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AE CRYSTAL SPIRITS ORACLE 58 oracle cards to connect with the Conscious Universe for practical guidance and insights about your life Have you ever wondered if crystals were alive and could communicate a message to you? And what if, when you asked for guidance from the Universe ora sign about your relation- ships or prosperity, you could receive this insight from a Crystal Sprit? Now you can! ‘Oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid has created this origi- nal oracle system with 58 unique oracle cards ro connect with the timeless wisdom of Crystal Spirits for practical guidance and insights about all aspects of your life. Aska question and focus on the highest good to receive profound, and sometimes playful, wisdom from the symbolic energy of the Crystal Spir- ies, Reflect on che intimate and meaningful life-altering mes- sages delivered by your Crystal Spirie guides! COLETTE BARON-REID is an inrernaional Destclling orc exper, and author published in27 languages She she sta of Amazon | Prime’ e show Message from Spr, and is the founder of Oracle Schoo! Visiher at “Tune in co forthe bet in inpirssonal el feacoringop Hay Howse authors! Goer dag: Bey Sa Best «Cor laaraion: ona DelsGroragia Phot of Calt Olve Photography, wewalivephororapy.c yMoOogaaINnD 319vao COLETTE BARON-REID CTHE RYSIAL_ PIRIS ORACLE GUIDEBOOK COLETTE BARON-REID HAY HAY HOUSE, INC. (Carsbad, California + New York Cty London « Sydney « New Delhi ‘Copyright © 2019 by Colett Baron Reid Published in the United States by:Hay House, Inc: www® Published In Australia by: Hay House Acnralia Ply Ud: wawhayhouse.comau * Published jn the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd: www ayhouse Published in Inia by: Hoy House Pub- ishers India: wwwchayhouse coin All artwork is copytighted by the artist ard may not be re: produced by ary means, electronic or otherwise, without fret obtaining the permission ofthe artist, Interior ilustrations: Jena DellaGrottagia Interior design Bryn Stet Bost All ights reserved. No part of this guidebook may be reproduced by any mechanieal, photographic, or ela ‘ronie process, arin th form of» phonograph recording: nor may It be stored ina revival system, transmitted, oF ‘otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use" at bref quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission ofthe publisher. The intent ofthe authors only to offer information of agen ‘eralnature to help you in your quest for emational and spr tual well-being, Inthe event you use any ofthe infermation inthe guidebook fr yourselt the author and the publisher assume no responsibilty for your ations. Printed in China| Also by LETTE BARON-REID Books The Map Messages from Spirit Remembering the Future Uncharted Weight Los for People Who Feel Too Much Gao BECKS Goddess Power Oracle Cards The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards The Good Tarot Mystical Shaman Oracle (ith Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos) The Oracle ofE (with Pam Grout) Posteard from Spirit The Spirit Animal Oracle The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards Wisdom of te Hidden Realms Oracle Cards Wisdom ofthe Oracle Divination Cards Alloftheaboeare sabe styour eel okt maybe onder by king Hay Hoaic USA: woebaphous cont Hay Howe Atstalix wmebaphowe com. Hy Howie UKewnhayhoatecoak Hy loan India wor bays (Fa ~ CONTENTS — 7 Welcome to the Crystal Spirits Oracle! How to Work with This Oracle. The Cards, Their Messages, and Their Meanings 1. Aegirine 2. Amazorite 3. Amber. 4. Amethyst. 5. Apache Tears 6 Aqua Aura Quartz 7. Aquamarine 8. Auralite. 9. Bixbite. 10. Black Tourmaline 11. Blue Chalcedony. 10 4 18 22 26 30 33 36 40 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18, 19, 20. 2. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Continued Blue Lace Agate Bronzite, Carnelian. Celestite. Chrysocolla Citrine Clear Quartz Dalmatian Stone Diamond, Dumortierite Emerald. Euclase Fluorite Green Aventurine Hematite, Jade Kyanite Labradorite 48 St 54 - 58 62 65 68 72 7% 80 83 87 90 93 9 101 105 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. a. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. Lapis Lazuli Lemurian Quartz... Lepidolite Lithium Quartz Malachite Moldavite . Mookaite Jasper. Moonstone Nuumrnite: Obsidian Orange Calcite Orange Sapphire Petalite Petrified Wood . Pink Sapphire Pyrite, Raw Morganite Rhodonite: 109 13 7 = 120 123 126 -.130 134 138 142 2146 150 2158 158 161 165 169 172 48, 49. 50. 51. 52, 53, 54, 55. 56. 57. 