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Scarcity (sự khan hiếm) refers to a basic economic problem—the gap between limited

resources and theoretically limitless wants. This situation requires people to make
decisions about how to allocate resources efficiently, in order to satisfy basic needs and
as many additional wants as possible. Any resource that has a non-zero cost to consume
is scarce to some degree, but what matters in practice is relative scarcity. Scarcity is also
referred to as "paucity." 
Well-being( kinh tế tốt) is defined as having present and future financial security.
Present financial security includes the ability of individuals, families, and communities to
consistently meet their basic needs (including food, housing, utilities, health care,
transportation, education, childcare, clothing, and paid taxes), and have control over
their day-to-day finances. It also includes the ability to make economic choices and feel
a sense of security, satisfaction, and personal fulfillment with one’s personal finances
and employment pursuits.
Interdependence ( sự phụ thuộc lẫn nhau) is a condition that exists when two or more
persons, organizations, regions or countries exchange goods and services with the
purpose of filling each other multiple needs. The term mostly applies to situations of
intensive trade among two or more participants to ensure proper availability of
products and services to each of them.
Efficiency( hiệu quả) implies an economic state in which every resource is optimally
allocated to serve each individual or entity in the best way while minimizing waste and
inefficiency. When an economy is economically efficient, any changes made to assist
one entity would harm another. In terms of production, goods are produced at their
lowest possible cost, as are the variable inputs of production.
Choice( sự lựa chọn) refers to the ability of a consumer or producer to decide which
good, service or resource to purchase or provide from a range of possible options. Being
free to choose is regarded as a fundamental indicator of economic wellbeing
and development.
Intervention is an regulatory action taken by a government or international institution
in a market economy in an effort to impact the economy beyond the basic regulation of
fraud, enforcement of contracts, and provision of public goods and services.
Change( sự thay đổi) is a shift in the structure of an economic system. This results in
changes to societies, cultures and everyday life on a global or national basis. Economic
change caused by technology, politics and progress is a regular feature of history.
Equity in economics is defined as process to be fair in economy which can range from
concept of taxation to welfare in the economy and it also means how the income and
opportunity among people is evenly distributed.
Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is
composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally
as profits, planet, and people. Increasingly, companies are making public commitments
to sustainability through actions like reducing waste, investing in renewable energy, and
supporting organizations that work toward a more sustainable future.

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