Structural Functional Approach

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The structural functional approach had its origin in

anthropology and sociology. Some of the thinkers associated with
this approach are Malinowski, Radcliffe Brown, Talcott Parson and
Robert Merton. After the rise of Behavioral Revolution, structural
functionalism applied to study political processes.
Structures and Function
It is important to understand the meaning of structures and
function. Structures refer to the observable activities which make up
the political system and it consists of some regularities or patterns.
The political economy, society or culture is examples of structure.
These structures perform certain function. Function is actions that
are perform to maintain the system. Not all actions are called as
function only those actions which maintain the system are
important. For instance the role of legislature is to make laws and
the role of executive is to implement laws. So law making and
implementing become functions of the legislature and judiciary.
Gabriel Almond has used the structural functional model in
politics. According to Almond every political system has four
common characteristics. First political systems have political
structures and they can be compared with one another in terms of
degree and specialization. Second different political system perform
universal functions like rule making or rule implementing. Third
political system performs several functions depending on the
degree of their specialization. Political system has a blend of
tradition and modernity and it can be known by finding the ratio of
modern and traditional values.
Almond says that functions of the political system can be
divided into two parts input functions and output functions. Further
input functions can be sub divided into (a) Political Socialization
and recruitment (b) Interest articulation (c) Interest aggregation (d)
Political Communication. The output function is divided into (a) Rule
making (b) Rule application (c) Rule Application.
Input Functions
1.Political Socialization is a process where the individual learns the
political values, beliefs and attitudes of the political system. It is a
slow process of learning and includes institutions like family,
schools, university, media, workplace etc. Some political
socialization is direct like participating in political rallies or meetings.
Sometimes it is indirect process where an individual imitate or
imbues values by observing other members of the society. For
instance an individual may learn political values of democracy by
observing family members.
2.Interest Articulation refers to the process where demands are
raise and transmitted to the political system. In democratic system
public can raise demands through the political parties or pressure
groups or media. Different groups in the society have multiple
demands and political parties have to understand these demands.
Different parties or pressure groups can cater to demands of
different sections of the society.
3.Interest Aggregation is the process whereby demands are
processed and refined into policies. Parties in the legislature
perform this task of turning the demands into concrete policy
4.Political Communication refers to the process of politically
relevant messages from non political structures to the political
structures and vice versa. It is broad process of flow of information
between the government and the society. Media is an important
instrument of political communication whereby it acts as conveyor
belt of information between the two.
Output Functions
Almond says that output function comprise three structures rule
making, rule application and rule adjudication.
1.Rule making is the process of law making which is done in
modern times by the legislature. In democratic rule making can
have different levels due to federal system. In federal system there
exists federal and state legislature. Often bureaucracies can also
have the power to make legislation and policies.
2.Rule application is the process of implementing laws. The
executive organs of the state perform the work of rule application.
In USA the President has the power to implement the rule while in
India it is the Prime Minister and the Council of ministers who
perform executive duties.
3.Rule adjudication is the process of interpreting laws which is done
by the courts. Courts have the power to interpret the laws in
accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Some in the
process of adjudication the courts can limit the powers of the
executive and judiciary.
1. Structural functionalism provides universal framework for
understanding different political system.
2. It provides standard set of variables that can be used different
forms of political system whether it is traditional or modern,
unitary or federal.
3. Almond’s seven fold variable is an important methodological
tools in comparative politics to study different countries.
4. It can be used for studying the pattern of conflicts that
emerges in the political system by examining the multiple
1. It is said that structural functionalism is a static model unable
to explain changes in the system.
2. Structural functionalism has been charged of Euro centrism as
it is not capable of explaining non European political system.
3. Structural Functionalism has been charged of status quo
because it focuses heavily on equilibrium.

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