58. Continued Rose Quartz Selenite Seriphos Green Quartz Smithsonite Sodalite Spessartine Garnet Spirit Quartz Sunstone, Tigereye Turquoise Watermelon Tourmaline Acknowledgments. About the Artist About the Author 3 176 180 184 187 191 194 197 201 205 208 212 217 219 221 fo weicone TO ie) CRYSTAL SPIRITS ont) )oyoulove crystals? Do you feel an affinity for some bur noe others? les not in your imagination —there is an energy to cach crystal that is distinct and unique. Ics crue that most people think of them simply as decorative rocks that the New Age has made popular but chey are not used just for smooth or sparkly. bookends or preety pendants, Since the beginning of time ancient healers, medicine men and women, and shamans have highly valued rystals for reason, Across continents and cultures, many legends about the healing powers of crystals have endured. In The Crystal Spirits Oracle, every crystal is honored as a beautiful gift to us from Mother Earth. Each stone offers us the power to align with its con- sciousness, which in turn is woven into the Universal Consciousness. Each crystal comes bearing its own ‘message. Imagine that connecting with the crystals in this oracledeckislike communicating with beings oflighe, frequency, and energy, with different person- alites, who have opinions, ideas, wisdom, and spectal gifs co offers. ‘Through actuning with the consciousness of these pieces of Mother Earth, you can more casily recur toastatcofbalanceand well-beingas youreso- nate with the healing, stabilizing energies they pos- sess. Working with this oracle will do the same: the crystals’ sacred messages are meant to help you—to bringyou inoharmony during challengingtimesand to support your dreams taking form as your personal journey evolves. ‘This oracle can assise in illuminating what you ‘need to see to support your evolving journey and to give you guidance wich love and good information about your nexe steps. It shows what i invisible or unavailable to you whenever you are hurt, scared, or cout of balance and feeling disconnected and con- tracted, and encourages you to find peace and heals, The Crystal Spirits Oracle will guide you to stay in alignmene with your highest good and remind you thatyou are not alone, that you are co-creating your ‘world with a powerful partner. When your internal radio of the soul tunes into thae vastness of whats possible for you in your life, you can receive so much more than your own conscious mind real ines. The Crystal Spirits all work on behalf of the Conscious Universe, a expressed through Mother Earth, which is known by many names: Source, Gaia, Divine Matrix, Goddess, and many others. Use whatever name suits you. ‘Work with this oracle and chis conversation will beamplified and clear. What was lost o forgor ten can be reclaimed for your benefit and healing, and you can begin to deepen your understanding of your experiences, past and present. The messages of the crystals will somerimestellyouto stay the course and keep the faith, Other times chey will urge you ro ‘open your eyes whatyou have been overlooking, to sep oncoanew path, and oleego ofthe old, familiar patterns that are no longer working in your favor. ‘The oraclewill show you the way ocourse-correct if necessary, and encourage you to stay on erackifthat iswhae will best serve you on your journey. Crystals can begin their healing and harmo- nizing magic by waking you up to the incredible power available to you atall times. They help keep you aware and awake when you'r likely to fll ineo “spiricual narcolepsy. forgetting your connection to divine wisdom and the source of all love and heal- ing. As expressions of the Conscious Universe, the crystals, like their Creator, wane only the best for you healing wisdom, and che power of finding pos- sibilities you didn’t realize were there If these ideas are difficult for you to accept, consider that the Universal Consciousness is present everywhere—within us, between us, aboveand below us, and all around us. Ie esides in che plants and ani- mals, in beams of sunlighe, in organic mater in the soil and the eds that begin to germinate there. Why wouldn't the consciousness of the universe, then, also bein rocks, mouncains—and crystals? Why wouldnt Mother Earth provide us with tools for dialoguing swith her when we need help? “The Conscious Universe finds every which way to work magic in your life and wants you to find ave- rnues for tapping into the power of this extraordinary alchemy. These crystals serveas a device to receive the divine guidance chey channel from che Universe, so you can choase your destiny rcher than be subject ro ‘fae determined by past patternsand