sky. Sameer – air. Naar – fire. Ambh – water. Dhar – earth. Panchan – five. Sidhaant – doctrine,
Meaning:- O myself! you are God, no any body else can sing your praises. Sky, air, fire, water and earth, these five
elements have moulded your body and this body has hidden your animate consciousness. In Greenery,
redness, whiteness, blackness and yellowness that living power is pervading. All the brightness and
brilliancy is under your patronage. Raja Sahib has adopted this doctrine.42.

;P?:k.. nkp s/ pkd n" nks; yke nek; fwb/ fpu nkfg j'fJ ;hoh.
gqKB T[gKB fpnKB T[dKB ;wKB j{Jh gzi g"D eh Xhoh.
nkg; phu pi'r j{nk ip y[b rJh sp gqKB izihoh.
dk; GrtKB nyzv j? nksw ozue wkB[ BIjh fdbrhoh.. 43..
Swaiyya Aab te baad au aatas khaak akaas mile bich aap hoe seeree.
Praan upaan biaan udaan samaan hooee panj pauÄ kee dheeree.
Aapas beech bajog hooaa jab khul gaee tab praan janjeeree.
Daas Bhagwaan akhand hai aatam ranchak maan nahee dilgeeree.43.
Word Meaning:- Aab – water. Baad – air. Aatas – fire. Akaas – sky. Seeree – co-owner, joint proprieter. Praan – breath.
Upaan – in the anus. Biaan – in the body. Udaan – in the throat. Samaan – in the neval. Dheeree –
having patience. Akhand – unbreakable. Ranchak – in small quantity. Dilgeeree – sadness.

Meaning:- Water, air, fire, earth and sky have formed the body. In this body God has been sitting as a joint
proprieter. In these five elements our breaths are strung. When this body of five elements finishes then
the chain of vital air breaks. But the soul is unbreakable. Raja Sahib says don’t feel sad even a small

;P?:k.. J/e nekb nikb r'gkb fJj jo jo jkb ;zGkb cehok.

j? ;Zfs fus nfBs Bk fBs fJj[ nksw fps b? gkfJ iyhok.
;u nB`d fJj j? fBodPzd BIjh id dPzd Bk nNe izihok.
dk; GrtKB fpt;Ek fpfrnkB Bk frnKB nfrnKB BIjh r[o ghok.. 44..
Swaiyya Ek akaal ajaal Gopaal ih Har Har haal sambhaal faqeera.
Hai satt chit anit na nit ih aatam bit lai paae jakheera.
Sach anand ih hai nirdwand nahee jad dwand na a¢ak janjeera.
Daas Bhagwaan biwastha bigiaan na giaan agiaan nahee gur peera.44.
Word Meaning:- Akaal – immortal. Ajaal – without net. Gopaal – Lord of earth. Satt – true. Chit – alive. Anit – perishable.
Nit – immortal. Bit – money. Jakheera – treasure. Nirdwand – without jealousy. Dwand – duality.
Meaning:- O mendicant! Remember always one immortal God, who is chainless and sustainer of the earth. He is
true, alive, imperishable and an everlasting bliss. Try to get that treasure of divine wealth. At this
occasion there is no jealousy and no chains to create obstacles. Raja Sahib says in the spiritual region
there is no illusion of the difference of a Master and a servant.44.
Explanation:- Raam Kabira ek bhae hai koe na sake pachhaanee.6.3. (page 969.)

English Version:- The pervading God and Kabir have become One and no one can distinguish between them.6.3.

;P?:k.. j? ;z;ko fpy/ d'T{ wkor Bkw frqj;s nshs nbk:'.

Xow fJBk py' py ej/ gqftos Bftos ek G/d byk:'.
fi; wkfj ;kwb fs; e/ jh nkwb j' eo ekwb y{p ewk:'.
dk; GrtKB gSkD e/ nkg e' dkB;wzd sK c/o ejk:'.. 45..
Swaiyya Hai sansaar bikhe do-oo maarg naam grihsat ateet alaayo.
Dharm ina bakho bakh kahe parvirat navirat ka bhed lakhaayo.
Jis maahe saamal tis ke hee aamal ho kar kaamal khoob kamaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan pachhaaÄ ke aap ko daanasmand taaÆ pher kahaayo.45.
Word Meaning:- Maarg – way. Girhast – family life. Ateet – mendicant. Alaayo – are said. Parvirat – family life. Navirat –
abandon. Saamal – to take part. Aamal – practical. Kaamal – qualified. Daanasmand – wise.
Meaning:- In this world family life and renunciation are two ways to lead a life. The householder and renouncer have
different duties. Scrutinizing carefully the lives of these two catagories, adopt one of these. When you
join any one of these ways then prepare yourself in accordance with principles and work hard to get the
suitable results. Raja Sahib says without duty conscious no one can call himself as a wise man.45.
Explanation:- VikaaraaÆ wich garke rehan naalon tiaag changa hai.
Kabir jau gireh kareh ta dharm kar naaheeÆ ta kar bairaag.
Bairaagee bandhan karai ta ko baÎo abhaag.243. (page 1377)

English Version:- Kabir if you embrace a domestic life then practise righteousness, otherwise renounce the world. If the
world renouncer is involved in worldly entanglements, great is his misfortune.243.

;P?:k.. ;{os d/y feT[I c[b foj'I J/j[, pfDnK BdKB j? ekb uphDk.
fi; i[nkBh ek wKD eo/I ;m, Ghso nki fe ekb e/ yhDk.
ukwseko fiT[ dKwB ek, fsT[I j'tDjko ;oho j? bhDk.
dk; GrtKB j? yke ;Gh, ni/ w{oy d/y Bk mhe gshDk.. 46..
Swaiyya Soorat dekh kion phul rihon eh, baÄiaaÆ nidhaan nadaan hai kaal chabeeÄa.
Jis juaani ka maaÄ karen sa¢h, bheetar aaj ke kaal kheeÄa.
Chaamatkaar jio daaman ka, tion hovaÄhaar sareer hai leeÄa.
Daas Bhagwaan hai khaak sabhee, aje moorakh dekh na ¢heek pateeÄa.46.
Word Meaning:- Soorat – appearance, countenance. Phul – to boast. Kaal – death. ChabeeÄa – that can be chewed.
Sa¢h – foolish. KheeÄa – perish. Daaman – lightening. PateeÄa – to believe.
Meaning:- Seeing your beautiful appearance, why do you feel proud; your body is just a chew of death. O fool! Why
are you feeling conceited about you youthfulness. That will vanish within few days. It is just like the
lightening of a dark cloud. This body will meet its end within few minutes. Raja Sahib says that this body
is just a dust, but fools consider that it will remain forever.46.

Explanation:- Dhoo¾ ika¢hee karke ih deh roop pu¾ee bannh ditee hai. Chaar din da chamatkar hai, ant noo kheh wich
kheh ral jawegee.
Kabir dhoor skel kai pureeaa baandhee deh.
Divas chaar ko pekhna ant kheh kee kheh.178. (page 1374.)

English Version:- Kabir, collecting dust, the Lord has made the body like a physicion’s powder. It is just four days play
ultimately, dust shall return to dust.178.

;P?:k.. ekb ebtsq ;h; g? yVes eVes pho BK ikts g/;'.

pkbe fpoX i[nKB gqkB B;KB rtkts eko jw/;'.
j'fJ fGnkBe nkD nukBe d/s dykbh iK j's nzd/;'.
dk; GrtKB BIjh p; ikts gk; swkw oj ikts y/;'.. 47..
Swaiyya Kaal kalwatar sees pai kha¾kat ka¾kat beer na jaawat peso.
Baalak birdh juaan praan nasaan gwaavat kaar hameso.
Hoe bhiaanak aaÄ achaanak det dakhaalee jaaÆ hot andeso.
Daas Bhagwaan nahee bas jaawat paas tamaam reh jaavat kheso.47.
Word Meaning:- Kaal kalwatar – saw of death. Beer – Brave. Nasaan – destroys. Kaar hameso – always does this duty.
Bhiaanak – fearful. Achaanak – suddenly. Andeso – worry. Kheso – near dear relatives.
Meaning:- When all powerful saw of death saws the head then the man feels helpless. There no one comes to save
him. The purpose of that saw of death is to eliminate the human beings. That saw does not distinguishes
between a child, a young man or old fellows. Death suddenly assumes its horrible form and meets its
victims. Seeing it human beings feel frightened and alarmed. Raja Sahib says, O my dear friend! At that
time all near dear one’s and relatives become silent observers.47.
Explanation:- WaÎe kisaan Waheguru dee ih sansaar khetee hai. Je chaahe haree waÎh lave, gadhar wadh lave jaaÆ
pakee wadh lave.
Haree naahee nah ÎaÎree pakee vaÎhaÄhaar.
Lai lai daat pauhtiaa laave kar taeeaar.
Ja hoaa hukam kirsaaÄ da ta luÄ miÄiaa khetaar.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nah baarak nah jobnai nah birdhee kachh bandh.

Oh bera nah boojheeai jau aae parai jam fandh. (page 43 and 254)

English Version:- The reaper of the crop neither sees unripe, nor half ripe, nor ripe. Having made preperation seizing and
taking their sickles, the croppers arrive. When the Land Lord’s order is issued then is the field-crop
reaped and measured. (page 43.)
There is no hitch in the way of death, either in childhood, or in youth, or in old age. That time is not known
when the noose of death shall come and fall on you. (page 254.)

;P?:k.. nkfb T[bkfd ;Gh pqpkfd BIjh eo :kd fJj yKB eb/;k.
n"o[s g[sq n"o ebsq fwsq ikD Bk g{S ;zd/;k.
pkg pokdO j? i'Jh wkdo v'pDjko fJj g{o e[d/;k.
dk; GrtKB ub' np ;zGb ;/; f;nkD eo' gqt/;k.. 48..
Swaiyya Aal ulaad sabhee barbaad nahee kar yaad ih khaan kalesa.
Aurat putar aur kalattar mittar jaaÄ na poochh sandesa.
Baap braadar hai joee maadar dobaÄhaar ih poor kudesa.
Daas Bhagwaan chalo ab sanbhal ses siaaÄ karo parvesa.48.
Word Meaning:- Khaan kalesa – treasure of pains. Sandesa – message. Kudesa – bad country. Ses – result.
Meaning:- Don’t remember your progeny and your progeny’s descendents. All these are means of annihilation and
treasure of pains. Wife, sons, daughter in laws and friends when depart they don’t ask for your message.
Father, brother and mother all these are inhabitants of bad country and all are cause of your
submergence. Raja Sahib says thinking over the ultimate result, enter in your family.48.

Explanation:- Satguru Nanak Dev Ji rabb ate rabb de piaariaan dee dhoo¾ee dee jaachna karke sansaarak khed da
naksha Tilang raag wich is prakaar khichde han:

Raag Tilang Mehla 1. Ghar.1.

Yak arj guftam pes to dar gos kun kartar.
Haka Kabir Kareem too beaib parvadgaar.1.
Duneeaa mukaame faanee tehkeek dil daanee.
Mam sar mooe ajraaeel girafteh dil hech na daanee.1. Rahaao.
Jan pisar padar biraadraaÆ kas nes dastaÆgeer.
Aakhar biaftam kas na daard choon sawad takbeer.2.
sabh roj gastam dar hava kardem badee khiaal.
gaahe na nekee kaar kardam mam een chinee aihwaal.3.
badbakhat ham chu bakheel gaafal benazar bebaak.
Nanak bugoyad jan tura tere chaakran pa khaar.4.1. (page 721.)

English Version:- O God! I utter my supplication before you.

Here it is, O my creator.
You are true, great merciful and faultless cherisher.
The world is a perishable place
Know it for certain in your mind, O man!
Azraaeel death’s courier has caught me by the hair of my head, yet I do not know in the least in my mind.
The wife, son, father and brothers, no shall hold my hand.
At least when I fall and the time of last prayer is reached, there shall be no one to rescue me.2.

;P?:k.. ekw eO'X s/ b'G n" w'fj jzeko J/j gqpb gzi jh SkfJU.
i' ip nkts j[ew ubkts JhB wBkts j? nXekfJU.
i' fJB skbp fsB gqrkbp Bkfj w[skbp sfj ;[y[ gkfJU.
dk; GrtKB nikd oj' fdb ;kd e[;kd nBkd ;wkfJU.. 49..
Swaiyya Kaam krodh te lobh au mohe hankaar eh parbal panj hee chhaaio.
Jo jab aavat hukam chalvat een manaavat hai adhkaaio.
Jo in taalab tin pargaalab naahe mutaalab tahe sukh paaio.
Daas Bhagwaan ajaad raho dil saad kusaad anaad samaaio.49.
Word Meaning:- Parbal – with great power. Een manaavat – make subordinates. Adhkaaio – great in number. Taalab –
customer. Gaalab – under the influence. Mutaalab – customer. Saad – happy. Kusaad – open heart.
Akaad – without beginning.
Meaning:- These five evils; lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego are very powerful and have
overshadowed all the human beings. Which ever evil passionates, it orders and makes the living beings
its subordinates. Who is customer of these sins, he at once comes under their influence. But who is
carefree he remains happy. Raja Sahib says one gets absorbed into the eternal and ever-existent God,
if a man makes himself free of these sins and makes his mind open hearted and generous. But there are
rare who over power these vices.49.

;P?:k.. ekw ewKD e/ sho j?I shSB ekw eohV e/ phu BK ik:'.
dhB j{nk ri nze; ykts gkts e;N i" G/d Bk gk:'.

;jz; Gr j'Jh fJzdq e/ ip r'sw e/ fpGuko ewk:'.

ekw e/ pkD br/ G;wzsO dk; GrtKB BIjh w[V nk:'.. 50..
Swaiyya Kaam kamaaÄ ke teer hain teechhan kaam karee¾ ke beech na jaayo.
Deen hooaa gaj ankas khaavat paavat kasa¢ jau bhed na paayo.
Sehans bhag hoee Inder ke jab Gotam ke vibhchaar kamaayo.
Kaam ke baaÄ lage bhasmantar daas Bhagwaan nahee mu¾ aayo.50.
Word Meaning:- Teekhan – sharp. Karee¾ – action. Gaj – elephant. Ankas – the instrument of elephants driver by which
he controls the animal. Bibhchaar – sexual course.
Meaning:- The arrows of lust are very sharp, never get ensnared in their trap. The elephant sees the she elephant
of papers and passionated by lust falls into the pit and after that he spends his whole life under the
supervision of its keeper (mahout). He always beats its head with a sharp edged instrument. Inder was
allured to see the charm of Gautam Rishi’s wife Ahiliaa and for his sexual misconduct when he was
punished with thousand female genital organs which were engraved on his body, he repented.50.
Explanation:- Gotam tapa ahiliaa istaree tis dekh Inder lubhaaiaa.
Sehas sareer chihan bhag hooe ta man pachhotaaiaa.1. (page 1344)

English Version:- Ahiliaa was the wife of Gautam, the penitent. Seeing her Inder was fascinated. When he got a thousand
marks of thousand female genital organs on his body, then he did regret in his mind.
Bhasmasur ik Shiv da bhagat see. Bhagtee karke us ShivaaÆ ton var liaa ki jis de sir te main hath
rakhaaÆ uh bhasam ho jaave. Bhulekhe naal uh aapÄe sir te hath rakh bai¢ha te bhasam ho giaa. Kionke
Parbatee ne charitar kheÎ ke ki ih Shiv da var jhoo¢ha hai, usde sir te hee aapÄa hath rakhva ke us nooÆ
bhasam karva ditta. Raja Sahib biaan karde han ki dekho Bhasmasur kaam chesh¢a de vas ho ke aap
hee bhasam ho giaa.50.

;P?:k.. j? wzd ohs eo'X eh pkbe J/; uzvkb e/ phu Bk nk:'.

ekbh eo'X ehU ip j? sp ;ktb o{g ;/ Be fSdk:'.
Byj fpdko j{nk joBky; j? ip W'X eh s/r T[mk:'.
dk; GrtKB eO'X ehU fifB nkyo pko ;' j? gSsk:'.. 51..
Swaiyya Hai mand reet krodh kee baalak es chanÎaal ke beech na aayo.
Kaalee krodh keeo jab hai tab saawal roop se nak chhidaayo.
Nakhah bidaar hooaa Harnaakhas hai jab krodh kee tegh u¢haayo.
Daas Bhagwaan krodh keeo jin aakhar baar so hai pachhtaayo.51.
Word Meaning:- Kaalee – the kaalee snake which Lord Krishna killed. Saawal roop – Lord Krishna. Nakhah bidaar – to kill
with nails.
Meaning:- O foolish man! Nature of wrathness is very dangerous; avoid this meanness conduct. When snake Kaali
became furious with anger, he fought with Lord Krishna and was destroyed. When Harnaakhas in a fit of
wrath tried to kill Prahlaad with his sword, then the God in the form of Narsingh appeared at that
occasion and teared the body of Harnakhas with his sharp nails. Raja Sahib says, who ever lost his
temper becoming furious with his anger, at last repented.51.

;P?:k.. b?jo b'G eh e?jo j? Bo i?jo ikD BK fus[ b[Gk:'.

i'T{ fgnk fpu b'G e/ p?jo roe j{nk BIjh pkjfo nk:'.
eko{z gqhs eoh ip bkbu XoBh e/ phu Uj[ e?; rvk:'.
T[vDjko iBkto e' j[D dk; GrtKB j? b'G g;k:'.. 52..

Swaiyya Laihar lobh kee kaihar hai nar jaihar jaaÄ na chit lubhaayo.
Jo-oo piaa bich lobh ke baihar gark hooaa nahee baahar aaiyo.
Kaaroon preet karee jab laalach dharnee ke beech oh kais gaÎaayo.
UÎaÄhaar janaawar ko huÄ daas Bhagwaan hai lobh pasaayo.52.
Word Meaning:- Lobh kee kaihar – this is just like the rabies of dog. Baihar – ocean.
Meaning:- Zeal for avarice is just like the madness of a dog suffering from an attack of rabies. Considering it just a
poison, don’t let yourself be trapped in it. Who ever have been fascinated by the ripple of avarice, are
finished. They never come out of this charming entanglement. King Kaaroon collected fourty millions of
wealth by awarding revere punishments to his public. But at the time of his end, he buried that money
into the earth. Raja Sahib says that birds flying in the air, are caught in the net due to greed of feed; they
forget that some one has thrown bait.52.

;P?:k.. w'fj ek ikb[ nsh d[ydkfJe bkfJe j' BIjh B/j[ brk:'.
w'fj poKB ehU Bzd w?jo eKB BIjh ip b'N e/ nk:'.
d;oE gqkD si/ fJ; ekoD bSwD okw iK pB ;Xk:'.
dk; GrtKB ;hnk Sbh oktD okw ;ohy/ Gh w'fj o[nk:'.. 53..
Swaiyya Moh kaa jaal atee dukhdaaik laaik ho nahee nehu lagaayo.
Moh braan keeo nand maihar kaan nahee jab lot ke aayo.
Dasrath praaÄ taje is kaaraÄ LachhmaÄ Raam jaaÆ ban sadhaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan seeaa chaalee Raavan Raam sareekhe bhee mohe ruaayo.53.
Word Meaning:- Nand maihar – nourisher of Lord Krishana at Gokal. Sareekhe – like. Ruaayo – have to weep.

Meaning:- Attachment to worldly goods and relationships is very painful. It is better that one should not be trapped
by affection and love. Nand the nourisher of Lord Krishan was also ruined when Lord Krishna did not
return back. Ram and Lachhman went to forest, but their father Dasarath due to fondness and love lost
his life. Ravan took Sita by deceit and Ram Chander also wept due to pangs of seperation.53.
Explanation:- Rovai Ram nikaala bhaiaa. Seeta LakhmaÄ vichha¾ gaiaa. (page 953.)

English Version:- Rama wept when he was exiled and got seperated from Sita and Lachhman.

;P?:k.. pj[ fpeko jzeko fpy/ fJ; phu nzX/oh e/ Bk T[oMkfJU.

ez; jzeko GJh d;k e?;h e[ f;nkw ip? Xo g? gNek:'.
njzeko ehU doi'XB B/ ip e?op e[b sph xpok:'.
dk; GrtKB Bk s[yw foj' fcfo nkg e' nkg jh nkg pzXk:'.. 54..
Swaiyya Bauh bikaar hankaar bikhe is beech andheree ke na urjhaaio.
Kans hankaar bhaee dasa kaisee ku siaam jabai dhar pai pa¢kaayo.
Ahankaar keeo Darjodhan ne jab kairab kul tabee ghabraayo.
Daas Bhagwaan na tukham riho phir aap ko aap hee aap bandhaayo.54.
Word Meaning:- Bikaar – the problems. Urjhaaio – to be trapped. Kans – maternal uncle of Lord Krishna.
Meaning:- Ego is the root of all evils, so please try to be away from these black immortal acts. Kans, who was
maternal uncle of Lord Krishna, was killed by the hands of Lord Krishna due to his arrogance and
conceitedness. Daryodhan due to his proud did not agree to give even a small portion of land to the
Pandvas. The result of that was, that he had to face the battle of Mahabharata. The conceited
Daryodhan was crushed to death. Raja Sahib says that who so ever became proudy of his power

ultimately vanished from this world.

;P?:k.. fJj[ eos{s j? gzuB eh i'Jh ghS/ w[;Bc nky ;[Dk:'.

r[D d'y fpuko e/ fJBjB e/ gqftos eIjh fBob/g ojk:'.
woeN tKr BIjh pD w{oy bzgN j' eo iBw rtk:'.
dk; GrtKB cV' np fJ;fEs ikD ;o{g fpbzp Bk bk:'.. 55..
Swaiyya Ih kartoot hai panchan kee joee peechhe musnaf aakh suÄaaio.
GuÄ dokh bichaar ke inhan ke parvirt kahee nirleep rahaayo.
Marka¢ vaang nahee baÄ moorakh lampa¢ ho kar janam gavaaiyo.
Daas Bhagwaan pha¾o ab isthit jaaÄ saroop bilamb na laayo.55.
Word Meaning:- Musnaf – writer. Marka¢ – monkey. Lampa¢ – after trapping. Isthit – firm, calm. Bilamb – lateness.
Meaning:- These are the misdeeds of these five demons or passions. The author of this book has explained about
this afterwards. Considering the pros and cons of the merits of these passions, remain unattached from
them. The juggler places a small pot full of parched rice before the monkeys, when the monkeys see the
parched rice filled in a small pot, then they immerse their hands into the pot, but when they try to pull the
hand out of the pot, it does not come out. So the juggler catches them and those then dance from door
to door to entertain the public. Raja Sahib says don’t waste your time and concentrate your mind and see
your inner spiritual self.55.
Explanation:- Panch chor mil laage nagreeaa Ram Naam dhan hiriaa. (page 1178.)

English Version:- The five thieves in a body thieve the body township and steal away the wealth of the Lord’s Name.
Guru ascharj kar vikhaunda hai ki jih¾a Hari agam agochar akhvaunda hai. Uh bhee dil de andar vasda

anbhav kara dinda hai ate badeeaaÆ ha¢a ke bhagati wich la dinda hai.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji de sora¢h raag wich likhe ik shabad ton ih bhaav sidh ho jaanda hai:–
Sora¢h Mehla 5.
Jina baat ko bauhat andesro te mi¢e sabh gaiaa.
Sehaj sain ar sukhman naaree oodh kamal bigasiaa.1.
Dekhoh achraj bhaiaa.
Jih Thaakur ko sunat agaadh bodh so ride gur daiaa.
Joe doot mohe bauhat santaawat te bhaiaanak bhaiaa.
Kreh bentee raakh Thakur te ham teree sarnaaiaa.2.
(page 612)
English Version:- The things, which ever caused me great anxiety they all have now vanished. I now sleep in peace, abide
in the supreme spiritual bliss and my inverted heart lotus has bloomed. See a wonderous thing has
happened. The Lord whose knowledge is spoken of as unfathomable, Him the Guru has enshrined with
in my mind. Pause.
The demons, who greatly tortured me, have themselves become panic-stricken.

;P?:k.. ;KM ;t/o fp;ko BIjh fyB Bkw[ ig' Bo pzB e/ gohnk.
;k; jh ;k; fBtk; eo' wB n?;h fwb/ BIjh pj[V pohnk.
ikr nGkr fJj fBjcb ikts d[obG wkB[y d/j ;iohnk.
dk; GrtKB Bk i/ pB nkts sT[ Gi ;kfjp[ J/e jh xohnk.. 56..
Swaiyya Saanjh swere bisaar nahee khin Naam japo nar bann ke pareeaa.

Saas hee saas nivaas karo man aisee mile nahee bauha¾ bareeaa.
Jaag abhaag ih nihphal jaavat durlabh maanukh deh sajreeaa.
Daas Bhagwaan na je ban aawat tau bhaj saahib ek hee ghareeaa.56.
Word Meaning:- Saanjh – evening. Khin – in the twinkling of an eye. Pareeaa – uniting. Bareeaa – time. Nihphal –
useless. Durlabh – very precious. Sajreeaa – decorating. Ghareeaa – in a small time.
Meaning:- Recite the name of God constantly and don’t forget him even for a moment. Sing the praises of God in
a congregation. Contemplate him with each breath. You will not get this time again. Now human body
has come to your hand. This is your chance to meet the Lord of the world. Recite the name of God in
your body. Raja Sahib says, if you can not do anything else then recite His Name from the core of your
heart even for three hours.
Explanation:- Saadh sangat wich mil ke is manukha deh nooÆ safal kar lavo, taaÆ jo sansaar sagar toÆ paar ho jaavo.

;P?:k.. j;sh s/ uhNh n" fsqD b" nkde j'fJ foj£k gq&c[bs J/e'.
poB Bk u/jB j? fgqg{oB ;ko f;RkBD ;/ Bo B/e'.
X[B nBkjd ;[DhJ/ i/ ikjd s" fco j'ts mhe pp/e'.
dk; GrtKB Bk G/d eS{ gqG fpnkg fojk ;jh J/e nB/e'.. 57..
Swaiyya Hastee te chee¢ee au trin lau aadak hoe riha parphulat eko.
Barn na chehan hai pripooran saar sijhaanaÄ se nar neko.
Dhun anaahad suÄee-e je jaahad tau phir hovat ¢heek babeko.
Daas Bhagwaan na bhed kachhoo Prabh biaap riha sahee ek aneko.57.
Word Meaning:- Hastee – elephant. Chee¢ee – ant. Trin – dry grass. Anaahad – uniformly. Babeko – thought.

Meaning:- From elephant to ant and in all dry branches of grass the one God has been glowing. God, who is without
any mark, quoit, colour, caste and lineage, He has been absorbed in all animals and human beings. We
can perceive him thoroughly if we hear the Divine Word directly in our mind soul. There is no
discrimination, God is pervading every where in one or limitless forms.57.

;P?:k.. irs[ ;Gh irdh;o w/I irdh;o j? ir wkfj ;wk:'.

r[gs n" gqrN fpnkge xN xN pksB ikjo G/d oyk:'.
j? ;qtZr BIjh nbgZr iK j'fJ sk sr sK wr e' gk:'.
dk; GrtKB j? ;hM frU ip whB n" w/y B o/y ojk:'.. 58..
Swaiyya Jagat sabhee jagdeesar men jagdeesar hai jag maahe samaayo.
Gupat au parga¢ biaapak gha¢ gha¢ baatan jaahar bhed rakhaayo.
Hai sarwag nahee alpag jaaÆ hoe ta tag taaÆ mag ko paayo.
Daas Bhagwaan hai seejh gio jab meen au mekh na rekh rahaayo.58.
Word Meaning:- Jagdees – God. Samaayo – pervasive. Gupat – secret. Pargat – manifest. Baatan – inside. Sarwag –
master. Alpag – the animate. Tag – to know the knowledge. Meen aur mekh – calculations of astrology.
Meaning:- The whole world is inside the God and God is pervading everywhere. He is absorbing in all secretly or
openly. But he has kept the secret of our inner manifestation. God is all pervasive and all powerful but
the animates are mortal creatures. After knowing about the metaphysical process we perceive the divine
truth. Raja Sahib says that when man’s mind feels satisfied and satiated then there remains no
permutations and calculations and all doubts vanish.58.

;P?:k.. j' dot/; eb/; feT[I gkts ;wM e/ d/y eh pks cehoh.
who tiho e/ phu ;'qwD ;gs jh dhg B"I yzv irhoh.
;kfjB;kfj j' g'N T[mkts ykts ;qw Bkfj fdbrhoh.
dk; GrtKB nikD feT[I j'ts gkfJnk gSkD[ BIjh eo[ ehoh.. 59..
Swaiyya Ho darvesh kales kion paavat samjh ke dekh kee baat faqeeri.
Meer wazeer ke beech sromaÄ sapat hee deep nauÆ khand jageeree.
Sahensaahe ho po¢ u¢haavat khaavat sarm naahe dilgeeree.
Daas Bhagwaan ajaaÄ kion hovat paaiaa pachhaaÄ nahee kar keeree.59.
Word Meaning:- Darvesh – mendicant. SromaÄ – great. Sapat hee deep – seven islands. NauÆ khand – nine parts.
Jageeree – owner of a piece of land. Sarm – tiredness. Dilgiree – unhappiness. Keeree – worthless.
Meaning:- Why a man becoming a mendicant faces hardships. He must first understand the reclusion or
characteristics of a true faqeer. Among the kings and ministers faqeeree is greater and mendicant is
master of seven islands and nine parts of the world. Becoming king of kings, he has been feeling
concerned about the burden of the mankind. After feeling the burden of world he conceives tiredness
and sadness. Raja Sahib says why are becoming ignorant? Doing worthless works and begging, you
havn’t still not realized yourself.59.

;P?:k.. j? ep phu Uj pzXB nkts i' fBopzX ceho ;Bk;h.

jkE T[mkfJ ;zXT[ok bhU ip c/o feT[I b'Ns j? ;sh yk;h.
ikD fpo; fsnkr gdkoE gkts jkE eo/ ir[ jk;h.

dk; GrtKB BIjh c; p?ms p/gotkfj i' fpqs nek;h.. 60..

Swaiyya Hai kab beech oh bandhan aavat jo nirbandh faqeer sanaasee.
Haath u¢haae sandhaura leeo jab pher kion lo¢at hai satee khaasee.
JaaÄ biras tiaag padaarath paavat haath kare jag haasee.
Daas Bhagwaan nahee phas bai¢hat beparvaah jo birat akaasee.60.
Word Meaning:- Nirbandh – without worldly bondages. Sanaasee – recognition. Sandhaura – coconut. Satee khaasee –
which is going to be true. Haasee – joke. Birat-akaasee – higher thinking.
Meaning:- The mendicant, who perceives the characteristics of true faqeeree, that mendicant becomes free of all
bonds. How can he be trapped in world bounds again. Self immolating faithful wife when takes a coconut
in her hand, then she never hesitates to return back. Knowing the taste of worldly provisions as tastless,
she abandons them. If she longs to have anything then the people of world would laugh at her. Raja
Sahib says similarly a mendicant of deep meditation and concentration never perverts towards false
provisions of the world again.60.
Explanation:- Satee hoÄ waalee istaree de hath wich sandhooriaa nareeal pha¾aunde san. Jad ih rasam ada ho jaave,
taaÆ us nooÆ sa¾na painda see. Is trahaan hi jad derveshi dhaaran kar laee phir pichhe kaahdee jhaak?
Phir taaÆ Raaja Prakaash saroop jo Raam hai, us dee prapatee hee karnee hai, Raja Ji de is aashe nooÆ
Bhagat Kabir Ji aapÄee baaÄi andar ih sabad uchaarn karde han:

Gauree 12.
Man re chhaadoh bharm parga¢ hoe naachoh iaa maaiaa ke ÎaanÎe.
Soor ki sanmukh ran te Îarpai satee ki saanche bhaanÎe.1.
Ïagmag chhaad re man baura. (page 338)

English Version:- O man ! Victim of this mammon abandon doubt and dance in open. What hero is he, who dreads the face

to face engagements and what kind of faithful wife is she, who when call comes, starts assembling
Cease wavering o crazy man !

;P?:k.. G/y eh o/y BK foiw ojh ip T[m rJh fdb'I ;kps j;sh.
Bkfj ceho ek d/;[ fojk no[ Bkfj ceho eh j? ojh p;sh.
iks ;cks w/I fXnkB[ Xo/ ip Bkfj ceho sT[ j? frqj;sh.
dk; GrtKB i/ Mke eo/ sp Bkfj ;Bk; T[dk; j? c;sh.. 61..
Swaiyya Bhekh kee rekh na rijam rahee jab u¢h gaee dilon saabat hastee.
Naahe fakeer ka desh riha ar nahe fakeer kee hai rahee bastee.
Jaat safaat meÆ dhiaan dhare jab naahe fakeer tau hai grihstee.
Daas Bhagwaan je jhaak kare tab naaha sanaas udaas hai phastee.61.
Word Meaning:- Bhekh – outwardly dress. Rekh rijam – in small quantity. Hastee – existence. Jaat saphaat – to speak
words of boon. Sanaas – recognition. Phastee – riotous person.
Meaning:- When a man in deep devotion forgets his own existence; then what need arises of wearing any type of
garb. Faqir becomes countryless, city-less. On all sides lies the kingdom of Faqir. When he becomes
inbued in the colour of the God and in meditation of God he forgets all about himself. At that time the
family life or mendicacy becomes meaningless for him. Raja Sahib says if a man becoming a mendicant,
still longs to get worldly enjoyments then he should not be considered as a mendicant but a man
entrapped in worldly affairs.61.

;P?:k.. toB nk;ow e/ e{eo i' ed/ G[b fBdkB Bk fsB gfj ik:'.
j'fJ fJsckeB w/b[ eGh sp T[B eh ;[D' Bkfj nkg ;[Dk:'.
;s jh ;s ek tDi[ eo' BIjh pzX frnkBh ;/ wri ygk:'.
dk; GrtKB Bk p'X fi;/ fs;/ i[s eo d{o ;/ ;h; fBtk:'.. 62..
Swaiyya Varan aasarm ke kookar jo kade bhul niddan na tin peh jaayo.
Hoe itfaakan mel kabhee tab un kee suÄo naahe aap suÄaao.
Sat hee sat ka waÄj karo nahee bandh giaanee se magaj khapaayo.
Daas Bhagwaan na bodh jise tise jut kar door se sees niwaayo.62.
Word Meaning:- Varan – four castes. Aasarm – four religious institutions i.e. celibacy, family life, forest life and
renunciation. Kookar – dog. Bandh giaanee – pretentious prattler without real merit. Jut kar – folding
both hands.
Meaning:- Who are proud of their caste or institution, never try to join their company. But if you happen to meet
them then neither you should utter any word nor hear his talk. Always do the business of truthfulness.
Engaging yourself with a pretentions prattler who is without divine knowledge, avoid ineffectual
argumentation with him. Raja Sahib says a man who is without divine enlightenment, pay him homage
from a distance and never try to meet him.62.

;P?:k.. pkM pokr frnkB BK j'ts pkM[ pp/e ww'y BK ikBh.

;w pkM BjhI wB ;hMs j? dw pkM BIjh Bo j'ts frnkBh.
pkM ;zs'y BIjh ;[y[ gkts ;[jps pkM BK ;'Gs pKBh.
dk; GrtKB BK Xow[ dfJnk fpB[ pkM fywk Bkfj sg pyKBh.. 63..

Swaiyya Baajh baraag giaan na hovat baajh babek mamokh na jaanee.

Sam baajh naheeÆ man seejhat hai dam baajh nahee nar hovat giaanee.
Baajh santokh nahee sukh paavat suhbat baajh na sobhat baanee.
Daas Bhagwaan na dharm daiaa bin baajh khima naahe tap bakhaanee.63.
Word Meaning:- Baraag – sadness. Mamokh – salvation. Sam – control of mind. Dam – control of organs. Sobhat –
becoming elegant, to look befitting. Hit – love. Bakhaanee – it is said.
Meaning:- Without renunciation, we can’t get divine knowledge and without divine knowledge we can’t get
salvation. Without controlling the mind and organs we can not achieve inner enlightenmen. Without
contentment there is no happiness. Without company of holy persons the love cannot be attained. Raja
Sahib says that without faith, devotion and grace there is no forgiveness and mercy.63.
Explanation:- Kabir jaha giaan tah dharm hai jaha jhoo¢h tah paap.
Jaha lobh tah kaaj hai jaha khima tah aap. (155.) (page 1372.)

English Version:- Kabir where there is Divine Knowledge, there is virtue and where there is falsehood, there is sin. Where
there is avarice there is death and where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself.

;P?:k.. Bho fpBK Bkfj ;'G ;o'to ozr fpBK Bkfj nzr ;[ykBh.
gq/w fpBk Bkfj wkB; ;'Gs soe; Bk fpB sho ;[jkBh.
g[;g'I eh gzes ej[ ep ;'Gs i" fpu ohX BIjh wXokBh.
dk; GrtKB BdkB ;jh n?;/ p'X fpBk Bkfj ;'G gqkBh.. 64..
Swaiyya Neer binaaÆ naahe sobh sarovar rang binaaÆ naahe ang sukhaanee.
Prem bina naahe maanas sobhat tarkas na bin teer suhaanee.

PuspoÆ kee pankat kauh kab sobhat jau bich reedh nahee madhraanee.
Daas Bhagwaan nadaan sahee aise bodh bina naahe sobh praanee.64.
Word Meaning:- Neer – water. Sarovar – tank. Tarkas – quiver. Pusap – flower. Reedh – smell. Madhraanee – sweetness.
Bodh – knowledge. Sobh – to look beautiful. Rang – love. Ang – body.
Meaning:- As without water the tank does not look befitting and without love the body feels uneasiness. Similarly
man does not seem elegant without affection as the quiver does not look proper without arrows. How
long petals of flowers look graceful until these does not get the sweetness of fragrance. In this way Raja
Sahib says the human beings do not become honourable without Divine Knowledge.64.

;P?:k.. ;[zR GJ/ fpBK cb fiT[ soto ;ho fpBK i?;/ yho oXkBh.
uzd fpBk i?;/ ;[zR GJh fB; y{j fpBk i?;/ i{j pokBh.
s/b fpBK i?;/ dhge j? ;[zR o{j fpBk ebp{s ;okBh.
dk; GrtKB BK Bkw[ ig/ Bo fJj ;jh ikD b? ;[zR fB;kBh.. 65..
Swaiyya Sunjh bhae bina phal jio tarvar seer bina jaise kheer radhaanee.
Chand bina jaise sunjh bhaee nis khooh bina jaise jooh braanee.
Tel bina jaise deepak hai sunjh rooh bina kalboot saraanee.
Daas Bhagwaan na naam jape nar ih sahee jaaÄ lai sunjh nisaanee.65.
Word Meaning:- Tarvar – tree. Seer – milk. Nis – night. Jooh – land. Braanee – barren. Deepak – lamp. Kalboot – body.
Saraanee – deserted, desolate, unoccupied. Nisaanee – mark.
Meaning:- Without fruit a tree is lonesome as rice pudding cannot be cooked without milk. Without moon as night
looks dark and without well the land becomes barren. Without oil as lamp cannot be lit, similarly without
soul this body looks deserted. Raja Sahib says a man who does not recite the Name of God that man is

also empty and vacuous.

;P?:k.. pkM jh ozr ozro/i BIjh no pkM d[bj[ BIjh izR ;[jkJ/.
pkM ibk BIjh etb i' j'ts pkM ;[zrzX Bk G"o p;kJ/.
pkM gV/ BIjh gzvs j? fiT[ pkM o;k BIjh cb ;[ykJ/.
dk; GrtkB pyKB ej/ n?;/ pkM pokr BK ;kX i;kJ/.. 66..
Swaiyya Baajh hee rang rangrej nahee ar baajh dulho nahee janjh suhaae.
Baajh jala nahee kawal jo hovat baajh sugandh na bhaur basaae.
Baajh pa¾he nahee pandit hai jio bajh rasa nahee phal sukhaae.
Daas Bhagwaan bakhaan kahe aise baajh braag na saadh jasaae.66.
Word Meaning:- Rangrej – dyer. Dulho – bridegroom. Kawal – lotus flower. Sugandh – fragrance. Braag – renunciation.
Meaning:- Without possessing different colours, man cannot become a dyer. Without bridegroom a marriage party
does not look befitting. Lotus flower cannot be grown without water and without fragrance the black bees
does not become suitors of flowers. Without study a man cannot become a scholar, as the flower without
fragrance does not look beautiful. Raja Sahib says that until and unless a man does not get himself
detached from the world, he can’t become a mendicant.
Explanation:- Uparle chaar swaiyaan da taatparj gurbaaÄee de he¢h likhe sabad naal dhukda hai. Hari Naam har
padaarath nooÆ sobha deÄ waala hai.
Maalee Gau¾ee Mehla 5.
Aiso sahaaee Har ko naam. Saadhsangat bhaj pooran kaam.1. Rahaao.
BooÎat kau jaise be¾ee milat. Boojhat deepak milat tilat.

Jalat agnee milat neer. Jaise baarak mukheh kheer.1.

Jaise raÄ meh sakha bharaat. Jaise bhookhe bhojan maat.
Jaise kirkheh baras megh. Jaise paalan sarn sengh.2.
Gara¾ mukh nahee sarp traas. sooaa pinjar nahee khaae bilaas.
Jaise aando hirde maahe. Jaiso daano chakee draahe.
Bauhat opma thor kahee. Har agam agam agaadh tuhee.
Ooch moochau bauh apaar. Simrat Nanak tare saar.4.3.
(Page 986-87)
English Version:- Such a helper is the Name of God. Contemplating the Name of Lord in the company of saints, one’s
affairs are solved. Pause.
God’s Name is a boat for a drowning man. As the dying lamp burns by obtaining oil. As the burning of fire
is quenched with pouring of water. As the child is satiated by oozing the milk in the mouth.1.
As in the battle, brother becomes benevolent. As the hunger of hungry man is satiated with food. As the
bursting of cloud saves the crop. As in tigers refuse, one is well protected.2.
As with kingfisher’s spell in the mouth, one fears not the snake. As the cat can not eat the parrot in the
cage. As is the reflection in the mind for the eggs. As the grains are saved by sticking to the central peg
of the queen.3.
In the similar way Lord’s Name emancipates those, who place it is their minds.4.3.

;P?:k.. J/e nb/y BIjh ij o/y Uj[ g/y jw/; gq/w fgnko'.
d/y pp/e p;/y oj/ i'T{ ;/y n;/y ;'T{ fdbko'.
shB spkd; g"D fJekro gqKB T[gKB eh rs fpuko'.
dk; GrtKB Bk coe[ oj/ ip ;P? gqek; ej? fBoeko'.. 67..

Swaiyya Ek alekh nahee jah rekh oh pekh hames prem piaaro.

Dekh babek basekh rahe jo-oo sekh asekh so-oo dilaaro.
Teen tabaadas pauÄ ikaagar praan upaan kee gat bichaaro.
Daas Bhagwaan na farak rahe jab swai prakaas kahai nirkaaro.67.
Word Meaning:- Alekh – countless. Rekh – line. Pekh – see. Babek – knowledge. Basekh – more over. Sekh – old man.
Asekh – limitless. Dilaaro – loving son. Praan – God. Upaan – creation. Swai prakaas – self light.
Meaning:- Always see that immortal God, who is countless and limitless. See after contemplation what remains
back that is infinite, illimitable and attribute of God Itself, love Him. Through Pranaayam doing slow
exhalation through nose and controlling system of breathing through exercise and regulating respiration
place your mind in the tenth door and think about the Almighty. Raja Sahib says when one himself
becomes light then there remains no discrimination between the God and human being. That is called
Formless One God.67.

;P?:k.. rkcb ;'fJ ofjU BIjh ikrs bkrs gzi s'fj pNtko'.
b{Ns w{ms m"o wukts Gkrs j?I osh B?B T[xko'.
;ko bt/I eo fjws i/ nGh okys j?I ;G jh xo pko'.
dk; GrtKB Bk pys fwb/ fJj[ gKt g;ko e/ pkih B jko'.. 68..
Swaiyya Gaaphal soe raheo nahee jaagat laagat panj tohe ba¢waaro.
Loo¢at moo¢hat ¢haur machaavat bhaagat hain ratee nain ughaaro.
Saar laven kar himat je abhee raakhat hain sabh hee ghar baaro.
Daas Bhagwaan na bakhat mile ih paanv pasaar ke bajee na haaro.68.

Word Meaning:- Gaaphal – careless. Panj – five demons. Ba¢waaro – deceit. Moo¢hat – loot. Ùhaur – noise. Nain
ughaaro – open your eyes. Paanv – feet.
Meaning:- Five demons i.e. lust, avarice, ego, wrath and worldly attachment are looting your body. Why are you
becoming a carefree, have enjoying sound sleep? These five demons are looting you, spoiling you and
are also making loud sounds. Open your eyes and see all around. If you becoming vigilant and watchful
looks into the affairs of your house then you can save it from destruction. Raja Sahib says, a man does
not get the human form again so why are you becoming so carefree and lazy, wasting your treasure of
Explanation:- Panjaan te inhaan dee fauj nooÆ jitan laee kewal Raam Naam hee hai.
Gau¾ee Cheti Mehla.1.
Avar panch ham ek jana kio raakho ghar baar mana.
Mareh loo¢eh neet neet kis aagai karee pukaar jana.1.
Sri Raam Naama uchar mana. Aagai jam dal bikham ghana.1. Rahaao. (page 155)

English Version:- Others are five; I am but one mortal. How shall I protect my hearth and home, on my soul. THey ever and
daily beat and plunder me. Before which person, should I lodge a complaint.
Utter the Name of the venerable all pervading Lord, o my soul! Before you are many formidable and
numerous armies of death.

;P?:k.. Gkr e[;zr ;/ d{o ikU ;m ;kes ;zr Bk mhe ;jh.

d{X gbkts oj[ fB;pk;o j'ts Bkfj ;[fjod njh.
p/oh e[;zr GfJnk edbh T[; e?;h w[okd j? nkD bjh.
dk; GrtKB Uj[ M{bs j? Uj[ d/y BdkB j? S/d ojh.. 69..

Swaiyya Bhaag kusang se door jaao sa¢h saakat sang na ¢heek sahee.
Doodh plaavat raho nisbaasar hovat naahe suhird ahee.
Beree kusang bhaiaa kadlee us kaisee muraad hai aaÄ lahee.
Daas Bhagwaan oh jhoolat hai oh dekh nadaan hai chhed rahee.69.
Word Meaning:- Kusang – evil society. Sa¢h – fool. Nisbaasar – day and night. Suhird – lovable. Ahee – snake. Kadlee –
banana. Nadaan – foolish.
Meaning:- Shirk and run away from the bad company. O fool! Company of worshipper of Maya is very bad. Though
you may provide the food of milk to snake day and night but he will never become your friend. Whenever
he will get the opportunity, he will bite you. Raja Sahib tells us the consequence of bad company. Giving
an example he says that when a tree of banana grows near a tree of jujube, and when the banana tree
swings with the force of air then it get it self torn with the thorns of jujube tree.69.
Explanation:- Bhagat Kabir Ji kusang da phal aapÄe ik salok wich istrha likhde han:–

Kabir maaree maro kusang kee kele nika¢ ju ber.

Uh jhoole uh cheereeai saakat sang na her.88.
English Version:- O Kabir! I am destroyed and ruined by the bad company like the plantain near the wild caper. The latter
waves and the former is pierced through by its thorns. So you should not even see the society of sinners.

;P?:k.. Bkw[ fpBK fe;/ ekw BIjh Bo wkD eo/ ;m i'pB dk.
i'o i[nkBh fJj y/j ftu o[b eo iht u[ok;h d/ j'tB dk.
jz;s jz;s cz;s j? BIjh uhs Xo/ ;wk o'tB dk.
dk; GrtkB Bk c/o fwb/ p/bk Bkw BoziB p'tB dk.. 70..

Swaiyya Naam binaan kise kaam nahee nar maaÄ kare sa¢h joban da.
Jor juaanee ih kheh wich rul kar jeev churaasee de hovan da.
Hansat hansat phansat hai nahee cheet dhare sama rovan da.
Daas Bhagwaan na pher mile bela naam Nranjan bovan da.70.
Word Meaning:- Sa¢h – foolish. Bovan da – of sowing.
Meaning:- The man, who does not recites the Name of God, is worthless. The foolish man feels proud of his bloom
of youthness and handsomeness. Entangled in power and youthness, he has been wandering among
different species. Happily he has been entrapping himself in the net of Maaya. But he does not
remember the time of weeping. The Name of God which is without influence of Maaya, he should sow
now, in future he will not get such graceful time.70.

;P?:k.. ;{os d/y ro{os BK eo o'i po'i fJj j's gokBh.

fsrZ:o n"os pZd bT{ go jkbs J/e g? BkfjB dkBh.
BIjh oy io{os w{os eh fJj[ ;wM io{o j? X{o B;kBh.
dk; GrtkB j' skbp ekbp soe ;skp biks i[ckBh.. 71..
Swaiyya Soorat dekh groorat na kar roj broj ih hot praanee.
Tigyar aurat badd laoo par haalat ek pai naahin daanee.
Nahee rakh jaroorat moorat kee ih samajh jaroor hai dhoor nasaanee.
Daas Bhagwaan ho taalab kaalab tark sataab lajaat juphaanee.71.
Word Meaning:- Groorat – feeling proud. Roj broj – day and night. Tigyar aurat badd laoo – change. Pai – but. Dhoor
nasaanee – dust is last aim. Taalab – needy. Kaalab – body. Sataab – at once. Lajaat – taste.

Meaning:- Don’t be proud of youth and handsomeness of your body, it has been becoming old day by day. Change
of life is natural phenomenon, but the foolish man does not understand. Never care about your earthen
pot, which can break at any time. Consider it just as a handful of dust. In the end your body will be
reduced to just a palmful of dust. Raja Sahib says leave the tastes of mortal world and show eagerness
to have a glimpse of Almighty God who is Master of your body.71.

;P?:k.. nzr e' d/y T[wzr BIjh eo ;u Bk ikD fJj ozr gszrh.
d/y fj;kp ;/ nkp jpkp e' Bkfj pek ehJ/ e'N pdzrh.
wbeb w"s eh r;s sb/ rJ/ ykfJ f;e;s j' y;s cozrh.
dk; GrtKB nikd j{J/ fdb ;"e ;/ c"e e' b? :eozrh.. 72..
Swaiyya Ang ko dekh umang nahee kar sach na jaaÄ ih rang patangee.
Dekh hisaab se aab habaab ko naahe baka kee-e ko¢ badangee.
Malkal maut kee gasat tale gae khaae siksat ho khasat farangee.
Daas Bhagwaan ajaad hoo-e dil sauk se fauk ko lai yakrangee.72.
Word Meaning:- Umang – desire. Patangee – one who flies. Habaab – bubble of water. Baka – end. Badangee – bad part
of body. Malkal maut – angel of death. Gasat – to roam. Siksat – to be defeated. Khasat – to vanish.
Farangee – English people. Yakrangee – unity.
Meaning:- Seeing your body, don’t feel proud, it must vanish one day. Think over it that your body is just like bubble
of water which vanishes with in seconds and nothing remains behind. Even the English people who were
considered to be very brave, but the angel of death entangled them and killing them made their beautiful
white bodies ugly and hideous. Raja Sahib says when the man gets liberation, he meets the true one

;P?:k.. d/y tbkfJs S'v ;ekfJs ;wfM fjdkfJs nkeb GkJh.

dkyb phu iwkfJs nkoc j' eo nk;e b? o[;BkJh.
j'fJ ;o{o io{o ;jh ip B{o rc{o ;/ j's phBkJh.
dk; GrtkB sK u;w y[b/ eo/ ;kE gBkfj i/ fJj[ n;BkJh.. 73..
Swaiyya Dekh valaait chhoÎ sakaait samjh hadaait aakal bhaaee.
Daakhal beech jamaait aaraf ho kar aasak lai rusnaaee.
Hoe saroor jaroor sahee jab noor gaphoor se hot beenaaee.
Daas Bhagwaan taaÆ chasam khule kare saath panaahe je ih asnaaee.73.
Word Meaning:- Valaait – foreign country. Hidaait – instructions. Aakal – o wise man. Jamaait – troupe. Aaraf – people of
God. Aasak – lover. Rusnaaee – eyesight. Saroor – intoxication. Gaphoor – God. Beenaaee – eye sight.
Chasam – eye.
Meaning:- O wise man! Leaving all types of grievances, search the Divine Word in your body. Joining the society of
holy persons and saints mould yourself as true worshipper of God. When you will become true lover of
God, then you will get inner enlightenment from the light of God. Then you will feel the intoxication of the
existence of God. Raja Sahib says that by joining the company of holy saints or taking the shelter of their
feet, your eyes will open and you will enjoy the eternal bliss of the holy light.73.

;P?:k.. J/ fdbdko ;[D' r[csko dksko ;sko e' Bkfj G[bkt'.

;po'i go;s; eos oj' BIjh phu ;?skB eh rod; nkt'.
j'ts iks r[i;s i' tes BK d;s w/I nkts j;s mokt'.

dk; GrtKB o/ j'; e/ r'; ;/ ;[yB ;[D' g; g/; r[tkt'.. 74..

Swaiyya Ea dildaar suÄo guftaar daataar sataar ko naahe bhulaavo.
Sabroj parastas karat roho nahee beech saitaan kee gardas aavo.
Hovat jaat gujsat jo vakat na dast men aavat hasat ¢haraavo.
Daas Bhagwaan re hos ke gos se sukhan suÄo pas pes gavaavo.74.
Word Meaning:- Dildaar – beloved. Guftaar – saying. Daataar Sataar – donor and brave. Sabroj – daily. Gujast – passing.
Gardas – revolution, change of fortune. Dast – in hand. Hast – hand. Tharaavo – stop. Hos ke gos –
attentively. Sukhan – talk. Pas-pes – worthless thinking.
Meaning:- O my dear! Hear me, never forget the God, who blessed us with his donations. Recite the Name of God
day and night. Never come in the trap of mammon and Kaljug. The time which is passing away, will not
return back. So consider the situation and meditate on the Name of God. Raja Sahib says, “Hear me
attentively always consider the pros and cons of the situation before moving further”.74.

;P?:k.. ;pd ;o's eo' fB; pk;o ;pd ;wKB Bk j'o nukok.
e/se Gky eo' T[gwK r[D ;es j?I ;pd e/ ngo ngkok.
sw;hb ej{z e[M[ ;wMB ekoB ehN B/ fGzqr ek ;pd phukok.
dk; GrtKB fGzqr GfJnk ;[D ;pd j? iht ;/ pqjw pzrkok.. 75..
Swaiyya Sabad sarot karo nis baasar sabad samaan na hor achaara.
Ketak bhaakh karo upma guÄ sakat hain sabad ke apar apaara.
tamseel kahooÆ kujh samajhan kaaran kee¢ ne bhring ka sabad beechaara.
Daas Bhagwaan bhring bhaiaa suÄ sabad hai jeev se braham bangaara.75.

Word Meaning:- Sarot – hear. Sabad – Divine Word. Nis baasar – day and night. Achaara – good conduct. Sakat – power.
Apar apaara – limitless. Tamseel – example. Kee¢ – small insect. Bhring – waspcomb (Ghareen). Jeev
se braham – from animate to God. Bangaara – thumping voice.

Meaning:- Hear the Divine Word of the God day and night there is nothing equal to this celestial bliss. The praise of
Divine Word is limitless, how can we describe it as it can not be narrated. It is incommunicable
inexpressible and ineffable. It is beyond words. When a small worm heard the voice of Ghareen (an
insect that builds for itself house of clay along with wall surface) then the worm adopted the form of
Ghareen. Raja Sahib says with a thumping voice that due to hearing of the Divine Sound the animate
who was just bibe, a small worm, became the God himself.75.

;P?:k.. rohp e' rho prho eo' no gzuB wko e/ fXnkB Xo'.
fsqgNh wZX ikfJ fBtk; eo' sjK Bho g:{y e' gKB eo'.
rj[ fJ;fEs G/d pfj ;s jo' sp? G? ;z;kfo n;kB so'.
dk; GrtKB nokw eo' ;jh ;Ks fJeKs BdKB Bo'.. 76..
Swaiyya Gareeb ko geer bageer karo ar panchan maar ke dhiaan dharo.
Tripa¢ee madh jaae nivaas karo tahaaÆ neer payookh ko paan karo.
Gauh isthit bhed baih sat haro tabai bhai sansaar asaan taro.
Daas Bhagwaan araam karo sahee saant ikaant nadaan naro.76.
Word Meaning:- Gareeb ko geer – help of poor. Panchan – the five demons. Tripa¢ee – three things. Giaata – who knows.
Dhiaata – one who absorbs himself. Drishta – glimpse. Niwaas – residence. Payookh – nectar.
Nadaan – foolish.

Meaning:- Help the poor and controlling the five demons i.e. lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego,
concentrate your mind on the Name of God and absorb yourself in mental consideration. Abandaning all
types of confusions, perplexities and misapprehension, contemplate on your inner self and drink the
nectar of Divine Word. When we concentrate our mind on the true name of God, then all our fears vanish
and easily we cross the worldly ocean. Raja Sahib says that occupying true blissful place we get
everlasting peace.76.

;P?:k.. wkb ek wow wb{w eo' fej ekoB XkoB eoBh pDh.
fe; fpX ej Yzr wDe/ ej/ sj ej gqeko j? v'o GDh.
gq/w eh sko fsnkr eo' c[B ;kXB uko gq'fJ wDh.
;ji n" ;[zB e/ xkN w/ ik eo dk; GrtKB puko xDh.. 77..
Swaiyya Maal ka maram maloom karo kih kaaran dhaaran karnee baÄee.
Kis bidh kah Îhang maÄke kahe tah kah parkaar hai Îor bhaÄee.
Prem kee taar tiaag karo phun saadhan chaar proe maÄee.
Sehaj au sunn ke ghaa¢ me jakar Daas Bhagwaan bachaar ghaÄee.77.
Word Meaning:- Maram – secret. Dhaaran – to adopt. Saadhan chaar – four ways. Sehaj – knowledge. Sunn – zero.
Ghaa¢ – place of residence. Bachaar – to think.
Meaning:- Know the secret of the rosary, for what purpose you have weared it on your hand what is the type of the
beads and of what type is the thread inside it. Prepare the thread of love and then needle it by four ways
and means. These four ways are called; ‘Good sense’, ‘Renunciation’, ‘Wealth’ and Salvation. Raja
Sahib says that lodging at tenth door and with perfect mental tranquility, rest there, which place is
achieved by rational thinking.77.

;P?:k.. frnkB nfrnkB eh y/b by' fJj ukbk nikfJp pks fBokbh.
BKw fi;/ ;sozi ej/I J/j j? ;u ozr iEkoE ukbh.
rkcb j' BIjh y/b eo' J/j w[;eb pks Bk ikD ;[ykbh.
dk; GrtkB i/ j?I xo ukjs s" e[M ukjhJ/ j? wri Gh nkbh.. 78..
Swaiyya Giaan agiaan kee khel lakho ih chaala ajaaib baat niraalee.
Naam jise satranj kahen eh hai sach rang jathaarath chaalee.
Gaafal ho nahee khel karo eh muskal baat na jaaÄ sukhaalee.
Daas Bhagwaan je hain ghar chaahat tau kujh chaahee-e hai magaj bhee aalee.78.
Word Meaning:- Chaala – stratagem. Satranj – game of chess.
Meaning:- To analyse the falsehood and to adopt truth and to abandon falsehood is a very peculiar stratagem. It is
conduct of true love, which is called the game of chess. Never become negligent in the game of true
love. It is a very difficult task, don’t take it easy. If you yearn to play the game of love, step on to my path,
with head placed on the palm of your hand. And once you set your feet on this path then lay down your
head and do not care about the opinion of the public. Raja Sahib says that if you want to play the game
of true love, then for this purpose you must possess sensibleness of highest quality.78.

;P?:k.. j'fJ ojh ybko j? n?B ngko J/j n;b puko j? ;ko byk:'.
jo d' soc ;/ w[jo/ br/ c[B w[jo/ w[ekpb w[jo/ brk:'.
nKy eh skV ;/ skV eo' jfo Uo ;/ Uo dbhb b? nk:'.
pks pohe pykB BdKB sj dk; GrtKB jehes gk:'.. 79..

Swaiyya Hoe rahee khalaar hai ain apaar eh asal bachaar hai saar lakhaayo.
Har do taraf se muhre lage phun muhre mukaabal muhre lagaayo.
Aankh kee taa¾ se ta¾ karo Har or se or daleel lai aayo.
Baat breek bakhaan nadaan tah Daas Bhagwaan hakeekat paayo.79.
Word Meaning:- Khalaar – expansion. Apaar – limitless. Saar – gist. Lakhaayo – have shown. Muhre – before. Phun –
again. Or – in the direction. Breek – difficult.
Meaning:- Apprehend about the expansion of the world, and perceiving about its truth and actuality, analyse its
essence. According to the game of chess, both sides try to go ahead of each other. Seeing on all sides
carefully dice goes forward. As the dice moves, in the similar way becoming very careful assuming the
true love, march forward. Raja Sahib says, “I am telling you very imperceptible and delicate thing that
you can understand the ultimate reality through discussion and complete idealism”.79.
Explanation:- Satt te asatt da nirÄa karde hoe auguÄaaÆ naal satt te aasrit ho ke ghol karke, Rabbee guÄaaÆ dee fauj
duaara ih baajee jitt ke aapÄe asle te apa¾na hai.

;P?:k.. ;Bw[y wkE i[o/ ip j?I sp boik Bk ykthJ/ Eh eo rkih.

xpokU BIjh oy ;"e ;Bkys s[jck j? nkoc Bio dokih.
iok ukb e[ukb ;zGkb ub' c/o s/o/ fJj nkr/ j? eh ej[ gkih.
p/yNe j' nNZe u[ekJh dJh bJh dk; GrtkB jehes pkih.. 80..
Swaiyya Sanmukh maath jure jab hain tab larja na khaaveeai thee kar gaajee.
Ghabraao nahee rakh sauk snakhat tuhfa hai aaraf najar daraajee.
Jara chaal kuchaal sanbhaal chalo pher tere ih aage hai kee kauh paajee.
Bekha¢ak ho a¢ak chukaaee daee laee daas Bhagwaan hakeekat baajee.80.

Word Meaning:- Sanmukh – in front of. Jure – fixed. Larja – shiver. Gaajee – brave. Snakhat – recognition. Tuhfa – gift.
Najar daraajee – broad thinking. Paajee – fool. Bekha¢ak – without worry.
Meaning:- When it happens that you have to face in the front, then don’t worry, be bold to face the situation. Always
make it your hobby to have familiar acquaintance with others. If you have been granted the boon of
mendicancy then exercise anticipation and far sightedness. Abandon the deception and wiliness, adopt
a beautiful stratagem and conduct. Then achievement of your ultimate aim will become very easy, you
will get your ultimate destination. Raja Sahib says who have removed all the obstacles fearlessly, that
man wins battle of his life.80.
Explanation:- Raja Sahib de uparle aashe nooÆ Guru Arjan Dev Ji Raag Basant Hindol wich biaan karde han ki
sansaar ik chaupa¾ dee khed hai. Ih khed jittnee ba¾ee aukhee hai, par je Guru duaara satsangat baÄa
laiee-e taaÆ jindgee de daa pechaan vichon langh ke baajee jitt sakde haan.

Basant Mehla 5. Ghar 2 Hindol

Ek Onkaar Satgur Prasaad.
Hoe ikatar miloh mere bhaaee dubidha door kroh liv laae.
Har Naamai ke hovoh jo¾ee gurmukh baisoh safa vichhaae.1.
In bidh pasa Îhaloh beer.
Gurmukh Naam japoh din raatee ant kaal nah laagai peer.1. Rahaao.
Karam dharm tum chaupa¾ saajoh sat karoh tum saaree.
Kaam karodh lobh moh jeetoh aisee khel har piaaree.2.
U¢h isnaan karoh parbhaate soe Har aaraadhe.
Bikha¾e daao langhaavai mera satgur sukh sehaj setee ghar jaate.3.
Har aape khelai aape dekhai Har aape rachan rachaaiaa.

Jan Nanak gurmukh jo nar khelai so jiÄ baajee ghar aaiaa.4.1.19.

(page 1185)

English Version:- There is but one God. By true Guru’s grace, He is obtained.
Join and meet together, my brothers, dispel duality and imbibe love for your Lord:
O holy men! Associate yourselves with the God’s name and spreading your mat, sit there on. O brothers!
In this way through your dice.
By Guru’s grace, utter the Lord’s Name day and night and at the last moment you will not suffer sorrow.
Let your pious deeds be your dice board and make truth your dice.
Conquer your lust, wrath, avarice and worldly love. Such a game is dear unto God.2.
Rise early in the morning and take your bath.
Before going to bed, too remember your God.
My true Guru shall save you from the critical tricks and you shall reach home with peace and poise.3.
God Himself plays, Himself watches and Himself Lord has created the creation.
O slave Nanak, the man who plays under Guru’s instructions, he returns home winning the game of

;P?:k.. wB piho GfJnk no ek i'T{ yok pokpo eo eos y[tkoh.

nftfdnk ;w{j BIjh db ikfJ rBk e?;/ Gky eo{z fgqfeOs J/j ;koh.
ekw eO'X s/ b'G n" w'fj njz chb/ x'V/ j?I o[y f;edkoh.
bx{ ws J/j e?;/ by'I gqwkoE dk; GrtkB jehes Gkoh.. 81..
Swaiyya Man bazeer bhaiaa ar ka jo-oo khara braabar kar karat khuvaaree.

Avidiaa samooh nahee dal jaae gana kaise bhaakh karoon prikirat eh saaree.
Kaam krodh te lobh au moh ahang pheele gho¾e hai rukh sikdaaree.
Laghoo mat eh kaise lakhon parmaarth daas Bhagwaan hakeekat bhaaree.81.
Word Meaning:- Ar – enemy. Avidiaa – foolishness. Prikirat – worldly. Sikdaaree – government. Laghoo – small. Lakhon –
Meaning:- My mind who is my minister, but becoming my enemy has been ruining myself standing in front of me.
Foolish large army is countless. How can I describe the function of that foolish government. Lust, wrath,
avarice, worldly attachment and ego, perceive that these are elephants and horses of that army and they
themselves are the commanders. Raja Sahib says that these animates have lost their senses; How
those animated beings having poor intellect can understand the reality of the path of good deeds and
religion and subtle truth. Therefore achievement of Divine Spiritual knowledge and everlasting bliss is
very difficult.81.

;P?:k.. ;kfj frnkB eh ;?B j? ;kps e?;/ pDh d/y' j'fJ nrkoh.
nBGt J/j piho ybk ;[u ;ziw ;kc ;zi'fJ ;tkoh.
;s ;zs'y d' chb pD/ n;P GJ/ p?okr pp/e j?I Gkoh.
;w dw d' o[y gNh gV/ J/j dk; GrtKB jehes ;koh.. 82..
Swaiyya Saah giaan kee sain hai saabat kaise baÄee dekho hoe agaaree.
Anbhav eh bazeer khala such sanjam saaf sanjoe sawaaree.
Sat santokh do feel baÄe asaw bhae bairaag babek hain bhaaree.
Sam dam do rukh pa¢ee pa¾e eh daas Bhagwaan hakeekat saaree.82.
Word Meaning:- Saah – king. Sain – army. Anbhav – perception, experience. Sanjoe – armour. Sat and santokh –

elephants as renunciation and good sense as horses. Sam dam – to control mind and organs.
Meaning:- Army of the Knowledge form king is complete in all respects; see it going forward. The experienced
minister who knows the perception of Divine bliss and function of inner soul, that minister in the form of
wisdom stands there wearing the dress of purity, contentment and cleanniness. Truth and patience is
the army of elephants. Renunciation and good sense is the army of horse riders. They have learnt by
heart the lesson of controlling mind and other organs. In this way Raja Sahib stresses that truth lies

;P?:k.. n;NKr jh i'r e/ fgnkd/ yV/ jE b? goXKB gq/w eNkoh.

bkfJ j;kp eo' n?;h ukb fe ;kj nfrnkB ;j ykJ/ eokoh.
gfjb/ pzB febk ;G BodB ek g; g/; gBkfj eo' ocskoh.
nkg wo/ BIjh wko noh n?;/ dk; GrtKB BdKB ybkoh.. 83..
Swaiyya As¢aang hee jog ke piaade kha¾e hath lai pardhaan prem ka¢aaree.
Laae hasaab karo aisee chaal ki saah agiaan seh khaae karaaree.
Pehle bann kila sabh nardan ka pas pes panaahe karo raftaaree.
Aap mare nahee maar aree aise daas Bhagwaan nadaan khalaaree.83.
Word Meaning:- As¢aang – eight parts of body. Piaade – infantry. Pardhaan – head. Ka¢aaree – sword. Saah agiaan –
foolish king. Karaaree – hard. Nardan – dices. Pas pes – in front and behind. Panaahe – support.
Raftaaree – to go forward. Aree – enemy.
Meaning:- Consider eight parts of yoga as infantry forces and love in the form of President is standing carrying a
sword in his hand. With these means strike the darkness of ignorance with such a force that it may not
get stand. Making the fort of your body strong in all respects and thinking about all the pros and cons of

the matter proceed further. Raja Sahib say who does not know to play this game, he is a fool. he gets
harsh beating.83.

;P?:k.. d' chb/ eh ukb ;[wko eo' r';/ wb nwb j?I wb w[ekJ/.
x'V/ eh fjIws jd ;/ pkjo sh;o/ ik xo j;sh T[vkJ/.
gNh gkXo gkfJ ub/ o[y j? i'T{ Bod fwb/ o[e y/b ygkJ/.
fJT[ db fog e/ jko gVh fiT[I dk; GrtkB jehes gkJ/.. 84..
Swaiyya Do pheele kee chaal sumaar karo gose mal amal hain mal mukaae.
Gho¾e kee himmat had se baahar teesre ja ghar hastee uÎaae.
Pa¢ee paadhar paae chale rukh hai jo-oo narad mile ruk khel khapaae.
Iu dal rip ke haar pa¾ee jion daas Bhagwaan hakeekat paae.84.
Word Meaning:- Do pheele – two elephants lust and wrath. Gose – alone. Mal – wrestler. Amal – which can not be
crushed. Mal mukaae – finished. Gho¾e – horses, avarice, worldly attachment and ego. Teesre – maaiaa
with three tempraments or qualities. These three qualities are optimism, egotism and pessimism. Pa¢ee
paadhar – sword of Divine knowledge. Rip – enemy.
Meaning:- Lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego etc. are very strong elephants and horses. Remaining
non-aligned from the three qualities of maaiaa i.e. optimism, egotism and pessimism, they living in
seclusion save themselves. Kill these all with the grace of contemplation of the Name of God. Raja Sahib
says that carrying the sword of Divine knowledge in your hand, you can kill all these five demons. In this
way you can defeat the army of the enemy.84.

;P?:k.. ;hb eh ;?c piho cVh uko/ soc fdsh n?;h nkD sVh.
wbB piho w[ekfJ xVh ykXh ;kj nfrnkB ;e;s pVh.
geh Bod B;KB g? ikfJ gVh xo u";m w? fcoh s'V nVh.
J/j pks fpfrnKB w/I ikfJ uVh Xik dk; GrtKB nrZw yVh.. 85..
Swaiyya Seel kee saif bajeer fa¾ee chaare taraf ditee aisee aaÄ ta¾ee.
Malan bajeer mukaae gha¾ee khaadhee saah agiaan saksat ba¾ee.
Pakee narad nasaan pai jaae pa¾ee ghar chausa¢h mai phiree to¾ a¾ee.
Eh baat bigiaan men jaae cha¾ee dhaja daas Bhagwaan aggam kha¾ee.85.
Word Meaning:- Seel – peaceful nature. Saif – sword. Ta¾ee – rebuke, intimidation, threatening. Malan – bad nature.
Saksat – defeat. Chausa¢h gha¾ee – day and night. Bigiaan – Divine knowledge. Dhaja – flag. Aggam –
that cannot be removed.
Meaning:- Carrying the sword of sober I admonished such a threatening and intimidation that the king in the form of
filthy insight and ignorancy got himself defeated. At that stage my mind got such a concentration that
now my soul continues to look towards the Almighty day and night. Now why should I cast down my eyes
since I see my beloved in every heart. Now my soul has attained the essence of all powerful God. Raja
Sahib says that when my spiritual knowledge got steadfastness and muturity then a stagnant and
immovable flag was planted.85.
Explanation:- Swaiyye no:77 to 84 tak Raja Sahib Ji ne jo shatranj baajee da biaan karke sansaar dee baazee jittan da
Îhang dasiaa hai. Is aashe nooÆ Kabir Ji ne Bhairo Raag wich is deh nooÆ ik jang ma¾olee pharj karke
daivee athva aasuree gunaaÆ da yudh daske a¢al raaj dee jugtee niroopaÄ keetee hai.

Bhairo Kabir Jeeo.

Kio leejai gaÎh banka bhaaee. Dovar ko¢ ar tevar khaaee.1. Rahaao.
Paanch pachees moh mad matsar aaÎee parbal maaiaa.
Jan gareeb ko jor n pauhchai kaha karo raghraaiaa.1.
Kaam kiwaaree dukh sukh darvaanee paap pun darwaaja.
Krodh pardhaan maha baÎ dundar tah man maavaasee raaja.2.
Swaad snaah ¢op mamta ko kubudh kamaan chaÎhaaee.
Tisna teer rahe gha¢ bheetar io gaÎh leeo na jaaee.3.
Prem paleeta surat hawaaee gola giaan challaaiaa.
Brahm agan sehje parjaalee ekeh cho¢ sijhaaiaa.4.
Sat santokh lai larne laaga tore due darwaaja.
Sadhsangat ar gur kee kirpa te pakrio gaÎh ko raaja.5.
Bhagwat bheer sakat simran kee ka¢ee kaal bhai faasee.
Daas Kabir cha¾io ga¾ oopar raaj leeo abinaasee.6.9.17. (page 1161-62.)

English Version:- How can the beautiful fortress can be conquered. O brother, which has the double the remparts and
triple the moats?1. Pause.
Its means of defence are the five elements with there twenty five catagories, with worldly love pride,
jealousy and the crooked and very powerful mammon.
The strength of the poor man avails not, to take the fortress. What should I do now, O God, the King of
Lust is its shutters, woe and weal its gate keepers and demerits and merits its gates.
The very quarrelsome wrath is its great and renowned General and mind is the rebel king these.2.

The defenders have armour of dainties, helmet of worldly love and bow of evil understanding to aim with.
Covetousness that abides in the mind is the arrows. This wise the fortress has become impregnable.3.
Making Divine love the fuse and meditation the howitzer, I have fired the shell of Divine Knowledge. The
fire of the Lord is lit through poise and with one shot the fortress is captured.4.
Taking with me truth and contentment, I began to fight and battered both its gates. Associating with the
saints and by Guru’s grace I captured the king of fortress.5.
Taking with me the army of God’s warriors and through the power of Lord’s meditation I have snapped
the noose of fear of death.
Kabir, the Lord’s slave has mounted the fortress and obtained an imperishable empire.6.9.17.

;P?:k.. pz;h eKB eh pki ojh fB;pk;o ;' fJ; j' fsB b'fJ ojh.
w'jzB w'fj bJh ;G r[nkoB fJeso fJem? j'fJ ojh.
nBzd wJh o; gkts j? fwb ;z;B e' ;G y'fJ ojh.
dk; GrtkB s{z rkcb rtkoB g?o g;ko feT[ ;'fJ ojh.. 86..
Swaiyya Bansee kaan kee baaj rahee nisbaasar so is ho tin loe rahee.
Mohan moh laee sabh guaaran ikatar ika¢hai hoe rahee.
Anand maee ras paavat hai mil sansan ko sabh khoe rahee.
Daas Bhagwaan toon gaaphal gwaaran pair pasaar kio soe rahee.86.
Word Meaning:- Nisbaasar – day and night. So – sound. Tin loe – in three worlds. Sansan – doubts.
Meaning:- The flute of Krishna has been playing day and night and its sound is heard in three worlds. Krishna has
charmed all the milkmaids. They are all gathering at one place. Abandoning there suspicious and
perplexities, they are enjoying the everlasting bliss. Raja Sahib says, O foolish milkmaid ! You are still

passing your time carefree.86.

;P?:k.. ikr ;skp b? ;ko ;yh j[D e[zi rbh ftu SkfJ oj/.
w'jB w'jB Gkys j?I fpu XoB nek; ;wkfJ oj/.
feT[ eo pks eo{z fJB eh fJj[ o[D M[D ;[os brkfJ oj/.
dk; GrtkB ik d/y bt' j[D gq/w gqhsw bkfJ oj/.. 87..
Swaiyya Jaag sataab lai saar sakhee huÄ kunj galee wich chhaae rahe.
Mohan Mohan bhaakhat hain bich dharn akaas smaae rahe.
Kio kar baat karoon in kee ih ruÄ jhuÄ surat lagaae rahe.
Daas Bhagwaan ja dekh lavo huÄ prem preetam laae rahe.87.
Word Meaning:- Sataab – quickly, rapidly. Kunj galee – street of Brindaban. Bhaakhat hain – say. Dharn akaas – at the
earth and sky. RuÄ-jhuÄ – happiness.
Meaning:- Getting up quickly know where abouts of Sri Krishna, he seems to be pervading in the streets of
Brindaban. Whom we call ‘Mohan’ he has been permeating in the earth and sky. What should I say
about him? He has been uniformly pervading everywhere. In his mind he seems to be very happy. Raja
Sahib says that now my blissful God has been distributing His love in all mankind. Going there you can
see it with your own eyes.87.

;P?:k.. pz;h j? nkD pikJh ip/ sp G[b rJh ;G eko fpjkoh.

wEok n" r'eb w'fj bJh ns/ w'j bJh fpqi eh ;G Bkoh.
jZ; oZ; e/b eo/ ;G j? n?;h bkrs pz;oh nkD fgnkoh.

dk; GrtKB j' rz[w oj/ j[D ;[X n" p[X j? ;G p;koh.. 88..
Swaiyya Bansee hai aaÄ bajaaee jabe tab bhul gaee sabh kaar bihaaree.
Mathura au gokal moh laee ate moh laee brij kee sabh naaree.
Hass rass kel kare sabh hai aisee laagat bansaree aaÄ piaaree.
Daas Bhagwaan ho gumm rahe huÄ sudh au budh hai sabh basaaree.88.
Meaning:- When Sri Krishna came and he played his flute all milkmaids lost their senses and forget their mode of
work. Sri Krishna has charmed the milkmaids of Mathura and Gokal and all the women of Brij he has
allured and enticed. The tune of flute is so charming and fascinating that all women are enjoying it. They
are feeling very happy hearing the sweet voice of the flute. Raja Sahib says that the tune of flute in such
a way charmed the listeners that they even forget their existence.88.

;P?:k.. pz;h eh N/o ;'I N/o j{Jh byh c/o iK c/o j? n?B pukoh.
X[B fXnkB j' fJe rJ/ n?;h nkfJ uVh np gq/w y[wkoh.
Bkfj nkg ojh Bkfj r[nkoB j? Bkfj fpqi ojh Bkfj fW;B w[okoh.
dk; GrtKB eh nky ;e/ j[D j? fudkek; nej nrkoh.. 89..
Swaiyya Bansee kee ¢er soÆ ¢er hooee lakhee pher jaaÆ pher hai ain bachaaree.
Dhun dhiaan ho ik gae aisee aae cha¾ee ab prem khumaaree.
Naahe aap rahee naahe guaaran hai naahe brij rahee naahe Krishan muraaree.
Daas Bhagwaan kee aakh sake huÄ hai chidakaas akah agaaree.89.
Word Meaning:- Ùer – sound. Dhun – tune. Dhiaan – to tune one’s mind. Prem khumaaree – intoxication. Chidakaas –
like sky, the complete Brahm.

Meaning:- When Sri Krishna tuned his flute then in that sound the mind was engrossed in such a way that in the
intoxication of love the sound and mind became one. Neither there is flute nor the milkmaids nor Brij land
and nor Krishna Murari himself. Raja Sahib says that we can describe it as like sky every where there
one God is pervading.89.

;P?:k.. nzs tkje e' jw fW;B ej/I fJj G{b e/ pkjo wkB Bk GkJh.
nzso phu pjko eoh ;G nzso phu j? X/B uokJh.
nzso phu j? pz;h pikts nzso j? ;G ok; oukJh.
dk; GrtKB Bk fsB ;oho ij wEok n" r'eb fpqi Bk ekJh.. 90..
Swaiyya Ant waahak ko ham krishan kahen ih bhool ke baahar maan na bhaaee.
Antar beech bahaar karee sabh antar beech hai dhen charaaee.
Antar beech hai bansee bajaavat antar hai sabh raas rachaaee.
Daas Bhagwaan na tin sareer jah au Gokal Brij na kaaee.90.
Word Meaning:- Waahak – driver. Dhen – cow. Tin sareer – very delicate.
Meaning:- Never presume that God Krishna is outside, the charioteer which drives our body that is God Krishna. In
our body He is enjoying and merry making with the milkmaids and in our body He has been grazing the
cows. He has playing His flute in our body and playing the dance of Raas drama in our body. Raja Sahib
has been describing that stage of human life, when there remains no distinction between three bodies.
Neither there is Mathura, nor Gokal and nor Brij.90.

;P?:k.. nkswk okw e[;fbnk j? fBi ws ;[fwsqk ;[ws e[ws e/eJh.

e[ws em'o eh pks eoh d/y' e?;h e[wkor nkD gJh.

d;oE r[zw iEkoE j?I ip ;hnk j? ;[os pd/; rJh.

nBGt bSwB okw ub/ d/y' dk; GrtkB fJj pks BJh.. 91..
Swaiyya Aatma Raam kusaliaa hai nij mat Sumitra sumat kumat kekaee.
Kumat ka¢hor kee baat karee dekho kaisee kumaarg aaÄ paee.
Dasrath gumm jatharth hain jab seeaa hai surat bades gaee.
Anbhav Lachhman Raam chale dekho daas Bhagwaan ih baat naee.91.
Word Meaning:- Nij mat – own advice. Sumat – good advice. Kumat – bad advice. Kumaarag – bad means. Anbhav –
Divine knowledge.
Meaning:- Ram is the inner soul, Kaushalya has his own advice, Sumitra bears a good wisdom and wicked and
merciless Kakaee adopted a contrary path. The reality vanished as Sita in the form of good sense and
Ram and Lachhman in the form of Divine knowledge were absent. Raja Sahib describes this new and
wonderful idea that without Divine Knowledge and good sense a man becomes a beast and cruel.91.
Explanation:- Raamaaian dee is vaarta nooÆ Raja Sahib ne antar aatme gha¢a ke dasiaa hai ki Kakaee ne khotee mat
kaaran Ram Chander nooÆ banwaas davaaiaa, Sita ate Lachhman bhee naal hee gae. Dasrath unhaaÆ
de viyog wich praan tiaag giaa.

;P?:k.. wB ;wkB B j'o e' oktD j?I d; fJzdO/ ij ;h; pDkJ/.

fJ; ekoB dj;o Bkw ejkts dj fd; uzub fus ubkJ/.
fsB j;sh e/ j?I rV e'N ehJ/ sj Bkw[ w[ekw j? bze oykJ/.
uko/ soc nfrnkB ;[w[dO j? ij dk; GrtKB J/j oki ewkJ/.. 92..

Swaiyya Man smaan na hor ko RaavaÄ hain das indre jah sees baÄaae.
Is kaarn dehsar naam kahaavat dah dis chanchal chit chalaae.
Tin hastee ke hain ga¾ kot kee-e tah naam mukaam hai lank rakhaae.
Chaare taraf agiaan sumundar hai jah daas Bhagwaan eh raaj kamaae.92.
Word Meaning:- Das indre – ten organs, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, guda, sexual organ and palate. Dah-dis – in ten
directions. Tin hastee – our body having three characteristics; unsolid, delicate and purposeful.
Meaning:- In the body there is no other Ravan than the ‘Mind’ and ten organs are heads of this Ravan. That is why
he is called Dehsar (having ten heads). Our clever mind roams in ten directions. Our body having three
characteristics of vastness, delicacy and purposeful, is just like a fort. In which our mind in form of Ravan
stays. Our body can be called as Lanka. Raja Sahib says that all around of Lanka there is ocean of
ignorance, where there our mind in the form of Ravan reigns.92.
Explanation:- Raavan dee Lanka da parkarn lai ke Raja Sahib ne man nooÆ RaavaÄ jaaÄke deh roop lokaan da Raja
dasiaa hai.

;P?:k.. eh eos{s eoh np oktD nzr pG{s n;ko wbh.

nftfdnk ntoB j? G/; ehU e?;h e[Nb e[ws eh ws jbh.
nkg B{ nkg ejkts eh ip Xko bJh eo ukj prbh.
dk; GrtKB nBkE e/ BkE eh oktD j? np ;hnk Sbh.. 93..
Swaiyya Kee kartoot karee ab RaavaÄ ang babhoot asaar malee.
Avidiaa avarn hai bhes keeo kaisee ku¢al kumat kee mat halee.
Aap noo aap kahaavat kee jab dhaar laee kar chaah baglee.
Daas Bhagwaan anaath ke naath kee RaavaÄ hai ab seeaa chhalee.93.

Word Meaning:- Asaar – uniformity. Avarn – curtain. Ku¢al – deceit. Kumat – bad advice. Baglee – bag. Anaath ke
Naath – Sri Ram Ji.
Meaning:- See what a misdeed Ravan had committed. He rubbed ashes to all parts of his body. Ravan, who was
doer of wrong things thought a very wicked plan. He lost the balance of his mind and his intellect was
covered by the curtain of foolishness and delusion. He, who was considering himself Ravan as King of
three worlds; garbed himself as a poor beggar and worn begging bag on one side. Raja Sahib says in
this way deceiving Ram Chander’s Sita, he took her away.93.

;P?:k.. ;hnk rJh ;G ;[y rJ/ fJs/ d[y GJ/ frD/ ikts BKjh.
;hnk ;o{g fwb/ ep j? n?;/ o'ts okw fco/ pD wKjh.
eGh p{Ms j? M[zv soto e' eGh Y{YD e' fro ezdo iKjh.
dk; GrtKB fp:'r eo/ BIjh ikB eh ikB j? wkos nKjh.. 94..
Swaiyya Seeaa gaee sabh sukh gae ite dukh bhae giÄe jaavat naahee.
Seeaa saroop mile kab hai aise rovat Ram phire baÄ maahee.
Kabhee boojhat hai jhunÎ tarvar ko kabhee dhodhaÄ ko gir kandar jaahee.
Daas Bhagwaan biyog kare nahee jaan kee jaan hai maarat aahee.94.
Word Meaning:- JhunÎ tarvar – cluster of trees. Gir kandar – in the caves of mountains. Biyog – separation.
Meaning:- On the separation of Sita all the comforts and contentments vanished. Ram Ji was so grieved that his
troubles could not be counted. Ram Chander was wandering in the jungle weepingly. He was longing to
have a glimpse of Sita. Sometimes he was asking from the cluster of trees and sometimes he was
searching her in the caves of mountains. Sita was his life. They had never been separated from each
other. That is why Ram was wandering hither and thither weepingly.94.

