Crew Served Weapons

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What are CSWs?

CSW stands for 'Crew served weapon'. These weapons are named that way,
because they need a crew of at least 2 or 3 people, to be used effectively.
Most of them are broken down in a tripod (or baseplate) and the weapon itself.

Which tripod belongs to which weapon?

6P57 Tripod
• DSHk
• NSV (requires 'low' version)

SAG 30 Tripod
• AGS-30 GMG
• Mini-Spike (AA/AT)
• XM307 (and XM312

M220 Tripod
• BGM-71 TOW Launcher

M3 Tripod
• M2
• Mk19 (requires the 'low' version)

Mortar Baseplate
• 2B14 Mortar
• M252 Mortar
• Mk 6 Mortar

SPG 9 Tripod
• SPG9(M)

M47 Dragon Launcher

• Can be deployed on it's own, needs SU-36/P Daysight in Binoc-slot (might become
unable to be picked up again)
• no additional equipment needed, comes with a low tripod
• no additional equipment needed, gunner sits pretty low, but launcher is raised (useful
for firing from behind cover)

Which purpose serve CSWs?

That depends on the kind of weapon you have.
• HMGs and GMGs are great for suppressing enemies whilst also being able, to inflict
heavy damage on enemy infantry.
• Mortars are artillery pieces, that can be deployed and used in the field. They have a
lower range, than a Howitzer for example, but are very versatile in
their use and offer many different types of ammunition.
• Static launchers are mainly used to damage or to destroy enemy vehicles or aircraft.
They are perfect for defending a strategic point or ambushing enemy vehicles.

What are the roles in a CSW-crew?

There are 2 essential and 1 additional roles in a CSW-crew.

• The gunner: The guy behind the weapon, the one who aims and fires it (essential)
• The loader: He loads the gun with ammo and keeps the gunner firing. Good
communication between gunner and loader is vital, to keep the weapon from running
out of ammo. (essential)
• The spotter/commander: Often having a long-range radio, he is the crew's
communicator and the one getting the range and making calculations for the gunner.
(Important in a mortar crew otherwise non-essential)

Which equipment should CSW-crews bring?

Apart from the actual weapon (and tripod, if necessary), they need to bring enough
ammunition, to get their job done (and some to spare, since it is always beneficial, to
have some reserves).

How are CSWs deployed?

This depends on whether you are using the backpack (non-ACE), or launcher-slot
(ACE) version of the weapon.
• To deploy the non-ACE version, you simply have to put the tripod backpack on the
ground and use the vanilla interaction-menu, to assemble it. These already come with
ammo loaded on deployment, but bringing more is always a good idea.
• Deploying the ACE version requires you, to first set up the tripod, which is done with
the ACE self-intercation menu (CTRL+Win-key) and then ACE- interact (Win-key) with
the tripod, to mount the weapon on it. Since this version does not come with
ammunition, you will have to load some into it first. (How will be explained in the next
• Disassembling the weapon is done the same way, as assembling it (in the ACE version, it
also unloads the magazine and puts it in the inventory of the one, disassembling it, if

How does the ammo-management with ACE work?

On every CSW is an interaction-point called 'Ammo handling', which holds different

• Check ammo: Check, how much ammo is left in the current magazine
• Load X: loads ammo of the chosen type, from the loaders inventory
• Unload X: unloads the chosen type of ammo from the weapon
• Link X: refills the currently loaded magazine of the weapon, by taking ammo from the
magazines in your inventory

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