the influence of others. Ihave been so foreunate to be the midwife for The Crystal Spirits Oracle, and Lope you coo will fallin love with iewhen bringingit co life GIFTS FROM GAIA. The Earth is abundant with many crystals and rminerals—far more than I could possibly fi into ‘one oracle deck, Every deck I create presents this same dilemma! There are so many options to choose from. That's why I allowed the crystals to speak to me and tell me if they wanted co be in- cluded, meditating o open myself up co their mes- sages abour which to place in this deck of 58 cards and how best to convey their messages. ‘As I began to dream about the crystals, chey appeared to me as diaphanous intelligent energies surrounding their” forms.” Thisis why theart on this deck looks the way iedoes, with Faces peering ou at you on each card. These dreams were like listening. in on conversations about what I was creating, The crystalscven argued among themselveslike petulant siblings, squabbling over overlapping meanings or swapping positions. I had to move them around a few times before they setled down and assured me that che right associations and symbolic attributes, had been ascribed to them. In The Crystal Spirits Oracleyouholdatool for connecting to archetypal energies helpful for guid- ance, clarity, and suppore. You may recognize some ‘of chese themes as similar to ones incorporated into ‘other ancient divination systems. have studied the Ching, the Tarot, and other systems and used them for communicating with the Universal Consciousness formore than 30 yeats.Butwith this deck, [wanted co create auniquelexicon (thatis a language of symbols) thae could help you recognize your power to work with the gifts the Conscious Universe has provided to you in his lifetime on the planet Earth. Lalso wanted those who are unfamiliar with working with crystals ‘to bogin rounderstand how you can use them in your intentions for manifestation, healing, and meditation, so you can be allied with the Conscious Universe aval cimes, We are in an era when we ae called to remember thae the earth isnot just a planet in the solar system, but our home—a home suffused with ‘consciousness thac has the supreme quality oflove. Many of us feel disconnected from our home, the Great Mother, or Gaia, who supports us with ‘water, food, and all manner of resources—and stable ground beneath our feet. One reason to work with The Crystal Spirits Oracle is to be reminded that the earth is always chere for you and can help you shift out of feeling discombobulated and anxious. Some of the actions suggested in these cards involve _gettingin rouch with the earch herself her land, her trees,and of course her erystals. Allcan"ground!” you and help you fee at home in your body. Ifyou have a habit of getting coo distracted by the modern world, hope this oracle will help you lovingly reconnect with the Conscious Universe, working with the crystals to recognize your lifes meaning and purpose, You can experience the beauty of your life, enhance your strengths, heal your wounds, and honor your experi- ences with unconditional love, To heal, epair, and replenish yourself, you can, ina sense, phone home to Mother Earth, who loves you dearly. Think of this oracle as a type of commu- nication technology, like a ewo-way radio that both receives and eransmitsas you dialogue with the divine through your own spirit and intuition, going within fortheanswersyouseck. Respect this communication device—when whacittellsyou makes you uncomfort- able, remain flly presen. ‘Sometimes what we most need to know for our own healing is not what we wane to heat. The Con- scious Universe gives us the messages, and when we consciously choose to listen, and to work with the crystals’ powers, resistance soon melts. Icis then that ‘we ae able co more casily surrender to the path that isright for us right now, the path determined by our souls, whose purpose we are meant co express ss We journey on the healing road How To Work) with Tis ()RACLE You always have within you the power to choose to align with the Law of Synchronicity and to use ‘The Crystal Spirits Orade, receiving its guidance sourced fiom the universe. But to work with ic ef fectively, you first need to understand what an ora cle can and cannot do for you. Ifyou wane co know what che Future holds, this, oracle can give you a sense only of what may happen ifyoustay on your current course—or shift toanother cone, Use i for understanding and you will find ic easier to break free of the conditioning chat too often leadstoa repeat ofthe pastand old patterns that blind you to the incredible