;P?:k.. X[zB X[zB wkE ej/ oxBkE j/ bSwB Gqkfs fJj pks eh j'Jh.
bkfJ fXnkfB eo' np frnkB j? iKBeh ikB fe ihts w'Jh.
frnks Bk rks Bk e[M ;[jks j? B?B u[ukfs Go/ ib d'Jh.
fsqb'eh e/ BkE eh J/j d;k ip dk; GrtKB eh j'o j? e'Jh.. 95..
Swaiyya Dhunn dhunn maath kahe raghnaath he Lachhman bhraat ih baat kee hoee.
Laae dhiaan karo ab giaan hai jaankee jaan ki jeewat moee.
Giaat na gaat na kujh suhaat hai nain chuchaat bhare jal doee.
Tirlokee ke naath kee eh dasa jab daas Bhagwaan kee hor hai koee.95.
Word Meaning:- Dhunn dhunn maath – clapping on the head. Giaat – known. Gaat – body. Nain chuchaat – flowing tears.
Meaning:- Ram, clapping his head with his hand said to Lachhman, “O brother! What has happened. Concentrating
your mind see whether Sita is dead or alive. Ram Chander is neither aware of his body nor anything
around seems good. His both eyes are scattering tears on the ground. Raja Sahib says that if such is the
condition of the Lord of three worlds then what to talk of an ordinary man? 95.

;P?:k.. fpnke[b j' pB Y{zv oj/ pBpk;B w/I pBpk; fpuko/.

fJs s/ T[s Uo e' v'b oj/ BIjh ;{Ms j? e[M okw fgnko/.
vkY e' wko g[eko eo/ n?;/ pkj g;ko g;ko g[eko/.
ikBeh ikB j? ikB ejK d/y' dk; GrtKB fJj jkb jwko/.. 96..
Swaiyya Biaakul ho ban ÎhoonÎ rahe banbaasan men banbaas bichaare.
It te ut or ko Îol rahe nahee soojhat hai kujh Raam piaare.

DaaÎh ko maar pukaar kare aise baah pasaar pasaar pukaare.

Jaankee jaan hai jaan kahaaÆ dekho daas Bhagwaan ih haal hamaare.96.
Word Meaning:- Biaakul – grieved, afflicted, in pain. ÏaaÎh – wailing, crying, lamenting.
Meaning:- Exiled Ram dwelling in forest was searching Sita impatiently in the forest. He was roaming hither and
thither. But he was so much grieved and perplexed that he could not understand any thing. Swaying and
leaning his arms to an fro he was weeping loudly. Raja Sahib describes that Ram is saying, “Where is life
of my life my dear Janki whose separation has made me extremely perplexed.96.

;P?:k.. phu pokr Bk bki ojh ikJ/ e/b/ gj edbh ;h izx oo/.
fwqr'I eh vko fwb/ pB w/ sj Bkw ;hnk fwqr B?Bh Xo/.
g[;g'I eh gzes d/y bt/ sj e'wb pdBh ek nzr Go/.
uzd w[yh uzd[ d/y ej/ n?;/ dk; GrtKB feT[I d{y io/.. 97..
Swaiyya Beech braag na laaj rahee jaae kele pah kadlee see jangh rare.
Mirgon kee Îaar mile ban me tah naam Seeaa mrig nainee dhare.
PuspoÆ kee pankat dekh lave tah komal badnee ka ang bhare.
Chand mukhee chand dekh kahe aise daas Bhagwaan kion dookh jare.97.
Word Meaning:- Braag – sad. Jangh – legs. Mirg nainee – having eyes like deer. Chand mukhee – having face like moon.
Meaning:- In such a grieved and perplexed condition, Ram does not care about his modesty and honour, when he
goes near the tree of banana then he compares banana tree with the legs of Sita. In this way he
appreciates the beauty of Sita’s legs. When he sees a herd of deer then he renames Sita as ‘Mirg
nainee’ (having eyes like deer). In this way he praises the beauty of Sita’s eyes. When he sees a petal of
flower then he compares that flower with delicate limbs of Sita. Seeing the moon, he renames Sita as

‘Chandermukhi’ (having face like moon). In this way he appreciates the beauty of Sita’s face. Raja Sahib
says that Ram can not bear the separation of Sita.97.

;P?:k.. y'is y'is y'i bfjU j[D iKBeh b? frnk bze gsh.
okw B/ i[X ;wkB ehnk n?;/ i'; j{nk j[D nkfJ nsh.
;hb ;[rqht j? ;kE bhU njz wko dhU pkbh wbB wsh.
dk; GrtKB p?okr jBtzsso shpo j? np ikfj rsh.. 98..
Swaiyya Khojat khojat khoj leho huÄ Jaankee lai giaa lankpatee.
Raam ne judh smaan keeaa aise jos hooaa huÄ aae atee.
Seel Sugreev hai saath leeo ahang maar deeo Baalee malan matee.
Daas Bhagwaan bairaag hanvantatar teebar hai ab jaahe gatee.98.
Word Meaning:- Lankpatee – Ravan. Seel – good nature. Sugreev – Ramchander Ji killing Bali made him the king. He
helped Ram Chander in capturing Lanka.
Meaning:- When Ram Chander was searching Sita in the forest, he heard from a reliable source that Ravan, the
king of Lanka had taken away Sita. Then Ram Chander with great zeal and emotion fought a battle with
Ravan. He killed the filthy minded, haughty and conceited Bali and gave his kingdom to his younger
brother Surgeev, who was a man of very good nature. Then he marched his army towards Lanka. Raja
Sahib says that Hanuman was also very anxious to go to Lanka. Therefore Ram Chander took Hanuman
also with him.98.

;P?:k.. nzrd nzr pp/e bhU ehBh okw B/ bze g? nkD uVkJh.
;w dw j? Bb Bhb d'T{ g[b[ frnkB ow/;o j? fdqVkJh.

;ziw eh ;G ;?B eoh fiB oktD eh oiXkBh o[VkJh.

oktD p[X wd'do pois dk; GrtkB j? oko oukJh.. 99..
Swaiyya Angad ang babek leeo keenee Ram ne lank pai cha¾aaee.
Sam dam hai Nal Neel do-oo pul giaan ramesar hai dri¾aaee.
Sanjam kee sabh sain karee jin Ravan kee rajdhaanee ru¾aaee.
Ravan budh madodar barjat daas Bhagwaan hai rar rachaaee.99.
Word Meaning:- Angad – son of Bali, who met Ravan as massenger of Ram. Nal Neel – two monkeys of Ram Chander’s
army who helped Ram Chander in constructing a bridge over the sea. Ramesar – Ram. Madodar –
queen of Ravan, who persuaded Ravan to not fight with Ram Chander.
Meaning:- Taking rationale Angad with him, Ram Chander attacked Lanka. In the form of control of mind and
control of organs, he took Nal-Neel two commander in chiefs with him, who constructed the bridge over
the sea in the form of Divine Knowledge. Taking the army of self control, purity and neatness he crushed
the Ravan’s capital of Lanka. Raja Sahib says that queen of Ravan Damodari was a very wise women
she persuaded Ravan to not fight against Ram Chander.99.

;P?:k.. ekwkd e[Nzp j? ;kE bhnk nkJ/ djf;o b? db i[X wMkoh.

d'B' soc ;/ nk ;zrqKw brk n?;h nkD wuh j[D rod r[pkoh.
fsq;Bk poSh brh nkfJ n?;h gJh bSwD w{oSk nkD eokoh.
dk; GrtKB nk n?;h GJh gJh okw e' nk j[D ;'u j? Gkoh.. 100..
Swaiyya Kaamaad ku¢amb hai saath leaa aae dehsar lai dal judh majhaaree.
Dono taraf se aa sangraam laga aisee aaÄ machee huÄ gard gubaaree.

Trisna barchhee lagee aae aisee paee Lachhman moorchha aaÄ karaaree.
Daas Bhagwaan aa aisee bhaee paee Ram ko aa huÄ soch hai bhaaree.100.
Word Meaning:- Kaamaad – lust, avarice, worldly attachment, wrath and ego, the five devils. Dehsar – Ravan.
Sangraam – battle. Moorchha karaaree – deep unconsciousness, coma.
Meaning:- Taking the army of lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego Ravan jumped into the battle. Both
sides fought a well pitched battle, due to which dust and dirt raising in the sky created a great fuss. When
spear in the form of desire struck Lachhman, he became unconscious. Raja Sahib says that at that
occasion Ram Chander was engrossed in deep deliberation.100.

;P?:k.. p?m pukfo j? okw ehU Jhjk p?d ;[ikB e' Gkb ihnk.
;[y u?B ssZr w[jkswK j? p{Nh d/ pqjw tke ;[oihs ehnk.
bSwB fiT[I ek j' fsT[I frnk ts nkgDk nkg ;zGkb bhnk.
dk; GrtkB nk i'o ehnk j[D oktD d[;N e' wko dhnk.. 101..
Swaiyya Bai¢h bachaar hai Raam keeo eeha baid sujaan ko bhaal jeeaa.
Sukh chain tatagg muhaatmaaÆ hai bootee de brahm vaak surjeet keeaa.
Lachhman jion ka ho tion giaa vat aapÄa aap sambhaal leeaa.
Daas Bhagwaan aa jor keeaa huÄ Ravan dusa¢ ko maar deeaa.101.
Word Meaning:- Tatagg – One who knows the Divine knowledge. Surjeet keeaa – brought back to consciousness.
Meaning:- Thinking over it deliberately, Ram Chander made up his mind that we should find a wise physician. A
true philosopher who knows the reality and spiritual knowledge extracts the true essence. Such holy
men are true physicians. One of such holy man gave the Divine word to Lachhman and revived his

conscious again and Lachhman became hale and healthy as before. Then Ram Chander army fought so
bravely that Ravan was faced to retreat. Raja Sahib says that wicked rascal was killed by Ram.101.

;P?:k.. X{w n" Xkw j{Jh np bze w/ d[oiB okw B/ nkD w[ekJ/.
p'X pGhSB ikD bt' i'Jh ;oB n" uoB j?I okw e/ nkJ/.
j? sj bze ek oki dhU fBfi jkEB ;/ oki fsbe uVkJ/.
dk; GrtkB ;w/s ;hnk j[D bSwD okw e[bkjb gkJ/.. 102..
Swaiyya Dhoom au dhaam hooee ab Lank me durjan Raam ne aaÄ mukaae.
Bodh Bbheechan jaaÄ lavo joee saran au charan hain Raam ke aae.
Hai tah lank ka raaj deeo nij haathan se raaj tilak cha¾aae.
Daas Bhagwaan smet seeaa huÄ LachhmaÄ Raam kulaahal paae.102.
Word Meaning:- Dhoom dhaam – enjoyment. Durjan – wicked people. Bodh – wise man. Bbheechhan – brother of
Ravan. Charan saran – took shelter of Ram.
Meaning:- Ram Chander killed the wicked people and celebrated festivity with great hustle and bustle. Wise and
gentle Bbheeshan took shelter in the feet of Ram. Ram Chander Ji seeing his love and affection offered
him the kingdom of Lanka. He himself applied tilak on his forehead and got him seated on the throne of
his brother Ravan. Raja Sahib says that Ram and Lachhman were very pleased to see Sri Sita and they
enjoyed that occasion with great pump and show.102.

;P?:k.. nwok g[o nki[fXnk nkfJ rJ/ fBi XKw w/ fJ;fEs nk np gkJ/.
fBi wksB j? T[s;kj GfJnk fwb ;yhnB j? ;[G wzrb rkJ/.

pki/ pkis GKsB GKsB e/ X[B ;zy xfVnkb eh j? nXekJ/.

gowkBzd ngq'y go/w GfJnk j[D dk; GrtKB eh nky ;[DkJ/.. 103..
Swaiyya Amra pur aajudhiaa aae gae nij dhaam me isthit aa ab paae.
Nij maatan hai utsaah bhaiaa mil sakheean hai subh mangal gaae.
Baaje baajat bhaantan bhaantan ke dhun sankh gha¾iaal kee hai adhkaae.
Parmaanand aprokh prem bhaiaa huÄ daas Bhagwaan kee aakh sunaae.103.
Word Meaning:- Parmanand – great happiness. Aprokh – manifesting.
Meaning:- Ayudhiaa, which is just like heaven, Sri Ram now came there and settled in his city. The mothers were
over joyed to see their children. All female friends gathered and they sang songs of happiness. Different
types of musical instruments and drums were playing. Counch and bell were resounding at high notes.
Raja Sahib says that love for everlasting bliss and delightful pleasure has been manifested. In other
words they have attained the supreme happiness, which can not be described in words, which is
incommunicable and inexpressible. Now environment of delightful pleasure and great happiness has
been created.103.

;P?:k.. okw e' o{g fBjko fBjko e/ nkg p;ko j' okw rJ/.
GktBk Gkt w/ Gkt j{J/ fJe ;ko fpy/ r[zw rKw rJ/.
ekoB ;{yw E{b ;qho ij nkg BIjh Bkwh BKw rJ/.
dk; GrtkB eh ej/ pyKB ij fXnkB jh gk fp;oKw rJ/.. 104..
Swaiyya Raam ko roop nihaar nihaar ke aap basaar ho Raam gae.
Bhaavna bhaav me bhaav hooe ik saar bikhe gumm gaam gae.

Kaaran sookham thool sreer jah aap nahee namee naam gae.
Daas Bhagwaan kee kahe bakhaan jah dhiaan hee pa bisraam gae.104.
Word Meaning:- Nihaar – seeing. Basaar – forgetting. Sookham thool – three types of bodies. Naamee – having name.
Meaning:- Seeing handsome countenance of Ram again and again, they were forgetting their own self and
becoming Ram themselves. What is imaginative in existence they themselves became that handsome
face. They got themselves absorbed in one Divine knowledge. Becoming higher than the three
tempraments of bodies i.e. optimism, egotism and pessimism, where there is no existence of oneself,
there they mingled and aligned in one Ram and themselves became the face of Ram, where there is
only one God. They engrossed in his reflection. Raja Sahib says that such an environment and situation
is beyond description. It is incommunicable and inexpressible.104.

;P?:k.. GfJnk p'X BIjh np iK iB e' BIjh ;ko j? nksw G{SB eh.
wkB; iBw sj ekj/ bhU BIjh ;[X nBksw d{SB eh.
iVh G{s j{J/ gqgzu fpy/ BIjh bik eS{ dkVh w{SB eh.
dk; GrtkB j' p?b oj/ fJe e;o ojh f;zC g{SB eh.. 105..
Swaiyya Bhaiaa bodh nahee ab jaaÆ jan ko nahee saar hai aatam bhoochhan kee.
Maanas janam tah kaahe leeo nahee sudh anaatam doochhan kee.
Ja¾ee bhoot hooe parpanch bikhe nahee laja kachhoo daa¾ee moochhan kee.
Daas Bhagwaan ho bail rahe ik kasar rahee singh poochhan kee.105.
Word Meaning:- Bodh – knowledge. Saar – state. Aatmak bhooshan – Eternal bliss. Maanas – man. Sudh – knowledge.
Doochhan – defect. Ja¾ee bhoot – stone & devils. Parpanch – the world.

Meaning:- Those man who hav’nt perceived the knowledge of their form and existance and remained quite ignorant
about eternal material. Why they have acquired the human form. Who neither know the faults of
humanity nor have perceived it in their innermost souls. They have lived in this world just like fools and
not have realized shame of the beards and moustaches on their faces. Raja Sahib says that they lived
like animals, only difference was they were without horns and tails.105.
Explanation:- Manmukh dehee toÆ pachhoo pret achet changere.
English Version:- From self willed body, even senseless animals and ghosts are better.
Je bibek budhee toÆ rehat swai-satkaar heen upkaar de tiaageee Kartaar toÆ vemukh lok han, unhaan
dee pashoo sangiaa hai sagoÆ is gurvaak anusaar:–
Pasoo milhe changiaaeeaa kha¾ khaveh anmrit dehe.
Naam vihooÄai aadmee dhrig jeevaÄ karehe.3. (page 489)

English Version:- The beasts have merits, as they eat grass and give milk. Without the Name, man’s life and acts he
performs are accursed.
Bhaav manukhee jeev pashooaan ton bhee maa¾e han. Aise giaan bibek heen manukhaan babat Bhai
Gurdas joe likhde han:–
Pashooaa manukh deh antar antar ihai sabad surat ko bibek abibek hai.
Pashoo hariaao keho suÄio an suÄio karai maanas janam updesh ridai ¢ek hai.
Pashooaa sabad biheen jihba na bol sakai maanas janam bolai bachan anek hai.
Shabad surat suÄ samajh bolai bibekee naatar achet pash pret hoon mai ek hai.200.

;P?:k.. fudkek; gqek; ;o{g;jh tk:{ Bko ib ohX cbko GfJnk.

;Kse oki; skw; i' r[D shB jwk fp;Eko GfJnk.

skes nkg ;[Gkt ;/ nkg jh j? gzi ss p[yko[ GfJnk.

iksh wkdk j' nzeO iks fty/ fJT[ dk; GrtKB neko GfJnk.. 106..
Swaiyya Chidaakaas prakaas saroop sahee vaayoo naar jal reedh phalaar bhaiaa.
Saantak raajas taamas jo guÄ teen hama bisthaar bhaiaa.
Taakat aap subhaav se aap hee hai panj tat bukhaar bhaiaa.
Jaatee maada ho ankar jaat vikhe io daas Bhagwaan akaar bhaiaa.106.
Word Meaning:- Chidaakaas – non-aligned like sky. Brahm – Almighty. Vaayoo – air. Naar – fire. Jal – water. Reedh –
dust. Phalaar – expansion. Saantak, raajas, taamas – world having three qualities. Hama – all. Panj tat –
water, fire, air, earth and sky. Akaar – expansion.
Meaning:- Unsmeared like sky, the creator God expanded the world with creation of air, water, fire and earth. From
three qualities optimism, egotism and pessimism the whole world got its expansion and these
tempraments optimism, egotism and pessimism, have been evolved due to mammon of God. The man
who realises the fourth state, he alone obtains the supreme status. God with his power and nature from
these five elements expanded the mammon. Raja Sahib says that God added living soul into dead earth
and made it alive and rational. In this way God expanded this materialistic world.106.

;P?:k.. nzr w/ nzr T[wzr eoh ip nzr Bk nzr w/ nzr j?I nkJ/.
d/; ekb w/ nkfJ fBtk;[ ehU sj B[es/ jpkp ;/ uko T[mkJ/.
J/e j? firo s/ d{;ok i' fdb sh;ok phu dwKr e/ ikJ/.
u"Ek x/o fbnkts j? fsB e' np dk; GrtKB eh ozr[ fdykJ/.. 107..

Swaiyya Ang me ang umang karee jab ang na ang me ang hain aae.
Des kaal me aae niwaas keeo tah nukate habaab se chaar u¢haae.
Ek hai jigar te doosara jo dil teesra beech damaag ke jaae.
Chautha gher liaavat hai tin ko ab daas Bhagwaan kee rang dikhaae.107.
Word Meaning:- Ang – God. Ang – animate. Des – time. Habaab – bubble.
Meaning:- When God was just a vacuum and it desired to become unlimited from one. When He made his abode
in the mortal body then He created in the form of ideas three bubbles in the body. First is liver, second is
heart and third is mind. Raja Sahib says that by concentrating and connecting the mind with the Divine
Word when man reached the fourth state of blessedness, then he achieved highest bliss of spiritual
enlightenment. That stage can not be described in words.107.

;P?:k.. y'i fynkb b? y{p iwkb j' ykftzd yk; y[dktzd tkbh.
ysok J/ y"c[ y[nkp y[Skwd y' y[dh y[d y[dkfJ fynkbh.
y;bs yKw fyiKfJ rJh GJh w";w w"i pjko fBokbh.
fyodwzd ykfdw nkdw B/ bJh dk; GrtkB j? bis nkbh.. 108..
Swaiyya Khoj khiaal lai khoob jamaal ho khaavind khaas khudaavand waalee.
Khatra e khauf khuaab khushaamad kho khudee khud khudae khiaalee.
Khaslat khaam khijaae gaee bhaee mausam mauj bahaar niraalee.
Khirdmand khaadam aadam ne laee daas Bhagwaan hai lajat aalee.108.
Word Meaning:- Khiaal – idea. Jamaal – glimpse. Khaavind – master. Khatra e khauf – fear. Khuaab – perplexity,
harassment. Khushaamad – false praise. Kho – nature. Khudee – ego. Khaslat – nature. Khaam –

brittle. Khijaaen – autumn. Khirdmand – wise.

Meaning:- Analysing your inner divine soul and after having glimpse of God, become yourself God. Becoming a
man of God abandon fear, false praise and egotism. Your wavering nature is just like the season of
autumn. When you will make yourself firm and stagnant then you will enjoy the beauty of the season of
spring. Raja Sahib says that wise men serving the public get the highest stage of spiritual

;P?:k.. nkg jh nkg j? nkg jh nkg fJj[ nkg jh nkg j? nkg tbh.
nkg jh nkg j? nkfg fpnkge nkg jh nkg nbkfj nbh.
nkg jh nkfg j? gko ngko fJj nkg jh nkg nSb Sbh.
nkg jh nkg gSkD e/ nkg e' dk; GrtkB j? w"i Gbh.. 109..
Swaiyya Aap hee aap hai aap hee aap ih aap hee aap hai aap walee.
Aap hee aap hai aap biaapak aap hee aap alaahe alee.
Aap hee aap hai paar apaar ih aap hee aap achhal chhalee.
Aap hee aap pachhaaÄ ke aap ko daas Bhagwaan hai mauj bhalee.109.
Meaning:- By mind, speech and words man is himself a prophet. He himself is manifesting every where and he
himself is the highest God. He himself is other side and himself is limitless. He himself is deceitless and
himself is deceiving all. Raja Sahib says that when you recognise and identify yourself than you get
everlasting enjoyment.109.

;P?:k.. nko: Bkw ;q/;N eow ek pke ntKso p/d pykB/.

wbB eow ek BKw nBko: j? Bkfj gKpo p/d e/ puB e' wkB/.

;s ;zs'y dfJnk Xow b? fod Bkw n" dkB fJ;BkB g? nkB/.

fJsnkde eow j?I nko: e/ fJT[I dk; GrtkB e' fpobk jh ikB/.. 110..
Swaiyya Aarya naam sres¢ karm ka baak avaantar bed bakhaane.
Malan karm ka naam anaarya hai naahe paanbar bed ke bachan ko maane.
Sat santokh daiaa dharm lai rid naam au daan isnaan pai aane.
Itaadak karm hain aarya ke ion daas Bhagwaan ko birla hee jaane.110.
Word Meaning:- Avaantar – inner. Paanbar – mean.
Meaning:- It has been written in Vedas that Aarya word is used for excellent. Anaarya word is used for a man who
does evil deeds. But wicked people do not agree with these words. If a man adopts truth, contentment
etc. in his mind and recites the divine name of God, takes a bath early in the morning and gives charity
to the poor then he performs the duty of a Aarya. Raja Sahib says that very few people recognise this
true fact.110.

;P?:k.. p/d po[X eo/ fptjko i' ;' wjK w{oy wzd wsh.
wbB njko ij wbB fpjko j? eos e[eow Bk ;ze osh.
:koh n" u'oh co/p n" i[bw po'X pdh fBj ;ze nsh.
fJj ;G eow nBko: e/ j[D dk; GrtkB puko psh.. 111..
Swaiyya Bed brudh kare biwhaar jo so mahaaÆ moorkh mand matee.
Malan ahaar jah malan bihaar hai karat kukarm na sank ratee.
Yaaree au choree freb au julam brodh badee nih sank atee.
Ih sabh karm anaarya ke huÄ daas Bhagwaan bachaar batee.111.

Word Meaning:- Brudh – against. Malan – to eat poison. Batee – talk.

Meaning:- Who acts against the teachings of Vedas is a fool and a man of wicked nature. He does bad deeds
openly. He takes filthy meals and does dishonesty in his dealings. He does not mind about burglary
pilferage and clandestine. All these acts are of anaaryas. Raja Sahib says, “you should analyse this fact

;P?:k.. cb?;hNo gkoNh j? feT[I nko: pks ej' e[M w' ;wMkJh.
fjz;k sih BIjh j[Zis e' gV Jhoyk pkd ;/ j? nXekJh.
GZS nGZS ej[ e?;/ pD/ ip Bkw jI&&h nko: noE ;ckJh.
dk; GrtkB j? ;kc nBko: eow ;q/;N Bk o[ubkJh.. 112..
Swaiyya Phalaisee¢ar partee hai kion aarya baat kaho kujh moh samjhaaee.
Hinsa tajee nahee hujaat ko pa¾ eerkha baad se hai adhkaaee.
Bhachh abhachh kauh kaise baÄe jab naam hee aarya arth safaaee.
Daas Bhagwaan hai saaf anaarya karm sresa¢ na ruchlaaee.112.
Word Meaning:- Phalaisee¢ar – meat eater. Hinsa – cruelty. Adhkaaee – excess, abundance. Bhachh – eatable.
Abhachh – uneatable. Sresa¢ karm – good deeds. Ruch – interest.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that convince me about this fact that how a meat eater can be called a ‘Aareeaa’. He
has not abandoned wrangle, disputation and cruelty, but has aggravated it further. The word Aarya
means cleanliness, then why is he eating the uneatable. O my brother ! He is Anaarya who has not
shown his inclination towards good deeds.112.

;P?:k.. phu ;wki e/ dkyb o'tD e"D p;/;sk d;hJ/ GkJh.

n;b n;{b ;/ w{b e' jK;b phu otki Bk X;hJ/ ikJh.
fpqXh Xow eh i/ BKfj j'fJ ;e/ feT[ jKBh w/ dhihJ/ wdd nkJh.
dk; GrtkB nBko: e' si nko: e' BIjh j;hJ/ okJh.. 113..
Swaiyya Beech samaaj ke daakhal rovaÄ kauÄ basesta dasee-e bhaaee.
Asal asool se mool ko haasal beech rawaaj na dhasee-e jaaee.
Bridhee dharm kee je naahe hoe sake kio haanee me deejee-e madad aaee.
Daas Bhagwaan anaarya ko taj aarya ko nahee hasee-e raaee.113.
Word Meaning:- Samaaj – society, community. Basesta – qualities. Birdhee dharm – abundance of dharm. Haanee – to
break, to destroy.
Meaning:- What is importance of interfering or meddling in the religion of others. Abandoning the basic rules and
adopting new customs we do not achieve anything. If you can not reform your religion then you should
not try to harm your religion. Leaving the bad man, you should not laugh at that man who has been doing
good work. Raja Sahib says that abandoning Anaarya don’t make a fool of Aarya.
Explanation:- Bhagat Kabir Ji uppar likhe Raja sahib de aashe nooÆ aapÄee baaÄee andar biaan karde han ki aise
lokaaÆ toÆ parhe hee rehÄa changa hai jo bhagtee bhaav toÆ sakhÄe han. Aap taaÆ kaaÄ naal bhare
han, par horna nooÆ vekh ke haasee karde han.

Gauree Chetee Kabir Ji.

Har jas sunhe na Har gun gaaveh. Baatan hee asmaan giraaveh.1.
Aise logan sio kiaa kaheeai.

Jo Prabh kee-e bhagat te baahaj tin te sada draane raheeai.1. Rahaao.

Aap na deh churoo bhar paanee. Teh nindeh jih Ganga aanee.2.
Bai¢hat u¢hat ku¢alata chaaleh. Aap gae auran hoo ghaaleh.3.
ChhaaÎ kucharcha aan na jaaneh. Brahma hoo ko keho na maaneh.4.
Aap gae Auran hoo khaveh. Aag lagaae mandar mandar meh soveh.5.
Avran hasat aap hahe kaane. Tin kau dekh Kabir lajaane.6.1. (page 332.)

English Version:- They who neither hear God’s praises nor sing God’s excellences, but knock down the sky with their
What should we say to such people? They whom the Lord has excluded from His devotional service, you
should always be afraid of them. Pause.
They himself can not give even a handful of water, but slander him who brought down the Ganga.2.
Sitting and standing crooked are their ways. They themselves are ruined and they ruin others.3.
Save evil talk, they know nothing else. They not even obey Brahmas bidding.4.
They themselves are gone amiss and they mislead others.
Setting their mansion on fire, they sleep there in.5.
They laugh at others though they themselves are one eyed. On beholding them Kabir is

;P?:k.. wk; njko BjhI doeko Bk ;[G nuko fJj j? nBkukoh.

iVh G{s nftfdnk w/ j'fJ oj/ g; Bk d[ows dbhb p;koh.
y[d g;zd j' nzX oj/ BIjh nko: ws eh pks pukoh.
dk; GrtKB j? ;kc nBko: M{m Bk ikD fJj rb jwkoh.. 114..

Swaiyya Maas ahaar naheeÆ darkaar na subh achaar ih hai anaachaaree.

Ja¾ee bhoot avidiaa me hoe rahe pas na durmat daleel basaaree.
Khud pasand ho andh rahe nahee aarya mat kee baat bachaaree.
Daas Bhagwaan hai saaf anaarya jhooth na jaaÄ ih gal hamaaree.114.
Word Meaning:- Maas ahaar – meat eating. Darkaar – it should be done. Subh achaar – good deed. Anaachaaree – bad
deed. Ja¾ee bhoot – ghost. Avidiaa – illiteracy. Pas – animals. Durmat daleel – wicked advice.
Meaning:- You should not consume meat. It is not a good act. It is a vey immoral and wicked deed. Due to illusion
and misconception they have become stones. Due to illeteracy they have not thought the pros and cons
of the use of meat.
They have not deliberated over this issue seriously and due to ego and self praise they have become
blind. They consider themselves as great and others but small. They who are evil in thought word and
deed, I have seen them going to hell.
Raja Sahib says don’t consider our advice false, such people are Anaaryas.114.

;P?:k.. p?ihN/o:B gkoNh j? e[M mhe fJj[ ikD sjehe sohe ;ckJh.
jkb e' gkfJ ewkb fynkb ;/ B/e nwkb eo' s[w GkJh.
j'fJ w[ykbc Bkfj ub' yb' wkor Xow e/ T{go nkJh.
pks puko fpjko ;jh j[D dk; GrtKB ej/ ;wMkJh.. 115..
Swaiyya Baijeeterian partee hai kujh ¢heek ih jaaÄ tehkeek tareek safaaee.
Haal ko paae kamaal khiaal se nek amaal karo tum bhaaee.
Hoe mukhaalaf naahe chalo khalo maarag dharm ke oopar aaee.
Baat bachaar bihaar sahee huÄ daas Bhagwaan kahe samjhaaee.115.

Word Meaning:- Baijeeterian – Vegetarian. Tehkeek – truth. Nek amaal – good works. Mukhaalaf – against. Dharm ke
maarg – right path. Bihaar sahee – good dealing.
Meaning:- Vegetarian food is somewhat good. This is really the path of cleanliness. Knowing this path in all
respects, do good work. Don’t speak against vegetarians. Adopt the true way of religion and stand by its
side firmly. Raja Sahib says that analysing this matter, do the right, do the honest and straight forward

;P?:k.. d' gqeko e/ p/d e/ tke ;[D' np d/ ezB fsB f;nkB'.

J/e ek Bkw ntKso tke j? d{;o ek wjK tke gSkB'.
ntKso tke go'y frnkB wjKtke ;/ ngo'y frnkB'.
;z;k No/ Bkfj go'y frnkB ;/ dk; GrtKB iEkoE ikB'.. 116..
Swaiyya Do prakaar ke bed ke vaak suÄo ab de kann tin siaano.
Ek ka naam avaaÆtar vaak hai doosar ka mahaaÆ vaak pachhaano.
Avaantar vaak prokh giaan mahaaÆ vaak se aprokh giaano.
Sansa ¢are naahe prokh giaan se daas Bhagwaan jathaarth jaano.116.
Word Meaning:- Avaantar – inner. MahaaÆ vaak – true and a word of quintessence. Parokh – hidden. Aprokh –
Meaning:- O wise men! Vedas have two types of sentences. One is called eternal and other is called truthful
sentence of quintessence. The eternal sentence can not manifest the Divine Knowledge; which means
eternal hidden knowledge neither reveals nor becomes visible and nor it destroys the doubtfulness.
Divine knowledge that becomes evident destroys suspicion and distrust. It is obtained through
manifested truthful sentence of essence.116.

;P?:k.. tke ntKso j'fJ u[ek np ofj frnk j? wjKtke i[ pkeh.

G/d fbjk ;s ;zr ;/ fJj sp bki i" shB eh j? gN ukeh.
j"i j;kp s"jhd Gok ikfJ gq/w fgnkbk b? gh np ;keh.
dk; GrtKB pukfonk nkg e' nkp Bk pkd BK nks; ykeh.. 117..
Swaiyya Vaak avaantar hoe chuka ab reh giaa hai mahaaÆvaak ju baakee.
Bhed liha sat sang se ih tab laaj jau teen kee hai pa¢ chaakee.
Hauj hasaab tauheed bhra jaae prem piaala lai pee ab saakee.
Daas Bhagwaan bachaariaa aap ko aab na baad naaÆ aatas khaakee.117.
Word Meaning:- Avaantar – inner. MahaaÆvaak – truth. Laaj – shame. Pa¢ chaakee – to reveal the truth. Hauj – water
reservoir. Hisaab – to count. Tauheed – unity. Saakee – who serves drinks. Aab – water. Baad – air.
Aatas – fire. Khaakee – earthen.
Meaning:- We have talked about the hidden Word, now we explain about true Word. This secret becomes manifest
in true congregation. Where the curtain of modesty is revealed. Consider the True Word as the cup
bearer, he takes the cup of intoxication from the reservoir of revelation, and offers you the intoxication in
the form of excellent, true Word of essence, after drinking the cup you should analyse your fundamental
principles. Raja Sahib says your handsome countenance is beyond the five elements. In reality our body
consists of water, air, fire, earth and sky, but your countenance is above these five elements.117.

;P?:k.. iks BK gks BK sks BK wks ij ;' ww o{g jh ;G Xok j?.

nuoi o{g fpnkge j? fJe ;ko ;w/o n" Eb ;ok j?.

uo nuo j? eo neo ufozd gfozd n"o Bko Bok j?.

yzv nyzv gquzv ;G/ fJT[I dk; GrtkB by/ gok j?.. 118..
Swaiyya Jaat na paat na taat na maat jah so mam roop hee sabh dhara hai.
Achraj roop biaapak hai ik saar samer au thal sara hai.
Char achar hai kar akar charind prind aur naar nara hai.
KhanÎ akhanÎ prachanÎ sabhe ion daas Bhagwaan lakhe para hai.118.
Word Meaning:- Taat – father. Maat – mother. Mam – mine. Dhara – earth. Samer – mountain. Sara – ocean. Char–
forest. Achar – inanimate. Char Achar – animals and birds.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib describes the characteristics of formless God. Who is casteless, fatherless, motherless and
parentless. He has adopted my form. In mountains, in plains and oceans the wonderful God has been
pervading uniformly everywhere. God, who can not be created, has created all animate and inanimate
world. He has created animals and birds, men and women and other irrational world. He can not be
destroyed or broken into pieces. That God in the form of light is pervading everywhere.118.

;P?:k.. ;'y ;who ;/ j'fJ BIjh BAjh ;bb e/ phu fJj nkfJ ro/.
fwqsek phu BIjh fw; ikts gkte phu BK ikfJ io/.
jkEB ;' BIjh j'ts j? r?j ;;sq ;'I Bjh S/d Xo/.
fBokeko j? fBi ;o{g ;jh fJj dk; GrtkB j? ;G go/.. 119..
Swaiyya Sokh sameer se hoe nahee nahee salal ke beech ih aae gare.
Mirtka beech nahee mis jaavat paavak beech na jaae jare.

Haathan so nahee hovat hai gaih sastar soÆ nahee chhed dhare.
Niraakaar hai nij saroop sahee ih daas Bhagwaan hai sabh pare.119.
Word Meaning:- Sameer – air. Salal – water. Gare – to rot. Mirtka – mud. Mis jaavat – perish. Paavak – fire. Jare – to
burn. Gaih – to catch. Chhed – to cut. Niraakaar – without form. Nij – my.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib describes his own form that air can not dry it and water can not disslove it and fire can’t burn
it. It can not be caught in hand and can’t be cut with a weapon. This is formless body which is beyond the
reach of all.119.
Explanation:- Guru dee kirpa naal jo aapÄe nij saroop nooÆ jaaÄ lainda hai uh nirbhau te nirvair pad te kheÎ-da hai. Us
nooÆ duniaaÆ dee koee shaktee Îara nahee sakdee. Jaisa ki baaÄee wich likhiaa hai:–
Gur ka bachan basai jeea naale.
Jal nahee doobai taskar nahee levai bhaahe na saake jaale.1. Rahaao.
Nirdhan ko dhan andhle kau tik maat doodh jaise baale.
Saagar meh bohith paaio Har Nanak karee kirpa kirpaale.2.1.32. (page 679)
English Version:- The Guru’s word abides with my soul.
It sinks not in water, nor can a thief take it away and neither can fire burn it.1. Pause.
As wealth is for the poor, the staff for the blind and mother’s milk for an infant so is Gurbanee for me.
In this world ocean I have found Lord’s ship the merciful Master has taken pity on Nanak.2.1.32.

;P?:k.. ;fsr[o ;zr ek ozr uVk yVk gk ;opzr T[wzr sGh.

wjKtKe ek nk T[gd/; GfJnk frnk pkd ppkd j' B;N ;Gh.
fojk G/d n" Gow Bk wow byk bhnk by nby j? nZy iGh.
nkjk ;Pkd nBkd nBkjd ek BIjh dk; GrtkB i' Gzr eGh.. 120..

Swaiyya Satgur sang ka rang cha¾a kha¾a pa sarbang umang tabhee.

MahaaÆvaak ka aa updes bhaiaa giaa baad babaad ho nasa¢ sabhee.
Riha bhed au bharm na marm lakha leaa lakh alakh hai akh jabhee.
Aaha swaad anaad anaahad ka nahee daas Bhagwaan jo bhang kabhee.120.
Word Meaning:- Baad babaad – discussion. Marm lakha – knew the secret. Lakh alakh – to know the limitless. Anaad –
which is without beginning. Anaahad – uniform. Bhang – to destroy.
Meaning:- When this mind felt dyed in the company of congregation of the Guru, then all parts of body became
stimulated and excited. When it perceived the message of truthfulness then all types of discussions and
disputations vanished. This self form is without beginning. Raja Ji tells the spiritual delightment of that
stage which remains uniform, everlasting and stable.120.

;P?:k.. Bk jw p/d e/ g; GJ/ fJsjk; g[okD BK w{b pe/I.

Bkfj e[oKB ek ;pe gV/I jw Bkfj nzihb e' wkB ;e/I.
Bk jw nko: phu j?I dkyb BKfj nBkoi nk; se/I.
dk; GrtKB Uj[ wKB oj/ jw ikfj fJ;ko/ ;/ nkD ie/I.. 121..
Swaiyya Na ham bed ke pas bhae ithaas puraaÄ na mool bakeÆ.
Naahe kuraan ka sabak pa¾eÆ ham naahe anjeel ko maan sakeÆ.
Na ham aarya beech hain daakhal naahe anaaraj aas takeÆ.
Daas Bhagwaan oh maan rahe ham jaahe isaare se aaÄ jakeÆ.121.
Meaning:- I have neither read the Vedas, Puranas and history. I have neither read the Quran and I don’t believe in
Anjeel. I neither believe in Arayans nor in other religions. I only believe in One God, on whose hint all fear

and on whose tune all dance.121.

Explanation:- Dasam Guru Ji is aashe nooÆ aapÄee pavitar rachna wich is prakaar biaan karde han:–
PaaÆe gahe jab te tumre tab te ko-oo aaÆkh tare nahee aanyo.
Ram Raheem puraan Quraan anek kaheÆ mat ek na maanyo.
Simrat saastar bed sabhai bauh bhed kaheÆ ham ek na jaanyo.
Sri aspaan kirpa tumree kar mai na kehyo sabh tohe bakhaanyo.1.
English Version:- O God ! Since I have taken shelter of you, I do not care for any body else. I worship one unique God and
do not put my faith on other religious ways preached by Ram, Mohammad, Puraan or Quraan.
The Simritees, Shashtras and the Vedas explain various secrets, but I do not accept them.
O God ! You have a sword in Your banner, I have written this Granth by Your grace as infact You have
told me.

;P?:k.. BK jw d/tsk g{is j?I BjhI mkeo eo gf;zd bJ/.

Bk jw X{DhnK skg eo/I BIjh Bho w/ whB wkfBzd gJ/.
Bk jw pkDhnK gV oj/ BjhI dKB dfjzd j?I fJzd GJ/.
BK t[i{ ;ki eo/I ;[pjk fJT[I dk; GrtkB j' fozd rJ/.. 122..
Swaiyya Na ham devta poojat hain nahee ¢haakar kar pasind lae.
Na ham dhooÄeeaaÆ taap kareÆ nahee neer me meen maanind pae.
Na ham baaÄeeaaÆ pa¾ rahe naheen daan dahind hain ind bhae.
Na vujoo saaj kareÆ subha ion daas Bhagwaan ho rind gae.122.
Word Meaning:- Meen – fish. Maanind – like. Dahind – to give. Vujoo – to clean hand and mouth. Subha – morning.

Rind – carefree.
Meaning:- Raja Ji says neither we worship gods and godesses and nor we like the idols. Neither we light fire like
Hindu mendicants who sits over it and inhales the smoke by way of penance, nor we live in water like
fish. Neither we recite the hymns nor by giving alms to the poor we call ourselves benevolent. Neither we
wash our hands and mouth like regular performer of Muslim prayer. We are free from the bonds of
religion and call ourselves self-governing.122.
Explanation:- Gur bina muktee nahee. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Kaan¾a raag wich uchaaran karde han.
Barat nem teerath sahit Ganga.
Jal hevat bhookh ar naÆga. Poojaachaar kart melanga.
Chakar karm tilak khaa¢anga. Darsan bhe¢e bin satsanga.1.
Ha¢h nigreh at rehat bi¢anga. Hau rog biaape chuke na bhanga.
Kaam karodh at trisan jaranga. So mukat Nanak jis Satgur changa.2.3.36.
(page 1305.)
English Version:- Men observe fasts, keep religious vows go on pilgrimages to holy places along with Ganga.
They endure hunger, poverty and the pain of hot and cold water.
Sitting cross legged they perform worship and good deeds.
They do the deeds of painting religious symbols and sacrificial marks on their six limbs.
They read through the six shastras, but do not enjoy the company of the saints.
Men practise extremely forced rituals and keep standing on their head.
This wise they are afflicted with the ailment of ego and their demerits are not erased. They burn in the fire
of lust, wrath and extreme cravings.
O Nanak! He alone is emancipated, whose sublime is True Guru.2.3.36.

;P?:k.. r[zpi phu ntki GJh ej[ wkbe[ e"D j? nzdo ek.
by/ ;ko n;ko j? G/s[ ;Gh tkbh e"D[ ebk pkb/ wzdo ek.
eko'pko fpjko B{ eo fojk pkBh e"D fJ;ko/ d/ czdo ek.
nuoi w"i ouk J/j y/b j? dk; GrtKB ebzdo ek.. 123..
Swaiyya Gumbaj beech awaaj bhaee kauh maalak kauÄ hai andar ka.
Lakhe saar asaar hai bhet sabhee waalee kauÄ kala baale mandar ka.
Kaarobaar bihaar noo kar riha baanee kauÄ isaare de phandar ka.
Acharaj mauj racha eh khel hai daas Bhagwaan kalandar ka.123.
Word Meaning:- Baanee – who lays foundation stone. Kalandar – carefree.
Meaning:- What a music is resounding inside the body, tell me who is Lord of inner soul? Who knows about
immortal and mortal. Who is the owner of this house. He is doing an efficient business, on whose hint all
parts of body are working. Who is creator of that body. Raja Sahib says that carefree God according to
His Will playing this wonderful game.123.

;P?:k.. e"D fpoki fojk fpu wzdo eo fenk; fJj pks pVh.
j? ;G skes c/b ojh fi; nk;o/ j? fJj[ d/j yVh.
Byf;yk b" g{oB y/b eo/ gzuheoB gqkB eh pzB wVh.
;op fpt;Ek dk ;kjp g{iBk dk; GrtKB s{z wzB EVh.. 124..
Swaiyya KauÄ biraaj riha bich mandar kar kiaas ih baat ba¾ee.

Hai sabh taakat phel rahee jis aasre hai ih deh kha¾ee.
Nakhsikha lau pooran khel kare pancheekaran praan kee bann ma¾ee.
Sarb biwastha da saahab poojna daas Bhagwaan tooÆ mann tha¾ee.124.
Word Meaning:- Kiaas – to estimate. Nakhsikha – from head to feet. Pancheekaran – according to Vedas distribution of
five elements. Praan – Ten sorts of life-breaths – Pran, Apan, Saman, Wayan, Udan, Nag, Kuran, Krikal,
Devdat and Dhanajah.
Meaning:- Perceive it carefully who is living in this body. That strength is extending on whose protection, this body
is standing. He is playing the game from head to feet. He has made the five elements as graveyard of ten
sorts of life-breath. Lord is master of all the situations and He is worthy of worship. Raja Sahib says that
abandaning God’s worship don’t try to adore graves and funeral pyres.124.

;P?:k.. gh ;[Xk ;kro j'fJ fJekro rkro c'V jbkjb eh.

;wM ;whg BK GkbhJ/ dhg J/j d/y odhc fe j? rb eh.
nkswk Bzd w/ j'j fBqdPzd b? bifs nkB nwh ib eh.
j'j fsqgs BK fpgs oj/ fJj dk; GrtKB by' pb eh.. 125..
Swaiyya Pee sudha saagar hoe ikaagar gaagar pho¾ halaahal kee.
Samjh sameep na bhaalee-e deep eh dekh radeef ki hai gal kee.
Aatma nand me hoh nirdawand lai lajat aan amee jal kee.
Hoh tripat na bipat rahe ih daas Bhagwaan lakho bal kee.125.
Word Meaning:- Sudha – nectar. Halaahal – poison. Radeef – the end part of rhyming phrase. Nirdawand – without
doubt. Lajat – taste. Amee – nectar. Tripat – to become satisfied. Bal – to deceive.

Meaning:- Concentrating your mind break the pitcher of evil deeds and drink the nectar of the Name of God.
Considering the God very near, shirk the evil deeds, because these are worthless. Leave the squabbles
and engross yourself in inner enlightenment and enjoy the taste of nectar. Raja Sahib after knowing this
secret says that after consuming the nectar, all pains vanish.125.
Explanation:- GurbaaÄee wich Naam roopee anmrit dee praaptee da jikar aunda hai. Jis anmrit jal nooÆ peen vaaste
Raja Ji uprle swaiyye vich prerna karde han.
Bihaag¾a Mehla 4.
Anmrit Har Har Naam hai meree jindu¾ee-e anmrit gurmat paae Raam.
Haume maaiaa bikh hai meree jindu¾ee-e Har anmrit bikh leh jaae Raam.
Man suka hariaa hoiaa meree jindu¾ee-e Har Naam dhiaae Raam. (page 538)

English Version:- Nectar is the Name of the Lord God, o my soul!

By Guru’s instruction the Name-Nectar is attained.
O my soul! Poisonous is the pride of worldly valuables. Through the God’s Name- Nectar, this poison is
Meditating on Lord Master’s Name, O my soul ! This dried up frame is reverdured.

;P?:k.. nzfwqs e[zv eh nk; jh ;zsB ik fs; T{go n?B nxkB/.

M{b fojk sj gzyk j? e[dos nkD c[jko T[m/I ;/ jskB/.
;Ks GJh fp;oKw ehU ip ;sr[o nkB fwb/ jB dKB/.
nzfwqs gkB ehU ip fpqs j? dk; GrtkB EhJ/ w;skB/.. 126..
Swaiyya Anmrit kunÎ kee aas hee santan ja tis oopar ain aghaane.
Jhool riha tah pankha hai kudrat aaÄ phuhaar u¢hen se hataane.

Saant bhaee bisraam keeo jab satgur aan mile han daane.
Anmrit paan keeo jab birat hai daas Bhagwaan thee-e mastaane.126.
Word Meaning:- Ain aghaane – satisfied. Hataane – chained.
Meaning:- Keeping the hope alive in search of pool of nectar, reaching there the saints drink the nectar to their
satisfaction. There fan of nature was moving and natural fountains were flowing. When wise Satguru Ji
met me, my mind became peaceful, cool and concentrated. When mind drank the Nectar of the True
Name of God; it got the everlasting bliss. Raja Sahib says that at such a stage, we became intoxicated
and inebriated.126.
Explanation:- Jis Anmrit baare daas Bhagwaan aapÄee rachna wich biaan kar rahe han, us anmrit baare Sora¢h Raag
wich Guru Arjan Dev Ji biaan kar rahe han ki GuraaÆ ne saanooÆ ik boond bakhshee taan usda sadka
bakhshashaan de bhandaar khul gae. Panch doot is deh da kabja chhaÎ ke bhaj gae te adheen hoke
rehan lage.

Sora¢h Mehla 5.
Jah bhandaar Gobind ka khuliaa jih praapat tih laiaa.
Ek ratan mo kau gur deena mera man tan seetal thiaa.3.
Ek boond gur anmrit deeno ta a¢al amar na muaa.
Bhagat bhandaar Gur Nanak kau saupe phir lekha mool na laiaa.4.3.14. (Page 612)

English Version:- Where Lord of the World’s treasure opens, who so ever is destined to receive there from, he receives.
The one gem, the Guru has given me, and my mind and body have become calm. The Guru has blessed
me with one drop of Nectar whereby having become immorable and immortal, I shall not die.
The Lord entrusted Guru Nanak with treasures of His devotional service and then never took an account
from them.4.3.14.

;P?:k.. j? ;G G/; jh ;zsB e/ ip gkfJ pqjw frnKB pj/.

ukj/ e/; ;tko pb/ d;sko T[sko ukj/ phnkpKB oj/.
ukj/ uV s[ozr T[wzr eo/ ukj/ p;sO ozr frnKB rj/.
ukj/ w'B e' Xko r[iko eo/ dzw dk; GrtKB fpfrnKB bj/.. 127..
Swaiyya Hai sabh bhes hee santan ke jab paae Brahm Giaan bahe.
Chaahe kes swaar bale dastaar utaar chaahe beeaabaan rahe.
Chaahe cha¾ turang umang kare chaahe bastar rang giaan gahe.
Chaahe mon ko dhaar gujaar kare danm daas Bhagwaan bigiaan lahe.127.
Word Meaning:- Beeaabaan – desert. Turang – horse. Umang – eagerness, zeal. Danm – at once. Bigiaan – spiritual
Meaning:- Daas Bhagwaan describes the condition of a man who has attained the Divine Knowledge. A saint can
live in any guise. By combing the hair, he can tie a turban. He can also live without a turban. He can live
in forest. He can enjoy the riding of a horse. He can wear colourful clothes. He can lead the life of a
ascetic who obseves silence. This is the condition of a saint who has attained everlasting bliss and
essence of Divine knowledge.127.

;P?:k.. ukj/ ;h; wjb w/ ;'fJ oj/ ukj/ SkT[I ik pj/ eohoB eh.
ukj/ N[eo wKr e/ ykfJ bJ/ ukj/ Ekbh Se/ p?fj yhoB eh.
ukj/ wywb nsb; UY fco/ ukj/ r'dVh b? pj[ bhoB eh.
dk; GrtKB oj/ ozr w/ fJj j? ;G w"i cehoB eh.. 128..

Swaiyya Chaahe sees mehal me soe rahe chaahe chhaaon ja bahe kareeran kee.
Chaahe ¢ukar maang ke khaae lae chaahe thaalee chhake beh kheeran kee.
Chaahe makhmal atlas oÎh phire chaahe goda¾ee lai bauh leeran kee.
Daas Bhagwaan rahe rang me ih hai sabh mauj faqeeran kee.128.
Word Meaning:- Atlas – a shining silky cloth. Makhmal – a very fine silky cloth which is very soft and delicate. Sees
mehal – a palace decorated with glass.
Meaning:- It is carefreeness of a saint, he can live in any style. He can sleep in a palace made of glass. He can
sleep even under the shade of trees. He can eat food by begging. He can even enjoy the rice pudding
prepared in milk. He can wear the shining silky clothes or very soft and delicate silky clothes. He can
wear the torn rags. He can even roam by carrying bag full of torn rags. Raja Sahib says it is the will of a
saint, he can lead his life in any manner, appearance or style.128.

;P?:k.. nkgDk nkg i" ikD bhU nBbje ukj/ :ebys ej/.
ukj/ yw'; j' r'; eo/ pzd e[M[ ej' ukj/ ;ys oj/.
ukj/ j' w;ehB fJj yhB fco/ ukj/ nkdb j'eo sys pj/.
fJ; ;G w"i j? nkoc eh oj/ dk; GrtKB p/oys uj/.. 129..
Swaiyya AapÄa aap jau jaaÄ leeo analhak chaahe yaklakhat kahe.
Chaahe khamos ho gos kare band kujh kaho chaahe sakhat rahe.
Chaahe ho maskeen ih kheen phire chaahe aadal hokar takhat bahe.
Is sabh mauj hai aaraf kee rahe daas Bhagwaan berakhat chahe.129.
Word Meaning:- Analhak – I am God. Yaklakhat – at once. Gos – ear. Maskeen – poor, meek. Kheen – lean. Aadal – who

does justice. Aaraf – godly man. Berakhat – without luggage.

Meaning:- When the saint recognizes his inner self then he can atonce claim himself as the God. According to his
will, he can remain silent without hearing or uttering anything. If he desires he can lead a hard hearted
and difficult life. He can also spend a self absorbed life. Sitting on a throne of a king he can give justice
to the people. Raja Sahib says it is delight of a saint he can lead a life of a renouncer, hermit or
moneyless ascetic.129.

;P?:k.. j? ;G d/; jh ;zsB e/ ukj/ ik ncrKB;sKB oj/.

ukj/ fJzrb;sKB eh ;?o eo/ ukj/ pks pb'u;sKB ej/.
ukj/ ;zrbkdhg ;whg oj/ ukj/ ik fpu o/r;sKB pj/.
fJj[ ;G y/b j? nkoc e/ oj/ fjzd;sKB GrtKB uj/.. 130..
Swaiyya Hai sabh des hee santan ke chaahe ja Afganstaan rahe.
Chaahe Inglastaan kee sair kare chaahe baat Balochastaan kahe.
Chaahe sanglaadeep sameep rahe chaahe ja bich regastaan bahe.
Ih sabh khel hai aaraf ke rahe Hindstaan Bhagwaan chahe.130.
Word Meaning:- Sanglaadeep – island of Lanka.
Meaning:- All the countries are of saints. If they want they can live in Afghanistan, Blochistan , or England. If they
want they can live in Sri Lanka or they can sit in dry Registaan. Raja Ji says it all depends on the will and
delight of the saints.130.

;P?:k.. gkEo g'N gk o/s e/ e'N b? nk;ok UN feT[I j'J/ fJRkBk.

r'po rkt n" ekri Bkt b? nkp pj/ e'Jh g[oy dhtkBk.

eKwB e{g otki e/ o{g Bk i{g eh T{g w/ nkts dkBk.

;"e ;Bk; b? ;u eh ok; s{z dk; GrtKB j' wod f;nkBk.. 131..
Swaiyya Paathar po¢ pa ret ke ko¢ lai aasra o¢ kion hoe ijhaana.
Gobar gaav au kaagaz naav lai aab bahe koee purakh deewaana.
Kaaman koop rawaaj ke roop na joop kee oop me aavat daana.
Sauk sanaas lai sach kee raas tooÆ daas Bhagwaan ho mard siaana.131.
Word Meaning:- Po¢ – knot. Ko¢ – fort. Aab – water. Deewaana – mad. Koop – well. Joop – gambling. Oop – praise.
Daana – wise. Sanaas – recognition.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says a man who takes support of a knot of stones and a fort of sand is a fool. A madman
pushes cow dung and a boat of papers into the water to cross the river. How these undependable raw
matters can remain stable in water? The wise men do not come on the well of passion, hypocrisy or
demonstration. They also do not sing praises of gambling. They always remain aloof from these vices.
These intelligent and sensible people spend their life accumulating the treasure of truth after analysing
the true love.131.
Explanation:- Rabb de piaariaan ne maaiaa de pasaare nooÆ jhoo¢ha jaaÄ ke Satguru de updesh duaara aapnee surat
nooÆ shabad wich laaiaa hai, jaisa ki Bhai Gurdas Ji is Kabbit wich likhde han:–
Supan charitar chitar jaagat na dekheeat taarka manÎal parbhaat na dikhaaeeai.
Tarvar chhaaya lagh deeragh chapal bal teerath purb jatra thir na rahaaeeai.
Nadee naav ko sanjog log bauhryo na milai gandharb nagar mirg trishna bilaaeeai.
Taise maaya moh dhoh kutamb sneh deh gurmukh sabad surat liv laaeeai.117.

;P?:k.. okT[ Bk oze B;ze oj/ ip nze by/ fwfb nk;e e'.
nky eh Xko rtko gVh Bkfj gkfJ bhnk nkfJ bk;e e'.
j? ej e/b fJj y/b ej' ij w/b ;/ w"i T[gk;e e'.
nk uV/ ozr Bk ;zrs i' si dk; GrtKB nk ck;e e'.. 132..
Swaiyya. Raao na raÆk nasaÆk rahe jab ank lakhe mil aasak ko.
Aakh kee dhaar gavaar pa¾ee naahe paae leeaa aae laasak ko.
Hai kah kel ih khel kaho jah mel se mauj upaasak ko.
Aa cha¾e rang na saÆgat jo taj daas Bhagwaan aa faasak ko.132.
Word Meaning:- Raao – rich man. RaÆk – poor. Ank – garb, body or heart. Laasak – peacock. Kah kel – whose wondrous
act. Upaasak – worshipper. Rang – love. Faasak – hunter.
Meaning:- When a man becomes a true lover then there remains no disparity or difference between the rich and the
poor. When the lover sees the glimpse of light of his beloved in his eyes, then his mind becomes so
much delighted that he dances like peacock. The worshipper gets the happiness and essence of the
unity. Who performs this wondrous act think about it in your mind. Raja Sahib says shirk the company of
those people in whose society you do not dye yourself in everlasting love.132.

;P?:k.. j? fod/ okw feT[ okT[I e/ j'ts i" BIjh nkoc ;zr eo/ j?.
Bk fwb/ B{o[ j' u{o ihnk fpu sB sB{o io{o io/ j?.
BK fdB o?B w/ u?B j? nkts ;?B eo/ fpB p?B wo/ j?.
Bk jN/ j"b j? e"b eo/ fpB dk; GrtkB Gh nkj Go/ j?.. 133..

Swaiyya Hai ride Raam kio raaoÆ ke hovat jau nahee aaraf sang kare hai.
Na mile noor ho choor jeeaa bich tan tanoor jaroor jare hai.
Na din rain me chain hai aavat sain kare bin bain mare hai.
Na ha¢e haul hai kaul kare bin daas Bhagwaan bhee aah bhare hai.133.
Word Meaning:- RaaoÆ – Ravan. Aaraf – saint. Noor – glimpse. Bain – word. Kaul kare bin – without talking.
Meaning:- When Ram resides in the heart, then without the society of the saints a man assumes arrogance like
Ravan. Without having a glimpse of that light of inner enlightenment, this body burns like oven. Night and
day a man feels restlessness and gets not sound sleep. Without the words of beloved, life becomes just
like dead body. Raja Sahib says without words of beloved God, terrified stage does not vanish and man
heaves sighs.133.

Explanation:- Birha dee viaakulta da roopak Raja Sahib dasde han. Bhai Gurdas Ji bhee aapnee rachna duaara is
dukh da is prakaar biaan karde han.

Birha daavanal praga¢ee na tan ban bikhai,

Asn basan ta mai ghirat parjaar hai.
Pratham parkaase dhoom at hee dusha dukh,
TaaÆ hee gagan ghan gha¢a andhkaar hai.
Bhabhak bhabhooko havai prakaashyo hai akaas sas,
Tarka manÎal chingaaree chamkaar hai.
Kaasio kaho kaise ant kaal birthavant gat,
Mohe dukh soee sukhdaaee sansaar hai.668.

;P?:k.. oKUI eh ok; e/ Gky pbk; Bk j' eo yk; nk nk;B w/.

e{V fynkb Bk fdb fpu vkb jehes jkb b? ;k;B w/.
ikfJ s"jhd g? dhd uV/ ip dP?s rJh GJ/ yk;B w/.
okT[ Bk oze BK ;ze eS{ np dk; GrtkB pbk;B w/.. 134..
Swaiyya. RaaoÆ kee raas ke bhaakh balaas na ho kar khaas aa aasan me.
Koo¾ khiaal na dil bich Îaal hakeekat haal lai saasan me.
Jaae tauheed pai deed cha¾e jab davait gaee bhae khaasan me.
Raao na raÆk na saÆk kachhoo ab daas Bhagwaan balaasan me.134.
Word Meaning:- RaaoÆ kee raas – wonders of dance of raas leela. Bhaakh balaasan – don’t mention. Aasan – resting
places. Saasan – in breaths. Tauheed – unitarianism. Advaitvaad – belief on one God. Khaasan –
particular. Bilaas – entertainment, fun.
Meaning:- Become a special person of God, come on the right path and abandon the entertainments and funs like
raas-leela (a dance which Lord Krishna used to play with milkmaids) . Don’t bring false idea in your mind.
Through ten sorts of life breaths bring the idea of truthfulness in your mind. When you will recognise the
one God, then you will become definite and certain that there is only one Almighty who administers the
world. Then you will join the special persons of God. Raja Sahib says that he is now very happy as
distinction between rich and poor, small and big has been washed away from the inner heart.134.

;P?:k.. Bk ojh nNe nk bNe GJh ip gkfJ S[j/ nkfJ nk;[e e/.
p'b pjko fwbh r[biko fJj j? T[geko i' bk;e e/.

gk r[D rzi Bk ozi oj/ BIjh czd c;/ fco ck;[e e/.
gkfJ gBkj nbkfj e/ ozr j?I dk; GrtKB T[gk;e e/.. 135..
Swaiyya Na rahee a¢ak aa la¢ak bhaee jab paae chhuhe aae aasak ke.
Bol bahaar milee gulzaar ih hai upkaar jo laasak ke.
Pa guÄ ganj na raÆj rahe nahee phand phase phir faasak ke.
Paae panaah alaahe ke rang hain daas Bhagwaan upaasak ke.135.
Word Meaning:- La¢ak – suspence. A¢ak – hindrance. Gulzaar – garden of flowers. Laasak – dancers. GuÄ ganj –
treasure of merits. Faasak – trap of mammon. Panaah – support.
Meaning:- When got the touch of the feet of true lover then all types of suspences and hindrances vanished. These
all are beneficences and selfless assistances of God on all sides. There is blooming and flowering like
spring season. When achieved the unity with God the treasure of merits, then false traps of mammon
vanished. Raja Sahib says that when I took the shelter of God’s feet becoming his loving devotee, then
I got the love of God.135.

;P?:k.. BK fpB p'X e/ ;Ks j? nkts j' fro ezdo phu uj/.
ukj/ r'wsh rzr e/ sho fco/ ukj/ phu pBko; ikfJ oj/.
;kfynks ;o{g Bk j's fJt/I ukj/ pD wjzs fJezs pj/.
Bk ;s;zr ek ozr[ uV/ ip dk; GrtkB eh G/d[ bj/.. 136..
Swaiyya. Na bin bodh ke saant hai aavat ho gir kandar beech chahe.
Chaahe Gomtee Gang ke teer phire chaahe beech Banaaras jaae rahe.

Saakhiaat saroop na hot iveÆ chaahe baÄ mahant ikant bahe.

Na satsang ka rang cha¾e jab daas Bhagwaan kee bhed lahe.136.
Word Meaning:- Bodh – knowledge. Gir kandar – cave of a mountain. Teer – bank of river. Gomtee– river. Gang – river
Ganges. Saakhiaat – manifest.
Meaning:- There is no peace without Divine Knowledge; though a man may sit in the caves of mountains or may he
roam on the banks of river Gomatee and Ganges. Though he may make Banaras as his abode. Though
becoming a mendicant he may sit alone. In this way that God can’t be attained. Raja Sahib says that until
a man does not imbues himself in the company of saints he can’t get the secret of attainment.136.
Explanation:- Is aashe nooÆ Guru Arjan Dev Ji aapÄee rachna wich biaan karde han :–
Piaare in bidh milaÄ na jaaee mai kee–e karm aneka.
Haar pario suaamee ke duaarai deejai budh bibeka. (Rahaao).
Mon bhaio karpaatee rehio nagan phirio ban maahee.
Ta¢ teerath sabh dhartee bharmio dubdha chhu¢kai naahee.2.
Har keerat sadhsangat hai sir karman ke karma.
Kauh Nanak tis bhaio prapat jis purb likhe ka Lehna.8. (page 642.)

English Version:- My dear, by these methods the Lord is not met and performed many such rituals.
I have dropped down weary at the Lord’s door and pray for the grant of discerning intellect. Pause.
Man may remain mum, make his hands the leaf plate and wander naked in the forest. He may visit river
banks, shrines and the whole earth but duality does not leave him.2.
Singing of God’s praise the society of saints is the highest of all deeds.
O Nanak! He alone obtains it who is predestined to receive it.8.

;P?:k.. j? ;G G/; s" ;cb ehJ/ ip nk ;s;zr dh rzr pj/.

o'w eNkfJ pD/ w[zvhnk ukj/ j' eo Bzr wbzr oj/.
ukj/ ezB gVkJ/ pG{s wb/ ukj/ X{DhnK skg nk nzr dj/.
frnkB pj{zB j? T{B ;Gh fJT[I dk; GrtkB pyKB ej/.. 137..
Swaiyya. Hai sabh bhes tau safal kee-e jab aa satsang dee Gang bahe.
Rom ka¢aae baÄe munÎeeaa chaahe ho kar nang malang rahe.
Chaahe kan pa¾aae babhoot male chaahe dhooÄeeaaÆ taap aa ang dahe.
Giaan bahoon hai oon sabhee ion daas Bhagwaan bakhaan kahe.137.
Word Meaning:- Bhes – dress. Malang – disciples of shaah Madaar. Babhoot – ash. Bakhaan – to say.
Meaning:- Outwardly garbs can prove successful only if we bathe in the society of saints in the form of Ganges.
Without society of the saints, though he may shave his face and head, though he live naked as a
mendicant, though he may tearing his ears, may wear the rings, though he may rub ash on his body,
though he may burn his body by making an open fire. Raja Sahib says that without Divine enlightenment
all deeds are fruitless and worthless.137.

;P?:k.. j? ;G d/; d;kB fpy/ fJe[ nkg jh nkg Bk j'o j? e'Jh.

nzsq pkjo g{o fojk fJj j? ifj ;{s w/ ;G go'Jh.
B/s jh B/s ij p/d pyKBs j? gqwksw nksw ;'Jh.
j? sj G/d w/I G/d byk ij dk; GrtKB j? iKB pb'Jh.. 138..
Swaiyya. Hai sabh des dasaan bikhe ik aap hee aap na hor hai koee.

Antar baahar poor riha ih hai jeh soot me sabh proee.

Net hee net jah bed bakhaanat hai parmaatam aatam soee.
Hai tah bhed meÆ bhed lakha jah daas Bhagwaan hai jaan baloee.138.
Word Meaning:- Dasaan – ten directions. Net hee net – God is Limitless. Bakhaanat – say. Baloee – churned.
Meaning:- God alone is in all countries, there is no one else. Inside and outside, He is complete everywhere. All are
strung with the same thread. Vedas and other religious books call him limitless. That God’s light is
pervading everywhere. Raja Sahib says, who has known this secret, consider him that he has attuned
His glimpse.138.

;P?:k.. j' eo pzX Bk nzX yb' fJj j? ;G Xzd jh X[zd g;kok.

gKXh BK g? nNe oj' ub' wkor w'y fJj gk r[cskok.
i?Ij s[w n" jw j?I sw GJ/ sj BK fsB ekb fJj j? ;z;kok.
dk; GrtkB Bk j'j BdkB jehes ikB fpfrnKB pjkok.. 139..
Swaiyya. Ho kar bandh na andh khalo ih hai sabh dhand hee dhund pasaara.
Paandhee na pai a¢ak raho chalo maarag mokh ih paa guftaara.
JaiÆh tum au ham hain tam bhae tah na tin kaal ih hai sansaara.
Daas Bhagwaan na hoh nadaan hakeekat jaan bigiaan bahaara.139.
Word Meaning:- Bandh – worldly entanglements. Dhund pasaara – that lives only for few seconds. Paandhee –
passenger. Maarag – way. Mokh – salvation. Guftaara – dialogue. Tin kaal – past, present and future.
Bigiaan – Divine knowledge.
Meaning:- Don’t indulge in worldly affairs. Whatever you are seeing is just a fog which would vanish in a few

seconds. O passenger to the way of God! Understand our saying and going on the right path get
salvation. Where there is distinction between I and You, that is called the world. That world in the form of
darkness neither was in past nor it is in the present nor it will exist in future. Raja Sahib warns the man
that don’t be a fool, know the truth and enjoy the spiritual happiness.139.

;P?:k.. ;pe ;e{b j?I G{b rJ/ ip w{b w[ekb/ e' ;wM yV/.
;{chnk e"b eh v"b e' b? ehJ/ b[rs nk jb jo{c[ pV/.
;kpe ;pe ;[Bhd ejK ijK jkb s"jhd g? dhd uV/.
;[zwB p[ew& j'fJ oj/ np dk; GrtKB BK coe cV/.. 140..
Swaiyya. Sabak school hain bhool gae jab mool mukaale ko samjh kha¾e.
Soofeeaa kaul kee Îaul ko lai kee-e lugat aa hal haroof ba¾e.
Saabak sabak suneed kahaan jahaan haal tauheed pai deed cha¾e.
Summan bukamn hoe rahe ab daas Bhagwaan na fark fa¾e.140.
Word Meaning:- Mool mukaale – main sentence. Soofeeaa – saint. Kaul – word. Lugat – words. Haroof ba¾e – spiritual.
Saabak – former. Summan – having excellent minds.
Meaning:- When became accomplished in Divine knowledge, then forget the lesson and the school. Receiving the
spiritual words of saints, attain that Divine Word which is known as God. When in front of the eyes came
the union with Almighty then the need of lesson and teacher disappeared. Raja Sahib says that when
mind became pure, then there remained no deviation in assimilation.140.

;P?:k.. fdb dofwnkB nk nkoi{ bkws nk:{ fJj bis ;kE jh phs/.
nkoik nkJ/ Bk pksB w/ fsB j? fiB g/qw fgnkbV/ ghs/.

;[yB fJj ;kc j?I bkc B ikD s{z Bk jw e"b j? eZ;p e/ ehs/.
nk y[d nKy d/ d/y bt' fJj dk; GrtkB i' wo eo ihs/.. 141..
Swaiyya. Dil darmiaan aa aarjoo laamat aayoo ih lajat saath hee beete.
Aarja aae na baatan me tin hai jin prem piaala¾e peete.
Sukhan ih saaf hain laaf na jaaÄ tooÆ na ham kaul hai kassab ke keete.
Aa khud aankh de dekh lavo ih daas Bhagwaan jo mar kar jeete.141.
Word Meaning:- Aarjoo – desire. Lajat – taste. Laamat aayoo – limitless. Baatan – inside. Laaf – gossip. Kassab – liar.
Meaning:- The desires and wishes of mind are limitless, enjoying the tastes of these desires, our life passes. But
those who have drunk the cup of the love of God, in their minds desires do not take birth. We have
spoken the truth, we have neither made a gossip nor lied. Raja Sahib says that you can see with your
own eyes, that only those who are trifling with death, drink the cup of God’s love.141.

;P?:k.. io iokfJs S'V iwkfJs geV eBkfJs eKw ;o/.

;kpo ;po ek npo gV/ ip ;"e eh ;ky nk ;pi eo/.
e?js d{o dofw;e ek j'ts pksB phu fXnKB Xo/.
;[yB ;Bkys nkD eoh ip dk; GrtkB Gh ;k; Go/.. 142..
Swaiyya. Jar jaraait chho¾ jamaait paka¾ kanaait kaam sare.
Saabar sabar ka abar pa¾e jab sauk kee saakh aa sabaj kare.
Kehat door darmisak ka hovat baatan beech dhiaan dhare.
Sukhan snaakhat aaÄ karee jab daas Bhagwaan bhee saas bhare.142.

Word Meaning:- Jar – wealth. Jaraait – agriculture. Jamaait – family. Kanaait – contentment. Saabar – one who is
content. Abar – cloud. Sauk – love. Saakh – branch. Kehat – famine. Darmisak – inner self. Sukhan
snaakhat – when recognized the word. Saas– evidence, deposition, testimony.
Meaning:- When mind feels fed up, sad and gloomy from wealth, goods, family and all other tastes of the world,
then there comes showers of contentment, tolerance and patience. At that time the seed of love
germinates and becomes green. When a man concentrates his mind on his innerself then the state of
scarcity is eradicated. Raja Sahib gives evidence that when he identified the Divine Word then he got the
cup of the God’s true love.142.

;P?:k.. nkfj j' ;od n" j? ozr iod i" j? so u;w nk j'fJ ojh.
fJj nbkws phu fi;/ w[psbkfJ j? fJ;e w/ ;y; tjh.
T[wd? j? nkds phu fJpkds ikD; nkds wzd ;jh.
s'V e/ nNe p/ yNe oj/ d/y' dk; GrtkB nk bNe :jh.. 143..
Swaiyya. Aahe ho sard au hai rang jard jau hai tar chasam aa hoe rahee.
Ih alaamat beech jise mubtlaae hai isak me sakhas wahee.
Umdai hai aadat beech ibaadat jaaÄas aadat mand sahee.
To¾ ke a¢ak be kha¢ak rahe dekho daas Bhagwaan aa la¢ak yahee.143.
Word Meaning:- Aahe ho sard – sighs. Rang jard – pale colour. Tar chasam – moist eyes. Alaamat – symptom, sign.
Mubtlaae – changed. Isak – love. Sakhas – man. Umdai – fine. Aad – nature. Ibaadat – worship. Aadat
mand – God. Sahee – correct. A¢ak – hindrance. Bekha¢ak – without fear. La¢ak – love.
Meaning:- Poet tells us about the physical condition of a true lover. His colour becomes pale and he sighs and his
eyes always remain damp. In which man you see these symptoms, consider him the patient of love. He

bears a good nature and always remains engrossed in the worship of God. In reality that man is very
fortunate. A man, who has got such a devotion for the worship of God, he becomes fearless from all
types of hindrances.143.

;P?:k.. p; p[bkU BIjh jw e' e'Jh B'; B;k ehnk j? jw B/.

s[jck s:;o fGnk w[:;o geV eBko bhnk rw B/.
BK ojh ypo j? nkbw eh J/jk nkfJ nkokw ehnk dzw B/.
dk; GrtKB fdb/ dofwnkB B;h ehnk j? np nk ow B/.. 144..
Swaiyya. Bas bulaao nahee ham ko koee nos nasa keeaa hai ham ne.
Tuhfa tyasar bhiaa muyasar paka¾ kanaar leeaa gam ne.
Na rahee khabar hai aalam kee eha aae aaraam keeaa dam ne.
Daas Bhagwaan dile darmiaan nasee keeaa hai ab aa ram ne.144.
Word Meaning:- Nos – to drink. Nasa – intoxication. Tuhfa – gift. Tyasar – that can be achieved. Muyasar – achieved.
Kanaar – to get aside. Gam ne – the worries. Aalam – world. Dile darmiaan – in the heart.
Meaning:- Now don’t call me, I have become dead drunk in the Name of God. Due to this intoxication, I have found
the rare unavailable gift of the Divine Name of the God. Due to this blessing all my sorrows and pains
have vanished. Now I have become unconscious and uninformed from all types of attachments with the
world. I have now reached at such a place where everlasting bliss pervades everywhere. Raja Sahib
says that now I have made my permanent abode in my heart.144.

;P?:k.. ibtk fJ ikw Gok j{nk nkw j? ght/rk ;' wo/ ihts i'.
dhB d[Bh dktk d{o GfJnk sj bk gotkj B;/ yhts i'.

fpnKB eo/ :kfj bZis e' Uj[ phu sk;ho nk Ehts i'.
B/jws B{o w[o?jws j? fs; dk; GrtKB fJj ghts i'.. 145..
Swaiyya. Jalwa-e-jaam bhara hooaa aam hai peewega so mare jeewat jo.
Deen dunee daava door bhaiaa tah la parvaah nase kheevat jo.
Biaan kare yaahe lajjat ko oh beech taaseer aa theevat jo.
Nehmat noor muraihmat hai tis daas Bhagwaan ih peevat jo.145.
Word Meaning:- Jalwa-e-jaam – cup of divine light. Mare jeewat – who lives as a dead. Deen dunee – this world and the
next world. MaiÆ – my. Laparvaah – careless. Kheevat – intoxicated. Lajjat – taste. Taaseer – effect,
property. Theevat – happens. Nehmat – gift. Muraihmat – blessing.
Meaning:- The cup of divine light is becoming brimful everywhere. But only those drink this cup who become dead
while living. As they abandon all their desires, tastes and attachments. Only those consume this
intoxication of carefreeness, who have renounced this world. They enjoy the divine enlightenment and
remain intoxicated in a ecstatic feeling. Those who come under the influence of such intoxication, how
can they describe such situation?
In other words it becomes quite difficult for that man to express his feelings. Kabir Sahib has very
beautifully presented that situation (O Kabir! The dumb man has eaten sugary, but what can he tell
about its taste, if questioned?). Raja Sahib says that on whom God has blessed his limitless grace, to
those He bestows this boon.145.
Explanation:- Daawe da jhan hot hai nirdaawe rahe nisang.
Jo jan nirdaawe rahe so gaÄe Indra su rank.

;P?:k.. fscb sc?b j' T[wo nt?b w/I ikjd i?b e? r?b i' nkt/I.
T[bcs nkoc b[sc sikos ;wM fJ;kos finkos gkt/I.
okfj fonkis je fJikis eo w[skps wosp/ ikt/I.
r"I;h ji{oh d/ wospk w[o;d dk; GrtkB i/ u;w uVkt/I.. 146..
Swaiyya. Tifal tafail ho umar avail meÆ jaahad jail kai gail jo aaven.
Ulfat aaraf lutaf tajaarat samjh isaarat jiaarat paaven.
Raahe riaajat hak ijaajat kar mutaabat martbe jaaven.
Gaunsee hajooree de martba mursad daas Bhagwaan je chasam cha¾aaven.146.
Word Meaning:- Tifal – child. Tafail – blessing, bounty. Jaahad – who leaves the world and recites the name of God. Jail –
refuge. Ulfat – love. Aaraf – saint. Lutaf – taste. Tajaarat – trade. Isaarat – to point. Jiaarat – glimpse.
Raahe riaajat – the way of worship. Hak ijaajat – Godly order. Martbe – ranks. Gaunsee hajooree – a
courtier of the God’s court. Mursad – teacher. Chasam cha¾aaven – if accepted.
Meaning:- If a man in childhood takes the refuge of a true Guru, then he according to the instruction of the true Guru
adopting a path of true business, is accepted in the court of the God. Performing the worship of God,
obeying orders of true Guru, a man can achieve a high position in the court of the God. Raja Sahib says
that who is approved with the grace of true Guru, gets the glimpse of the Lord (underlying meaning he
gets salvation).146.

;P?:k.. nkbw j' w;r{b j?I nkbw e';; fJbw ;/ c?i[ eh gk:k.
i'jc i' firo w/I dhro j? r"rk r?p ;/ rip ek fJ; T[mk:k.

i/o n" ipo ek npo uVk swk phu s[ckB eh ;'o wuk:k.
dk; GrtKB j?okB j{J/ BIjh joc eh soc nkow[ i[ nk:k.. 147..
Swaiyya. Aalam ho masgool hain aalam kosas ilam se faij kee paaya.
Johf jo jigar meÆ deegar hai gauga gaib se gajab ka is u¢haaya.
Jer au jabar ka abar cha¾a tama beech tufaan kee sor machaaya.
Daas Bhagwaan hairaan hooe nahee harf kee tarf aaram jo aaya.147.
Word Meaning:- Aalam – learned man. Masgool – busy. Faij – result. Johf – weakness. Jigar – liver. Deegar – others.
Gauga – noise. Jer au jabar – lower and upper. Abar – cloud. Tama– greed. Tufaan – dust storm. Harf –
Meaning:- O learned man! Tell me by your so higher study, what have you gained? In the intoxication of learning,
making so much hue and cry and arranging so many debates and dispulations you have done a
worrysome labour. Trapped in the greed of wealth, considering it as source of richness, you have been
talking in a absurd manner. What have you gained from the ridiculous division of four castes?
Raja Sahib says that one word of unity of God provides unlimited pleasure.147.
Explanation:- Ilmau bas kareeo yaar, iko alaf tere darkaar.
English Version:- O my learned friends ! It is enough, you need only one word named as ‘alaf’ the first letter of Persian

Pa¾ pa¾ gaÎee ladeehe pa¾ pa¾ bhareehe saath.

Pa¾ pa¾ be¾ee paaeeai pa¾ pa¾ gaÎeehe khaat.
Pa¾eehe jete baras baras pa¾eehe jete maas.
Pa¾eehe jetee aarja pa¾eehe jete saas.

Nanak lekhai ik gal hor haumai jhakhÄa jhaakh.1. (page 467)

English Version:- Man may read cart loads of books, he may read packs of books. He may read boatful of books, he may
read books by which a pit can be filled. He may read all the months and years of his life. He may read for
his whole life, he may read with each breath till the last breath of his life. O Nanak! All these studies are
worthless efforts of ego, the best study is the contemplation of the Name of God.

;P?:k.. ykw fynkb eh ukb fBekb fpjkb eo/ eGh nk s[M/ y?~.
y/bs y/bs r/Id fro/ ws wks eo/ fojK y/b j?I i?B{.
nk Bidhe j? pks pohe sjehe psktD nkoc s?B{.
j? ;s;zr w/ Yzr ;jh e[M[ dk; GrtKB fJT[I wkbw w?B{.. 148..
Swaiyya. Khaam khiaal kee chaal nikaal bihaal kare kabhee aa tujhe khainoo.
Khelat khelat gend gire mat maat kare rihaan khel hain jainoo.
Aa najdeek hai baat breek tahkeek bataavaÄ aaraf tainoo.
Hai satsang me Îhang sahee kujh daas Bhagwaan ion maalam mainoo.148.
Word Meaning:- Khaam khiaal – unriped idea. Bihaal – painful. Khai – end. Maat – to consider power. Tahkeek – proved
to be true.
Meaning:- Remove immature and unsound ideas from your mind. Such ideas will some day harm you and can
become the reason of your eradication. The false play which you are playing in this world, that play is
very dangerous for you. Join the company of saints, they will tell you the lesson of true play. Raja Sahib
says that I know very well that in religious congregation with the blessing of saints the secret of true
game becomes manifested.148.

Explanation:- VikaaraaÆ te vaad-vivaad dee tapash vich sa¾ rahe sansaar nooÆ ¢hanÎak pauhchaavan vaala kewal
Hari Naam hee hai te is dee praaptee Naam de rasee-e gurmukhaaÆ paasoÆ hee ho sakdee hai.
Is sachchee kheÎ baare Kabir ji is parkaar likhde han:
Kabir jau tuhe saadh Pirm kee sees kaa¢ kar goe.
Khelat khelat haal kar jo kichh hoe ta hoe.239. (page 1377)

English Version:- O Kabir! If you desire to play the game of Lord’s love then cut off your head and make it into a ball.
Then playing and playing, be you lost in it and then don’t care about anything else, let happen what

;P?:k.. o'e oehp e' j[p jphp ;/ pks nihp fJj ikD io{oh.
rkcb r"o ;/ s"o sohes ;wM jehes nk np g{oh.
g{sbk gke j? yke fty/ fJj y'i e/ j' oj[ B" ;j[ B{oh.
gkfJ s"jhd b? dhd ;jh fJj dk; GrtkB s{z Xko ;p{oh.. 149..
Swaiyya. Rok rakeeb ko hub habeeb se baat ajeeb ih jaaÄ jarooree.
Gaafal gaur se taur tareekat samjh hakeekat aa ab pooree.
Pootla paak hai khaak vikhe ih khoj ke ho rauh nau sauh noree.
Paae tauheed lai deed sahee ih daas Bhagwaan tooÆ dhaar sabooree.149.
Word Meaning:- Rakeeb – rival esp. in love. Hub – love. Habeeb – friend. Ajeeb – wonderful. Taur – way. Tareekat – a
method to purify the inner soul. Hakeekat – truth. Pootla paak – true form. Khaak – dust. Sauh – Lord.
Tauheed – belief in one God. Sabooree – one who keeps patience.
Meaning:- Beware of your rival, he has been perverting your mind on the wrong side, keep control of your mind and

enjoin your love with your lover. Though it seems strange and abnormal, but it is very important. O my
oblivious mind! Understand the method of purifying the inner soul. Eternal soul has been absorbed in the
earthy form of the body. Analysing it become yourself the Divine Light. Raja Sahib advise that becoming
the worshipper of one God and having patience and satisfaction, you can have the glimpse of God.149.
Explanation:- Baba Farid Ji aapÄe slok no: 117 vich sabar waale bande dee vaÎiaaee dasde han jis baare Raja Sahib
likhde han ki, Rab de upaashak nooÆ sabar wala hoÄa chaaheeda hai:–
Sabar eh suaao je tooÆ banda dri¾ kareh.
Vadh theeveh dareeaao ¢u¢ na theeveh vaah¾a.117. (page 1384)

English Version:- O man! This patience is the aim of life, if some how you implant it in your mind. This wise you grow into
big river and breaking off, do not become mere a brooklet.

;P?:k.. fizdrh i"e b? c"e ub' J/j' j'tDk ;kps j'D eo'.
nkfJ rohi wohi GfJnk o{j nkoc xkN g? X'D Xo'.
pKX e/ ewo fJj nwo bt', BIjh rkcb j' ftu o'D wo'.
dk; GrtKB frnKB gSKB fJj gk nGwkB ek j'D jo'.. 150..
Swaiyya. Jindgee jauk lai phauk chalo eho hovaÄa saabat hoÄ karo.
Aae greej mareej bhaiaa rooh aaraf ghaa¢ pai dhoÄ dharo.
Baandh ke kamar ih amar lavo nahee gaafal ho vich roÄ maro.
Daas Bhagwaan giaan pachhaan ih paa abhmaan ka hoÄ haro.150.
Word Meaning:- Jauk – army. Jauk – happiness. Phauk – peculiarity, special characteristics. Greej – unclean. Mareej –
patient. Amar – order.

