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PROINTE 1. Falsos cognatos Falso cognato Tradugao ‘0 que parece ser ‘Que em inglés &.. ‘Actuall na verdade atualmente ‘currentlyinowadays ‘Application Inserigao aplicagao investment Appointment hora marcada apontamento note Assist ‘Ajudar assistir attend a lesson/ watch TV ‘Audience Plateia audiéneia ‘court appearance Balcony ‘Sacada baleao ‘counter Beef carne de gado bife steak Cafeteria Refeitério cafeteria coffee shop Carton caixa de papelao cartao card Cigar Charuto cigarro cigarette Collar {ola colarinho colar necklace College Faculdade colégio high school Comprehensive complete/total compreensivo understanding Convenient Pratico conveniente appropriate Convict ‘Condenado convicto certain Costume roupa/ fantasia costume ‘custom’ habit Data dados/ informagées data date Deception Fraude decepgao disappointment Decorate decorar (ornamentar) | decorar memorize Discussion discussao sobre algo | discussao (briga) argument Educated Instruido educado polite Estate Imével estado state Eventually Finalmente eventualmente ‘occasionail Exit Saida éxito success Fabric Tecido fabrica factor Ingenious Criativo ingénuo naive Tnjun Ferimento injaria Insult Intend Pretender entender understand Journal Periodic jornal newspaper Lamp Luminaria lampada fight bulbs Large Grande largo wide Lecture Palestra leftura reading Legend Lenda legenda subtitle Lunch ‘Almogo lanche snack Notice Perceber noticia news Novel Romance novela soap opera ‘Ordinary ‘Comum cordinario vulgar Parents Pais parentes relatives Particular Especifico particular private Policy norma/ politica policia police Prejudice Preconceito prejutzo damage Pretend Finger pretender intend Push Empurrar puxar pull Realize Perceber realizar accomplish Record Graver recordar remember recall Résumé Curriculo resumir summarize Sensible Sensate sensivel sensitive Stable firme/ estavel estabulo barn Stupid Burro estupido rude Support ‘Sustentar suportar beari stand/ tolerate ‘Temper ‘Temperament tempero ‘condiment Use usar! utilizar usar (vestir) wear Exercicios Destaque os falsos cognatos no texto abaixo. ADAY AT WORK In the morning | attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final draft of the agreement. Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked if | had realized that the proposed agreement would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. | pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria, Actually, I didn't want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office. After lunch | attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public library, and establish tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the people expect from the government. 2. Ambiquidade lexical A ambigilidade lexical acontece quando uma palavra possui mais de um significado possivel. Esses significados sao todos contextuais, que variam de situagao para situagao. Nao ha como listar todas as ambigilidades lexicais, devendo o leitor estar muito atento a esse detalhe quando ler um texto, Abaixo, alguns exemplos dessas ambigtiidades: Termo em inglés Significado 7 Significado 2 Abstract abstrato resumo Affliate ‘arse determinar paternidade Affluent afluente Tico Apology apologia desculpa Apply aplicar inscrever-se ‘Argument argumento discussao ‘Arm arma brago Balance balanga equilforio Bal bola baile Bar bar barra Capital capital maiascula Caneel cancelar carimbar Cell célula cela Character caraler personagem China China porcelana Class classe aula Club clube taco de golfe Cool fresco Tegal Compass compasso bissola Date data encontro Directory diretoria Tista telefonica Faculty Taculdade (mental) corpo docente Figure figura numero Fix Tixar consertar Interest interesse juros Just justo apenas Letter Tetra carta Match Tigar (relacionar) partida (jog0) Major major principal Mark marca nota Mass: massa missa Medicine medicina Temédio fol] dleo patroleo ‘Operator operador telefonista Park parque estacionar Plant planta Yabrica Principal principal diretor de escola Pupil pupila aluno Race raga corrida Rare aro mal passado (carne) Record recorde gravar Rest resto descansar Save salvar ‘economizar Spirits espiritos bebida alcodlica Subject Sujelto assunto Turkey Turguia peru b. O que as palavras em destaque significam no contexto das frases? 1. [need to cancel your documents. 2. She is the pri pal of the school 3. His mark was terrible 4. The operator gave me the wrong number of the plant. 5. Weare lost. We need a compass. 6. Do you know the capital of China? 7. You have to use capital letters for people's names. 8. | appreciate Indian china. 9. The character of this film has a bad character. 10. You have to write the names of the capitals in capital letters. 11, He took part of the race and won first place. 12. | stopped at the bar to buy a bar of chocolate 13. | was so tired that | needed to rest the rest of the day. 14. The parking lot was crowded. We had to park in front of the park. 15, Some people claimed that the band's new song was an apology for drugs.

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