Meaning:- Knowing the peculiarity and special characteristics of life, the achievement of spiritual happiness is the
real goal. This soul has become dirty due to immoral acts and has assumed sickness due to
conceitedness. Make it clean by washing it in the feet of saints. Awakening up from the oblivious sleep
obeying the order of God, immediately end the cycle of birth and death. Raja Sahib says that identifying
the deep meditation of an enlightened man, wash from your heart the ego of discrimination of mine and

;P?:k.. ekco j?I eo pkco ekw e', ;wM w[;kco f;y jwkoh.
Bc; eh e?d p/ c?d c;/I Bkfj S{ND eh e'Jh pks pukoh.
wijph p?b Bk bis gkts w'wB j'D eh w"i fBokoh.
nkoc wod eh ;[jps ;/I fJj dk; GrtkB nkikd fpjkoh.. 151..
Swaiyya. Kaafar hain kar baafar kaam ko, samjh musaafar sikh hamaaree.
Nafas kee kaid be faid faseÆ naahe chhoo¢aÄ kee koee baat bachaaree.
Majahabee bail na lajjat paavat moman hoÄ kee mauj niraaree.
Aaraf mard kee suhbat seÆ ih daas Bhagwaan aajaad bihaaree.151.
Word Meaning:- Kaafar – a disbeliever in Mohammedanism, an atheist. Baafar – extra. Nafas dee kaid – bondage of
mind. Befaid – worthless. Majahabee bail – one who boasts about high caste. Lajjat – taste. Moman –
Mohammedan. Niraree – peculiar. Aaraf – saint. Bihaaree – to pond over.
Meaning:- O traveller! Becoming an atheist you are doing extra work. Listen our teachings carefully. Trapped in the
web of mammon you are suffering painfully and not thinking about your release. There is a very peculiar
and interesting delight in becoming a believer in God. A man who has been bonded in religious code,
can’t attain the Godly taste of Divine enlightenment. Raja Sahib says you will become free only, if you

enjoy the company of saints by rejecting the bonds of religious codes and rules.151.

;P?:k.. j?c jiko j? e?c e/ ghD e' ;kpoh ;?c Bk nKD T[mkJ/I.
wor eohp jphp yVh Bkfj Bc; oehp e' wko w[ekJ/I.
dkwB dkr j? bkr ofj¤k np Bk pdc?b pSktDk ukJ/I.
d/y j?;hns Bhs Bk pKXs dk; GrtkB nk ;'o wukJ/I.. 152..
Swaiyya. Haif hajaar hai kaif ke peeÄ ko saabree saif na aaÄ u¢haaeÆ.
Marg kareeb habeeb kha¾ee naahe nafas rakeeb ko maar mukaaeÆ.
Daaman daag hai laag raha ab na badfail bachhaavaÄa chaaeÆ.
Dekh haiseeat neet na baaÆdhat daas Bhagwaan aa sor machaaeÆ.152.
Word Meaning:- Haif – curse. Kaif – wine. Saabree – of contentment. Saif – sword. Marg – death. Habeeb – lover.
Nafas – soul. Rakeeb – rival esp. in love. Daaman – refuge. Badfail – bad work. Haiseeat – one’s power.
Neet – to work according to rules.

Meaning:- Thousands of curses to drunkens, until they carrying the sword of contentment do not eradicate this bad
habit. O my dear friend! Death stands on your head, why are not killing your mind. Who is your greatest
enemy? Why are you not destroying the bedding of your bad deeds and thoughts. You are blemishing
your unobtainable human form. Raja Sahib says why are you making such a hue and cry. Seeing your
family characteristics and purity of breed; why are you not pledging to adopt systematic regulations?152.

;P?:k.. d"bs dKw dhtkB weKB BdKB r[wkB BK fJB eo'.

n"os g{s n" d{s e' ;{s fJj d/y pG{s Bk wKD wo'.

gk g[o;koE b? gowkoE ;wM iEkoE fXnKB Xo'.

nksw ozr e/ nzr e' gk eo dk; GrtKB nkgko go'.. 153..
Swaiyya. Daulat daam deewaan makaan nadaan gumaan na in karo.
Aurat poot au doot ko soot ih dekh babhoot na maaÄ maro.
Pa pursaarth lai parmaarth samjh jathaarth dhiaan dharo.
Aatam rang ke ang ko paa kar daas Bhagwaan aapaar paro.153.
Word Meaning:- Daulat daam – wealth. Deewan – drawing room. Makaan – house. Nadaan – fool. Gumaan – ego.
Soot – charioteer. Pursaarth – enterprise. Aatam rang – Divine love.
Meaning:- O fool ! Don’t feel conceited to see your wealth, house, drawing rooms etc. It is your misconception.
Don’t be proud of your wife, sons, servants and other property. Which is the proper way that is the path
of achievement of Divine love. To get that divine love according to proper procedure and device connect
your mind with eternal soul. Raja Sahib tells the means of crossing the worldly ocean that dye your inner
soul in the colour of Divine love.153.
Explanation:- Dargaah wich sansaarak padaarth kise kamm naheen aunde. Othe kewal simran hee sahaaita karda
hai. Jaisa ki Guru Arjan Dev Ji Aasa Raag wich likhde han:
Raaj milk joban greh sobha roopwant juaanee.
Bauhat darb hastee ar gho¾e laal laakh bai aanee.
Aagai dargeh kaam na aavai chhoÎ chale abhimanee.1.
Kaahe ek bina chit laaeeai.
Oo¢hat bai¢hat sowat jaagat sada sada Har dhiaaeeai.1.Rahaao. (page 379)

English Version:- Empire, property, youth, home, fame and handsome prime of life, Great wealth, elephants, horses and

rubies purchased with lacs of rupees. Hereafter these shall be of no avail in God’s court and the proud
must depart leaving them behind. Why apply your mind to any, but the one Lord? Standing, sitting,
sleeping and walking ever and ever meditate on God. Pause.

;P?:k.. gk dot/; ek dO;B[ gq;B[ ;q;B ;kE T[Xko eo'.

nk nXeko ;/ noi r[iko fsnkr jzeko peko jo'.
ehi' nk ;/t fJj d/t gSkD e/ G/t ;/ G? ;z;ko so'.
j'fJ ww'S{ nk w'S bj' fJT[ dk; GrtkB nk ;ku oo'.. 154..
Swaiyya. Pa darves ka darsan parsan sarsan saath udhaar karo.
Aa adhkaar se arj gujaar tiaag hankaar bakaar haro.
Keejo aa sev ih dev pachhaaÄ ke bhev se bhai sansaar taro.
Hoe mamochhoo aa mochh laho io daas Bhagwaan aa saach raro.154.
Word Meaning:- Darves – lover of God. Sarsan – happiness. Adhkaar – needful. Bakaar – bad deeds. Mamochhoo – one
who desires salvation. Mochh – salvation. Raro – don’t speak.
Meaning:- Having a glimpse of a holy saint, get delight and happiness. With great devotion and abandoning your
ego pray him. Considering him as form of God, serving him arduously try to know the secret of salvation.
Raja Sahib says, “O man ! Desirous of salvation ! In this way you will be able to cross the worldly
Explanation:- Baba Farid Ji likhde han:
Boleeai sach dharm jhoo¢h na boleeai. Jo Gur dasai waa¢ mureeda joleeai. (page 488)
English Version:- Tell the truth on solemn affirmation and utter not falsehood. You should travel by the route, which the

Guru points out.

;P?:k.. b/y fbbkN e/ gbNs nk ;s;zr eh ;kN j' ;kde yKJ/.

e{eo ;{eo roXp i'B j?I BK eo eow i" fJj gbNkJ/I.
Bkw n" o{g i' wkBs nkg e' fJj ;G fsqrd i'B ejkJ/I.
nk;ok nkg fJj Bkw n" o{g ek dk; GrtKB dBk ;wMkJ/I.. 155..
Swaiyya. Lekh lilaa¢ ke pal¢at aa satsang kee saa¢ ho saadak khaaÆe.
Kookar sookar gardhab jon hain na kar karam jau ih paltaaÆe.
Naam au roop jo maanat aap ko ih sabh trigad jon kahaaeÆ.
Aasra aap ih naam au roop ka daas bhagwaan dana samjhaaeÆ.155.
Word Meaning:- Lilaa¢ – forehead. Pal¢at – to change. Saa¢ – blow, injury. Saadak – contented. Kookar – dog. Sookar –
boar, pig. Gardhab – donkey. Karam – action. Naam au roop – world. Trigad – the snakes and frog who
walk curved.
Meaning:- When a man becoming contented bears the test and scrutiny of holy congregation, then fortune written
on their forehead changes into good luck. Do not do such bad deeds due to which you may have take
birth in the species of dogs, pigs and donkeys. A man, who does not uplift his mind above the worldly
affairs, he reborns in species of curved snakes and frogs. Raja Sahib says, “Who sustains this world,
wise men through their teachings explain this secret.”155.

;P?:k.. wkB; iks w/ G/d BIjh e[M[ j? ;G J/e jh o{g GJ/.

;iksh piksh j?I wBZs w/I BIjh nzr e' d{;o j'fJ rJ/.

nksw frnKB ;[Gkt ;iksh nfrnks nk nzr piks gJ/.

S'v pDktN e{V eh wzBs dk; GrtKB puko bJ/.. 156..
Swaiyya. Maanas jaat me bhed nahee kujh hai sabh ek hee roop bhae.
Sajaatee bajaatee hain mannat meÆ nahee ang ko doosar hoe gae.
Aatam giaan subhaav sajaatee agiaat aa ang bajaat pae.
ChhoÎ baÄaava¢ koo¾ kee mannat daas Bhagwaan bachaar lae.156.
Word Meaning:- Sajaatee – same caste. Bajaatee – different caste.
Meaning:- There is no difference between the castes of men, all are forms of God. Only fools consider difference
between different castes. Body forms and other parts of body are similar. Due to Divine knowledge mind
belongs to the caste of God. It does not bear a different caste. But due to ignorance if the difference
exists then he belongs to alien caste. Raja Sahib advises that leaving the guise of falsehood, meditate
the worship of reasoning and wisdom.156.
Explanation:- Bhaarat dee durdasha da mukh kaarn ih hoiaa ki jaat abhimaaniaaÆ ne sadaachaar dee kadar na karke
jaat dee mehma parga¢ keetee. Dasam Guru Ji jaatee bhed da khanÎan ‘Akaal Ustat’ vich is trhaan
kehande han:
Hindu turak ko-oo raafjee imam saafee maanas kee jaat sabh ekai pehchaanbo.
English Version:- Some call themselves Hindu some Turk some Hafzi and others Imamsafi. But the entire humankind
should be recognized One.

;P?:k.. nek; j' fBowb j? gV/ pkdb ;qp gdkoE j?I fdq; nks/.
j'fJ p?okr sqshpq j? fsT[I nzs;eoB j' ;[X j?I iks/.

;s n;s e' fdq; by/ ip nksw frnKB s" j?I gq;ks/.

gk fBi o{g ;o{g ;jh np dk; GrtkB BIjh fpbbks/.. 157..
Swaiyya. Akaas ho nirmal hai pa¾e baadal sarb padaarath hain dris aate.
Hoe bairaag tarteebar hai tion antaskarn ho sudh hain jaate.
Sat asat ko dris lakhe jab aatam giaan tau hain parsaate.
Pa nij roop saroop sahee ab daas Bhagwaan nahee billaate.157.
Word Meaning:- Bairaag – renunciation, freedom from worldly desires and attachments. Tarteebar – complete
detachment from the world. Antaskarn – inner soul. Parsaate – to touch. Billaate – to cry.
Meaning:- As after raining the sky becomes clear and pure, in that way all things seem clear and pure. Similarly
when a man’s mind gets complete detachment from the world, then the inner heart becomes pure. When
after analysing truth and falsehood, a man adopts truthfulness and abandons the falsehood, then he
gets the touch of the spiritual knowledge. Raja Sahib says that when a man perceives and analyses his
true form then like the rain bird he gets the drop of nectar. Then his lamentation ends and his all types of
stray wanderings and mental unrests dispel.157.
Explanation:- Kabir Ji giaan de sooraj de prakash bare Gau¾ee Raag wich likhde han: ki giaan naal bharm,
duchitaapan ate moh naas ho jaanda hai. Kho¢ee mat da bhaanÎa bhee bhaj jaanda hai. Kabir Ji likhde
Raag Gau¾ee Chetee. Kabir.
Dekho bhaaee gyaan kee aaee aandhee.
Sabhai uÎaanee bharm kee ¢aa¢ee rahe na maaiaa baandhee.1. Rahaao.
Duchite kee due thoon giraanee moh baleÎa ¢oo¢a.
Trisna chhaan paree dhar oopar durmat bhaanÎa phoo¢a.1.

Aandhee paachhe jo jal barkhai tihe tera jan bheena.1.

Keh Kabir man bhaiaa pargaasa udai bhaan jab cheena.2.
(page 331)
English Version:- See brothers ! The stream of Divine knowledge has come.
It has completely blown away the hut of doubt and even the bonds of mammon have not been left.1.
The two props of double mindedness have been thrown down and the beam of worldly love has been
broken. The thatched roof of greed has fallen to the ground and the pot malintellect has burst.1.
Your servant is saturated with the rain that has fallen after the storm.
O Kabir ! Now my mind is illumined, when I see the sunrise.2.43.

;P?:k.. p'jE pKX bhU r[o ;pd ek j? fs; T{go nkB yV/.
fJj Gt ;kro gko gJ/ ip ;sr[o e/ jw ;oB gV/.
nkfJ nBzd nej Gnk ij ik n;EkB j?I np uV/.
gq/w gjko e' gkeo j? np dk; GrtKB fJj xkN xV/.. 158..
Swaiyya. Bohath baaÆdh leeo gur sabad ka hai tis oopar aan kha¾e.
Ih bhav saagar paar pae jab satgur ke ham saran pa¾e.
Aae anand akah bhaiaa jah ja asthaan hain ab cha¾e.
Prem pahaar ko paakar hai ab daas Bhagwaan ih ghaa¢ gha¾e.158.
Word Meaning:- Bohath – ship. Bhav saagar – worldly ocean. Anand akeh – happiness which can not be described. Prem
pahaar – oven.

Meaning:- When Guru Ji becoming a ship of Divine Word came and stood there then taking shelter of the Satguru’s
lotus feet, they crossed the worldly ocean. The stage which we have now achieved, this extreme
celestial bliss can not be described. Raja Sahib says that design of Divine Word is forged in the oven of
Explanation:- Dhaarmak jindgee banauÄa nira samjhaÄ samjhaaon da kam nahee. Uhde laee amlee tareeke vartÄe
painde han. Ih iveÆ hee hai jiveÆ suniaara kise dhaat nooÆ laike agg vich pa ke taapda hai ate us ute jor
naal hathau¾e deeaan sa¢aan maar maar ke chanÎ-da hai te kise shakal vich liaunda hai. Jindgee da
rasta kiveÆ gha¾iaa jaanda hai:
Jat paahaara dheerj suniaar.
AhraÄ mat ved hathiaar.
Bhau khala agni tap taao. BhaanÎa bhaao anmrit tit Îhaal.
Gha¾eeai sabad sachee ¢aksaal. Jin kau nadar karm tin kaar.
Nanak nadree nadar nihaal.38. (Japuji Sahib)
English Version:- Make contenence your furnace and patience as your goldsmith. Consider your mind as your anvil and
divine knowledge as your hammer.
Consider the fear of God as your blower and austerity the heat and fire. Make loving devotion, the
And in this crucible, forge the immortal vision and in such holy mint shape the holy Word.
Only those, who have been, blessed, achieve this fulfilment with Divine Grace.
O Nanak ! They are blessed by the Divine gracious glance.38.

;P?:k.. gKpq g[o; ;[Gkt ;jh Bkfj nkD BIjh fs; uhs Xo'.
d{;o Bkw ;[Gkt pyJh i' ikD fJj eKw BK j/s jo'.

j? i[frnk;{ ;Gkt ;o/;N b? fod XkoB J/j eo'.

w[es ;[Gkt i' usoE j? fJj dk; GrtKB j? ngo go'.. 159..
Swaiyya. Paanbar puras subhaav sahee naahe aaÄ nahee tis cheet dharo.
Doosar naam subhaav bakh-ee jo jaaÄ ih kaam na het haro.
Hai jugiaasoo sabhaav sres¢ lai ridh dhaaran eh karo.
Mukat subhaav jo chatrath hai ih daas Bhagwaan hai apar paro.159.
Word Meaning:- Paanbar – mean. Bakh-ee – a man indulged in immortal acts. Mukat – free.
Meaning:- The nature of mean fellows always remain rash. Never hear their worthless talk. The people who are
indulged in other immortal acts, they are also useless, keep away from these fellows also. But those who
are seekers of religious and spiritual knowledge, their nature is appreciable. Try to enjoy the company of
such people and adopt their Divine knowledge in your heart. Raja Sahib says, “Such people have
achieved the liberation, their nature is superb, excellent and beyond reach. You should try to assume
that nature”.159.

;P?:k.. u[jb uwB e/ rw fty/ JhjK pwB eo/ e'Jh nkfJ fJRkBk.
;/js eh ;G f;cs rJh ip fpcs w/ j? fJj o{j rodkBk.
;'o eo/ e[M[ j'o jh j' eo nkgD/ nkg e' G[b BdkBk.
dk; GrtKB fpnKB gSkB Bk T[wo i[nkB w/ j'j dhtkBk.. 160..
Swaiyya. Chuhal chaman ke gamn vikhe eehaaÆ baman kare koee aae ijhaana.
Sehat kee sabh sifat gaee jab bifat me hai ih rooh gardaana.

Sor kare kujh hor hee ho kar aapÄe aap ko bhul nadaana.
Daas Bhagwaan biaan pachhaan na umar juaan me hoh deewaana.160.
Word Meaning:- Chuhal – merriment. Chaman – flower garden. Gamn – sexual course. Baman – to condemn others.
Gardaana – caught. Nadaana – fool.
Meaning:- In this world form flower garden, the foolish man is trapped in lewdness and evil deeds. The time during
which he remains under influence of these evil deeds, then beauty of his health vanishes and his soul
entangles in confusion and botheration. Forgetting his own self, the fool makes a hue and cry. Raja
Sahib says that due to intoxication of youthfulness, don’t sit like mads. Try to understand the real eternal

;P?:k.. J/ god/;hnk ihT[fVnk ;wM b? BK fJj d/;[ jw/; jwkok.

j? e'Jh ekb yPkp fynkb fJj d/y j[tkb B gkT[ g;kok.
Gkoik G?D i' p?D eo/ fJBh Bk e[M[ eoBk j? nkfJ ;jkok.
e{V eh y/b ek w/b GfJnk fJj dk; GrtkB nk geV eBkok.. 161..
Swaiyya. Ea pardeseeaa jeeu¾iaa samjh lai na ih des hames hamaara.
Hai koee kaal khawaab khiaal ih dekh huwaal na paao pasaara.
Bhaarja bhaiÄ jo baiÄ kare inee na kujh karna hai aae sahaara.
Koo¾ kee khel ka mel bhaiaa ih Daas Bhagwaan aa paka¾ kanaara.161.
Word Meaning:- Bhaarja – wife. BaiÄ – talk.
Meaning:- O my stranger soul ! Believe it that this country will not remain your forever. Knowing this reality, don’t
indulge in doing bad deeds and with deep consideration expand your divine business. Your wife and

sisters, who talk with you, they will not prove helpful at the time of your departure. Raja Sahib says that
considering this world as false expanse, dissociate from it.161.

;P?:k.. u" r';h e[bkfj j? g?jB bJh ip ;kfjB;kfj ek wri bhU.

d[Bhnk eh soe ek r';k bhU fJe d{;o soe T[eEkfJ ehU.
w"bk eh soe ek r';k shnk u"E/ soe eh soe j? nkD EhU.
fJj f;oski j? ceo e/ ip dk; GrtKB T[vkts phU.. 162..
Swaiyya. Chau gosee kulaahe hai paihan laee jab sahinsahe ka magaj leeo.
Duneeaa kee tark ka gosa leeo ik doosar tark ukthaae keeo.
Maula kee tark ka gosa teeaa chauthe tark kee tark hai aaÄ theeo.
Ih sirtaaj hai fakar ke jab daas Bhagwaan uÎaavat beeo.162.
Word Meaning:- Chau gosee – having four corners. Kulaahe – cap. Ukthaae – next world. Maula – God. Anand –
happiness. Beeo – second. UÎaavat – to finish.
Meaning:- When he weared four cornered cap on his head, then he considered himself as the brain of a king, such
king’s caps bear four divine meanings – First corner represents renunciation from world. Second corner
shows renunciation even in the next world. Third represents the renunciation of ownership. Fourth is
renunciation of renunciation, which means forsaking each and everything. Raja Sahib says such King of
Kings never care about the worldly crown.162.
Explanation:- Tere dar de mangte lo¾ na rakhde shaahee dee.
Na uh takhat ja¾aaoo lochan taajan ¢opee paaee dee.
Ga¾h banka jinhaaÆ jitt leeta bai¢he takhat mudaamee ne.
Paka¾ jinhaaÆ tooÆ bukal badha, rees na us sipaahee dee.

;P?:k.. ekpk j? ebp ij sbp j' jK;b nop e/ w[by Bk Gkb[ NekBk.
;kbe j'eo wkbe e' fwb j' y[d ykbe w;s dhtkBk.
ozi' okjs eh Bkfj nkfjN j? ij n?B nikfJp fepbk fJ ykBk.
w[o;d ekwb w/jo ;/ np dk; GrtkB j? ;ku[ gSkBk.. 163..
Swaiyya. Kaaba hai kalab jah talab ho haaÆsal arb ke mulkh na bhaal ¢akaana.
Saalak hokar maalak ko mil ho khud khaalak masat deewaana.
Ranjo raahat kee naahe aahi¢ hai jah ain ajaaib kibla ie khaana.
Mursad kaamal mehar se ab daas Bhagwaan hai saach pachhaana.163.
Word Meaning:- Kalab – body. Talab – desire. HaaÆsal – received. Saalak – friend of God. Khaalak – God. Ranjo raahat –
difference between pain and happiness. Aahi¢ – sound. Ajaaib – wonderful. Murshad kaamal – true
Meaning:- Makka is in your heart, whenever you desire you can meet him. You need not to go Arab country in order
to find the abode. Reciting the name of God with great love, you can attain God. You yourself are God.
In this way enjoy the God’s bliss. When your contemplation and divine love become above the feeling of
pain and happiness, this wonderful stage is in reality the house of God. Raja Sahib says that I have
attained this celestial abode with the grace of true Guru, and I have found the truth.163.

;P?:k.. ;kfjp ;po fJj yto bt' fJ; j? fpu epo e/ e"D ;wk:k.
rBh |ohp ij i/o iohp jphp ej[ jkew e"D j? nk:k.
G/d bpk; ehnk fJibk; j' w[B;c yk; j? edw Nek:k.
dk; GrtkB by' fdbdkB j' iKB eh iKB j? iKB ejk:k.. 164..

Swaiyya. Saahib sabar ih khavar lavo is hai bich kabar ke kauÄ smaaya.
Ganee gareeb jah jer jareeb habeeb kauh haakam kauÄ hai aaya.
Bhed labaas keea ijlaas ho munsaf khaas hai kadam ¢akaaya.
Daas Bhagwaan lakho dildaan ho jaan kee jaan hai jaan kahaaya.164.
Word Meaning:- Saahib sabar – contented. Kabar – body in the form of blanket. Ganee gareeb – Rich and poor. Jah jer
jareeb – whose subordinate are. Labaas – garb. Ijlaas – meeting. Munsaf – judge. Dildaan – wise.
Meaning:- O contented man! Try to know who has been absorbed in this blanket of the body. All rich and poor are
under whose command, try to identify that commander. He has been manifesting himself by wearing
man’s outwardly garb and He Himself assuming the position of a judge has come forward. Be wise and
perceive this truth. Raja Sahib says God Himself becoming life of all lives, has been called as full of

;P?:k.. BK gV nkfJs ;wM fjdkfJs j'fJ fJBkfJs ekwb s/.

fepo e~B[ Bk j' r{Bk r{B J/j ikfJ iB{B j? nkwb s/.
nkoc ukb jehes jkb fJj eow ewkb j' ;kwb s/.
dk; GrtkB fJj ;ku eh ekB b? gk nkockBk nBkwb s/.. 165..
Swaiyya. Na pa¾h aait samajh hidaait hoe inaait kaamal te.
Kibar kanoon na ho goona goon eh jaae janoon hai aamal te.
Aarf chaal hakeekat haal ih karm kamaal ho saamal te.
Daas Bhagwaan ih saach kee kaan lai paa aarfaana anaamal te.165.
Word Meaning:- Hidaait – advice. Inaait – grace. Kaamal – complete. Kibar kanoon – the problems religious codes.

Goona goon – of different forms. Janoon – madness. Aamal – having miraculous power. Aarfaana –
saintly. Anaamal – pure.
Meaning:- You can not understand the secret of God, by reading aaits from Kuran. This secret can be only
manifested by a complete true Guru. Hear the teachings and sermons of the true Guru. Don’t get
yourself entangled in the problems of religious code and rules. Avoid this madness. True path of
liberation is in the company of true saints. That wonderful blessing you will get in the company of holy
saints. Raja Sahib says that the treasure of truth can be obtained from the pure and holy spirit.165.

;P?:k.. p{d' pk; tbkfJs S'V dJh np gkfJ bhnk JhIjK nkfJ wikok.
o?j iB phu ;e{Bs dkyb ;wM uIbh e[M[ n? fdbdkok.
J/j pzd'p;s j' e';; ;/ BIjh ;'o[ gt/ eGh nkfJ eokok.
dk; GrtkB BK j'j BdkB b? owi gSkB j? eh r[cskok.. 166..
Swaiyya. Boodo baas valaait chho¾ daee ab paae leeaa eeÆhaaÆ aae majaara.
Reh jan beech sakoonat daakhal samjh chalee kujh ai dildaara.
Eh bandobasat ho kosas se nahee sor pave kabhee aae karaara.
Daas Bhagwaan na hoh nadaan lai ramaj pachhaan hai kee guftaara.166.
Word Meaning:- Boodo baas – living place. Reh jan – robbers. Sakoonat – place of rest. Dildaara – lover. Karaara –
severe. Nadaan – fool. Ramaj – Godly secret, divine secret.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that I have left my abode which is just like a foreign country. Leaving each and every
thing I am now staying in the graveyard and now I have made this graveyard as my residing place. But
my dear friend ! Try to understand this secret, thinking over it carefully and deeply. As at this place one
day the robber will enter. That time will be protected with great efforts. As on that time there will rise a

great hue and cry. Raja Sahib says that try to understand this obscure secret with great skill and
Explanation:- Raja Sahib aapÄe ant same baare likhde han ki saaÎe sareer nooÆ mazaare ton lai jaaÄ da yatan keeta
jaavega, ih kam ba¾e tak¾e pehre naal rokiaa javega. S¢eek karta ne ih samaaÆ akheen vekhia hai aipar
pinÎ vaaliaaÆ ne sareer nooÆ lai jaaÄ ton ba¾e yatan naal rokiaa.

;P?:k.. ;kfjp b'e fJj pks pskts j? ;G o{g jh :ko :rkBk.

j? y[d yk; ;Bk; eo' BIjh d{;o j'o e' ikD prkBk.
B{o eh ukdo j? ;G ;kdo nopk fJBk;o j? jwkykBk.
dk; GrtkB r[wkB e/jk ip r?o BIjh fes/ ;wM BdkBk.. 167..
Swaiyya. Saahib lok ih baat bataavat hai sabh roop hee yaar yagaana.
Hai khud khaas snaas karo nahee doosar hor ko jaaÄ bagaana.
Noor kee chaadar hai sabh saadar arba inaasar hai hamakhaana.
Daas Bhagwaan gumaan keha jab gair nahee kite samajh nadaane.167.
Word Meaning:- Bigaana – unrelated, stranger, alien. Snaas – recognition. Noor kee chaadar – God’s elegance. Saadar–
with respect. Arba inaasar – four elements: Fire, Air, Water and earth. Hamakhaana – all bodies.
Gumaan – ego.
Meaning:- Saints say that we all are friends and brothers. On all sides there is oneness and there is a no stranger,
unrelated or alien. On all sides God’s light radiates. All bodies consist of five elements namely fire, air,
water, earth and sky. Raja Ji says,“O foolish man ! Why do you feel conceited when there is no stranger
and all are our brothers.167.

;P?:k.. ;[os ;wkb Bk j'j BYkb fynkb by' np nk nzdo{zBh.

u;w T[xkV sj skV eo' ij u;wk fJ B{o fGnk r{Bk r{Bh.
eo eo B'; yw'; GJ/ rJ/ j' cokw'; j? i'; Bw{Bh.
fwb iks w/I iks j' iks rJ/ ip dk; GrtkB j?I nwo ni{Bh.. 168..
Swaiyya. Surat samaal na hoh naÎhaal khiaal lakho ab aa androonee.
Chasm ughaa¾ tah taa¾ karo jah chasma-e-noor bhiaa goona goonee.
Kar kar nos khamos bhae gae ho faraamos hai jos namoonee.
Mil jaat meÆ jaat ho jaat gae jab daas Bhagwaan hain amar ajoonee.168.
Word Meaning:- NaÎhaal – lazy. Androonee – inner. Chasma – eyes. Chasma-e-noor – fountain of divine light. Goona-
goonee – of different colours. Nos – after drinking. Khamos – silent. Faraamos – forget. Jos namoonee –
pretentions excitement or zeal.
Meaning:- Shirk laziness, be alert and know the eternal phenomenon. Meditating on the Name of God, concentrate
your mind and see the colourful fountain of the Divine light. When I saw that fountain of Divine
enlightenment and drank the nectar then all pretentious tastes became bitter and I absorbed myself in
the eternal taste. Raja Sahib says that when the animate and God became one then becoming free from
cycles of birth and death, the animate got the immortal position in the house of God.168.

;P?:k.. ;[jps nkoc n?B eoh ip r?B eh ;{os d{o goh.

;wMh j? ;?B T[mk eo B?B j? u?B GJh fdB o?B yoh.
gke p/pke GJ/ sp s/ ip s/ Bkfj r?o g? Bio Xoh.
Bkw B;kB BIjh B[esk ij dk; GrtkB pjko eoh.. 169..

Swaiyya. Suhbat aarf ain karee jab gain kee soorat door paree.
Samjhee hai sain u¢ha kar nain hai chain bhaee din rain kharee.
Paak bebaak bhae tab te jab te naahe gair pai najar dharee.
Naam nasaan nahee nukta jah daas Bhagwaan bahaar karee.169.
Word Meaning:- Suhbat – company. Ain – correct. Gain – alien. Sain – signal through gesture of the eye, hint. Paak –
pure. Bebaak – fearless. Nukta – point.
Meaning:- When kept the company of saints with great love and attachment then sense of duality and predilection
disappeared. When raising my eyes I understood the signal then I got the everlasting bliss and
calmness. When I dispelled the idea of alienness from my mind then my heart became pure and
fearless. Raja Sahib says that when I raised my instinct from this world, then I understood the delicate
phenomenon, now on my all around is a wave of ecstasy and pleasure.169.

;P?:k.. n?jb swhi nihi pD' np Gow fGnkBe w/ ;p jh.

Jhoyk tkd T[mkfJ d'T{ ;[X ;Ks ;o{g e' Xko ;jh.
toB n;ow ek wkD si' fJe r'fpzd ikfDU ;qp wjh.
ij ej J/e fpoki fojk fJj dk; GrtkB j? pks ;jh.. 170..
Swaiyya. Aihal tameej ajeej baÄo ab bharm bhiaanak me sab hee.
Eerkha vaad u¢haae do-oo sudh saant saroop ko dhaar sahee.
Varan asarm ka maan tajo ik Gobind jaaÄio sarb mahee.
Jah kah ek biraaj riha ih daas Bhagwaan hai baat sahee.170.
Word Meaning:- Aihal tameej – with respect. Ajeej – dear. Bharm bhiaanak – the darkness of doubt. Eerkha – malice

envy, jealousy, spite. Baad – quarrel. Varn asram ka maaÄ – ego of high caste.
Meaning:- All the world has been engrossed in fallacy and misconception. O my dear friend ! Adopt the path of
respect and politeness. Abandoning malice, jealousy and disputes, perceive and recognise your true
form. Dispelling the ego of high caste, see one God pervading in all. Raja Sahib says that there is no
doubt the God Almighty is gracing everywhere.170.

;P?:k.. ;fsr[o w/b ;/ y/b byh fJe sOi sohek j? ikfj fBokok.
Bk ojh jkis j[is eh np Bk jw dzG ek yzG ybkok.
j' w[snip wjt j?I np d/fynk nkD nbkfj fJ;kok.
eko pbyD eKfynk GyD dk; GrtKB s"jhd ekBkok.. 171..
Swaiyya. Satgur mel se khel lakhee ik tarj tareeka hai jaahe niraara.
Na rahee haajat hujat kee ab na ham danbh ka khamb khalaara.
Ho mutajab mehav hain ab dekhiaa aaÄ allahe isaara.
Kaar balkhaÄ kaankhiaa bhakhaÄ daas Bhagwaan tauheed kaanaara.171.
Word Meaning:- Khel lakhee – understood the secret. Tarj tareeka – method. Niraara – peculiar. Haajat – desire. Hujat –
argument, disputation. Mutajab – wonderful. Mehav – engrossed. BalakhaÄ – unique. Kaankhiaa –
desire. BhakhaÄ – to perish. Tauheed – place of unity.
Meaning:- When sitting in seclusion I meditated on the name of God then a wave of Love of God struck me. Then
I leaving the temporary colour and false desires of the world merged into the fast colour of the God.
When I perceived the eternal love of the Divine light then my ignorancy vanished and pretentious rituals
of worship dispelled. Raja Sahib says that now there is no difference of morning or evening, here the
season of spring is pervading everywhere. Now I have attained the everlasting essence.171.

;P?:k.. p?m fpuko fJezs eoh ip szs gq/w eh nkD pih.

Bk np ;zr gszr eoh :eozr j' nzr T[wzr sih.
rJh rKm nfrnkB B ;Km fojk g{ik gkm Bk mkm gq/w rih.
gk fp;oKw Bk ;[pjk fJ ;kw ij dk; GrtKB pjko ;ih.. 172..
Swaiyya. Bai¢h bichaar ikant karee jab tant prem kee aaÄ bajee.
Na ab sang patang karee yakrang ho ang umang tajee.
Gaee gaan¢h agiaan na saan¢h riha pooja paa¢h na ¢haa¢h prem gajee.
pa bisraam na subha ei saam jah daas Bhagwaan bahaar sajee.172.
Word Meaning:- Ikant – alone. Patang – temporary. Umang – excitement. Agiaan – ignorance. Saan¢h – to connect.
Ùhaa¢h – the place of tunes.
Meaning:- When sitting all alone I meditated on the Name of God then tune of love resounded. I left the falsehood
of world and leaving aside the unripe excitements I became one with God. When divine love resounded
in my mind then the knot of ignorance vanished. All false shows of worship dispelled. Raja Sahib says
that now there is no difference of morning and evening. The place where for ever remains the spring,
there I got the place of rest.172.

;P?:k.. p?jo p{zd j' fJe rJ/ by/ e"D iK nkp w/ nkp fgnk j?.
dP?s eh ;ky j? d{o GJh ip tfjd tkfjd j'fJ frnk j?.
r?o fJbkws T[m rJh ;p B{o jh B{o ;wkfJ ofjnk j?.
iwk phu[ nki[i j? iwk j{Jh fJT[I dk; GrtkB nbkfj GfJnk j?.. 173..

Swaiyya. Baihar boond ho ik gae lakhe kauÄ jaaÆ aab me aab piaa hai.
Dwait kee saakh hai door bhaee jab vehad vaahid hoe giaa hai.
Gair ilaamat u¢h gaee sab noor hee noor samaae rehiaa hai.
Jama beech aajuj hai jama hooee ion daas Bhagwaan alaahe bhaiaa hai.173.
Word Meaning:- Baihar – sea. Aab – water. Dwait – duality. Saakh – branch. Vehad vaahid – only one God. Ilaamat –
characteristic. Aajuj – parts. Alaahe – God.
Meaning:- When God and animate merged to be one, then who can distinguish between them that who is God and
who is animate? When they became one then the duality vanished. The concept of stranger or outsider
ended. Everywhere appears the radiance and splendour of God. When yama form rivers merged into
the sea, they themselves became the ocean. In this way Raja Sahib in the form of light himself became
the God.173.

;P?:k.. iKfDnK nKw j? ir swkw fJj ;qp jh yKw j? uKw g;kok.

frnkB fXnkB b? ;ku gSkB j' ;[xV ;[ikB np/ fdbdkok.
wB ;bkfj b? gkfJ gBkfj j? ;G cBkfj neko pjkok.
UIeko nXko ;G/ fBokeko j? dk; GrtkB fJj p'b pukok.. 174..
Swaiyya. JaaÄiaaÆ aam hai jag tamaam ih sarb hee khaam hai chaam pasaara.
Giaan dhiaan lai saach pachhaan ho sugha¾ sujaan abe dildaara.
Man salaahe lai paae panaahe hai sabh phanaahe akaar bahaara.
Onkaar adhaar sabhe niraakaar hai daas Bhagwaan ih bol bachaara.174.
Word Meaning:- Khaam – temporary. Chaam – leather. Sugha¾ sujaan – wise. Dildaara – dear. Panaahe – safe.

Fanaah – mortal. Onkaar – God. Adhaar – support. Niraakaar – without form, formless, the God.
Meaning:- We have comprehended that this world is temporary and everywhere there is expanse of leather. O my
dear friend! Meditating on divine knowledge of the Guru attentively understand the reality of this vast
expanse. Which expanse of this world you are seeing, it is mortal, it will perish one day. Give a consent
to my advice, come into the shelter of true Guru. That formless God is support of all the world. Raja
Sahib says that think and analyse carefully about my advice.174.

;P?:k.. ;wM i[nKB j?I jw wfjwKB fJj e{u ijkB BdkB eo?Ir/.
w[jbs Bk dzw J/e fwb/ e[M[ BK eo j[is fSB no?Ir/.
w;bjs pkM jh T[m ub/I nr/ ekb eoko Bk w{b[ co?Ir/.
gkt g;ko ybko eo/I fJj UVe dk; GrtkB jo?Ir/.. 175..
Swaiyya. Samjh juaan hain ham mehmaan ih kooch jahaan nadaan karainge.
Muhlat na damm ek mile kujh na kar hujat chhin arainge.
Maslhat baajh hee u¢h chaleÆ age kaal karaar na mool pharainge.
Paav pasaar khalaar kareÆ ih o¾ak daas Bhagwaan harainge.175.
Word Meaning:- Mehmaan – guest. Nadaan – at the end. Muhlat na damm – no free time even for a breath. Hujat –
reasoning, excuse, guise, pretence. Arainge – to resist. Maslhat – mutual talk. Karaar pha¾na – to take
Meaning:- Though we are young, still we should understand that we are guests of few days and we have to leave
this world. At the time of end, we will not get more time and making any type pretence or excuse, we
would not be able to resist even for a while. In front of death we will lose our patience and we will get no
free time. As Guru Ramdas Ji says, “They allow not a moment’s delay, o merchant friend! They seize the

mortal with firm hands. On the receipt of the written order the human beings are seized and
despatched.” Raja Sahib says, “O man! you are sitting in this world unworried and carefree, you will have
to leave this world, after defeat, weariness or frustration”.175.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji Sri Raag vich sansaar dee asaarta dasde hoe Naam vaale paase laggaÄ dee prerna
karde han:
Jaise raiÄ praahuÄe u¢h chalseh parbhaat.
Kiaa tooÆ rata girsat sio sabh phula kee baagaat.2.
Meree meree kiaa kareh jin deeaa so Prabh lo¾.
Sarpar u¢hee chalÄa chhaÎ jaasee lakh kro¾.3.
Lakh chauraaseeh bharamtiaa dulabh janam paaioe.
Nanak Naam samaal tooÆ so din ne¾a aaioe.4.22.92. (page 50)
English Version:- Like the night guest you shall have to depart in the morning. Why are you bewitched of your house hold.
Everything is short lived like the orchard of flowers.
Why you say,“This is mine, that is mine, seek the Lord who gave it to you. You must assuredly get up
and depart and leave behind a hundred thousand and millions of rupees.
Having wandered through eighty four lakhs of species you have obtained the scarcely procurable
human life.
O Nanak ! Recite the Name of that God as your day of departure is drawing near.4.22.92.

;P?:k.. fJj ;z;ko peko piko j? d[y jiko prko Gok.

iBw n" woB s/ G[y fgnk; j? okr d[n?y peko yok.
fsqgs BIjh e[M[ G'rB w/I fJB G'r noKw ej[ feB eok.
j' T[goKw oj' nm iKw jh dk; GrtkB BdKB Bok.. 176..

Swaiyya. Ih sansaar bakaar bazaar hai dukh hajaar bagaar bhara.

Janam au maran te bhukh piaas hai raag duaikh bakaar khara.
Tripat nahee kujh bhogan meÆ in bhog araam kauh kin kara.
Ho upraam raho aa¢h jaam hee daas Bhagwaan nadaan nara.176.
Word Meaning:- Bakaar bazaar – bazar of evil deeds. Bagaar – to work without wages. Raag – love. Duaikh – enmity.
Tripat – to satiate. Upraam – to be sad. Aa¢h jaam – twenty four hours.
Meaning:- This world is a bazar of evil deeds and there are thousand of miseries in this bazar. Enmity, birth, death,
hunger, thirst, love, discord etc. these all are vices. A man does not satiate by indulging in copulation and
other enjoyments. Raja Sahib asks,“O brother ! Tell me, who have got the everlasting peace by indulging
in such pleasures. No one has got the eternal delight by such acts. O foolish animate ! Keep your mind
engrossed in the name of God for twenty four hours and attain the spiritual enlightenment.176.

;P?:k.. p'X pIjhB Bk uhB; nksw i' gqphB j? ;qp ebk.

Xkts Xkts fdt; frnk rJh o?IB j? ;?B w/ ;G ybk.
nt;o c/o BK fJj fwb/ iKdk iBw nw'be S?b Sbk.
fjzws jko Bk Xko[ puko e' dk; GrtkB j' nwb wbk.. 177..
Swaiyya. Bodh baheen na cheenas aatam jo parbeen hai sarb kala.
Dhaavat dhaavat divas giaa gaee rain hai sain me sabh khala.
Avsar pher na ih mile jaanda janam amolk chhail chhala.
Hinmat haar na dhaar bachaar ko daas Bhagwaan ho amal mala.177.
Word Meaning:- Bodh baheen – without knowledge. Cheenas aatam – know yourself. Parbeen – wise. Sarb kala –

having all powers. Rain hai sain – night passed while sleeping. Khala – fool. Chhail – young man. Amal
mala – remove your dirt or impurity.
Meaning:- All powerful Almighty can not be known without spiritual knowledge. The foolish animate passes his day
in worldly activities and other business works and night goes while asleep. O youth ! Life of a man is very
precious and rare, this time you will not get again. You should meditate the name of God. Don’t lose
heart, avail your time carefully. Raja Sahib says, “After due consideration and pondering try to wash the
impurity of your mind.177.
Explanation:- Parmesar de Naam nooÆ nahee jaaÄiaa, moorakh phir pachhtaaÆda hai.
Guru Nanak Sahib likhde han:

Gau¾ee BairaagaÄ Mehla.1.

RaiÄ gwaaee soe kai divas gwaaiaa khaae.
Heere jaisa janam hai kauÎee badle jaae.1.
Naam na jaaniaa Ram ka. Moo¾e phir paachhe pachhtaahe re.1.Rahaao.
(page 156.)
English Version:- Man loses his nights in sleeping and loses his days in eating.
Human life is like a jewel.
It goes in exchange for a shell.
He knows not the name of pervading God.
O fool! You shall again repent afterwards.1.Pause.

;P?:k.. J/e nekb eh xkb ewkb Uj[ jo jo jkb ;zGkb ub'.

fsnkr r'gkb BK nkB ;/ bkr BK phu izikb i[tkb ib'.

;ku ;/ oku Bk eku w/I wku fJj gk eo tku ntku yb'.

j' fBogZy nby by' np dk; GrtkB nSb Sb'.. 178..
Swaiyya. Ek akaal kee ghaal kamaal oh Har Har haal sambhal chalo.
Tiaag Gopaal na aan se laag na beech janjaal juwaal jalo.
Saach se raach na kaach meÆ maach ih pa kar vaach avaach khalo.
Ho nirpakh alakh lakho ab daas Bhagwaan achhal chhalo.178.
Word Meaning:- Akaal – Immortal. Gopaal – God. Juwaal – fire. Saach se raach – love all. Kaach meÆ maach –
intoxicated in falsehood.
Meaning:- Meditate the Name of God in all conditions. Hard work done to contemplate the name of God is an
honest earning. Don’t burn yourself in worldly affairs. Leaving the side of the God, don’t adopt another
path. Accepting my words, remain calm. Don’t make noise. Raja Sahib says,“Keeping yourself away
from partiality, perceive the Infinite God. Mammon, which can not be deluded, with the grace of God be
able to deceive it.178.

;P?:k.. phu ;okfJI w[;kco j?I e'Jh dzw r[iko e/ T[m ub?Ir/I.
eo g;ko r[tko BIjh JhjK dkt/ ;/ w{j ;G yke wb?Ir/I.
pks puko pgko eo' e[M[ UVe j'fJ fBok; yb?Ir/.
j'j p/dko byh r[csko j? dk; GrtKB nk iks ob?Ir/.. 179..
Swaiyya. Beech saraae musaafar hain koee danm gujaar ke u¢h chalainge.
Kar pasaar guwaar nahee eeha daave se mooh sabh khaak malainge.

Baat bachaar bapaar karo kujh o¾ak hoe niraas khalainge.

Hoh bedaar lakhee guftaar hai daas Bhagwaan aa jaat ralainge.179.
Word Meaning:- Niraas – hopeless. Bedaar – alert. Guftaar – to say.
Meaning:- This world is just an inn, after passing the night, we will leave this inn. O fool ! Don’t be trapped in worldly
merry making affairs, lovers of falsehood will leave this world, having dust rubbed on their faces.
Pondering over the truth do the business so that you may not leave this world disappointed and
dejected. Guru Amardas Ji writes,“Never do such a deed of which you may have to repent in the end.”
Raja Sahib says,“After accepting my these words and becoming alert, you will merge in God.179.

;P?:k.. j' fJ;fsnke p/pke fi;/ Uj j? w[;ske p/Mke tb/.

fjio fjbke fcoke rJ/ pj/ j' eo gke BK yke wb/.
j' jwtko fBjko oj/ GJ/ t;b t;kb j[tkb Gb/.
d{Jh d{o ;/ B{o j' B{o oj/ j[D dk; GrtkB Gh T[m ub/.. 180..
Swaiyya. Ho istiaak bebaak jise oh hai mustaak bejhaak vale.
Hijar hilaak firaak gae bahe ho kar paak na khaak male.
Ho hamvaar nihaar rahe bhae vasal vasaal huwaal bhale.
Dooee door se noor ho noor rahe huÄ daas Bhagwaan bhee u¢h chale.180.
Word Meaning:- Istiaak – love. Bebaak – fearless. Mustaak – desirous, willing, eager. Hijar – separation. Hilaak – to kill.
Firaak – pain of separation. Hamvaar – level, plane, smooth. Nihaar – to see. Vasal –
indistinguishbleness, of animate with God. Vasaal – unity. Huwaal – event, happening, incident.
Meaning:- In whose mind love emanates, he lives a fearless and inspiring life. He, whose mind pangs of separation

and parting, has been dispelled, he lives a very pure and clean life. He does not rub dirt on his body.
Abandoning the dissent and disagreement he finds the stage of indistinguishbleness with God. When
the curtain of duality vanishes then a luminous light pervades on all sides. Raja Sahib says that now
dualism and enmity has been erased from my mind.180.

;P?:k.. n?B w[jkswK ws fty/ ws wbB j' iks j? ;zr e[;zrh.

G{b eo' Bkfj B/V[ eGh fJB w/b ;/ y/b j' ikfJ e[ozrh.
Bhs e' s'V nBhs eo/ Bkfj whs gqhs j? gKpo uzrh.
dk; GrtkB i/ j'fJ ;e/ e[M[ pks eo' fes/ gk ;s;zrh.. 181..
Swaiyya. Ain muhaatmaaÆ mat vikhe mat malan ho jaat hai sang kusangee.
Bhool karo naahe ne¾ kabhee in mel se khel ho jaae kurangee.
Neet ko to¾ aneet kare naahe meet preet hai paanbar changee.
Daas Bhagwaan je hoe sake kujh baat karo kite pa satsangee.181.
Word Meaning:- MuhaatmaaÆ mat – faith of true persons. Mat malan – lest o my mind. Kurangee – to become bad.
Paanbar – worshipper of power, atheist.
Meaning:- O my mind ! Living with saints, never try to seek the company of spoiled persons. Always avoid the
company of bad persons. By their meeting the whole goes out of order. Leaving the true path to travel
across trackless country side is not good. Company of self oriented headstrong atheists is very bad.
Raja Sahib says if it is posssible to meet a saintly person then have a word with him.181.

;P?:k.. ;kes e' n?;/ ;hy eoh i?;/ w{oy wzd wtkd fBekbk.
ntr[D nkD Gnk ;G r[DB ek fp;hno e' fit/I d{X fgnkbk.

sgs sB{o ro{o Gok BIjh ;/js ikw ek d/j j[tkbk.

dk; GrtKB BdKB Bk gq;hJ/ ;kes ;wM e/ pk;B ekbk.. 182..
Swaiyya. Saakat ko aise seekh karee jaise moorakh mand mavaad nikaala.
AvguÄ aaÄ bhaiaa sabh guÄn ka biseear ko jiveÆ doodh piaala.
Tapat tanoor garoor bhara nahee sehat jaam ka deh huwaala.
Daas Bhagwaan nadaan na parsee-e saakat samjh ke baasan kaala.182.
Word Meaning:- Saakat – worshipper of mammon. Seekh – advice. Mavaad – dirtyness. Biseear – snake. Tapat tanoor –
to be hot like the oven. Garoor – ego. Jaam – cup. Hawaala – example. Parsee-e – touch. Baasan – pot.
Meaning:- If you want to give advice to a worshipper of mammon, it is just like as to extract purulent matter from the
mouth. All the merits convert into demerits. As we give milk to the snakes, but instead of giving any
rewards he bites the benevolent. A man who is full of ego and is burning with avarice, that man cannot
be compared with a peg of health. Never, even by mistake have a company of worshipper of mammon.
Raja Sahib says that such man is a black cooking pot, whoever touches him, becomes black.182.

Explanation:- Kabir saakat sang na keejeeai dooreh jaaeeai bhaag.

Baasan kaaro parseeai tau kachh laagai daag.131. (page 1371.)

English Version:- O Kabir ! Do not associate with the infidel and flee far away from him. If you touch a black pot then some
blot must attach to you.131.

;P?:k.. phu wjZps BK e[M bis G{b eo' Bkfj Bko gqhsh.
UVe n?o j' r?o pD/ BIjh y?o eo/ fJj gkg gbhsh.

phu puko nk jko goh rJh e"b eoko p;ko jh ihsh.

M{m ej{z Bkfj ozue wzsO dk; GrtKB j? T{go phsh.. 183..
Swaiyya. Beech muhabat na kujh lajat bhool karo naahe naar preetee.
O¾ak air ho gair baÄe nahee khair kare ih paap paleetee.
Beech bachaar aa haar paree gaee kaul karaar basaar hee jeetee.
Jhoo¢h kahoon naahe raÆchak maÆtar daas Bhagwaan hai oopar beetee.183.
Word Meaning:- Lajat – taste. O¾ak – at the end. Paap paleetee – filthy with sins. RaÆchak – small.
Meaning:- There is no taste in false love, never even by mistake love a woman. A woman filthy with sins in the end
becomes another’s. At the time of discussion she accepts her defeat and while alive she forgets her
vows and promises. Raja Sahib says,“ There is no lie in it, this has happened with me”.183.

;P?:k.. wkfJnk eh Gkfj brh uj{z Uo j? Gkr ub/I np feXo e'.

nkfJ do/r G:k wB j? d/yh nkr brh ;G jh fXo e".
gV g[eko u"soc ojh d/IyK nKy T[mkfJ w?I fiXo e'.
;s;zr ;o'to ;Ks pj/ j[D dk; GrtKB nk fJXo e'.. 184..
Swaiyya. Maaiaa kee bhaahe lagee chahoon or hai bhaag chaleÆ ab kidhar ko.
Aae dreg bhaya man hai dekhee aag lagee sabh hee dhir kou.
Pa¾ pukaar chautarf rahee deÆkhaaÆ aankh u¢haae maiÆ jidhar ko.
Satsang srovar saant bahe huÄ daas Bhagwaan aa idhar ko.184.
Word Meaning:- Bhaahe – fire. Chahoon or – on four sides. Dreg – grief. Dhir – side.

Meaning:- Mammon’s fire of avarice is burning on four sides. Now where should we go? My mind felt very grieved
when I saw sides burning. On which side I see there is uproar and cry of distress in consequent of cruelty
and injustice. Here holy congregation is the only tank of peace. Raja Sahib says, “O my friend! If you
desire peace and tranquility then go to the side of holy congregation”.184.

;P?:k.. j"I w;ehB jK dhB nsh eo py;Bjko s{z ;kfjp w/ok.

w?I wjK wzd nsh ws nzX Bk iKfDnK j? r[D ;fsr[o s/ok.
dhB fdnkb dfJnk fBX ih fJj G{bDjko j? w{V xB/ok.
jko gVk do nkg e/ wkbe dk; GrtKB BdkB fJj u/ok.. 185..
Swaiyya. Haun maskeen haaÆ deen atee kar bakhsanhaar tooÆ saahib mera.
MaiÆ mahaaÆ mand atee mat andh na jaaÄiaa hai guÄ satgur tera.
Deen diaal daiaa nidh ji ih bhoolaÄhaar hai moo¾ ghanera.
Haar pa¾a dar aap ke maalak daas Bhagwaan nadaan ih chera.185.
Word Meaning:- Maskeen – poor. Mat andh – foolish.
Meaning:- I am very poor and inferior, O my Satguru! My master ! You are a great pardoner and forgiver. I am a
man of false and blind intellect. O Satguru, I have not been able to know your divine characteristics. O
Satguru! you bless the poor and are treasure of pity and compassion. This poor man is very forgetful.
This your ignorant servant has come into your shelter, you are the great blesser; please show your grace
on me.185.

;P?:k.. nk nfrnkB ijKB Gnk np nkB eh nkB j?I pks ubks/.

;wMD ;ko Bk eoB puko fJj pkji fpjko ;Gh psbks/.

fpqsh ;ze'uB pks BIjh ;r'I d/ T[gd/;[ fJj j?I ;z;oks/.

dk; GrtkB BdKB pD/ fJe ikD, dP?s BK d{o jNks/.. 186..
Swaiyya. Aa agiaan jahaan bhaiaa ab aan kee aan hain baat chalaate.
SamjhaÄ saar na karn bachaar ih baahaj bihaar sabhee batlaate.
Birtee sankochan baat nahee sagon de updes ih haiÆ sansraate.
Daas Bhagwaan nadaan baÄe ik jaaÄ dwait na door ha¢aate.186.
Word Meaning:- Agiaan jahaan bhaiaa – this world has gone astray. Aan kee aan – they are doing different things. Saar
na – they not understand in right perceptive. Baahaj – worldly. Britee sankochan – to control the mind
from the worldly side. Sansraate – to engross in worldly affairs. Dwait – duality, who leaving the God,
attach themselves with others, can’t swim the worldly ocean.
Meaning:- This world forgetting the God, are going astray. They have abandoned the spiritual knowledge and talk
about other worldly affairs without understanding the real element; they are having discussion on it.
They are talking about other worldly businesses. They are not controlling their minds from the worthless
worldly affairs, instead they advice the people, how to get entangled in aimless worldly enterprises. As
Kabir Sahib says, “Everyone knows the way to be caught in impurity, but rarely anyone knows how to
escape. O Kabir! No impurity attaches to those, who meditate on the Lord in their mind.” Raja Sahib
says,“ Without knowing one God, we can’t eradicate the discrimination or favouratism.186.
Explanation:- Dubida baare Kabir Sahib likhde han ki he dwait bhaavna ! tainoo koee nahee maar sakda. Chhe
bhekhaan de saadh te chauraasee sidh bhee bhulekhe wich pa rakhe han:
Kabir dhartee ar akaas meh due tooÆ baree abadh.
Kha¢ darsan sanse pare ar chauraasee sidh.202. (page 1375.)

English Version:- O Kabir ! Duality is indestructible in earth and sky. The six Shastraas and eighty four adepts are involved

in doubt.202.

;P?:k.. wkfJnk sih BIjh wkB[ sik BIjh frnkB GnK ip j?I T[Bwkdh.
pD nkg e' e[M[ dykts j?I fJj fB;fdB nkfJ nftdnk j? ;kXh.
fdb'I d{i ;/ g{i eokts j?I nGwkB si/I BIjh np fpykjdh.
fpqs nftfdnk w/I bkr ojh np dk; GrtkB Bk mhe J/j pkdh.. 187..
Swaiyya. Maaiaa tajee nahee maan taja nahee giaan bhaiaaÆ jab haiÆ unmaadee.
BaÄ aap ko kujh dakhaavat hain ih nisdin aae avidiaa hai saadhee.
Dilon dooj se pooj kraavat hain abhimaan tajeÆ nahee ab bikhaahdee.
Brit avidiaa meÆ laag rahee ab daas Bhagwaan na ¢heek eh baadee.187.
Word Meaning:- Unmaadee – mad fellow. Bikhaahdee – quarrelsome. Avidiaa – foolishness. Baadee – habit.
Meaning:- They have abandoned the mammon, but not the conceitedeness. This is just a foolishness and insanity.
They show themselves becoming quite changed, somewhat rather different. They are passing day and
night in this illusion. In their minds they possess duality, conceitedness, and quarrelsome nature, but in
their hearts they long to be worshipped. Raja Sahib says, men of such nature are worthless reckless

;P?:k.. p/d pbk; fJj yk; ej/ fJe ok; nBk; by' xo eh.
fpnk; pf;;N f;q;N J/j' ;jh gkfJ rJ/ nKgD/I eo eh.
BK psq/e pqjw e/ j'o fJj ;ku[ T[gk;Bk j? jo eh.
by/ J/e Bk j'fJ nB/e pj/ d/y' dk; GrtkB eo/ Bo eh.. 188..

Swaiyya. Bed blaas ih khaas kahe ik raas anaas lakho ghar kee.
Biaas basis¢ srisa¢ eho sahee paae gae aapÄeÆ kar kee.
Na batrek brahm ke hor ih saach upaasna hai har kee.
Lakhe ek na hoe anek bahe dekho daas Bhagwaan kare nar kee.188.
Word Meaning:- Blaas – words. Raas anaas – indestructible property. Srisa¢ – excellent. Sahee – right. Kar kee – of
hands. Batrek – without. Basisa¢ – Guru of Sri Ram Chander. Ved Biaas – writer of Mahabhaarat.
Meaning:- Vedas also tell that Divine knowledge is indestructible property. Superb and excellent men like Ved
Viaas and Vasist during the study of Vedas and Puranas and Yog Vasist have authenticated that Divine
knowledge is Supreme of all. Without Brahm there is nothing else. This is the right worship of God. Raja
Sahib says, without knowing one God, a man trapped in the diversity of mammon, is doing foolish

;P?:k.. j?I gqDkwh gdkoE fJj[ ;G ikD e/ ;s Bk w'j pVkJhJ/.

T[gis fpB;s pko BK bkrs bzgN j' BIjh iBw r[tkJhJ/.
ik ;s ;zr w/ ;Ku gSkD e/ fB;fdB ozr T[wzr uVkJhJ/.
dk; GrtkB j' ;kc ;[ikB fJj gkfJ frnkB fpfrnkB g? nkJhJ/.. 189..
Swaiyya. Hain parÄaamee padaarath ih sabh jaaÄ ke sat na moh ba¾aaee-e.
Upjat binsat baar na laagat lampa¢ ho nahee janam guwaaee-e.
Ja sat sang me saach pachhaaÄ ke nisdin rang umang cha¾aaee-e.
Daas Bhagwaan ho saaf sujaan ih paae giaan bigiaan pai aaee-e.189.
Word Meaning:- ParÄaamee – having end. Upjat – to born. Binsat – to destroy. Baar – lateness. Lampa¢ – to be trapped.

Rang umang – colour of eagerness. Sujaan – wise. Bigiaan – divine knowledge.

Meaning:- All the material objects of the world are destructible. Knowing this fact as true, don’t try to have love with
these material objects. There is no delay incoming and going of these materials. Trapped in these
immaterial and worthless objects, don’t waste your precious birth. Meeting the saintly persons
understand the truth and reality, and become an ardent devotee of the Lord. Raja Sahib says, “Become
a wise man and purifying your heart, tell others about spiritual knowledge and everlasting delightness of
supreme bliss.189.
Explanation:- Kabir Sahib sansaar dee asaarta nooÆ he¢h likhe shabad wich likhde han:

Gau¾ee Kabir Ji.

Upjai nipjai nipaj smaaee. Nainah dekhat ih jag jaaee.1.
Laaj na maroh kahoh ghar mera. Ant kee baar nahee kachh tera.1.Rahaao.
Anik jatan kar kaaiaa paalee. Martee baar agni sang jaalee.2.
Choaa chandan mardan anga. so tan jalai kaa¢h kai sanga.3.
Kauh Kabir sunoh re guneeaa. Binsaigo roop dekhai sabh duneeaa.4.11.
(page 325.)
English Version:- The mortal is born, he grows up and having grown up he dies.
Before our very eyes, this world is seen passing away. Why do you not die of shame, when you call your
home to be yours.
At the last moment nothing remains yours. Pause.
With various efforts the body is cherished, but at the time of death, it is burnt with fire.
The body to whose limbs you apply the otto of sandal is burned with wood.
O Kabir! Ask these virtuous men to hear
Your beauty shall perish and the whole world will see it.

;P?:k.. d/ys d/ys d/y[ frnk ir[ BK fEo e'fJ i[ d/s dykJh.
B?B phu fJj j' ;G y/b[ fojk BIjh pks fSgh gqsy j? GkJh.
J/j fptjko fBjko fBjko feT[I w'fj gqhs j? ns pYkJh.
bzgN j' BIjh e{V fpy/ np dk; GrtKB s{z oy[ ;ckJh.. 190..
Swaiyya. Dekhat dekhat dekh giaa jag na thir koe ju det dakhaaee.
Nain beech ih ho sabh khel riha nahee baat chhipee partakh hai bhaaee.
Eh biwhaar nihaar nihaar kion mohe preet hai at baÎhaaee.
Lampa¢ ho nahee koo¾ bikhe ab daas Bhagwaan tooÆ rakh safaaee.190.
Word Meaning:- Thir – who stays forever. Biwhaar – business. Nihaar nihaar – seeing it again and again. Lampa¢ –
Meaning:- The world which we are seeing, is passing away before our eyes. There is no object who will stay
forever. This play is being played before your eyes. There is a no secret in it. O friend! Seeing all these
things and understanding reality of this drama, why have you attached yourself with it? Analysing the
hidden truth of this play, don’t try to engross in this worldly enigma.190.

;P?:k.. ;kiB ;zr ;ykfJ fis/ fwb nkg; w/ np j?I joyks/.

fpgs gVh Bkfj B/V e' nkts ghm GtkfJ ;Gh T[m iks/.
j[p jiko Uj :ko ejK np nkr/ ;/I nkfJ i[ jkE fwbks/.
fJj fptjko pDkT[ pDk ir dk; GrtkB feT[I w'j[ pYks/.. 191..

Swaiyya. Saajan sang sakhaae jite mil aapas me ab hain harkhaate.

Bipat pa¾ee naahe ne¾ ko aavat pee¢h bhavaae sabhee u¢h jaate.
Hub hajaar oh yaar kahaan ab aage seÆ aae ju haath milaate.
Ih biwhaar baÄaao baÄa jag daas Bhagwaan kion moh baÎhaate.191.
Word Meaning:- Sakhaae – friend. Harkhaate – to become happy. Hub – love. Biwhaar – business.
Meaning:- Dear friends and other near and dear relatives who joining with each other, enjoy, but at the time of
distress and affliction, no one comes near. All turning around show the back. Our dear friends who were
showing their affection in thousand ways, where have they gone now. Who were coming daily to meet us
and were shaking hands. We can not even find there where abouts. Raja Sahib says, “All this expanse
and the entire creation is temporary. O man ! Why have you increased your attachment to worldly goods
and relationships.191.

;P?:k.. BK ojh ;es pqes GJ/ ip fpqsh j' Ees nk ces GJh.
s{b n" noi eh doi BIjh e'Jh BK np coi iK roi rJh.
n?B ngko fJj j? r[biko b? pks B :ko pjko BJh.
nk ;zs'y ;/ w'y GfJnk np dk; GrtkB nBzd wJh.. 192..
Swaiyya. Na rahee sakat barkat bhae jab birtee ho thakat aa fakat bhaee.
Tool au arj kee darj nahee koee na ab farj jaan garj gaee.
Ain apaar ih hai guljaar lai baat na yaar bahaar naee.
Aa santokh se mokh bhaiaa ab daas Bhagwaan anand maee.192.
Word Meaning:- Barkat – one who is indifferent to worldly players, renunciant, recluse. Fakat – end. Tool – length. Arj –

breadth. Garj – needs. Apaar – without end. Mokh – salvation.

Meaning:- When became renunciant, then meandering of mind and eternal anxiety ended. All the duties and wants
came to an end. When mind got freedom from worldly desires, then all long and broad cock and bull
stories winded up. This internal and spiritual garden of flowers is limitless. O my dear friend ! Now enjoy
the internal spring of happiness. Raja Sahib says, “When your mind has achieved celestial contentment
then there is unique and matchless happiness everywhere”.192.

;P?:k.. ij f;zx e[ozr j? nzr fJek fJek peoh n" pfxnko nj/.
ij j;sh n" ehN j? vhm fJek fJek j' ij j?I Bo Bko oj/.
ij iht pqjw j? wow fJek fJek poB nk;ow eh Xko pj/.
;' n;EKB eh nk; jh ;zsB dk; GrtkB BdkB ej/.. 193..
Swaiyya. Jah singh kurang hai ang ika ika bakaree au baghiaar ahe.
Jah hastee au kee¢ hai dhee¢h ika ika ho jah hain nar naar rahe.
Jah jeev braham hai marm ika ika barn aasarm kee dhaar bahe.
So asthaan kee aas hee santan daas Bhagwaan nadaan kahe.193.
Word Meaning:- Singh – lion. Kurang – deer. Ang – body. Hastee – elephant. Kee¢ – ant. Dhee¢h – eye sight. Marm –
secret. Dhaar – fall.
Meaning:- Lion and deer, goat and wolf, elephant and ant, man and woman, though their bodies and names are
different, but in all light of God is one. The secret of Almighty and animate is the same. But at the state
of unity the different castes and monasteries bear no discrimination or disparity. Only saints desire this
supreme position and only saints can help the common man to attire this highest spiritual position.193.

Explanation:- Bhagat Namdev Ji is ekta de mukaam baare likhde han:

Maalee Gau¾a Bhagat Namdev Ji.
Sabhai gha¢ Raam bolai Raama bolai. Raam bina ko bolai re.1. Rahaao.
Ekal maatee kunjar chee¢ee bhaajan hain bauh nana re.
Asthaawar jangam kee¢ patangam gha¢ gha¢ Raam smaana re.1.
Ekal chinta raakh ananta aur tajoh sabh aasa re.
Parnavai Naama bhae nihkaama ko Thaakur ko daasa re.2.3. (Page 988.)

English Version:- Within all the hearts the Lord speaks, the Omnipresent Lord speaks. Save the Lord who is it that
speaks? Pause.
The same clay is elephant, the ant and the many varieties of vessels. In immobile life mobile beings
worms, moths and in every heart the Lord is contained. O man! Think of you of one infinite Lord and
abandon all other hopes.
Namdev supplicates, I have become desire free and in this state who is the Lord and who is the servant?

;P?:k.. ikr ;t/o BIjh eo d/o fJj t/o Bk c/o fwb/ eGh nkJh.
;"e ;Bkys oy ockes b/j[ fbnkes nkoc GkJh.
rj/I r[csko oj/I fdbdko r[cko dhdko j't/ s[oskJh.
fJT[I fdbpkr dwkr j'fJ o";B dk; GrtkB ej/ ;[GokJh.. 194..
Swaiyya. Jaag swer nahee kar der ih ver na pher mile kabhee aaee.
Sauk snaakhat rakh rafaakat leh liaakat aaraf bhaaee.
GaheÆ guftaar raheÆ dildaar guphaar deedaar hove turtaaee.

Ion dilbaag damaag hoe rausan daas Bhagwaan kahe subhraaee.194.

Word Meaning:- Snaakhat – recognition. Rafaakat – friendship. Liaakat – respect. Gufaar – the God. Turtaaee – at once.
Dilbaag – internal enjoyment of heart. Subhraaee – to fill.
Meaning:- Rise early in the morning, this time you will not avail again. Keep a desire in your mind to meet the saintly
persons. Keep their company and making them friends learn how to speak politely. If you comply with
our words and keep the company of saints with great love, then you will get very soon the elegant
radiance of God. Raja Sahib says, “Your mind and brain will become enlightened and your soul will get

efps.. nzeo fiT[I J/e pN ;{yw ;/ ;{yw ;h fs; e/ j' shB vkb GfJnk fp;Eko j?.
J/e ;/ d' shB uko GJ/ j?I jiko :ko bky s/ eo'V nop yop p/ ;[wko j?.
n?;/ J/e nKswK ;/ wB fus p[X j'fJ oi' sw' ;s' shB r[Dk ;z;ko j?.
gkfJ n?;k w{b BIjh noi n" s{b iK w/I dk; GrtKB ;jh nksw puko j?.. 195..
Kabit – Ankar jion ek ba¢ sookham se sookham see tis ke ho teen Îaal bhaiaa bisthaar hai.
Ek se do teen chaar bhae hain hajaar yaar laakh te karo¾ arb kharb be sumaar hai.
Aise ek aatma se man chit budh hoe rajo tamo sato teen guÄa sansaar hai.
Paae aisa mool nahee arj au tool jaan meÆ daas Bhagwaan sahee aatam bachaar hai.195.
Word Meaning:- Ankar – origin, root. Ba¢ – banyan tree. Bisthaar – expanse. Man – animate. Chit – which reminds
meditation. Tin guÄ – three tempraments. Rajas – optimism. Tamas – egotism. Satak – pessimism. Arj
aur tool – long and broad.
Meaning:- As the seed of Banyan tree is smallest of all, but its tree had a great expanse. It expands into many

branches. From one it became two, three, four, thousand, million and million of millions and limitless. In
this way from one signifying self originated, mind, heart and intellect. This world has been created with
three tempraments. These three qualities are Rajas which shows optimism, Tamas which indicates
egotism and Satak which represents pessimism. From these three qualities, the world was created.
Which attained the original Divine Word of the God. Raja Sahib says, “From this God’s Word this
expanse of world was created, it must be considered as true reality.”195.
Explanation:- Bhagat Kabir Ji vee is varga vichaar parga¢ karde han:

Alah laho tau kiaa kaho kaho ta ko upkaar.

Ba¢ak beej meh rav reho ja ko teen lok bisthaar.3. (Page 340)

English Version:- If I obtain the Adorable Lord what shall I say then? By uttering His praise what good I do to others?
He whose expanse is in the three worlds, is contained in the seed of banyan-tree.3.
Bhai Gurdas Ji is baare likhde han:
Jaise heera haath mai tanak so dikhaaee det,
mol kee-e te damkan bhart bhandaar Ji.
Jaise bar baadhe hunÎee laagat na bhaar kachhoo
aage jaae paaeeat lachhmee apaar Ji.
Jaise ba¢ beej at sookham saroop hot
boe sai bibidh karai birkha bisthaar Ji.373.

efps.. i/o ;k:k ekb feT[ j't/ fJj nekb pks pVh jh w[jkb vkb nzeo ;wktD/.
fwb/ ekwb i/ gho j'j dkwB prho n?;h eo sdpho sedho sho uktD/.

pks n;bh puko j'fJnk ejK ;/ g;ko n?;/ eoe/ ;wko fBokeko fBi gktD/.
nkg nkg e' fBjko gkfJnk J/e UAeko ip dk; GrtKB gV/ gq/w e/ pSktD/.. 196..
Kabit – Jer saaya kaal kio hove ih akaal baat ba¾ee hee muhaal Îaal ankar samaavÄe.
Mile kaamal je peer hoh daaman bageer aisee kar tadbeer takdeer teer chaavÄe.
Baat aslee bachaar hoiaa kahaan se pasaar aise karke samaar niraakaar nij paavÄe.
Aap aap ko nihaar paaiaa ek onkaar jab daas Bhagwaan pa¾e prem ke bachhaavÄe.196.
Word Meaning:- Jer saaya – under the cycle of death. Akaal – immortal. Muhaal – difficult. Daal – branches. Ankar –
seed. Daaman bageer – to take shelter. Tadbeer – method. Niraakaar – without form. Ek onkaar – God.
Meaning:- It is very difficult to explain that an animate under the influence of death, how can achieve immortality?
As the branches of a tree remain hidden in its seed. If a man find a true Guru and takes his shelter, then
the true Guru will change his fate. Know the reality that from where this expanse of the world has
originated? Engrossed in such thought, you will perceive your self-form. When analysing yourself you
will recognise your internal soul, then you will attain the God. Raja Sahib says that when identifying
yourself you will perceive the formless God, then you will take rest on the bed of divine love.196.

efps.. wbeh n" t;bh jeheh i' ti{d fsB j;sh Gh J/jh fpu fJ;w i{BkBh j?.
;{yw s/ E{b n"o ekoB ;oho fJj fjzdrh ipkB Bkw fsB/ jh pyKBh j?.
nkgDk i' nkg[ s[ohnk ;G ek nfX;NkB by/ i'T{ fs;/ ;'Jh nkoc frnkBh j?.
doi? bkj{s go ikfJ GrtkB dk; j'fJ y[d B{o i[ ykftzd fJj bk;kBh j?.. 197..
Kabit – Malkee au vaslee hakeekee jo vajood tin hastee bhee ehee bich ism joonaanee hai.
Sookham te thool aur kaarn sareer ih hindgee jabaan naam tine hee bakhaanee hai.

AapÄa jo aap tureeaa sabh ka adhis¢aan lakhe jo-oo tise soee aaraf giaanee hai.
Darjai laahoot par jaae Bhagwaan Daas hoe khud noor ju khaavand ih laasaanee hai.197.
Word Meaning:- Malkee – delicate. Vaslee – without mass. Ism – name. Joonaanee – language of Greeks. Adhis¢aan –
in the form of shelter. Laahoot – attainment of God. Khaavand – husband. Laasaanee – without
Meaning:- Delicate, without mass and reality, in Greek language these three modes are considered as body forms.
But in Hindi language these are called as sookham, asthool and kaarn. The state of knowledge which is
shelter of all, who analyses it, is called an enlightened person or saint. Such a person possesses divine
knowledge. Raja Sahib says, “In that state of union and spiritual enlightenment a man himself becomes
the divine light and that divine light becomes the form of God.”197.

efps.. shB spk e/ wekB shB j;sh gSkB r[D shBB eh eKB w/ d[ekB e' ubkfJnk j?.
shB spk dofwnkB j{nk ;rb ijKB n?;/ eoe/ ;wKB ouh fsqr[Dh wkfJnk j?.
gzuheoB g;ko ehnk e[b ;z;ko fBokeko ;/ neko pD nkg e' G[bkfJnk j?.
gkfJ gkfJ ;kB j'fJnk ;kB ;/ p/;kB ;kB dk; GrtkB pkbk;kB ;kBh e' G[bkfJnk j?.. 198...
Kabit – Teen taba ke makaan teen hastee pachhaan guÄ teenan kee kaan me dukaan ko chalaaiaa hai.
Teen taba darmiaan hooaa sagal jahaan aise karke samaan rachee triguÄee maaiaa hai.
Pancheekarn pasaar keeaa kul sansaar niraakaar se akaar baÄ aap ko bhulaaiaa hai.
Paae paae saan hoiaa saan se besaan saan daas Bhagwaan baalaasaan saanee ko bhulaaiaa hai.198.
Word Meaning:- Taba – health. Teen – three states of sleeping, awake, dreamy and dream free sound sleep. Teen
hastee – three forms of human beings, gods, demons and men. GuÄ teenan – three tempraments, rajo

optimism, tamas egotism and satik pessimism. Pancheekarn – twenty five matters or universes.
Baalaasaan – highest of all. Saan – dignity.
Meaning:- ih Kabit Guru Nanak Dev Ji deeaan inhaan tuka naal mel khaanda hai:
Eka maaee jugat viaaee tin chele parvaan.
Ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree ik laae debaan. (Jap Ji)

God has created his three assistants known as Brahma, Vishnu and Shivjee. Brahma creats the
animates, Vishnu nourshes them and Shivjee kills them. Animates have three tempraments, optimism,
egotism and pessimism and in these three tempraments the whole world has been created by mammon.
The five elements through twenty five natures have been converted from formless into forms and whole
world has been put into illusion. Raja Sahib says that man entangled in the splendour and pomp and
show of mammon has forgotten himself and from such high grandeur has reduced himself to a destitute.
He has forgotten the God who is above all the splendours.198.

efps.. ;[zB ;/ ;[Gkte ;[Gkt jh eh skes ;/ ;[os ;b'Bh nkfJ cfVnk eoko j?.
;[os n" o{j Bkw J/e jh ejkts j?I shB n;EkBB w? cfVnk cbko j?.
n?;h oue/ ybko bkfJ p?mh nk piko sK jh j'Jh j? y[nko Sv p?mh ip ;ko j?.
sK jh bJ/ J/j nB`d[ cV/ ;[zB dk i/ ozd[ j[D dk; GrtKB ;[zB ngo ngko j? .. 199..
Kabit – SuÆn se subhaavak subhaav hee kee taakat se surat salonee aae pha¾iaa karaar hai.
Surat au rooh naam ek hee kahaavat hain teen asthaanan mai pha¾iaa phalaar hai.
Aisee rachke khalaar laae bai¢hee aa bazaar taan hee hoee hai khuaar chhaÎ bai¢hee jab saar hai.
TaaÆ hee lae eh anand pha¾e suÆn da je rand huÄ daas Bhagwaan suÆn apar apaar hai.199.

Word Meaning:- SuÆn – inanimate, inert. Salonee – beautiful. Karaar – stable. Teen asthaanan – three worlds. Phalaar –
expanse. Rand – catch.
Meaning:- When we concentrate our soul then immense power generates with in our beautiful mental activity. Soul
and mind are one and the same thing. Soul pervades in the three worlds. Soul leaving its own golden
place absorbing in the expanse, has been subjected to needless in conveniences. Raja Sahib says that
if the soul adopts the place of perfect mental tranquillity, whose grandeur is beyond description then it
can attain the everlasting delight and bliss.199.

efps.. firo w/I nkfJ Bkw o{j ek sp Jh j'fJ fdb n;EkB Bkw fJ;dk j?tkBh j?.
Bhub/ wekB S'v ub[ np T{go e' nzso dwKr pD p?mh Bc;kBh j?.
p?m e/ nbr d/y[ nzsfo fXnkB j' pDktN fJj eko fp;Eko ;G ckBh j?.
gzuheoB ej[ ejK ijK j{nk j? ngzuheoB dk; GrtkB n?;/ ;[zB fJj[ bk;kBh j?.. 200..
Kabit – Jigar meÆ aae naam rooh ka tab ee hoe dil asthaan naam isda haivaanee hai.
Neechle makaan chhoÎ chal ab oopar ko antar damaang baÄ bai¢hee nafsaanee hai.
Bai¢h ke alag dekh antar dhiaan ho baÄaava¢ ih kaar bisthaar sabh phaani hai.
Panchikarn kauh kahaan jahaan hooaa hai apanchikarn daas Bhagwaan aise suÆn ih laasaani hai.200.
Meaning:- The name of soul at liver and heart becomes courage and boldness. This soul when enters in the brain
then it is called by the name of sensual lust. While sitting alone concentrate your mind in deep meditation
and see that whatever the creation is that is expanse of soul and all is perishable. When the five
elements and twenty five natures meet, then remains no corporal existence. Raja Sahib says that state
of mind without thought or feeling is the excellent state of mind.200.

efps.. shB d/tskUI ehnK g[ohnK J/j[ shB ikD shB jh ;[Gkt gqfeqs nuko j?.
ijK ijK brdh j? ;[os fdqV j'fJ sjK sjK oudh fpbZyD fJj eko j?.
fisBhnk skesK ijKB ehnK o{j fpu o{j ek yikBk n?;k ngo ngko j?.
shB' r[D' e' fsnkr u"E/ gd w/ ik bkr fJU dk; GrtKB s[ohnk gd fBokeko j?.. 201..
Kabit – Teen devtaaon keeaan pureeaan eh teen jaaÄ teen hee subhaav prakirt achaar hai.
JahaaÆ jahaaÆ lagadee hai surat dri¾ hoe tahaaÆ tahaaÆ rachdee billakhaÄ ih kaar hai.
Jitneeaa taaktaaÆ jahaan keeaan rooh bich rooh ka khajaana aisa apar apaar hai.
Teeno guÄo ko tiaag chauthe pad me ja laag io daas Bhagwaan tureeaa pad niraakaar hai.201.
Word Meaning:- Teen devte – Brahma, Vishnu and Shivji. Teen pureeaan – Brahmpuri, Vishnupuri and Shivpuri. Teen
subhaav – rajo, sato and tamo. Tureeaa pad – fourth position. Niraakaar – formless.
Meaning:- Three gods have their three cities named as Brahmpuri, Vishnupuri and Shivpuri. The nature have three
tempraments named as optimist, egotist and pessimist. According to these three tempraments there are
some people of peaceful nature, some are burning with their egos and some remain sad. Wherever the
man concentrates his mind, there he expands his expanse according to his nature. The treasure of soul
is beyond and beyond, further and further. All powers of the world are expanse of the soul. Raja Sahib
says that rise up from three qualities of mammon and enter in the fourth and final stage of spiritual
quietude and beatitude which is formless. Attach your mind with this form and attain the celestial

efps.. nkoc'I e' fwfb o{j nkgDh ~ y'i d/y[ ejK ;/ J/j nkJh ejK ikfJ e/ ;wkJ/rh.
e"D ;h J/j uhi fe; iwk ;/ nki[i j{Jh e"D ;h T[gkfJ fBfi o{g w/I J/j nkJ/rh.

ghS/ e' jNkfJ o[y[ fJ;Esh gkfJ eo T[oX w[y fpqs j' xo w/ nk ikJ/rh.
nkg e' fBjko GJh ;[X fBofpeko o{g dk; GrtkB fudkek; n?;/ gkJ/rh.. 202..
Kabit – Aarfon ko mil rooh aapÄee nooÆ khoj dekh kahaaÆ se eh aaee kahaaÆ jaae ke samaaegee.
KauÄ see eh cheej kis jama se aajuj hooee kauÄ see upaae nij roop meÆ eh aaegee.
Peechhe ko ha¢aae rukh isthatee paae kar urdh mukh birat ho ghar me aa jaaegee.
Aap ko nihaar bhaee sudh nirbikaar roop daas Bhagwaan chidaakaas aise paaegee.202.
Word Meaning:- Jama – assemblage, crowd. Aajuj – peaces. Nij roop – selfhood. Isthatee – attach. Urdh mukh birtee –
to rise the mind higher and higher. Nihaar – to see. Sudh nirbikaar – sinless. Chidaakaas – complete
Brahm like sky.
Meaning:- Keeping the company of saints analyse your self-soul that from where it has come and where it will
merge and what is it ? From which assemblage it has come in peaces and by which contriver and
ingenious it will convert into its original form? Drift your mind from this vast expanse and raise it higher
and higher. Then it will enter into its true abode. Raja Sahib says that by this contriver perceiving your
form, you will attain your pure form which is sinless God.202.

efps.. eo/ eow nB/e BIjh bfynk nB/e J/e gkfJnk BK pp/e BIjh nkoc'I gj nkfJnk j?.
w[dk e?;/ gkJ/ g?V pkjo bikJ/ nkg nkg e' ygkJ/ BIjh G/d eIjh gkfJnk j?.
y'ih fwb/ r[o[ g?V T[bNh g[ukJh X[o ;Ks nkJh T[o y'i n;bh iK gkfJnk j?.
w[dk fbnk gkfJ e[b eow G[bkfJ j[D dk; GrtkB fudkek; w/ ;wkfJnk j?.. 203..
Kabit – Kare karm anek nahee lakhiaa anek ek paaiaa na babek nahee aarfon pah aaiaa hai.
Muda kaise paae pai¾ baahar lajaae aap aap ko khapaae nahee bhed kahee paaiaa hai.

Khojee mile gur pai¾ ul¢ee puchaaee dhur saant aaee ur khoj aslee jaaÆ paaiaa hai.
Muda liaa paae kul karm bhulaae huÄ daas Bhagwaan chidaakaas me smaaiaa hai.203.
Word Meaning:- Babek – to perceive the true form of a thing. Muda – reality. Pai¾ – sign of foot. Ur– heart.
Meaning:- As you have not enjoyed the company of holy saints, so you have not been able to analyse the One from
limitless. How one can know about the reality when mind is inclined towards vast expanse. This is just
strain of one’s nerves, he can not realize the truth. If you meet a true Guru then with his help turn your
mind from worldly affairs and adopt the path of deliverance. Then through religions pursuit you realize
the spiritual knowledge and your heart finds the everlasting peace. Raja Sahib says that when you
became familiar with your self-soul then rising above the deeds, religions and restraints you will merge
into one God.203.
Explanation:- Phal kaarn phoolee banraae. Phal laaga tab phool bilaae.
Giaanai kaarn karm abhiaas. Giaan bhaiaa tah karmah naas.3. (page 1167.)

English Version:- The vegetation blossoms for producing fruit when it fruitions, then flowers decay. When Divine
knowledge is obtained then deeds come to an end.3.

efps.. ghnk e' gSkD ghnk gq/w j? gqkD ghnk jwok j? skD ghnk gkfJnk iKB ikB w/I.
ghnk jwok nbkj BIjh eohJ/ p;kj ghnk j? gBkj okj[ gkfJnk r[o frnKB w/I.
ghnk e/ pi'r ;G j'Itd/ j?I o'r ;'r ghnk ek ;zi'r GfJnk jw/ J/e fXnkB w?.
ghnk e/ dhdko j'fJ ojh j? pjko j[D dk; GrtKB ghnk gkfJnk fpfrnkB w?.. 204..
Kabit – Peeaa ko pachhaaÄ peeaa prem hai praaÄ peeaa hamra hai taaÄ peeaa paaiaa jaan jaan meÆ.
Peeaa hamra alaah nahee karee-e basaah peeaa hai panaah raah paaiaa gur giaan meÆ.

Peeaa ke bajog sabh hoÆvde hain rog sog peeaa ka sanjog bhaiaa hame ek dhiaan mai.
Peeaa ke deedaar hoe rahee hai bahaar huÄ daas Bhagwaan peeaa paaiaa bigiaan mai.204.
Meaning:- Know your dear God, He is more dear than the breaths. He is life of life and He is all powerful. Our lover
is God. Never forget him. He is our support and shelter. We realize Him through Guru’s Divine
knowledge. In the separation of God, all diseases ailments grip the human beings. He is achieved
through concentration of mind. Raja Sahib says that when through spiritual knowledge I met my dear
God then happiness and blossoming pervaded everywhere.204.

efps.. T[gwK ngko e?;/ eoK w?I T[uko wjwK r[o eh ngko gqwkswK ;/ go/ j?.
G?ib ;z;ko gowkswK g;ko fJj r[o[ T[gd/; gko gbe w? eo/ j?.
gqwkswk SgkfJnk nkg nkg e' pskfJnk BjhI r[o gqskg njz pqjw jh T[uo/ j?.
g?rzpo n"sko ;G wkfJnk ek fpjko fJj dk; GrtKB r[o ;ku jh e' oo/ j?.. 205..
Kabit – Upma apaar kaise karaaÆ maiÆ uchaar mehmaan gur kee apaar Parmaatma se pare hai.
Bhaijal sansaar Parmaatma pasaar ih Gur updes paar palak mai kare hai.
Parmaatma chhapaaiaa aap aap ko bataaiaa naheeÆ Gur partaap ahang Brahm hee uchre hai.
Paigambar autaar sabh maaiaa ka bihaar ih daas Bhagwaan Gur saach hee ko rare hai.205.
Word Meaning:- Upma – appreciation. Pasaar – expanse. Palak – in twinkle of an eye. Ahang Brahm – I am God.
Paigambar – prophet. Autaar – prophet.
Meaning:- Praise of Guru is beyond and beyond, further and further, how can I describe it. Guru’s praise is even
beyond God. This worldly ocean is his expanse. With the grace of Guru we can cross the worldly ocean
in the twinkling of an eye. The God has concealed Himself in His creation. With the grace of Guru the

animate also becomes God. Raja Sahib says that true Guru is telling the truth that prophets etc. are also
under the influence of mammon.205.
Explanation:- Guru dee mehma parhe ton parhe hai. Aasa Raag wich Guru Nanak Dev Ji Guru dee mehma is parkaar
karde han:
Salok M:1.
Balihaaree Gur aapÄe diohaa¾ee sad vaar.
Jin maaÄs te devate kee-e kart na laagee vaar.1. (page 462-63)

English Version:- I am a sacrifice to my Guru a hundred times each day, who has turned ordinary men into gods without
making any delay.1.
Salok M:2.
Je sau chanda ugveh sooraj cha¾eh hajaar.
Ete chanaÄ hodiaan Gur bin ghor andhaar.2. (page 462-63.)

English Version:- If a hundred moons and thousand sun should rise. But inspite of this illumination there remains pitch
darkness without the teachings of the Guru.2.

efps.. r[o e' nd/; eo ;rb eb/; jo jhJ/ w? jw/; Xo fBi o{g gkfJnk j?.
r[o fwjotKB ehnk w[M g? fJj;kB dkB dhnk j? fpfrnKB frnKB nfrnKB e' rtkfJnk j?.
wjwk r[o eh ngko pbjko fJj pjko n?;' ehnk T[geko fBokeko e' bykfJnk j?.
r[o ekwb e' fod/ Xko pzdBk j? pko pko dk; GrtKB r[o ;kdeh ;wkfJnk j?.. 206..
Kabit – Gur ko ades kar sagal kales har hee-e mai hames dhar nij roop paaiaa hai.
Gur miharvaan keeaa mujh pai ihsaan daan deeaa hai bigiaan giaan agiaan ko gavaaiaa hai.

Mehma Gur kee apaar balhaar ih bahaar aiso keeaa upkaar niraakaar ko lakhaaiaa hai.
Gur kaamal ko ride dhaar bandna hai baar baar daas Bhagwaan Gur saadkee smaaiaa hai.206.
Word Meaning:- Ades – salute. Ihsaan – blessed. Bigiaan – spiritual knowledge. Niraakaar – formless. Lakhaaiaa – have
made known. Kaamal – perfect, expert, accomplished. Saadkee – contented.
Meaning:- Assume such a Guru always in your heart and salute him, who provide you the knowledge of the form of
the God. My Guru has showered his great blessings upon me, he has denoted me the divine knowledge
and dispelled my ignorance. Guru’s praise is beyond description. I sacrifice that time when my Guru
showering his grace realized me the formless God. Raja Sahib says that assuming the perfect and
expert Guru in your heart, salute him again and again as the perfect true Guru has been absorbed in
truth and firm faith.206.

efps.. nkfJnk r[o eh j"A ;Kw j? dzv"s goBkw n?;/ Bkw Bkwh fBi o{g r[o j{z ;/ gkfJnk j?.
dkB[ dhnk j? ns'b i/jdk w'b j? nw'b w'b p'b ;/ np'b p'b r[o B/ bykfJnk j?.
r[o goskg rJ/ ;G fpobkg gkg gkfJ e/ nikg ikg ikg e' iokfJnk j?.
r[o ekwb e' fod/ Xko pzXBk j? pko pko dk; GrtkB r[o ;kdeh ;wkfJnk j?.. 207..
Kabit – Aaiaa Gur kee hauÆ saam hai danÎaut parnaam aise naam naamee nij roop Gur hooÆ se paaiaa hai.
Daan deeaa hai atol jehda mol hai amol mol bol se abol bol Gur ne lakhaaiaa hai.
Gur partaap gae sabh birlaap paap paae ke ajaap jaap jaap ko jaraaiaa hai.
Gur kaamal ko ride dhaar bandhna hai baar baar daas Bhagwaan Gur saad kee samaaiaa hai.207.
Word Meaning:- Saam – shelter. DanÎaut – to salute by lying on the ground. Nij roop – oneself. Birlaap – weeping.
Meaning:- I have come in the shelter of my Guru and prostrating I have paid obeisance to him. By the grace of the

Guru I have realized the God, who has been absorbed in my inner soul. Guru has blessed me with
unparalleled, matchless and priceless donation that can not be described in words. My Guru has
revealed me the eternal secret. By Guru’s grace now all my lamentation has dispelled. Receiving the
silent prayer (meditation) all my sins have been perished and now I have become a great devotee of God
and recite His name twenty four hours. Raja Sahib says assuming the perfect Guru in your heart, salute
him again and again as the perfect true Guru has been absorbed in truth and firm faith.207.

efps.. gho e' ndkp T[m eohJ/ ;skp fiB fJ;e d/ pkp dk fj;kp f;ybkfJnk j?.
gho B/ gbkfJ fgnkbk ehnk wstkbk jw/ j{nk j? T[ikbk nkbk n?;k psbkfJnk j?.
gJh b;e ni?p r?p r?pb j' oj/ r?p doik nkt?p n?;k gho fdybkfJnk j?.
gho ekwb e' fod/ Xko pzdBk j? pkfo pkfo dk; GrtkB gho ;kdeh ;wkfJnk j?.. 208..
Kabit Peer ko adaab u¢h karee-e sataab jin isak de baab da hisaab sikhlaaiaa hai.
Peer ne palaae piaala keeaa matwaala hame hooaa hai ujaala aala aisa batlaaiaa hai.
Paee lasak ajaaib gaib gaibal ho rahe gaib darja aavaib aisa peer dikhlaaiaa hai.
Peer kaamal ko ride dhaar bandna hai baar baar daas Bhagwaan peer sadkee samaaiaa hai.208.
Word Meaning:- Adaab – salute. Sataab – at once. Baab – lesson. Hisaab – method. Ujaala – light. Aala – tool,
instrument. Gaib gaibal – very secret, beyond the mind and organs. Aavaib – part.
Meaning:- Guru, who has taught the lesson of dear God, getting up at once pay him obeisance. My Guru has given
me such a cup of love, that I have become tipsy. He has told me such a path that my innerself has been
enlightened. Guru has shown me such a view of enjoyment that I have perceived the mysterious and
supernatural secret which is beyond the reach of mind and sensual organs. Raja Sahib says assuming
the perfect Guru in your heart, salute him again and again as the perfect true Guru has been absorbed

in truth and firm faith.208.

efps.. gho e' ;bkw eoh ;u dh ebKw fiB sehnk swkw nkw Bkw c[owkfJnk j?.
gho i/jk fJB;kB BIjh fpu j? ijKB efo fojk w? fXnkB BIjh Bio e' nkfJnk j?.
n?;h gho dh ;h ;kB eoK iKB e[opkB e?;/ ej/ J/j ipkB Bk BdkB J/jk gkfJnk j?.
gho ekwb e' fod/ Xko pzdBk j? pko pko dk; GrtKB gho ;kdeh ;wkfJnk j?.. 209..
Kabit – Peer ko salaam karee sach dee kalaam jin takeeaa tamaam aam naam furmaaiaa hai.
Peer jeha insaan nahee bich hai jahaan kar riha mai dhiaan nahee najar ko aaiaa hai.
Aisee peer dee see saan karaaÆ jaan qurbaan kaise kahe eh jabaan na nadaan eha paaiaa hai.
Peer kaamal ko ride dhaar bandna hai baar baar daas Bhagwaan peer saadkee smaaiaa hai.209.
Word Meaning:- Sach dee kalaam – true word. Takeeaa – support. Insaan – man, animate. Saan – splendour. Nadaan –
Meaning:- Guru, who has told the praise of Name of God, I pay obeisance to that respectful Guru. I could not found
the man equal to the personality of the Guru, even searching in the whole world. The splendour of such
a Guru can not be described in words. I would sacrifice my life in honour of my Guru. I can not pay the
price of the benevolence of the Guru. Raja Sahib says assuming the perfect Guru in your heart, salute
him again and again as the perfect true Guru has been absorbed in truth and firm faith.209.

efps.. f;idk r[iko fdbdko d;srho ih e' o"FB iwho i[ skwho bhJ/ nkfJnk j?.
;hB/ dh ;ckJh eo r?joh j? y[dkJh gq/w g'dk tjK J/e fXnkB ;'I brkfJnk j?.

nBGt o{gh c{b T[sfonk ;wk gkfJ frnkB o{gh cb n?;/ sjK gqrNkfJnk j?.
r[o gq;kd o; o;hnk j' ghnk ip dk; GrtkB fpfrnKB gd[ gkfJnk j?.. 210..
Kabit – Sijda gujaar dildaar dastgeer jee ko raushan jameer ju taameer lee-e aaiaa hai.
Seene dee safaaee kar geharee hai khudaaee prem poda wahaan ek dhiaan soÆ lagaaiaa hai.
Anbhav roopee phool utriaa sama paae giaan roopy phal aise tahaan prag¢aaiaa hai.
Guru prasaad ras raseeaa ho peeaa jab daas Bhagwaan bagiaan pad paaiaa hai.210.
Word Meaning:- Sijda – salute. Dildaar – dear. Dastgeer – who provides shelter. Jameer – having cheerful soul.
Taameer – construction. Seene dee safaaee – to clean heart. Khudaaee – to dig.
Meaning:- Bowing your head, pay homage to your Guru; who with a beautiful face, has come to clean and enlighten
your soul. Cleaning your heart sow the seed of love very carefully. With the passage of time the plant of
love will blossom in the form of divine spiritual knowledge and after that you will get fruit in the form of self
realisation. Raja Sahib says that when with the grace of Guru, I attained the self realisation then I drank
the God’s Names extract and relished its taste as an admirer.210.

efps.. uwB brkfJ uzpk nzGk gk nok;sh dk p'X e/ pbk; ;/ ;Bk; ;ky bkfJnk j?.
;"e ek ;e{ck nkfJ c?fbnk pjko fpu c?jw cbko c{b[ nip ;[jkfJnk j?.
;[os n" fBos fJj wkbD fJeZsq j' u[D u[D c{b c{b c{b e' cbkfJnk j?.
gkfJnk id'I o;[ nkfJ o;hnk j' o; o; dk; GrtKB fpu ;/jfs ;wkfJnk j?.. 211..
Kabit – Chaman lagaae chanba anba pa araastee da bodh ke balaas se sanaas saakh laaiaa hai.
Sauk ka skoofa aae phailiaa bahaar bich phaiham phalaar phool ajab suhaaiaa hai.

Surat au nirat ih maalaÄ ikatar ho chuÄ chuÄ phool phool phool ko phalaaiaa hai.
Paaiaa jadon ras aae raseeaa ho ras ras daas Bhagwaan bich sehat smaaiaa hai.211.
Word Meaning:- Chanba – flower of jasmine. Anb – water. Araastee – beautification. Bodh ke balaas – intelligent
discourse. Sanaas – identification. Sakoofa – bloomed. Phaiham – understanding. Surat au nirat –
analysing by mind. Sehat – reality.
Meaning:- Sow in the garden of innermost consciousness perfumed flower of jasmine and adorn it with water of
decoration and with the help of highest spiritual knowledge perceive the Ultimate Reality. Conside this
process as just branches of the flower. The flower in the form of love blooms in spring. Due to blooming
and flowering in the form of highest divine knowledge this spiritual flower seems glorious and
praiseworthy. Concentrating your mind, know it by avaluation that Lord has brought these flowers
selecting carefully. Raja Sahib says that when I tasted the essence of the Name as a pleasure loving
then I engrossed in the Ultimate Reality.211.

efps.. J/e jh pqjw ek g;ko gqfes G/d pqjw pso/e BIjh GfJnk eS{ eko j?.
pqjw ek pbk;[ ;ko/ pqjw npBk;[ ;ko/ pqjw e/ j[bk; gqek; ;z;ko j?.
gqfeOs GktBk ;/ gqfWs o{g[ j'fJ eo iht Gkt wzB gkJ/ e;N jiko j?.
pqjw GktBk ;/ pqjw o{g[ j'fJ ikfJ dk; GrtkB pqjw ngo ngko j?.. 212..
Kabit – Ek hee Brahm ka pasaar prakirt bhed Brahm batrek nahee bhaiaa kachhoo kaar hai.
Brahm ka balaas saare Brahm abnaas saare Brahm ke hulaas prakaas sansaar hai.
Parkirat bhaavna se parkirat roop hoe kar jeev bhaav mann paae kas¢ hajaar hai.
Brahm bhaavna se Brahm roop hoe jaae daas Bhagwaan Brahm apar apaar hai.212.

Word Meaning:- Brahm – God. Prakirat – mammon. Batrek – separate. Abnaas – immortal. Hulaas– zeal, inspiration.
Meaning:- All over is expanse of Almighty, but due to position of mammon all powerful Almighty seems different.
This is all play of God and everwhere this is light of immortal God. Due to influence of mammon animate
considers himself different from God, due to which he bears thousands of afflictions and pains. When
man adopts Godly way of thinking, then he himself becomes God. Raja Sahib says that God is beyond
and beyond and beyond limits and boundries.212.

efps.. fpqsh ;ze'u gqfeqs p;ko eo fJ;fEsh gkfJ d/y[ nkgD/ jh nkg e'.
;{yw[ ;o{g[ o{g[ nkgDk fBjko eo ;z;B p;ko vko iko shB skg e'.
pqjw nGnk; n?;/ eohJ/ fBtk; BIjh oj/ eosp y'fJ ikg[ n" nikg e'.
dk; GrtKB BIjh frnKB nr£kB oj/ gkfJ fpfrnkB jo' wkg n" nwkg e'.. 213..
Kabit – Birtee sankoch prakirt basaar kar isthitee paae dekh aapÄe hee aap ko.
Sookham saroop roop aapÄa nihaar kar sansan basaar Îaar jaar teen taap ko.
Brahm abhiaas aise karee-e niwaas nahee rahe kartab khoe jaap au ajaap ko.
Daas Bhagwaan nahee giaan ag-han rahe paae bigaan haro maap au amaap ko.213.
Word Meaning:- Sankoch – to contract. Isthitee – to settle. Sookham – delicate. Nihaar – to see. Sansan basaar – to
abandon doubt. Teen taap – three diseases.
Meaning:- Abandon the sense of mammon and concentrate your mind on innermost consciousnes and gaze
yourself discreetly. Gazing your inner form carefully dispel your doubts and burn the three diseases i.e.
diseases of mind, diseases of body and diseases of doubt. Practising it slowly reach at the right
destruction, where there is no place of meditation. Raja Sahib says that perceiving the spiritual
knowledge have a meeting with the Almighty who is beyond knowledge, ignorance and


efps.. J/e jh pqjw ehnK dZweK nB/e j'fJ wko wko mkm e?;/ eos eb'b j?.
eIjh j' gfozd ikfJ T[vd/ nek; w/ j?I eIjh j' ufozd u[r fiwh eo/ p'b j?.
eIjh j' u[gkJ/ ykfJ oj/ j?I u[gkfJnK e' eIjh Bo Bko j'fJ eo oj/ u'jb j?I.
n?;' ndP?s pqjw J/e ;op nkswk j? dk; GrtkB r[D pqjw e/ ns'b j?.. 214..
Kabit – Ek hee Brahm keeaaÆ damkaan anek hoe maar maar ¢haa¢h kaise kart kalol hai.
Kahee ho parind jaae uÎ-de akaas me hain kahee ho charind chug jimee kare bol hai.
Kahee ho chupaae khaae rahe hai chupaaiaaÆ ko kahee nar naar hoe kar rahe chohal hain.
Aiso advait Brahm ek sarb aatma hai daas Bhagwaan guÄ Brahm ke atol hai.214.
Word Meaning:- Damkaan – miracles. Parind – birds. Charind – animals. Chupaae – Lions, deer etc. Chohal –
enjoyment. Advait – without illusion, the God.
Meaning:- All miracles belong to God. He has been merry making and fondling in His creation. At some places
assuming Himself as birds, flying in the sky; at some places becoming animals grazing in the fields. At
some places pretending as lions and wolves killing the deers etc. and eating their meat. At some places
feigning as men and women have been enjoying. Raja Sahib says that only God is without illusions and
doubts and only one Almighty is permeating and pervading in all. The qualities and merits of God can not
be evaluated.214.

efps.. J/e jh pqjw ehnK skesK nB/e GKs bjo T[mkfJ eo ojh i'o ;'o j?.
eIjh w[or r[iko/ pKr MgN/ pbohnk nk eIjh ;[tkBB ubkJ/ ub/ iks/ e?;/ w'o j?.

x[rh ;ko; eg's eIjh fuVhnK j?I u[je oIjh f;eok n" pki eIjh eo oj/ i'o j?.
dk; GrtKB e?;/ eohJ/ pyKB n?;/ pqjw gqek; ;/ gqek; ;G Uo j?.. 215..
Kabit – Ek hee Brahm keeaaÆ taaktaan anek bhaant lehar u¢haae kar rahee jor sor hai.
Kahee murg gujaare baang jhap¢e balreeaa aa kahee suwaanan chalaae chale jaate kaise mor hai.
Ghugee saaras kapot kahee chi¾eeaaÆ hain chuhak rahee sikra au baaj kahee kar rahe jor hai.
Daas Bhagwaan kaise karee-e bakhaan aise Brahm prakaas se prakaas sabh or hai.215.
Word Meaning:- Murg – cock. Balreeaa – cats. Swaanan – dogs. Saaras – magpie. Kapot – pigeon.
Meaning:- One Lord has unlimited powers. At some places in the form of ocean and rivers raising its waves, it has
been making noise. At some places feigning as a cock is crowing. At some places becoming as a cat
pouncing at the cock. At some places pretending as dog is barking. At some places assuming Himself as
peacock is making a noise. At some places as a dove, magpie, pigeon or sparrow is chirping with
different sounds, tones and pitches. At some places becoming as falcon and hawk showing his power
and killing the other birds. Raja Sahib says that what and which attributes of His can be described?
Everything is illuminating with luminous light of God.215.
Explanation:- Na kewal Hari jan hee Hari da naam uchaarde han sagon saare jeea jant, pashoo, panchhee Hari noon
yaad kar rahe han. Guru Ramdass Jee Raag Malaar vich biaan karde han:

Malaar Mehla 4. Pa¾taal ghar 3.

Har jan bolat Sree Raam Naama mil saadh sangat Har tor.1. Rahaao.
Har dhan banjoh Har dhan sanchoh jis laagat hai nahee chor.1.
Chaatrik mor bolat din raatee sun ghanhar kee ghor.2.
Jo bolat hai mirg meen pankheroo su bin Har jaapat hai nahee hor.3.

Nanak jan Har keerat gaaee chhoo¢ gaio jam ka sabh sor.4.1.8. (page 1265)

English Version:- O my reverend Lord! Joining your saints, I, Your slave ever recite Your Name. Pause.
O man! Deal only in Lord’s wealth and amass this wealth only, as no thief can steal it.
Hearing the sound of clouds the sparrow, hawks and peacocks chirp day and night.
Whatever the deer, the fish and birds utter, without God they speak not of another.
Slave Nanak recites the praises of the God and noise of death’s Yama has all disappeared.4.1.8.

efps.. J/e j? pqjw j'o d{;o' Gow fJj[ ikD e/ wow i[ gqw gd[ bjhJ/.
o'i jfo o'i o{j nkgD/ ~ y'i n?;/ gkfJ eo u'i Bk p;'M pD pjhJ/.
BIjh eohJ/ r[wkB n?;/ j'fJ e/ ;[ikB fcfo gkfJ e/ frnkB fpfrnKB jh w/ ojhJ/.
dk; GrtKB eo nwh o; gKB J/jh ;u ek fXnkB i' pqjw pke rjhJ/.. 216..
Kabit – Ek hai Brahm hor doosro bharm ih jaaÄ ke marm ju parm pad lahee–e.
Roj har roj rooh aapÄe noon khoj aise paae kar choj na basojh baÄ bahee-e.
Nahee karee-e gumaan aise hoe ke sujaan phir paae ke giaan bigiaan hee me rahee-e.
Daas Bhagwaan kar amee ras paan ehee sach ka dhiaan jo Brahm baak gahee-e.216.
Word Meaning:- Marm – secret. Parm pad – acquiring the Divine knowledge. Choj – miraculous act of sport. Basojh –
fool. Bigiaan – divine knowledge. Amee ras – nectar. Budh paan – to drink. Brahm baak – Divine word
given by Guru’s grace.
Meaning:- There is only one God, all else is an illusion. Knowing this secret we can attain the spiritual knowledge.
Every day and every time analyse your innermost consciousness. Perceiving such highest knowledge,
we should not live in darkness. Getting the highest spiritual knowledge, we do not feel conceited, but live
absorbed in the state of self realization. Raja Sahib says that by reciting the Name of true God and by

concentrating upon the religious precept each breath, we can drink the Nectar of the essence of

efps.. J/e jh pqjw gqftos/ nB/e GKs d/y e/ ybko jw j{J/ fp;wkd j?.
eIjh ftdPKB j'fJ eo/ T[gd/; jh nftfdnk e' gkfJ eIjh eos c;kd j?.
pzX{J/ fpykJh eIjh pzdhyKB/ pzd j'j nkdb pjko fpu eo/ eIjh ;kd j?.
dk; GrtKB e?;/ eohJ/ pykB n?;' pqjw ngqwkB d;' fd;k jh npkd j?.. 217..
Kabit – Ek hee Brahm parvirte anek bhaant dekh ke khalaar ham hooe bismaad hai.
Kahee vidwaan hoe kare updes hee avidiaa ko paae kahee kart fasaad hai.
Bandhooe bikhaaee kahee bandeekhaane band hoh aadal bahaar bich kare kahee saad hai.
Daas Bhagwaan kaise karee-e bakhaan aiso Brahm aparmaan daso disaa hee abaad hai.217.
Word Meaning:- Parvirte – expanded. Bismaad – wonderful. Bandhooe – tied. Bandeekhaane – jail. Aadal – judge.
Saad – happiness. Aparmaan – matchless.
Meaning:- One God has been expanding everywhere adopting different forms. Seeing His wonderful expanse we
are feeling emaged and confounded. At some places feigning as scholar, He has been delivering
sermons. At some places pretending as a fool, He has been creating the disputes. At some places
becoming riotous person, He has been getting Himself emprisoned in the jail. At some places becoming
a judge, He has been settlings the disputes. At some places he is making merriments. Upto what extent
we can describe the expanse of God? Raja Sahib says that God is immeasurable, and on all ten
directions he has been pervading.217.

efps.. s{z jh nkswK pqjw p/d s{z jh j? nG/d G/d nSb nS/d S/d j'fJnk j? BdkB s{z.
s{z jh okw n" ojhw s{z jh rkcb rBhw s{z jh jkew jehw GfJnk ;keB ;[ikB s{z.
s{z jh w"bth w[bkDk s{z jh gzfvs f;nkDK s{z jh j'fJe/ fBskDk G"Idk fco/I phnkpkB s{z.
;qp ijKB s{z jh ;{yw ;wKB iKB dk; GrtKB nkjk ;fG dofwnKB s{z.. 218..
Kabit – Toon hee aatmaaÆ Brahm bed toon hee hai abhed bhed achhal achhed chhed hoiaa hai nadaan toon.
Toon hee Raam au Raheem toon hee gaafal ganeem toon hee haakam hakeem bhaiaa saakan sujaan toon.
Toon hee maulvee mulaaÆa toon hee pandit siaaÄa toon hee hoeke nitaaÄa bhaunda phiren beeaaban toon.
Sarb jahaan toon hee sookham samaan jaan daas Bhagwaan aaha sabh darmiaan toon.218.
Word Meaning:- Aatma – God. Brahm bed – who knows God. Abhed bhed – without secret. Achhal – which can not be
cheated. Nadaan – unwise. Gaafal – lazy. Ganeem – enemy. Haakam – ruler. Hakeem – physician.
Saakan – abode. Sujaan – wise. Beeaabaan – deserted place. Samaan – level. Darmiaan – with in all.
Meaning:- You are the Creator and You possess the intuitive knowledge and You know all. You are undeceivable,
impenetrable, inaccessible and you are also unwise. You are Rama of Hindus and Rahim of
Mohammdans. You are cause of laziness, and You are origin of enmity. You are ruler and you are the
physician who provides medicine to the patients. O wise God ! All abodes are yours. Becoming Maulvi
and Mulaana you tell the Islamic religious rules and codes and pretending as a Pandit you tell the Hindu
way of living. Becoming weak you also roam in the forests. Raja Sahib says that God becoming slender
and delicate is pervading in the world and has been absorbed in the innermost concious of all the
animates of the universe.218.

efps.. B{o ek cbko j? ybko i' fpjko :ko B{o eh g[eko ;ko/ B{o Gog{o j?.
B{o eh gBkj ;ko/ B{o jh rtkj ;ko/ B{o eh ;bkj ;ko/ B{o ek ij{o j?.
B{o ek T[ikok ;ko/ B{o ek fJ;kok ;ko/ B{o ek Bikok ;ko/ x[o dk ww{o j?.
i[wbk ijKB dofwnkB ikB B{o j? i[ dk; GrtKB tkj tkj e?;/ B{o j?.. 219..
Kabit – Noor ka phalaar hai khalaar jo bihaar yaar noor kee pukaar saare noor bharpoor hai.
Noor kee panaah saare noor hee gwaah saare noor kee salaah saare noor ka jahoor hai.
Noor ka ujaara saare noor ka isaara saare noor ka najaara saare ghur da mamoor hai.
Jumla jahaan darmiaan jaan noor hai ju daas Bhagwaan waah waah kaise noor hai.219.
Word Meaning:- Phalaar – expanse. Bharpoor – brimful, comprehensive. Panaah – shelter. Jahoor– manifestation,
appearance. Ujaara – light. Ghur – sound of animals like pigs etc. Noor – the miracle of God.
Meaning:- My friend! All this universe is expanse of light of God. God’s light is pervading everywhere and God’s
light is comprehensively manifesting all over the vast expanse. All are in the shelter of Divine light and
this divine light of God is witness of all. God’s light is adviser of all and everywhere its appearance
pervades. All move under the direction of this celestial light and the light which we see, its luminosity
evolves from the celestial light of Almighty. Every where we see the Divine light and this Divine light
entering in all the animates, blessing them with everlasting delight and enjoyment. Raja Sahib says that
all over the expanse of this universe, Divine light is pervading so there is light everywhere.219.
Explanation:- Sabh lokaaÆ da asla jot roop Hari hai, is laee koee nafrat de laaik naheeÆ. Saare Hari da roop hoÄ karke
maaÄyog han. Jis noor dee mehma Raja Sahib ne uparle kabit vich keetee hai, us noor baare Kabir Ji
Parbhaatee Raag wich is tarha likhde han:

Raag Parbhaatee Kabir Ji

Aval Alah noor upaaiaa kudrat ke sabh bande.
Ek noor te sabh jag upjiaa kaun bhale ko mande.1.
Loga bharm na bhooloh bhaaee. (page 1349.)

English Version:- Firstly God created light and then by His Omnipotence, made all the mortals.
From One light has welled up the entire universe.
Then who is good and who is bad.
O men my brothers! Don’t go astray in doubt.

efps.. ip br wBh pBh sp br rBh XBh wBh rJh jBh jBh rJh j? stzrqh.
wBh ek g;kok j? Bikok fdbdkok ;kok wBh e' prkok s' prkok o; nzroh.
;o;pi wdKB ijK wBh eh d[eKB J/j' o";Bh eh eKB j? BdkB d/t nzroh.
iwK fiB; iK jkoh rz[w rJh j' g;koh ;koh dk; GrtKB j[D j'Jh j? e[tzroh.. 220..
Kabit – Jab lag manee banee tab lag ganee dhanee manee gaee hanee hanee gaee hai tawangree.
Manee ka pasaara hai najaara dildaara saara manee ko bagaara to bagaara ras angree.
Sarsabaj madaan jahaaÆ manee kee dukaan eho rausnee kee kaan hai nadaan dev angree.
JamaaÆ jins jaaÆ haaree guÆm gaee ho pasaaree saaree daas Bhagwaan huÄ hoee hai kuwangree.220.
Word Meaning:- Manee – money. Ganee dhanee – counted as rich. Hanee – to destroy. Tawangree – richness. Najaara –
a play. Dildaara – beloved, dear. Angree – having body. Bagaara – to harm. JamaaÆ jins – amassed
things. Pasaaree – expanse. Kuwangree – poorness.
Meaning:- A man is considered wealthy upto the time he hoards money. When he loses money, richness goes and

he becomes a poor man. In the similar way it is all play of celibacy. O my friend! If celibacy is spoiled,
then consider it that bodily extract has ruined. In this bodily ground the enjoyment is due to celibacy. This
treasure of light is in the body. When the man gets the bodily form at that time he receives the celibacy.
Raja Sahib says that in whose body there is no celibacy then his all organs become useless and man
becomes poor.220.

efps.. Bko eh ebKw eo ikJ/ esbKw d{o'I eoe/ ;bkw[ i' SbKr wko ikJhJ/.
ej/ i/ puB iB ;[DhJ/ BK d/fJ ezB j'fJ gq;zB wB fgnko[ BIjh gkJhJ/.
bkJ/ i/ gqhs Bjh wzB gqshs whs j'fJ e/ nshs uhs uKw ;'I Bk bkJhJ/.
Bko Bidhe i/ sjehe j' ;ohe mhe dk; GrtKB g?jb{ g?jb{ ;/ SgkJhJ/.. 221..
Kabit – Naar kee kalaam kar jaae katlaam dooroÆ karke salaam jo chhalaang maar jaaee-e.
Kahe je bachan jan suÄee-e na de-e kann hoe parsan man piaar nahee paaee-e.
Laae je preet nahee mann parteet meet hoe ke ateet cheet chaam son na laaee-e.
Naar najdeek je tahkeek ho sareek ¢heek daas Bhagwaan pehloo pehloo se chhapaaee-e.221.
Word Meaning:- Kalaam – talk. Katlaam – slaughter. Jan – woman. Ateet – sadness. Najdeek – near. Tahkeek –
investigation, inquiry, inquest. Sareek – to take part. Pehloo – aside.
Note:- In this kabbit Raja Sahib is advising about alien woman as in Gurmat it is said that a man with one wife
remains celibate if he considers alien woman as a daughter and sister.
Meaning:- Woman’ voice is such dreadful that it even kills the man. One should not hear the voice of an alien
woman. Bowing his head, he should leave that place at once. If a woman utters any word, then we
should not try to hear her voice attentively. Feeling compassion for her, we should not make our nature
amiable. As the love of woman can not be trusted.

O my friend! becoming a celibate, don’t pay heed to the skin of woman. Raja Sahib says that if some how
you are forced to get the nearness of woman then becoming aware and attentive, save your self.221.

efps.. fi;w iBkBk BIjh nkgDk prKBk feT[I fcodK fdtKBK gotkBK ib ikJ/Irk.
d/ye/ s/ bk; BIjh eIoh fdb gk; gk; fwb/ Bk Bek; bk; nkgDh ygkJ/Irk.
n?;k fJ; dk Bikok Gkok eksb eokok :kok ykfJ e/ fJ;kok wkok wkok fgnk rKJ/Irk.
dk; GrtkB e[M[ pDh fJB;KB j[D j'IJh Bk BdkB nkg nkg w/ ;wkJ/Irk.. 222..
Kabit – Jism janaana nahee aapÄa bagaana kion firda diwaana parwaana jal jaaeÆga.
Dekhke te laas nahee karee dil paas paas mile na nakaas laas aapÄee khapaaeÆga.
Aisa is da najaara bhaara kaatal karaara yaara khaae ke isaara maara maara piaa gaaeÆga.
Daas Bhagwaan kujh baÄee insaan huÄ hoÆee na nadaan aap aap me samaaeÆga.222.
Word Meaning:- Jism janaana – body of woman. Diwaana – mad. Parvaana – moth. Laas – dead body. Dil paas – to give
heart. Nakaas – to come out. Najaara – scene. Kaatal karaara – one who kills.
Meaning:- Why are you captivated by the body of a woman; this is just a flame of fire. You will burn like the mad
moth, the winged insect. Seeing her lifeless body, don’t fall in her love, then it will become very difficult
for you, then you will spoil you own body. O my friend ! Even one hint given by her by blinking of the eye,
will kill you. Trapped yourself in the hand of worldly love, you will wander singing songs in praise of
woman. Raja Sahib warns, “O foolish man ! Doing good deeds only, you can absorb in your inner soul
and then you can find the self realization”.222.

efps.. ekwBh eh eko bJh J/; rb puko c/o wkDhJ/ pjko fdbdko fdb gkJhJ/.
dZwK eh d[eKB fes/ y'jbhJ/ wekB BIjh j'fJ e/ BdkB nKB pKB e' brkJhJ/.

gkfJ fpfrnkB BIjh oj/ ij frnKB fXnkB ejK nfrnKB ijK frnKB jh rtkJhJ/.
dk; GrtKB p'b Gkys j?I s'b s'b j'fJ e/ np'b fpu p'b d/ ;wkJhJ/.. 223..
Kabit – Kaamnee kee kaar laee es gal bachaar pher maÄee-e bahaar dildaar dil paaee-e.
DamaaÆ kee dukaan kite khohlee-e makaan nahee hoe ke nadaan aan baan ko lagaaee-e.
Paae bigiaan nahee rahe jah giaan dhiaan kahaaÆ agiaan jahaaÆ giaan hee gawaaee-e.
Daas Bhagwaan bol bhaakhat hain tol tol hoe ke abol bich bol de samaaee-e.223.
Word Meaning:- Kaamnee kee kaar – influence of woman. Dildaar – lover. DamaaÆ – breath. Baan – habit. Bigiaan –
spiritual knowledge.
Meaning:- With noble thinking shirk the influence of woman and give your heart to Lord God who is the real owner
of your heart. He who sells his soul to the true Guru, the affairs of that slave are set aright. Leaving all
other bad habits recite the name of God with each breath. The knowledge which takes you to the side of
fools disown that knowledge. Realization of the divine knowledge is the right path, where all falsehoods
and lies perish. Raja Sahib says that be calm your mind from the worldly affairs and engross yourself in
the name of true God.223.

efps.. eKwBhI ;'I e/b eo dkwBh ;'I w/b eo ;kgBh ;'I y/b eo e[;b feT[I gkJ/Irk.
Bhs e' nBhs eo w{oy e' whs eo i{gB eh ihs e"B o[sp/ g? ikJ/Irk.
fdb e' p/fdb eo gzuB ;'I fwb eo y[d B{o[ fyb eo ejK ik ;wkJ/Irk.
;wM b? ;ko n?;/ Gkys j"I pko pko dk; GrtKB ed'I c/o xo nkJ/Irk.. 224..
Kabit – KaamneeÆ soÆ kel kar daamnee soÆ mel kar saapnee soÆ khel kar kusal kion paaenga.
Neet ko aneet kar moorkh ko meet kar joopan kee keet kaun rutbe pai jaaenga.

Dil ko bedil kar panchan soÆ mil kar khud noor khil kar kahaaÆ ja samaaeÆga.
Samajh lai saar aise bhaakhat haun baar baar daas Bhagwaan kadoÆ pher ghar aaenga.224.
Word Meaning:- Kaamnee – woman. Kel – enjoyment. Daamnee – electricity. Kusal – good health. Neet aneet – fit-unfit.
Joopan – gambling. Panchan – saints.
Meaning:- Sexual intercourse with a beautiful woman is just like the lightening which adorns only for a moment.
Playing with a snake how will you get peace and tranquility. Doing an unsuitable work, and making a
foolish man as your friend, that is equal to the failure in gambling. Where will you reach doing these
misdeeds. Meeting the saints, detach your mind from the worldly affairs and bring celestial bliss of divine
light in your heart then you will be able to get the highest knowledge of self realization. Raja Sahib says
that understand the real philosophy. Which I am telling you again and again so that you may return back
to your real form.224.

efps.. Bko eh gqhs whs pVh fpgqhfs ohs Bko e' Bk jhs uhs uzub w/I nkDhJ/.
Bko eh Brkj eo iKtdh cBkj BIjh eohJ/ p;kj[ ;kj[ ;{sDh fJj[ ikDhJ/.
d/ye/ s/ ukb BIjh j'thJ/ fpjkb jkb ;[os ;zGkb nkg nkg w/ ;wkDhJ/.
jZe e' fBjko j'J/ nip pjko fco dk; GrtKB sK nBzd n?F wkDhJ/.. 225..
Kabit – Naar kee preet meet ba¾ee bipreet reet naar ko na heet cheet chanchal meÆ aaÄee-e.
Naar kee nagaah kar jaavandee phanaah nahee karee-e bsaah saah sootÄee ih jaaÄee-e.
Dekhke te chaal nahee hovee-e bihaal haal surat sambhaal aap aap me smaaÄee-e.
Haq ko nihaar hoe ajab bahaar phir daas Bhagwaan taaÆ anand aish maaÄee-e.225.
Word Meaning:- Bipreet – opposite. Heet – love. Fanaah – to destroy. Haq – God.

Meaning:- O my friend ! The love of woman is very contrariwise, therefore never realise the love of woman in your
mind. A sight of woman finishes the man. Never believe a woman. Consider her just a rag, a torn piece
of cloth used to cover the front of a child. Never feel intoxicated at the movements of a woman.
Concentrating your mind, perceive your innerself. Truth and power of cleanliness which is working
behind all the human beings, try to analyse it. Raja Sahib says then enjoy the wonderful happiness and

efps[.. Bko s' j? Bko BIjh eo' fJspko J/j eo/rh y[nko rw y[nko pD ojhU.
;'jbk dhge j? Bko J/j' ;jh fdbdko s[M/ nkfynk g[eko Bk gszr pD pjhU.
u;w uVkfJ e[M wri pVkfJ nkg nkg e' gVkfJ y[d B{o[ y[d bjhU.
y;bs y{p[ j'fJ wjow wjp{p[ ;jh dk; GrtKB sK e/ wow e' rjhU.. 226..
Kabit – Naar to hai naar nahee karo itbaar eh karaigee khuaar gam khuaar baÄ rahee-o.
Sohla deepak hai naar eho sahee dildaar tujhe aakhiaa pukaar na patang baÄ bahee-o.
Chasam cha¾aa-e kujh magaj ba¾aa-e aap aap ko pa¾aa-e khud noor khud lahee-o.
Khasalat khoob hoe mahram mehboob sahee daas Bhagwaan taÆ ke marm ko gahee-o.226.
Word Meaning:- Khuaar – trouble. Khuaar – bearing power. Sohla deepak – cupid mind. Chasam cha¾aae – to enrage.
Magaj ba¾aae – thinking. Khaslat khoob – good nature. Mahram – who knows secrets. Gaheeo – to
Meaning:- Though the woman may be of fine nature and good character, still never believe her, always adopt the
tolerant nature. This woman is like cupid who is god of love, she churns the mind. Beware, you may not
get yourself burnt like the moth, the winged insect. When she comes infront you then discard her
sensibly and analysing your inner soul, try to get the spiritual knowledge. Raja Sahib says that God who

possess a very fine noble nature is very handsome, elegant and graceful. Try to know his mysteries.226.

efps.. Bo e' j? Bkoh i?;/ X[J/I eh r[pkoh Gkoh neb G[bkfJ ;koh eo/ ycskBk j?.
j'fJ fojk nzX p'b ;[Ddk j? wzd wzd eoh n;tko ezX j' frnk fdtkBk j?.
w;bs w?b w?b eo fojk c?b c?b j'fJ fojk p?b fpu p?b p;sKBk j?.
j' frnk ijho rJh sB s/ s;ho ;ho dk; GrtkB g; fgnk gS[skBk j?.. 227..
Kabit – Nar ko hai naaree jaise dhueÆ kee gubaaree bhaaree akal bhulaae saaree kare khaftaana hai.
Hoe riha andh bol suÄda hai maÆd maÆd karee aswaar kaÆdh ho giaa diwaana hai.
Maslat mail mail kar riha phail phail hoe riha bail bich bail bastaana hai.
Ho giaa jaheer gaee tan te taseer seer daas Bhagwaan pas piaa pachutaana hai.227.
Word Meaning:- Khaftaana – mad. Karee – elephant. Kandh – fool. Mail mail – dirty advice. Phail – to say. Bail – fool.
Bastaana – tied. Jaheer – sad. Taseer seer – influence of milk. Pas – animal. Naar – fire.
Meaning:- For a man, a woman is just like a storm of smoke which delusions man’s senses and he becomes mad.
As the elephant seeing the semblance of she elephat made of papers, impelled by the relish of lust
rushes towards idle of papers and is captured by the deceiver. Similarly a lustful man never hears the
words of prohibition. Foolish man corrupted by the forceful desire, rushes towards his target. Raja Sahib
says that influence of mother’s milk vanishes and the foolish man regrets when suffers in grief and
Explanation:- Istaree sang da jo si¢¢a hunda hai, usda bhiaanak roop Raja Sahib Ji ne khichiaa hai. Kabir Ji bhee is
baare aapnee baaÄee vich likhde han:
Kaalboot kee hastnee man baura re chalt rachio jagdees.

Kaam suaae gaj bas pare man baura re ankas seho sees.1.
Bikhai baach Har raach samjh man baura re.
Nirbhai hoe na Har bhaje man baura re geho na Raam jahaaj.1. Rahaao.
(page 335-36.)
English Version:- Like the semblance of a she elephant, O my silly soul, the Lord of universe has made the world play.
Impelled by the relish of lust the elephant is captured. O my silly soul! and his head has to endure the
Escape from sin get immersed in God and heed this advice, O my silly soul !
You have not fearlessly meditated on God and have not embarked on the Lord’s ship O my silly soul.1.

efps.. Bko eh i' Bko Bko j'Jh j? fsnko sko pzB e/ esko i' ;sko ;kc[ pDh j?.
pzd pzd e' ;tko eo eo e/ ;wko j'fJ ojh j? T[Gko i' eoko sko sDh j?.
nzr nzr e' cbko ozr ozr e' Byko Yzr Yzr eh g[eko eo/ e;; fJj wDh j?.
nVd piko jo/ j[;B jiko :ko dk; GrtKB n?;h nkcs fJj[ nDh j?.. 228..
Kabit – Naar kee jo naar naar hoee hai tiaar taar bann ke kataar jo sataar saaf baÄee hai.
Band band ko swaar kar kar ke samaar hoe rahee hai ubhaar jo karaar taar taÄee hai.
Ang ang ko phalaar rang rang ko nakhaar Îhang Îhang kee pukaar kare kasas ih maÄee hai.
A¾d bazaar hare husan hajaar yaar daas Bhagwaan aisee aafat ih aÄee hai.228.
Word Meaning:- Phalaar – expanse. MaÄee – sperm. A¾d – obsturcted, help up.
Meaning:- The woman which has been moulded in the form of dry stalks of wheat, has been designed very

beautiful in the form of star. All parts of star have been arranged gracefully. It has been attuned with hard
wires. Showing all types of attributes it has been attracting the people. But this all attraction is due to
sperm. O my friend! In the bazaar of elegance and charm, many have been captivated. Raja Sahib says
that this conscious mammon in the form of woman has brought many troubles.228.

efps.. Bko eh ipkB j? i' Bow B;kB fJj[ eoe/ fpnkB pko[ iKB e' ubkJ/rh.
wZXw ntki BIjh ;[DhJ/ doki fJj ;wM b? oki i' fBwki ;/ fjbkJ/rh.
o'ik pzdrh e[oKB n" g[oKB tfynKB J/j eoe/ tyKB nKB fXnKB e' G[bkJ/rh.
wZbhJ/ wdKB BIjh pD/ fJB;kB BIjh dk; GrtKB n?;/ n?;/ J/j ibkJ/rh.. 229..
Kabit – Naar kee jabaan hai jo narm nasaan ih karke biaan baar jaan ko chalaaegee.
Madham awaaj nahee suÄee-e daraaj ih samajh lai raaj jo nimaaj se hilaaegee.
Roja bandgee kuraan au puraan vakhiaan eh karke vakhaan aan dhiaan ko bhulaaegee.
Malee-e madaan nahee baÄe insaan nahee daas Bhagwaan aise aise eh jalaaegee.229.
Word Meaning:- Daraaj – far away. Raaj – secret. Vakhaan – narration. Aan dhiaan – another’s meditation.
Meaning:- Woman’s voice and utterance is very delicate and sweet, consider it a universal truth, that her words will
attack on your life. Never hear her delicate words even from a distance. Realize this secret that it will
even rob your prayer. If you are a Mohammdan you keep fasts, recite the name of God and read the
Quraan. If you are a Hindu you study Puranas and deliver your sermons. But your all deeds done in the
worship of God, will be ruined if you will hear the voice of woman during all your holy practices. Raja
Sahib says that unless a man becoming alert and awake controls his mind, his state will remain just like
a moth, who in madness burns his body on his beloved, the lamp.229.

efps.. nkjh nkcs jiko j'fJnk Bko ;/ fgnko fJj nip niko[ j[D fwN{ ed/ Gkr ;/.
j'fJ fp;Eko fdB' fdB j? fsnko fJj[ fpjko i' peko j? nrko nkfJnk nkr ;/.
fB;fdB ib/ ihnk sg sg yg/ jhnk ghnk e' Bk ghnk ehnk w/b[ ekbh Bkr ;/.
e;N ;oho gho j'fJ fpBK gho gho dk; GrtKB rJ/ pkr pkr pkr ;/.. 230..
Kabit – Aahee aafat hajaar hoiaa naar se piaar ih ajab ajaar huÄ mi¢oo kade bhaag se.
Hoe bisthaar dino din hai tiaar ih bihaar jo bakaar hai agaar aaiaa aag se.
Nisdin jale jeeaa tap tap khape heeaa peeaa ko na peeaa keeaa mel kaali naag se.
Kas¢ sareer peer hoe binaa peer peer daas Bhagwaan gae baag baag baag se.230.
Word Meaning:- Aafat – calamity, adversity. Ajaar – affliction. Bhaag se – according to fate. Bisthaar – expanse. Agaar –
spark. Aag – fire. Heeaa – heart. Naag – snake. Peer – pain. Peer – Guru. Baag-baag – happily. Baag –
Meaning:- Love with a woman is a treasure of calamities and adversities. This is a pain of peculiar nature which is
dispelled only by good luck. Enlargement of the animates is the expanse of the sexual fire. Due to which
heart is burning day and night. Vigilant mammon in the form of a snake has created greatest hindrance
in my reunion with my dear God. Without the company of a saint or Guru this animate bears many
afflictions and pains. Raja Sahib says that only those people who enjoy the association of the Gurus or
saints after touring this world, which is in the form of a flower garden, leave it happily.230.

efps.. ;[os ;tko iok ;[os ;zGko BjhI w'Vdk w[jko fdbdko d[y gkJ/Irk.
ub/ s/i ofcsko J/j eo/rh y[nko[ yQbh w{oy rtko ejK se J/j GikJ/Irk.

n?;h j'Jh j? ntko ubh pzB e/ brko J/j eo/rh p/iko id'I sd'I uubkJ/Irk.
dk; GrtKB feT[ j'fJnk j?I BdKB fJ; G/s e' gSkB ed'I c/o xo nkJ/Irk.. 231..
Kabit – Surat swaar jara surat sanbhaar nahee mo¾da muhaar dildaar dukh paaeÆga.
Chle tej raftaar eh karegee khuaar khalee moorakh gawaar kahaaÆ tak eh bhajaaeÆga.
Aisee hoee hai awaar chalee bann ke lagaar eh karegee bejaar jadoÆ tadoÆ chachlaaeÆga.
Daas Bhagwaan kion hoiaa hain nadaan is bhet ko pachhaan kadoÆ pher ghar aaeÆga.231.
Word Meaning:- Mo¾da muhaar – why are you not coming on the right path. Dildaar – O dear. Gwaar – vulgar, rustic,
stupid. Bejar – sorrowful. ChachlaaeÆge – weep bitterly.
Meaning:- Bring your soul and mind on the right path, if you will not set it right, then o my dear friend, you will endure
many sufferings. Your mind, which has been running on all sides, will put you to shame. Giving it
freedom, how long will you assist it to flee? Mind without control, it flees and flees. Due to affliction of
your mind, you will weep bitterly. Raja Sahib says that don’t behave as a fool, understand the reality and
come back to your real abode.231.

efps.. ;[os ;tko fdsh ;[os t;ko J/j Svh nk w[jko s[M/ e"D[ ;wMkJ/rk.
eo/I Bk fpuko e[b nkyd/ g[eko n?;/ fojk i/ ntko wzB wko e/ wekJ/rk.
j'fJ M[Beko ijK ;pd ;wko sjK ;[os ;Xko sK nBzd e[M[ nkJ/rk.
fbt ikJ/ br ijK i's ojh ir wr dk; GrtkB b? oj; e' nxkJ/rk.. 232..
Kabit – Surt swaar ditee surt vasaar eh chhaÎee aa muhaar tujhe kauÄ samjhaaega.
KareÆ na bichaar kul aakhde pukaar aise riha je awaar mann maar ke makaaega.

Hoe jhunkaar jahaaÆ sabad samaar tahaan surat sadhaar taaÆ anaÆd kujh aaega.
Liv jaae lag jahaaÆ jot rahee jag mag daas Bhagwaan lai rahs ko aghaaega.232.
Word Meaning:- Aa muhaar – to give freedom. Awaar – vagrant, wanderer. Smaar – remember. Rahs – celestial
enjoyment. Aghaaega – to satiate.
Meaning:- You have forgotten the preservation of your mind. Why have you given it freedom? Who will make you
understand? Understand the real fact carefully. All wise men and saints advise that mind can be
controlled only by keeping strict vigilance. Controlling your mind hear the Divine Word of God. When you
will attune your mind with the celestial sound which is resounding in all hearts, then you will get the
everlasting enjoyment. Raja Sahib says that where Divine light is glittering, if you attune your
concentration on that spot then you will get the real enjoyment and your soul will be satiated with the
everlasting spiritual happiness and all your desires will be fulfilled.232.

efps.. ;[ofs ;tko j[D j'fJ j[f;nko bj/I ;[os eh ;ko sK ngko ;[y[ gkJ/Irk.
cV/ i/ cbko wko ukpe i[ ;ko ;ko oy/ i/ ;[Xko ;[Xk o; g? b? ikJ/Irk.
fBos fBjko eo/ ;[os ybko j'fJ nip pjko nkg nkg w/I ;wkJ/Irk.
eoe/ dhdko j'fJ oj/ jwtko :ko dk; GrtKB e?;/ eKwBk ubkJ/Irk.. 233..
Kabit – Surt swaar huÄ hoe husiaar laheÆ surt kee saar taaÆ apaar sukh paaeÆga.
Pha¾e je phalaar maar chaabak ju saar saar rakhe je sudhaar sudha ras pai lai jaaeÆga.
Nirat nihaar kare surt khalaar hoe ajab bahaar aap aap maÆ samaaeÆga.
Karke deedaar hoe rahe hamwaar yaar daas Bhagwaan kaise kaamna chalaaeÆga.233.
Meaning:- Becoming alert and vigilant preserve your mind, then you will get the limitless peace. If your mind
becomes out of control, then apprehend it with whip of Guru’s Divine Word. Then you can taste the

extract of Nectar. Seeing the world’s glory and splendour, the mind scatters. Seeing the fun and frolic of
the world, mind inclines towards it. Raja Sahib says that having attained the glimpse of reality, I feel
satiated, now no desire sets in motion and no wish emanates.233.

efps.. ;[os ;tko bIyh ;[os eh eko J/j eo/ i/ prko sK nikp[ nkg gkJ/Irk.
nkoc jiko efjd/ ;[yB ;tko BIjh wzB/ r[csko nkg nkg e' rtkJ/Irk.
cV/ fp;Eko BIjh j[zdh j? ;jko e[M[ eo/ Bk eoko[ sK nBzd[ eh b? ikJ/Irk.
psB piko Svh iKdk fdbdko :ko dk; GrtKB ed'I c/o xo nkJ/Irk.. 234..
Kabit – Surt swaar lakhee surt kee kaar eh kare je bagaar taaÆ ajaab aap paaeÆga.
Aaraf hajaar kehde sukhan swaar nahee manne guftaar aap aap ko gawaaeÆga.
Pha¾e bisthaar nahee hundee hai sahaar kujh kare na karaar taaÆ anand kee lai jaaeÆga.
Batan bajaar chhaÎee jaanda dildaar yaar daas Bhagwaan kadoÆ pher ghar aaeÆga.234.
Word Meaning:- Bagaar – work without wages. Ajaab – distress. Aarf – saint. Sukhan swaar – good talk. Guftar – say.
Visthaar – expanse. Karaar – takes abode. Batan – country.
Meaning:- Mind can be mended with the company of holy minds. If it scatters carelessly, then it will bear the brunt.
Thousands of saints talk about its welfare but the mind does not accept the advice. Then how will it attain
the Divine bliss and everlasting enjoyment. Raja Sahib says, “O my friend ! All leave this assemblage in
full brim, but when will you return back to your true abode?.234.

efps.. pkji fBjko j'fJ foj£k j?I ntko eo u;w soko uko e"rb" bVkJ/Irk.
efo foj£k j?I dhdko pki{ pki{ e' cbko ub iktDk nkBkfo fgnko e"rb" pVkJ/Irk.

rkcb rtko dhnk op j? p;ko j'Dh p[od pjko g?o e"rb" nVkJ/Irk.
e{u dk weKB fJj w[;kcoh ;okfJI ikD[ dk; GrtKB e{uk e{u eo ikJ/Irk.. 235..
Kabit – Baahj nihaar hoe riha haiÆ awaar kar chasm taraar chaar kauglau la¾aaeÆga.
Kar riha haiÆ deedaar baajoo baajoo ko phalaar chal jaavÄa aanaar piaar kauglau ba¾aaeÆga.
Gaafal gawaar deeaa Rab hai basaar hoÄee burd bahaar pair kauglau a¾aaeÆga.
Kooch da makaan ih musaafree saraaeÆ jaaÄ daas Bhagwaan koocha kooch kar jaaeÆga.235.
Word Meaning:- Baahj – external, extrovert, external tendency. Avaar – wanderer. Chasm taraar – eye of a thief.
Phalaar – expanse. Aanaar – end of the body. Burd bahaar – end of the time of spring. Kauglau – upto
what time.
Meaning:- Keeping an external tendency and becoming a wanderer how long with these thief eyes you will cast
wanton glances at the woman. How long with charming make up you will show yourself to the woman.
How long will remain this false love. One day your this body will perish. Becoming a carefree and
forgetting the God and becoming mad with the intoxication of youthness how long will you enjoy the
spring of four days? Raja Sahib says this world is just like an inn, it is a must for us to leave this
Explanation:- Bilaawal Raag vich Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji sansaar de asle baare dasde han, bhajan wal prerna karde hoe
uparle aashe nooÆ dasde han:

Bilaawal Mehla 5.
Tan dhan joban chalt gaiaa.
Raam Naam ka bhajan na keeno kart bikaar nis bhor bhaiaa.1.Rahaao.
Anik parkaar bhojan nit khaate mukh danta ghas kheen khaiaa.

Meree meree kar kar moo¢ho paap kart nah paree daiaa.1.
Maha bikaar ghor dukh saagar tis meh praaÄee galt paiaa.
Sarn pare Nanak suaamee kee baah pakar Prabh kaaÎh laiaa.2.24.110. (page 826.)

English Version:- Body, wealth and youth pass away.

You has not meditated on the name of God and day dawns on you while committing sins at night. Pause.
By continually eating various kinds of foods, your mouth’s teeth crumble, decay and drop.
You are beguiled while practising egoism and committing sins. You do not take pity on others.1.
The great sins are the terrible ocean of trouble.
In them the mortal is engrossed.
Nanak has sought the shelter of his Lord Master and him by the arm, God has extricated him.2.24.110.

efps.. fi;w i[nkBh fpu fgnk nGwKB eo eoe/ r[wkB[ fdB e"rb" bxkJ/Irk.
gkfJ gkfJ g?b y{p[ ubdk j?I c?b c?b j'fJ e/ nt?b c?b e"rb" ewkJ/Irk.
ekb[ eo/ wko iK nrko j' y[nko s{z ep{sO d/ tKr nKy ;k; e' uokJ/Irk.
e{u dk weKB[ fJj w[;kcoh ;okfJ ikD[ dk; GrtkB e{uk e{u eo ikJ/Irk.. 236..
Kabit – Jism juaanee bich piaa abhmaan kar karke gumaan din kauglau laghaaeÆga.
Paae paae pail khoob chalda haiÆ phail phail hoe ke avail phail kauglau kamaaeÆga.
Kaal kare maar jaaÆ agaar ho khuaar tooÆ kabootar de waang aankh saas ko chraaeÆga.
Kooch da makaan ih musafaree saraae jaaÄ daas Bhagwaan koocha kooch kar jaaeÆga.236.
Word Meaning:- Abhmaan – ego. Pail – to walk proudly. Avail – self willed, unrestrained, head strong. Phail – faults.
Agaar – in front.

Meaning:- How long will you pass time with the ego of youthfulness. You walk with great arrogance and puffed up
with pride you show your body. Becoming a head strong how long will you commit sins? When the
hammer of death will strike your head, then you will be subjected to needless inconveniences. At that
time your condition will be identical to a pigeon who seeing a cat closes up his eyes, as if he is not seeing
the cat. Then the cat pouncing at the pigeon, kills him. Raja Sahib says this world is like an inn, it is must
for us to leave this world.236.

efps.. w";w pjko BIjh eohJ/ jzeko :ko fyiK dh pkjo eIjh Bio Bk nkJ/Irk.
BIjh eo' fJspko fJj fizdrh Bk gkJ/dko tKr r[biko fdbdko e[wbkJ/Irk.
MV/ fJj cbko i'T{ efonk g;ko ob ikJ/ n?;k Sko BIjh vkb c/o gkJ/Irk.
e{u dk wekB fJj[ w[;kcoh ;okfJI ikD dk; GrtKB e{uk e{u eo ikJ/Irk.. 237..
Kabit – Mausam bahaar nahee karee-e hankaar yaar khijaan dee baahar kahee najar na aaeÆga.
Nahee karo itbaar ih jiÆdgee na paaedaar waang guljaar dildaar kumlaaeÆga.
Jha¾e ih phalaar jo-oo kariaa pasaar ral jaae aisaa chhaar nahee Îaal pher paaeÆga.
Kooch da makaan ih musaafree saraaeÆ jaaÄ daas Bhagwaan koocha kooch kar jaaeÆga.237.
Word Meaning:- KhijaaÆ – autumn. Na paaedaar – undurable. Guljaar – garden of flowers. Phalaar – garden of flowers.
Ïaal – branch.
Meaning:- Don’t be proud of your youthfulness. When you become aged this youthfulness will vanish. Don’t rely on
this life which can meet its end at any time. Like the blooming garden of flowers, it will fade away. In the
expanse of this world, which you have created your own world, all this will perish in the dust. Then you
will not get time to immerse with one Lord. Raja Sahib says this world is just like an inn and it is a must
for us to leave this world.237.

Explanation:- Bhagat Ravidaas Ji Raja Sahib de uppar likhe aashe nooÆ aapnee baanee wich is Îhang naal biaan
karde han :
Raag Soohee Sri Ravi Dass Ji.
Ooche mandar saal rasoee. Ek gharee phun rehan na hoee.1.
Ih tan aisa jaise ghaas kee ¢aa¢ee. Jal gaio ghaas ral gaio maa¢ee.1. Rahaao.
Bhaaee bandh ku¢amb sahera. Oe bhee laage kaaÎh swera.2.
Ghar kee naar ureh tan laagee. Uh tau bhoot bhoot kar bhaagee.3.
Keh Ravidass sabhai jag loo¢iaa. Ham tau ek Raam keh chhoo¢iaa.4.3.
(page 794)
English Version:- Man has lofty buildings, halls and kitchens.
After death he can not remain in them even for a moment. This body is like the tenement of straw. When
the grass is burnt, it is blended with the dust. Pause.
His family relations and friends even begin to say, “Take him out quickly.”
His wife, who remained clasped to his body and heart cries out “ghost ghost” and runs away from him.
O Ravidass ! Death has plundered the whole world, but I have escaped by uttering the name of one

efps.. Xz[B dk j? wkE BIjh ikfDnk gqkD BkE G[b e/ nBkE BkE fe; e' fXnkJ/Irk.
BIjh bfynk no{g o{g G{gB e' G{g i'Jh Sve/ ;o{g o{g fe; e' wBkJ/Irk.
jkdo jd{o i/jVk BjhI fes/ d{o j? i' si e/ fJj[ y[d B{o fe; w/ ;wkJ/Irk.
e{u dk weKB fJj[ w[;kcoh ;okfJI ikD dk; GrtKB e{uk e{u eo ikJ/Irk.. 238..

Kabit – Dhunn da hai maath nahee jaaÄiaa praaÄ naath bhul ke anaath naath kis ko dhiaaeÆga.
Nahee lakhiaa aroop roop bhoopan ko bhoop joee chhaÎke saroop roop kis ko manaaeÆga.
Haadar hadoor jeh¾a naheeÆ kite door hai jo taj ke ih khud noor kis me samaaeÆga.
Kooch da makaan ih musaafree saraaeÆ jaaÄ daas Bhagwaan koocha kooch kar jaaeÆga.238.
Word Meaning :- Dhunn da maath – to repent. Aroop roop – God. Bhoopan bhoop – King of kings. Haadar hadoor –
always near. Khud noor – illuminated, luminous, radiant.
Meaning:- Forgetting the God, the donor of life, repents. Forgetting the Lord, who is Guardian of destitutes, whom
will you remember? He has a form, he is formless, He is King of kings, abandoning the true beauty,
whom will you worship? The God who is always near, which is your own form, leaving Him, in whom will
you mingle? Raja Sahib says this world is just like an inn and it is a must for us to leave this world.238.

efps.. G?ib ;rkj d/y Godk j?I mzY/ ;kj ikDh Bk gBkj p/ nEkj r's/ ykJ/Irk.
gkwdk nikp fpB nkp roekp BIjh ikfDnK j;kp sK ;[tkp[ e?;/ gkJ/Irk.
ikfJ cV[ g/;tkfJ d/t/ wkor pskfJ fJj eoe/ T[gkfJ j"b j[D jh jNkJ/Irk.
e{u dk weKB fJj[ w[;kcoh ;okfJI ikD dk; GrtkB e{uk e{u eo ikJ/Irk.. 239..
Kabit – Bhaijal sgaah dekh bharda haiÆ ¢hanÎhe saah jaaÄee na panaah be athaah gote khaaeÆga.
Paamda ajaab bin aab garkaab nahee jaaÄiaa hasaab taaÆ swaab kaise paaeÆga.
Jaae pha¾ pesvaae deve maarg bataae ih karke upaae haul huÄ hee ha¢aaeÆga.
Kooch da makaan ih musaafree saraaeÆ jaaÆ daas Bhagwaan koocha kooch kar jaaeÆga.239.
Word Meaning:- Bhaijal sgaah – limitless worldly ocean. ÙhanÎhe saah – to lament. Panaah – shelter. Athaah –
immeasurable, fathomless, unfathomable. Ajaab – distress, Aab – water. Hasaab – method. Swaab –

virtuous deeds, merits, virtues. Pesvaae – Guru. Haul – pain.

Meaning :- Seeing the worldly ocean, which is unfathomable, the animates sigh. As they have not taken the shelter
of boatman the Guru; who can save the men from drowning. Man is drowning without water and suffers
agony and distress. As without knowing the device and skill, how would he cross the ocean? O my
brother come in the shelter of a true Guru. Telling you the real device and method and making you
fearless, he will help you to cross the worldly ocean. Raja Sahib says this world is just like an inn and it
is must for us to leave this world one day.239.

efps.. i[bwh Bk eo' Xo' r[o{ ek fXnkB GkJh wkfJnk wd nzX SkJh fdb E' T[sko' yK.
ej/ i'Jh tke nkg frqzEB w/ wjkoki ;oXk ;zi[rs j' fsB e' puko' yK.
S'fv ws wzd gzd r[o eh g;zd eo j'fJ fBodPzd iok nyhnK T[xko' yK.
fjo; jwzub bp/V BIjh nzub e' dk; GrtKB iV ikjbh dh T[yko' yK.. 240..
Kabit – Julmee na karo dharo Guru ka dhiaan bhaaee maaiaa mad andh chhaaee dil tho utaaro khaaÆ.
Kahe joee vaak aap giranthan me mahaaraj sardha sanjugat ho tin ko bachaaro khaaÆ.
ChhoÎ mat mand pand Gur kee pasand kar hoe nirdwand jara akheeaaÆ ughaaro khaaÆ.
Hirs hmanchal lbe¾ nahee anchal ko daas Bhagwaan ja¾ jaahlee dee ukhaaro khaaÆ.240.
Word Meaning:- Maaiaa mad – ego of mammon. Andh chhaae – soot, blackness. Sardha sanjugat – with faith and
confidence. Pand – teaching. Nirdwand – without duality. Hirs hmanchal – lust which is like the
mountains. Anchal – shelter.
Meaning:- Intoxicated with the ego of mammon, don’t be cruel. Pay attention to the sermon of the Guru carefully.
What the sermon Guru has preached in his Gurbani, remember and analyse those hymns with great
faith and confidence. Abandon the impureness and adopt teachings of the Guru. Making yourself free of

duality, deliberate carefully. Raja Sahib says that greed which is like Himalaya mountain, don’t soil your
heart with it and uproot the illiteracy from your mind.240.

efps.. r[o eh gSKB nKB MNe/ dh si' pKB eo' Bk XokD skD ikD gowKB e'.
wk; ek njkok wjK g[o;'I g[ekok Bkfj b?eB fJ;kok n?;/ ehnk j? BdKB e'.
os br/ egV/ i/ ikwk j' gbhd ikJ/ wKB; feT[I ykJ/ gkfJ fBowb frnKB e'.
fJ;N s[wkok ej/ geV' eBkok fJ;'I dk; GrtKB BK G[bkU tfynkB e'.. 241..
Kabit – Gur kee pachhaan aan jha¢ke dee tajo baan karo na dhraaÄ taaÄ jaaÄ parmaan ko.
Maas ka ahaara mahaaÆ pursoÆ pukaara naahe laikan isaara aise keeaa hai nadaan ko.
Rat lage kap¾e je jaama ho paleed jaae maanas kion khaae paae nirmal giaan ko.
Is¢ tumaara kahe pak¾o kanaara isoÆ daas Bhagwaan naaÆ bhulaao vakhiaan ko.241.
Word Meaning:- DhraaÄ taaÄ – cruelty. Parmaan – equal. Rat – blood. Paleed – dirty. Is¢ – Guru.
Meaning:- In order to realize and perceive the true Guru, you have to abandon the eating of the meat. To show
cruelity on tongless animates is not considered suitable. No saint or great man has allowed the
consumption of meat. But for the understanding of a fool I have just given a hint that if the blood touches
the cloth of a man, then that cloth becomes impure and dirty. So my brother tell me how a consumer of
meat can get holy spiritual knowledge of the Guru? Raja Sahib says that your Guru forbids you the use
of meat, then why you forget his advice?241.
Explanation:- GurbaaÄee wich is prakaar updesh hai :-

Salok M:1.
Je rat lagai kapa¾ai jaama hoe paleet.
Jo rat peeveh maaÄsa tin kioÆ nirmal cheet. (page 140.)

English Version:- If clothes be stained with blood, the garment gets polluted. But who suck the blood of human beings how
can their mind be pure.

efps.. nro ej' d'; BIjh f;zxB e' MNe/ w/ w[M/ psbkU s[w/ fe; c[owkfJnk j?.
e"D ;h nukoi Uj[ e"D ntskfo ejhJ/ e"D Bhsh tkbk fiB okj[ J/j ubkfJnk j?.
dhB w;ehB ej' wkoB/ j?I ejK nkJ/ ne/ fJj w;bk wB'esh pBkfJnk j?.
pkDh Uj[ ;[DkU iK w? Xow j? iht jBh dk; GrtKB J/t/I o"bk feT[I wukfJnk j?.. 242..
Kabit – Agar kaho dos nahee singhan ko jha¢ke me mujhe batlaao tume kis furmaaiaa hai.
KauÄ see achaarj oh kauÄ avtaar kahee-e kauÄ neetee vaala jin raah eh chalaaiaa hai.
Deen maskeen kaho maarne haiÆ kahaaÆ aae ake ih masla manokatee banaaiaa hai.
BaaÄee oh suÄaao jaaÆ mai dharm hai jeev hanee daas Bhagwaan eveÆ raula kioÆ machaaiaa hai.242.
Word Meaning:- Achaarj – great men. Neetee – lover of justice. Manokatee – false. Jeev hanee – to kill the animals.
Meaning:- If we say that for Singhs there is no sin in eating the meat (slaughtered animal or bird with a single stroke
of weapon) then my friends tell me who great man has allowed them such method? Name any great
man, prophet or lover of justice who has adminstered this path of flesh eating? Who can allow to cut the
throats of meek and humble? This is just an imaginary and crude contrivance. Raja Sahib says that tell
me that hymn in which it has been written that killing of innocent animals is legitimate and permissible. It
is no need to make false hue and cry.242.

efps.. iht'I e' ;skBK Bk pykBk j? wjkswK B/ pbe S[vkBk ;jh ;wM w/I nkfJnk j?.
oky;'I e/ d/; ikfJ nkg r[o{ BkBe ih d/y' T[gd/; e?;/ T[B e' iDkfJnk j?.
w/t'I ek Gh ykDk Bk ep{b[ ehsk sd'I she id'I she Bk nGZS ;/ ;h fBiw eokfJnk j?.
;PS Xow rq?jD ;h ehsk id'I oky;K B/ dk; GrtKB sK jh G'r ;h brkfJnk j?.. 243..
Kabit – JeevoÆ ko staanaaÆ na bakhaana hai mahaatma ne balk chhuÎaana sahee samjh meÆ aaiaa hai.
RaakhsoÆ ke des jaae aap Guru Nanak Jee dekho updes kaise un ko jaÄaaiaa hai.
MevoÆ ka bhee khaaÄa na kabool keeta tadoÆ teek jadoÆ teek na abhachh se see nijam kraaiaa hai.
Swachh dharm graihaÄ see keeta jadoÆ raakhsaaÆ ne daas Bhagwaan taaÆ hee bhog see lagaaiaa hai.243.
Word Meaning:- Abhachh – not eatable. Swachh – pure.
Meaning:- Saints have not preached to torment the innocent animals instead they have adviced to show pity on all
animates. Guru Nanak Dev Ji when reached the country of demons, he forbade them from the eating of
flesh. Until they did not agree to abandon the habits of meat eating. Guru Ji did not accept their fruits for
eating, which they had offered to the Guru. Raja Sahib says that until the demons did not accept the
vegiterianism, Guru Ji did not taste their fruits.243.
Explanation:- JinhaaÆ raakhshaaÆ da jikar Raja Sahib ne keeta hai, unhaaÆ da zikar Nanak Prakaash granth vich
Devloot naam de raakhas dee saakhee vich aaoÆda hai jis da sankhep is prakaar hai:
Devloot ne aapÄe vazeer nooÆ sadiaa mi¢he phal te hor meve mangwaae te satguraaÆ agge bhe¢ keete.
Guru Jee ne kiha je saada shubh updesh manoge (bhaav maas khaana chhaÎoge) taan tuhaaÎa bhojan
chhakaaÆge. Guru Jee bole :
Pratham tajo aamik ko khaana karoh jaas hit jeevan haana.
Keh agh te raakhash tan paae, ab kukarm je leh kamaae.

Paavoh nark jaae dukh bhaaree tahte koe na sakai ubaaree.

Devloot Vaach.
Sunat shron haume taj bola, ab hau tum ansaar aÎola.
Darshan karat paap mat bhaagee, sun ke bachan naam liv laagee.
English Version:- Guru Nanak speech.
First give up the habit of eating meat, for which you kill the poor innocent animals. Due to that sin you
have been born as a demon. If now you will do these evil acts then you will get severe punishment in the
hell and no one would save you.
Devloot speech
Hearing this Devloot said, “Now I have changed myself according to your instructions and have acquired
tranquility. Having your glimpse my sinful cult has vanished and hearing your voice I have been
engrossed in the Name of God.”

efps.. ni e' Bk wko np rkcbh p;ko GkJh eEBh puko ;ko ejh rqzE nkd j?.
nm ;m shoE s/ ;rb jh g[zB[ iht dfJnk gqtKB nkfJnk wkM okr gkd j?.
fSwk jhJ/ Xko' BIjh i[bwh r[iko' GkJh nkii'I g? e'g ej' e"D ;h fJj dkd j?.
ws ej' iht jBh fe;/ Gh j? ejh r[o dk; GrtkB BIjh e'Jh Gh p/dkd j?.. 244..
Kabit – Aj ko na maar ab gaaflee basaar bhaaee kathnee bachaar saar kahee granth aad hai.
A¢h sa¢h teerth te sagal hee pun jeev daiaa pravaan aaiaa majh raag paad hai.
Chhima hee-e dhaaro nahee julmee gujaaro bhaaee aajjoÆ pai kop kaho kauÄ see ih daad hai.
Mat kaho jeev hanee kise bhee hai kahee Gur daas Bhagwaan nahee koee bhee bedaad hai.244.

Word Meaning:- Aj – goat. AajjoÆ – poor. Kop – angry. Daad – just, justice. Jeev hanee – to kill the animals. Bedaad –
Meaning:- In Guru Granth Sahib Ji which fine ideology has been presented, considering that carefully don’t cut the
throat of a goat. In Maajh Raag following hymn has been given. Two lines of that hymn are as under :–
A¢hsa¢h teerath sagal punn jeea daiaa parvaan.
Jis no devai daiaa kar soee purkh sujaan. (page 136.)

English Version:- Which means to take pity on the animates is more acceptable than bathing at sixty eight places of
pilgrimage and giving all alms.
He, on whom God mercifully bestows this virtue, is a wise man.
O my friend ! Tell me to cut the throat of innocent and poor animals, is how far justified ? Raja Sahib says
that denial of justice to innocent animals is not the idealogy of any saint or Guru.244.

efps.. f;deh j' f;zx eo' XkoB Xow Uj' r[o{ ih r'fpzd f;zx ejk i' n;{b j?.
fuT[INh ns/ e[zuo b" E{bk d/y' ;G jh g? feqgk fdq;N f;T[I foj£k J/e c{b j?.
;ko/ gq&c[bs j' fojk ;jh nkswK iK fwqr n" wq°r w/ e?;/ BIjh w{b j?.
w[ytke nkg ejh okto iK d;t/I B/ dk; GrtKB ejDk eo/I feT[I nd{b j?.. 245..
Kabit – Sidkee ho singh karo dhaaran dharm oho Guru Jee Gobind Singh kaha jo asool hai.
ChioÆ¢ee ate kunchar lau thoola dekho sabh hee pai kirpaa dris¢ sioÆ riha ek phool hai.
Saare parfulat ho riha sahee aatma jaaÆ mirg au murg me kaise nahee mool hai.
Mukhvaak aap kahee raavar jaaÆ dasveÆ ne daas Bhagwaan kehÄa kareÆ kioÆ adool hai.245.
Word Meaning:- Sidkee – contented. ChioÆtee – ant. Kunchar – elephant. Thoola – big. Phool – happy. Adool – to

disobey order.
Meaning:- If you are a contented Singh then adopt the principles of Guru Gobind Singh. From ant to elephant on all
animals God has been showering His grace and seeing his creation feeling very happy. When on all
sides is God’s garden of flowers then in deer and cock is also His same divine light. Raja Sahib says that
being a contented Singh why are you disobeying the orders Tenth Guru?.245.

efps.. ghthJ/ ;okp BIjh j'thJ/ yokp BIjh gkthJ/ nikp n?;/ n;b fpukfonk.
dw w/ dbhb BIjh nwb n;hb BjhI p[yb pyhb chb nzdo b? vkfonk.
ihtD/ dk ji[ BIjh woB/ dk ui[ BIjh ghnk dh BK bi ri pi eh ;tkfonk.
ej/ GrtKB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBk B;k Bk fgnkfonk.. 246..
Kabit – Peevee-e saraab nahee hovee-e khraab nahee paavee-e ajaab aise asal bichaariaa.
Dam me daleel nahee amal aseel nahee bukhal bakheel pheel andar lai Îaariaa.
JeevÄe da haj nahee marne da chaj nahee peeaa dee na laj gaj baj kee swaariaa.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas sach de balaas raas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.246.
Word Meaning:- Ajaab – pain. Dam meÆ daleel – loses senses. Amal aseel – not a good action. Bukhal bakheel – due to
greed. Isk adaae – true love.
Meaning:- The real consideration is that never drink wine as it puts a man in unnecessary troubles. That alcoholic
drink is not good which makes man confused and confounded. Ego in the form of elephant manifests in
the drunk man. Life of a drunken man becomes very critical and he even does not care about his death.
He becomes shameless in front of his Master. What has he gained by baseless vanity and self conceit?
Raja Sahib speaks truth that without God’s worship all types of intoxications are false.246.

Explanation:- Har ik insaanee dil Naam dee mastee da chaahwaan hai, par ih mastee Guru toÆ praapat hundee hai,
par ba¾ee hushiaaree naal peeÄee paindee hai kionke sansaar valoÆ piaar to¾na te rab val jo¾na ba¾ee
hushiaaree da kam hai.

efps.. gh gh Gzr BIjh j{nk j?I wb`r BIjh pD e/ Bjzr nzr nzr ;/ j? wkfonk.
eKw s/ eO'X gkfJ oj/ j?I pq'X b'G w'j n" jzeko B/ j? p[oi T[;kfonk.
eo oj/ i[X BIjh nKtdh j? ;[X n?;/ j'fJ e/ po[X T[X s[X ~ fBxkfonk.
ej/ GrtKB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBk B;k Bk fgnkfonk.. 247..
Kabit – Pee pee bhang nahee hooaa haiÆ malang nahee baÄ ke nhang ang ang se hai maariaa.
Kaam te krodh paae rahe haiÆ brodh lobh moh au hankaar ne hai burj usaariaa.
Kar rahe judh nahee aaÆvdee hai sudh aise hoe ke barudh udh tudh nooÆ nighaariaa.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas sach de blaas raas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.247.
Word Meaning:- Malang – a Muslim mendicant, carefree.
Meaning:- Drinking hemp a man does not become a mendicant until concentrating his mind he does not dispel self
conceit. Five demons or passions in the form of lust, wrath, avarice worldly attachment and ego
becoming enemies have constructed a fort for a battle. They always quarrel and keep you unconscious.
Under their command you have been sinking. Raja Sahib speaks the truth that without contemplation on
the Name of God all types of intoxications are false.247.

efps.. ykfJ g';s nchw BIjh gkJh j? sbhw n?;/ d/y nebhw s;bhw Bk r[ikfonk.
eoh BIjh x'e gJh gzuB eh o'e eGh bkfJ bkfJ M'e BIjh B;/ e' Bskfonk.

j{Jh BK we{ch ;{ch f;cbh wekB B;/ nibh wekB g? Bk ikfJ Mkek wkfonk.
ej/ GrtkB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBk B;k Bk fgnkfonk.. 248..
Kabit – Khaae post afeem nahee paaee hai taleem aise dekh akleem tasleem na gujaariaa.
Karee nahee ghok paee panchan kee rok kabhee laae laae jhok nahee nase ko nataariaa.
Hooee na makoofee soofee siflee makaan nase ajlee makaan pai na jaae jhaaka maariaa.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas sach de balaas raas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.248.
Word Meaning:- Taleem – teaching. Akleem – meanness. Tasleem – to accept. Ghok – to speak loudly. Panchan – five
demons or passions i.e. Lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego. Makoofee – hindrance.
Soofee – mystic, a monastic sect of Muslims, pious, sober.
Meaning:- You forget the spiritual knowledge in the intoxication of poppy husk and opium and due to meanness in
mind neither bowed your head in front of God nor controlled the five demons i.e. lust, wrath, avarice,
worldly attachment and ego strictly. Never enjoyed the intoxication of God’s love. Due to worthless
intoxication you spoiled the state of highest spiritual knowledge. You never cared about the purity of soul
and never even glanced in the inner house. Raja Sahib says that without true love of God, all
intoxications are false.248.

efps.. ;[bck feT[I ghnk r?jo' r?jo Bk Ehnk ihnk phnk poB ;o{g T[o Xkfonk.
n?jb swhi BjhI nwb nihi BIjh gkJh n?;h uhi BK wohi wstkfonk.
rbs rBhw BIjh d/yh se;hw BIjh j'fJ w[;sehw Bk s"jhdh dw[ wkfonk.
ej/ GrtkB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBk B;k Bk fgnkfonk.. 249..
Kabit – Sulfa kioÆ peeaa gaihro gaihar na theeaa jeeaa beeaa barn saroop ur dhaariaa.

Aihal tameej nahee amal ajeej nahee paaee aisee cheej na mareej matwaariaa.
Galat ganeem nahee dekhee takseem nahee hoe mustkeem na tauheedee dam maariaa.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas sach de balaas raas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.249.
Word Meaning:- Sulfa – mixture of tobacco and cannabis smoked as intoxicant. Gaihro gaihar – knowledge of God.
Beeaa – another. Barn – caste. Aihal tameej – intellect. Ajeej – dear. Mareej – patient. Ganeem – enemy.
Takseem – division. Mustkeem – solidly. Tauheedee – unity.
Meaning:- What is the use of inhaling mixture of tobacco and cannabis, if you have not acquired the divine
knowledge of God? Leaving the all powerful Almighty, you are loving the god of mammon. O my dear
friend ! You have neither done good deeds nor has absorbed yourself in love of God. Without purity of
soul a man remains mad and diseased. Instead of clinging solidly with unity, involving yourself in the
division of castes, you have adopted duality in your mind. Raja Sahib speaks truth that without love of
God all types of intoxications are false and worthless.249.

efps.. yKtdK epkp BIjh ikfDnk ipkp e?;/ fwb/rk ;tkp iK j;kp Bk pukfonk.
Bc; ;skB BIjh wkfonk BdKB J/j ;st/I weKB g? BK ikfJe/ ;tkfonk.
ykfJ BIjh bhnk g{ok nwb Bk ehnk eGh d;t/I d[tko ik nokw BK r[ikfonk.
ej/ GrtkB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBK B;k BK fgnkfonk.. 250..
Kabit – KhaaÆvda kabaab nahee jaaÄiaa jabaab kaise milega swaab jaaÆ hasaab na bachaaiaa.
Nafas saitaan nahee maariaa nadaan eh satveÆ makaan pai na jaaeke swaariaa.
Khaae nahee leeaa poora amal na keeaa kabhee dasweÆ duwaar ja araam na gujaariaa.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas sach de blaas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.250.

Word Meaning:- Kabaab – cooked dry meat. Swaab – virtue, alms. Nafas – ego, lust, passion. SatveÆ makaan – to get
the fourth stage. DasveÆ duwaar – tenth door.
Meaning:- He eats roasted meat, but does not know the time when he has to answer the God for such misdeeds.
He had not analysed the difference of good and bad deeds. Until he does not kill the devil of his mind,
how can he attain the highest position in the court of God. Until he does not adopt the way of God and
places not his mind on the tenth door, he can not realise the everlasting bliss. Raja Sahib tells the truth
that without true love, all means of satiation are worthless.250.

efps.. ;[yk ;[bck ;okp uzv{ g';s nchw ;ko/ ghJ/ j?I nwb BIjh nwb r[ikfonk.
BIjh wow gSkBk G/d pksBh BK ikBk GfJnk tktok dhtkBk w{V nkg e' p;kfonk.
w[dk BIjh gkfJnk o{g o/s w/I obkfJnk nkg nkg e' rtkfJnk BIjh B{o e' Bykfonk.
ej/ GrtkB dk; ;u d/ pbk; ok; fJ;e ndkfJ fpBk B;K Bk fgnkfonk.. 251..
Kabit – Sukha sulfa saraab chanÎoo post afeem saare pee-e hain amal nahee amal gujaariaa.
Nahee marm pachhana bhed baatnee na jaana bhaiaa vaavra deewaana moo¾ aap ko basaariaa.
Muda nahee paaiaa roop ret meÆ ralaaiaa aap aap ko gwaaiaa nahee noor ko nakhaariaa.
Kahe bhagwaan daas sach de balaas raas isk adaae bina nasa na piaariaa.251.
Word Meaning:- Sukha – hemp. ChanÎoo – an intoxicant prepared from opium. Post – poppy husk. Baatnee – inside.
Mudda – root.
Meaning:- Hemp, mixture of tobacco and cannabis, wine, chanÎoo, poppy husk, opium etc. all intoxicants used but
have not performed the good deeds. Have not known the internal secret, confused by intoxicants have
forgotten himself and remained wandering as a lunatic. Without knowing oneself have wasted semen
and engrossed in oneself have not realized the holy God’s light. Raja Sahib speaks the truth that without

true love of God all intoxicants are false and worthless.251.

efps.. d';s dwkr j? p/dkr pkr o";B ij por g? por ;wkfJnk fdbdko j?.
nip ntki BIjh iok fJj[soki J/j[ oki[ i[ doki j{nk ;"e w/ ;wko j?.
wBib w[ekw Bkw[ sjK ek j? fBi Xkw ;u ek nokw j{Jh tjds pjko j?.
eo' sjK eh fsnkoh ijK iks j? jwkoh j[D dk; GrtkB J/j[ ;jh r[csko j?.. 252..
Kabit – Dost damaag hai bedaag baag rausan jah barg pai barg smaaiaa dildaar hai.
Ajab awaaj nahee jara ihtraaj eh raaj ju draaj hooaa sauk me samaar hai.
Manjal mukaam naam tahaaÆ ka hai nij dhaam sach ka araam hooee vahdat bahaar hai.
Karo tahaaÆ kee tiaaree jahaaÆ jaat hai hamaaree huÄ daas Bhagwaan eh sahee guftaar hai.252.
Word Meaning:- Smaaiaa – absorbed. Ihtraaj – doubt. Draaj – long. Manjal – God. Vahdat – unity. Guftaar – speech.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib describes about the everlasting bliss of Tenth door.

“Dasm duaara agam apaara parm purkh kee ghaa¢ee.” (page 974.)

The tenth gate is the abode of the Inaccesible and Infinite Supreme Lord. The tenth gate which is the
garden of light there petals of lotus flower have been blooming. There continuously unstruck celestial
sound resounds; hearing which mind feels extreme happiness as if intoxicated. This place is also called
‘self abode’, which is beyond death. We get this taste from very intimate unanimity. Raja Sahib advises
to be ready to reach that place which is the real self abode.252.

efps.. wkbe wZfbe e[b w[be wbZe :Ze jZe pojZe pojZe j? jehesh.
fi;w iwks iks fi;wh nkiks iks fi;wh eh iks iks iks j? ochesh.

fi;w cBkfj ip fJ;w pekfJ ep fJ;wh n" fi;wh eh eo[ s;dhesh.

no; n" co; ;wkfJ foj£k y[d B{o dk; GrtKB b? ;Bkys sjehesh.. 253..
Kabit – Maalak malik kul mulak malak yak Hak barhak barhak hai hakeektee.
Jism jamaat jaat jismee aajaat jaat jismee kee jaat jaat jaat hai rafeekatee.
Jism phanahe jab ism bakaae kab ismee au jismee kee kar tasdeekatee.
Ars au fars samaae riha khud noor daas Bhagwaan lai snaakhat tahkeektee.253.
Word Meaning:- Malik – Lord. Yak – one. Hak – truth. Hakeekatee – in reality. Jismee – having form. Rafeekatee –
friendship. Bakaae – last.
Meaning:- Master of all animates and countries is one true Lord. Embodied animates belong to no caste due to their
forms. God’s love is the true caste. The Lord asks not mortals caste and birth so you find out the Lord’s
true abode. That alone is man’s caste and that alone is his glory which deeds he does. When the body
perishes, the name also ends. Raja Sahib says that God’s light illuminates on earth and sky forever only
those people can see it who have realized Him.253.

efps.. ;kjp ;b{e wjK ;z[dq wb{e j'fJ wjow wb{e eo/ nk;eh eokoh j?.
nip ndkfJ oj/ d/ye/ nxkfJ ;eK fee{z w?I pskfJ n?;h ;{os ;P?ekoh j?.
fdb s/ JhwKB eoK iKB e[opKB Uj[ j[;B dh ykB i' gqkB j{z ;/ fgnkoh j?.
eohJ/ i/ ;zr ozr d/y fdb[ dzr j'fJ dk; GrtKB oj/ nKy'I w/ y[wkoh j?.. 254..
Kabit – Saahab salook mahaaÆ sundar malook hoe mahram malook kare aaskee karaaree hai.
Ajab adaae rahe dekhke aghaae sakaaÆ kikooÆ maiÆ bataae aisee soorat swaikaaree hai.

Dil te eemaan karaaÆ jaan kurbaan oh husan dee khaan jo praan hooÆ se piaaree hai.
Karee-e je sang rang dekh dil dang hoe daas Bhagwaan rahe aaÆkhoÆ me khumaaree hai.254.
Word Meaning:- Salook – behave. Malook – delicate. Aaskee – process of loving. Karaaree – hard, severe. Adaae –
alluring gesture or behaviour. Aghaae – satiated. Swaikaaree – acceptance. Rang – love. Khumaaree –
Meaning:- My Lord, who behaves very nicely is most handsome and king of kings. Knowing the love of his dears He
loves them vehemently and intensly. Seeing His lovable feats I feel satiated. How can I describe the
merits and attributes of such a beautiful face. God is treasure of beauty; which is even more alluring and
charming than my life. Surrender all your body, soul and wealth unto the God and submit to His will, in
this way you shall obtain the Lord. Raja Sahib says if we keep company of our dear Lord, then perceiving
His love we feel astonished. In that state eyes of a man always remain intoxicated.254.

efps.. nkeb n;hb vhb ;{yw ;ehb n?;k t?;k jh t;hb jo/ fdb dk d[okT[ j?.
;{os dk ;'jDk w'jDk y'jDk fdb d';sK d/ p';sK d/ pkp d/y xN/ xpokT[ j?.
n?;k fBrktKB eo ;e/ Bk i[pkB fpnKB edo j'fJ dKB eo/ fdb dk pokT[ j?.
;hB/ dk j? ;kc Bkc d/y GrtKB dk; gk; fgnkok yk; j'fJ oze jh ;/ okT[ j?.. 255..
Kabit – Aakal aseel Îeel sukham skeel aisa vaisa hee vaseel hare dil da duraao hai.
Soorat da sohÄa mohÄa khohaÄa dil dostaaÄ de bostaaÆ de baab dekh gha¢e ghabraao hai.
Aisa nigawaan kar sake na jubaan biaan kadar hoe daan kare dil da baraao hai.
Seene da hai saaf naaf dekh Bhagwaan daas paas piaara khaas hoe rank hee se raao hai.255.
Word Meaning:- Aakal – wise. Aseel – of good nature. Ïeel – bodily construction. Sakeel – beautiful. Vaseel – liberal,

broadminded, generous, benevolent. Daraao – hidden. BostaaÆ – flower garden. Baab – meaning.
Baraao – excellent. Naaf – smell of musk. Rank – poor. Raao – king, rich.
Meaning:- As God is treasure of wisdom, good nature, bodily form, and beauty. In the similar way He is very liberal,
broadminded, benevolent, and real gem. Seeing His beautiful form, attractive nature and remaining
always bloom like the flower garden, human beings enjoy His company without any fear or complex. We
can not describe His cherishing of the poor. Due to His just appreciation of one’s merits, He perfumes
one’s heart with the fragrance of His divine Name. If such a God who showers the fragrance of His Name
and who is broad minded, we get the opportunity of His company then we are king of kings.255.
Explanation:- Piaare de ik pal bhar de mel toÆ saare sukh vaar devee-e. Guru Arjan Dev Jee is bare likhde han.

Kaan¾a Mehla 5.
Vaar vaaro anik Îaaro sukh pria suhaag palak raat.1.Rahaao.
Kanik mandar paa¢ sej sakhee mohe naahe in sio taat.1.
Mukat laal anik bhog bin naam Nanak haat.
Rookho bhojan bhoom sain sakhee pria sang sookh bihaat.2.3.42.
(page 1306.)

English Version:- Many a time, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto the bliss of a moments union in the night with my beloved.
The gold mansions and the silk couches with these I have no love, O my maid.
The pearls, jewels and various pleasures are destructive with the Name, O Nanak.
O my maid! Not with standing dry bread and sleeping on the floor, my life night passes in peace with my

efps.. ;kjp ;j{o B{o[ ;u dk ;o{o j{o d/y d;s{o wro{o whs vkohJ/.
Bkie B;kB j? ijKB dh jh iKB ;KB fdb dofwnKB fXnKB T[;dk jh XkohJ/.
j[pdk jikoh ekoh eodk n;koh goekoh p; :koh fdbdkoh w/ r[ikohJ/.
j'fJ id'I w/b e/b eo/ GrtKB dk; gk; w[;ske feT[I Mo'Iyh MksK wkohJ/.. 256..
Kabit – Saahab sahoor noor sach da saroor hoor dekh dastoor magroor meet Îaaree-e.
Naajak nasaan hai jahaan dee hee jaan saan dil darmiaan dhiaan usda hee dhaaree-e.
Hubda hajaaree kaaree karda asaaree parkaaree bas yaaree dildaaree me gujaaree-e.
Hoe jadoÆ mel kel kare Bhagwaan Daas paas mustaak kioÆ jhronkhee jhaataan maaree-e.256.
Word Meaning:- Saahab sahoor – treasure of wisdom. Sach da saroor – true intoxication. Hubda – love. Kaaree – action.
Dildaaree – benevolent donor. Mustaak – desirous.
Meaning:- O my friend! God the treasure of wisdom, ever enlightened One is even more beautiful than the fairies.
Understanding His principles and abandoning the ego let us enjoy His glimpse. He is abode of delicacy
and life of this universe, let us contemplate Him in our innermost conciousness. Let us pass our time in
his lovable friendship. He is the source of love and He takes care of all and sundry cautiously. Raja Sahib
says that when we meet our dear Lover, then we should enjoy the everlasting bliss so that our other
desires may come to an end.256.

efps.. wjow wjp{p pDk j"i j? jp{p s/ fyodwzd y{p[ y{p[ oydk dBkJh j?.
ikd{ dk }yhok j? wwho/ dk izihok Uj[ nk;eK d/ dhfdnK ~ d/Itdk phBkJh j?.
pjds pjko go gZfenk fgnko j'o S[fNnk fpjko id'I j'Jh o[;BkJh j?.

pNhJ/ Bk py s/ gbNhJ/ Bk ny oy dk; GrtKB j'fJ n?;h n;BkJh j?.. 257..

Kabit – Mahram mehboob baÄa hauj hai haboob te khirdmand khoob khoob rakhda danaaee hai.
Jaadoo da zakheera hai mameere da janjeera oh aaskaaÆ de deediaaÆ nooÆ denvda beenaaee hai.
Bahdat bahaar par pakiaa piaar hor chhu¢iaa bihaar jadoÆ hoee rusnaaee hai.
Ba¢ee-e na bakh te pal¢ee-e na akh rakh daas Bhagwaan hoe aisee asnaaee hai.257.
Word Meaning:- Mahram – confident, a secret keeper. Mehboob – beloved. Hauj – small tank, bath. Haboob – tax.
Khirdmand – wise. Zakheera – hoard, provision store. Mameera – a plant, which grows in cold
mountains; its root is used in preparation of collyrium. Janjeera – island. DeediaaÆ – eyes. Bahdat –
unity. Rusnaaee – light.
Meaning:- Saints are secret keepers of the beloved God. Who Himself is treasure of love and wisdom. He is store
house of miracles and is island of mamira (a plant, which grows in cold mountains and its root is used in
the preparation of collyrium and it is considered as best medicine for the eye sight). He blesses His
lovers the divine light. When came the spring season then garden of everlasting union bloomed and all
worldly affairs remained acquitted. Raja Sahib says that when I received the Divine light of God then I
realized everlasting bliss. At that time my face and eyes got such an ecstasy resulting from self
realization that I could not move my face and eyes.257.

efps.. gqhsw fgnko/ d/ fJ;ko/ i' fBnko/ fBnko/ id'I d/ fBjko/ j'fJ oj/ pbjko/ jK.
e?;h fdnK w?I B;kBh BIjh fpu d' ijkBh n?;h ;{os bk;kBh d/y j'J/ pBiko/ jK.
y/b j? fynkbh ukb U; dh Bokbh nI;h id'I dh j? Gkbh b?Id/ sd'I d/ Biko/ jK.
fojk BIjh rzw fgnk dzw fpu dzw nkfJ dk; GrtKB j'fJ oj/ wstko/ jK.. 258..

Kabit – Preetam piaare de isaare jo niaare niaare jadoÆ de nihaare hoe rahe balhaare haaÆ.
Kaisee diaaÆ maiÆ nasaanee nahee bich do jahaanee aisee soorat laasaanee dekh hoe banjaare haaÆ.
Khel hai khiaalee chaal os dee naraalee aseeÆ jadoÆ dee hai bhaalee lainde tadoÆ de najaare haaÆ.
Riha nahee gaÆm piaa daÆm bich daÆm aae daas Bhagwaan hoe rahe matwaare haaÆ.258.
Word Meaning:- Nihaare – seen. banjaare – merchant. matwaare – intoxicant.
Meaning:- Hints of beloved God are distinct and uncommon. When I have seen these signals, I am sacrificing
myself again and again. How can I describe His handsome face? How can I give the token of His
glimpse? In these two worlds there does not exist such a token. Seeing the face of the God I have
become a merchant. His play is unique and distinct and His stratagem and momentum is peculiar and
strange. Since I have realized Him in my innermost conscious, I have been enjoying strange sights. Raja
Sahib says that all worries have vanished and I have received such an enlightenment that now I perceive
the sensational enjoyment.258.

efps.. uzd dk Gh uzd Uj ;u ek nBzd j? j? g;zd fdbpzd i[ pbzd nI;h ikfDnK.

g[;s gBkfj Gkoh r?pb rtkfj ;jh d;dk ;bkfj j? fBrkj fpfu nkfDnK.
w[y wstkbk ghnk gq/w iK fgnkbk j'fJnk jK;b[ j[tkbk sK ;o{g j? f;nkfDnK.
gkfJnk fgnkok gk; yk; GfJnk p; tk; Bk; dk; GrtKB sK nBzd y{p[ wkfDnK.. 259..
Kabit – Chand da bhee chand oh sach ka anand hai hai pasand dilband ju buland asee jaaÄiaaÆ.
Pust panaah bhaaree gaibal gwaah sahee dasda salaah hai nigaah bich aaÄiaaÆ.
Mukh matwaala peeaa prem jaaÆ piaala hoiaa haansal huwaala taaÆ saroop hai siaaÄiaaÆ.
Paaiaa piaara paas khaas bhaiaa bas vaas naas daas Bhagwaan taaÆ anand khoob maaÄiaaÆ.259.

Word Meaning:- Chand da bhee chand – unblemished moon. Dilband – which ties the heart. Buland – high. Pusat
panaah – shelter. Gaibal gwaah – companion of spiritual world. Matwaala – intoxicated. Sulaah – union.
Naas – destruction.
Meaning:- God, which is essence of truth, conscious and form happiness provides light to moon. He keeps hearts
of animates under His control. He is very high and lovable. God is sole shelter and is a true adviser and
witness in this world and in the next world. He can be realised with the grace of the true Guru. When I got
the glimpse of the God then I became intoxicated. Meeting Him I realised Him. Raja Sahib says when I
got the love of the God, then all desires vanished and now I am enjoying an everlasting bliss and

efps.. ;kiB ;ohc s'jck fs;dh skohc eoK e?;/ s;Bhc n?vhI neb Bk Gkoh j?.
T[o w/ j? nkbk Uj[ T[ikbk i[ p;kbk d/ wjZps w;kbk gqek;/ fp;P ;koh j?.
jfo jfo jkb ofjIdk y{p[ y[;jkb ukb fwbdh w[jkb ukj/ ;G Bo Bkoh j?.
pks pj[sh eh g[eko{z ihT[Idh iKB BK p;ko{z Uj[ dk; GrtkB n?;h ;{os dhdkoh j?.. 260..
Kabit – Saajan sareef tohfa tisdee taareef karaaÆ kaise tasneef aiÎee akal na bhaaree hai.
Ur me hai aala oh ujaala ju basaala de mohabat masaala prakaase bisav saaree hai.
Har har haal rehaÆda khoob khushaal chaal mildee muhaal chaahe sabh nar naaree hai.
Baat bauhtee kee pakaarooÆ jeeoÆdee jaan na basaarooÆ oh daas Bhagwaan aisee soorat deedaaree hai.260.
Word Meaning:- Tohfa – gift. Tasneef – description. Aala – tool. Basaala – enough. Mohabat masaala – the food of love.
Muhaal – difficult. Deedaaree – handsome, worth seeing.
Word Meaning:- I have not got so great intellect to describe the praises of my Friend God, who is the house of goodness
of heart and conduct. His praises are also a very heavy gift. When His splendour of light manifested in

my heart then I became satiated with his blessed spiritual diet. Now all hungers, strong desires and
needs have vanished. God remains happy in all circumstances. All men and women love Him. But it is
very difficult to behave according to His character and conduct. Raja Sahib who has seen the glimpse of
God’s handsome and worth seeing face, says, “I can not forget the God in my whole life”.260.

efps.. ;kiB f;nkDK w?I BdKB jK fJnkDk BIjh wzBdk iK GkDK sK NekDk e?;/ gktK w?I.
f;cs ;BkfJ ;koh ejh BIjh ikfJ iKBh firo wBkfJ jkb[ e[M e[ nbktK w?I.
w[B;c nkg Gkok eo/ fJB;kc ;kok d/y e/ ;skok pbjko pb iktK w?I.
fgnk b;ekok fdb[ b? frnk jwkok j[D dk; GrtKB rhs T[;d/ jh rktK w?I.. 261..
Kabit – Saajan siaaÄa maiÆ nadaan haaÆ iaaÄa nahee manda jaaÆ bhaaÄa taaÆ takaaÄa kaise paavaaÆ maiÆ.
Sifat sanaae saaree kahee nahee jaae jaanee jigar manaae haal kujh ku alaavaaÆ maiÆ.
Munsaf aap bhaara kare insaaf saara dekh ke sataara balhaar bal jaavaaÆ maiÆ.
Piaa laskaara dil lai giaa hamaara huÄ daas Bhagwaan geet usde hee gaavaaÆ maiÆ.261.
Word Meaning:- Sifat sanaae – praises. AlaavaaÆ – describe. Munsaf – judge. Insaaf – justice. Sataara – fate.
Laskaara – lightening.
Meaning:- God is wise, I am ignorant, if I do not accept God’s will, then how will I get the peace of my mind. His
praises can not be described after persuading Him to accept, I will describe some of his characteristics.
God becoming as a judge, provides justice to His creation, seeing that fortunate Master I express deep
devotion to Him. Raja Sahib says that when I saw the lightening of his grace, then my heart became out
of control. Now I am singing His praises.261.

efps.. d/y n?;/ v"b fgnkok fo£jk e?;/ w"b ;ko/ ;[D ;[D e"b j"b jND ;oho d/.
p'bh p'b ;/ pohe BIjh e'Jh j? ;ohe J/j ;wM sohe gk; ghnk j? ceho d/.
t;b t;kb j'fJ fojk j? iwkb d/y d/y e/ fBjkb s"o sg/ sedho d/.
bJhJ/ eo jZi[ oi oyhJ/ B bZi ni dk; GrtKB w/b/ w/bhnk nyho d/.. 262..
Kabit – Dekh aise Îaul piaara riha kaise maul saare suÄ suÄ kaul haul ha¢aÄ sareer de.
Bolee bol se bareek nahee koee hai sareek eh samjh tareek paas peeaa hai faqeer de.
Vasal vasaal hoe riha hai jamaal dekh dekh ke nihaal taur tape takdeer de.
Laee-e kar hajj raj rakhee-e na laj aj daas Bhagwaan mele meleeaa akheer de.262.
Word Meaning:- Maul – to bloom. Kaul – saying. Haul – distress. Sareek – equal. Tareek – method. Vasal vasaal –
impurity. Jamaal – glimpse. Taur – state. Takdeer – fate.
Meaning:- On all sides there is expanse of God’s love. God’s love is pervading in all the animates of the universe.
Hearing His command all pains of the body vanish. His voice is very delicate and sweet. No one is equal
to Him. The method how to perceive Him, becomes known in the company of saints. Raja Sahib says, “I
am enjoying the essence of His company and after having His glimpse I am feeling very happy. Today I
will enjoy His company till I satiate, today is the last assemblage”.262.

efps.. fdbpo :ko ;[Dh ;u dh g[eko nkJh npo pjko fdbdko o; x'bd/.
pse bN'o w'o eo ojh e'b ;'o pdb dh x'o s/ iBkto Gh p'bd/.
fpzv/ w/Ive n" whB oj/ ;pd e' uhB e?;/ ;[D ;[D phB nfj f;o M'bd//.
fJ;e d/ p?jo dh b?jo uVkJh fpu dk; GrtKB BK eskp ed/ y'bd/.. 263..

Kabit – Dilbar yaar suÄee sach dee pukaar aaee abar bahaar dildaar ras gholde.
Batak la¢or mor kar rahee kol sor badal dee ghor te jnaawar bhee bolde.
BinÎe menÎak au meen rahe sabad ko cheen kaise suÄ suÄ been eh sir jholde.
Isk de baihar dee laihar cha¾aaee bich daas Bhagwaan na kataab kade kholde.263.
Word Meaning:- Dildaar – dear. Abar – clouds. Cheen – to know.
Meaning:- O my dear friend! Hear me, the spring of clouds have come. When the cloud in the form of Guru showers
rain then admirers enjoy that Nectar. Hearing the sound of clouds the duck and peacock are also
enjoying. Cuckoo singing his sweet songs is making loud noise and other birds are also speaking.
Crickets, frogs and fish are analysing the voice. Hearing the voice of harp snakes are dancing. Wave of
the ocean of love is rising very high. Raja Sahib says that swimming in the ocean of love, there remains
no need to study the books.263.

efps.. nkJh xN SKw ir[ d/ydk swkw T[s/ uV uV pKw nKw npo fBjko d/.
pr fsso ue'o s's/ fsbh:o j'o j'o[ d/y uwe'o j' u[ezB/ uKrk wkod/.
pDK d/ px/o/ f;zx wkoB pX/o/ c/o/ fwor u[c/o/ nkg nkg e' T[Gkod/.
gJ/ id'I nKD mkm oj/ BIjh g{ik gkm dk; GrtKB e"b eoB pjko d/.. 264..
Kabit – Aaee gha¢ chhaam jag dekhda tamaam ute cha¾ cha¾ baam aam abar nihaar de.
Bag titar chakor tote tileeyar hor hor dekh chamkor ho chukanne chaanga maarde.
BaÄaaÆ de baghere Singh maarn badhere phere mirg chuphere aap aap ko ubhaarde.
Pae jadoÆ aaÄ ¢haa¢h rahe nahee pooja paa¢h daas Bhagwaan kaul karn bahaar de.264.
Word Meaning:- Chhaam – black. Baam – roof. Chaanga – speak loudly. Ubhaarde – jumping. Kaul – speech, talk.

Meaning:- When dark black clouds appears in the sky then all people climbing on roofs begin to see it. Heron,
Sandgrouse, partridge, parrots and Indian partridges (chakor) all becoming alert, feeling overjoyed, are
making noise. Lions of forests are roaring and deer are running on all sides. Feeling very pleased they
are jumping. Raja Sahib says that when the crowd of spring assembles then in jubilation they even forget
to the daily worship.264.

efps.. uV pdbh iK nkJh ;koh Xos ;[jkJh J/j d/ ozr dh ;[ckJh ikD[ pVh d[obG s{z.
GKs GKs y[b/ ozr fyb fyb g?D nzr j'Jh j? T[wzr i[ B;zr d/y ;G s{z.
eko eo pzd bIJh ;u ek nBzd j[D fyu BIjh szd uzd u"dwh dk bG s{z.
eo eo ;zr[ np j'j y[d ozr fco j[D dk; GrtKB J/j e;hdk Sv Mp s{.z . 265..
Kabit – Cha¾ badlee jaaÆ aaee saaree dhart suhaaee eh de rang dee sufaaee jaaÄ ba¾ee durlabh tooÆ.
BhaaÆt bhaaÆt khule rang khil khil paiÄ ang hoee hai umaÆg ju nasang dekh sabh tooÆ.
Kaar kar band laee sach ka anand huÄ khich nahee tand chand chaudmee da labh tooÆ.
Kar kar sang ab hoh khud rang phir huÄ daas Bhagwaan eh kaseeda chhaÎ jhab tooÆ.265.
Word Meaning:- Suhaaee – looks beautiful. Durlabh – unavailable. Umang – excitement. Nasang – unworried.
Kaseeda – wordly entanglements.
Meaning:- When black clouds overcast the sky, then earth becomes praiseworthy. The rain blesses the earth with
such beautiful colours that its sight becomes uncommon with various colourful flowers blooming. All the
animates feel excited. With the purity of mind, see all and hindering your innermost consciousness from
the worldly affairs, get the true happiness. Leaving aside the worldly entanglements try to find the Divine
Light of God. Raja Sahib says enjoying the company of saints, discarding all the disputes, concentrate
your mind in reciting the Name of God.265.

efps[.. fdbpo :ko y{p[ fyb/ r[bBko j'fJ nip fsnko fpu ;pih ;[jktDh.
Sv e/ ;e{ck bzpk fyfVnk r[bkp pzpk wo{nk s/ uzpk j? uzp/bh fybh ;ktDh.
rwb'I e/ r[b c[b c[b e/ j?I j'J/ c[b por'I g? u[je/ p[bp[b wB GktDh.
;wM/ BK rb p?m/ ebhnK e' wb wb dk; GrtKB pkih p[od j'fJ iktDh.. 266..
Kabit – Dilbar yaar khoob khile gulnaar hoe ajab tiaar bich sabjee suhaavaÄee.
ChhaÎ ke sakoofa lamba khi¾iaa gulaab banba marooaa te chanba hai chambelee khilee saavÄee.
GamloÆ ke gul phul phul ke hain hoe phul bargoÆ pai chuhke bulbul man bhaavÄee.
Samjhe na gal bai¢he kaleeaaÆ ko mal mal daas Bhagwaan baajee burd hoe jaavÄee.266.
Word Meaning:- Gulnaar – flower of pomegranate. Suhaavanee – praiseworthy. Sakoofa – flower-bud. Bamba – good,
plenty. Marooaa – sweet basil (niaazbo). Chuhke – speaks.
Meaning:- This worldly flower garden is blooming. But this blossoming and flowering will not remain forever.
Autumn season will also come. In the similar way a man will not stay here for a long time. Red flowers of
pomegranate are blooming and in the flower garden there is greenery everywhere. Some flowers are
still budding. At some places flowers of rose has been blooming with a great pop and show. Sweet
basils, jasmine and chamba’s yellow flowers are also blooming. Flowers of flowerpot are also enjoying
themselves. Nightingales sitting on the branches of trees are singing very sweet songs. Foolish man is
sitting in this garden, consideing it as his property and has forgotten about his death. Raja Sahib says
that one day this universe will meet its end.266.
Explanation:- Sri Raag Mehla 1. ghar 2.
Dhan joban ar phul¾a naatheea¾e din chaar.
PabaÄ kere pat jio Îhal Îhul jumaÄhaar.1.

Rang maaÄ lai piaariaa ja joban nau hula.

Din tho¾¾e thake bhaiaa puraaÄa chola.1.Rahaao. (page 23.)

English Version:- Wealth, youth and flowers are guests only for four days. Like the leaves of water lily they whither, fade
and finally die away. O dear one! Enjoy Lord’s love, so long as you have fresh youth. Few are your days,
you have grown weary and your body has grown old.1. Pause.

efps.. xNk nkJh go pzB j'fJ ojh XzB XzB ;ko/ wB sB gq;zBsk fbnKtdh.
fwmh fwmh tr/ g"D pr[b/ nek; G"D ;"D dh f;cs e'Jh ejh BIjhI iKtdh.
g?D brh nk c[jko pz{d BBh fdbdko j'J/ jw jwtko Bko Bko e[;bKtdh.
p?jD fp;Eko T[s/ nkJ/ GrtKB dk; B/j[ tkbh Bdh BIjh gbe moKtdh.. 267..
Kabit – Gha¢a aaee par bann hoe rahee dhann dhann saare man tan parsanta liaaÆvdee.
Mi¢hee mi¢hee vage pauÄ bagle akaas bhauÄ sauÄ dee sift koee kahee nahee jaaÆvdee.
PaiÄ lagee aa fuhaar booÆd nanee dildaar hoe ham hamwaar naar naar kuslaaÆvdee.
BaihaÄ bisthaar ute aae Bhagwaan Daas neh waalee nadee nahee palak ¢haraaÆvadee.267.
Word Meaning:- Par bann – with proud. Baihan – flow. Bisthaar – expanse. Neh – love. ÙharaaÆvadee – hinders.
Meaning:- After the severe heat of the months of Jeth and Asaar, clouds have covered the whole sky, now it is
raining. Body and mind both are blooming. In the black clouds, white herons are flying. Praises of the
month of Saawan can not be described. A cold wind is blowing. O my dear ! Now it is drizzling, mind has
found its stability and all organs of body are feeling happy. Raja Sahib says that in the remembrance of
dear God my eyes are shedding tears continuously. Stream of love is flowing without any hindrance and
I never feel sleepy. The stream of true love have been flowing uniformly.267.

Explanation:- SaavaÄ da maheena bhaaveÆ kinna hee shobneek hai, par ik patee parmaatma ton vichh¾ee rooh laee
ba¾a draavaÄa ate dukhdaaee hai. Jaisa Tukhaaree Raag vich Guru Nanak Dev Ji likhde han:
Tukhaaree Chaant Mehla.1. Barah Maha.
SaavaÄ sars mana ghaÄ varseh rut aae.
Mai man tan soh bhaavai pir pardes sidhaae.
Pir ghar nahee aavai mareeai haavai daaman chamak Îraae.
Sej ikelee kharee duhelee marÄ bhaiaa dukh maae.
(page 1108.)
English Version:- O my soul! In Sawan be you happy. The season has come when the clouds rain.
I love my spouse with my soul and body, but my Darling God has gone abroad.
My Beloved comes not home, I am dying with the sorrow of separation. The flash of lightening terrifies
Lonely is my couch and I am greatly grieved, I am dying of pain, O my mother.

efps[.. i/jV/ gkJ/ rb jko ;'Jh rJ/ rb jko j[D gJh rb jko jko jko gJh j'Itdh.
ezio ;/ i'Jh ;'Jh GJ/ np ezio j?I ezio e/ j{J/ Bko ezio eh o'Itdh.
BIjh eo i'o iok io dk j? i'o iok iok iotkDh i'o i'o b? yb'Itdh.
fyVh r[biko eo ojh np iko iko dk; GrtKB Gkth pD/ ezw y'Itdh.. 268..
Kabit – Jeh¾e paae gal haar soee gae gal haar huÄ paee gal haar haar haar paee honvdee.
Kanjar se joee soee bhae ab kanjar hain kanjar ke hooe naar kanjar kee ronvdee.
Nahee kar jor jara jar da hai jor jara jara jarvaaÄee jor jor lai khloÆvdee.
Khi¾ee guljaar kar rahee ab jaar jaar daas Bhagwaan bhaavee baÄe kanm khonvdee.268.

Word Meaning:- Kanjar – a shameless person. Jor – excess, offence. Jara – small. Jar da jor jara – the offence of wealth
is worthless. Jara – old age. Jor jor – with force. Guljaar – flower garden. Jaar jaar – to weap bitterly.
Bhaavee – fate, destiny, preordination.
Meaning:- The garlands which you wear in your neck that have been rotten (you loved your wife and children, but
they have left you all alone). Now on all sides you see all the people wearing garlands. In the intoxication
of mammon when the man was gushing the wind like a shameless man, now they have become very
poor. Now when they have seen the poverty, they are weaping for their thirst of woman and wealth. O my
dear friend! Don’t show the force of your wealth. This might is worthless. The old age which is very cruel,
that will entangle you with force. Raja Sahib says that when after old age you will meet your end and then
your family which have been blooming like the flower garden, will weep bitterly. Destiny destroys the well
arranged projects.268.

efps.. jKD bkG nkgDh Bk d/y/I nfrnKB eo gfNnk j?I BhId B/ BK nyhnK T[xkVdK.
fwor nzr{oh u[r ikD gS[skJ/I c/o n?; fpu fgnk j[D S/iK j?I bskVdK.
eo e/ puko wB ozd[ BIjh o'edk iK T[eo e/ iV nkg nkgDh T[ykVdK.
fe;/ ~ eh d';[ c/o d/I GrtkB dk; e/;o fenkoh jIEh nkgDh T[ikVdK.. 269..
Kabit – HaaÄ laabh aapÄee na dekheÆ agiaan kar pa¢iaa haiÆ neeÆd ne na akheeaaÆ ughaardaaÆ.
Mirg angooree chug jaaÄ pachhutaae pher ais bich piaa huÄ chhejaaÆ hain lataa¾daaÆ.
Kar ke bachaar man rand nahee rokda jaaÆ ukar ke ja¾ aap aapÄee ukhaa¾daaÆ.
Kise nooÆ kee dos pher deÆ Bhagwaan daas kesar kiaaree hatheeÆ aapÄee ujaa¾daaÆ.269.
Word Meaning:- Angooree – greenery. Ais – to enjoy. Rand – clean. Kesar kiaaree – bed of saffron.
Meaning:- Entrapped in the attachment of mammon, a man never thinks about his loss and gain. He always

remains asleep. He does not open the eyes to see the Divine Knowledge, as the deers of lust, wrath,
worldly attachment, avarice and ego are grazing the breath form crop of life. Now he is enjoying the soft
and decorated bed with his wife, but in the end he will repent, why is he not turning his mind to right
direction by realizing his soul. In this way he is dislocating his roots, himself. Raja Sahib says that this
man selling himself in the hands of mammon, has been destroying breath form bed of saffron.269.

efps[.. j'fJ e/ p/p;k wB fcodk j? tKjh:ks ekoi e;{s j[D pkrK ~ BK w'VdK.
rkvh okj[ Sve/ s{z n"MV nfVfenK w/ j'wdk y[nko[ y?o nkgDh Bk b'VdK.
gKDh p/ nEkj fpu'I pzB/ nKD brk j'fJnk p/Vk j[D Xe e/ s{z nkg c/o o'VdK.
n?;k j?I p/ ;wM BdkB GrtKB dk; gZEo d/ Bkb wko ;h;k jEh s'VdK.. 270..
Kabit – Hoe ke bebasa man phirda hai vaaheeyaat kaarj kasoot huÄ baagaaÆ nooÆ na mo¾daaÆ.
GaaÎee raah chhaÎke tooÆ aujha¾ a¾ikiaaÆ me homda khuaar khair aapÄee na lo¾daaÆ.
PaaÄee be athaah bichoÆ bane aan laga hoiaa be¾a huÄ dhak ke tooÆ aap pher ro¾daaÆ.
Aisa haiÆ besamjh nadaan Bhagwaan daas pathar de naal maar seesa hatheeÆ to¾daaÆ.270.
Word Meaning:- Bebas – out of power. Vaaheeyaat – worthless. BaagaaÆ – reigns of horse. GaaÎee-raah – the real way
or path.
Meaning:- Obeying your mind you are doing misdeeds. You are not turning your self-willed mind in the right
direction. Abandoning the straight path of devoutedeness, adopting a worthless path you have ruined
your life. Why do you not want goodness of yours? Wandering in eighty four lacs of species, you have
got this human life. Now why are you not engaging yourself in recitation the name of God ? Why are you
trying to put your this human form in the cycle of eighty four lacs of species again? Raja Sahib says this
foolish man is such forgetful that with stones of sins, he has been breaking the glass of priceless human

Explanation:- Soohee Mehla.5.
Kart bikaar do-oo kar jhaart. Raam ratan rid til nahee dhaarat.2.
BharÄ pokhaÄ sang audh bihaaÄee. Jai Jagdees kee gati nahee jaaÄee.3.
(page 743.)
English Version:- Committing sins with full force, you have passed your life and not even for a moment you have enshrined
the Name Jewel in your mind. In feeding and cherishing the boy, the life is passing away but the man
does not understands the state of praising the God.3.

efps.. eo/I ntbZS fco/I bZfdnk wiki dk jh n?;k s{z e[bZSDk Bk w[Vdk j?I w'fVnk.
wko e/ r[b/bk jE[ nkgDk jh GzB fbnk fpBk T[;skd s/ B;kBK n?;k i'fVnk.
fJsBk nikp sK jh gkfJnk j? ;oho eo w{oy Bk ;zr[ i/ s?I nkocK dk b'fVnk.
fe;/ dk eh frnk ej[ BdKB GrtKB dk; nkgDk jh nkg tKr fBzp{ d/ Bu'fVnk.. 271..
Kabit – KareÆ avlachh phiren laddiaa majaaj da hee aisa tooÆ kulachhÄa na mu¾da haiÆ mo¾iaa.
Maar ke gulela hath aapÄa hee bhan liaa bina ustaad te nasaanaaÆ aisa jo¾iaa.
Itna ajaab taaÆ hee paaiaa hai sareer kar moorakh na sang je taiÆ aarfaaÆ da lo¾iaa.
Kise da kee giaa kauh nadaan Bhagwaan daas aapÄa hee aap vaang nimboo de nacho¾iaa.271.
Word Meaning:- Avlachh – bad attributes, characteristics. Majaaj – proudness. Gulela – earthen ball used with gulel.
Ajaab – sufferings. Sreer kar – due to body. AarfaaÆ – saints; the Godly men.
Meaning:- Intoxicated with fervour of youth, you are walking very proudly. You have been adopting bad attributes.
Due to ignorance you have fired the pellet-bow and pellet has broken your own hand. Due to your body

you are indulging in bad deeds. Due to lust you have made your body painful. As the foolish man has not
enjoyed the company of saints and Godly men. Raja Sahib advises, “O foolish man ! Who have suffered
the loss? Engrossing yourself in evil doings, you have ruined yourself.271.
Explanation:- Is kabbit vich kaam vaashna val ishaara karde hoe Raja Sahib dasde han ki bhai¾ee saÆgat karke ih
praanee dukhee hunda hai, jaisa ki GurbaaÄee vich likhiaa hai.
Basant Mehla.9.
Paapee heeai mai kaam basaae. Man chanchal ya te gahio na jaae.1. Rahaao.
Jogee jangam ar saniaas. Sabh hee par Îaaree ih phaas.1.
Jeh jeh Har ko naam smaar. Te bhav saagar utre paar.2.
Jan Nanak Har kee sarnaae. Deejai Naam rahai gun gaae.3.2.
(Page 1186.)
English Version:- With in the sinner’s mind abides lust. Therefore the mercurial mind can not be restrained. Pause.
This net of lust is cast over all the yogis, wandering ascetics and renouncers.
They who contemplate the God’s Name, they cross over the terrible worldly ocean.
Servant Nanak has sought the refuse of Lord.
Bless me your Name, so that I may continue to sing your praises.

Raamkalee Mehla.1.
Kaam karodh kaaiaa kau gaalai. Jio kanchan sohaaga Îhaalai.
(Page 932.)
English Version:- As borax melts the gold so lust and wrath waste the body away.

efps.. ;[cB/ dk ozr[ ;u[ wzB Bk rtko p?m[ ;[cB/ dh eko :ko nkyo Bp{drh.
e{V dk fpjko e[b j'fJ e/ cBkj fJj yke w/I ;wkfJ ikT{ yke dh ti{drh.
ekb dk rqk; ekfJnK ;[zdO ;o{g ip G[b e/ BdkB eo/I ezw feT[I nb{drh.
j'j j[;nko np ikr GrtKB dk; ;u ~ ;wkb eu[ Sv d/ p/j{drh.. 272..
Kabit – Sufne da rang sach mann na gwaar bai¢h sufne dee kaar yaar aakhar naboodgee.
Koo¾ da bihaar kul hoe ke fanaah ih khaak meÆ smaae jaaoo khaak dee vajoodgee.
Kaal da graas kaaiaa sundar saroop jab bhul ke nadaan kareÆ kanm kion aloodgee.
Hoh husiaar ab jaag Bhagwaan daas sach nooÆ smaal kach chaÎ de behoodgee.272.
Word Meaning:- Sufne da rang – false love. Naboodgee – mortal. Vajoodgee – earthly body. Kaal – death. Graas – to eat.
Aloodgee – dirty. Smaal – to take care. Behoodgee – worthless.
Meaning:- This world is just like a dream, but the foolish man considers this world as real. O my friend! Dream
never remains forever, similarly this worldly expanse is false and perishable. This your earthly body will
become the part of the earth. Your beautiful body is food of death. So why you forgetting the death, have
been absorbed in doing bad deeds? O man ! Bewatchful. Raja Sahib says that abandon the love of this
mortal world and recite the Name of true Almighty, the Lord.272.
Explanation:- GurmukhaaÆ ne maaiaa da moh, tabbar da piaar ate deh noon daga deÄ waalee jaaÄ ke GuraaÆ naal
preetee kar, Brahm vich birtee laaee hai.

efps.. rkcbh dk gbk uZe[ G[b Bk BdKB np j'; eo d/y nkd eh j? s/oh id UfJ.
fdb dh Brkj y'b[ n;bh ;o{g d/y[ ;[X j? pqjw :ko jZd d/ p/jZd UfJ.

dP?s e' T[mkfJ o'e pk;Bk fj;kp bkfJ ;[X w/ ;wkfJ eko iht tkbh od UfJ.
g{oB pqjw j'fJ ikJ/I GrtKB dk; GzB eo fjo; jtkfJ tkbh jZd UfJ.. 273..
Kabit – Gaaflee da pala chak bhul na nadaan ab hos kar dekh aad kee hai teree jad oe.
Dil dee nagaah khol aslee saroop dekh sudh hai Brahm yaar had de behad oe.
Dawait ko u¢haae rok baasna hisaab laae sudh me samaae kaar jeev waalee rad oe.
Poorn Brahm hoe jaaeÆ Bhagwaan daas bhann kar hirs havaae waalee had oe.273.
Word Meaning:- Gaaflee – laziness. Jad – heritage, root, origin. Baasna – desires. Hirs havaae – desires and demands.
Meaning:- O foolish man! Abandon the neglectfulness, and see carefully what is your origin? Opening the eyes of
your heart, see what is your real form? It is the real Brahm, the God, which is Limitless, Eternal and
without beginning. In order to perceive the Brahm, annihilate the desires and demands and dispelling the
duality from your mind and forgetting your existence mingle with the pure Brahm the real God. Raja
Sahib says that if you abandon desire, lust, craving and sensuality, then you will become the complete
Brahm yourself.273.

efps.. ;'fJnK i[r phs rJ/ np s{z BdKB ikr nZyhnK T[xkV d/y[ pkih s/oh jkodh.
y[dh ~ rtkfJ y[d o{g dh puko eo y'i b? NekT[ J/e rb j? jiko dh.
fdb s/ dwKr dh do[;sh d/ Bkb :ko prb w/ ;{os gSkD fdbdko dh.
j'fJ fBopzX s{z BdKB GrtKB dk; d/y b? pjko dot/; r[biko dh.. 274..
Kabit – SoiaaÆ jug beet gae ab tooÆ nadaan jaag akheeaaÆ ughaa¾ dekh baajee teree haardee.
Khudee nooÆ gwaae khud roop dee bachaar kar khoj lai ¢akaao ek gal hai hajaar dee.

Dil te damaag dee darustee de naal yaar bagal me soorat pachhaaÄ dildaar dee.
Hoe nirbandh toon nadaan Bhagwaan daas dekh lai bahaar darves guljaar dee.274.
Word Meaning:- Khudee – conceitedeness. Drustee – to mend. Dildaar – dear. Nirbandh – free from bonds of family.
Darves – who seeks the door of God, saint.
Meaning:- You have passed much time while asleep. O animate! Now be alert. You are losing the game of life. Now
be awake, many ages have passed while sleeping. Abandon the worldly attachment and mammon in the
form of ignorance and perceive your inner soul. Concentration and meditation of mind is most important.
Enlightening your mind see that love’s abode is in your body and soul. Raja Sahib says that abandoning
the worldly attachments you can see the spring of the flower garden of saints, who seek the door of
Explanation:- Ih jeev maaiaa dee moh roop neeÆd wich sutta hee umar bateet kar diÆda hai. Satguru jaga ke is nooÆ
aatam giaan val lauÆde han, par ih vishiaaÆ ate vikaaraan vich khachat rehÆda hai. Sri Guru Arjan Dev
Jee Aasa Raag vich is prakaar likhde han:
Aasa Mehla.5.
Soe rahee Prabh khabar na jaanee. Bhor bhaiaa bauhar pachhtaanee.1.Rahaao.
Pria prem sehj man anad dhro ree.
Prabh milbe kee laalsa ta te aalas kaha kro ree.1.Rahaao.
Kar meh aÆmrit aaÄ nisaario. Khisar gaio bhoom par Îaario.2.
Saad mohe laadee ahankaare. Dos naahee Prabh karÄaihaare.3.
Saadhsang mi¢e bharm andhaare. Nanak melee Sirjanhaare.4.25.76. (page 386.)

English Version:- The bride is asleep and does not know the news of her Lord. When the day breaks then she grieves. By
love for your Lord you shall easily imbibe joy in your heart.

Where there is longing in you to meet your Lord, then why should you make delay? Pause.
Her Groom the Lord came and poured nectar in her hand. But it slipped and fell on the ground. She is
laden with worldly love and pride. Therefore the fault does not lie with the Lord, the Creator.
In the saints congregation the darkness of doubt is dispelled.
O Nanak! Then the Creator blend her with Himself.

efps.. ;wM ;ckJh fe;/ s"o jh sohek cV[ j'fJ e/ nb/b BK s[cKBh j[D y/b s{z.
i{J/ fwmh jko fpu'I GZiDk ;bkj B/e c; p?jDk ikD b? u[ok;h dh Be/b s{z.
tk;s/ NekT[ j'o[ gouk pehwsh j? wB fus p[X dzw fJe[ eo w/b s{z.
nzso fXnKB j'j BdKB GrtKB dk; gkJ/Irk nokw eN pk;Bk dh p/b s{.z . 275..
Kabit – Samjh safaaee kise taur hee tareeka fa¾ hoe ke alel na tufaanee huÄ khel tooÆ.
Jooe mi¢hee haar bichoÆ bhajÄa salaah nek fas behÄa jaaÄ lai churaasee dee nakel tooÆ.
Vaaste ¢akaao hor parcha bakeemtee hai man chit budh damm ik kar mel tooÆ.
Antar dhiaan hoh nadaan Bhagwaan Daas paaeÆga araam ka¢ baasna dee bel tooÆ.275.
Word Meaning:- Alel – innocent, ignorant. Tufaanee – voilence, riot. Kafas – cage. Nakel – nosebar. Manchit Budh
daman – to control all desires. Antar dhiaan – to meditate. Baasna – desires.
Meaning:- Becoming innocent don’t play the game of violence. In your this life adopt the path of comprehension
and cleanliness, because due to ignorance you can not save yourself from the cycle of eighty four lac
species. A man keeps himself entangled in it like the game of gambling. Controlling your all desires and
attachments, attune your mind with your innermost soul and perceive the everlasting bliss, which is
priceless blessing of God. Raja Sahib says that killing the worldly desires a man can achieve the Divine
happiness. Animates come in this world again and again due to devil of desires.275.

efps.. nk;ok fJbki eo[ iyDk feT[I wkoh rJh no;'I pbkfJ i' nu/s nkD dpdh.
n?;h pbtKB BIjhI d[BhnK w/ j'o uhi nKwdh jh neb G[bkfJ d/t/ ;G dh.
T[go ;o{g nkD SkJ/ n?;k wjK ikb uZfenk Bk ikfJ j? oikfJ vkY/ op dh.
isB d/ fpu oy ;"e GrtKB dk; jN/rh io{o fJj pwkoh s/oh Mp dh.. 276..
Kabit – Aasra ilaaj kar jakhÄa kioÆ maaree gaee arsoÆ balaae jo achet aaÄ dabdee.
Aisee balwaan naheeÆ duniaa me hor cheej aamdee hee akal bhulaae deve sabh dee.
Upar saroop aaÄ chhaae aisa mahaaÆ jaal chakkiaa na jaae hai rajaae daaÎhe Rab dee.
Jatan de bich rakh sauk Bhagwaan Daas ha¢egee jaroor ih bimaaree teree jhab dee.276.
Word Meaning:- ArsoÆ – from above. Balaae – demon. Achet – without knowledge. Jhabdee – with in no time.
Meaning:- Sensual desires are just like demons, try to save yourself from their influence, these grip you coming
from above. Sensual desires are more forceful and powerful in this world. These confuse all and sundry.
Like a trap it covers the inner soul. It is such a Will of God that it becomes very difficult to free oneself
from this dreadful trap. Raja Sahib says that whatever it may happen try to resque yourself from this trap.
You will soon get freedom from this disease.276.

efps.. J/esk e' ikD :ko pKtok Bk j'fJ oj[ d{Jh e' T[mkfJ fdbrhoh y' ;oho dh.
J/esk d/ ;[y i/jk ;[y[ BIjh d/t b'e ikfJ BK BdKB usokJh sdpho dh.
Bkw o{g bzxe/ weKB c/o J/esk dk sjK j? Brkfj fe;/ ekwb ceho dh.
c[oB/ fsnkr j'fj nc[o GrtKB dk; ejDh fJj ebkw fBogy r[o[ gho dh.. 277..

Kabit – Ekta ko jaaÄ yaar baawra na hoe raho dooee ko u¢haae dilgeeree kho sareer dee.
Ekta de sukh jeha nahee devlok jaae na nadaan chatraaee tadbeer dee.
Naam roop laÆghke makaan fer ekta da tahaaÆ hai nagaah kise kaamal faqeer dee.
Phurne tiaag hoh aphur Bhagwaan Daas kaihÄee ih kalaam nirpakh gur peer dee.277.
Word Meaning:- Ekta – knowledge of God. Baawra – mad. Dooee – duality. Dilgeeree – sadness. Kho – to leave. Dev
lok – heaven. Tadbeer – method. Kaamal – accomplished, perfect. Aphur – idealess. Nirpakh – impartial.
Meaning:- O my friend ! Don’t become innocent, dispel duality from your heart and try to know the form of the God.
Your sadness will vanish very soon. Divine Knowledge of God blesses a man with such happiness that
a man even forgets the delight of heaven. But this stage can not be perceived through cleverness. Then
how can we get unity? Raja Sahib says that unity lies beyond the visible world. But this place can be
seen only by a accomplished saint. Impartial Saints and Gurus say that control notions and insights and
become thoughtless then you will realise the inner enlightenment.277.

efps.. ;[oK e' ;[wkb eo ;[osh brkfJ :ko ;KJh w/ ;wkfJ eo g{zih s/oh pudh.
;wM BdKB fJj fjzws j;kp pkM pk;BK p/ e?d pKr pKdo d/ Budh.
o{j dk NekT[ BIjh j'Itdk j? ip br gktDk nikp[ d/j Xko Xko eu dh.
eo b? T[gkT[ o'r[ fwN/ GrtKB dk; d/j dk ebze Gkok rb J/j[ ;u dh.. 278..
Kabit – SuraaÆ ko sumaal kar surtee lagaae yaar saaÆee me samaae kar poonjee teree bachdee.
Samajh nadaan ih himmat hasaab baajh baasna be kaid baang baandar de nachdee.
Rooh da ¢akaao nahee hovda hai jab lag paavÄa ajaab deh dhaar dhaar kach dee.
Kar lai upaao rog mi¢e Bhagwaan Daas deh da kalank bhaara gal eh sach dee.278.

Word Meaning:- Sur – tune, melody. Poonjee – wealth of breaths. Ajaab – pain. Kach dee – of clay. Deh da kalank –
prison of body.
Meaning:- You can use the wealth of your breaths, successfully only, if you succeed through actions of breath to fix
your mind with God. O innocent man ! Sensual desires which dance like a monkey, these can not be
controlled without courage and skill. Up to that time the cycle of birth and death will not end. Raja Sahib
says that you should meet the congregation of saints and enjoying their company you should try to find
the real device to get salvation.278.

efps.. fizdrh cBkj BIjh dzw dk p;kj[ e'Jh ikD e/ p/j'; e{Vh ckjh fpu c;dK.
bkb;k dh rzY ftu fdb d/ SgkfJ eo pD dot/; p'b nkocK d/ d;dK.
fgnk T[oMkfJ Gkok ;{yw fynkb ftu tk;Bk dh sko pKr{ weVh d/ e;dK.
p/Vk s/ok v[pdk BdKB GrtkB dk; nkg ~ ;wkb b? feT[I ezY/ yVk j;dK.. 279..
Kabit – Jindgee phanaah nahee danm da basaah koee jaaÄ ke behos koo¾ee phaahee bich phasdaaÆ.
Laalsa dee ganÎh wich dil de chhapaae kar baÄ darves bol aarphaaÆ de dasdaaÆ.
Piaa urjhaae bhaara sookham khiaal vich vaasna dee taar baangoo mak¾ee de kasdaaÆ.
Be¾a tera Îubda nadaan Bhagwaan Daas aap nooÆ samaal lai kioÆ kanÎhe kha¾a hasdaaÆ.279.
Word Meaning:- Phanaah – will meet its end. Behos – without knowledge. Laalsa – desire.
Meaning:- Your life will end at any time, it can not be relied even for a breath. Why are you entangling yourself in the
trap of worldly affairs. In your mind like a heron you have strong sensual desire to catch a fish and
showing yourself a great saint, you are practising hypocrisy. The spider webbing its net himself is
entrapped in it. Your ship is drowning in immeasurable ocean of worldly attachments of wealth. Raja
Sahib says, that instead of trying to save it you are laughing standing at the shore.279.

efps.. ikr gT[ ;[fsnk w[;kcok s{z j'; cV[ ekb dk s[wkuk j[D B/V/ nkfJnk ;{edk.
rkcbh dh BI&&&hd ftu g?o feT[I g;ko fgnK w"s dk Brkok s/o/ f;fo g[o e{edk.
nkb; fsnkr eo nyhnK T[xkV d/y[ eo/ eh j[tkb[ ekb[ fJ; wyb{e dk.
B/eh s{z ewkfJ b? BdKB GrtKB dk; w/bk uzd o'i dk p;kj[ BIjh c{e dk.. 280..
Kabit – Jaag pau sutiaa musafara tooÆ hos pha¾ kaal da tumaacha huÄ ne¾e aaiaa sookda.
Gaaflee dee neeÆd wich pair kioÆ pasaar piaaÆ maut da nagaara tere sir pur kookda.
Aalas tiaag kar akheeaaÆ ughaa¾ dekh kare kee huwaal kaal is makhlook da.
Nekee tooÆ kamaae lai nadaan Bhagwaan Daas mela chand roj da basaah nahee phook da.280.
Word Meaning:- Maut da nagaara – the drum of death. Aalas – laziness. Makhlook – the people. Chand roj – few days.
Basaah – bharosa.
Meaning:- O sleeping traveller ! Be awake and start your journey; death is not far away from you. Kettle drum of
death is beating at your head. Why are you becoming ignorant and sleeping carelessly. Awake from the
sleep of worldly attachment and see carefully how the death torches the people. The time of death
cannot be fixed. O man do some work of goodness and rectitude.280.

efps.. p/bk nkyoh fBjko eo' wzB w/I fpuko :ko ir dh pjko fit/I ;[cB/ dk w/bVk.
tys ;wkb s/ brkT[ fbt nkswk w/I iBw fJj wkB; sK j't/rk ;[j/bVk.
dkT[ bkfJ b? i/ brdk yvkohnk j? B/e ;?Is nkT{rk Bk jE fJj pshs j'fJnk t/bVk.
feT[ ;'fJnK rbsKB j'fJ BdKB GrtKB dk; j'j j[f;nko be[ pzB e/ ;t/bVk.. 281..

Kabit – Bela aakhree nihaar karo mann meÆ bichaar yaar jag dee bahaar jiveÆ sufne da mel¾a.
Vakhat samaal te lagaao liv aatma meÆ janam ih maanas taaÆ hovega suhel¾a.
Daao laae lai je lagda khadaareeaa hai nek saint aaooga na hath ih bateet hoiaa vel¾a.
KioÆ soiaaÆ galtaan hoe nadaan Bhagwaan Daas hoh husiaar lak bann ke swela¾a.281.
Word Meaning:- Nihaar – see. Jag dee bahaar – delights of the world. Suhel¾a – easy. Saint – time. Galtaan – absorbed.
Meaning:- O my friend ! Thinking about your end, see that all enjoyments of the world are just like a dream.
Preserving your time, place your mind in the feet of the God, then your human birth will become fruitful.
This time is suitable for worship. If you play the game in the side of God then you will be the winner of this
human birth. The time once past, will not come again. Raja Sahib says, “O man ! Absorbed in worldly
attachment, try to cross the worldly ocean as earlier as possible”.281.

efps.. ikD ;otZr gowkswk Bk Gzr[ eIjh efjzd/ dot/; fpu jo jo nzr d/.
nksw fpuko s/ ;o{g fty/ bhB j'fJ ojDk fBob/g fpu jfo jfo ozr d/.
d/jh J/j[ eu[ ;u[ ikD[ gqwkswk ~ oftnk pqjw fJe[ ftu ;opzr d/.
feT[I j'fJnK rbsKB s{z BdKB GrtKB dk; ir dh pjko fit/I ikso{ j?I rzr d/.. 282..
Kabit – JaaÄ sarwag Parmaatma na bhang kahee kehaÆde darves bich har har ang de.
Aatam bichaar te saroop vikhe leen hoe rehÄa nirlep bich har har rang de.
Dehee eh kach sach jaaÄ Parmaatma nooÆ raviaa brahm ik vich sarbang de.
KioÆ hoiaaÆ galtaan tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas jag dee bahaar jiveÆ jaatroo haiÆ gang de.282.
Word Meaning:- Sarvag – everywhere. Bhang – broken. Nirlep – unattached, pure. Sarbang – in all. Galtaan – absorbed.
Meaning:- Everywhere is expanse of God, there is no place without Him. The saints of God testify it. The saints

reciting the Name of God remain absorbed in their innermost soul and never care about the worldly
attachment. Our body is temporary, but the form of God is true and eternal. The expanse of God is
pervading everywhere. Why have you attached yourself with this false creation? Raja Sahib says, “This
fair of world is just like pilgrims of pilgrimage place, who do not stay their for long.”282.

efpZs.. T[sw ;oho J/j nkdwh dk pzdrh ~ ;wM ng[mh eo/I eko feT[ BezwVh.
d/j dk fpjko[ j'o[ ihtK d/ ;wKB ;kok s/oh eh p;/;sk dbhb bkT[ bzpVh.
;wM pp/e s/ pokr cV fpFnK s/ y'j dh y[oke fJj peko tkbh uzwVh.
j'fJnK rz[wokj j?I BdKB GrtKB dk; g?D iK e;hd/ sd'I ikd eo/ nzwVh.. 283..
Kabit – Utam sareer eh aadmee da bandgee nooÆ samjh apu¢hee kareÆ kaar kio nakam¾ee.
Deh da bihaar hor jeevaaÆ de samaan saara teree kee basesta daleel laao lamb¾ee.
Samjh babek te braag fa¾ bishiaaÆ te khoh dee khuraak ih bikaar waalee cham¾ee.
HoiaaÆ gumraah haiÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas paiÄ jaaÆ kaseede tadoÆ jaad kare aÆm¾ee.283.
Word Meaning:- Apu¢hee – opposite, wrong. Samaan – equal. Basesta – quality. Babek – thought. Gumraah – to go
astray. Kaseede – troubles.
Meaning:- We have attained this body to recite the Name of God, but due to reverse comprehension, our sense
adopts worthless works. The works which this intellectual man is doing, all other animals and birds are
also doing the same types of works. Analysing about the specy and birth of man, see it carefully what is
extraordinary in the specy of man? Thinking deeply and keeping yourself away from bad deeds
understand that body of man is the food of dust. Raja Sahib says, “When man faces the results of his
misdeeds, then he remembers his mother.283.

efpZs.. d/y e/ nuzGk n?;k j'fJnk go/;kB fdb T[bNh ni'r fJe d[BhnK dh rb jh.
G/v ukb tKr fJe d{;o/ d/ fgS/ br igd/ j?I okw[ go[ ikD fbnk nb jh.
uzub ;[GkT[ eo fus ~ Bk u?B gb okw e?;/ j'fJ ip nkg BK nub jh.
;u[ sp ikDhJ/ BdKB GrtKB dk; o'w o'w ou ikJ/ fp;o/ Bk gb jh.. 284..
Kabit – Dekh ke achanbha aisa hoiaa paresaan dil ul¢ee ajog ik duneeaa dee gal hee.
BheÎ chaal vaaÆg ik doosre de pichhe lag japde haiÆ Raam par jaaÄ liaa al hee.
Chanchal sabhaao kar chit nooÆ na chain pal Raam kaise hoe jab aap naaÆ achal hee.
Sach tab jaaÄee-e nadaan Bhagwaan Daas rom rom rach jaae bisre na pal hee.284.
Word Meaning:- Achanbha – astonished. BheÎ chaal – seeing one and other. Al – nature. Achal – motionless.
Meaning:- Seeing the improper and wrong sense of the world, mind feels very astonished and worried. What is
blind faith or following of the people that they recite the name of God seeing the irrational customary
practice in vogue. I have understood this fact. Until we do not dispel the cleverness, till then repeating
the Name of God, we can not get peace and satisfaction. Raja Sahib says, “O my brother ! When you
recite the Name of God, absorb yourself in it such a way that you become part and parcel of the Name
and see it never departs from your mind.”284.

Explanation:- Raam Raam sabh ko kahai kahiai Raam na hoe.

Gur parsaadee Raam man vasai ta phal paavai koe.1. (page 491)

English Version:- All the men utter God’s Name but by such utterance man does not become one with the Lord.
If by Guru’s grace the Lord abides in the mind then alone one gets fruit.1.

efps.. wB eo fgzrb BK Gow y[nko j'j[ ekdo eohw ikD[ nzdo/ ojhw s{z.
y'i BIjh d/ydk j?I ip br nkg sKJh Gow Bk ikJ/ Gw/I ;s nebhw s{z.
;u[ eo[ ;jh oh; pDi[ p;ko d/j e[b gqek;e e' eo s;bhw s{z.
;op jh ebk ;woE GrtkB dk; o'r ~ rtkT[ nkg nkgDK jehw s{z.. 285..
Kabit – Man kar pingal na bharm khuaar hoh kaadar kareem jaaÄ andre raheem tooÆ.
Khoj nahee dekhda haiÆ jab lag aap taaeeÆ bharm na jaae bhameÆ sat akleem tooÆ.
Sach kar sahee rees baÄj basaar deh kul prakaask ko kar tasleem tooÆ.
Sarb hee kala samrath Bhagwaan Daas rog nooÆ gavaao aap aapÄa hakeem tooÆ.285.
Word Meaning:- Pingal – without feet. Kaadar – creator. Kareem – blesser. Raheem – benevolent. Sat akleem – seven
foreign countries. Sach kar sahee – find the truth. Tasleem – to accept or to salute.
Meaning:- Dispel the wandering of mind, a man faces many hardships by mental unrest. The Creator of nature and
the Lord of blessing and grace, resides in your heart. Until you do not try to know your innermost soul,
your doubts and deviation will not end. You may roam seven foreign countries but you cannot realise the
divine knowledge. Abandon the idea of blind faith and realising the truth request the enlightened Lord.
God is all powerful. Raja Sahib says, “Becoming yourself the physician try to heal the serious disease as
the Lord Himself is in your body.”285.
Explanation:- Hari saaÎe andar hee hai, par aape dee sojhee na hoÄ karke manukh bharm vich piaa rehnda hai te
andar vasde Hari nooÆ nahee pachhaaÄda. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji is baare likhde han:

Dhanaasree Mehla 9.
Kaahe re ban khojan jaaee.
Sarb niwaasee sada alepa tohee sang smaaee.1. Rahaao.

Puhp madh jio baas bast hai mukar mah jaise chhaaee.
Taise hee Har base nirantar gha¢ hee khojoh bhaaee.1.
Baahar bheetar eko jaanoh ih Gur giaan bataaee.
Jan Nanak bin aapa cheene mi¢ai na bharm kee kaaee.2.1. (page 684.)

English Version:- O Man ! Why do you go to search God in forest ?

God, though ever detached dwells everywhere and abides even with you.Pause.
As fragrance abides in the flower and as reflection in the mirror so God dwells with in you and search
within your heart.
Within and without know that there is but One Lord. This is the understanding the Guru has imparted
unto me.
O Nanak ! Without knowing one’s self the filth of doubt is not removed.2.1.

efps.. Bo s/ BkokfJD ftu G/d Bk ;h fsb Go j'fJnk p/;wko BIjh iKfDnk iK p?b s{z.
g/u do g/u fpu nzr nzr g{oB j?I uZeh fco/I uzub wB'oEK dh w?b s{z.
YkJhnk s/ u[okJhnk BIjh ;kY;sh j'fr f;o Gkok fJj[ rqj[ BIjh ub/I ;hXh r?b s{z.
w[dsK dk G[bk j'fJnK iht GrtkB dk; wd ~ p;ko ws ;wM b? S?b s{.z . 286..
Kabit – Nar te naraaiÄ vich bhed na see til bhar hoiaa besmaar nahee jaaÄiaa jaaÆ bail tooÆ.
Pech dar pech bich ang ang poorn hain chakkee phireÆ chanchal manorthaaÆ dee mail tooÆ.
Ïhaaiaa te churaaeeaan nahee saaÎhsatee hog sir bhaara ih groh nahee chaleÆ seedhee gail tooÆ.
MudtaaÆ da bhula hoiaaÆ jeev Bhagwaan Daas mad nooÆ basaar mat samjh lai chhail tooÆ.286.
Word Meaning:- NaraaiÄ – God. Besumaar – from one became limitless. Bail – fool. Pech dar pech – every where

remains with man. Chanchal – one who deviates. Manorth – aim. Mad – conceitedness. Chhail – young.
Meaning:- There is no difference between a man and God. He is pervading everywhere becoming from one to
limitless. But man has not realised Him due to doubt and ignorance. Due to filth of aims and desires and
minds cleverness, the man has been suffering from the disease of doubt. So he has failed to recognise
the God. The period of two and half years and four years, which has been considered continued period
of troubles and calamity of bad luck. These all are for those people who has not adopted the right path.
For saints such periods of bad luck are meaningless. But atheists become prey of such periods. Raja
Sahib says, “O man! You have got this human form after wandering in countless species. Abandon the
ego and realise the truth so that you may perceive the divine knowledge and everlasting bliss.”286.

Explanation:- Gau¾ee Guaareree

Kaee janam bhae kee¢ patanga. Kaee janam gaj meen kuranga.
Kaee janam pankhee sarp hoio. Kaee janam haivar birkh joio.
Mil Jagdees milan kee bareeaa. Chirankaal ih deh saÆjareeaa.1. Rahaao.
(page 176.)
English Version:- For several birth you became a worm and a moth.
In several birth you were an elephant, a fish and a deer.
In several births you became a bird and snake.
In several births you were yoked as a horse and ox.1.
Meet the Lord of the universe. This is the time to meet. After a long time this human body is

efps.. ekoB dfo; frnk f;yk w/ gszr ib G"o[ pzd ekoB ;[rzXsk d/ o; dh.
ezB o; frnk wo fwor ;[rzX dko fijpk o; whB fpu e[zvh d/ nk c;dh.

G'r o; j;sh ;jkodk j? e[zvk f;o isB pr?o J/e J/e ~ ro;dh.
eo/I Bk puko i/ BdKB GrtKB dk; s/ok eh j[tkb gzi XKs fpu p;dh.. 287..
Kabit – Kaarn dars giaa sikha me patang jal bhaur band kaarn sugandhta de ras dee.
Kan ras giaa mar mirg sugandh daar jihba ras meen bich kunÎee de aa phasdee.
Bhog ras hastee sahaarda hai kunÎa sir jatan bagair ek ek nooÆ garsdee.
KareÆ na bachaar je nadaan Bhagwaan daas tera kee huwaal panj dhaant bich basdee.287.
Word Meaning:- Sikha – the flame of lamp. Hastee – elephant. Panj dhaaÆt – five diseases, sound, touch, beauty, taste
and fragrance.
Meaning:- The moth went to see the lamp but got himself burnt. The black bee went to enjoy the fragrance of the
flower, but while sitting on the flower got himself closed in the flower. The deer hearing the sweet sound
of bell, was enchanted and bearing the fragrance of musk was caught by the hunter and killed. The fish
due to taste of tongue tried to catch the meat attached to hook, was caught and killed. The elephant due
to sexual desire went near the she elephant made of paper, but fell into the pit and was caught. He bore
the sting of the iron rod for his whole life. Due to one fault, all these animal bear the brunt. Raja Sahib
says, “O foolish man be alert, what will be your condition, who bear five such weaknesses i.e. of sound,
touch, beauty, taste and fragrance.287.
Explanation:- Mirg meen bhring patang kunchar ek dokh binaas.
Panch dokh asaadh ja meh ta kee ketak aas.1. (page 486.)

English Version:- The deer, the fish, the black bee, the moth and the elephant are destroyed each for one defect.
He, in whom are the five incurable vices, what hope is there for him?

efps.. Bko eh gohs iB pzdrh p;ko d/s Gkoh j? ebze donktK ~ po/shnK.
o/;wK ~ b/jk i/jk ceoK ~ n?p s/jk ebok iwhB fiT[I ebze GfJnk y/shnK.
gkDhnK ~ p{o fit/I wkB;K ft;{o fst/I Gkoh j? ebze bkb uzdBk ~ o/shnK.
okj[ e/s fit/I uzd ;{o GrtKB dk; fst/I jh ebze ikD' Bko fdnK j/shnK.. 288..
Kabit – Naar kee preet jan bandgee basaar det bhaaree hai kalank daraavaan nooÆ bareteeaaÆ.
ResmaaÆ nooÆ leha jeha fakraaÆ nooÆ aib teha kalra jameen jioÆ kalank bhaiaa kheteeaaÆ.
PaaneaaÆ nooÆ boor jiveÆ maansaaÆ visoor tiveÆ bhaaree hai kalank laal chandanaan nooÆ reteeaaÆ.
Raahu ket jiveÆ chand soor Bhagwaan Daas tiveÆ hee kalank jaaÄo naar diaan heteeaaÆ.288.
Meaning:- The love of woman disturbs the worship of the men. She blemishes the man; as when the water of river
dries, their appears only the sand. As worm eats the silky garment. Similar way the saints are destroyed
by their defects, as the crop does not grow in barren land. Avarice spoils the mortals as the green moss
spoils the water. With the existence of moss, water becomes undrinkable. The sand spoils the sandal
tree. In the similar way man enjoying stranger’s wife, repents. Rahu and ketu grip the moon and sun.
Raja Sahib says, “The lovers of woman get themselves blemished.288.

efps.. g?;/ fpBk oki BIjh g?;/ fpBk ;ki BIjh g?;/ fpBk eki BIjh g?;/ fpBk Mke j?.
g?;/ fpBK jko BIjh g?;/ fpBK Bko BIjh g?;/ fpBk :ko BIjh g?;/ fpBk uke j?.
g?;/ fpBk g{s[ BjhI g?;/ fpBK d{s[ BIjh g?;/ fpBK eos{s Bjh g?;/ fpBK yke j?
ej/ GrtKB dk; g?;/ fpBk n"o Bk ceho dfot/; fJe g?;/ fpBK gke j?.. 289..
Kabit – Paise bina raaj nahee paise bina saaj nahee paise bina kaaj nahee paisa bina jhaak hai.

Paise bina haar nahee paise bina naar nahee paise bina yaar nahee paise bina chaak hai.
Paise bina poot nahee paise bina doot nahee paise bina kartoot nahee paise bina khaak hai.
Kahe Bhagwaan Daas paise bina aur na fakeer darves ik paise bina paak hai.289.
Word Meaning:- Chaak – servant. Kartoot – worldly action. Khaak – dust. Paak – pure.
Meaning:- Money makes the matter, without money there is only expectancy. Without money we can’t bring a
woman and her golden necklace. Even the rites of death can not be performed without money. Without
money a man lives like servants depending upon others. Without money we can’t nourish our children
and meet our other relatives and friends. Without money there is nothing, all is like the dust. Raja Sahib
says, “In this world no one can live without money, but a true lover of God remains pure without

efps.. j'tD ceho y'b nNe iziho f;o wzB sedho ghD ijo fgnkbVh..
o?jD Bok; fJj ikD e/ ;oho Bk; nkg ~ puko e{V si d/D ukbVh..
d/y r[biko fdfb rJ/ j?I ;o{g fwfb J/esk wekB fty/ gj[zu/ BIjh rkbVh..
doik cehoh dk j? d{o Gr[tKB dk; ;wM b? T[wo BdKB ni/ pkbVh.. 290..
Kabit – HovaÄ fakeer khol a¢ak janjeer sir mann takdeer peeÄ jaihar piaala¾ee.
RaihaÄ naraas ih jaaÄ ke sareer naas aap nooÆ bachaar koo¾ taj deÄ chaalaree.
Dekh guljaar dil gae haiÆ saroop mil ekta makaan vikhe pauhnche nahee gaal¾ee.
Darja fakeeree da hai door Bhagwaan Daas samjh lai umar nadaaÄ aje baal¾ee.290.
Word Meaning:- A¢ak – hindrance.
Meaning:- If you want to become a saint (Faqir) then remove all hindrances from your mind and adopt this path

considering in your mind that this way of living is very difficult. It is just equal to drink a bowl of poison.
Considering your body perishable, abandon the path of falsehood. Analysing all pros and cons of
sainthood deject the attachment of worldly affairs. Perceiving your pure true form, your heart in the
shape of flower garden can bloom. Mere tall talk can’t help to achieve this stage, you have to earn the
wealth of worship and meditation. The real position of sainthood is very high and far. Raja Sahib says,
“To find this celestial abode intense effort, hard labour and assiduity is required.”290.

efps.. f;o fds/ bGdh w[jkb ukb ceoK dh ;"yh BIjh ikD pkih j'tD ;jhd dh.
iI&&&htd/ jh ih ftu ikB tb'I jE X'D pfDnK BdKB rb ikD e/ ;[Bhd dh.
;[D/ j'J/ ;[yB ;jz; ej/ w{j s/ i/ e[M gqshs BIjh nwb gbhd dh.
X'y/pki[ j'fJ p?mk gho GrtKB dk; ybk wko[ y'b e/ Bk yto w[ohd dh.. 291..
Kabit – Sir dite labhdee muhaal chaal fakraan dee saukhee nahee jaaÄ hovan saheed dee.
Jeenvde hee jee vich jaan valoÆ hath dhoÄ baÄiaaÆ nadaan gal jaaÄ ke suneed dee.
SuÄe hoe sukhan sehans kahe mooh te je kujh parteet nahee amal paleed dee.
Dhokhebaaj hoe baitha peer Bhagwaan Daas khala maar khol ke na khawaar mureed dee.291.
Word Meaning:- Muhaal – difficult. Suneed – heresay. Sukhan – word. SehaÆs – thousand, Parteet – to rely. Pleed –
impure. Khala maar – shoe beating.
Meaning:- The path of faqiri is very difficult, it can only be achieved by sacrificing our head. To die while alive is not
any easy game. “Seeing the swans swimming, the cranes too were excited. The poor cranes were
drowned to death with their heads below and their feet above.” Due to heresay the fools were also
excited to become faqirs. But they did not know that to achieve this position one has to die while alive.
The man hearing from others makes thousands of nonsense speeches. But until he does not acts

according to those speeches, all is defiled.

Kehan kraavan sagal janjaar Nanak daas sach karnee saar. (Page 1299)

“To utter and shout are all involvements. O Nanak! Sublime is only the true way of life.”
Raja Sahib says, “Due to hypocrisy he calls himself spiritual teacher, but still does not know the

efps.. ui Bk nuko frnk ceo ;p{s pD G/; gbNkfJ fbnk eko j? ;?sKB dh.
uzub ;[GkT[ eo fus j? ubkfJwkB[ ;[osh g[eko/ w{j'I p/d n" g[oKB dh.
wkfJnk wd fp;/ G'r fSdo jiko fpu c/o ej/ ;kX d/y' rb fJj joKB dh.
fSsoK dh wko fJj BdKB GrtKB dk; r[io yokp goshs fXnkB dh.. 292..
Kabit – Chaj na achaar giaa fakar saboot baÄ bhes pal¢aae liaa kaar hai saitaan dee.
Chanchal subhaao kar chit hai chalaaemaan surtee pukaare moohoÆ bed au puraan dee.
Maaiaa mad bise bhog chhidar hajaar bich pher kahe sadh dekho gal ih hairaan dee.
Chhitraan dee maar ih nadaan Bhagwaan Daas gujar kharaab parteet dhiaan dee.292.
Word Meaning:- Chaj na achaar – mannerless. Bhes paltaae fakeeree – wears the robe of a Faqir. Chalaaemaan –
restless. Chhidar – defect. Nischa – meditate.
Meaning:- He knows not the attributes of real Faqir, but outsidely he wears the robe of a Faqir. This type of thinking
is called the shield of Satan. In his mouth utters the hymns of Bed and Puraan, but due to restlessness,
his mind does not find peace. The ego of wealth, desire of lust etc. he bears such type of many defects.
Still he calls himself the real saint. See how strange this phenomenon is. Raja Sahib says, “He calls
himself a saint, but still has no belief on the Name of God and even does not know how to fix the mind in
the feet of God. Such a hypocrite should be given a shoe beating”.292.

efps.. j'fJ eo ;kX[ Bck yZfNnk gyzvhnK eh y[fbnk Bk g/u[ gqfpqs iziho dk.
frqj;shnK Bkb'I i[dk r/V[ BIjh nwbK dk ;Kr[ pdbkfJ p?mK j'o[ feT[I ;oho dk.
c[oB/ s/ pk;BK T[vkJh Bk po{d tKr[ doik dfbdoh feT[I wzfBnk j? gho dk.
w{j'I efj nkyDk ;[ykbk GrtKB dk; gkfJnk BIjh ikJ/ nkbh wri ceho dk.. 293..
Kabit – Hoe kar sadh nafa kha¢iaa pakhanÎeeaaÆ kee khuliaa na pech parbirt janjeer da.
GirehsteeaaÆ naaloÆ juda ge¾ nahee amlaaÆ da saang badlaae bai¢haaÆ hor kioÆ sareer da.
Phurne te baasna uÎaaee na barood vaang darja dlidaree kioÆ manniaa hai peer da.
MoohoÆ keh aakhÄa sukhaala Bhagwaan Daas paaiaa nahee jaae aalee magj fakeer da.293.
Word Meaning:- Parbirt – well seated. AmlaaÆ – actions. Dalidaree – sluggishness. Aalee magj – intellectual mind.
Meaning:- Becoming a hypocrite saint, what has he gained if had not abandoned the attachment of mammon? In
worldly affairs there is a no difference between a family man and a Faqir, though he has been wearing
the robe of mendicants. He can’t dispel the evil thoughts and desires from his mind. This is called the
stage of sluggishness. Though he calls himself Guru or spiritual teacher. Raja Sahib says, “It is very
easy to talk, but the brain of true faqir possesses high intellect and ability.”293.

efps.. G/y[ pdbkfJnK BjhI ;po[ ;[ckJh ftu iBw[ rtkfJnk s?I pS"Dk uZe o'r dk.
nk; s/ fsq;Bk iK fdb fpu pj/ wb yktDk jokw s[X wzrtkbh u'r dk.
d/j dh pDktN fJj[ ;[ykbh fJj[ pDkfJ b?D[ emB ewktDk j? ;u tkb/ i'r dk.
ukbk fJj[ fpyVk BdKB GrtKB dk; ikBDk ;wKB fJe joy ns/ ;'r dk.. 294..

Kabit – Bhekh badlaaiaaÆ nahee sabar safaaee vich janam gvaaiaa taiÆ bachhauna chak rog da.
Aas te trisna jaaÆ dil bich bahe mal khaavÄa hraam tudh mangwaalee chog da.
Deh dee baÄaava¢ ih sukhaalee ih baÄaae laiÄ ka¢han kamaavÄa hai sach wale jog da.
Chaala ih bikh¾a nadaan Bhagwaan Daas jaanÄa smaan ik harkh ate sog da.294.
Meaning:- If you have no contentment and purity in your mind then what is use of wearing the garb of a saint or
mendicant. In this way you have wasted your birth. As desire and avarice are sitting at your heart, so it
is morally wrong to eat by begging. Change of garb of the body is worthless but it is very difficult the
practice of true mendicacy. Raja Sahib says, “The path of devotional love of God is very difficult, while
adopting this path one should consider the happiness and sadness equal on all circumstances”.294.

efps.. o{g[ gbNkfJnk j? w[jwK dk G/y eo gVdK g[okB ns/ c'b fojK gsqh.
wKD tfvnkJh r[Mh xks fpu cf;nk j?I puB puko[ rJh p[X feT[I pjsOh.
fJ; fpfX c;/Irk u[ok;h tkbh ckjh c/o pk;Bk pqjw BIjh eos fJesqh.
pb BIjh y[bdk iK fdb'I GrtKB dk; eow eo'fV BK jNkJ/Irk Gtsqh.. 295..
Kabit – Roop pal¢aaiaa hai muhma da bhek kar pa¾da puraan ate phol rihaaÆ patree.
MaaÄ vaÎiaaee gujhee ghaat bich phasiaa hain bachan bachaar gaee budh kioÆ bahatree.
Is biÎh faseÆga churaasee walee faahee pher baasna Brahm nahee kart ikataree.
Bal nahee khulda jaaÆ diloÆ Bhagwaan Daas karm karo¾ na ha¢aaeÆga bhavitree.295.
Word Meaning:- Muhma – respect. Bhekh kar – change of bodily dress. Bahatree – to lose the sense. Ikatree – to
concentrate. Bhavatree – birth and death.
Meaning:- Reads Puraan and consults the horoscope, he has worn the false garb in order to get respect from the

people. Let us think why has he lost senses? He has been entangled in the cycle of praise and laudation.
Until he does not controls the desires and applies himself in the pursuit of one God, remember, he will be
trapped in the cycle of eighty four lac species. Raja Sahib says, “You may do limitless actions, until you
do not forsake the doubt, you can not swim the worldly ocean.”295.

efps.. fp;/ G'r e[s/ fpb/ eod/ j?I iht ;ko/ pzdrh puko[ fJj[ wB[y dh rBhwsh.
wkfJnk T[uh ikD B/j[ eodk ro/jh b'e uzwVh s/ dzwVh ~ ikD ;kXBh wsh.
wKB; d[n?s pkbh nNe ~ d{o eo J/e o{g ikD o;[ Sv d/ sqhwsh.
fuVhnK s/ y/s[ Bk b[NkT[ GrtKB dk; c/o BjhI fwb{rh fJj[ fiB; pehwsh.. 296..
Kabit – Bise bhog kute bile karde haiÆ jeev saare bandgee bchaar ih manukh dee gneemtee.
Maaiaa uchee jaaÄ neh karda grehee lok chanma¾ee te danma¾ee nooÆ jaaÄ saadhnee matee.
Maanas duait baalee a¢ak nooÆ door kar ek roop jaaÄ ras chhaÎ de treematee.
ChireeaaÆ te khet na lu¢aao Bhagwaan Daas pher nahee miloogee ih jinas bkeemtee.296.
Word Meaning:- Ganeematee – respect and praise. Grehee – family holder. Sadhnee matee – to mend the mind.
Treemtee – sexual desire. Bkeemtee – costly.
Meaning:- In human birth there is one upsurge that man can worship the name of God, otherwise dogs, cats and
other animals enjoy the sexual intercourse. But this man considering the god of mammon as more
powerful is roaming behind it. O my friend ! abandon the duality and sensual desire from your mind,
concentrate your mind on divine knowledge. After the due time you will repent. Raja Sahib says, “This
priceless thing in the form of breaths will not come in your hand again, don’t waste it ravishly”.296.

efps.. nkg e' fBtko o{g nkgDk fBjko eo p'b dh puko d/y ;u d/ ;tkd ~.
eIoh sjK ~ fBtk;[ BIjh osh fp;tk;[ ijK ;h; ~ eNkfJ eKBh gj[uh j? w[okd ~.
nkg Gkt ~ ft;ko ;ko ;ko jh w/ ;ko ;ko g{oB j? nk; si nk; d/ c;kd ~.
ihts jh wo j'j nwo GrtKB dk; si e/ sohe mhe fwb/ ik nBkd ~.. 297..
Kabit – Aap ko nivaar roop aapÄa nihaar kar bol dee bachaar dekh sach de swaad nooÆ.
Karee tahaaÆ nooÆ niwaas nahee ratee biswaas jahaaÆ sees nooÆ ka¢aae kaanee pauhchee hai muraad nooÆ.
Aap bhaav nooÆ visaar saar saar hee me saar saar pooran hai aas taj aas de fasaad nooÆ.
Jeevat he mar hoh amar Bhagwaan Daas taj ke tareek ¢heek mile ja anaad nooÆ.297.
Word Meaning:- Niwaar – abandoning ego. Nihaar – to see. Niwaas – abode. Biswaas – belief. Kaani – pen. Saar –
excellent. Amar – immortal. Tareek – method. Anaad-an-aad – God.
Meaning:- Abandoning your ego, analyse your innerself and perceiving eternal enlightenment taste the pleasure of
truth. Make that place your permanent abode, where one becomes free of all worries. Beheading your
head you have found the pen of your desire. This is the marvellous element of life. Due to this a man
reflects and deliberates about the Almighty and leaves aside all types of conflicts. Raja Sahib says that
the animates get the immortal position only after death. Abandoning this method, one can’t unite with the

efps.. wospk n;b cehoh dk BdKB ukj/I wib; gKu' eh wB'jo fwNkfJ d/.
n;bk gSkD[ e[b Gow iziho s'V fsq;Bk dk sho fpu nrB ibkfJ d/.
j'j[ n"bhnk fJ wko[ dweK B ukj j'fJ pk;Bk dh iV gN Bdh w/I pjkfJ d/.
;KG b? Bftosh BdkB GrtKB dk; o/s w/ g;kok goftos obkJh d/.. 298..

Kabit – Martaba asal fakeeree da nadaan chaaheÆ majlas paancho kee manohar mi¢aae de.
Asla pachhaaÄ kul bharm janjeer to¾ trisna da teer bich agan jalaae de.
Hoh auleeaa ea maar damkaaÆ na chaah hoe baasna dee ja¾ pa¢ nadee meÆ bahaae de.
Saanbh lai nvirtee nadaan Bhagwaan Daas ret me pasaara parvirt ralaaee de.298.
Word Meaning:- Martaba – position. Majlas – company. PaachoÆ – five demons, Lust, wrath, worldly attachment, avarice
and ego. Manohar – attractive. Auleeaa – religious leader. DamkaaÆ – to praise. Baasna – sensuous
desire. Navirtee – to abandon. Parvirat – retaliation.
Meaning:- If you desire the real position of sainthood then abandon the five demon passions i.e. lust, wrath,
avarice, worldly attachment and ego. Knowing your real innerself break the chains of doubt and burn the
arrows of avarice. Becoming the part and parcel of true religion, manifest yourself, dispelling all your
desires, immerse them in the river. Adopt and nourish the spirit of renunciation and abnegation. Raja
Sahib says that annihilate the attachment for the worldly expanse.298.

efps.. wri[ cehoh dk i/ ikfDnK gqhsw s?I j'fJ oj[ yw'; Bk pc?dh gkT[ X[zw s{z.
;oXk ;zi[rs i' fs; T[gd/; ej[ fp;oXe g[o; d/ e'b j'j r[zw s{z.
fdb s/ em'o BIjhI e'wb puko Uo wkfJnk dk r[bKw[ j'fJ wro Bk x[zw s{z.
;ziw ;ckJh w/ i' e?w GrtKB dk; nkt/ i/ dbhb fs; g?o GKw/ u`[w s{z.. 299..
Kabit – Magaj fakeeree da je jaaÄiaa preetam taiÆ hoe rauh khamos na bafaidee paao dhum tooÆ.
Sardha sanjugat jo tis updes kauh bisardhak purs de kol hoh gunm tooÆ.
Dil te ka¢hor naheeÆ komal bichaar or maaiaa da gulaam hoe magar na ghum tooÆ.
Sanjam safaaee me jo kaim Bhagwaan Daas aave je daleel tis pair bhaame chum tooÆ.299.

Word Meaning:- Khamos – silent. Bafaidee – worthless. Dhum – noise. Sardha sanjugat – firm and sturdy in faith.
Meaning:- O my friend ! If by God’s grace you have attained the mind of a saint, then keep quite, don’t tell about this
to others. If you find a man of confidence, you can advise him. but don’t try to share your views with an
athiest. Those people who are very hard and who are not merchant of Godly love, for the sake of money,
don’t try to follow them. Those saints, who are contented and well aware try to enjoy thier company. Raja
Sahib says that who are well disciplined in their living condition, if you want, you can even kiss thier

efps.. dod do/V s/o/ tk;s/ fsnko c/o wB d/ sozr eo ou pj/I ozr i/.
nkgDh ;j/V eo ;ys ;ikfJ ;j/I d/jh gkJ/I c/o eo/I fpf;nK dk ;zr i/.
bKBs jiko f;fo G"Id{nk BdKB s/o/ pfDnK ceho ukj/I do do wzr i/.
;kX ;sh ;{owK feT[I j'J/ GrtKB dk; d/y d;s{o b'e j'tD B dzr i/.. 300..
Kabit – Dard dare¾ tere waaste tiaar pher man de trang kar rach baheÆ rang je.
Aapnee sahe¾ kar sakhat sajaae saheÆ dehee paaeÆ pher kareÆ bisiaaÆ da sang je.
Laanat hajaar sir bhauÆdooaa nadaan tere baÄiaaÆ fakeer chaaheÆ dar dar mang je.
Saadh satee soorma kioÆ hoe Bhagwaan Daas dekh dastoor lok hovaÄ na dang je.300.
Word Meaning:- Dard dre¾ – the crack of pain. Trang – idea. Rang – love. Satee – donor. Soorma – brave.
Meaning:- Sorrow and pains are ready to crush you. If following your mind, you will be entangled in false deeds and
if you will keep the company of worthless desires and immortal acts then you will face a severe
punishment and roaming in the cycle of birth and death, you will have to bear many hardships. Such
sainthood is a curse if you are begging loaves from door to door. “Rare is one who understands
saintliness and there are but few saints. Accursed is his life and accursed his garb who wanders about

begging from door to door.” Raja Sahib says that saints, donors and brave warriors are only recognised
when assessing their extraordinary achievements, the people become dumb founded.300.
Explanation:- Jananee jane taaÆ bhagat jan kai daata kai soor. naheeÆ tau jananee baanjh rahe kaahe gavaave noor.

efps.. j'tDk cBkj iht ;u goshs eo yus feT[ j'fJ fojK e{V d/ j[bk; w/I.
M{m fJj[ ouBk pDktN swKw ikD[ c; BK BdKB p?m[ fp;/ tkbh ck; w/I.
o; fbnk ukj[dk i/ nwo nBzdrh dk o{j bbukfJ Bk e[VZeh d/ rok; w/I.
;wM brkfJ eo d/y GrtKB dk; gow ngko ;[y j'tD Bok; w/I.. 301..
Kabit – HovÄa fanaah jeev sach parteet kar khachat kio hoe rihaaÆ koo¾ de hulaas meÆ.
Jhoo¢h ih rachna baÄaava¢ tamaam jaaÄ phas na nadaan bai¢h bise waalee phaas meÆ.
Ras liaa chauhda je amar anandgee da rooh lalchaae na ku¾kee de graas meÆ.
Samjh lagaae kar dekh Bhagwaan Daas parm apaar sukh hovan naraas meÆ.301.
Word Meaning:- Fanaah – perish. Hulaas – happiness. Tamaam – all. Faas – trap. Amar anandgee – everlasting bliss.
Ku¾kee da graas – a device to catch the animates. Apaar sukh – limitless bliss. Naraas – to abandon.
Meaning:- This animate will perish one day. Why are you enjoying the false happiness? All this creation of the world
is false. O fool ! Don’t get yourself entangled in the false immoral acts. If you want to enjoy the
everlasting bliss, then save your innocent soul from the false greeds. Raja Sahib says that dejecting this
world, we get the innermost enlightenment and everlasting bliss and happiness.301.
Explanation:- VikaaraaÆ vich umar langh gaee te maut da samaaÆ ne¾e aa giaa.
Bilaaval Mehla 5.
Tan dhan joban chalat gaiaa.
Raam naam ka bhajan na keeno kart bikaar nis bhor bhaiaa.1. Rahaao. (Page 826.)

English Version:- Body, wealth and youth pass away.

You do not meditate on the Name of God and day dawns on you while commiting sins at night.1. Pause.

efps.. p/bk fJj[ NekT[ dk j? Bkw w/I Btk; eo pys pshs s/ Bk gkJ/I n?;k pQ/b s{z.
jE gNeKtdk oj ikJ/Irk BdKB fco fpf;nK pekoK fpfu foj£K np wQ/b s{z.
gkrb s[ckBh g[Zmh fJbs ;j/Vdk j?I e{V Ne;kb tkbh ;u wB yQ/b s{z.
j'fJnK wro{o fpu n?;k GrtKB dk; vkYk eo/I ;'o[ id'I gt/I ftu i/jb s{z.. 302..
Kabit – Bela ih ¢akaao da hai naam meÆ niwaas kar bakhat bateet te na paaeÆ aisa bel tooÆ.
Hath pa¢kaaÆwada reh jaaeÆga nadaan phir bisiaaÆ bakaaraaÆ bich riha ab mel tooÆ.
Paagal tufaanee pu¢hee ilat sahe¾da hain koo¾ ¢aksaal waalee sach man khel tooÆ.
Hoiaa magroor bich aisa Bhagwaan Daas daÎha kareÆ sor jadoÆ paveÆ vich jehl tooÆ.302.
Word Meaning:- Bela – time. Hath pa¢kaavanda – repenting. Mel – mingled. Ùaksaal – mint. Magroor – conceited. Sor –
noise. Jehl – in mother’s uterus.
Meaning:- You will not get such precious time again. Rise up early in the morning and recite the Name of God and
concentrate your mind. Forgetting the meditation you have been absorbing yourself in worldly immortal
deeds. Then there will remain no option except to lament. Considering this false world as mint of truth,
you have been playing lunatic games. Due to conceitedness you have been wandering in the cycle of
birth and death. Raja Sahib says that when you will enter the uterus of your mother then you will cry with
Explanation:- Ih jeev jhoo¢he sansaar de jhoo¢he phurne karke mu¾ mu¾ maata de garbh roopee jail khaane vich
paaiaa jaanda hai. Othe dukhee hoke pukaaraaÆ karda hai ki he Nirankaar! mainooÆ aitkee bacha lai

main tera naam simraanga.302.

Jaitsaree Mehla 5. Salok.
Mukh talai pair upre vasando kuha¢ha¾ai ¢haae.
Nanak so dhaÄee kio visaario udhreh jis dai naae.2. (page 706.)

English Version:- With head downwards and feet upwards, you abide in a filthy place.
O Nanak ! Why do you forget the Lord, by remembering whose Name you were saved.2.

efps.. wkfJnk d/ izikb ikb neb G[bkJh n?;h wow p;ko brK wro ;sKB s{z.
ewfbnk o'r feT[I fpjkMdk j?I ikD p[M j'Itdk cBkj nIyh d/ydK ijKB s{z.
jZ; oZ; j[D fp;/ pdhnK peko fpu ikD e/ ;oho fEo j'fJnK rbsKB s{z.
g?Dr/ gtkV/ id'I c/o GrtKB dk; XkjK wko o'J/Irk iK j'J/Irk tokB s{z.. 303..
Kabit – Maaiaa de janjaal jaal akal bhulaaee aisee marm basaar laga magar sataan tooÆ.
Kamliaa rog kioÆ bihaajhda haiÆ jaaÄ bujh hovaÆda fanaah akhee dekhda jahaan tooÆ.
Hass hass huÄ bise badeeaaÆ bakaar bich jaaÄ ke sareer thir hoiaa galtaan tooÆ.
PaiÄge pavaa¾e jadoÆ pher Bhagwaan Daas dhaahaaÆ maar roeÆga jaaÆ hoeÆga varaan tooÆ.303.
Word Meaning:- Bihaajhda – to establish relationship. Fanaah – perish. Thir – who stays. Galtaan – absorbed.
DhaahaaÆ – to cry bitterly.
Meaning:- O Man ! The trap of mammon has baffled you in such a way that leaving aside your real task, you have
been following the saitaan. O foolish man ! Why are you absorbing yourself in the dreadful worldly
affairs, which are just the form of disease. You have been seeing this world with your own eyes.
Considering your body as immortal you have been entangling yourself in immoral acts and misdeeds.

Doing worthless works, you will face great hardships at the end. Raja Sahib says that when the result of
misdeeds you will realise in your mind then you will weep bitterly.303.

efps.. geV eBkok B pDktN d/ ftu nKJh ejDk ojDk d[BhnK dk fwfEnk fpjko[ j?.
eJh fJT[I nkyd/ j?I jZe[ fJj[dk wkfJ pkg[ eJh w{j'I p'b oj/ jZe[ fJjdk Bko j?.
nkgD/ ;oho fpu jZe[ BIjh ;kps[ iK d{;o/ w/ jZe[ ikD c;Dk peko j?.
e{V pepkd j'o ;G GrtKB dk; jZe ;u[ fJ; dk pqjw dh puko j?.. 304..
Kabit – Paka¾ kanaara na banaava¢ de vich aaee kehÄa rehÄa duneeaa da mithiaa bihaar hai.
Kaee ioÆ aakhde haiÆ hakk ihda maae baap kaee moohoÆ bol rahe hakk ihda naar hai.
AapÄe sareer bich hakk nahee saabat jaaÆ doosre me hakk jaaÄ phasÄa bakaar hai.
Koo¾ bakbaad hor sabh Bhagwaan Daas hakk sach isda Brahm dee bachaar hai.304.
Word Meaning:- BaÄaava¢ – false creation. Mithiaa – false. Hakk – truth. Koo¾ bakbaad – false show.
Meaning:- Abandon the false creation of this world. All these worldly affairs are worthless. Some say that love of
parents is true. some say that love of wife is real when love of body is false; then how the love of others
will effect this false body. Raja Sahib says, “O my brother ! The true and real love lies in the meditation of
Name of God.304.
Explanation:- Guru Ramdas Sahib Ji Aasa Raag vich dasde han ki dooje bhaav chhaÎ ke ik Hari de paase dee lagan
hoÄee chaaheedee hai.

Raag Aasa ghar 2 Mehla 4.

Kis hee dha¾a keeaa mitar sut naal bhaaee.
Kis hee dha¾a keeaa ku¾am sake naal jawaaee.

Kis hee dha¾a keeaa sikdaar chaudhree naal aapÄe suaaee.

Hamaara dha¾a Har rehiaa samaaee.1.
Ham Har sio dha¾a keeaa meree Har ¢ek.
Mai Har bin pakh dha¾a avar na koee.
Hau Har guÄ gaava asankh anek.1. Rahaao. (Page 366-67.)

English Version:- Some form party with their friends their sons and their brothers.
Some form party with their marriage relations and real son in law.
Some join in faction with their chiefs and headmen for selfish motives.
My partison is God, who pervades every where.
I have joined the faction of God and God is my mainstay.

efps.. nkJh BK BdKB wfs fp;/ T[Bws j'fJ eo/I eosp s{z iB"o iV g;/d.
p?m e/ eBko/ fpu nkgD/ fj;kp bkT[ pk;BK d/ wko/ e[s/ fpb/ ekT[I c;d/.
j'fJnK feT[ j?oKB s/ p/j'; s{z yw'; j[D wKD; XokfJnk Bkw[ pkXk eh j? d;d/.
;ziw ;ckJh eo ;Ks GrtKB dk; y"I;Vk jiko[ wko[ fp;/ pkb/ o;d/.. 305..
Kabit – Aaee na nadaan mat bise unmat hoe kareÆ kartab tooÆ janaur ja¾ pasde.
Bai¢h ke kanaare bich aapÄe hisaab laao baasna de maare kute bile kaaoÆ fasde.
Hoiaa kio hairaan te behos tooÆ khamos huÄ maaÄas dharaaiaa naam baadha kee hai dasde.
Sanjam safaaee kar saant Bhagwaan Daas khauns¾a hajaar maar bise baale rasde.305.
Word Meaning:- Unmat – mad. Pas – animal. Sanjam safaaee – purity of heart and contentment of eating. Khauns¾a –
shoe. Ras – taste.

Meaning:- The foolish man has not realised, absorbed in immoral acts, he has been merrymaking like the animals.
O my brother ! Think over it, how the dogs, cats and crows are suffering their species. If you will
understand the real truth then you will find that these animals are suffering their lives due to their
previous sensual desires. The man intoxicated with wine of mammon forgets the importance of the
human form. Raja Sahib says that keeping restraint in eating habits and with purity of heart, self control
and discipline, meditate the Name of God and throw away all other tastes and enjoyments.305.

efps.. bkb;k dh bhj s'V eKwBk ~ ekm wko[ ceo ;p{s pD[ gjfonk i/ u'bDk.
fjo; jtkfJ o'V jZe w/I fj;kp bkfJ f;de ;p{ohU BK dzw[ fJe[ v'bDk.
c[oB/ T[mkfJ ;G o{j dh oj?; eo p?m e/ eBko/ i[ n;spb[ y'bDk.
fdb'I dot/; j'j BdKB GrtKB dk; ss[ gkfJ n?;k BIjh w{j'I pD/ p'bDk.. 306..
Kabit – Laalsa dee leeh to¾ kaamna nooÆ kaa¢h maar fakar saboot baÄ pehriaa je cholaÄa.
Hirs havaae ro¾ hakk meÆ hisaab laae sidk sabooreeo na danm ik ÎolÄa.
Phurne u¢haae sabh rooh dee rehas kar bai¢h ke kanaare ju astbal kholÄa.
DiloÆ darves hoh nadaan Bhagwaan Daas tat paae aisa nahee muhoÆ baÄe bolÄa.306.
Word Meaning:- Laalsa dee leeh to¾ – abandon the greedy habit. Kaamna nooÆ kaa¢h maar – control your desires. Hirs
havaae – self indulgence, lewdness. Hakk – truth. Sidak sabooree – truth and contentment. Rooh dee
rehas – abode of spirit. Astbal – horse stable. Tat – self knowledge.
Meaning:- If you have worn the siantly dress then don’t stain it with greed and sensual desires. Abandon these from
your heart. Lead the life of contentment and truthfulness and through self study abandon the life of self
indulgence and lewdness, then your all types of digressions and mental unrests will vanish. For the real
abode of your soul, control all your intuitions and open such a stable where you may learn the lesson of

spiritual knowledge. Raja Sahib says that adopt such a saintlyhood of your soul that seeing your living
style the people may feel astonished.306.

efps.. Sv e/ BdkB g[Dk np s{z dBkJh cV[ gkrbh w/I rJh pj[ T[wo pshs i/.
dhBsk fsnkr e/ T[ykV iV GNek dh Gow iyhok gN[ j'fJnk j?I nshs i/.
skoK goftos g;ko tKr szd{J/ d/ p?mk j' fpj'; cV G"Id{nK dh ohs i/.
gbN/ d/ r/V ykJ/I c/o GrtKB dk; fpf;nK pekoK Bkb eo/Irk gohs i/.. 307..
Kabit – ChhaÎ ke nadaan puÄa ab tooÆ danaaee pha¾ paaglee meÆ gaee bauh umar bateet je.
Deenta tiaag ke ukhaa¾ ja¾ bha¢ka dee bharm jakheera pa¢ hoiaa hain ateet je.
TaaraaÆ parvirat pasaar vaang tandooe de bai¢ha ho bihos pha¾ bhaundooaaÆ dee reet je.
Pal¢e de ge¾ khaaeÆ pher Bhagwaan Daas bisiaaÆ bakaaraaÆ naal kareÆga preet je.307.
Word Meaning:- Deenta – humbleness, humility. Jakheera – cluster of trees. Ateet – recluse, ascetic. Parvirt – expanse.
Pal¢e de ge¾ – cycle of death and birth.
Meaning:- Foresake the madness and be a wise man, you have passed much of your life in ignorance. If you have
actually renounced the world then foresaking humbleness, dispel your wandering and throng of doubts.
Forgetting the death, you have become the part of this vast expanse and have adopted the way of
madness. Raja Sahib says that if you will love the immoral acts then you will wander in the cycle of birth
and death.307.

efps.. d/y e/ ;wki oki rkcb poki BIjh ;wM B bki eo ekoi e;{s BK.
g[s gotko Bko fisBk fpjko[ :ko fdb w/ fpuko fEo ojDk fJj ;p{s BK.

ijK j? ;zi'r sjK j'Itdk pi'r o'r G'r ~ fsnkr feT[ fwNKJ/ ;'r[ T{s BK.
p/bk nkyo idkJh Bk ;jkJh G?D GkJh whs dk; GrtKB feT[ j't/I ntX{s BK.. 308..
Kabit – Dekh ke smaaj raaj gafal braaj nahee samjh na laaj kar kaarj kasoot na.
Put parivaar naar jitnaa bihaar yaar dil me bichaar thir rehÄa ih saboot na.
JahaaÆ hai sanjog tahaaÆ hovÆda bajog rog bhog nooÆ tiaag kio mi¢aae sog oot na.
Bela aakhar jadaaee na sahaaee bhaiÄ bhaaee meet daas Bhagwaan kio hoveÆ avdhoot na.308.
Word Meaning:- Smaaj raaj – state power, sovereignty. Baraaj – to sit idly. Na laaj – respectless. Kasoot – false. Sanjog –
unite. Vijog – separation. Oot – foolish. Avdhoot – recluse.
Meaning:- With the ego of state power, don’t do shameless and immodest works. Know that your son, wife and
friends will not accompany you. Where there is union, there is also separation. Foresaking all your
enjoyments, which are actually incurable diseases, become free of all your pains and sufferings. Raja
Sahib says that adopting such a resolution and determination, why do you not renounce this world as at
the time of your death, sister, brother and friends can not render you any help.308.

efps.. fszRD dh e[VhnK wdo;/ d/ bVe/ i[ fpnkj tkbk w/b[ Bk jw/; j? moktDk.
w[;kco ;okfJ w/bk Gfonk ijKB fpu p/Vh tkbk g{o[ fJj[ io{o fSV iktDk.
p[d p[dk Bho fJj ;oho BIjh d/y G[b GiD/ dh pko fJB gb[ BIjh bktDk.
p[oi po{d frnk T[v GrtKB dk; phfsnk i' p/bk c/o jE BIjh nktDk.. 309..
Kabit – TinjhaÄ dee ku¾eeaaÆ madrase de la¾ke ju biaah vaala mel na hames hai ¢hraavaÄa.
Musaafar saraae mela bhariaa jahaan bich be¾ee vaala poor ih jaroor chhi¾ jaavaÄa.

Bud buda neer ih sareer nahee dekh bhul bhajÄe dee baar in pal nahee laavÄa.
Burj barood giaa uÎ Bhagwaan Daas beetiaa jo bela pher hath nahee aavÄa.309.
Word Meaning:- Trinjhan deeaaÆ ku¾eeaaÆ – girls who spin the cotton sitting together. Be¾ee vaala poor – travellers
sitting in the boat. Bud buda – bubble of water.
Meaning:- The girls who sit together with their spinning wheels to spin the cotton, the students of a school, guests
who come to attend the marriage, they remain together for a very short period, they never stay
permanently. This fair of the world is like the travellers of an inn or the travellers of a boat, who sit
together for a very short period and then become seperate from each other. The life of man’s body is
very short like the bubble of water. While perishing it will take no time. Guru Teg Bahadur says about it,
“As the bubble ever appears and disappears on water. So was the creation of the world made. Nanak
says, O friend of mine hear it.” Raja Sahib says that when this body will meet its end then we would not
be able to utilise this time. So it is better we should recite the Name of God while alive.309.

efps.. wKD[ fe; uhi dk s{{z eodK e[ws eo fdB' fdB T[wo fJj ikJ/ s/oh xNdh.
Yb/ gVSktK fiT[I fpoS pBk;gs fst/I jh s{z ikD[ fJj y/b e'Jh MNdh.
ridh yV'fJ f;o n?;h pbtkB w"s i'pB p[Y/g/ dhnK nkD iVK gNdh.
eohJ/ T[gkT[ i/ nB/e GrtKB dk; wor jNkJh BIjh wro s/ jNdh.. 310..
Kabit – MaaÄ kis cheej da tooÆ karda kumat kar dino din umar ih jaae teree gha¢dee.
Ïhale pa¾chhaanva jio birchh banaaspat tiveÆ hee tooÆ jaaÄ ih khel koee jha¢dee.
Gajdee kha¾oe sir aisee balwaan maut joban budhepe deeaaÆ aaÆ ja¾aaÆ pa¢dee.
Karee-e upaao je anek Bhagwaan Daas marg ha¢aaee nahee magar te ha¢dee.310.

Word Meaning:- Kumat – deceitful thinking, impureness. Gajdee – crying. Joban – youthfulness. Marg – death.
Meaning:- O man ! Due to deceitfull thinking why are feeling proud of yourself. Your life has been reducing day by
day. Your body is like the waning shade. Consider it a short lived game. Death is very powerful. It
uproots that whatever means we may adopt to save ourselves from the fetter of death, we can not save
ourselves from it.310.

efps.. ;[D pks s{z BdKB M{mk ikD e/ ijKB[ ;kok nkydk fpnkB i/jVk nzsekb j'tDk.
pk;BK nt; j'fJ ofjIdh i' ubkfJwkB fs; sedho j'fJ s[X~ tr'tDk.
BIjh wed{o iwd{s e[M[ ;e/ ej ;zr eosp nkg nkg ~ s?I y'tDk.
B/eh i/ ewkt/I GrtKB dk; ;[y gkt/I pdhnK d/ pN/ fgnko/ pD{z s?~ o'tDk.. 311..
Kabit – SuÄ baat tooÆ nadaan jhoo¢ha jaaÄ ke jahaan saara aakhda biaan jeh¾a antkaal hovÄa.
Baasna avas hoe rehandee jo chalaaemaan tis takdeer hoe tudh nooÆ vagovÄa.
Nahee makdoor jamdoot kujh sake kauh sang kartab aap aap nooÆ taiÆ khovÄa.
Nekee je kamaaveÆ Bhagwaan daas sukh paaveÆ badeeaaÆ de ba¢e piaare baÄooÆ tainoon rovÄa.311.
Word Meaning:- Avas – uncontrollable. Baasna – desire. Chalaaemaan – movable. Takdeer – fate. VagovaÄa – to
damage. Makdoor – what is the respect. Sang kartab – due to true deeds. Aapne aap nooÆ taiÆ
khovÄa – you have to dispel the ego.
Meaning:- O foolish man ! Consider this world as false, I will tell you, what happens at the time of death. The
condition of the mind, which is uncontrollable, always remains restless, lively and movable. Becoming
your fate, this will harm you. If you perform good deeds without any desire, then the Yama dares not to
render you any trouble. Raja Sahib says that if you will do good works then you can enjoy your life. Due
to bad deeds, you have to weep.311.

efpZs.. ekb f;odko fiB bJ/ ;G wko feT[I fs; e' ft;ko Bkw[ nkgDK igkJ/ j?I.
uko ykDhnK ;w/s bJ/ ekb B/ bg/N ikb skfDnk nw/N fpu fs; d/ SgkJ/ j?I.
d/j Xkoh irs w/I wko bJ/ fJ; B/ ufozd/ s/ gfozd/ n" u[gkJ/ s/ d[gkJ/ j??I.
eo/ feT[I r[wKB s{z BdKB GrtkB dk; e"D s{z pukok n?;/ y{jDhnK ygkJ/ j?I.. 312..
Kabit – Kaal sirdaar jin lae sabh maar kioÆ tis ko visaar naam aapÄa japaae hain.
Chaar khaaÄeeaaÆ samet lae kaal ne lape¢ jaal taaÄiaa ame¢ bich tis de chhapaae haiÆ.
Deh dhaaree jagat meÆ maar lae is ne charinde te parinde au chupaae te dupaae hain.
Kare kioÆ gumaan tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan daas kauÄ tooÆ bachaara aise khoohneeaaÆ khapaae hain.312.
Word Meaning:- Chaar khaaneeaaÆ – four sources of creation- egg born, placenta born, sweet born and earth born.
Charinde – those who graze and walk. Parinde – birds. Chupaae – animals. Dupaae – human beings.
KhoohneeaaÆ – large army.
Meaning:- Death is powerful of all, who has destroyed all. The great conceited men like Ravana and Harnaakhash,
who were getting their names to be recited by the people; the death also destroyed them. The four
sources of creation i.e. egg born, placenta born, sweet born and earth born are under the clutch of death.
Erecting limitless traps the death has amassed the animates. All the creatures having forms, which were
living in this world, death has killed them. O man ! Why are you feeling so conceited, according to Raja
Sahib death has annihilated the large armies of Kaurvs and Pandavs.312.

efps.. d[BhnK d/ fpu id'I r[io/ ;oho e'Jh d/y eo sd'I vkYh wkodk j?I nkj s{z.
o'J/I wB Ugo/ s/ ;wK gkfJ G[b ikfJ ;wM BdKB e?;/ fgnk j?I e[okfj s{z.

fdb bkfJ :kd eo nkgDk cBkfj j'fD dzw dzw X'fJ dkr ;hB/ d/ f;nkfj s{z.
j't/ wBi{o[ s/ok o'D GrtKB dk; gbe p;ko[ BIjh ;u dh ;bkfj s{z.. 313..
Kabit – DuneeaaÆ de bich jadoÆ gujre sareer koee dekh kar tadoÆ daaÎhee maarda haiÆ aah tooÆ.
RoeÆ man opre te samaaÆ paae bhul jaae samjh nadaan kaise piaa haiÆ kuraahe tooÆ.
Dil laae yaad kar aapÄa fanaah hoÄ danm danm dhoe daag seene de siaahe tooÆ.
Hove manjoor tera roÄ Bhagwaan daas basaar nahee sach dee salahe tooÆ.313.
Word Meaning:- Aah – sigh. Kraah – wrong path. Seene de siaah daag – one’s bad deeds. Palk – in the twinkling of an
Meaning:- When a man dies, then seeing him you sigh that I have also to die this way. But after some time, you
forget the death of your near and dear. O foolish man, be wise, why forgetting the death you have
adopted the wrong path. Remembering the time of your death, save yourself from bad deeds. Raja
Sahib says if you attending the holy congregation, will follow the path of truth then your weeping will be
approved in the court of God.313.

efps.. j'fJ e/ ;[dkJh G'r G'rdk j?I ;s ikD eKfJnK j? BdKB s/oh pkb{J/ dh Ghs fiT[I.
u[ok;h dh G[nkbh fpu gkrbk BK c; p?m[ nkg ~ puko[ j'fJnK Bhs s/ nBhs feT[I.
ss frnkB wB' Bk; pk;Bk s/ S/ j'fJ ihtB jh w[es cehoK tkbh ohs fJT[I.
nfWsw d/t e' gSkD GrtKB dk; geV eBkok s{z nkeko eh gqhs f;T[I.. 314..
Kabit – Hoe ke sudaaee bhog bhogda hain sat jaaÄ kaaiaa hai nadaan teree baalooe dee bheet jioÆ.
Churaasee dee bhuaalee bich paagla na phas bai¢h aap nooÆ bachaar hoiaaÆ neet te aneet kioÆ.

Tat giaan mano naas baasna te chhe hoe jeevan hee mukat fakeeraaÆ vaalee reet ioÆ.
Akirtam dev ko pachhaaÄ Bhagwaan daas paka¾ knaara tooÆ aakaar kee preet sioÆ.314.
Word Meaning:- Baalooe dee bheet – wall of sand. Bhuaalee – whirlpool. Tat giaan – divine knowledge. Mano naas – to
control the mind. Baasna chhai – desireless. Akirtam – true. Aakaar – expanse.
Meaning:- O foolishman ! Considering the worldly enjoyment as true you are ravishing it. Your body is just like the
wall of sand. Entangled in the ravishment of sensual desires, you will face the cycle of eighty four lac
species. O mad man ! Why becoming thoughtless, you have been engrossed with falsehood. Those,
who have restrained the sensual desires and have controlled their minds, they have perceived the divine
knowledge and have got salvation. Raja Sahib says, know the true God and controlling your mind attach
it with eternal truth.314.
Explanation:- Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib sansaar dee asaarta da zikar karde Jaijaavantee Raag wich is prakaar likhde
Raam simar Raam simar ihai terai kaaj hai.
Maaiaa ko sang tiaag Prabh joo kee sarn laag.
Jagat sukh maan mithiaa jhoo¢ho sabh saaj hai.1. Rahaao.
Supne jio dhan pachhaan kaahe par kart maan.
Baaroo kee bheet jaise basudha ko raaj hai.1.
Nanak jan kehat baat binas jaihai tero gaat.
Chhin chhin kar gaio kaal taise jaat aaj hai.2.1.
(page 1352.)
English Version:- Contemplate your Lord, contemplate your Lord. This shall be of avail unto you. Abandon the association
of worldly valuables and repair the Reverend Lord’s refuge.

Be sure that the pleasures of the world are false and the entire paraphernalia is an illusion.1. Pause.
Consider your wealth as just a dream. On what do you take pride. The empire of earth is like the wall of
sand. Nanak says the truth. O man ! Your body must perish one day. Moment by moment did pass away
yesterday, so shall pass away today as well.2.1.

efps[.. d/jh ;G[ jZv uzw E[e Bkb g{o j'Jh g'uk d/y r?jo Bk gkT[ fpu ny s{z.
gzu ss g{sbk ;wKB ;sk J/e ;G ;{yw ;wkJh ikD[ fpoyI&&h nby s{z.
Bo Bko izrb ijKB ip J/e o{g fp;/ ~ T[vkfJe/ pS"Dk fes/ oy s{z.
n?;h ikD J/esk BdkB GrtKB dk; fposh NekfJ eo j'j fBogZy s{z.. 315..
Kabit – Dehee sabh haÎÎ cham thuk naal poor hoee pocha dekh gaihar na paao bich akh tooÆ.
Panch tat pootla samaan sata ek sabh sookham samaaee jaaÄ birkhee alakh tooÆ.
Nar naar jangal jahaan jab ek roop bise nooÆ uÎaaike bachhauÄa kite rakh tooÆ.
Aisee jaaÄ ekta nadaan Bhagwaan Daas birtee ¢akaae kar hoh nirpakh tooÆ.315.
Word Meaning:- Panch tat – five elements- fire, water, earth, air and sky. Samaan sata – same state. Birkhee – trees.
Alakh – God. Nirpakh – unbiased.
Meaning:- In the body there are bones, skin and spit and the upper part has been decorated with fine skin. Seeing
such a body consisting of many filthy befouled things, you in your eyes become excited with the sexual
desire. One unfathomable God has been imbibed in all five elements i.e. the fire, the earth, the water,
the air and the sky. Dispelling the sensual desires make your abode any where in your body. Bhagat
Kabir says, “Firstly God created light and then by His omnipotence, made all the mortals.” Raja Sahib
says that concentrate your mind with One Almighty and becoming partial roam in this world.315.
Explanation:- Bhagat Ravidaas Ji Sor¢h Raag andar dehee dee banaava¢ dasde han :

Jal kee bheet pavan ka thaÆbha rakat bund ka gaara.

HaaÎ maas na¾ee ko pinjar pankhee basai bichaara.1.
Praanee kiaa mera kiaa tera. Jaise tarvar pankh basera.1. Rahaao.
Rakhoh kandh usaaroh neeva. SaaÎhe teen haath teree seeva.2.
(page 659.)
English Version:- The body is a wall of water, supported by pillar of water and ovary and semen are its mortar. The skelton
is of bones, flesh and veins, with in it abides the poor soul bird.1.
O mortal what is mine and what is your?
As a bird perches on a tree so does the soul in the body.1. Pause.
You lay foundations and build walls.
But in the end three and half cubit measure of place is for you in the end.2.

efps[.. wospk wri ceho dk pbzd j? i[ ;w d/ weKB go ;[os f;Xkoh j?.

okT[ oze J/e eo ikDdk j? sjK fco oydk w[ski BIjh fsq;Bk fBtkoh j?.
j'fJ nd[n?s eIjh fpuo/ B ukj j'fJ J/esk d/ fty/ J/e o{g Bo Bkoh j?.
pDktN T[vkJh fi; ;kX GrtKB dk; tk;st ikD fs; pzdBk jwkoh j?.. 316..
Kabit – Martaba magaj fakeer da baland hai ju sam de makaan par surat sidhaaree hai.
Raao rank ek kar jaaÄda hai tahaaÆ phir rakhda mutaaj nahee trisna niwaaree hai.
Hoe adait kahee bichre na chaah hoe ekta de vikhe ek roop nar naaree hai.
BaÄaava¢ uÎaaee jis saadh Bhagwaan daas vaastav jaaÄ tis bandna hamaaree hai.316.
Word Meaning:- Martba – position, post. Sam – to control mind. Raao – king. Rank – poor. Adait – duality. Na chaah –

without desire. Vastav – in reality.

Meaning:- The brain of a saint is very fertile as in his conscious abides the mind. Finding this he considers rich and
poor alike and foresakes the greed and avarice. Due to this he becomes desireless and does not depend
on others. Abandoning duality and controlling greed in his eyes he sees no difference in man and
woman. Raja Sahib says who has foresaken configuration and structure make it sure that I bow before
such a person.316.

efps.. ;jh J/j' gKtd/ ;[ckJh s/ y[dkJh tkb/ jfo jfo irk fJe[ ofwnk nyzv j?.
feXo/ aBrkj wko[ fdb dh ;[\kJh Bkb nkgDk jh nkg[ fd;/ i/sk pqjwzv j?.
Sb s/ Sfbdq Bk fp;k j? peko sjK T[vdk co/p ijK frnKB gouzv j?.
J/e i/ g[eko ou/I d[n?s GrtKB dk; njz pqjw ejDk s/ok ;qp gyzv j?.. 317..
Kabit – Sahee eho paaÆvde sufaaee to khudaaee vaale har har jaga ik ramiaa akhanÎ hai.
Kidhre nagaah maar dil dee safaaee naal aapÄa hee aap dise jeta brehmanÎ hai.
Chhal te chhalidar na bisa hai bakaar tahaaÆ uÎda fareb jahaaÆ giaan parchanÎ hai.
Ek je pukaar rachen duait Bhagwaan Daas ahang brahm kehÄa tera sarb pakhanÎ hai.317.
Word Meaning:- Sahee – witness. Ramiaa – pervading. AkhanÎ – constant. Chhal chhalidar – deceitedness. Parchand –
light. Ahang brahm – I am God.
Meaning:- The saintly persons having pure hearts confirm that one God is pervading every where. With your pure
heart see all around and you will observe that in the whole universe you yourself has been mingling
everywhere. When the eternal enlightenment shines then all the types of tricks, deception and illusion
vanishes. Raja Sahib says that one who declares that all around pervades one Brahm and if he again
entraps himself in duality then if he says that “I am God” then it is all his fraud.317.

efps[.. fp;Nk co'b/I fBi o{g ~ p;ko jz; nkd ~ gSkfD feT[I pfDnk j?I ekr s{z.
nkswk nt?ph nzstkje ;oho by nkg ~ puko frnKB ikrBh w/I ikr s{z.
n;bk fJekro fBftosh G[bkfJ eo oudk feT[I w{V goftos d/ pkr s{z.
e{V fdybkt/ s/ BdkB fdb[ w'V d/y[ dk; GrtKB j?I pqjw jh p/dkr s{z.. 318..
Kabit – Bis¢a phroleÆ nij roop nooÆ basaar hans aad nooÆ pachhaan kioÆ baÄiaa haiÆ kaag tooÆ.
Aatam avaibee antvaahak sareer lakh aap nooÆ bachaar giaan jaagnee meÆ jaag tooÆ.
Asla ikaagar nivirtee bhulaae kar rachda kioÆ moo¾ parvirat de baag tooÆ.
Koo¾ dikhlaave te nadaan dil mo¾ dekh daas Bhagwaan haiÆ Brahm hee bedaag tooÆ.318.
Word Meaning:- Bis¢a phroleÆ – to uncover filth. Nij roop – oneself. Avaibee – part and parcel. Vaahak – driver. Bedaag –
Meaning:- The swan leaving the feed of pearls, searches thoroughly the animal dung like the crow. This is what the
man doing today. Instead of reciting the name of God, he has been entanlged in the trap of sensual
desires. Our soul is free of bodily parts, but considering it as driver of our body awake from the sleep of
ignorance. Concentrating your mind you have to meditate within your self. But this foolish animate
remains absorbed in worldly affairs. Raja Sahib says, “O foolish man ! Foresake your mind from false
show and you yourself are a Brahm the spotless God.318.

efps[.. j'fJnk j?I i/ ;kX Bk T[gkX fpu c; p?m nkX s/ fpnkX n" T[gkX Gkoh o'r j?.
pb[ nkgDk puko s/ nftfdnk n;ko si Xow p;ko j'o XkoB ni'r j?.
r/j{z ip G'; ;/ Bekb bhnk J/e t/o fs; jh w/I w/b c/o e?;/ ej' i'r j?.
si ;z;ko j'fJ ceho GrtKB dk; fro g?Dk pks d[ofd;k tkbh j'r j?.. 319..

Kabit – Hoiaa haiÆ je saadh na upaadh bich fas bai¢h aadh te biaadh au upaadh bhaaree rog hai.
Bal aapÄa bachaar te avidiaa asaar taj dharm basaar hor dhaarn ajog hai.
GehooÆ jab bhos se nakaal leeaa ek ver hee meÆ mel pher kaise kaho jog hai.
Taj sansaar hoe fakeer Bhagwaan Daas gir paiÄa baat durdisa waalee hog hai.319.
Word Meaning:- Upaadh – dispute, bickering. Aadh, biaadh, upaadh – three diseases: Aadh – disease of mind, biaadh –
disease of body, upaadh – disease of doubt. Avidiaa – ignorance. Asaar – mortal. Ajog – unsuitable.
Durdisha – bad condition.
Meaning:- Becoming a saint to pick up a dispute is just to contract the three diseases of aadh, the disease of mind,
biaadh, disease of body and upaadh, disease of doubt. Knowing your power if you again adopt the
disease of doubt, then it means forgetting your religion you are wandering somewhere else. This is not
a good omen for you. Extracting grain from earth, again to mix with it is very bad. Raja Sahib says
abandoning the world to adopt renunciation and again to see backward is a very pitiable condition.319.

efps.. pqjw dh puko p[fBnkfd go ekfJw j'j ebgs eKwBK p;ko d/j ;kohnK.
;u dk pgko[ eo[ M{m dk fsnkr eo[ fJzdqh ;ze'u ;G' Sv fpGukohnK.
J/e f;T[I gqhs eo d{;o/ eh ohs si ;zr si/I J/e ek sK j'tD y[nkohnK.
iks gks wkD[ BIjh ;zr GrtKB dk; nkyo dh tko ezw nktD ;tkohnK.. 320..
Kabit – Brahm dee bichaar buniaad par kaaim hoh kalpat kaamna basaar deh sareeaaÆ.
Such da bapaar kar jhoo¢h da tiaag kar indree sankoch sabho chhaÎ bibhchaareeaaÆ.
Ek sion preet kar doosre kee reet taj sang tajeÆ ek ka taaÆ hovaÄ khuaareeaan.
Jaat paat maaÄ nahee sang Bhagwaan daas aakhar dee waar kanm aavaÄ swaareeaaÆ.320.

Word Meaning:- Kalpat kaamna – imaginary desires. Sankoch – to control. BibhchaareeaaÆ – sexual and sensual
desires. KhuaareeaaÆ – troubles. SwaareeaaÆ – practice.
Meaning:- Abandon the imaginary desires and keep yourself firmly attached with one God. Control your sexual and
sensual desires and avoid falsehood and adopt the business of truthfulness. Love one God and leaving
the company of others, lead a life of solitude; other wise you will face troubles in the end. Raja Sahib
says the ego of high caste is baseless, doing good deeds enlighten your mind. That will prove helpful in
the next world.320.
Explanation:- Jaatee dai kiaa hath sach parkheeai.
Mauhra hovai hath mareeai chakheeai. (page 142.)

English Version:- What is the power of caste? Righteousness is to be assayed. High caste pride is like poison, by holding
in hand and eating which, the man dies.

efps.. Jh;o T[gkXh ns/ iht j? nftfdnk w// p?me/ fJekro fpuko b? sjehe s{z.
bysk ;o{g eh ngko ngozgo j? d'B' ;/ p;/; n?;h oydK s[che s{z.
tjK j? Bk jw s[w dcso r[zw ;G ejK j? T[gkX ijK ;{yw pohe s{z.
Jh; iht ;/ Bukj j' BdkB GrtKB dk; eo/I ukj fe; dh iK y[d j?I oche s{z.. 321..
Kabit – Eesar upaadhee ate jeev hai avidiaa me bai¢hke ikaagar bichaar lai tehkeek tooÆ.
Lakhta saroop kee apaar aprampar hai dono se bases aisee rakhdaaÆ tufeek tooÆ.
VahaaÆ hai na ham tum daftar gunm sabh kahaaÆ hai upaadh jahaaÆ sookham bareek tooÆ.
Ees jeev se nachaah ho nadaan Bhagwaan daas kareÆ chaah kis dee jaaÆ khud haiÆ rafeek tooÆ.321.
Word Meaning:- Upaadhe – title, appellation. Tehkeek – reality. Bases – particular. Tufeek – power. Sookham – small.

Rafeek – friend.
Meaning:- The real matter is that difference of animate and God seems due to appellation and that is reality. To
know oneself is beyond and beyond God is beyond the Godly animate. He tries to know it. But this is not
the story of you or mine. The Brahm which is smallest of smallest, there is no difference between the
animate and God. There He is all in all. Either you are the form of dear God. Raja Sahib says what to say
of there the difference between God and animate. He is not away from any animate. The separation is
due to doubt and duality.321.
Explanation:- Bhagat Ravidas Ji aapÄee rachna andar ekta da biaan is parkar karde han:
Raag Sor¢h BaaÄee Bhagat Ravidas Ji kee.
Jab ham hote tab too naahee ab too hee mai naahee.
Anal agam jaise lehar me odadh jal kewal jal maahee.1.
Madhve kiaa kaheeai bharm aisa. Jaisa maaniai hoe na taisa.1. Rahaao.
Narpat ek singhaasan soiaa supne bhaiaa bhikhaaree.
Achhat raaj bichhart dukh paaiaa so gat bhaee hamaaree.2.
Raaj bhueang parsang jaise heh ab kachh marm janaaiaa.
Anik ka¢ak jaise bhool pare ab kehte kehan na aaiaa.3.
(page 658)
English Version:- When there was egoism in me, then you were not within me. Now You are there, there is no egoism.
As huge waves are raised by the wind in great ocean, but there are only water in water.1.
O Lord of wealth what should I say about this delusion? What we deem a thing to be, in reality it is not like
that. Pause.
It is like a king falling asleep on his throne and becoming a beggar in dream.
His kingdom is in tact, but separating from it, he suffers pain. Such indeed has been my condition. As is

the story of rope and serpent. I have now had some secret explained to me. As I was misled to believe
that several bangles were different from Gold, but what I then said becomes me not to say, now.3.

efps[.. y[d y[d rKtdk j?I fgnk jh s{z oks fdB y[d dk B;kB d/j BK oy[ np o'b s{z.
nkgDk jh nkg j?I iDkfJ fojK fe; fpX pb[ J/j c;kd tkbk d;[ ;kok y'b s{z.
w{oy[ pekoh Gh fJj ej/rk wbhB wZs w?I jh y[d op[ fJ; gVd/ ~ c'b s{z.
fBoBk Bsko nr/ p'b GrtkB dk; fe;/ dk Bk x'b gKJh M/Vk oy r'b s{z.. 322..
Kabit – Khud khud gaanwada haiÆ piaa hee tooÆ raat din khud da nasaan deh na rakh ab rol tooÆ.
AapÄa hee aap haiÆ jaÄaae riha kis bidh bal eh phasaad waala das saara khol tooÆ.
Moorakh bakaaree bhee ih kahega maleen mat maiÆ hee khud rab is pa¾de nooÆ phol tooÆ.
Nirna nataar age bol Bhagwaan daas kise da na ghol paaee jhe¾a rakh gol tooÆ.322.
Word Meaning:- Bal – trick. Bakaaree – vulgar. Maleen mat – having filthy mind. Phol – open. Nirna nataar – after
analysing. Jhe¾a – conflict.
Meaning:- You are singing day and night, “I am God, I am God.” But you are not a body, as body is perishable. In
each matter you are manifesting yourself? Explain the secret of your Godly declaration in detail. O filthy
minded man, you are entangled in bad deeds. Tell us the secret phenomenon how you are calling
yourself the God. You should speak such words after analysing the reality. This illusion can not be
solved without knowing the truth.322.

efps[.. p'b w{j'I nkyDk ;[y?B i/jk y[d dk j? y[dhUI p/y[d go/ ikBDk ngko dk.
wB p[X fJzdqh d/ fp;/ s/ j? go/ y[d jw s[w e[M Bk sj gd[ fBokeko dk.

pks fJj pohe j? Bw{fBUI Brkj uZe o'r ;'r ukj fwN/ Gk;Bk niko dk.
fpBk jh sohe/ fJ; j'fJ GrtKB dk; y[d Bk g[eko ws pkih ikJ/I jkodk.. 323..
Kabit – Bol moohoÆ aakhÄa sukhain jeha khud da hai khudeeoÆ bekhud pare jaanÄa apaar da.
Man budh indree de bise te hai pare khud ham tum kujh na tah pad niraakaar da.
Baat ih bareek hai namoonioÆ nagaah chak rog sog chaah mi¢e bhasna ajaar da.
Bina hee tareeke is hoe Bhagwaan Daas khud na pukaar mat baajee jaaeÆ haarda.323.
Word Meaning:- Sukhain – easy. KhudeeoÆ – ego. Apaar – God. Niraakaar – without form. Bareek – delicate.
NamoonioÆ – what we perceive. Ajaar – pains. Baajee – play of human birth.
Meaning:- Beyond ego, there is place of deep meditation Reaching there man knows and perceives the limitless
God. It is very easy to say, “I am God.” Beyond mind, intellect and organs and where is no sphere of
egoness, there is the abode of formless God. This is very thin and difficult situation reaching where the
sensual desires and pains vanish. Without reaching at such a place, to call oneself God, is just a defeat
of the game of this human life.323.

efps[.. fGzB fGzB fd;d/ j?I iht nbgrsk w/I jo ;opr fJe fojk Gog{o j?.
ib Eb w{oy s/ uso w/ J/e o; g;{nK gy/o{nK w/ fs;dk jh B{o j?.
n?;k fBod'y fBodPzd fdbdko j?I s{z dzv d/D fe;/ dk Bk s[X wed{o j?.
d/j eo d[y i/jV/ gkJ/I GrtKB dk; s/ok jh fJj[ c/V[ BIjh fe;/ dk e;{o j?.. 324..
Kabit – Bhin bhin disde hain jeev alpagta meÆ har sarbag ik riha bharpoor hai.
Jal thal moorkh te chatar me ek ras pasooaaÆ pakherooaaÆ me tisda hee noor hai.

Aisa nirdokh nirdwand dildaar haiÆ tooÆ danÎ deÄ kise da na tudh makdoor hai.
Deh kar dukh jeh¾e paaeÆ Bhagwaan Daas tera hee ih phe¾ nahee kise da kasoor hai.324.
Word Meaning:- Alpagta – animate. Sarbag – God. Makdoor – power.
Meaning:- These animates, which we see alone, in all these animates, all powerful Almighty is pervading. In water,
on earth, in fools and wise men, in animals and birds, his light is illuminating. That formless God is free
of sins, free of duality and dear Almighty is all powerful to punish all the animates. But no one can punish
Him. O animate ! As you are suffering due to your body, that is the result of your misdeeds.324.

efps.. sz{z jh op j?I o;{b s{z jh ;op ek w{b s{z jh G[b j?I nG{b c{b eKNk y[d B{o s{z.
s{z jh okw ntsko s{z jh fW;B w[oko s{z jh X"b n;tko jwtko jtk j{o s{z.
wjzwd i;{j s{z jh fpnkge ;w{j s{z jh nbh tbh o{j B{j GfJnk j? e'j s{o s{z.
r'oy r'fpzd fJzd s{z jh j? Bfozd fizd dk; GrtKB nBbje wB;{o s{z.. 325..
Kabit – TooÆ hee Rab haiÆ rasool tooÆ hee sarb ka mool tooÆ hee bhul haiÆ abhool phool kaan¢a khud noor tooÆ.
TooÆ hee Raam avtaar tooÆ hee Krisan murar tooÆ hee dhaul asvaar humvaar hava hoor tooÆ.
Mahammad jasooh tooÆ hee biaapak samooh tooÆ hee alee valee rooh nooh bhaiaa hai koh toor tooÆ.
Gorakh Gobind Ind tooÆ hee hai narind jind daas Bhagwaan anlehk mansoor tooÆ.325.
Word Meaning:- Rasool – prophet. Dhaul aswaar – Shivji. Hamvaar – level. Hoor – fairies. Jasooh – Christ. Biaapak –
pervading. Valee – powerful. Koh toor – mountain of collyrium. Gorakh – Guru of yogis. Anlhak – I am
Meaning:- You are God, You are the prophet, You are root of all mankind. You are unforgettable, You are flower,
You are thorn and You are in the form of light. You are Ram, Krishan, Shiv, Air and You are also fairies

of heaven. You are Mohammad, Christ, all pervading, all powerful, enlightened spirit and mountain of
collyrium. You are Gorkh Nath, You are knower of this earth, You are King, You are Inder, You are
Narinder. Raja Sahib says, You are Mansoor who during his crucification said, “I am God”.325.

efps.. s"o/s n" nzihb c[oekB s/ izp{o uko/ ejD eskpK p'b got[odrko d/.
i[io f;nkw forp/d n" nEopD u"jB e/ wjktKe pqjw jh g[ekod/.
fBnkfJ wwkB;k p;/yy gszib p/dKs ;Ky ;k;sq pqjw jh T[ukfod/.
pqjw ndP? fpB d{;o' Bk G:' eS{ dk; GrtKB p'b ceo pjko d/.. 326..
Kabit – Taurat au anjeel phurkaan te jamboor chaare kehan kataabaaÆ bol parvardgaar de.
Jujar siaam rigbed au atharban chauhan ke mahvaak Brahm hee pukaarde.
Niaae mimaansa basekhakh patanjal bedaant saankh saastar Brahm hee uchaarde.
Brahm advai bin doosro na bhayo kachhoo daas Bhagwaan bol fakar bahaar de.326.
Word Meaning:- Parvardgaar – one who nourishes. Advai – without duality.
Meaning:- The four books also praise the omnipresent, sustainer of all, the God. The four Vedas also utter the
praises of Almighty. Six Shastaras also recite again and again that there is only One God. Without one
unique God there pervades only illusion of doubt. Raja Sahib says that the lovers of God in their
enlightened mood talk about God only.326.

efps[.. nkswK nyzv yzv yzvB w/I yzv np j'p/ sK nyzv ip ikD/ fBokeko ~.
nk;eK dh ukb ub[ f;fynk puko J/j ;kyh dh f;nkD eo[ Sve/ neko ~.

nB/e ;/ T[mkfJ nKy J/e w/I Brkfj bkfJ pk;BK e' o'e w'V wB dh w[jko ~.
ej/ GrtKB dk; pzdrh j? pzd j'D ;[zB dh ;wkX w/ fBjkfo eosko ~.. 327..
Kabit – Aatma akhanÎ khanÎ khanÎan meÆ khanÎ ab hobe taaÆ akhanÎ jab jaaÄe niraakaar nooÆ.
AaskaaÆ dee chaal chal sikhiaa bachaar eh saakhee dee siaaÄ kar chhaÎke akaar nooÆ.
Anek se u¢haae aaÆkh ek meÆ nagaahe laae baasna ko rok mo¾ man dee muhaar nooÆ.
Kahe Bhagwaan daas bandgee hai band hoÄ sunn dee samaadh me nihaar kartaar nooÆ.327.
Word Meaning:- AkhanÎ – unbreakable. KhanÎan – to break. Niraakaar – formless God. Saakhee – witness. Akaar – the
universe. Baasna – the evils. Nihaar – to see.
Meaning:- Animus psyche is unbreakable, but due to bodily form the man has been broken into limitless pieces. But
to make it unbreakable again a man has to know the one formless God. But you have to learn this lesson
adopting the path of saints and detaching your mind from the visible world. You have to recognise the
one formless God. Controlling your mind, overlook the vast expanse and becoming spaceless know the
One God. Raja Sahib says that though it seems we have stopped the worship of God but in this perfect
mental tranquillity we see the God.327.

efps.. n;bk nS/d o{g jhJ/ w/I fj;kp bkT[ tik fe; iht j'fJ gktdK niko s{z.
c[oB/ cbko frnk nkswK nG/d G[b fJ; fpfX w[fmnk j?I nVd piko s{z.
fpGukoBh fiT[I Bko j'fJ Sve/ ;[GkT[ ;hb fst/I jh pqjw s/ j?I iht fpueko s{z.
ni/ Gh puko fBi o{g GrtKB dk; bZis ijKB dh d/ gkT[ f;fo Sko s{.z . 328..
Kabit – Asla achhed roop hee-e meÆ hisaab laao vaja kis jeev hoe paavdaaÆ ajaar tooÆ.
Phurne phalaar giaa aatma abhed bhul is bidh mu¢hiaaÆ haiÆ a¾d bazaar tooÆ.

Bibhchaarnee jion naar hoe chhaÎ ke subhaao seel tiveÆ hee Brahm te haiÆ jeev bichkaar tooÆ.
Aje bhee bachaar nij roop Bhagwaan Daas lajat jahaan dee de paao sir chhaar tooÆ.328.
Meaning:- Your origin can not be perforated. Due to power of mammon a man is suffering in this world. Due to
expanse of ideas, the man has forgotton the inseparable animus psyche and has becoming bankrupt
day by day. As a corrupt woman abandoning the peaceful behaviour becomes lured and intoxicated, in
the similar way, animate becoming separate from the God, becomes active and carefree. Raja Sahib
says that there is still time, perceive your innermost soul and abandon the worldly tastes and analyse
yourself soul.328.

efps.. j'fJ fBogZS ;G' J/e jh ceho ikD d[n?s BIjh e'fJ eo d/y b? ;Bk; sK.
pqjwukoh Uj[ i/jVk pqjw dh puko eo/ j'Itdk T[dk;h j'fJ wkfJnk s/ T[dk; sK.
n;b sohek ss J/j' ;[zfBnk;hnK dk nk; pk; fsnkr eo j'tDk Bok; sK.
pDktN T[vkfJ ip d/yh GrtKB dk; fBebh Bk d[n?s dot/; fJe yK; sK.. 329..
Kabit – Hoe nirpachh sabho ek hee fakeer jaaÄ duait nahee koe kar dekh lai sanaas taaÆ.
Brahmchaaree oh jeh¾a Brahm dee bachaar kare hovaÆda udaasee hoe maaiaa te udaas taaÆ.
Asal tareeka tat eho saniaaseeaaÆ da aas baas tiaag kar hovÄa naraas taaÆ.
BaÄaava¢ uÎaae jab dekhee Bhagwaan Daas naklee na duait darves ik khaas taaÆ.329.
Meaning:- He is the real saint, who is impartial, maliciousless and without duality and who respects all, without
colour and creed. He is the real celibate, who meditates one God. One who remains aloof even living
with mammon is the real hermit. It is gist of ascetics renunciation, who abandoning all desires of world
becomes a recluse. When the curtain of duality vanishes, then we can see the real face of the Godly

efps.. dkB/ dot/; i[ jw/; j?I eb/; fpB ;wM Bo/; fJj p;/; j?I puko w/.
e?;/ j?I nshs uhs BIjh fiB jko ihs ohs w/ Bk Bhs j? gqhfs fdbdko w/.
b?Id/ eh nBzd fBodPzd fdb pzd wzd gzd ~ fsnkfr ofjd/ nksw nXko w/.
;ziwh s/ Xhoih ;zs'yh GrtKB dk; ;kfjB e/ ;kj i' ;wkJ/ ;w;ko w/.. 330..
Kabit – Daane darves ju hames haiÆ kales bin samjh nares ih bases hain bichaar me.
Kaise haiÆ ateet cheet nahee jin haar jeet reet me na neet hai preet dildaar me.
LaiÆde kee anand nirdwand dil band mand pand nooÆ tiaag rehande aatam adhaar me.
Sanjmee te dheerjee santokhee Bhagwaan daas saahan ke saah jo samaae samsaar me.330.
Word Meaning:- Nares – kings. Bases – special. Ateet – recluse. Dildaar – dear. Nirdwand – without duality. Pand –
advice. Smaae – absorbed.
Meaning:- Wise saints, who always lead a peaceful life, mostly they are the real kings. How they can be called
recluses, who have not even analysed the difference of victory and defeat? Who have not adopted the
policy of justice and love of God. Those who controlling their mind from duality and dubiousness, take
the shelter of one God, they enjoy the everlasting bliss. Raja Sahib says that they are approved as par
excellent, king of kings, contented, restraintful and patient.330.

efps.. pk;BK d/ fgS/ br j'Jh Bk y[nko :ko pk;Bk d/ wko/ ~ NekDk BIjh EK UfJ.
pk;Bk d/ nzr br j'fJU i/ ubkfJwkB gkt/Irk nikp pD e{eo s/ eK UfJ.
pk;Bk dh sko s'V gkJ/Irk dhdko ip j'fJrk nub i/ ;w{j ;[y sK UfJ.
fBi XKw d/ weKB w/ ;wkfJ GrtKB dk; jw s[w BIjh ijK o{g o/y Bk UfJ.. 331..

Kabit – Baasna de pichhe lag hoee na khuaar yaar baasna de maare nooÆ ¢akaana nahee thaaÆ oe.
Baasna de ang lag hoio je chalaaemaan paaveÆga ajaab baÄ kookar te kaaÆ oe.
Baasna dee taar to¾ paaeÆga deedar jab hoega achal je samooh mukh taaÆ oe.
Nij dhaam de makaan me samaae Bhagwaan Daas ham tum nahee jahaaÆ roop rekh na oe.331.
Word Meaning:- Baasna – sensual desires. Chalaaemaan – wandering. Ajaab – suffering. Nij dhaam – self knowledge.
Meaning:- O my friend ! Don’t be led by false desires, as the man, who is corrupted by false desires finds no place
in this world and in the next world. If corrupted by this bad habit, you will drift your mind then remember
you will wander in the species of dogs and crows. Instinct, which always wanders, controlling it you will
get the eternal enlightenment and everlasting bliss. Raja Sahib says that you will be able to find this
stage after aquiring the self knowledge; where ends the consciousness of mine, thine. “The Lord has
neither form nor outline, nor any colour. He is exempt from three qualities.”331.

efps.. pk;Bk ti{d fpu p?oB ebze wB pk;Bk dh wko s/ r[b/bk Gbk ;ko dk.
pk;Bk d/ fgS/ br s[oBK yokp pj[ pk;BK d/ fgS/ jkEh nze; ;jkodk.
pk;BK d/ j/s iht ckjh fpu nkD c;/ j'fJnK s{z r[bKw s?;/ d/j dh prko dk.
pk;Bk dh fsnkr[ fwsokJh GrtKB dk; fBi d/ weKB B;k nip pjko dk.. 332..
Kabit – Baasna vajood bich bairan kalank man baasna dee maar te gulela bhala saar da.
Baasna de pichhe lag turna kharaab bauh baasna de pichhe haathee ankas sahaarda.
Baasna de het jeev faahee bich aaÄ fase hoiaaÆ tooÆ gulaam taise deh dee bagaar da.
Baasna dee tiaag mitraaee Bhagwaan Daas nij de makaan nasa ajab bahaar da.332.
Word Meaning:- Kalank – stain. Saar – iron. Ankas – sharp pointed sprout. Bagaar – free labour.

Meaning:- The body which is slave of desires, is our greatest enemy. Desires stain the mind and heart. Even iron
balls cannot be so painful. It is very bad to follow the sensual desires. Even the elephant entangled by
sexual desire, is trapped and bears the sharp pointed sprout of the master. Due to sensual desires the
animates get themselves entrapped in the strangulation of death. In this way the man to fulfill his desires
suffers pain. Raja Sahib says, “Abandon your sensual desires, meditate on the Name of Supreme God.
Spiritual knowledge is supreme of all.332.

efps.. no/ wB nzX BIjh ;ow fjnkT[ s[M ou/I fptjko i/jV/ oki;h j?I fJzdrh.
e{V dk ybkok s{z ybkodk j?I G[b eo j'tDh cBkj i/jVh d/ydk j?I fizdrh.
GNek dk cb[ J/j' fwb{rk fBbZi s[M Gt/Irk u[ok;h i{B Xko e/ gfozdrh.
pk;BK e' o'e s{z BdkB GrtKB dk; nkg ~ puko[ Sv[ cko;h s/ fjzdrh.. 333..
Kabit – Are man andh nahee sarm hiaao tujh racheÆ biwhaar jeh¾e raajsee haiÆ indgee.
Koo¾ da khalaara tooÆ khalaarda haiÆ bhul kar hovÄee fanaah jeh¾ee dekhda haiÆ jindgee.
Bha¢ka da fal eho milooga nilaj tujh bhavenga chauraasee joon dhaar ke parindgee.
Baasna ko rok tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan daas aap nooÆ bachaar chhaÎ faarsee te Hindgee.333.
Word Meaning:- Biwhar – routine works. Indgee – process of fascinating. Fanaah – to annihilate. Nilaj – shameless.
Parindgee – specy of birds. Faarsee te Hindgee – difference of Hindu and Muslims.
Meaning:- O blind mind ! You have become so shameless and have been building false ostentations. Indulging in
doubt you have been creating a false expanse. This body which you see will vanish one day. O foolish
man ! You will get the result of these wanderings in the shape of eighty four lacs of species. Raja Sahib
says that keeping aside the difference of Hindu and Muslims, attune yourself.333.

efps[.. fpfdnk puko fpB[ ikD b? BdKB e{V fpfdnk fpjkoh pVk ;kX e' peko j?.
pVh fJj T[gkX s/ n;kX n?;h wjK o'r uzub ;[GkT[ eo eodh y[nko[ j?.
ekoB fJj[ fp;/ s/ p;/g dk s{z ikD :ko n?;h d[okuko f;o fJ; d/ gziko j?.
fpfdnk ;o{g dh j? ;ko GrtKB dk; ;wM ;XKs o'r eNdh jiko j?.. 334..
Kabit – Bidiaa bichaar bin jaaÄ lai nadaan koo¾ bidiaa bihaaree ba¾a saadh ko bakaar hai.
Ba¾ee ih upaadh te asaadh aisee maha rog chanchal sabhaao kar kardee khuaar hai.
Kaarn ih bisai te basep da tooÆ jaaÄ yaar aisee duraachaar sir is de panjaar hai.
Bidiaa saroop dee hai saar Bhagwaan daas samjh sadhaant rog ka¢dee hajaar hai.334.
Word Meaning:- Upaadh – problem. Asaadh – which cannot be cured. Basep – wanderings. Duraachaar – bad deeds.
Panjaar – shoes. Saar – reality.
Meaning:- Without understanding, the education is false. If becoming a saint, a man utilizes the education then it
proves to be futile. If you are to delibrate your knowledge only then will you become the benefactor of all.
But knowledge used in daily life makes your mind active and the incurable disease of Ego overpowers
you and indulges you in sensual abuses. O my friend ! Shirk such knowledge, which effects your
character. Raja Sahib says, that there is also one enlightenment, which perceives the knowledge of
oneself and which becomes the base of annihilating such thousands of diseases.334.

efps.. fJbw n;kB gV joc BK J/e p'b nwb e[wkJ/ jN/ fdb dh j?oKBrh.
;[yB ceho dk do'r Bk ybkc ikD fJbw jo{c tkbk eo/rk tokBrh.
phfsnk j[tkb[ i' BdkB Bkb ej/ ;u[ oy/ Bkb e'fJ Sv[ fJbw ;?sKBrh.
eoe/ iehB ;u[ ikD GrtKB dk; nwb ewkJ/ fpBk neb j?tKBrh.. 335..

Kabit – Ilam asaan pa¾ harf na ek bol amal kamaae ha¢e dil dee hairaangee.
Sukhan fakeer da darog na khalaaf jaaÄ ilm haroof wala karega vairaangee.
Beetiaa huwaal jo nadaan naal kaha sach rakhe naal koe chhaÎ ilm saitaangee.
Karke jakeen sach jaaÄ Bhagwaan Daas amal kamaae bina akal haivaangee.335.
Word Meaning:- Hairaangee – surprise. Sukhan – words. Darog – false. Haroof – the alphabet. Huwaal – the news.
Shaitaangee – works of devil. Amal – doings. Haivaangee – acting like animals.335.
Meaning:- There is need of good deeds to end your confusion though you may not have read one word of
knowledge. You must believe the men of God, who ascertain that the education without good deeds is
baseless and it certainly involves the man in troubles. Great men advise that a man should adopt
truthfulness. The education which leads man astray should be abandoned. Raja Sahib says that without
good deeds a man is just like animals.335.

efps.. ;u dh fJpkds fJj fieo j'fJ dzw dzw oy Bidhe BIjh Bc; fJbkwsh.
pkfXnK fpjko fdnK pj[fsnK pDktDK eh nwb pE/ok fJe fis j'fJ ;bkwsh.
pdhnK pyhbhnK w/ j'fJ fojK fjo;h i' GkfJ s/o/ pD/rh fJj ;ys f;nKwsh.
jN/ BK edkfJfus f;o'I GrtKB dk; Bke; G[bkfJnk j[D o'i s?I fenkwsh.. 336..
Kabit – Sach dee ibaadat ih jikar hoe danm danm rakh najdeek nahee nafas ilaamtee.
BaadhiaaÆ bihaar diaaÆ bauhtiaaÆ baÄaavÄa kee amal bathera ik jit hoe salaamtee.
BadeeaaÆ bakheeliaaÆ me hoe rihaaÆ hirsee jo bhaae tere baÄegee ih sakhat siaamtee.
Ha¢e na kadaichit siroÆ Bhagwaan Daas naakas bhulaaiaa huÄ roj taiÆ kiaamtee.336.
Word Meaning:- Ibaadat – worship. Nafas ilaamtee – sexual indulgence. BakheeliaaÆ – backbiting. Hirsee – greedy.

Siaamtee – troubles. Naakas – fool. Kiaamatee – dooms day.

Meaning:- Avoid the sexual indulgence and adopting truthfulness, recite the name of God, with each breath. Why
are you entrapping yourself in artificial restrictions. Even one word of hard work is sufficient, through
which you can get the liberation. Abandoning the good deeds and involving yourself in bad deeds,
jealousy and greed, you are burning yourself in the fire of enmity. Remember these all will become the
source of your troubles. Raja Sahib says, “O foolish man ! You have forgotten the day of your death. This
day stands on the heads of all, how can you save yourself.336.

efps.. rbK eo w[y s/ frnKB n" fpuko ej/ ui[ BIjh fs; e' j? iBw[ r[tKtdk.
y{fj fpu'I fBebe/ yks fpu rofenk T[uh T[uh Bkw dh d[jkJh i/jVk gKtdk.
r[V[ r[V[ ej/ s/ Bk w{j j? fwmk;dko e"Vk BIjh j'fJ Bkw[ fwou dk rKtdk.
s?;/ jh s{z ikD fpBk ;"e GrtKB dk; pe pe eoB/ s/ n;o[ BK nKtdk.. 337..
Kabit – GalaaÆ kar mukh te giaan au bichaar kahe chaj nahee tis ko hai janam guwaaÆwada.
Khooh bichoÆ nikal ke khaat bich garkiaa uchee uchee naam dee duhaaee jeh¾a paaÆvada.
Gu¾ gu¾ kahe te na mooh hai mi¢haasdaar kau¾a nahee hoe naam mirch da gaaÆvada.
Taise hee tooÆ jaaÄ bina sauk Bhagwaan Daas bak bak karne te asar na aaÆvada.337.
Meaning:- Why are you talking about knowledge and intelligence, when you yourself are wasting your this birth. For
which name you are crying so loudly that has been entrenched in the dead stock. Raja Sahib says that
saying ‘sweet sweet’ our mouth does not become sweet and repeating the name of chilly, the mouth
does not become bitter. In the similar way our utterance without love, bears no impression.337.
Explanation:- Bhai Gurdas Ji is aashe nooÆ aapÄee baaÄee wich is prakaar likhde han :

KhaanÎ khaanÎ kahai jihba na swaad mee¢ho aavai,

agan agan kahai seet na binaas hai.437.
Saying sugar again and again, we can’t enjoy the sweet taste and repeating fire fire, coldness does not

efps.. shoEK d/ ehfsnK s/ p/d fdnK gfVnK s/ ikD efbnkD feT[I j'fJ fojK b[N jh.
d/y/ BIjh ikD fJj[ ;qp edkfus e?;/ efbnkD iht iktDk By[N jh.
nktk BIjh w[edk iK ofunk pebgK dk y'sk fe; fpX ej[ BdKB ikJ/ S[N jh.
gqw nBzd w/I ;wkJ/I GrtKB dk; Go i/ Bukjh tkbk ght/I fJe x[N jh.. 338..
Kabit – TeerthaaÆ de keetiaaÆ te bed diaaÆ pa¾iaaÆ te jaaÄ kaliaaÄ kioÆ hoe riha lu¢ hee.
Dekhe nahee jaaÄ ih sarb kadaachit kaise kaliaaÄ jeev jaavÄa nakhu¢ hee.
Aava nahee mukda jaaÆ rachiaa bakalpaaÆ da khota kis bidh kauh nadaan jaae chhu¢ hee.
Parm anand meÆ samaae Bhagwaan Daas bhar je nachaahee waala peeveÆ ik ghu¢ hee.338.
Word Meaning:- Lu¢ – intoxicated. Kadaachit – never. Nakhu¢ – finish. Nachaahee – undesired.
Meaning:- Why are you feeling proud of your bathing at the pilgrim places and recitation of Bedas. You are
considering that performing these rituals you are going to get the salvation. In this process of reciting the
Vedas and wandering at the pilgrimage places man’s life ends. Until you do not know the significance of
these religious acts, how will you get the liberation. Until the battle between voluntarism and non
voluntarism does not end, how your mind in the form of donkey gets the liberation? Raja Sahib says if
you want the supreme everlasting bliss and divine enlightenment then abandon all your sensual

efps.. fdb dk NekT[ BIjh w{oy wbhB ws op[ ukj/I N'fbnk s{z ekri co'b e/.
My oj/I wkodk i/ T[wo nyho se wZyD Bk fBeb/rk gkDh ~ to'b e/.
fwjBs niKJh ikJ/ ;wM f;nkDk j'j[ e[M BIjh jK;bh j? ebo[ eo'b e/.
;u d/ ;o{g dh Bk ;ko GrtKB dk; j't/I r[Bjrko fJj ;[yB s{z p'b e/.. 339..
Kabit – Dil da ¢akaao nahee moorkh maleen mat rab chaaheÆ ¢oliaa tooÆ kaagaj phrol ke.
Jhakh raheÆ maarda je umar akheer tak makhan na niklega paaÄee nooÆ varol ke.
Mihnat ajaaÆee jaae samjh siaaÄa hoh kujh nahee haasalee hai kalar kalor ke.
Sach de saroop dee na saar Bhagwaan Daas hoveÆ gunahgaar ih sukhan tooÆ bol ke.339.
Meaning:- Your own mind is restless, but you are trying to find God from the books. This is just equal to churning of
water. Though you may spend your life in searching thoroughly all the books but you must know after
churning water you can not get the butter. This is equal to tilling the barren land. Therefore you must
adopt the path of divine knowledge. Without this your hard work bears no fruit. Raja Sahib says that until
and unless you does know the divine form of God, it is greatest sin to call one self “I am God.”339.

efps.. p/d tke ikfDnK iEkoE Bk gVe/ iK o[uh e' pXkfJ eo fojk j?I fojkV s{z.
d[owfs fdb dh rtkJ/I Bk frnKB eo wri y[gkJh w/ r[ikodK fdjkV s{z.
ikg i' nigk BIjh fs;e' pukodk j?I fB;u/ jh ikD GkT[IdK r?jpo T[ikV s{z.
y'i/I i/jB{ pkjo Uj fpu GrtKB dk; d/yDk i/ fdb fdnK dhfdnK T[xkV s{z.. 340..
Kabit – Bed vaak jaÄiaa jathaarth na pa¾ke jaaÆ ruchee ko badhaae kar riha haiÆ rihaa¾ tooÆ.
Durmat dil dee gwaaeÆ na giaan kar magz khupaaee me gujaarda dihaa¾ tooÆ.

Jaap jo ajapa nahee tis ko bachaarda haiÆ nische hee jaaÄ bhaunda gaihbar ujaa¾ tooÆ.
Khoje jehnooÆ baahar oh bich Bhagwaan Daas dekhÄa je dil diaaÆ deediaaÆ ughaa¾ tooÆ.340.
Word Meaning:- Bed vaak – advice of Vedas. Jathaarth – suitable. Rihaa¾ – insistence, persistence. Jaap Ajapa – silent
prayer. Gaihbar – dense. Dil deediaaÆ – eyes of heart. Dib darish¢ee – eyes of heart.
Meaning:- Reciting the Vedas and without understanding their philosophy, you have been increasing your desires
to get the worldly articles. Getting knowledge from Vedas you have not dispelled your baseness. You
have passed your time in useless wanderings. Which is the silent meditation resounding in your body,
you are not realising that. You are wandering in the dense forest of ritualism. You are performing these
rituals believing in their efficacy for wish fulfilment. Raja Sahib says that which spiritual knowledge you
are searching out sides that abides in your heart. This can be seen by opening your eternal eyes.340.
Explanation:- Dhanaasree Mehla 9.
Kaahe re ban khojan jaaee.
Sarb nivaasee sada alepa tohee sang smaaee.1.Rahaao.
Puhp madh jio baas basat hai mukar maahe jaise chhaaee.
Taise hee Har base nirantar gha¢ hee khojoh bhaaee.
Baahar bheetar eko jaanoh ih gur giaan bataaee.
Jan Nanak bin aapa cheene mi¢e na bharm kee kaaee.2.1. (page 684.)
English Version:- O Man ! Why you go to forest to search God? God, though ever detached dwells everywhere and abides
even with you. Pause.
As fragrance abides in the flower and as reflection in the mirror, so does God dwell with in you and
search Him within your heart.
Know that within and without, there is but One God. This is understanding Guru has imparted unto me.

O Nanak ! Without knowing oneself, the moss of filth of doubt can not be removed.2.1.

efps.. fJe nyo pE/ok j? Bftosh dk p?m gV[ si goftos fJj ;k;sqh Bkroh.
Sv e/ ;whg np feeO eB/o dk s{z nkg ~ puko e/ ;[rzX b? wbkroh.
e{V dh e[ws s/ eBkok cV[ fB; fdB ikD b? pqjw eo fpos fJekroh.
fpu gogzu feT[I gfJnK GrtKB dk; s[S ;[y Sve/ nBzd d/y[ ;kroh.. 341..
Kabit – Ik akhah bathera hai navirtee da bai¢h pa¾ taj parvirat ih saastree naagree.
ChhaÎ ke sameep ab kikar kaner da tooÆ aap nooÆ bachaar ke sugandh lai malaagree.
Koo¾ dee kumat te kanaara pha¾ nisdin jaaÄ lai brahm kar birt ikaagree.
Bich parpanch kioÆ paiaaÆ Bhagwaan Daas tuchh sukh chhaÎke anand dekh saagree.341.
Word Meaning:- Akhar – knowledge of God. Navirtee – abandon. Parvirt – to achieve. Saastree naagree – account. Kikar
kaner – athiest. Malaagree – essence of congregation. Kumat – baseness. Nisdin – day and night.
Ikaagree – concentration. Parpanch – world. Saagree – ocean.
Meaning:- Knowledge of accounts is just an entanglement of the worldly affairs. Abandoning it study the divine
knowledge of God and attach it to your innermost soul. This knowledge is sufficient for you. Foresake the
sinful deeds and enjoy the company of congregation which is in the form of fragrance of chandan tree.
Abandon all such thoughts which excite you towards bad deeds. Concentrating your all thoughts adopt
the intellectual knowledge of One Supreme Almighty. Raja Sahib says, “Why are you entangling yourself
in false worldly affairs. Foresaking all temporary enjoyments of world, swim in the ocean of everlasting
Explanation:- Kabir samund na chhoÎeeai jau at khaaro hoe.
Pokhar pokhar ÎhooÎhte bhalo na keh hai koe.

Kabir ¢hore jal maachhlee jheevar melio jaal.

Ih toghnai na chhotseh phir kar sumund samhaal.
(page 1367.)
English Version:- O Kabir ! You should not leave the ocean though it is vey saline. If you search shelter from pond to pond
no shall call you wise.
O Kabir ! The fish is in thin water, the fisherman casts his net. O fish ! You shall not escape in this little
water. You ought to think of returning to the ocean again.

efps.. n"oK T[gd/; eo puB nB/e p'b XkoB pp/e BIjh Gkoh nfrnkBrh.
gVB fpjko e[b ikD b? e[t?d s[b eoBh fpuko i/jVh i[X d/ ;wkBrh.
nkgD/ jh nkg B{ B;hjs j? dzw dzw j'j B p/j'; cV[ n?;h p[XtKBrh.
jehes i' ikD/ p'b ej[ GrtKB dk; w'B oj[ fs;s/ i' edo BdKBrh.. 342..
Kabit – Aura updes kar bachan anek bol dhaarn babek nahee bhaaree agiaangee.
Pa¾n bihaar kul jaaÄ lai kuvaid tul karnee bichaar jeh¾ee judh de samaangee.
AapÄe hee aap noo naseehat hai danm danm hoh na behos pha¾ aisee budhwaangee.
Hakeekat jo jaaÄe bol kauh Bhagwaan Daas mon rauh tiste jo kadar nadaangee.342.
Word Meaning:- Agiaangee – foolishness. Budhwaangee – wisdom. Hakeekat – reality. Mon – to keep quite.
Nadaangee – foolishness, not knowing.
Meaning:- Dilivering his sermons, he advises others, but himself not adopts the right path; this is a very wrong
notion. To teach and to learn is the preliminary training and to do it practically is equal to a fight of a
battle. Adopt such a charming intellect, that may advise you to choose the right path. Raja Sahib says

that if a find a real customer, the real analyst, the real wellwisher, utter your words there. He who does
not pay attention, don’t speak with him.342.
Explanation:- Laal roopee naam dee kadar paarkhoo akh hee jaaÄ sakdee hai. Yaakoot heere dee keemat motee
varsaaun waalee akh hee jaaÄ sakdee hai.342.

efps.. ejDk i' j? p/d dk iEkoE ;o/;N pj[ fs; e' puko eo d/y nzsoht s{z.
noE gSkD e/ go/w oy[ nk;o/ w/I e[obhnK eo eo j'j BIjh iht s{z.
pqjw fpfdnk dk fB; fdB p?m nfGnk; eo[ o[uh ;/ no[u j'fJ nwh o;[ ght sz{z.
fsBK r[Dk ;/ nshs j' BdkB GrtKB dk; s[ohnk w/ bhB j' p?e[zm pk;h Eht s{z.. 343..
Kabit – KehÄa jo hai bed da jatharath sresa¢ bauh tis ko bachaar kar dekh antreev tooÆ.
Arth pachhaaÄ ke prem rakh aasre meÆ kurleeaaÆ kar kar hoh nahee jeev tooÆ.
Brahm bidiaa da nisdin bai¢h abiaas kar ruchee se aruch hoe amee ras peev tooÆ.
TinaaÆ guÄaaÆ se ateet ho nadaan Bhagwaan Daas tureeaa me leen ho baikun¢h baasee theev tooÆ.343.
Word Meaning:- Antreev – innermost soul. TinaaÆ guÄaaÆ – three temperaments: Rajas, optimism, tamas, egotism and
satik, pessimism. Tureeaa – intellectual condition.
Meaning:- Analysing the advice of Vedas, see your innermost soul. God, who is our sole shelter, considering the
meanings of Vedas, love Him. Don’t keep it in your mind outwardly, as there is not effect of gargling.
Daily practice of divine knowledge makes ourselves detached from worldly sensual desires. Then we
taste the nectar of the Name of God. Raja Sahib says that detached yourself from the three qualities of
mammon, attain the divine knowledge and become the resident of heaven.343.

efps.. wkfJnk o{g Bdh ;kE c[oB/ d/ ou eo j'fJ fojK dhB nkg nkgD/ jh c/o ;/.
fpu gotkj ni/ rkcb ;[GkT[ Sv ;[os ;zGkb pu[ x[zpo dh x/o ;/.
p[bD ;z;ko Bkr szd{J/ s/ wkro wZS wkoB bg/Nk pu[ fJBeh go/o ;/.
p?oh gzi s/o/ fJj[ BdKB GrtKB dk; eo esbKw np frnKB ;w;/o ;/.. 344..
Kabit – Maaiaa roop nadee saath furne de rach kar hoe rihaaÆ deen aap aapÄe hee pher se.
Bich parvaah aje gaphal subhaao chhaÎ surt sanbhaal bach ghumbar dee gher se.
BulaÄ sansaar naag tandooe te magar machh maarn lape¢a bach inkee prer se.
Bairee panj tere ih nadaan Bhagwaan Daas kar katlaam ab giaan samser se.344.
Word Meaning:- Parvah – stream of consciousness, flow of ideas. Naag, tandooe, magar machh – five devils, lust, wrath,
worldly attachment, greed and ego. Samser – sword.
Meaning:- With your ideas creating an artificial stream of mammon, you have been whirling in it. Still your boat of
life is in the afflux. Foresake your lazy habit and becoming conscious come out of this whirlpool. Five
devils of lust, wrath, worldly attachment and ego have been entrapping you in the form of snakes and
crocodiles. Save yourself from these devils. Raja Sahib says that handling the sword of divine
knowledge kill these five devils and annihilate their existence from your body.344.

efps.. ekw s/ W'X b'G w'j n" jzeko gzi fp;/ pbtKB fpu SkJ/ nzr nzr jh.
fwsq pDkfJ gsnkfJ eo wkoB fJj ehsk j?I ;[dkJh s/ gbkJh s[X Gzr jh.
j'fJnK i/ BYkb ss ekb w[m fbnk ikD pudk j?I sKjh eo/I fJBK pdozr jh.
cV seVkJh s{z BdKB GrtKB dk; y{p SNekT[ frnKB o{g b? s[czr jh.. 345..

Kabit – Kaam te krodh lobh moh au hankaar panj bise balwaan bich chhaae ang ang hee.
Mitar baÄaae pataae kar maarn ih keeta haiÆ sudaaee te palaaee tudh bhang hee.
HoiaaÆ je naÎhaal tat kaal mu¢h liaa jaaÄ bachda haiÆ taaheen karen inaaÆ badrang hee.
Pha¾ tak¾aae tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas khoob chha¢kaao giaan roop lai tufang hee.345.
Word Meaning:- Badrang – to win. Mu¢h – to conquer, to control. Chha¢kaao – to kill. Tufang – gun.
Meaning:- Five demons– lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego and five senses of the sense organs i.e.
smell, hearing, seeing, taste and touch are imbibed within each part of the body. These attack you very
amicably. These have made you mad offering you hemp in the form of greed. Annihilate it with good
qualities of truthfulness, contentment, grace and religious beauty. If you will not be careful, then they will
overpower you. Raja Sahib says that be alert and taking gun of divine knowledge conquer them.345.

efps.. j'fJ fojk iht np gu gogzu fpu n;bk nBkd jh pqjw fdbdko ;h.
eoe/ fBnkT[I nkg nkg jh puko[ gkfJnk fJsBk nikp[ pD mr s?I pBko;h.
eko Uj' ;KGdk j?I c/o w[V G"d{nk feT[I pk;Bk peko nr/ ehsk s{z y[nko ;h.
Sv usokJh s{z BdKB GrtKB dk; j'fJe/ p/y[d[ y[d o{g dh b? tko;h.. 346..
Kabit – Hoe riha jeev ab pach parpanch bich asla anaad hee brahm dildaar see.
Karke niaaoÆ aap aap hee bachaar paaiaa itna ajaab baÄ ¢hag taiÆ banaarsee.
Kaar oho saanbhda haiÆ pher mu¾ bhaudooaa kioÆ baasna bakaar age keeta tooÆ khuaar see.
ChhaÎ chatraaee tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas hoeke bekhud khud roop dee lai waarsee.346.
Word Meaning:- Pach – engrossed. Anaad – without beginning. Banaarsee ¢hug – saints in the form of cheats. Baasna
bakaar – desire of sinful deeds. Bekhud – without ego. Waarsee – ownership.

Meaning:- Your body is abode of God. But due to influence of mammon and worldly affairs it seems different from
the form of God. Analysing your self see that entrapped by the counterfeet structure you have suffered
so much troubles. Which sensual desires have distressed you already, why are you becoming their
servant again. Raja Sahib says, “O foolish animate! Forsakes your all type of cunningness, become
egoless and become the form of God.346.

efps.. n?jwe ndkfJ G?Vh s/o/ fpu n?;h gJh ou/I d[obG ikD ekoi gszsoh.
gqftos dh Uo w{V s[os fsnko[ j'J/I eo/I s{z p[bkT[ pb nkt/I iK ;[szsoh.
;[yK dh j? ykD ns/ d[yK dh d[ekB pzd r';/ j'fJ ikDhJ/ pjko fJj nzsoh.
wB dh wo'Vh tb d/y GrtkB dk; b?D Bk nBzd d/ yokp[ s/ok wzsoh.. 347..
Kabit – Aihmak adaae bhai¾ee tere bich aisee paee racheÆ durlabh jaaÄ kaarj patantree.
Parvirt dee or moo¾ turt tiaar hoeÆ kareÆ tooÆ bulaao bal aaveÆ ja sutantaree.
SukhaaÆ dee hai khaaÄ ate dukhaaÆ dee dukaan band gose hoe jaÄee-e bahaar ih antree.
Man dee maro¾ee val dekh Bhagwaan Daas laiÄ na anand de kharaab tera mantree.347.
Word Meaning:- Aihmak – fool. Adaae – nature. Patantaree – slaveness. Sutantree – freedom. Bahaar – happiness.
Antree – inside. Maro¾ee – inverse nature. Mantree – minister.
Meaning:- Doing witch works a man is entrapped instead of avoiding those deeds, a man considering those works
rare, does very happily and is caught in the web. If we tell him the ways of liberation, then he dil-dallies
and makes lame excuses and always remains ready to do the work, which put him in the bonds. Our
innermost soul which is seat of enlightenment, a man can enjoy this happiness by remaining aloof of the
worldly enjoyments. Attaining this bliss, we can get treasure of happiness and the shop sufferings
closes. Raja Sahib says our mind in the form of our minister is very bad, it always provides the inverse

advice to the animates.347.

Explanation:- Fareeda jinhee kanmee naahe guÄ te kanm¾e visaar.
Mat sarminda theevhee saaÆee de darbaar.59. (page 1381.)

English Version:- O Farid ! The deeds which are of no avail, you should abandon those deeds, lest you be put to shame in
the court of Lord.59.

efps.. pkbe nt;Ek j? w{V nfrnkB r[zr eo/ ngokgs gdkoEK dh fJfSnk.
i[tk j't/ id sd wd fty/ j'fJ eo fusts eKw yKw ;wM/ Bk f;fSnk.
iok id'I nkt/ ec yK;h nk d[tkt/ r[Mh fsq;Bk ibkt/ BIjh j'ts nfBfSnk.
ekb f;o dzv BIjh frnKB gouzv ip dk; GrtKB j[D e"D eo/ fofSnk.. 348..
Kabit – Baalak avastha hai moo¾ agiaan gung kare apraapat padaarthaaÆ dee ichhiaa.
Juwa hove jad tad mad vikhe hoe kar chitvat kaam khaam samjhe na sichhiaa.
Jara jadoÆ aave kaf khaansee aa duwaave gujhee trisna jalaave nahee hovat anichhiaa.
Kaal sir danÎ nahee giaan parchanÎ jab daas Bhagwaan huÄ kauÄ kare richhiaa.348.
Word Meaning:- Apraapat – not available. Juwa – youth. Mad – intoxication. Jara – oldage. Kaf – phlegm. Anichhiaa –
desireless. Parchand – violent. Richhiaa – defense.
Meaning:- In childhood foolish and unwise child desires such articles, which can not be made available or which are
very harmful. “Mercurial is the mind of the poor child. He handles even snakes and fire.” In young age
under the intoxication of sexual urge, he does not care about his welfare. When the old age arrives he
becomes a patient of phlegm and cough and hidden fire of avarice and greed continously burn him. Raja
Sahib says that when foolish man bears the pang of death, then nobody can save him.348.

efps.. wzB b? BdkB fJe ws s[M nkydk jK Gt/I BK u[ok;h tkb/ fis eo r/V s{z..
fwsq pDkfJ fiIBh gbN/ d/ ftu gkfJnk j'j j[f;nko iV fsBK dh T[y/V s{z..
c?Ie d/ c;kd nkg j'fJ j[f;nko oj[ G[b BIjh eo[ c/o gzuB ek B/V s{z..
wkoB/ d/ tkbk BIjh e'Jh GrtKB dk; nkg jh ;j/V rb gkfJ b?IdK c/V sz.{ . 349..
Kabit – Mann lai nadaan ik mat tujh aakhda haaÆ bhaveÆ na churaasee vaale jit kar ge¾ tooÆ.
Mitar baÄaae jinnee pal¢e de wich paaiaa hoh husiaar ja¾ tinnaaÆ dee ukhe¾ tooÆ.
Phaink de fasaad aap hoe husiaar rauh bhul nahee kar pher panchan ka ne¾ tooÆ.
Maarne de wala nahee koee Bhagwaan Daas aap hee sahe¾ gal paae lainda fe¾ tooÆ.349.
Word Meaning:- Pal¢e – in reverse direction. Panchan – five demons. Ne¾ – company. Phe¾ – evil.
Meaning:- O foolish man ! I give you one advice, if you act upon it you can save yourself from cycle of eighty four
lacs species. The five demons; lust, wrath, worldly attachment, avarice and ego, have made you friend.
Their friendship have thrown you in the cycle of death and birth. Be alert, save yourself from these five
thieves and never go near them. Our soul is immortal. Raja Sahib says that this animate becoming the
tool in the hands of mind and mammon entrapps himself in the cycle of eighty four lacs of species.349.

efps.. s/o/ i/jk wjK xksh j'o Bk BdkB e'Jh fsq;Bk d/ skT[ fpu oks fdB/ sgdK..
d[y xD/ gKtdk j?I ykfBUI rtkfJ ws eoe/ r[Bkj nkg nkg fpu ygdK..
nkg ou ikb tKr vkto/ d/ c; ej/I py;/rk op[ sebhc ;G ngdK..
ejDk s/ok M{m fJj BdkB GrtKB dk; iktD niKJh i' ebKw w{zj'I igdK.. 350..

Kabit – Tere jeha mahaaÆ ghaatee hor na nadaan koee trisna de taao bich raat dine tapdaaÆ.
Dukh ghaÄe paanvda haiÆ khaanioÆ gwaae mat karke gunaah aap aap bich khapdaaÆ.
Aap rach jaal waang Îaawre de phas kaheÆ bakhsege rab takleef sabh apdaaÆ.
KehÄa tera jhoo¢h ih nadaan Bhagwaan Daas jaavaÄ ajaaÆee jo kalaam moohoÆ japdaaÆ.350.
Meaning:- There is no great sinner equal to you; you have been burning day and night in the fire of avarice and
greed. The reason of it is that inadvertently you have committed a sin and for that you are now suffering.
You are querelling with yourself. Excited by some one you do the bad deeds and committing the crime
you are entrapped and captured. Then you say that God will pardon my sufferings. Then you recite
many hymns in order to get freedom. Raja Sahib says that all what you utter is false. In this way a man
can not save himself from sufferings.350.
Explanation:- Fareeda lo¾e daakh bijaureeaaÆ kikar beeje ja¢.
HanÎhe un kataaida paidha lo¾ai pa¢.23.
English Version:- O Farid ! Farmer plant the tree of acasia arabica and desires the grapes of Bajaur. He goes about
spinning wool, but wishes to wear silk.23.

efps.. rbK pksK fpu fdB[ ;kok jh pshs j{nk nkb; d[pkfJnk ip nkJh fco o?B sK..
;[fsnK fpjkfJ rJh ezB Bk T[ekf;nk j? rkcb rtkJh rb eo eo ;?B sK..
jho/ i?;k iBw nikJI&&h ikJ/ Bkw fpB gos e/ g/fynk gq/w tkb/ B?B sK..
bd iKtdk ijkB[ nyI&&h d/y GrtKB dk; pVk nc;''; e?;/ nkwdh j? u?B sK.. 351..
Kabit – GalaaÆ baataaÆ bich din saara hee bateet hooaa aalas dubaaiaa jab aaee phir rain taaÆ.
SutiaaÆ bihaae gaee kann na ukaasiaa hai gaafal gawaaee gal kar kar sain taaÆ.

Heere jaisa janam ajaaeeÆ jaae naam bin part ke pekhiaa prem vaale nain taaÆ.
Lad jaaÆvda jahaan akheeÆ dekh Bhagwaan Daas ba¾a afsos kaise aamdee hai chaiÆ taaÆ.351.
Word Meaning:- Rain – night. Sain – to sleep. AjaaeeÆ – useless. Lad jaaÆvda – goes.
Meaning:- Day passed in useless talk and night elapsed while sleeping. “Man loses his nights in sleeping and loses
his days in eating. Human life is like a jewel, it goes in exchange for a shell. He knows not the Name of
the pervading God. O fool ! You will repent afterwards.” This human life is priceless, without recitation
the Name of God, it is useless. I knew about it when I awoke and became conscious and when I saw with
the eyes of love. Raja Sahib says, “When you seeing with yours own eyes that your all friends and
relatives are going, then how your mind remains peaceful ?351.

efps.. T[sw ;oho fJj wkB; u[ok;h fpu edo gSkD eo[ ezw BK rbhi s{z..
p{jk fJj Bekb dk j? nyhnK Bk whN bzx[ i'iBK dk G[bk nkfJnK T[go dbhi s{z..
;ko BIjh bt/Irk i/ fjzws pr?o np i[rK goizs c/o Gt/Irk nihi s{z..
j'fJ fBopk; fp;okw GrtKB dk; ekoB G[nkbh ikD pk;Bk jh phi s{z.. 352..
Kabit – Utam sareer ih maanas churaasee bich kadar pachhaan kar kanm na gleej tooÆ.
Booha ih nakaal da hai akheeaaÆ na mee¢ langh jojnaaÆ da bhula aaiaaÆ upar daleej tooÆ.
Saar naheen laveÆga je himmat bagair ab jugaaÆ parjant pher bhavenga ajeej tooÆ.
Hoe nirbaas bisraam Bhagwaan Daas kaaran bhuaalee jaaÄ baasna hee beej tooÆ.352.
Word Meaning:- Maanas – man. Gleej – dirty. Nakaal – liberation. Ajeej – dear. Nirbaas – desireless. Bhuaalee – cycle of
eighty four lac species.
Meaning:- Human form is considered superb and superior of the eighty four lac species. While showing respect to

this human form, don’t do bad deeds. This is the last time that you can liberate youself from the cycle of
eighty four lac species. After taking birth in humerous species now you have been rewarded with this
human form. “For several births you became a worm and moth. For severat births you were an elephant,
a fish and deer. For several births you became a bird and a snake. For several you were yoked as a
horse and an ox. In this life meet the Lord of the Universe. This is the last time to meet. After a long time
human body is fashioned.” O my friend ! If in this life you will not try to cross the worldly ocean keeping
alertness then you will wander in eighty four species for millions of years to come. The thoughts of
concepts and misconcepts are the real reason of birth and death again and again. Raja Sahib says in
order to avoid the cycle of birth and death, dispel your intuitions from the beginning.
Explanation:- Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maaroo Raag wich maanukha janam dee visheshta is prakaar biaan karde han :
Lakh chauraaseeh jon sabaaee. MaaÄas kau Prabh dee-ee vaÎiaaee.
Is pau¾ee te jo nor chookai so aae jaae dukh paaida.2. (page 1075.)

English Version:- Out of all the eighty four lakhs of existences the Lord has blessed man with glory.
The man who misses this opportunity, He suffers sorrow of coming and going.

efps.. ikr[ np nkb;hnk T[wo niKJh ikJ/ fjo; iziho Bkb j'fJ fojK pzX s{z..
r/V[ J/j' y[bD dk eo b? T[gkT[ n?;k uwV/ dh e?d fis gt/I BIjh nzX s{z..
;rb wB'oE fwNkfJ ws J/e cV[ fdb ~ NekfJ ub[ nkocK d/ gzX s{z..
owi gSkD fJT[I BdKB GrtKB dk; y'i y[d o{g o'e pk;Bk dh ;zX s{z.. 353..
Kabit – Jaag ab aalseeaa umar ajaaÆee jaae hirs janjeer naal hoe rihaaÆ bandh tooÆ.
Ge¾ eho khulaÄ da kar lai upaao aisa cham¾e dee kaid jit paveÆ nahee andh tooÆ.

Sagal manorth mi¢aae mat ek fa¾ dil nooÆ takaae chal aarfaaÆ de pandh tooÆ.
Ramj pachhaaÄ ioÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas khoj khud roop rok baasna dee sandh tooÆ.353.
Word Meaning:- Aalseeaa – lazy. Hirs – lust. Cham¾e dee kaid – prison of human body. Pandh – way. Sandh – bonds.
Ramaj – mystery.
Meaning:- Tied with the door of ardent desire, abandoning lazyness, awake from the sound sleep of worldly
attachment as your life is passing uselessly. There is only one time to get liberation of the death and birth
again and again. So try to make yourself free from the prison of the body. “You long for the next world,
but you do not turn your face backward. Make yourself fruitful this very time and you shall not be born
again.” Raja Sahib says that foresake your all false aims and after enjoying the company of saintly
persons, recite the Name of God. Knowing this secret, try to control your sensual desires so that you
may attain the divine enlightenment.353.

efps.. d/y Uj' B{o[ fijdk e[b j? ij{o[ osh oj/ Bk cs{o ikD bt/I i/ ji{o s{z..
;hBk j't/ ;od BK dod pekfJ oj/ rod rtkfJ j'fJ oj/I Gog{o[ s{z..
wB ws u{o eo soe ro{o c/o BIjh fes/ d{o j?I wkw{o w;j{o s{z..
by/I nkg e' jh nkg i/ BdKB GrtKB dk; ig/I i/ nikg ikg B/fj gkg j?I io{o s{.z . 354..
Kabit – Dekh oho noor jihda kul hai jahoor ratee rahe na fatoor jaaÄ laveÆ je hajoor tooÆ.
Seena hove sard na dard bakaae rahe gard gavaae hoe raheÆ bharpoor tooÆ.
Man mat choor kar tark garoor pher nahee kite door haiÆ maamoor mashoor tooÆ.
LakheÆ aap ko hee aap je nadaan Bhagwaan Daas japeÆ je ajaap jaap neh paap haiÆ jaroor tooÆ.354.
Word Meaning:- Jahoor – manifest. Fatoor – disorder. Sard – peaceful. Gard gwaae – wash impurity of your mind.

Maamoor – rich. Neh paap – sinless.

Meaning:- See in all the light of one God. Then in your mind there will not remain disorder of any type and you will
see the God. Then your mind will become peaceful and all your pains will vanish. The impurity of your
mind will be washed and you will be filled with everlasting bliss and enjoyment. Abandon the sensual
desires of your mind and foresaking conceitedness you will get the prosperity and high position of the
Name of God. Raja Sahib says recognise your innerself and with in eternal soul, you will get the silent
meditation and then certainly you will become sinless.354.

efps.. fposh fpjkok eko ikD d/j ishw np j'j BK nbE ;[X nkgD/ b? xo dh..
ekokroh pkji w[y ekoB c;kT[dk j? w'y; ;o{gk eko fposh j? eodh..
p'J/I pk;Bk eoho Skgk br/rk ;oho j'J/I g[i dbrho ohs geV/I i/ yodh..
okj iKtdh tbkfJ rb gkJ/I GrtkB dk; d; yK BdKB s/ok e"D[ pD{ dodh.. 355..
Kabit – Birtee bihaara kaar jaaÄ deh jateem ab hoh na alath sudh aapÄe lai ghar dee.
Karagaree baahj mukh kaarn fasauda hai mokhas saroopa kaar birtee hai kardee.
BoeÆ baasna kareer chhapa lagega sareer hoeÆ puj dalgeer reet pak¾eÆ je khardee.
Raah jaavndee valaae gal paaeÆ Bhagwaan Daas das khaaÆ nadaan tera kauÄ baÄoo dardee.355.
Word Meaning:- Bihaara kaar – worldly affairs. Jateem – orphan. Mokhas saroopa – liberated one. Khardee – donkey.
Meaning:- To adopt a worldly tendency is just to punish our own body. As there is no master of this body.
Concentrating your all thoughts and tendencies see your innermost soul. The outwardly shrewdness is
just to bond the animate and intuition tendency becomes the reason of the liberation under the influence
of sinful desires, a man does bad deeds, which become the main reason of the bodily punishments. You
will be very grieved by doing works like donkeys. Raja Sahib says that if man himself becomes the prey

of calamity, tell me then who will be his sympathiser.355.

Explanation:- Jis parkar gadha suaah wich le¢ke khush hunda hai, makhee gandgee te bai¢h ke khush hai, haathee
ishnaan karke sir suaah pa lainda hai, es taraaÆ bande nooÆ satsang changa nahee lagda, te saare
kanm phasaÄ wale hee karda hai:
Gadho chandan khauleeai bhee saahoo sio paaÄ. (page 790.)

English Version:- If a donkey be plastered with sandal paste, he will still roll with dust.
Maakhi chandan parharai jah bigandh tah jaae. (page 1368.)

English Version:- The fly forsakes sandal and goes there where is an evil odour.

efps.. d/y ;z;ko fJj[ n;s j? n;ko[ eo[ fJ; dh puko BIjh c;[ ;[s Bko w/I.
e{V dk fpjko e'Jh dzw dh ybko BK ntodk r[iko :ko fus eo jko w/I.
pkih ikJ/I ihs gogzu ;/ nshs j'fJ eo/I i/ pshs goshs fBokeko w/I.
gkJ/I efbnkD si Jhoyk BdKB n?;/ dk; GrtKB oj/I n;b nuko w/I.. 356..
Kabit – Dekh sansaar ih ast hai asaar kar is dee bachaar nahee fas sut naar meÆ.
Koo¾ da bihaar kooee danm dee khalaar na awarda gujaar yaar chit kar haar meÆ.
Baajee jaaeÆ jeet parpanch se ateet hoe kareÆ je bateet parteet nirakaar meÆ.
PaaeÆ kaliaaÄ taj eerkha nadaan aise daas Bhagwaan raheÆ asal achaar meÆ.356.
Word Meaning:- Ast – false, illusion. Asaar – mortal. Awarda – age. Achaar – welfare.
Meaning:- Knowing that this world is just an illusion, don’t be engrossed in the love of wife and sons. Know it firmly
that you have to leave this world after facing defeat in the game. Don’t waste your life in false works.
Renunciating this world spend your life in the love of one formless Almighty. Then you will won the game

of this human birth. Keep your character pure, never keep jealousy or enmity with any body. Raja Sahib
says that this is the best way of liberation.356.
Explanation:- Upar dase ih guÄ satsang ate sat purshaaÆ dee sangat duaara praapat hunde han. Guru Arjan Dev Ji
kaan¾a Raag wich is taraaÆ dasde han:
Kaan¾a Mehla 5.
Bisar gaee sabh taat praaee.
Jab te saadhsangat mohe paaee.1. Rahaao.
Na ko bairee nahee bigaana sagal sang ham ko ban aaee.1.
Jo Prabh keeno so bhal maanio eh sumat sadhoo te paaee.2.
Sabh meh rav rahiaa Prabh ekai pekh pekh Nanak vigsaaee.3.8. (page 1299.)

English Version:- Since the time I have attained the society of saints, I have altogether forgotten to be jealous of others.
No one now is my enemy, nor is any one stranger to me and I am the friend of all.
Whatever Lord does, that I deem as good.
This sublime wisdom I have obtained from the saints.
Amongest all, the one Lord is pervading, seeing and beholding Him, Nanak is greatly pleased.3.8.

efps.. ish fit/I Bko ;/ nshs fiT[I fpjko ;/ fsT[I Gi s{z peko ;/ s/ gzuB eh pzX ;/..
e[ozr fit/I ;/o ;/ fiT[I ni j? px/o ;/ fsT[I vo i{Bh c/o ;/ u[ok;h tkb/ czX ;/..
p?;B' fiT[I Bhu ;/ S[ehB fit/I ehu ;/ fsT[I pu[ gzu phu ;/ nfrnkB o{g nzX ;/..
dk; GrtKB M{mk ikD e/ ijKB eo ;u dk fXnkB pu e{V ;BpzX ;/.. 357..

Kabit – Jatee jiven naar se ateet jioÆ bihaar se tion bhaj tooÆ bakaar se te panchan kee bandh se.
Kurang jiveÆ ser se jion aj hai bagher se tioÆ Îar joonee pher se churaasee waale fandh se.
Baisno jioÆ neech se chhukeen jiveÆ keech se tioÆ bach panch beech se agiaan roop andh se.
Daas Bhagwaan jhoo¢ha jaaÄ ke jahaan kar sach da dhiaan bach koo¾ sanbandh se.357.
Word Meaning:- Panchan – five demons, lust, wrath, etc. Bagher – wolf. Kurang – deer. Aj – goat.
Meaning:- As a celibate hesitates to go near a women, as a recluse fears to indulge in worldly affairs, in the similar
way o man ! save yourself from five demons i.e. lust, wrath, worldly attachment, avarice and ego. As
deer fears from lion, goat fears from wolf, similarly o man ! have a fear in your mind from the cycle of
eighty four lakh species. A man who wears beautiful clothes, fears of the dust, as a man who keeps
purity, fears to have the company of bad man, in the similar way you should fear from the five demons
and darkness of ignorance. Raja Sahib says that considering this world false, meditate on formless true
God and avoid the company of falsehood.357.
Explanation:- Jatee, ateet, kurang, aj, vaishnav, shukeen deeaaÆ udaahrnaaÆ de ke manukh nooÆ inhaaÆ panjaaÆ
vikaaraaÆ toÆ bachan da updesh dinde han.

efps.. dkd cfonkd BIjh nkg fpB ;[Ddk e' fe; ~ ;[DktK jkb[ wB B/ jZk wkfonk..
fiB; pehwsh dk bfdnk ijki[ w/ok Sj donk ftu X'yk d/ e/ vkfonk..
oyK B be'fJ w? g[ekodk jK G[ik eY Bc; d/ X'y/ w{b[ nKJh BK fgnkfonk..
dzw s/ dbhb fJe j'fJ GrtKB dk; v[pdk ijki[ fe;/ fJ; fpX skfonk.. 358..
Kabit – Daad fariaad nahee aap bin suÄda ko kis nooÆ suÄaavaaÆ haal man ne haa maariaa.
Jins bkeemtee da ladiaa jahaaj mera chhah dariaa vich dhokha de ke daariaa.

RakhaaÆ na lakoe mai pukaarda haaÆ bhuja kaÎh nafas de dhokhe mool aaee na piaariaa.
Danm te daleel ik hoe Bhagwaan Daas Îubda jahaaj kise is bidh taariaa.358.
Word Meaning:- Jins bkeemtee – priceless breath. Chhah daraa – this mortal world. Nafas – mind.
Meaning:- O my God ! Without You no one hears my hue and cry. To whom should I tell ? My mind has draged me
into great troubles. My body consisting of priceless breaths, has been entangled into waves of desires
and demands. Now I say again and again raising my hands high that o my friend ! Don’t follow your mind.
Raja Sahib says that there is only one way to cross this worldly ocean. Please control your wavering

efps.. pr ojh tkT[ n?;h wkfJnk d/ ;[GkT[ eo j'tD NekT[ BIjh d/t/ fJ; fizd dk..
fsqB d/ tKr wB noX s/ ikJ/ eGh T[oX e' ukok BIjh ubdk j? g[oy gfozd dk..
uZeo d/ fpu'I fpX fBebB/ tkbh y{p[ j'j s{z nv'b cV dKwB r'fpzd dk..
B/e j?I B;hp j'fJ ;o's GrtKB dk; nk;ok nub Bk p;kj[ eo fwzd dk.. 359..
Kabit – Bag rahee vaao aisee maaiaa de subhaao kar hovaÄ ¢kaao nahee deve is jind da.
Trin de vaang man ardh te jaae kabhee urdh ko chaara nahee chalda hai purkh parind da.
Chakar de bichoÆ bidh nikalne vaalee khoob hoh tooÆ aÎol pha¾ daaman gobind ka.
Nek haiÆ naseeb hoe sarot Bhagwaan daas aasra achal na bsaah kar mind da.359.
Word Meaning:- Trin – grass. Ardh – under. Urdh – upper. Parind – bird. Adol – without wavering. Daaman – skirt. Sarot –
source. Achal – constant.
Meaning:- Due to influence of mammon, such an air of concepts and options has been blowing that mind does not
find its real abode. “At times, the mind roars high up and at times it falls to the nether regions. The greedy

remains not steady and searches for wealth etc. in the all the four directions.” This animate is just like a
bird. The mind flies it in different directions, the animate has become helpless. The only way to come out
of this whirl wind is that man should take the shelter of Almighty God. “None can keep him in bondage
who is attached to the skirt of God, the friend.” The men having good luck hear the praises of God. Raja
Sahib says, “You can not rely on the span of your life, therefore take the shelter of God forever.359.

efps.. w'wB T[gkT[ BIjh w'w fdb j'tD/ ~ nkii ;sktD/ d/ fpu T[gokbwh..
ofynk jbkb Bkw wkfonk r[Bkj fpB ekco e;kJh s?I ;[GkT[ cV ikbwh..
nkydK ;tkp[ fe; ;{os p/gho p'b fbfynk e[okB w/I feopb j? nkbwh..
bZis gf;zd j[D eo/I GrtKB dk; d'iy dh Gkj iK ibkt/ eo/I wkbwh.. 360..
Kabit – Moman upaao nahee mom dil hovÄe nooÆ aajaj sataavÄe de bich upralamee.
Rakhiaa halaal naam maariaa gunaah bin kaafar kasaaee taiÆ subhaao fa¾ jaalmee.
AakhdaaÆ swaab kis soorat bepeer bol likhiaa kuraan meÆ kirbal hai aalmee.
Lajat pasand huÄ kareÆ Bhagwaan Daas dojakh dee bhaah jaaÆ jalaave kareÆ maalmee.360.
Word Meaning:- Upraalmee – enterprize. Halaal – to kill an animal after reciting Kalma. Swaab – virtuous action. Kirbal
aalmee – Mohammed Sahib. Lajat pasand – who likes tasteful food. Bhaah – fire. Maalmee – you will
know it.
Meaning:- O Muslim ! You have not tried to become kind hearted, but show great excitement and enthusiam to kill
the innocent animals. Without their any sin or fault you place your dagger on the neck of innocent
animals and after cutting the animals, you call it Halaal. You are doing a work of atheists, but you are
calling yourself as moman and you have adopted the nature of cruelty. O man without Guru ! How do you
call this act as virtuous. It means you have not believed the Kalma of Quran. Raja Sahib says due to

taste of your tongue you cut the throat of innocent creatures. When you burn in the fire of hell, then you
will realise.360.

efps.. fd;dk y[d BIjh j'o[ fdbdko fes/ ;kps iK j'fJnk j? sK ikfDnk fpnkB s/..
gho s/ g?rzpo psKtd/ dB fJj f;nkj or[ Bidhe op ;kps e[oKB s/..
n?;k j?I p/dhB p/JhwkB s{z jokwy'o wkodk j?I iht fcokT{B c[owKB s/..
d[y Bk gokfJnk j[D :kd GrtKB dk; ikD/rk do[;s iK nKD pD/ ikB s/.. 361..
Kabit – Disda khud nahee hor dildaar kite saabat jaaÆ hoiaa hai taaÆ jaaÄiaa biaan te.
Peer te paigambar bataavande dan ih siaah rag najdeek rab saabat kuraan te.
Aisa haiÆ bedeen be-eemaan tooÆ haraamkhor maarda haiÆ jeev phiraoon furmaan te.
Dukh na praaiaa huÄ yaad Bhagwaan Daas jaaÄega drust jaaÆ aan baÄe jaan te.361.
Word Meaning:- Saabat – to prove true. Siaahrag – vein to breathe. Phiraaoon – atheist.
Meaning:- The kuraan, peers, prophets and wisemen say that our beloved even nearer than the vein of breath. O
man ! you are such dishonest, treacherous, atheist, infidel and irreligious that disobeying the orders of
God you kill the animates. You don’t feel the pain of the others. Raja Sahib says, “You will realise this
pain, when your own life would be in danger.”361.
Explanation:- Lok aapÄeeaaÆ dharm pustkaaÆ de aslee bhaav nooÆ nahee samjhde han. Muslmaan kurbaanee ute
jor dinde han ki je murgee maarn vele kalma pa¾ee-e taaÆ murgee halaal ho jaandee hai. Jo Allah sabh
thaaÆ hai te murgee vich bhee hai, phir murgee nooÆ kioÆ maarde han. Kabir Ji is baare likhde han :
Parbhaate Kabir Ji kee.
Bed kateb kahoh mat jhoo¢he jhoo¢ha jo na bichaarai.

Jau sabh meh ek khudaae kahat hau tau kio murgee maare.1.
MulaaÆ kahoh niaao khudaaee. Tere man ka bharm na jaaee.1. Rahaao.
Pakar jeeo aaniaa deh binaasee maa¢ee kau bismil keeaa.
Jot saroop anaahat laagee kauh halaal kiaa keeaa.2.
Kiaa ujoo paak keeaa muh dhoiaa kiaa maseet sir laaiaa.
Jau dil meh kapa¢ niwaaj gujaaroh kia Haj kaabe jaaiaa.3.
TooÆ napaak paak nahee soojhiaa tis ka marm na jaaniaa.
Keh Kabir bhist te chooka dojak sio man maaniaa.4.4. (page 1350.)

English Version:- Say not that the Vedas and Muslim books are false.
False is he, who reflects not on them. When you say that one God abides in all then why you kill a
hen?.1. O Mullah ! Tell us, if this is the God’s justice. You mind doubt has not dispelled.1. Pause.
You seize and bring a living being and kill its body. You have merely killed the clay and not the soul. The
imperishable soul attaches to an other’s body. Then tell me what have you slaughtered?.2.
And what is use of the purification of your hands feet and mouth and washing of your face and what is
use of your head’s prostration in the mosque. What avails you the prayer, you say and go to the
pilgrimage of Mecca when there is malice in your mind ?.3.
You are impure, therefore you do not understand the pure Lord. His mystery you do not know.
Kabir says, you have missed the paradise and your soul is reconciled with hell.4.4.

efps.. pkcoh i/ eo/I sK T[mkJ/I B[e;KB pj[ pkcoh d/ i/v e'Jh j'o Bk r[Bkj j?..
u"dK jh spe fpu ikfJ jo ib gt/ d[yh j'fJ iht id'I wko/ mzvh nkj j?..
bkjBs ek s"e rb gt/ w{zj ekbk j'fJ ;qw T[mkJ/I id'I eo/I s{z Brkj j?..
we/ eo/I jZi i/ jiKo tko ikfJ eo dk; GrtKB BIjh py;/ nbkj j?.. 362..

Kabit – Baafree je kareÆ taaÆ u¢haaeÆ nuksaan bauh baafree de jeÎ koee hor na gunaah hai.
ChaudaaÆ hee tabak bich jaae har jal pave dukhee hoe jeev jadoÆ maare ¢hanÎee aah hai.
Laahnat ka tauk gal pave mooh kaala hoe sarm u¢haaeÆ jadoÆ kareÆ tooÆ nagaah hai.
Make kareÆ Hajj je hajaar vaar jaae kar daas Bhagwaan nahee bakhse Allaah hai.362.
Word Meaning:- Baafree – excess, offence. Harjal – strife. Aah – sigh. Sarm – ashamed. Tauk – chain.
Meaning:- If you adopt offensive behaviour with any creature then you suffer a great loss, as there is no sin greater
than excess or offence. Seven skies and seven nether regions feel perturbation and tumult; when the
innocent creature sighs due to severe pain. You will wear a chain of curses in your neck and your face
would be blackened and you have to feel mortification and humiliation, though you may have gone to
Mecca thousand times for pilgrimage. Raja Sahib says, “True God will never pardon you.”362.
Explanation:- Sabhna man maaÄik ¢haahaÄ mool machaangva.
Je tau pireeaa dee sik hiaao na ¢haahe kahee da.130 (Page 1384.)
English Version:- Precious like jewels are minds of all. To hurt them is not at all good. If you desire your Beloved, then do
not hurt any one’s heart.

efps.. d'iy w/ vkbs j?I nkg e' ijkbs ;/ gkbs j?I Bc; fJj eos e[eki s{z..
wkBs ;?skB e' Bk ikBs ojwkB e' Bk ezw fJB;KB e' i[ ykfJ fojK yki s{z..
oph ;{os ~ GzBdk s/ wzBdk j?I nkgDh ~ T[xV fJj ikT{ i' pDkfJ p?mK gki s{z..
fenkws ek o'i ni/ f;o GrtkB dk; ekdo p;ko[ BK p/;ow Bbki s{.z . 363..
Kabit – Dojakh me Îaalat haiÆ aap ko jahaalat se paalat haiÆ nafas ih kart kukaaj tooÆ.
Maanat saitaan ko na jaanat rehmaan ko na kanm insaan ko ju khaae rihaaÆ khaaj tooÆ.

Rabee soorat nooÆ bhanda te manda haiÆ aapÄee nooÆ ugha¾ ih jaaoo jo baÄaae bai¢haaÆ paaj tooÆ.
Kiaamat ka roj aje sir Bhagwaan daas kaadar basaar na besarm nalaaj tooÆ.363.
Word Meaning:- Jahaalat – lazyness. Nafas – greed. Kukaaj – sin. Saitaan – mammon. Rehmaan – God. Khaaj –
eatable. Paaj – hypocrisy, falsehood. Kiaamat – dooms day.
Meaning:- O foolish atheist ! You have been working according the will of your mind; it will push you in the hell. You
are the worshiper of mammon and have forgotten the blessed God. To eat meat is not the habit of men,
it is the food of prey animals. You are maintaining your body by destroying the creatures of the God.
Your this hypocrisy will manifest one day. Raja Sahib says, “O shameless and foolish man! your dooms
day is ahead, don’t forget the Lord of nature, the creature.363.

efps.. w[or Bk wko BIjh j'J/Irk y[nko gfjb/ rZb e' puko fJjB{ fe;dk jh ;kfJnk j?..
fro/tKB nkgD/ w/ nkg w[{j gkfJ eo ;wM e/ d/y o{j fe; B/I pBkfJnk j?..
J/e j? oche Bjh d{;ok ;ohe fij ikD b? sjehe ;'Jh ;op ;wkfJnk j?..
y[dh eo soe Bk roe ro{o w/ s{z dk; GrtKB fJjBk i?i c[o[wkfJnk j?.. 364..
Kabit – Murg na maar nahee hoeÆga khuaar pehle gal ko bachaar ihnoo kisda hee saaiaa hai.
Girewaan aapÄe me aap mooh paae kar samjh ke dekh rooh kis ne banaaiaa hai.
Ek hai rafeek nahee doosra sareek jih jaaÄ lai tehkeek soee sarb smaaiaa hai.
Khudee kar tark na gark garoor me tooÆ daas Bhagwaan ihna jaij furmaaiaa hai.364.
Word Meaning:- Saaiaa – shelter, support. Girewaan – collar of a shirt. Rafeek – dear. Sareek – equal. Tehkeek – in
reality. Khudee – ego. Jaij – right.
Meaning:- Don’t kill the cock, you will have to face many troubles. First think in your mind, who has made the cock

and whose hand is on his head. Think analytically and with deep concentration that who is maker of the
soul? There is only One God, no one is equal to Him, He is pervading everywhere. Raja Sahib says,
“Abandon your ego, don’t sink in the ocean of conceitedness, all saints certify that egoist cannot attain
the God.364.

efps.. nkge' gSkD eo fje dk Bk skD BK e;{s/ n?; wkD fJj ikD fdB uko e/..
ykJ/I w[odko BIjh ;{s fptjko fJj[ wbB njko efjd/ nkoc g[eko e/..
eo/I ;' gf;zd i'Jh fBzdB w/ fBzd BIjh ezpdh j? fizd n?;/ yki e' fBjko e/..
wkBI;h uo{zv bhs/ jZv GrtKB dk; rhoM s/ eke nXekoh ;h njko e/.. 365..
Kabit – Aap ko pachhaaÄ kar hik da na taaÄ na kasoote aise maan ih jaaÄ din chaar ke.
KhaaeÆ murdaar nahee soot bivhaar ih malan ahaar kehde aarf pukaar ke.
KareÆ so pasand joee nindan me nind nahee kanbdee hai jind aise khaaj ko nihaar ke.
Maansee charoonÎ leete haÎÎ Bhagwaan Daas geerjh te kaak adhkaaree se ahaar ke.365.
Word Meaning:- Hik da na taaÄ – forcefully. Murdaar – dead body. Soot biwhaar – not a good work. Malan ahaar – dirty
food. Nihaarke – seeing. Kaak – crow.
Meaning:- All the enjoyments and merrymakings of this world are short lived and they are very misfit and difficult.
Knowing yourself, don’t kill the innocent and tongueless creatures. Eating morally wrong and religiously
prohibited articles is equal to eating of dead bodies. Eating of meat is equal to eating of dirt or
excrement. The saints and men of God say such words. The meal, the sight of which makes the man
tremble, is condemnable. Why you like such food? You, being a human, scrape or cut with teeth the
bones of animals and consume that food; which is the food of vultures, crows and dogs.365.

efps.. iKBto" e/ J/j eKw i'Jh eo/I ;oj nKw fJj s' ykDk j? joKw d/y eoe/ fpp/e sK..
geV e/ eod p/dod prKtdk j?I BIjh g[o dod iK wod Bk B/e sK..
wkodk j? G'o ewi'o dk Bk i'o j'o ;[De/ Gh ;'o gt/ ekbi/ Bk S/e sK..
eo eo ipk y[S spk GrtKB dk; gt/ id'I f;o sd'I br/ e/jk ;/e sK.. 366..
Kabit – JaanvaroÆ ke eh kaam joee kareÆ sarah aam ih to khaaÄa hai haram dekh karke bibek taaÆ.
Paka¾ ke kard bedard bagaanvada haiÆ nahee pur dard jaaÆ mard na nek taaÆ.
Maarda hai bhor kamjor da na jor hor suÄke bhee sor pave kaalje na chhek taaÆ.
Kar kar jaba khuchh taba Bhagwaan Daas pave jadoÆ sir tadoÆ lage keha sek taaÆ.366.
Word Meaning:- Jaanvar – senseless. Bibek – knowledge. Pur dard – very painful. Kaalje chhek – much painful. Jaba –
to cut the throat. Khuchh taba – happiness of mind. Pave jadoÆ sir – when it falls on one’s own head.
Meaning:- He is doing the work of fools and senseless animals without any fear. But he does not understand that
use of meat is not suitable for consumption. He applies the dagger on the throat of animals with great
brutality. If you have no pity in your heart, then you can’t be called a human being. You are killing those
animals, who are weak and living at your mercy. Hearing their noise you never feel compassionate and
take mercy. Raja Sahib says, “Now cutting the throat of these innocent animals you feel very happy, but
when you yourself will fall in the jaws of death, then you will realise the importance of life.366.

efps.. iKB eo/ epi cfo;sk iK nkfJ eo ikD sd'I fBeb fJj u"VK ;G s/ohnK..
ukVe/ f;ezi/ id'I wbe wo'Vk d/t/ j'fJ eo e?b eo/ fwBsK pE/ohnK..
e"D eo/ dod iK nkg jh p/ dod j?I o{j j't/ fgzi ;ik ;ys pX/ohnK..
pio jh r[oi BdKB GrtKB dk; p/bk oy[ :kd eo[ n?v Bk d[b/ohnK.. 367..

Kabit – Jaan kare kabaj farista jaaÆ aae kar jaaÄ tadoÆ nikal ih chau¾aaÆ sabh tereeaaÆ.
Chaa¾ke sikanje jadoÆ malak maro¾a deve hoe kar kail kare mintaaÆ bathereeaaÆ.
KauÆ kare dard jaaÆ aap hee bedard haiÆ rooh hove pinj saja sakhat badhereeaaÆ.
Bajar hee gurj nadaan Bhagwaan Daas bela rakh yaad kar aiÎ na dulereeaaÆ.367.
Word Meaning:- Kabaj – control, gripped. Pinj – troubled. Bajar – bajar of Inder. Gurj – a weapen of Angel of death.
Meaning:- When the angel of death will hold you in his grip then all your arrogance will vanish. When hard handed
angels placing you on the snare twist you with their hands then you will entreat very humbly to pardon.
When you are merciless then who will take pity on you. The hard punishments of angels are endless.
Raja Sahib says, “Now becoming fearless you have been showing your conceitedness, but the day will
come when mace of angels like the bajjar of Inder will beat you mercilessly.367.

efps.. Sv iktDk ijKB j'fJ ikDk p/ BSKB iKB eoe/ r[wKB jfofri BK jzekohJ/..
B/eh jh ewkJhJ/ c/o ts BIjh nkJhJ/ ip gkJhJ/ ehsk nkgDk sK y{B feT[I r[ikohJ/..
;'u eo jZe bZe pzBhJ/ p/;Ze gogZe BK BjZe uZe iht T[m wkohJ/..
ekoB s/ cb gjb/ d/y GrtKB dk; fgS'I eo ekoi i' dork BK jkohJ/.. 368..
Kabit – ChhaÎ jaavÄa jahaan hoe jaaÄa be nachhaan jaan karke gumaan hargij na hankaaree-e.
Nekee hee kamaaee-e pher vat nahee aaee-e jab paaee-e keeta aapÄa taaÆ khoon kioÆ gujaaree-e.
Soch kar Hakk lakk banee-e besak parpak na nhak chakk jeev u¢h maaree-e.
Kaarn te phal pehle dekh Bhagwaan Daas pichhoÆ kar kaarj jo darga na haree-e.368.
Word Meaning:- Parpak – in a permanent way. Kaarn – to do any work.
Meaning:- We have to leave this world and to become baseless. We should not feel proud of worldly articles. When

we have to suffer consequences of our deeds done in this world, then why should we kill the innocent
and tongueless animates. But we should do good works in this world. We should understand that we will
not get this human form again. We should analyse the reality of truthfulness and falsehood and
ultimately should adopt truthfulness and should avoid the killings of the animals. Before performing any
duty we should understand the result of that work. Raja Sahib says, “Don’t do such a work, due to which
we may face defeat in the next world.368.
Explanation:- Is aashe nooÆ aapÄee baaÄee wich Farid Ji is taraaÆ biaan karde han :
Boleeai sach dharm jhoo¢h na boleeai. Jo Gur dasai vaa¢ mureeda joleeai.
Sekh haiyaatee jag na koee thir raih-aa. Jis aasaÄ ham bai¢he kete bais gaiaa.
(Page 488.)
English Version:- Tell the truth on solemn affirmation and do not speak falsehood.
The disciple should adopt the path, which the Guru points out.
O Sheikh no one’s life remains permanent in this world.
The seat where we sit now, good many did sit on it and have departed.

efps.. fisBh u[ok;h ck;h Bk;h Bk ybk;h fpu f;fo f;fodko Bo Bko B fJT[I ejhJ/..
j'ts wjKB Gkt Xow gSKB iKB Xhoi fXnKB n?;/ wow e' bjhJ/..
nkii fBskD/I BIjh wkohJ/ XrkD/I fJT[I nkyd/ f;nkD/I BK fJnkD/ pD ojhJ/..
ehihJ/ gBkj j't/ tkj GrtKB dk; g/; BIjh ikJ/ sK nbZr j'fJ pjhJ/.. 369..
Kabit – Jitnee churaasee faasee naasee na khalaasee bich sir sirdaar nar naar na ioÆ kahee-e.
Hovat mahaan bhaav dharm pachhaan jaan dheeraj dhiaan aise marm ko lahee-e.

Aaajaj nitaaÄeÆ nahee maaree-e dhagaaÄeÆ ioÆ aakhde siaaÄeÆ na iaaÆe baÄ rehee-e.
Keejee-e panaah hove vaah Bhagwaan daas pes nahee jaae taaÆ alag hoe bahee-e.369.
Word Meaning:- Sirdar – human form. Marm – secret. NitaaneÆ – weak. DhagaaÄeÆ – powerful. Panaah – shelter.
Meaning:- All men and women say that human form is superb of all species. “Other creatures are your water
carriers. In this world you is the sovereignty.” Remaining eighty four lakh species are perishable. Only
human form saves the soul from rebirth. Therefore concentrating your mind, think about the human
religion, due to which you have taken birth in this world. Calmly and silently know the reality. Wise men
say that never show cruelness towards the weak and feeble. Once knowing the reality don’t ignore it. If
it is possible for you then become the shelter of the shelterless. Raja Sahib says, where it is beyond your
reach, ignore it.369.

efps[.. pDhJ/ nkikd fdb;kd popkd j'fJ gkthJ/ i" dkd s" npkd jh ojkJhJ/..
d/yhJ/ r[fb;sK dwkr e' p/dkr eo j'fJ pkr pkr w"i p';sK eh gkJhJ/..
bkfJ weKB e/ w[ekw go y/bhJ/ ik B{o tkb/ u;w/ ;j{o f;T[I BkJhJ/..
ghJ/ nkp fjnks sK BdkB GrtKB dk; j'fJ e/ p/iks fpu iks d/ ;wkJhJ/.. 370..
Kabit – BaÄee-e aajaad dilsaad barbaad hoe paavee-e jau daad tau abaad hee rahaaee-e.
Dekhee-e gulstaaÆ damaag ko bedaag kar hoe baag baag mauj bostaaÆ kee paaee-e.
Laae makaan ke mukaam par khelee-e ja noor waale chasme sahoor sioÆ naaee-e.
Pee-e aab hiaat taaÆ nadaan Bhagwaan daas hoe ke bejaat bich jaat de samaaee-e.370.
Word Meaning:- Dilsaad – happiness of heart. Daad – blessings. Gulstaan – garden. BostaaÆ – flower garden.
Mukaam – abode. Noor – light. Jaat – caste of God.

Meaning:- When losing each and everything, we become free then we get the happiness of our heart. The blessing
of One formless Almighty is real habitation. “Efface your ownself and then you shall obtain the groom.
What can other cleverness avail? The day when the spouse looks with grace is of signal account and
bride obtains the nine treasures.” If we making our mind pure roam in the flower garden then our heart
blossoms, as there we get the fragrance of God’s Name. When we attain the fourth and final stage of
spiritual quietude and beatitude where on all sides there is light and light there we bathe ourselves
thoroughly. Raja Sahib says abandon the ego of high caste, you can drink the nectar of bliss only
absorbing yourself in the caste of the Lord.370.

efps.. ebwk ej[ nKw BIjh fi;w/I ebkw yKw ;u[ tkbk Bkw Uj ig nkm ikw s{z..
oj/ BIjh fceo j? fieo i[nKB n?;k fdro Bk ijK sjK eo b? w[ekw s{z..
nkoc'I e/ p'b i[ nw'b nkp fjnks ;w M'b eo/ B'; gkJ/I nip nokw s{z..
ebk jh ;/ ebwk BdKB GrtKB dk; ebk e' gSkD eo eo fp;oKw s{z.. 371..
Kabit – Kalma kauh aam nahee jismeÆ kalaam khaam sach waala naam oh jap aa¢h jaam tooÆ.
Rahe nahee fikar hai jikar juaan aisa digar na jahaaÆ tahaaÆ kar lai mukaam tooÆ.
AarfoÆ ke bol jo amol aab hiaat sam jhol kare nos paaeÆ ajab araam tooÆ.
Kala hee se kalma nadaan Bhagwaan Daas kala ko pachhaaÄ kar kar bisraam tooÆ.371.
Word Meaning:- Khaam – temporary, worthless. Digar – another. Kala – power. Bisraam – rest.
Meaning:- Don’t utter worthless words, recite the Name of true God for twenty four hours. As Guru Nanak Dev ji
says, “Nanak by speaking dryly, the soul and body become dry. He is called the most evil of the evil and
most evil is this reputation.” Make your abode such a place where there is no worry. As Bhagat Ravidas
has described about such a sorrowless place.

“Sorrowless is the name of the town, at that place there is no pain or worry. There is no fear of tax of
goods. Neither awe, nor error, nor dread nor decline is there.”
There you will get wonderful spiritual happiness. If you will keep the words of Godly people in your heart,
which are very precious and are like nectar, then your own words, will become precious and powerful.
Raja Sahib says, “Recognising such a powerful saintly person, we get the spiritual happiness and
everlasting bliss.371.
Explanation:- Is uparle kabit wich Guru de bachan dee shaktee dasde han ki jinaaÆ ne Guru de bachan dee kamaaee
keetee uh aapne wich sama gae.

efps.. d/y' eh f;sw eo f;swro f;sw n?;/ e?;/ oy G/s fpu G/s d/ ;wkfJnk j?.
e[dos eko fJj ou r[biko j'fJ ;op nXko nkg nkge' SgkfJnk j?.
nkcskp s/ w?jskp w/I Gh nkp do nkp j? ;' e[b eh gBkj j'fJ e[b do;kfJnk j?.
r[o B/ fdykfJnk n?B r?B w/ ;p{s[ eo dk; GrtKB sKjh n?;/ ;[y[ gkfJnk j?.. 372..
Kabit – Dekho kee sitam kar sitamgar sitam aise kaise rakh bhet bich bhet de samaaiaa hai.
Kudrat kaar ih rach guljaar hoe sarb adhaar aap aapko chhapaaiaa hai.
Aaftaab te mehtaab meÆ bhee aab dar aab hai so kul kee panaah hoe kul darsaaiaa hai.
Gur ne dikhaaiaa ain gain me saboot kar daas Bhagwaan taaÆhee aise sukh paaiaa hai.372.
Word Meaning:- Sitam – wonderful. Sitam – cruelty. Sitam – darkness. Aaftaab – sun. Mehtaab – moon. Aab – water.
Gain – sky.
Meaning:- See what a wonderful thing is, after showing cruelty, they are hiding the secret from the Almighty, who
Himself is a wonderful secret. The creator after creating this world, has become the shelter of all; but He
Himself has hidden His form. He has been providing light to sun and moon and making the water hot and

cool, He has become the shelter of all mankind. Raja Sahib says, “When my Guru has shown me the
glimpse of the God, who is pervading everywhere like the sky, since then I have attained the everlasting
bliss and happiness.372.

efps.. gkfJnk ukj/I oZp np jZp ~ rtkfJ Mp J/jh j? ;pZp bZG nkocK dh ukb s{z..
w[;eb jb Bk nib joiZb ;Zb rZb j'fJ ;jb eo/I J/j i/ nwkb s{z..
ihG e' pekT[ BIjh p'bdk brkT[ BIjh j'm coekT[ BIjh j'J/I fi ft;kb s{z..
fJ;e dk toe i/ fwb/ GrtKB dk; gVe/ ;pe c/o gkJ/Irk iwkb s{z.. 373..
Kabit – Paaiaa chaaheÆ rabb ab habb nooÆ gwaae jhab ehee hai sabab labh aarfaaÆ dee chaal tooÆ.
Muskal hal na ajal harjal sal gal hoe sehal kareÆ eh je amaal tooÆ.
Jeebh ko bakaao nahee bolda lagaao nahee ho¢h farkaao nahee hoeÆ je visaal tooÆ.
Isk da wark je mile Bhagwaan Daas pa¾ke sabak pher paaenga jamaal tooÆ.373.
Word Meaning:- Habb – every thing. Ajal – dooms day. Hajal sal – pain of dooms day. Visaal – union. Wark – brightness.
Jamaal – glimpse.
Meaning:- If you want the union with God without anydelay then in the company of saints foresake all your desires,
demands and appetites. After that your all problems will be solved and the fear of death and dooms day
must also vanish; if you actually adopt the path of the saintly persons. Due to silent meditation you need
not to speak. After the union with the beloved God, this situation arises. Raja Sahib says, “If we find the
true Guru, the teacher who teaches true divine love, then we can see the glimpse of the Lord.373.
Explanation:- Jad tak vairaag dee bihbal avastha tak sikh na puje te birhon de athrooaan naal haume dee gurd na dho
deve, darshan nahee ho sakde.373.

efps.. nkoc''I eh ;zrfs w/ nip jh ozrs j? g/y e/ g/;kBh jKBh e'NB phwkoh j?..
B{o dk p?jo nm g?jo jh trdk j? r?jo Bk iKw/ sKw/I b?jo fBnkoh j?..
ghJ/I i/ fgnkbk ;"e tkbk T[finkbk j'fJ oj/I wstkbk BIjh T[so/ y[wkoh j?..
j'fJI i/ B;hp gkJ/I esok jphp sd'I dk; GrtKB fwb/ o[spk fJj Gkoh j?.. 374..
Kabit – AarfoÆ kee sangat me ajab hee rangat hai pekh ke pesaanee haani ko¢an beemaaree hai.
Noor da baihar a¢h paihar hee vagde hai gaihar na jaame taameÆ laihar niaaree hai.
Pee-en je piaala sauk waala ujiaala hoe raheÆ matwaala nahee utre khumaaree hai.
HoeÆ je naseeb paaeÆ katra habeeb tadoÆ daas Bhagwaan mile rutba ih bhaaree hai.374.
Word Meaning:- Pesaanee – forehead. Haanee – demage. Noor – light. Baihar – ocean. Gaihar – filthy. Habeeb – dear.
Meaning:- The company of saints is a wonderful coloured state. Having their glimpse, we are cured of our millions
of diseases. For twenty four hours the recitation of Name continues, of which enjoyment and pleasure
can not be described. If you drink this nectar of love then you will get the innermost enlightenment in your
heart. You will get such intoxication which remains forever. Raja Sahib says, “Only a man with great
good luck gets the supermost position of the love of God.374.
Explanation:- Ishak ik sachee te suchee vastoo hai, te ishak dee khuraak kewal bandgee te simran hai. Jo is ishak de
prem mubaark wich ju¾ gae han, unaaÆ dee taar kade naheen ¢u¢dee.
Bilaawal Mehla 5.
Moo laalan sio preet banee. Rahaao.
Toree na too¢ai chhoree na chho¢ai aisee maadho khinch tanee.1.
dinas rain man maahe basat hai too kar kirpa Prabh apnee.2.
(Page 827.)

English Version:- I have contracted love with my beloved. Pause.

The Lord of wealth has drawn me such a string, that by breaking, it breaks not, and by letting it go, it goes
not. Day and night the Lords abides within my mind. My Master shower you your benediction on me.2.

efps.. xo pB fJe o; j'fJ fBob/g oj/ xN/ BK i/ ;"e j'fJnk ikDhJ/I fBjkb jh.
w?jdh fdnK gfsnK dk n;bk gSkD d/y poyk jiko gt/ ozr Uj' bkb jh.
o'w o'w yus fynkb fpu y[d o{g fJe dzw fprV/ Bk nk;eK dh ukb jh.
gkfJe/ jehes BdKB GrtKB dk; p/gotkfj ofjDk jfo jfo jkb jh.. 375..
Kabit – Ghar ban ik ras hoe nirlep rahe gha¢e na je sauk hoiaa jaÄee-eÆ nihaal hee.
Maihdee diaaÆ patiaaÆ da asla pachhaaÄ dekh barkha hajaar pave rang oho laal hee.
Rom rom khachat khiaal bich khud roop ik danm biga¾e na aaskaaÆ dee chaal hee.
Paaike hakeekat nadaan Bhagwaan Daas beparvaah rehÄa har har haal hee.375.
Word Meaning:- Nirlep – unattached. Hakeekat – reality.
Meaning:- True love always remains delighted, as it does not get itself absorbed in worldly affairs, “True
enlightened man always remains unattached, as the lotus flower remains detached in water.” The
leaves of henna may be washed many times by the rainy water but do not lose their red colour, which is
hidden in these leaves. Raja Sahib says, “Enlightened persons, recognising their origin always remain
delighted and never they depend upon others.375.
Explanation:- Is uparle kabit wich Raja Sahib naam roopee pake laal rang dee mehma dasde han ki jinhaaÆ nooÆ ih
rang cha¾h jaanda hai uh utarda nahee. Gau¾ee raag wich Guru Arjan Dev Ji vee is rang dee mehma is
parkaar likhde han:

Gau¾ee Mehla 5.
Raam rang kade utar na jaae. Gur poora jis de-e bujhaae.1.
Har rang raata so man saacha. Laal rang poorn purkh bidhaata.1. Rahaao.
Santoh sang bais gun gaae. Ta ka rang na utrai jaae.2.
Bin Har simran sukh nahee paaiaa. Aan rang pheeke sabh maaiaa.3.
Gur range se bhae nihaal. Kauh Nanak Gur bhae hai daiaal.4.72.
(Page 194.)
English Version:- Lord’s love never departs, He, whom the perfect Guru instructs and gives receives this love.
The man, who is imbued with God’s affection is true.
The perfect and omnipotent Beloved, the Destiny, Scribe, is all love.1. Pause.
Sitting with saints the Guruward sings Lord’s praises.
His colour of love does not fade and neither goes.
Without God’s meditaiton confort is not obtained. All other loves of mammon are insipid.
They, whom the Guru stains with Lord’s love become happy. O Nanak! Unto them the Guru has become
merciful.4.72. (375)

efps.. nkgDk jh nkg BIjh d{;ok ijKB fpu ;wM pr?o j'fJ fojK s{z p/ s"o jh..
fi;wh fJj[ ikb[ nkg ofunk BdKB G[b p?oh s{z jh nkg dk BK p?oh s/ok n"o jh..
jkb ~ gSkD d/y d{o T[Bwkd eo c; fojK nkg bkfJ pk;BK dh p"o jh..
;[;sh fsnkfr e/ BdKB GrtKB dk; j'j[ j[f;nko np s'V Bkb r"o jh.. 376..
Kabit – AapÄa hee aap nahee doosra jahaan bich samjh bagair hoe rihaaÆ tooÆ be taur hee.
Jismee ih jaal aap rachiaa nadaan bhul bairee tooÆ hee aap da na bairee tera aur hee.

Haal nooÆ pachhaaÄ dekh door unmaad kar phas rihaaÆ aap laae baasna dee baur hee.
Sustee tiaag ke nadaan Bhagwaan Daas hoh husiaar ab to¾ naal gaur hee.376.
Word Meaning:- Be taur – foolish. Jismee – bodily. Unmaad – madness. Baur – mad. Gaur – carefully.
Meaning:- You are pervading on all sides, due to ignorance you see another. As prisoned in body, you consider
some one your friend and someone your foe. In reality no one is your enemy. Keeping the company of
saints, perceive your form, then you will find that you yourself have been entrapping in the entanglement
of sensual and sexual desires. Raja Sahib says, “Abandon nature of laziness and with great care and
excitement cut the strangulation of concepts, options and sensual and sexual desires.”376.
Explanation:- Jadon Guru dee kirpa hundee hai taaÆ satsangat praapat hundee hai, te sangat wich sojhee aundee hai
ki Prabhu sabh wich vasda hai. Jaisa ki Guru Arjan Dev Ji likhde han:
Kaan¾a Mehla 5.
Bisar gaee sabh taat praaee. Jab te saadhsangat mohe paaee.1. Rahaao.
Na ko bairee nahee bigaana sagal sang ham kau ban aaee.1.
Jo Prabh keeno so bhal maanio eh sumat saadhoo te paaee.2.
Sabh meh rav rehiaa Prabh ekai pekh pekh Nanak bigsaaee.3.8.(Page 1299.)

English Version:- Since the time, I have attained the society of the saints, I have altogether forgotten to be jealous of
others. Pause.
No one now is my enemy, nor is any one a stranger to me, and I am the friend of all.
What ever the Lord does, that I deem as good.
This sublime wisdom I have obtained from the saints.
Among all, the One Lord is pervading, seeing and beholding Him, Nanak is greatly pleased.3.8.

efps.. ;[cB iziho g?o'I y[bdk Bk ikr/ fpB[ ;[cB ;z;ko fJj ;'tD y[nkp fpB[..
j'fJ gogzu fpy/ yus b[gkfJwKB eo/I fpobkg wko uKroK nikp fpB[..
c[oB/ dh ou eo x[zwo x[w/N/ dko fgnk gotkj ftu v[pdk j?I nkp fpB[..
ckjh nDj'fJnK dh BdKB GrtKB dk; y[bD BK d/t/ y[d o{g d/ j;kp fpB[.. 377..
Kabit – Sufan janjeer pairoÆ khulda na jaage bin sufan sansaar ih sovaÄ khuaab bin.
Hoe parpanch bikhe khachat lupaaemaan kareÆ birlaap maar chaangraaÆ ajaab bin.
Phurne dee rach jar ghumar ghume¢e daar piaa parvaah vich Îubda haiÆ aab bin.
Phaahee aÄhoiaaÆ dee nadaan Bhagwaan Daas khulaÄ na deve khud roop de hasaab bin.377.
Word Meaning:- Sufan janjeer – bondage of dream. Parpanch – world. Lupaaemaan – to be engrossed. Birlaap – to cry
loudly. Ajaab – pain. Parvaah – stream. AÄhoiaaÆ – which is not real.
Meaning:- In dream the feet are chained, on awakening a man finds that this world is like the dream and it is also
painful. As Guru Arjan Dev Ji says, “As when a man sits as a king in a dream, then he finds, that this
affair is all in vain.” Engrossing in this world a man cries loudly without any pain. Whirled in the stream of
concepts and options, man is drowning without water. Raja Sahib says, “Until the body does not meets
and realises its own form, up to that time he remains entrapped in the false worldly affairs.377.
Explanation:- Ih sansaar supne vaaÆg jhoo¢ha hai. Prem roop Hari har vele diaaloo hai. IsnooÆ chhaÎ ke kise hor nooÆ
piaar kioÆ karee-e. Is baare Guru Arjan Dev Ji likhde han:
Saarang Mehla 5.
Supan ree sansaar. mithnee bisthaar.
Sakhee kaae mohe mohilee pria preet ride mile.1.

Sarb ree preet piaar. Prabh sada ree daiaar.

kaae aan aan rucheeai. Har sang sang khacheeai.
Jau saadhsang paae. Kauh Nanak Har dhiaae.
Ab rahe jamhe mel.2.1.130. (Page 1229)

English Version:- O my friend! The world is like a dream and false is its expanse. My friend! Why are you bewitched in the
love of mammon? You should enshrine the God’s love within your mind. My friend! Lord is the
embodiment of love and affection. Ever merciful is my Master. Why do you love another, another?
With your Lord ever remain attached O Nanak, now when my friend obtains the saints society, he
contemplates the Lord and his association with death’s courier is ended.

efps.. pkiK dk ;kjpki fuVh nkg ~ ejKtdk j?I f;fynk f;nkfDnK dh ejh Bjh brdh..
neb s/ gVdk iK fgnk j? e[g/u fpu pD wofrzd uotkbh eo/ pZr dh..
pvk nc;'; o; fJzdOh d/ ou eo ;[ZX j'fJ pqjw i{m pD foj£k ir dh..
;jh Bk ;o{g d;k d/y GrtKB dk; fgnk gqftos w/I nKu ;j/ nr dh.. 378..
Kabit – BajaaÆ da saahbaaj chi¾ee aap nooÆ kahaaÆvada hain sikhiaa siaaÄiaaÆ dee kahee nahee lagdee.
Akal te pa¾da jaaÆ piaa hai kupech bich baÄ margind charvaalee kare bagg dee.
BaÎa afsos ras indree de rach kar sudh hoe brahm joo¢h baÄ riha jag dee.
Sahee na saroop dasa dekh Bhagwaan Daas piaa parvirat meÆ aanch sahe ag dee.378.
Word Meaning:- Saahbaaj – King of falcons. Margind – lion. Parvirt – custom of others. Aanch – trouble.
Meaning:- Being king of falcons, calls himself a sparrow. As you have not learnt any lesson from the sermons of
saints. Why are you becoming ignorant. Being a lion you are protecting the herds of cattle. This matter

is very painful that you being the God yourself have become a mean person in order to relish the
enjoyments of organs. Raja Sahib says, “Adopting false advise you have been bearing such hardships
as you are not aware of your real form. You have not realised that you yourself are God.378.

efps.. ;u ek nB`d ;[X o{g gowKswK ;h n;bk G[bkfJ iht pfDnk j? yb jh..
bysk NekT[ Bkb ikD/ iK nby nkg Gkt ~ t;ko c/o j't/ sK nub jh..
j'fJ e/ np'b fJ; p'b dh puko eo[ fgnk BK BdKB oj[ fpu s{z ijb jh..
nwb ewkJ/ fpBK ;u GrtKB dk; j'fJ BjI&&h iKtdk pqjw Bkb rb jh.. 379..
Kabit – Sach ka anand sudh roop Parmaatma see asla bhulae jeev baÄiaa hai khal hee.
Lakhta ¢akaao naal jaaÄe jaaÆ alakh aap bhaav nooÆ vasaar pher hove taaÆ achal hee.
Hoe ke abol is bol dee bachaar kar pia na nadaan rahu bich tooÆ jahal hee.
Amal kamae bina sach Bhagwaan daas hoe nahee jaaÆwda brahm naal gal hee.379.
Word Meaning:- Asla – reality. Khal – skin. Takaao – peace. Alakh – invisible. Achal – immovable. Vasaar – abandon.
Abol – without speaking. Jaahal – foolish. Amal – action.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that the animate is itself pure form of God. But it has forgotten its real form and have
adopted the form of skin and bones. If he forgetting its ego and conceitedness. Analysis himself then he
can attain the immortal form. Raja Sahib says, don’t become a fool, abandoning the ignorance, ponder
over this thought carefully that an animate does not become the God by mere talking. He can not attain
the immortal position easily. To become a God, a man has to accomplish true good deeds.379.

efps[.. poB n;ow dk MrVk Bp/Vdk BK cf;nk j?I ckjh BjI&&h frnKB gouzv sK..
pk;BK dk pXk G'r/I BoeK s/ ;[ork ~ j't/ Bk Biks by eo/I i/ gyzv sK..

g/v ~ fsnkr gqftofsnk vkb w/ i' bJ/rk Bk ;[y n?;k gkfJ e/ u[ozv sK..
eowK d/ fpu j[D c;/I GrtKB dk; nkt/ tko cb dh iK fBeb/rk uzv sk.. 380..
Kabit – Barn asarm da jhag¾a nabe¾da na phasiaa haiÆ faahee naheen giaan parchanÎ taaÆ.
Baasna da badha bhogeÆ narkaaÆ te surga nooÆ hove na najaat lakh kareÆ je pakhanÎ taaÆ.
PeÎ nooÆ tiaag parvirtiaa Îaal me jo laega na sukh aisa ke churanÎ taaÆ.
KarmaaÆ de bich faseÆ Bhagwaan Daas aave vaar phal dee jaaÆ niklega chanÎ ta.380.
Meaning:- Due to skilled knowledge man has been entangled in different types of worldly affairs. Becoming slave of
sensual and sexual desires he wanders in hells and heavens. Though he may do Lakhs of hypocrisies,
but he can not dispel the desires. As he leaving the real tree, has got involved with the branches.
Foresaking the innermost soul, he has been searching the means of liberation from other sources. In
this way he can’t get the everlasting bliss. Ultimate liberation we get due to our deeds. Good and pure
deeds can become the means of salvation. But men entangled in false rituals become the victims of
severe punishment.380.

efps.. nkfd p[fBnkd fi; p;s{ dh ejh ikJ/ gZe goshs Uj cBkj fco nzs[ ~..
e{V fdybktk e[b oj/ Bk B;kB UV j'j s{z T[dk; nIyh d/y poszs ~..
nfdo; nBk; gowkswK nub o{g ;{yw fynkb n?;/ ikDhJ/ nBzs ~..
fBo r[D Bkw fB;eKw GrtKB dk; fs; w/ ;wkfJ s'V pk;BK dh szs ~.. 381..
Kabit – Aad buniaad jis bastoo dee kahee jaae pakk parteet oh fanah phir ant nooÆ.
Koo¾ dikhlaava kul rahe na nasaan o¾ hoh tooÆ udaas akheen dekh birtant nooÆ.
Adiras anaas Parmaatma achal roop sookham khiaal aise jaÄee-e anant nooÆ.

Nir guÄ naam niskaam Bhagwaan Daas tis me samaae to¾ baasna dee tant nooÆ.381.
Word Meaning:- Aad – beginning. Bartant – what present is. Adiras – invisible. Anas – undestructable, imperishable.
Achal – immovable. Sookham – smallest. NirguÄ – Pure Brahm. Niskaam – desireless.
Meaning:- The article which has its beginning and features, consider it without doubt that it will perish one day. This
false expanse will vanish. Therefore which is the visible expanse, ignore and renounce it from your mind.
The God, which is unvisible, imperishable, immovable, immeasurable, limitless and without form, can be
realised with perspicacious Understanding. Raja Sahib says, “Cutting the wire of desires we can realise
the pure Brahm, desireless, formless God.”
Explanation:- Jis nirankaar nooÆ vekhiaa naheen jaaÆda, na hee usda koee rang roop nishaan hai, uh sabh da aad
hai, dwait rehat hai te us vich koee vikaar nahee hai:
Alakh roop achhai anbhekha. Raag rang jih roop na rekha.
Barn chihn sabh hoon te niaara. Aad purkh advai abikaara.3. (Akal Ustat)

English Version:- His form can not be described, He is beyond destruction and He is unattired.
He has no interest in mammon and He is without form or quoit.
He is beyond caste, shape and mark.
He is the Primal Creature.
He is incomparable and inconvertible.3.

efps.. yKdk pfjdk T[mdk p;ko/ BIjh fJe dzw Xhoi fXnkB gqgZe ;jh B/;Nk..
fdB' fdB' pX/ ozr ;"e BIjh j'fJ Gzr BktD pqjw rzr neb ;/q;Nk..
fEo BIjh wB fpX ;op ;gzB j'o neb Bezwh fJj fpjko fpy/ u/;Nk..
;jh fJe[ ehfsnK pr?o GrtKB dk; gt/rk io{o c/o rb fpu o/;Nk.. 382..

Kabit – Khaanda behda u¢hda basaare nahee ik danm dheeraj dhiaan parpak sahee nes¢a.
Dino dino badhe rang sauk nahee hoe bhang naavaÄ Brahm gang akal sers¢a.
Thir nahee man bidh sarb sanpan hor akal nakamee ih bihaar bikhe ches¢a.
Sahee ik keetiaaÆ bagair Bhagwaan Daas pavega jaroor pher gal bich res¢a.382.
Word Meaning:- Danm – breath. Parpak – permanent. Nes¢a – belief. Sarb sanpan – complete. Res¢a – rope of noose.
Meaning:- Making your mind firm and stable with patience and meditation while sitting, standing, don’t forget the
Almighty even for a breath. As Guru Arjan Dev Ji says, “Whether standing sitting or sleeping you should
meditate on the Lord and Walking on the way sing the praises of Lord Master.
O Nanak ! To repeat the Name of God while standing, sitting and sleeping is ever the avocation of God’s
You should increase your love for the Name of God, this love never should end, with such a high
thinking. You should bathe in the Ganga of the Almighty. If your mind is restless and your attention
wanders in worldly affairs, such a thinking is worthless.
Raja Sahib says that without realising one God, the noose of Yamas will be put in your neck.382.

efps.. fisD/ dk p/bk J/j' nyhnK T[xkV y/v T[wo rtkJh j? BdKB fpu jko pj[.
Sv e/ co/p s{z sohek cV[ ok;sh dk yKB/ dot/; d/ ;ckJh dk fpjko pj[.
;kX j'fJ eo/I i/ gqhfs Bkb fpf;nK d/ ijK ijK ikJ/I sjK ykJ/Irk gziko pj[.
b'e gob'e rJ/ d'fJ GrtKB dk; gkt/I BK NekT[ eIjh j'fJArk buko pj[.. 383..
Kabit – JitÄe da bela eho akheeaaÆ ughaa¾ kheÎ umar gawaaee hai nadaan bich haar bauh.
ChhaÎ ke phreb tooÆ tareeka pha¾ raastee da khaane darves de safaaee da bihaar bauh.

Saadh hoe kareÆ je preet naal bisiaaÆ de jahaaÆ jahaaÆ jaaeÆ tahaaÆ khaaenga panjaar bauh.
Lok parlok gae doe Bhagwaan Daas paaveÆ na ¢akaao kahee hoenga lachaar bauh.383.
Word Meaning:- Phareb – to deceive. Raastee – truthfulness. Panjaar – shoes. Lok – this world.
Meaning:- Now is the proper time to win the game of human birth. Now play it very cautiously, you have spent your
whole life doing deeds; which led you to life of human defeat.
Forsaking the hypocrisy adopt the path of truthfulness as it befits the saints the truthfulness and purity.
If adopting the Name of a saint, you will love the sensual desires, then remember wherever you will go,
you have to bear hardships. Guru Arjan Dev Ji says, “He goes by the Name of a saint and his acts are
pure. The highest of all his becomes glory.” Raja Sahib says, “The saints who has damaged his this and
the next world, such a so called saints will not get shelter any where.383.
Explanation:- Guru Arjan Dev is baare likhde han:
Ïakhna Mehla 5.
Agaaha koo traagh pichha pher na muhξa.
Nanak sijh iveha vaar bauha¾ na hovee janma¾a.1. (Page 1096)

English Version:- You should long for the next world and do not turn your face backward. Make yourself fruitful this very
time and you shall not be born again.
Raag Basant Mehla 5. Wich Guru Arjan Dev Ji furmaunde han ki zindgee de da pechaaÆ vichoÆ langh ke
satsang duaara sansaar dee khed jit sakeedee hai.
Basant Mehla 5. HinÎol.
Hoe ikatar miloh mere bhaaee dubdha door karoh liv laae.
Har naamai ke hovoh jo¾ee gurmukh baisoh safa vichhaae.1.
In bidh paasa Îhaaloh beer.

Gurmukh naam japoh din raatee ant kaal nah laage peer.1. Rahaao.
Jan Nanak Gurmukh jo nar khele so jiÄ baajee ghar aaiaa.4.1. (Page 1195)

English Version:- My brothers! Join and meet together dispel duality and imbibe love for your Lord.
Associate yourself with God’s Name and spreading your mat, sit there on.
O Brothers! In this way throw your dice
By the Guru’s grace utter the Lord’s Name day and night and at the last moment you shall not suffer
sorrow. Puase.
O Nanak! the man who plays under the Guru’s instruction he returns home winning the game of life.4.1.

efps.. nkg eosp ikD/ nkgD/ BdKB ;G oZydK SgkfJ r[Mh c/fodK eNkoh j?I..
gjo e/ btk; s[b pfDnK wjkswK d/ j'fJe/ p/nzr pD p?mk fptjkoh j?I..
ikDe/ ezrkb pj/I w[y s{z wo'V eo nkJ/ XBpzs sKJh eo/I fjsekoh j?I..
d[n?s e' T[mkJ/I Bk BdkB GrtKB dk; y"I;Vk jiko f;o wkfJnk ek pgkoh j?I .. 384..
Kabit – Aap kartab jaaÄe aapÄe nadaan sabh rakhda chhapaae gujhee pherda kataaree haiÆ.
Pehar ke lawaas tul baÄiaaÆ mahaatma de hoeke beang baÄ bai¢ha bivhaaree haiÆ.
JaaÄke kangaal baheÆ mukh tooÆ maro¾ kar aae dhanbant taaee kareÆ hitkaaree haiÆ.
Duait ko u¢haaen na nadaan Bhagwaan Daas khaunsa¾a hajaar sir maaiaa ka bapaaree haiÆ.384.
Word Meaning:- Kartab – bad deeds. Kataaree – dagger. Beang – renouncer. Kangaal – poor. Dhanbant – rich. Duait –
duality. Khaunsar – shoes.
Meaning:- You know your misdeeds, you have become the socalled saint, but in your mind is wickedness. Though
you have become a saint, but your mind is desirous for doing the business of mammon. If a poor man

comes to pay you homage, then you turn your face towards another side but towards rich men, your
attitude is very amicable. Raja Sahib says, “If you have not dispelled the duality of rich and poor then
lakh curses on your such sainthood.384.
Explanation:- Dikhaave dee saadhgiree da Raja Sahib khanÎan karde han. Jis taraaÆ sap kunj taaÆ laah dinda hai par
jehar nahee tiaagda. Aise taraaÆ pakhanÎee saadhaaÆ baare Bhagat Namdev Ji likhde han:
Aasa Nam Dev Ji
Saap kunch chhoÎai bikh nahee chhaaÎai. Udak maahe jaise bag dhiaan maaÎai.1.
Kaahe kau keejai dhiaan japana. Jab te sudh nahee man apna.1.Rahaao.
Sighch bhojan jo nar jaanai. Aise hee ¢hagdeo bakhaanai.2.
Naame ke suaamee laahe le jhagra. Raam rasaain peeo re dagra.3.4.
(page 485)
English Version:- Snake casts off its slough, but casts not off its poison. You are like a heron that fixes its attention on fish
in water. For what purpose you perform meditation and recitation, when your own mind is not
immaculate. Pause.
The person who lives only on the tiger’s food (plunder and cruelty) is called as the god of cheats.
Nam Dev has settled the strife, O deceitful man! drink the elixir of Lord.3.4.

efps.. j'Itdk fJbki[ ni ;[zdq ;[y?B ihnk ;[;sh fsnkr y[b eKwBk ewzd s/.
r[Mk r[Mk wudk GVKpk fpu fdb d/ i[ eo/rk y[nko[ y;ekfJe/ nBzd s/.
bzwh G[ik eoe/ g[ekodK BdkB s[X eob? T[gkT[ S[N/I uwV/ dh pzd s/.
o'r ~ rtkfJ j'j Bo'r GrtKB dk; fwN/rk ebze dot/; fBodPzd s/.. 385..

Kabit – Honvada ilaaj aj sundar sukhain jeeaa sustee tiaag khul kaamna kamand te.
Gujha gujha machda bha¾aanba bich dil de ju karega khuaar khaskaaeke anand te.
Lanmee bhuja karke pukaarda nadaan tudh karlai upaao chu¢eÆ chama¾e dee band te.
Rog nooÆ gavaae hoh narog Bhagwaan Daas mi¢ega kalank darves nirdwand te.385.
Word Meaning:- Kaamna kamand – noose of desires. Lanmee bhuja karke – saying with loud voice. Cham¾e dee band –
the bodily prison. Nirdwand – without duality.
Meaning:- Giving up the noose of sensual desires, you can control your ego very easily. This fire of sensual desires
have been burning in your heart in the form of high leaping flames; this can ruin your spiritual happiness.
O foolish man ! With forceful words I advise you that try to be free from this prison of skin. Raja Sahib
says, “The mysterious disease of ego and sensual desires can be cured by taking the shelter of an
accomplished saint who has abandoned his duality.385.
Explanation:- Is deh dee kaid wich kaamna de vas ho ke mu¾ mu¾ fasda hai. Raja Sahib kehÆde han ki is toÆ
chhu¢kaare da saadhan Guru dee sharn prapat karke hee hoÄa hai. Jaisa ki Guru Arjan Dev Ji aapÄee
baaÄee vich likhde han:
Gau¾ee Guaareree Mehla 5.
PraaÄee jaaÄai ih tan mera. Bauhar bauhar uaahoo lap¢era.
Putar kalatar girsat ka phaasa. Hon na paaeeai Raam ke daasa.1.
Kavan su bidh jit Raam guÄ gaae. Kavan su mat jit tare ih maae. Rahaao. (page 180.)

English Version:- The mortal deems that the body is his own.
Again and again he clings to that.
Children, wife and household are entanglements.
The mortal can not become the slave of the Lord.
O Mother! What is that way by which this mortal may swim across the ocean? Pause.

efps.. nkgD/ jh nkg ozr ofjId/ j?I nBzd fpu pzXBk ceho ftu G/y tkbh ukb d/..
gko; d/ T[go BK w'jo nw'be j? ;zB dk B;KB e'Jh T[go BK bkb d/..
ikD BIjh ;edk r[tko b'e r[D sKJh gkoy{ gSKD b?D w?jow i' jkb d/..
p/gotkj j?I BdKB GrtKB dk; MVB jiko gkg ehfsnK iwkb d/.. 386..
Kabit – AapÄe hee aap rang rehande haiÆ anand bich bandhna fakeer wich bhekh waalee chaal de.
Paaras de upar na mohar amolak hai saÆn da nasaan koee upar na laal de.
JaaÄ nahee sakda guwaar lok guÄ taaÆee paarkhoo pachhaaÄ laiÄ maiharam jo haal de.
Beparvaah haiÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Daas jha¾n hajaar paap keetiaaÆ jamaal de.386.
Word Meaning:- Paaras – philosopher’s stone. Maihram – who keeps the secret. Jamaal – glimpse.
Meaning:- The saints, who remain engrossed in spiritual happiness, do not disguise themselves. As to check the
value of philosopher’s stone no stamp is required and gems are not tested from the date of construction.
Foolish people do not know the value of good deeds. But an expert examiner, who knows the secrets of
sainthood, perceives the real saint. Raja Sahib says, “Having a glimpse of such enlightened great man,
thousands of sins are washed away.386.
Explanation:- Saadh asaadh dee parkh guÄaaÆ toÆ keetee jaandee hai. Jiven chi¢iaaee vich looÄ te kapoor iko jehe
disde han, heere te blaur vekhan vich iko jehe disde han, tiven hee moorakh nooÆ saadh asaadh iko
jehe dikhaaee dinde han par vivekee purkh inhaaÆ da nakhe¾a kar sakde han. Jis tarha hans dee jal
waalee jugat hai, uh dudh nooÆ jal toÆ nakher lainda hai. Is tarha sadhoo saar te asaar nooÆ vakh karda

efps.. T[wo niKJh ikJ/ cf;nK ;[Bhd fpu d/y/I B c?jwhd n?;h gJh pkD uzdoh..
fgS/ BIjh jK;bh iK np e?;/ j'fJ ikT{ d/y niwhd s{z ;GkT[ Sv pzdoh..
tku ;/ T[mkfJ eo by w/ Brkj d/ dhd w/ ;wkfJ r[biko d/y[ nzdoh..
w[;eb eko fJj BdKB GrtKB dk; sko tkr[ eYDh j? o{j fpu izdoh.. 387..
Kabit – Umar ajaaÆee jaae phasiaaÆ suneed bich dekheÆ na fehmeed aisee paee baaÄ chandree.
Pichhe nahee haanslee jaaÆ ab kaise hoe jaaoo dekh ajmeed tooÆ sabhaao chhaÎ bandree.
Vaach se u¢haae kar lakh me nagaah de deed me samaae guljaar dekh andree.
Muskal kaar ih nadaan Bhagwaan Daas taar vaag kaÎhÄee hai rooh bich jandree.387.
Word Meaning:- Suneed – to hear. Faihmeed – to understand. BaaÄ – habit. Ajmeed – to check. Bandree – nature of a
monkey. Vaach – words. Deed – eyes. Guljaar – flower garden.
Meaning:- You have passed your life for your ardent desire of listening gossips and never have tried to understand
the reality of your life. If in the past hearing the gossips of the world, you have gained nothing, then now
what will you achieve? Forsake this nature of a monkey. Raja Sahib says, “Raising your meditation from
sound, place it on your innermost soul, see with your inner eyes the eternal everlasting bliss and
happiness. But this is very difficult task, you have to make your soul very sharp and fine.387.

efps[.. n;bk nBkd o{g BoK fpu B{o j? i' nD;{ gSKD e?;h T[ib fJj e[b dh..
e[dos Bkb G"Id{ ewb/ d/ jZE nkJh edo pr?o d/y' e?;/ fco/ o[bdh..
fpu frbnKBh d/ rtKo roekp eo by s/ pDkJh np ey d/ j? w[bdh..
fpf;nK T[vKfJ e/ BdKB GrtKB dk; nkg B{ puko j't/ n;b d/ sbdh.. 388..

Kabit – Asla anaad roop naraaÆ bich noo¾ hai jo aÄsoo pachhaaÄ kaisee ujal ih kul dee.
kudrat naal bhaundoo kamle de hath aaee kadar bagair dekho kaise phire ruldee.
Bich gilaanee de gawaar garkaab kar lakh te baÄaaee ab kakh de hai muldee.
BisiaaÆ uÎaae ke nadaan Bhagwaan Daas aap noo bachaar hove asal de taldee.388.
Meaning:- The origin of animate is ever-existent eternal God and it is in the form of light. Due to good deeds and
luck of previous birth he has attained the human form, but without analysing it he has been spoiling it. As
Bhagat Kabir Ji says, “Kabir ! The pearls are scattered on the road and a blind man comes that way. But
without the light of the Lord of the universe, the mortal passes the pearls by.” Entangled in sensual and
sexual desires he has made the body of millions as a dry stalk of grass. Raja Sahib says, “Make your
mind pure from evil deeds and perceive your real form which has originated from ever-existent eternal
Explanation:- Ih man parkaashmaan Hari da roop hai, is nooÆ aapÄa asla pachhaaÄna chaaheeda hai. Guru Amardas
Ji is baare is parkaar likhde han:
Aasa Mehla 3.
Man tooÆ jot saroop hai aapÄa mool pachhaaÄ.
Man Har Ji tere naal hai gurmatee rang maaÄ.
Mool pachhaaÄeh taaÆ sauh jaÄeh marÄ jeewan kee sojhee hoee.
Gurparsaadee eko jaaÄeh taaÆ dooja bhaao na hoee.
Man saant aaee vajee vadhaaee ta hoaa parvaaÄ.
Io kahai Nanak man tooÆ jot saroop hai aapÄa mool pachhaaÄ.5. (Page 441.)

English Version:- O my soul ! You are the imbodiment of Divine light, so know your source.
O my soul ! The reverend Lord is with you, By Guru’s teachings enjoy His love.

If by Guru’s grace you grasp the one Lord then you shall lose the love of another.
If in your mind comes peace and gladness resounds, then alone you shall be approved.
Thus says Nanak, O my soul ! You are the image of the Luminous Lord. Realise your true origin of your

efps.. n;bk gS'ek s/ok S/o dk BdKB ;hrk pzXB d/ fpu pD foj£k iht ni s{z..
eo b? T[gkT[ np pys[ ybk;rh dk j'j j[f;nko fJ; ckjh e'b'I GZi s{z..
fgzio/ w/ fgnk c/o gkJ/Irk goZw d[y[ eo/I gSskT[ ;?Is r[ioh BbZi s{z..
uV nk;eK dh ;VZe BdKB GrtKB dk; j'fJ fBopzX tKr ;/o rori s{.z . 389..
Kabit – Asla pachhoka tera chher da nadaan seega bandhan de bich baÄ riha jeev aj tooÆ.
Kar lai upaao ab bakhat khalaasgee da hoh husiaar is faahee koloÆ bhaj tooÆ.
Pinjre me piaa pher paaeÆga parm dukh kareÆ pachhtaao saint gujree nalaj tooÆ.
Cha¾ aaskaaÆ dee sa¾ak nadaan Bhagwaan Daas hoe nirbandh vaang ser gargaj tooÆ.389.
Word Meaning:- Pachhoka – previous, former. Aj – goat. Khalaasgee – freedom. Nalaj – shameless. Nirbandh – free.
Meaning:- Your origin is from the lion, but adopting the prison of the body you have become a goat. Now in this
human form try to get liberation. Understanding carefully you can get freedom from this bondage. But in
the cage of eighty fout lakh species you will have to bear great hardships. When time will pass, then
feeling ashamed you will repent. Raja Sahib says, “Cut the worldly bondages and adopt the path of love
and cross the worldly ocean with great pomp and show.389.

efps.. ;wK nKD gZbfNnk ws GJh jhB j? i' G[b e/ ;o{g ;s j'fJ foj£k coih..
nwh o; Sv E[e uNdk uo'eDk j? e"D ;wMkt/ ip nkg nbroih..

nkfg f;o nkgD/ j? wkodk gziko ip ;es B d{i/ dh Bp/V d/t/ noih..
n;o fJbki dk eh eo/ GrtKB dk; My wkoB/ dh nkg ip u/sB dh woih.. 390..
Kabit – SamaaÆ aaÄ pal¢iaa mat bhaee heen hai jo bhul ke saroop sat hoe riha farjee.
Amee ras chhaÎ thuk cha¢da charokaÄa hai kauÄ samjhaave jab aap algarjee.
Aap sir aapÄe hai maarda panjaar jab sakat na dooje dee nabe¾ deve arjee.
Asar ilaaj da kee kare Bhagwaan Daas jhakh maarne dee aap jab chetan dee marjee.390.
Word Meaning:- Farjee – false. Amee ras – nectar. Algarjee – worthless. Panjaar – shoes. Sakat – strength. Chetan –
Meaning:- Time has so overturned that you have lost your senses and forgetting true God, have adopted this house
of brittle glass. You have abandoned the nectar of the true Name of God and now lick the spit of evil
deeds. Who will bring you round, when you yourself have become sluggish according to your own will.
No body else can solve your problem, when you yourself are doing misdeeds. Raja Sahib says that
when it is the will of God then this problem can not be dissolved.390.

efps.. fBog gSKD nkd ekoi d/ ekoB ~ bfrnK prkoh e?;/ sys B;hB s{z..
ojh BIjh j'; frnk fpub dwKr G{g fJ; fpX j'fJnk fco/I dhB w;ehB s{z..
y'Nh J/j pwkoh eo fJ; dk T[gkT[ j[D fJjh j? fJbki[ j'j nkocK dh ohB s{z..
ikt/ s/oh woi BdkB GrtKB dk; gkJ/Irk nokw J/e nkswk jh uhB s{.z . 391..
Kabit – Nirp pachhaaÄ aad kaarj de kaarn nooÆ lagiaaÆ bagaaree kaise takhat naseen tooÆ.
Rahee nahee hos giaa bichal damaag bhoop is bidh hoiaa phireÆ deen maskeen tooÆ.

Kho¢ee eh bamaaree kar is da upaao huÄ ihee hai ilaaj hoh aarfaaÆ dee reen tooÆ.
Jaave teree marj nadaan Bhagwaan Daas paeÆga araam ek aatma hee cheen tooÆ.391.
Word Meaning:- Nirp – king. Bagaaree – payless labour. Takhat naseen – occupier of throne. Reen – dust. Aatma
cheen – know you soul.
Meaning:- You are fit for installation as a king, but you have become a begger. Forgetting yourself to be king you
are doing works of destitutes. Unless you not enjoy the company of saints and do not become the dust
of their feet, your disease of doubt will not dispel. Raja Sahib says that until you do not get the divine
knowledge and not understands your own origin you can not become diseaseless.391.
Explanation:- Sansaar de ras Hari-ras de mukaable te hain hee kee? UnhaaÆ val bhaj dau¾ niree khote waalee mihnat
hai. SantaaÆ dee dhoo¾ee sadka aatma nooÆ giÄiaa jaanda hai. Guru Arjan Dev Ji is baare likhde han:
Kedaara Mehla 5.
Santah dhoor le mukh malee.
GuÄa achut sada pooran nah dokh biaapeh kalee. Rahaao.
Gur bachan kaarj sarb poorn eet oot na halee.
Prabh ek anik sarbat poorn bikhai agan na jalee.1.
Geh bhuja leeno daas apno jot jotee ralee.
Prabh charn sarn anaath aaio Nanak Har sang chalee.2.6.14. (Page 1121.)

English Version:- Taking the dust of the saints feet, I apply to my face. Singing the praises of ever-pervading Lord, the pain
of dark age afflicts not the mortal. Pause.
Through the Guru’s word, all the affairs are arranged and man reels not hither and thither.
Whosoever sees the One Lord pervading all the various beings burn not in the fire of vice.
His slave the Lord holds by the arm and his light merges in the supreme light.

Orphan Nanak has sought the shelter of your feet. O Lord, I walk with you in your will.2.6.14.

efps.. pDe/ dBkT[ np yzG B ybko p?m ;zr d'y e{V d/ s/ prb j'j MN s{z..
ftu tfvnkJh d/ ntofBnK wB[ ikJ/ ewbk ;[dkJh pD e'Jh fdB eN s{z..
nt; w/t fwb/rk i' yKB gKB s[X nkfJ fceo nzd/;/ feT[ j'fJ foj£K nN s{z..
j'fJe/ Bok; s{z BdKB GrtKB dk; fB; fdB nkgD/ ;o{g fty/ oN s{z.. 392..
Kabit – BaÄke danaao ab khanbh na khalaar bai¢h sang dokh koo¾ de te bagal hoh jha¢ tooÆ.
Vich vaÎiaaee de avarniaaÆ man jaae kamla sudaaee baÄ koee din ka¢ tooÆ.
Avas mev milega jo khaan paan tudh aae fikar andese kio hoe rihaaÆ a¢ tooÆ.
Hoeke naraas tooÆ nadaan Bhagwaan Dass nisdin aapÄe saroop vikhe ra¢ tooÆ.392.
Word Meaning:- Sang dokh – bad company. AvarniaaÆ – to be confused or stupefied. Avasmev – certainly. A¢ –
wanderings. Naraas – sad. Ra¢ – to study.
Meaning:- Be wise, don’t be entangled in the expanse , forsake at once the false worldly affairs. Hearing your
praises you feel happy, in this way you will be stupefied. Pass your time being a simple man. Abandon
the wandering of mind, worries and fear and make it certain that all edibles you will get automatically.
Raja Sahib says, “Day and night meditate on your original form (God) and denouncing the world
withdraw your conscious from the worldly affairs.392.
Explanation:- Bhagtee mukh hai, rozee waheguru har kise nooÆ dinda hai. Bhagat Dhanna ji likhde han :
PaakhaÄ kee¢ gupt hoe rehta ta cho maarg naahee.
Kahe Dhanna poorn taahoo ko mat re jeea draahee.3.3. (Page 488.)

English Version:- The worm lives hidden in a stone and for him there is no way of escape.

Says Dhanna, the Lord feeds him there.

O my soul! You should not fear.3.3.

efps.. e"D d[obGsk ;oho eh puko d/y e{V wbw{s j? fGykoh ns/ G{g w/..
G'ok B ;[rzX nzr g{o d[orzX Bkb eodK r[wkB[ j?I feT[I c; n?;/ o{g w/..
;[G J/jh pks j? wB[y tkbh iKD b? s{z ;[os[ brktBh i[ ;[X j? ;o{g w/I..
eow n;[G c/o o'J/ GrtKB dk; frodk BdkB np ebgs e{g w/.. 393..
Kabit – KauÄ durlabhta sareer kee bachaar dekh koo¾ malmoot hai bhikhaaree ate bhoop me.
Bhora na sugandh ang poor durgandh naal karda gumaan haiÆ kioÆ fas aise roop me.
Subh ehee baat hai manukh waalee jaaÄ lai tooÆ surt lagaavanee ju sudh hai saroop meÆ.
Karm asubh pher roe Bhagwaan Daas girda nadaan ab kalpat koop me.393.
Meaning:- See carefully of which uncommon things this body has been made. All the bodies though it may be of a
king or a begger are made of filth, excrement and urine. Why are going to be entrapped with such a false
body? Guru Arjan Dev Ji writes, “Through the greatest good fortune difficultly acquirable human body is
procured. They who remember not God’s Name are the self murderers.” This is good fortune of
acquiring the human form that we should connect our mind with our pure form. Raja Sahib says that the
man doing evil deeds falls again and again in blind well in the form of mother’s uterus.393.
Explanation:- Sareer de nauÆ mukh darwaaze han, unhaaÆ raaheeÆ gand hee nikalda hai. Jih¾e naam naheeÆ japde
uh manukh aatamghaatee han. Sareer tad hee pavitar ho sakda hai je naam japda hai ate sewa de
kanm karda hai.393.

efps.. gowkswk e' :kd eo fpfynk fsnkr eo ezw s/o/ nkt/ i' dBktK dk fJj e"b j?..
fesk Uj ;wkb w[V nk;o/ ;oho fis bkT[ BIjh v/o np nkJh s/oh o"b j?..
ofynk ntkok fdb nr/ s?I joKw}kd fs;dk jh cb[ d/y e?;h j'Jh v"b j?..
fgSfbnK o'fDnK d/j ikD GrtKB dk; nrk jh ;wkb BIjh j't/ fis j"b j?.. 394..
Kabit – Parmatma ko yaad kar bikhiaa tiaag kar kanm tere aave jo daanaavaaÆ da ih kaul hai.
Kitaa oh samaal mu¾ aasre sareer jit laao nahee Îer ab aaee teree raul hai.
Rakhiaa awaara dil age taiÆ haraamzaad tisda hee fal dekh kaisee hoee Îaul hai.
PichhliaaÆ roÄiaaÆ deh jaaÄ Bhagwaan Daas agaa hee samaal nahee hove jit haul hai.394.
Word Meaning:- Bikhiaa – mammon. Raul – turn. Ïaul – condition. Haul – fear.
Meaning:- Wise man say that keep your mind away from mammon and contemplate the Name of True God; which
will be helpful in the next world. In this human form you can win the game. Recite the Name of God,
which is the prime duty of the body. First you kept your heart vagabond due to your cunningness, the
result of which is that your body have become a ghost. Raja Sahib says, “The time which has passed
don’t care about that now, be careful about the future so that fear of death may be abolished.394.
Is baare Guru Arjan Dev Ji likhde han:
Mehla 5. ÏakhÄe.
Aagaaha koo traagh pichha fer na muhξa.
Nanak sijh iveha vaar bau¾ na hovee janma¾a.1. (Page 1096.)

English Version:- You should long for the next world and do not turn your face backward. Make yourself fruitful this very
time and you shall not be born again.394.

efps.. nkT[ j[D ;wM b? gK;e oj rJ/ dzw weo w/I rJh XVh T[wo pshs j?..
fJe[ okr[ nkgDk Bfifmnk Bk iKtdk j? j'oBK d/ rkfJ fojK p?mk e?;/ rhs j?..
d[BhnK dBkJh d/j e{V fusokJh ikD j'fJ ojDk T[bN/ jh nk;eK dh ohs j?..
bfrnk gq/w fi; d/y GrtKB dk; ;[ee/ ;oho j'fJnk wiB{ sths j?.. 395..
Kabit – Aao huÄ samjh lai paansak reh gae danm makar meÆ gaee dha¾ee umar bateet hai.
Ik raag aapÄa naji¢hiaa na jaanvda hai hornaaÆ de gaae rihaaÆ bai¢ha kaise geet hai.
DuneeaaÆ danaaee deh koo¾ chitraaee jaaÄ hoe rehÄa ul¢e hee aaskaaÆ dee reet hai.
Lagiaa prem jis dekh Bhagwaan Daas suk ke sareer hoiaa majnoo tweet hai.395.
Word Meaning:- Paansak – small. Makar – hypocracy. Danaaee – wisdom.
Meaning:- You have passed most part of your life doing hypocrisies, be aware now, a small part of life remains.
About this Farid says, “They who enjoy not their spouse when their are black, hardly any one of them
enjoys Him, when the hair are grey. You have not yet solved own problems, but instead of singing the
praises of God you singing praises of other people. About this Guru Arjan Dev Ji writes, “Of what avail
are the praises of the world the colour of worldly valuables is all fading. It shall disappear, o thoughtless
fellow. The intellect and cleverness of world is false, but the stratagem of the lovers of God always
remains inverse. Guru Amardas Ji writes, “Between the devotees of God and worldly men there can
never be an alliance.” Raja Sahib says, “Those who fall in love of God, they become free of worldly
affairs as Majnoo became lanky in the love of Laila.395.

efps.. ;u tkbk B/j[ i/jV/ gkbd/ j?I nk;e j' wzBd/ wbko BIjh rowh s/ ;odh..
nr tKr sg/ o/s ;;h ~ ;'u j'o eoe/ M[okDk j? pb'u tkbk wodh..

e/jh j? gohfs ;'jDh euk xVk d/ye/ Gh fmbdh j? Bdh ftu woB' Bk vodh..
rJh f;Xh gke j? fjnks GrtKB dk; brdh ;h bki i/ gSkjK g?o[ Xodh.. 396..
Kabit – Sach waala neh jeh¾e paalde haiÆ aasak ho mande malaar naheeÆ garmee te sardee.
Ag waang tape ret sasee nooÆ soch hor karke jhuraana hai baloch waala mardee.
Kehee hai preet sohÄee kacha gha¾a dekhke bhee ¢hildee hai nadee vich marno na Îardee.
Gaee sidhee paak hai hiaat Bhagwaan Daas lagdee see laaj je pichhaahaaÆ pair dhardee.396.
Word Meaning:- Malaar – happiness. Paak – pure. Hiaat – life.
Meaning:- Protector of true love keep their meditation steady in heat, cold, happiness or sadness. Though the sand
was burning like the fire but Sasee sacrificed her life in separation of Baloch Punnu. See how Sohni
nourished her love. She knew it very well that pitcher was unbaked, but to keep her vow, did not fear of
death. Her love has to be ashamed so she directly jumped into the river. Though she knew it very well
that death was certain, but to keep her vow, she did not fear of death.396.
Explanation:- Sohnee de piaar baare Bhai Vir Singh Ji ba¾a sohÄa khiaal kalmband karde han:
Bo¾ ve gha¾iaa bo¾, kee bo¾eÆ maas te hadeeaaÆ?
Ih jeeo vaisee to¾ jithe prem ta¾aavaaÆ lageeaaÆ.
Bhai Gurdas Ji inhaaÆ premiaaÆ baare dasde han ki vishe vaashna ate roop rang de aashkaaÆ ne aise
jafar jaale han Gursikhaan da prem kaise adol hona chaaheeda hai. Bhai Gurdas Ji likhde han :
Lelai Majnoo aaskee chauh chakee jaatee.
Sora¢h Beeja gaaveeai jas sugh¾a vaatee.
Sassee Punnu dostee hoe jaat ajaatee.
Meheevaal no sohÄee nai tardee raatee.

Ranjha heer, vakhaaÄeeai oh pirm paraatee.

Peer mureeda pirha¾ee gaavan parbhaatee.1.
(Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 27/1)
English Version:- The lovers Laila and Majnu are well known in all the quarters of the world. The excellent song of Sor¢h
and Beeja is sung in every direction. The love of Sassee and Punnu, though of different castes, is every
where spoken of. The fame of Sohni who used to swim the Chenaab river in the night to meet Mehival is
well known. Raanjha and Heer are renowned for the love they bore each other. But superior to all is the
love of disciples bear for the Guru. They sing hymns at the ambrosial hour of morning.1.

efps.. fJ;e ewktDk ;[ykbk Bk BdKB ikD ghtDk eN'ok Go i?jo dk g{o UfJ..
fJ;e ewkfJnk f;fowZX B/ eNkfJ ;h; fJ;e ewkfJnk ;{bh uV wB;{o UfJ..
nk;eK d/ f;o ikfD f;oV[ Bk ikD d/D :kd oy[ nk;eK dk n?;k d;s{o UfJ..
y"c ysok T[mkfJ b'e bki GrtKB dk; rid/ j? ;/o wko dZweK io{o UfJ.. 397..
Kabit – Isk kamaavÄa sukhaala na nadaan jaaÄ peevÄa ka¢ora bhar jaihar da poor oe.
Isk kmaaiaa Sarmad ne ka¢aae sees isk kamaaiaa soolee cha¾ Mansoor oe.
AaskaaÆ de sir jaaÄ sir¾ na jaaÄ deÄ yaad rakh aaskaaÆ da aisa dastoor oe.
Khauf khatra u¢haae lok laaj Bhagwaan Daas gajde hai ser maar damkaaÆ jaroor oe.397.
Meaning:- To nourish love is not very easy, one has to drink the cup of poison. Sarmad protected the love and was
slaughtered and Mansoor was hanged. Lovers present their head, but don’t leave their resoluteness. It
is the pledge true lovers. Raja Sahib says that true lovers throughing away the fear, fright, public opinion
becoming dauntless roar like the lion.397.

efps.. p/ gotkfj jkb nk;eK dh ukb d/y[ uVd/ j?I ;{bh go[ nzr BIjh w'Vd/..
brd/ j?I shIo s/ ;oho ;kok fvfr nkfJ fjbdh Bk o{j iok n?;k ihT[ i'Vd/..
wod e[wkb n?;/ dod nikp fpu B/j[ tkbh sko BK co'ek fJe[ s'Vd/..
nk;e B ukj j' BdkfB GrtKB dk; wkod/ gziko ;kj ;kjB W'V d/.. 398..
Kabit – Be parvaah haal aaskaaÆ dee chaal dekh cha¾de haiÆ soolee par ang nahee mo¾de.
Lagde haiÆ teer te sareer saara Îig aae hildee na rooh jara aisa jeeo jo¾de.
Mard kamaal aise dard ajaab bich neh waalee taar na faroka ik to¾de.
Aasak na chaah ho nadaan Bhagwaan Daas maarde panjaar saah saahan kro¾de.398.
Word Meaning:- Dard ajaab – Affliction and pain. Taar – concentration. Pharoka – twinkling of an eye. Panjaar – shoes.
Meaning:- The lovers of God are very carefree and without anxiety. They happily accept to be hanged and never try
to come backward. They keep their minds steady in the love of God. Though there bodies may be teared
with the arrows. They did not refute their absorption even for a period of twinkling of an eye; though what
ever types of pains they may have to bear. Raja Sahib says that true lovers of God remain such
desireless from the articles of the world that though they may get lakhs of kingdoms, they will not even
glance towards them.398.

efps.. nk;eK dh ohs whs pVh emBkJhdko nk;eK d/ sKJh eo' ;s jh ;bKw sK..
gZS e/ ;oho b{D[ nk;eK d/ bkfJ d/D eod/ Bk ;h b'e d/yd/ swkw sK..
j'fJe/ p/rzw ozr nkgD/ nBzd fpu p'b oj/ mhe fJj cehoh dh ebkw sK..
gzX Sv s{z wikih dk BdKB GrtKB dk; fJ;e jeheh okj[ ceoK dk nkw sK.. 399..

Kabit – AaskaaÆ dee reet meet ba¾ee ka¢hnaaeedaar aaskaaÆ de taaÆee karo sat hee salaam taaÆ.
Pachh ke sareer looÄ aaskaaÆ de laae deÄ karde na see lok dekhde tamaam taaÆ.
Hoeke begam rang aapÄe anand bich bol rahe ¢heek ih fakeeree dee kalaam taaÆ.
Pandh chhaÎ tooÆ majaajee da nadaan Bhagwaan Daas isk hakeekee raah fakaraaÆ da aam taaÆ.399.
Word Meaning:- Begam – worriless. Kalaam – words. Majaajee – the love of skin. Hakeekee – true love.
Meaning:- O my friend ! Path of lovers is very hard, so salute these lovers from a distance as an ordinary man can’t
adopt this path. When their bodies are phlebotomized and when they bleed the salt is sprinkled on their
bleeding skin, bearing such acute pain they not even sigh from their mouth. Becoming worriless they
remain intoxicated in their own world and speak the sermons of the saints so that spectators and on
lookers may hear it. Raja Sahib says that abandoning the false painful worldly love adopt the path of true
saints of the God.399.

efps.. feT[I w{zj'I pedK ;[ykbk Bkw[ nk;eK dk fJ;e e[wktDk j? fBrbBk ;ko dk..
d/y wB;{o tb ;{bh wBi{o eo fJ;e dh pkih T[s/ iKB e?;/ tkodk..
fbnk ;u ikD ip f;de'I BK jko/ dzw ;w; spo/i yb jZEh j? T[skodk..
;d e[opKB n?;/ ;kdeK BdKB ej[ gk fbnk gq/w ehsk ;"dk BK T[Xko dk.. 400..
Kabit – KioÆ moohoÆ bakda sukhaala Naam aaskaaÆ da isk kumaavaÄa hai niglna saar da.
Dekh Mansoor val soolee manjoor kar isk dee baajee ute jaan kaise vaarda.
Liaa sach jaaÄ jab sidkoÆ na haare danm Samas Tabrej khal hathee hai utaarda.
Sad kurbaan aise saadkaaÆ nadaan kauh pa liaa prem keeta sauda na udhaar da.400.
Word Meaning:- Saar – iron. Samas Tabrez – A sufi saint who belonged the area of Gazni. Sad kurbaan – hundred time

Meaning:- It is very easy to utter the name of the lovers, but nourishment of true love is just to chew the grams of
iron. “How can iron be chewed with waxen teeth.” See Mansoor, he happily accepted the noose and
sacrificed his life. When Shamas Tabrej perceived the true God then he remained steady in his faith and
unskined his body. Raja Sahib says that I go hundred time sacrifice on such faithful lovers who getting
the articles in the form of love have not go liberation but have sacrificed their heads.400.

efps.. fJ;e jeheh fBokeko okj[ ceoK dk fJ;e wikih fejk T[go neko UfJ..
ihtfdnK fizd s/ ijKB tb'I jE X'fJ j'tzDK Bok; Sv fjo; jzeko UfJ..
;zGb NekT[ g?o[ j'j B fpj'; ub nk;eK B{ okj fpu nkcsK jiko UfJ..
nk;e ceho j'Ith c/o GrtKB dk; ycD ;wkfJ gfjb/ eo b? fsnko UfJ.. 401..
Kabit – Isk hakeekee niraakaar raah fakaraaÆ da isk majaajee kiha upar akaar oe.
JeevandiaaÆ jind te jahaan valoÆ hath dhoe hovaÄa naraas chhaÎ hirs hankaar oe.
Sambhal ¢akaao pair hoh na bihos chal aaskaaÆ noo raah bich aaftaaÆ hajaar oe.
Aasak fakeer ho Ævee pher Bhagwaan Daas khafaÄ samaae pehle kar lai tiaar oe.401.
Word Meaning:- Isk majaajee – bodily love. Akaar – love of body. Aaftaan – troubles. Khafan – shroud, coffin.
Meaning:- Love of saints is true, but the love of worldly people is colour and beauty. True lovers abandoning greed
and ego become recluse. This is not enough, he has to die while alive. He has to forsake the fear of
death. The travellors of this path should proceed further very cautiously. Raja Sahib says that travellor of
this path has not to bear one trouble, he has to endure thousands of hardships. If you have to adopt the
path of a saint then first get prepared your coffin. You may lose your life but this bargain will be even

np o?jebk fby£s/.
Ab Raihkala Likhte
Now Raihkalas are written

o?jebk.. ip geV/ s"o wbzrh j?I sp j'fJ oj/ :e ozrh j?I.

;p n?; j{J/ pdozrh j?I fJj sgd/ fJ;e szd{o j'Ioh.
okj[ fJ;e dk GhVk j? BIjh wBdk ;ysh ghVk j?.
fiBK ufenk fJ;e dk phVk j? Uj ;{bh uV/ wB;{o j'Ioh.
fiBk okj[ fJFe dk cfVnk j? fsBK ozr[ ni?ph ufVnk j?.
Uj[ phu pqjw d/ dfVnk j? fco ikjo j'Id/ B{o j'oh.
GrtKB dk; wstkbk j? fifB gkfJnk n;b j[tkbk j?.
fJj fgnkbk w[o;d tkbk j? wB ehs/ d{o ro{o j'Ioh.. 1..
Raihkala – Jab pak¾e taur malangee haiÆ, tab hoe rahe yak rangee haiÆ.
Sab ais hooe badrangee haiÆ, ih tapde isk tandoor hoÆree.
Raah isk da bhee¾a hai, nahee manda sakhtee pee¾a hai.
JinaaÆ chakiaa isk da bee¾a hai, oh soolee cha¾e Mansoor hoÆree.
JinaaÆ raah ishk da fa¾iaa hai, tinaaÆ rang ajaibee cha¾iaa hai.
Oh beech Brahm de da¾iaa hai, fir jaahar honde noor horee.
Bhagwaan Daas matwala hai, jin paaiaa asl huwaala hai.

Ih piaala mursad waala hai, man keete door groor hoÆree.1.

Word Meaning:- Malangee – Carefree faqir. Yak rangee – completely united. Badrangee – colour different from world.
Bee¾a – to stand firm. Ajaibee – strange. Da¾iaa – stood firm. Garoor – ego.
Meaning:- When took the path of true lovers of God, then became coloured in the will of God. All the enjoyments
became different. The path of true lovers is very narrow. The body may be got heated like the furnace,
even then the love of God is so tasteful that he does not feel an iota of pain. Who stand firm in the
nourishment of love like Mansoor they get themselves hanged happily. Who became the traveller of this
path, they have been strangely coloured in the Name of God. They have stood firm to perceive the God.
They have seen the celestial light. Raja Sahib says that those who have been enlightened to perceive
their origin, they remain in self absorption after that. Those who have drank this cup of nectar through a
perfect Guru, he has abandoned the ego.1.

o?jebk.. eoB je{ws wB;p nkbh w"s Uj wko/ oktD tkbh

d/F pbkfJs eo rJ/ ykbh Sv eo y/; ephb/ ~.
nkfJnk phu ;okfJ w[;kco[ pzB eo p?mk dktk
ekco[ s'fo fbnk id G"Id{ nKyo bGdk c/o t;hb/ ~.
nwbK pkM BIjh S[Nekok ;wM bIth ][d ;wMB jkok.
fi; E?I wKoB pzB eo :kok :kd eIoh T[; ehb/ ~.
gs goshs oj{ sK s/oh d[ows d{o eo/I nzX/oh
BKw igzsk Bk eo d/oh p/d psktD jhb/ ~.

GrtKB BdkB fJT[I fdb ftu ikDh ejK rJ/ Uj[ s/o/ jkDh
p?j p?j o'Idh d';s YkDh bd rJ/ S?b Sphb/ ~.. 2..
Raihkala – Karn hakoomat mansab aalee, maut oh maare RaavaÄ waalee.
Desh balaait kar gae khaalee, chhaÎ kar khes kabeele nooÆ.
Aaiaa beech saraae musaafar, bann kar bai¢ha daawa.
Kaafar tor liaa jad bhaundoo, aakhar labhada fer vaseele nooÆ.
AmalaaÆ baajh nahee chhu¢kaara, samjh laveeÆ khud samjhan haara.
Jis thaiÆ maarn bann kar yaara, yaad kareeÆ us keele nooÆ.
Pat parteet rahoo taaÆ teree, durmat door kareÆ andheree.
Naam japanta na kar deree, bed bataavan heele nooÆ.
Bhagwaan nadaan ioÆ dil vich jaaÄee kahaaÆ gae oh tere haaÄee.
Baih baih rondee dost ÎhaaÄee, lad gae chhail chhabeele nooÆ.2.
Word Meaning:- Mansab aalee – great worldly people. Khes – claim, to assert a right. Kaafar – false claim. Vaseele –
shelters. Ber – without delay. Chhail chhabeele – young.
Meaning:- We have seen great conceited rulers, who have died the death of Raavan. They left their family and
perished. In this world man comes just like a travellor. Here he establishes false claims. When the time
of departure comes then he hankers to find the support.
But there is no liberation without good deeds. In the next world when you will be beaten in bondage,
there only your good deeds will help you. Recite the Name of God without delay this is the only way of
liberation. Establish your good name and trust and abandon your impureness and ignorance. Raja Sahib
says that when this body dies then the friends and relatives sitting in rows weep and remember the
departed soul.2.

o?jebk.. wjb u[pko/ nip T[u/o/ fyiwsdko r[bKw pE/o/

bZd bZd iKd/ d/ys s/o/ fco feT[I j{nk ;ysk s{z.
uoB etb BIjh f;wo/I jo d/ ejK rJ/ Uj[ s/o/ xo d/
w/oh w/oh ;G ;? eod/ fdb ftu ;wM e[oysk s{z.
jfo jfo Bkw T[uKoh wB w/I ip br ;k; s/o/ j?I sB w/
w{V eo c/o BIjh fiT[I iBw/ ;wM bth pdpysk s{z.
g/; nkt/ ip s/ok ehnk jodw :kd eoh s{z ghnk
p'X puko fBjKoh ihnk ;sr[o gk;'I bysk s{z.
;G e[S[ Ghso nzdo d/ go[ gzu yV/ fpu pzdo d/
T[B e[nkV nVkJ/ wzdo d/ Uj d{o jNKth sysk s{z.
GrtKB BdKB eh ncbks{zBh j[D BIjh ;wM/I rkcby{zBh
fco gSskt/I g? g? i{Bh dzv ;j/I ;ysk s{z.. 3..
Raihkala– Mehal chubaare ajab uchere, khijmatdaar gulaam bathere.
Ladd ladd jaaÆde dekhat tere, phir kion hooaa sakhta tooÆ.
Charn Kanwal nahee simreÆ Har de, kahaaÆ gae oh tere ghar de.
Meree meree sab sai karde, dil wich samjh kurakhta tooÆ.
Har Har Naam uchaaree man meÆ, jab lag saas tere haiÆ tan me.

Moo¾ kar pher nahee jioÆ janme samjh lavee badbakhta tooÆ.
Pes aave jab tera keeaa, hardam yaad karee tooÆ peeaa.
Bodh bachaar nihaaree jeeaa satgur paasoÆ lakhta tooÆ.
Sabh kuchh bheetar andar de par panch kha¾e bich bandar de.
Un kuaa¾ a¾aae mandar de, oh door hataaÆvee takhta tooÆ.
Bhagwaan nadaan kee aflaatoonee, huÄ nahee samjheÆ gaafalkhoonee.
Phir pachhtaaveÆ pai pai joonee danÎ saheÆ sakhta tooÆ.3.
Word Meaning:- Sakhta – stone-hearted. Kurakhta – hard natured. Bad bakhta – unfortunate. Lakhta – to know. Panch –
five demons i.e. lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego. Bandar – sportive mind. Aflaatoonee –
scholar like Aflaatoon. Sakhta – hard.
Meaning:- Those who were landlords of high palaces and thousands of servants, have left this world before our
eyes. But this stone hearted man has not perceived it. O harsh man! Are yor knowing not, the members
of your family who were always saying, ‘it is mine, it is mine’, have left you, instead of that you are not
loving the feet of the God. O unfortunate man! You will not get this human body again. Therefore up to
the time the chain breaths continue, recite the Name of God. This precept we have learnt from the Guru
that every animate has to suffer the consequences of his past deeds and actions. Therefore in order to
do good deeds, spend your time in reciting the Name of God. When you will forsake ego then with grace
of Guru, you will realise that your beloved God is in your body. Your sportive mind in the form of monkey
is dancing due to five demons of lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego and you have closed
your door. That is why, you can’t have the glimpse of the beloved God. You consider yourself very wise
and learned man. Raja Sahib says that due to laziness, you are killing yourself. When you will be put in
the cycle of eighty four lakhs species again then you will repent after remembering your past.3.
Explanation:- Maaiaa bhaaveÆ kitnee hove ant chhaÎ jaaÄee hai. Raam Naam hee to¾ nibhda hai. Jaisa ki Kabir Ji

likhde han:
Lanka sa ko¢ samund see khaaee. Tih Raavan ghar khabar na paaee.1.
Kiaa maago kichh thir na rahaaee. Dekhat nain chalio jag jaaee.1. Rahaao.
Ik lakh poot sawa lakh naatee. Tih Raavan ghar deeaa na baatee.2.
Chand sooraj ja ke tapt rasoee, Baisantar ja ke kap¾e dhoee.3.
Gurmat Raamai Naam basaaee. Asthir rahai na kathoon jaaee.4. (Page 481.)

English Version:- The fortress like that of Ceylon and moat like the ocean around it; about that Ravan’s house, there is no
What shall I ask for? Nothing remains stable.
I see with my eyes that the world is passing away. Pause.
One lac of sons and one lac and quarter of grandsons; In that Ravan’ house there was neither lamp nor
The moon and Sun cooked his food.
The fire did wash his clothes.
By Guru’s instruction, he who abides Lord’s Name in his mind that man remains permanent and goes not
Says Kabir, “Listen, O ye people,
Without the Name of Pervading God, no one is emancipated.4.

o?jebk.. ;wM bIth wBwfsnk ;/ok p"jV Bk j';h nktB s/ok

;sr[o efjd/ ;[yB T[u/ok y'i bIth y[d ;hB/ ~..
s/o/ nzdo/ okw w[okok j? BIjh s[M s' B{o[ fBnkok j?

BIjh goy/I goyDjkok j?I s{z nBjd pki/ phB/ ~..

wB ;h;/ ;[os ;wkJh j? fpu Gow G[b/y/ SkJh j?
fJB fBowb i's dpkJh j? s{z ;kc[ eoh nkJhB/ ~..
;fsr[o efjd/ ;[D[ GrtkBk fjo; jokBh j?I rbsKBk
e"vh cV bJh G[b BdKBk Sv eo BKw BrhB/ ~.. 4..
Raihkala– Samjh laÆvee manmatiaa shera bauha¾ na hosee aavan tera.
Satgur kehde sukhan uchera khoj laÆvee khud seene nooÆ.
Tere andre Ram Muraara hai nahee tujh to noor niaara hai.
Nahee parkheÆ parkhaÄhaara haiÆ tooÆ anhad baaje beene nooÆ.
Man seese surt smaaee hai bich bharm bhulekhe chhaaee hai.
In nirmal jot dabaaee hai tooÆ saaf karee aaeene nooÆ.
Satgur kehde suÄ Bhagwaana hirs haraanee haiÆ galtaana.
KauÎee pha¾ laee bhul nadaana chhaÎ kar Naam nageene nooÆ.4.
Meaning:- O conceited lion! Perceive it, that you have not to come in this world again. Satguru says very excellent
words that analyse your innermost consciousness. In your body are Ram and Krishan, their light is not
different from you. You are capable to serutinise as the divine Word of God is resounding inside you. The
consciousness which is imbibed in your forehead, that has been delusioned by you again and again. The
inner light which you have covered with impurity of misdeeds, that must be cleaned by doing good
deeds. Satguru says, “O Bhagwaan Daas! Seeing your greed I am very surprised. Abandoning jewel of
Name, you have been catching the small sea shell.4.

nE ;hjoch.
Ath Seeharfee
Now Seeharfees have been written.

GrtKB dk; w"i fdb dot/; fby$s/ L-

;hjoch∏ nbc nkfd nBkd dh ;ko b? yK feT[ fgnk j?I gKt g;ko p/bh.
fJj sK npb'I nkyoh n?jd pfDnK fEo ofjDk Bk fpu ;z;ko p/bh.
okjh fpu ;oKfJ d/ nKD bE/ o?B eNe/ ubD/ jko p/bh.
w"i fdb s{z ;wM b/ p?m r';/ nkgk Gkt i/ eo/I rtko p/bh.. 1..
Bhagwaan Daas Mauj Dil Darves Likhyate.
Bhagwaan Daas a carefree Saint Writes.
Seeharfee-- Alaf aad anaad dee saar lai khaaÆ kio piaa haiÆ paaÆw pasaar belee.
Ih taaÆ abloÆ aakhree aihad baÄiaa thir rehÄa na bich sansaar belee.
Raahee bich saraae de aaÄ lathe rain ka¢ke chalÄe haar belee.
Mauj dil tooÆ samjh le bai¢h gose aapa bhaav je kareÆ gawaar belee.1.
Word Meaning:- PaaÆw pasaar – becoming carefree. Aihad – promise. Gose – on one side. Gawaar – to throw away.
Meaning:- Through first word of persian script ‘Alaf’ the poet preaches that God, who is origin of all but Himself is
without any origin, try to perceive Him. Why have you forsaken the consciousness of God and loving the
negligence, sleeping carelessly. It is the first and last rule of God that no one stays here forever.
Travellers have reached in the inn of this world, they are ready to go after passing the night in the form

of their life. Raja Sahib says that sacrificing selfhood sitting in solitude if you think about yourself then
you will realise the true secret.1.

;hjoch∏ p/ pkcoh ekcoh eo/I rkcb BIjh ;Zu s/ M{m[ fBsko b?IdK.
fgS/ br e/ dwe p/dwe j'fJnK e'N[ e{V e[wfs T[;ko b?IdK.
wkB; iBw nw'b ni?p pfDnk pkih T[bNh bkfJe/ jko b?IdK.
w"i fdb s{z fdb p/fdb j' e/ ejh nkgD/ g?o feT[I wko b?IdK.. 2..
Seeharfee– Be Baafre kaafree kareÆ gaafal nahee sach te jhoo¢h nitaar lainda.
Pichhe lag ke damk bedamk hoiaaÆ ko¢ koo¾ kumat usaar lainda.
Maanas janam amol ajaib baÄiaa baajee ul¢ee laaike haar lainda.
Mauj dil tooÆ dil bedil ho ke kahee aapÄe pair kioÆ maar lainda.2.
Word Meaning:- Bafaree – excess. Kaafree – atheistism. Nitaar – rays. Damak – brightness of mammon.
Meaning:- O negligent man! You are doing provocation without scrutinising the difference of truth and falsehood.
You have lost your brightness after adopting the path of flashy mammon. You are building the castles of
falsehood and wickedness. This human birth is very valuable, after doing the evil deeds, you will lose this
game. Raja Sahib says, “Your mind, which is the divine light of God, affixing with evil deeds, you are
digging your own grave.2.

;hjoch∏ s/ sZs ~ si T[BwZs j't/I fro/I fpu nfrnkB d/ y{j p/bh.

ub/I ukb e[ukb p/j'; pDe/ gt/I ikfJ peko dh i{j p/bh.

gkJ/I e;N ;[g;N ;/ B;N j' e/ fdzd/ p/d wjkswK ;{j p/bh.
w"i fdb dot/; BdKB i/jVk BIjh y'i e/ d/ydk o{j p/bh.. 3..
Seeharfee– Te tatt nooÆ taj unmat hoveÆ gireÆ bich agiaan de khooh belee.
ChaleÆ chaal kuchaal behos baÄke paveÆ jaae bakaar dee jooh belee.
PaaeÆ kas¢ supsa¢ se nasa¢ ho ke dinde bed mahaatma sooh belee.
Mauj dil darves nadaan jeh¾a nahee khoj ke dekhda rooh belee.3.
Word Meaning:- Unmat – mad. Bakaar – evil deeds. Supsa¢ – pure.
Meaning:- Abandoning the real God with the intoxication of mammon you are falling in the well of ignorance.
Adopting deceitfulness and pettifogery due to madness you are entrapped in the evil deeds. Due to
these evil deeds, it is certain that you will perish. Ved shashtras and wise men condemn this in forceful
words. Raja Sahib says, “He who does not analyse his soul minutely, is a fool.”3.

;hjoch∏ ;/ ;kpsh f;fynk J/j gfjb/ j'fJ oj[ s{z fdb'I p/ wVe p/bh.
g[oik B{o dk bNedk ;kE s/o/ fs; fpu Bk j'o[ j? oVe p/bh.
fiE'I N[fNnk w/b s{z T[; wKjh uV[ n;eK pkbVh ;Ve p/bh.
w"i fdb p/ psB ~ psB fwbdk e?;h wkodk GVe bk XVe p/bh.. 4..
Seeharfee– Se saabtee sikhiaa eh pehle hoe raho tooÆ diloÆ be ma¾ak belee.
Purja noor da la¢kada saath tere tis bich na hor hai ra¾ak belee.
JithoÆ ¢u¢iaa mel tooÆ us maaÆhee cha¾ askaaÆ baal¾ee sa¾k belee.
Mauj dil be batan nooÆ batan milda kaisee maarda bha¾k la dha¾k belee.4.

Word Meaning:- Saabtee – complete. Bema¾k - without ego. Purja – mind.

Meaning:- Forsake egoness, this is the true teaching. Your mind is part of Eternal light. There is no hindrance in it.
Adopting the path of true saints and bhagats, the soul from where it was separated, connect and imbibe
it there. Raja Sahib says that when this foreign mind reaches in his homeland, then becoming fearless,
it roars.4.

;hjoch∏ ihw ikr[ w[;kcok ;[fsnk UfJ s/oh g{zih d/ fpu j? xkN j[zdh.
iok nyhnK gN T[;kD b? yK d/y[ fesBh s[X ~ ekN j[zdh.
fJe bkb[ rtKtdK br BI&&hd/ d{i/ y'Nh j? w{oyk pkN j[zdh.
w"i fdb iK pys[ pshs j't/ c/o G[zBdh fceo dh bkN j[zdh.. 5..
Seeharfee– Jeem jaag musaafra sutiaa oe teree poonjee de bich hai ghaa¢ hundee.
Jara akheeaaÆ pa¢ usaaÄ lai khaaÆ dekh kitnee tudh nooÆ kaa¢ hundee.
Ik laal gavaanvada lag neende dooje kho¢ee hai moorkha baa¢ hundee.
Mauj dil jaaÆ bakhat bateet hove pher bhundee fikar dee laa¢ hundee.5.
Word Meaning:- UsaaÄ – consciousness, Awakening. Laa¢ – fire.
Meaning:- O travellor! You are sleeping in love of worldly enjoyments, now awake. The treasure of your breaths are
becoming less day by day. Opening your eyes, be alert and see how are you suffering loss. As you are
passing your life without contemplating the Name of God. Remaining asleep your have lost the gem of
the Name of God. Your journey is also becoming worthless. Raja Sahib says that when you cross the
midday of youthness, then old age grips you, then worry and anxiety will surround you.5.

;hjoch∏ j/ fjo; dk bfrnk ikb nr/ iKJh w{b B fJ; d/ okj ;Zd/ p/bh.
Sv uNe p/nNe p/GNe j' s{z fgS'I Bc; F?sKB ~ bkfj p/bh.
v'o nkgD/ jZE fJbki[ ;"yk tkj ikJ/ Bk c/o p/tkfj p/bh.
w"i fdb fsq;Bk sho j? i' G'B s'V fJj eIoh ;[nkfj p/bh.. 6..
Seeharfee– He hirs da lagiaa jaal age jaaÆee mool na isde raah sade belee.
ChhaÎ cha¢ak bea¢ak, bebha¢ak ho tooÆ pichhoÆ nafas shaitaan nooÆ laah belee.
Ïor aapne hath ilaaj saukha vaah jaae na pher bevaah belee.
Mauj dil trisna teer hai jo bhon to¾ ih karee suaah belee.6.
Word Meaning:- Hirs – greed. Cha¢ak – love. Nafas – appetite of mind. Bevaah – not goes.
Meaning:- In the path of worldliness, there is a net of sensual desires, don’t adopt that path. Abandoning this
fearlessly forsake this your wish of heart. Until the rein of mind is in your hand, it is very easy to save
oneself. Raja Sahib says that break the arrow of sensual desires and burning it prepare the ashes.6.
Explanation:- Trishna birle hee kee bujhee he.1. Rahaao.
Ko¢ jorai Laakh karore man na hore. Parai parai hee kao lujhee he.1. (Page 213.)

English Version:- The sensual desire of only a few is stilled. Pause.

Man amasses millions and lacs of millions but restrains not his mind. He longs for more and more.6.

;hjoch∏ y/ ysw eo d/j s{z fynkb ;ko/ wZEk nk;eK nkocK N/e eoe/.
;KyK Sve/ nk;o/ tb nKth d/Iyh o{g nB/e w/I J/e eoe/.
i'V nkswK Bkb gqwkswK d/ cIVh pzdrh fJj pp/e eoe/.

w"i fdb goge gowkoEh j'j ukbk nkd fpjko dk B/e eoe/.. 7..
Seeharfee– Khe khatm kar deh tooÆ khiaal saare matha aaskaaÆ aarfaaÆ ¢ek karke.
SaakhaaÆ chhaÎke aasre wal aanvee dekhee roop anek meÆ ek karke.
Jo¾ aatma naal Parmaatma de fa¾ee bandgee ih babek karke.
Mauj dil parpak parmaarthee hoh chaala aad bihaar da nek karke.7.
Word Meaning:- AaskaaÆ – perfect man. Babek – concept of God. Bihaar – good work. Chaala – path.
Meaning:- Abandoning your all desires and thoughts take shelter of an expert Guru. Forsaking the branches, adopt
the right path. In affinity, see the form of only one God. Adopting the concept of God, adhere to the path
of worship and absorb your soul with God. Raja Sahib says, “Become the permanent traveller of the path
of spiritual knowledge and liberation. It is a good path since its origin.7.

;hjoch∏ dkb fd;dk ozr[ nB{g j? i[ G[b iKtdk d/y BdKB p/bh.
jZv wk; s/ E[e j? uzw nzdo T[s'I pDh pD"N dh ;KB p/bh.
uVdk nkD s[cKB i[nKB p/bk e'Jh pudk j? fBrkjtkB p/bh.
w"i fdb dot/; g[ekod/ j?I g/; iKD BK d/ ;?sKB p/bh.. 8..
Seeharfee– Daal disda rang anoop hai ju bhul jaanda dekh nadaan belee.
HaÎ maas te thuk hai chanm ander utoÆ baÄee baÄau¢ dee saan belee.
Cha¾da aaÄ tuphaan juaan bela koee bachda hai nigaahvaan belee.
Mauj dil darves pukaarde haiÆ pes jaaÄ na de saitaan belee.8.
Word Meaning:- Anoop – beautiful. Nadaan – foolish. Tufaan – storm. Nigaahvaan – far sighted. Saitaan – mammon.

Meaning:- Seeing the flashy colour of safflower man forgets himself. In the similar way man seeing the beauty of
mortal woman forgets himself. In reality the woman is made of bones, skin, flesh and spit and outwardly
she has been plastered with beautiful flesh and outwardly construction is also excellent. When zeal of
youth rages then very few wise men get themselves saved. Raja Sahib says that Satan mind which has
fallen in the hands of mammon becomes out of control. Try to save your self from its influence.8.

;hjoch∏ ikb iok BK c/o fjnkT[ ofjIdk tkod nkfJe/ id'I pjko j[zdh.
G[b iKD B;hjsK ;kohnK jh id'I eKw eO'X dh wko j[zdh.
go/;kB j?oKB j' oj/ gkrb fposh fi;dh fpu peko j[zdh.
w"i fdb Bk eor uo{zvdk Uj[ fijB{ mhe pqjw puko j[zdh.. 9..
Seeharfee– Jaal jara na pher hiaao rehnda vaard aaeke jadoÆ bahaar hundee.
Bhul jaaÄ naseehtaaÆ saareeaaÆ hee jadoÆ kaam krodh dee maar hundee.
Presaan hairaan ho rahe paagal birtee jisdee bich bakaar hundee.
Mauj dil na karg charoonÎada oh jihnoo ¢heek Brahm bachaar hundee.9.
Word Meaning:- Hiaao – shame. Vaard – to influence. Bahaar – youthfulness. Karg – dead animal. CharoonÎada – eats.
Meaning:- When youthfulness swells and rises then all types of bashfulness and shyness vanish away. When man
comes under the influence of evil deeds and wrath, then he forgets all the instructions and advices. A
man whose consciousness is overpowered by the evil deeds, due to this he remains confused and
disillusioned. The man who has not been enlightened by the divine knowledge, he eats the meat of dead
animals. In other words he remains engrossed in the act of sexual enjoyment with the woman.9.

;hjoch∏ o/ ozd ;?sKB d/ BIjh ikDk BIjh oyDh fJ; dh Mke p/bh.
G[; p[ok fJj fwNh d/ ykD tKr{z f;o gkT[ s{z fJ; d/ yke p/bh.
ot ofj£k Uj[ d/yB/jko ;ko/ fJ; fpX oj iktDk gke p/bh.
w"i fdb pD"N ;/ T[m eoe/ ;jh eIoh s{z ;u dk ;ke p/bh.. 10..
Seeharfee– Re rand saitaan de nahee jaaÄa nahee rakhÄee is dee jhaak belee.
Bhus bura ih mi¢ee de khaaÄ vaangooÆ sir paao tooÆ is de khaak belee.
Rav rha oh dekhnehaar saare is bidh reh jaavÄa paak belee.
Mauj dil baÄau¢ se u¢h karke sahee karee tooÆ sach da saak belee.10.
Word Meaning:- Rand – path. Rav – pervading. BaÄau¢ – construction, showy.
Meaning:- O man ! You have not to adopt the path of Satan and mammon; Even neither anticipate it hopefully this
habit of eating mud is very bad. Forsake it forever. Considering the Almighty formless God pervading
everywhere, keep yourself free of the impurity of mammon. Raja Sahib says that rising your
consciousness above the flashy life, become the true and everlasting friend of God.10.

;hjoch∏ i/ i'o BK iKtdk :ko UE/ fiE/ fJ;e tkbk s'Vk nkD X[ydk.
fJe gbe BK nkwdh u?B fs; ~ X{znK fjio tkbk ftu ikB X[ydk.
sbprko j? sVcdk fdB/ oKsh fdb T[;dk tKr w;kB X[ydk.
w"i fdb jeheh dk B/e o;sk oj/ fpu wiki gokD X[ydk.. 11..
Seeharfee– Je jor na jaavanda yaar othe jithe isk vaala to¾a aaÄ dhukhda.

Ik palak na aamdee chain tis nooÆ dhooan hijar waala jaan dhukhda.
Talabgaar hai ta¾fada dine raatee dil usda vaang masaan dhukhda.
Mauj dil hakeekee da nek rasta rahe bich majaj praaÄ dhukhda.11.
Word Meaning:- Hijar – separation. Talabgaar – needy. Praan – life.
Meaning:- O friend ! Where the detonator of love ignites, there the man becomes helpless. Such a lover never gets
a peace even for a period of twinkle of an eye; When man actually realises the pain of separation. The
needy man burns without flame like the ashes of the cremated corpse. Raja Sahib says that path of true
love is fine, when the lover of beautiful forms burns night and day.11.

;hjoch∏ ;hB ;wM tkbk y/b/ ;wM pkih BIjh iKtdk G[i epkp tKr{z.
GZmh nKB ;?sKB dh uV/ i/jVk ikJ/ ;{fsnk noe r[bkp tKr{z.
B;k bfrnk fJ;dk fi; sKJh fgnk sVcdk s'V ;okp tKr{z.
w"i fdb s{z jK;bh ;wM ;koh fgS/ d; ipkp j;kp tKr{z.. 12..
Seeharfee– Seen samjh waala khele samjh baajee nahee jaanvda bhuj kabaab vaangoo.
Bha¢hee aan saitaan dee cha¾e jeh¾a jaae sootiaa ark gulaab vaangoo.
Nasa lagiaa isda jis taaÆee piaa ta¾fada to¾ saraab vaangoo.
Mauj dil tooÆ haanslee samjh saaree pichhe das jabaab hasaab vaangoo.12.
Word Meaning:- Baajee – game of love. To¾ – hangover. Haanslee – receipt.
Meaning:- Those who play the game of love in ignorance they get themselves fried like the meat. Who comes under
the influence of mammon is sooked out like the extract of rose. Those who become addicted of love, like
the hangover of a bibber, they writhe and wriggle with great pain and suffer pangs of separation. Raja

Sahib says, “Now tell me what is difference between a true and false love.”12.

;hjoch∏ ;hB ;"e iK ikfrnk ;u tkbk brk frnKB dk e'oVk ;kV eoe/.
j'fJ ofjnk w[ekpbk Bkb wkfJnk brk d/yID/ B?B T[xkV eoe/.
wB'oki dh c"i w"e{c j'Jh r'bk r?p dk ufbnk skV eoe/.
w"i fdb j? fdb e[;kd j'fJnk e[nkVk Gow dk N[fNnk ekV eoe/.. 13..
Seeharfee– Sheen shauk jaaÆ jaagia sach waala laga giaan da kor¾a saa¾ karke.
Hoe rehaa mukaabla naal maaiaa laga dekhÄe nain ughaa¾ karke.
Manoraaj dee fauj maukoof hoee gola gaib da chaliaa taa¾ karke.
Mauj dil hai dil kusaad hoia kuaa¾a bharm da ¢u¢iaa kaa¾ karke.13.
Word Meaning:- Manoraaj – imaginary rule. Kusaad – open. Kuaa¾a – door.
Meaning:- When true love enlightened my body, then whip of divine knowledge struck me. I became aware of my
origin. At this stage when I perceived deeply then I saw the struggle of mammon. In the light of divine
knowledge its influence seemed to be false. All the doubts of mind vanished. The divine knowledge in
such a way over powered me that kingdom of falsehood finished. Raja Sahib says, “When the gate of
delusion broke then darkness of illusion vanished and I got the true kingdom.13.

;hjoch∏ ;[nkd ;po dh f;cs j? ;jh ;koh go[ ftu fJj fe;/ dot/; j[zdh.
o{j fjbdh BIjh jbkJ/ iok yus fpu frnKB ;o/; j[zdh.
iZs ;Zs ;zs'y d/ ftu g{oB J/j' nkocK eko jw/; j[zdh.
w"i fdb s{z iKD b? ;jh ;kde BIjh pzdrh ftu eb/; j[zdh.. 14..

Seeharfee– Suaad sabar dee sifat hai sahee saaree par wich ih kise darves hundee.
Rooh hildee nahee halaae jara khachat bich giaan sares hundee.
Jat sat santokh de vich pooran eho aarfaaÆ kaar hames hundee.
Mauj dil tooÆ jaaÄ lai sahee saadak nahee bandgee vich kales hundee.14.
Word Meaning:- Jat sat santokh – divine virtues. Saadak – lover of God. Kales – conflicts.
Meaning:- The contentment is the best virtue, but rare saints possess this virtue. As a piece of wood is fixed with
fevicol, similar way the soul of contented saints is attached to the divine knowledge, then it does not
waver. Chastity celibacy, and contentments, these three divine virtues always become part and parcel of
saints. O God’s faithful true lover! You are greatest of all. Raja Sahib says, “An anguished mind can not
worship God.14.

;hjoch∏ i[nkd iop se;hw BK i'V pkeh fiE/ brh j? ;[zB ;wkX p/bh.
BIjh fJ;sqh g[o; dk Gk; ofjdk fwN iKwdh e[b T[gkX p/bh.
BIjh jw s/ s[w ij w{b e'Jh UE/ d; eh j'o[ fpnkX p/bh.
w"i fdb iehB d/ Bkb ikDh fBokeko dh ;ko w/I ;kX p/bh.. 15..
Seeharfee– Zuaad zarb takseem na jo¾ baakee jithe lagee hai sun smadh belee.
Nahee istree puras da bhaas rehda mi¢ jaavdee kul upaadh belee.
Nahee ham te tum jah mool koee othe das kee hor biaadh belee.
Mauj dil jakeen de naal jaaÄee niraakaar dee saar meÆ saadh belee.15.
Word Meaning:- Jarb takseem – Arithmetical countings. Bhaas – difference. Upaadh – conflict. Biaadh – disease.
Niraakaar – formless.

Meaning:- Reaching at that stage where there is no intuition of concept there worldly arithmetical countings ends.
There a man becomes imperceptible and beyond calculation and computation and all conflicts end.
There the difference of man and woman vanishes. Where there is only one Almighty God, there is no
story of selfhood. A true saint knows the essence of one God. Raja Sahib says, “Perceive this
metaphysical truth as true.15.

;hjoch∏ s'fJ skbpk bIJh sbhw n?;h fi; ftu B oj/ c;kd e'Jh.
BIjh nktDk iktDk oj/ pkeh n?;h pzB e/ p?m p[fBnkd e'Jh.
;u/ BKw d/ fpu ;wKtdk iK BIjh p;dk BIjh popkd e'Jh.
w"i fdb j'j nwo nc[o j' e/ ed/ nzs BK BIjh ij nkd e'Jh.. 16..
Seeharfee– Toe taalba laee taleem aisee jis vich na rahe fasaad koee.
Nahee aavÄa jaavÄa rahe baakee aisee bann ke bai¢h buniaad koee.
Sache naam de bich samaavda jaaÆ nahee basda nahee barbaad koee.
Mauj dil hoh amar aphur ho ke kade ant na nahee jah aad koee.16.
Word Meaning:- Taalba – researcher. Fasaad – bondage. Amar – immortal. Aphur – thoughtless. Aad – beginning. Ant –
Meaning:- It is a sermon for the lovers of God, where there remains no bondage. The God who is original creator of
this world, try to engross him so that the main conflict of the cycle of birth and death may end. When a
man absorbs himself in true Name then the delusion of habitation or inhabitation ends. Raja Sahib says,
“Becoming intuitionless a man gets the immortal position. A man gets that place which is beyond
beginning and end.16.

;hjoch∏ i'fJ i[bw dh pks fJe[ j'o GkJh fgnk w{b s/ pX fpnki fJ; ~.
eo/ B{o ~ ;jh feT[ p?m eoe/ BIjh w[edk ykeh dk eki fJ; ~.
fojk c; fynkb prko nzdo e?;/ fwb/rk B{oh dk ski fJ; ~.
w"i fdb jeheIsh je[ fwfbnk eo fojk yokp fJj gki fJ; ~.. 17..
Seeharfee– Zoe zulam dee baat ik hor bhaaee piaa mool te badh biaaj is nooÆ.
Kare noor nooÆ sahee kio bai¢h karke nahee mukda khaakee da kaaj is nooÆ.
Riha fas khiaal bagaar andar kaise milega nooree da taaj is nooÆ.
Mauj dil hakeektee hak miliaa kar riha kharaab ih paaj is nooÆ.17.
Word Meaning:- Mool – principal amount. Noor – light of God. Khaakee – visible world. Hakeektee hak – true God. Paaj –
Meaning:- The worst thing is that amount of interest has surplused than the principal amount. The man has got the
wealth of breaths to recite the name of God but that wealth he has wasted in worldly affairs. With this
small amount of breaths, he can not even afford to do the worldly responsibilities how can he
contemplate the Name of God. How can he attain immortal position, when he has been entrapped in the
valuable labour of the worldly affairs. Raja Sahib says, “He was himself the God, but this visible world
has delusioned him.17.

;hjoch∏ n?B nk;eK nkocK ikfBnK i' fejk iKdk Bk gko T[oko Uj'.
u;wK brhnK nKwdh u?B n?;h BIjh fwbdh ftu piko Uj'.
neb ;eb ;/ go/ gq/w Bro ijK pidh Bkw dh sko Uj'.

w"i fdb J/j w[o;d'I okj[ fwbdk f;o ;"Ic e/ pDi pgko Uj'.. 18..
Seeharfee– Ain aaskaaÆ aarfaaÆ jaaniaa jo kiha jaanda na paar uraar oho.
Chasma lageeaaÆ aamdee chain aisee nahee mildee vich bajaar oho.
Akal sakal se pare prem Nagar jahaaÆ bajdee naam dee taar oho.
Mauj dil eh mursadoÆ raah milda sir saunf ke baÄj bapaar oho.18.
Word Meaning:- Paar – other side. Uraar – this side. Chasma – eyes. Mursad – Guru. Saunp – to present. Banj –
Meaning:- The saints have realised the formless and limitless God. Such great men always keep their eyes on God.
Such a realisation of God is not sold in bazar, if it would have been possible then everybody would have
bought it from the market. His form is beyond the reach of intellect. Where there is city of love there is His
abode and there string of love resounds always. We perceive the path of God from the Guru. Raja Sahib
says, “Present your head as an offering and strike the bargain.18.
Explanation:- Guru Nanak Dev Ji likhde han :
Jao tao prem khelan ka chaao. Sir dhar talee galee meree aao.
It maarg pair dhareejai. Sir deejai kaaÄ na keejai.
(Page 1412.)
English Version:- If you yearn to play the game of love, step on my path, with your head placed on the palm of your hand.
And once you set your feet on this Path then lay down your head and mind not public opinion.18.

;hjoch∏ r?B rzw s/ roi dh c?Ie[ rmVh pD oj[ Bk Gko podko p/bh.
fpu Go/ Gzvko pehwsh j?I bt/ ;ko i/ j'J/I ;odko p/bh.

g[i/ tkj Bk ekb izikb ;zdh j'J/I ihItdk fdb'I w[odko p/bh.
w"i fdb Bk y"c dh ikfJ osh uV frnk wB;{o j? dko p/bh.. 19..
Seeharfee– Gain gam te garj dee phaink ga¢h¾ee baÄ rauh na bhaar bardaar belee.
Bich bhare bhanÎaar bkeemtee haiÆ lave saar je hoeÆ sardar belee.
Puje vaah na kaal janjaal sandee hoeÆ jeenvda diloÆ murdaar belee.
Mauj dil na khauf dee jaae ratee cha¾ giaa Mansoor hai daar belee.19.
Word Meaning:- Bhaar bardaar – luggage carrier the donkey. Saar – news. Vaah – power. Jaae – place. Daar – noose.
Meaning:- Throw away the bale of selfishness and apprehension, don’t become a load carrying donkey. In your
body there are very costly diamonds and gems. If you perceive these valuable things, then can became
the greatest of all. There death also becomes powerless. But when one is alive, he has to lose his life.
There is no place for fear and danger. Raja Sahib says, “Mansoor happily agreed to be hanged.19.
Explanation:- VaaÆgoo shaah Mansoor ishk vich hargiz pair na maaree tooÆ.
Is raste de paaÆdhee vekhe soolee te aswaara ea.

;hjoch∏ c/ c?jw d/ Bkb fJj y{p[ ;wIMh i/jVk np ;[nkb itkp[ j[zdk.
;{bh ukV fdsk tbh fi; t/b/ feT[I BIjh ;h U; nikp j[zdk.
eodK rvhnK s/ shIoh S/d eod/ fenk fenk fJj[ T[;d/ pkp j[zdk.
w"i fdb ;[DkfJ e/ jkb[ ;kok c/o ;[yB dk eoB ;tkp j[zdk.. 20..
Seeharfee– Fe faihm de naal ih khoob samjhee jeh¾a ab suaal javaab hunda.
Soolee chaa¾ dita valee jis vele kioÆ nahee see os ajaab hunda.

KardaaÆ gaÎeeaaÆ te teerÆee chhed karde kiaa kiaa ih usde baab hunda.
Mauj dil suÄaae ke haal saara pher sukhan da karn swaab hunda.20.
Word Meaning:- Faihm – intellect. Ajaab – pain. KardaaÆ – daggers. Baab – condition. Sukhan – talk. Swaab – virtuous
action, alms.
Meaning:- Now try to understand the conversation carefully. When prophet Mansoor was hanged, why he did not
feel pain? With daggers and arrows his body was perforated, what else can I tell you what occured with
true lovers of God? This I describe you in the next seeharfies. Raja Sahib says describing such noble
deeds one gets the real enjoyments.20.

;hjoch∏ ekc e"b fJj pj[s pkohe i/jk edo fJ; dh gktDh d{o p/bh.
ndb ;u s/ M{m dk d/ bZis gfjb/ nkgDh eY e;{o p/bh.
ykeh fi;w ;/ p/ nw?d j' e/ br oj/ iK o{j fpu B{o p/bh.
w"i fdb fJT[I wosp/ ;u pkb/ BIjh wzBdk dod io{o p/bh.. 21..
Seeharfee– Kaaf kaul ih bauhat baareek jeha kadar is dee paavÄee door belee.
Adal sach te jhoo¢h da de lajat pehle aapÄee kaÎh kasoor belee.
Khaakee jism se be amaid ho ke lag rahe jaaÆ rooh bich noor belee.
Mauj dil ioÆ martbe sach baale nahee manda dard jaroor belee.21.
Word Meaning:- Kaul – utterance. Baareek – difficult. Adal – justice. Lajjat – taste. Khaakee – our body. Noor – light.
Martbe – position.
Meaning:- Word of honour is very problematic; it is very difficult to keep it. The result of scrutinisation of truth and
falsehood will be abvious only if we consider ourselves culpable. If we feel hopeless of our mortal body

and we become higher then the pains and enjoyment of body. Then our intuition contemplates the divine
knowledge and becomes united with the soul. Raja Sahib says that if lover of God reaches at this stage
(he does not considers the bodily pain as any agony, pains pleasures becomes equal to him) then
though he may be cut into pieces, he will not realise any pain.21.

;hjoch∏ ekc eow eo'V Bk gj[u ;e/ eIoh ;wM e/ goB ngo'y[ n?;k.
y; yk; ;wKB BK jJh fSdq fBokeko fBot?o fBod'y[ n?;k.
fwN iKD ;zebg ftebg ;ko/ ;u M{m Bk oj/ ;zs'y[ n?;k.
w"i fdb BK frnKB nfrnKB T[E/ dzw wkoBk pD/I Bk w'y[ n?;k.. 22..
Seeharfee– Kaaf karm kro¾ na pauhach sake karee samjh ke parn aprokh aisa.
Khas khaas samaan na haee chhidar Niraakaar nirvair nirdokh aisa.
Mi¢ jaaÄ sankalp vikalp saare sach jhoo¢h na rahe santokh aisa.
Mauj dil na giaan agiaan uthe danm maarna baneÆ na mokh aisa.22.
Word Meaning:- Karm – action. Parm – pledge. Aprokh – manifest. Chhidar – outlet. Niraakaar – shapeless. Nirvair –
without enemy. Nirdokh – flawless. Sankalp – determination. Santokh – contentment. Danm maarna – to
claim. Mokh – salvation.
Meaning:- The manifestation of the Supreme Lord can not be understood even doing billions of actions. The
Formless, Enemyless Lord is very subtle and imperceptible that He is even smaller than the seed of
poppy. When all the desires vanish, then all around prevades truthfulness. Mind feels such contentment
that falsehood disappears. Raja Sahib says that state of salvation is so subtle that there is no place to

;hjoch∏ bkw bkfje/ fdb'I GoKs npb c/o ikJ/I i/ nkocK pb p/bh.
eo/I nk; Bok; d/ gktD/ dh ozd[ pj/I we;{d dk wb p/bh.
;wk gkfJe/ ne; fwb ikJ/ nkg/ fod oKw, i/ oj/I nub p/bh.
w"i fdb fJj[ ;[jps'I c?i j[zdk M{mh ikD BdKB BK rb p/bh.. 23..
Seeharfee– Laam laahke diloÆ bhraant abal pher jaaeÆ je aarfaaÆ bal belee.
KareÆ aas naraas de paavÄe dee rand baheÆ maksood da mal belee.
Sama paake aks mil jaae aape rid Raam je raheÆ achal belee.
Mauj dil ih suhbtoÆ faij hunda jhoo¢hee jaaÄ nadaan na gal belee.23.
Word Meaning:- Bhraant –doubt. Abal – first. Rand – path. Maksood – goal. Akas – light, knowledge. Achal – permanent.
Suhbat – society. Faij – achievement.
Meaning:- Ousting the illusion from your mind enjoy the company of the saints. If you want the stage of detachment
then with rigid determination adopt the path of the company of the saints. If you are rigid in your stead
fastness then the God which is hidden in your body, will gradually enlighten your soul. Raja Sahib says,
“Ensure it an ultimate truth, in the company of saints you get the treasure of your soul.23.

;hjoch∏ whw wzBdk BIjh Uj ;u[ osh ofjdh o'i[ e[;zr dh bkr fi; ~.
y;bs jz; dh BIjh j?tKB ikD/ m{zr/ wkod/ fd;d/ ekr fi; ~.
ej/ e[b pepk; fJj rkT[D gek goyD nkT[D Bk ozr d/ okr fi; ~.
w"i fdb j? fs;dk wri rzdk BIjh bgN r[bkp d/ pkr fi; ~.. 24..

Seeharfee– Meem manda nahee oh sach ratee rehadee roj kusang dee laag jis nooÆ.
Khaslat hans dee nahee haiwaan jaaÄe ¢hoonge maarde disde kaag jis nooÆ.
Kahe kul bakbaas ih gaauÄ paka parkhaÄ aauÄ na rang de raag jis nooÆ.
Mauj dil hai tisda magez ganda nahee lapa¢ gulaab de baag jis nooÆ.24.
Word Meaning:- Khaslat – habit, nature. Hans – saints. Haivaan – animals. Gaaun pakka – to sing classical music.
Lapa¢ – fragrance.
Meaning:- One, who is addicted to keep company of bad persons he considers the God a delusion or a myth. As
the owl can’t see the sun, he says there is no sun. One who possessing the nature of a crow, pecks at
the filth, how can he know qualities of a saint? One who has no knowledge of classical music, he calls it
a mere foolish talk. Raja Sahib says, “Whose brain is filthy, how can he enjoy the fragrance of a rose in
the rose garden?24.
Explanation:- Bhai Gurdas Ji likhde han ki moolee de Îakaar toÆ hee moolee da anumaan kar sakeeda hai :
“BolaÄ paaj ughaa¾iaa jio moolee pata” (Bhai Gurdas 36/2)

As eructation indicates the eating of radish leaf.

Annhe agai aarsee naaee dhar na vadhaaee paavai.
Bole agai gaaveeai soom na Îoom kavaae painhaavai.
luke na moorkh aap lakhaavai.5. (Bhai Gurdas Vaar 32/5.)

English Version:- A barber showing mirror to a blind person never gets the reward. Singing before a deaf person is in vain
a like wise a miser does not present a robe to his minstrel as a gift......
Thus the fool never remains hidden, and he definitely exposes himself.24.

;hjoch∏ B{B B/j[ i/ eo/I sK Bio y[b/ j'fJ foj£k j? e[b ;wko nzdo.
;s/ dhg B"I yzv sO? b'e fpu/ ypo r?p dh fynkb r[iko nzdo.
gVdk rcbs'I uZedK BIjh rkcb y'fJnk isB pr?o fdbdko nzdo.
w"i fdb s{z ;hB/ ~ ;kc eoe/ eIoh op dk fBs dhdko nzdo.. 25..
Seeharfee– Noon neh je kareÆ taaÆ najar khule hoe riha hai kul samaar andar.
Sate deep nauÆ khanÎ trai lok bichai khabar gaib dee khiaal gujaar andar.
Pa¾da gaflatoÆ chakda nahee gaafal khoiaa jatan bagair dildaar andar.
Mauj dil tooÆ seene nooÆ saaf karke karee Rab da nit deedaar andar.25.
Word Meaning:- Neh – love. Samaar – counting. Sat deep – seven islands. NauÆ khanÎ – nine parts of earth. Trai lok –
three worlds. Dildaar – dear God.
Meaning:- If your love is true and faithful then when you will see your innerself then you can perceive the expanse
of the God. Concentrating your intuition on your innerself you can realise the nine parts of this world and
three worlds namely the earth, the sky and the nether regions, your beloved God is in your body. You
have not removed the curtain of delusion and you can not realise it without effort. Raja Sahib says that
by cleaning your innerself you can have the glimpse of God whenever you like.25.
Explanation:- Naam manukh de andar hee vasda hai, par partakh karn laee Guru de shabad dee kamaaee dee lo¾ hai.

Soohee Mehla 3.
Kaaiaa andar sabh kichh vasai khanÎ manÎal paataala.
Kaaiaa andar jagjiwan daata vasai sabhna kare pratpaala.
Kaaiaa kaamÄ sada suhelee gurmukh Naam samaalha.2. (Page 754.)

English Version:- Within the body abide all the continents worlds and nether regions. In the body dwells the Beneficent
Lord, the life of the world, who cherishes all. Ever illustrious is the body pride that by the Guru’s grace
meditates on Name.

;hjoch∏ tkT[ tk;s/ J/; Brkfj j'D/ eo oj/ j? eJh sbgN p/bh.
e'Jh f;y jiokfJsK eo/ ekwD e'Jh eo/ Bi{w dk oN p/bh.
rJ/ T[bM nB/e nc;'; nkbw oj/ fpu nfrnKB d/ nZN p/bh.
w"i fdb feT[I fdbdk p?jo y[b/ ;fjzdk BIjh i/ ;pd dh ;N p/bh.. 26..
Seeharfee– Vaao vaste es nigaah hoÄe kar rahe hai kaee talpa¢ belee.
Koee Sikh hajraaitaaÆ kare kaamaÄ koee kare najoom da ra¢ belee.
Gae uljh anek afsos aalam rahe bich agiaan de a¢¢ belee.
Mauj dil kioÆ dilda baihar khule sehnda nahee je sabad dee sa¢ belee.26.
Word Meaning:- Talpa¢ – to try. HajraaitaaÆ – means to present a ghost. KaamaÄ – exorcism, enchantment. Najoom –
astrology. Ra¢ – to recite again and again. A¢¢ – stopped. Baihar – to dig through the hard layer of earth
or rock. Sabad – sermon, advise.
Meaning:- Many are doing practises to summon the ghosts. Many are performing exocism. Many are studing the
astrology to improve their knowledge. Many people entrapped in this false world are wailing with pain.
Raja Sahib says until a man does not recites the name of God rigorously and does not work hard to earn
the God’s glimpse till then how will he realise the everlasting bliss of the Name of God.26.

;hjoch∏ j/ j'Itdk jZi iwkb T[;B{ b?Idk T[; dh soc dk ;k; i/jVk.
fJe dzw BK iKtdk w{b[ ykbh eo/ BKw d/ fpu fBtk; i/jVk.

eo[ nk;o/ ftu nBkd fB;uk fwN ikJ/ pD"N ft;tk; i/jVk.
w"i fdb BK bZrdk dkr T[;B{ j?rk ;[X ;o{g nek; i/jVk.. 27..
Seeharfee– He honvda hajj jamaal usnoo lainda us dee tarf da saas jeh¾a.
Ik danm na jaanvda mool khaalee kare naam de bich nivaas jeh¾a.
Kar aasre vich anaad nischa mi¢ jaae baÄau¢ visvaas jeh¾a.
Mauj dil na lagda daag usnoo haiga sudh saroop akaas jeh¾a.27.
Word Meaning:- Jamaal – glimpse. Niwaas – abode. Anaad – without beginning, the God. BaÄau¢ – false. Sudh saroop –
Meaning:- Those men who remember the God with each breath they get the glimpse of God in the form of
pilgrimage to Mecca. He needs no further pilgrimage. Who has made his abode in Name, his not even a
single breath goes waste. As Guru Amardas Ji says, “At every breath, he ever remembers the Lord and
not a single breath of his passes in vain. His fear of birth and death departs and he obtains the honour of
eternal life.” He considers the composition of this world as false and himself becomes ardent devotee of
formless immortal God. God who is unblemished and clear perceive Him, He is pure like the sky.27.

;hjoch∏ bkw bysk bJh nby tkbh rkbp g?D BK s[X s/ nkm p/bh.
fis eKw eO'X s/ b'G w'fj eIoh wko jzeko ~ gkm p/bh.
nk;k Bkb fsq;Bk jJh fuzsk fJBK wko[ frnKB d/ ekm p/bh.
w"i fdb yskp BdKB dk sK fdb'I wkodk w"i dh mkm p/bh.. 28..
Seeharfee– Laam lakhta laee alakh vaalee gaalab paiÄ na tudh te aa¢h belee.
Jit kaam krodh te lobh moh karee maar hankaar nooÆ paa¢h belee.

Aasa naal trisna haee chinta inaaÆ maar giaan de kaa¢h belee.
Mauj dil khataab nadaan da taaÆ dilon maarda mauj dee ¢haa¢h belee.28.
Word Meaning:- Lakhta – to know. Alakh – incomprehensible God. Gaalab – to effect. Kaa¢h maarna – to entangle
purposelessly. Kaan – arrow. Ùhaa¢h – the waves.
Meaning:- If the five demons or passions namely lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego do not overpower
you, then virtually you can apprehend the incomprehensible God. Kill these five demons and hope and
sensual desire entangling them purposelessly with arrow of divine knowledge. Then perceive in your
mind waves will swell in it like water of flood. Raja Sahib says that due to this our title of honour is
Explanation:- Seeharfee de ‘laam’ akhar vich Raja Sahib panjaaÆ vikaaraaÆ te jitt praapat karke alakh dee lakhta
dasde han, te mauj dil de bhaav nooÆ biaan karde han.

;hjoch∏ nbc J/; j? w[osp/ gj[funk Uj[ GfJnk nkfJ sqshpo p?okr fi; ~.
wro o;w BK G;w j' ikJ/ nKbw o";B j'fJ frnKB uokr fi; ~.
oj/ w;s p/ypo p/yso nk;e br ikJ/ gq/w dh ikr fi; ~.
w"i fdb Bk wkfJnk dh Gkfj fs; ~ efjzd/ ;[X pqjw p/dkr fi;~ .. 29..
Seeharfee– Alaf es hai murtbe pauhchiaa oh bhaiaa aae tarteebar bairaag jis nooÆ.
Magar rasm na bhasam ho jaae aalam rausan hoe giaan charaag jis nooÆ.
Rahe masat bekhabar bekhatar aasak lag jaae prem dee jaag jis nooÆ.
Mauj dil na maaiaa dee bhaah tis nooÆ kehnde sudh brahm bedaag jis nooÆ.29.
Word Meaning:- Tarteebar – freedom from worldly desires, renunciation. Aalam – the world. Bhaah – fire.

Meaning:- They acquire the position of carefee who have got freedom from the worldly desires. They don’t absorb
themselves into false rituals. The divine knowledge enlightens in thier innermost soul. The lovers who
are fermented with affection, they live self intoxicated. Raja Sahib says that which is called pure
spotless, realiser of God, to him the fire of mammon can not burn.29.

;hjoch∏ :/ :ko dk :ko j' ikJ/I tk;b gfjb/ gziK dh pzB iwks p/bh.
y[dh S'v p/y[d j' y[d j't/I ght/I n;bh nkp fjnks p/bh.
id' nKB sk;ho ~ n;o j't/ j'fJ iKtdh s[os Biks p/bh.
w"i fdb iK fdb w/I fdb fwfbnk fwbh iks w/I iks j? iks p/bh.. 30..
Seeharfee– Ye yaar da yaar ho jaaeÆ vaasal pehle panjaaÆ dee bann jamaat belee.
Khudee chhoÎ bekhud ho khud hoveÆ peeveÆ aslee aab hiaat belee.
JadoÆ aan taaseer nooÆ asr hove hoe jaanvdee turt najaat belee.
Mauj dil jaaÆ dil meÆ dil miliaa milee jaat meÆ jaat hai jaat belee.30.
Word Meaning:- Yaar da – God’s. Yaar – friend. Vaasal – who meets, companion. PanjaaÆ – five demons, lust, wrath,
avarice, worldly attachment and ego. Khudee – conceitedness. Bekhud – egoless. Khud – oneself a
God. Aabe hiaat – nectar. Najaat – salvation. Jaat – animate. Jaat – God. Jaat – know it.
Meaning:- O my friend! If you control five passions i.e. lust, wrath, avarice, worldly attachment and ego, then you
can realise the God. Abandoning the conceitedness, become humble and courteous then tasting the
nectar you yourself will become the form of God. When your mortal body is effected by the nectar then
you will get liberation immediately. If you get the Almighty in your heart then you yourself will merge with
the God.30.

;hjoch∏ ;kiB ;kde noiK eod/ ngBh ej' ejkBh w/jotKBh.

frnkB j'fJ BK fJ; fpX ;k~ ofjId/ nkg ;bkBh BIjh weKBh.
sp fJj p'b pDkJ/ nkoc efjIdk ;[yB[ i[pKBh d[BhnK cKBh.
GrtKB dk; j? BkwK n;bh fJ;w yskph ikBh w"i fdbk fdb dkBh.. 31..
Seeharfee– Saajan saadak arjaaÆ karde apnee kaho kahaani meharvaanee.
Giaan hoe na is bidh saanooÆ rehÆde aap slaanee nahee makaanee.
Tab ih bol baÄaae aarf kehnda sukhn jubaanee duneeaa faanee.
Bhagwaan Daas hai naamaaÆ aslee ism khataabee mauj dila dil daanee.31.
Word Meaning:- Saajan – friend. Saadak – contented. Salaanee – travellers. Makaanee – who stay at one place. Aarf –
saints. Ism – name. Khataabee – pen name.
Meaning:- My friends and relatives and contented people requested me to tell them my life story. “How can we
attain the divine knowledge, you do not make abode at one place.” Then I wrote these divine hymns in
which I have mentioned about the false world. Raja Sahib says that my real name is Bhagwaan Daas
and my pen name is ‘Maujdil’ carefree.31.

efps.. fMzrVK dh i{j fpu Ykp d/ eBko/ go ;[yB fJj ;ko j?I BdKB ej/ w"i fdb.
d[n?s e' T[mkfJ e/ nd[sh e/ weKB go iks gks G/y BK pBktN j? fsb.
;op ;[nKr fty/ y/bdk Bo/; j'fJ Gow T[mkfJ fBogZy dot/; fwb.
nwb ewkJ/I i/jV/ ej/ GrtKB dk; nkt/ BK BdkB B/V/ nkcs nfib.. 32..

Kabit – Jhing¾aaÆ dee jooh bich Îhaab de kanaare par sukhan ih saar haiÆ nadaan kahe mauj dil.
Duaait ko u¢haae ke adutee ke makaan par jaat paat bhekh na banaava¢ hai til.
Sarb suaang vikhe khelda nares hoe bharm u¢haae nirpakh darves mil.
Amal kamaaeÆ jeh¾e kahe Bhagwaan Daas aave na nadaan ne¾e aafat ajil.32.
Word Meaning:- Duait – duality. Adutee – One God. Naresh – king. Aafat ajil – fear of death.
Meaning:- In the boundary of village Jhing¾a on the bank of village pond I have uttered these divine words. Visit that
place of God, where there is no fabrication of castes, colours and dresses. Abandoning your complete
duality reach there. In the company of partial saints you perceive that the God in the form of light
pervades in all. Raja Sahib says that if you will act on these divine words then your fear of death

;P?:k.. ;[yBb ;ko pjko ejh r[biko ;jh fJj j? p[eok.

;' seoho sjoho eoh s;ohj ojh jw i' c[eok.
;/js ;?o fJj g?o g? g?o eo/I ro m?o j'J/I m[eok.
nwB e/ uwB w/I rwB j{J/ ip dk; GrtKB ehU ;[eok.. 33..
Swaiyya– Sukhnal saar bahaar kahee guljaar sahee ih hai bukra.
So takreer tahreer karee tasreeh rahee ham jo phukra.
Sehat sair ih pair pai pair kareÆ gar ¢hair hoeÆ ¢hukra.
Aman ke chaman meÆ gaman hooe jab daas Bhagwaan keeo sukra.33.
Word Meaning:- Sukhnal saar – the gist of divine words. Bukra – description. Tahreer – writings. Tasreeh – to describe in
detail. Gaman – to go.

Meaning:- This description of divine words is like the garden of flowers. Speaking, writing and explanation of lines
of these hymns are like the flowers. We attain the divine eminence and superiority if we study these
hymns carefully. Raja Sahib says that when I walked in this garden of peace and tranquillity, I thanked
God with great respect.33.

Ath Dohra
Now Dohras are written

d'jok.. GrtKB dk; r[o ukjhJ/ i?;/ nkjB ro.

geV jE'Vk frnkB ek f;X/ d/t/ eo.. 1..
Dohra:– Bhagwaan Daas gur chahee-e jaise aahn gar.
Paka¾ hatho¾a giaan ka sidhe deve kar.1.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that if your Guru is sculptor of iron, then Guruji handling the hammer of knowledge
should dispel the duality of mind.1.

d'jok.. GrtKB dk; G[b fBeb/ i/ r[o fwb/ b[jko.

o/sh geV frnKB dh bkj/ s[os izrko.. 2..
Dohra– Bhagwaan Daas bhul nikle je gur mile luhaar.
Retee paka¾ giaan dee laahe turat jangaar.2.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that if your Guru is Blacksmith then Guru should handling the rasp of divine knowledge
should scrape the filth of evil deeds of your mind.2.

d'jok.. GrtKB dk; G[b np BK j? r[o iks niks.

fiT[I ek jh fsT[ j' fojk ghsk nkp fjnks.. 3..
Dohra– Bhagwaan Daas bhul ab na hai gur jaat ajaat.
JioÆ ka hee tio ho riha peeta aab hiaat.3.

Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that there is no scruting of Guru’s caste as he drinking the nectar of the Name of God
has become immortal.3.

d'jok.. GrtKB dk; r[o[ wzBhJ/ ekwb tbh ceho.

o;s/ o;s/ iK tdk d/t/ S'v ;oho.. 4..
Dohra– Bhagwaan Daas Guru mannee-e kaamal valee fakeer.
Raste raste jaaÆ vada deve chhoÎ sareer.4.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that my Guru was a perfect saint he died while walking.4.

d'jok.. GrtKB dk; r[o frnks ;/ n?;/ ehU ubkD.

gqkDk dh rm y'be/ pkDh ;/ fBopkD.. 5..
Dohra– Bhagwaan Daas Gur giaat se aise keeo chalaaÄ.
PraaÄa dee ga¢h kholke baaÄee se nirbaaÄ.5.
Meaning:- Raja Sahib says that my Guru being a family man got the position of emancipation and died opening the
knot of breaths.5.

d'jok.. pzr/ ;?jo ;/ whb d' gZSw Uo gSkB.

:kdrko sj r[o eh r'fpzd g[o jh dofwnkB.. 6..
Dohra– Bange saihar se meel do pachham or pachhaan.
Yaadgaar tah gur kee gobind pur hee darmiaan.6.
Meaning:- The village Gobindpur is situated at a distance of two miles from Banga in the side of west there stands

the memorial of my Guru.6.

d'jok.. ;qh itkjo fwqfrzd e' pko pko goBkw.

fiB e/ j" gq;kfd ;/ iKfBU Bkwh Bkw.. 7..
Dohra– Sri Jawaahar Mirgind ko baar baar parnaam.
Jin ke hau parsaad se jaanio naamee Naam.7.
Meaning:- I salute my Guru Jawahar Singh again and again, by whose grace I realised and perceived the Name of

d'jok.. efj w[y T[gwk j"I eo'I ;fsr[o r[Dh fBXkB.

w' i?;/ wfs wzd e' ehB' nksw frnKB.. 8..
Dohra– Keh mukh upma hauÆ karoÆ satgur guÄee nidhaan.
Mo jaise mat mand ko keeno aatam giaan.8.
Meaning:- How should I praise my Satguru? Who was treasure of knowledge, he blessed me with such a noble
divine knowledge.8.

d'jok.. ;qh itkjo fwqfrzd e/ r[o e' Gh goBkw.

r[o e' GJh gqkgsh fwfbU j? w'fj okw.. 9..
Dohra– Sri Jawaahar mirgind ke gur ko bhee parnaam.
Gur ko bhaee praapatee milio hai mohe Raam.9.
Meaning:- I salute to the Guru of my Guru Jawahar Singh from whom Jawahar Singh realised God and from

Jawahar Singh I perceived Almighty.9.

d'jok.. fpu ji{oh wosp/ ofjId/ ;[jpk ;kw.

;fsr[o e/ r[o n"bhnk jzpho uzd ih BKw.. 10..
Dohra– Bich hajooree martbe rehande suba saam.
Satguru ke gur auleeaa Hanbeer Chand Ji Naam.10.
Meaning:- The name of Satguru’s Guru was Hambeer Chand Auleeaa, who in the morning and evening was
attending the Darbar.10.

d'jok.. nksw 1, yzv 9, fpeko 6, fpzd 0, ;zws fpeOw okfJ..

GrtKB dk; np w"i fdb dhBh ebw mokfJ.. 11..
Dohra– Aatam 1, khand 9, bikaar 6, bind 0, samat bikram raae.
Bhagwaan Daas ab mauj dil deenee kalm ¢hraae.11.

d'jok.. p?d 4, puB 3, i[r 4, nzebk ;zws[ BkBe ;kfj..

GrtKB pbk; ;wkgsz gk fp;okw gBkfj.. 12..
Dohra– Baid 4, bachan 3, jug 4, ankla samat Nanak saah.
Bhagwaan Blaas smaaptang pa bisraam panaah.12.
Meaning:- Bhagwaan Balas Granth was completed in Samvat 1960 and Nanak Shahi samvat 434. Raja Sahib says
that now I stop my pen.12.


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