possibilities before you. With greater awareness ofthe potential the universe offers ‘You. you can step into your destiny consciously. ‘An oracle can lead you to your personal power, buviewill never have power aver you, for you have free will always. Mother Barth wants o ally with you to keep you on a healthy path. This oracle won't answer yes-oF-no questions clearly and definitively, so don't projectyour desire forasimplistc answer ontoit. Your job isto work with The Crystal Spirits Oracle by lis- ‘ening o its message and pondering it chougheully, ‘with your heart open and your intuition fally engaged. Instead of a question ike "Will cis relationship work ‘out for me?” ask: "What do I nced to know about this relationship right now?” or "What is che best action for me to ake regarding this relationship right now?” or “IF stay the course in my relationship, what am [likely to experience?” Note that all the cards have a general interpretation to guide you, as well as one more focused on relationships, particularly partner- shipssuch asromancic pairings, and one more focused onprosperity and affluence. They do nothave specific upside-down, protection o reversed meanings. If you are used to oracle eards that have such a reversal or protection message, notice chain thisdeck you have instead been genely guided in che incerpre- tations ofeach card. Here you are asked to consider what role you ate playing in the creation of your ‘currentconditions—and what you might change co bring about differen circumstancesin che Realm of Form. Ifa card is reversed, it may signal a resistance to the message of that crystal. I promise that you will see chings from more angles, and start moving back into balance, by aligning with the crystal and listening to whacicis here co tell you. So, ifyou draw a card in an upside-down position, think of it as an extra nudge from the Conscious Universe ro be honest with yourself about your choices, emotions, and observations around the subject che crystal rep- resents. Consider i loving tap from the universe tolooks little closer—nocasa warning butasa sign tolove yourself more—so you might make a change you otherwise would noc have made. There is no specificmessage when the card isupside down, just ‘ahug from the Conscious Universe and a nudge to take che message aitele more seriously encourage you to open this card pack and familiarize yourself wich the cards—theit fel, heir images—and then shuflle the deck. Meditate clear ing the clutcer in your head, so that your mind is {na state more open to your oven understanding and interpretations of the cards, as directed by the ‘Conscious Universe. ie feesrightto you, pray, speak ‘words of affirmation, or simply state your intention aloud orintcrnally, asking for help o gain clarity and insights and asiseance for the highest good ofl. "When you are ready, ask the oracle, "What can you tell me about this situation?” or “What do most need to know right now?" or "What do I need co become aware ofconsciousl?" Let yourselfbe guided to tuen over the card that “pulls” you toward i. Each card has symbols to take in, Notice what you feel as you look at che card’s face. Then, when you look up che meaning of a card you have drawn, do not cake the words too literally. Perhaps only one sentence stands out for you—or even just one word. Let your inner wisdom guide you with ts own ideas of what you are meant co learn ftom a card: what to do, what to change, what to surrender, and what to embrace. Ie might direct you to act, or co become quiee and still emighe direct you to focus on some- thing you havent considered or thought wasnt very important before now. ‘Aficr a reading, follow through with the work of acknowledging, thinking, integrating, making choices, and contemplating the message—in short; ground che message you received with action in the real world of the senses. In this way, you co-create a new reality with the help of the Conscious Universe working through the crystals, EXAMPLES OF READINGS You can use The Crystal Spirits Oracle like any other oracle to answer questions about what you ate nor seeing that you need co be aware of, what actions you should consider taking, what outcomes may awaityou in the shore term ifyou do takea par- ticular action (staying on course or maybe moving in a new direction). You might also wane to draw a clarieycard (an extra card conveying more informa- tion) to gee deeper insight into a reading you have juse done—with ehis deck or another. All my oracle decks were created 0 work together, so [love to encourage adding a deck for a second opinion. Pethaps youte drawn to The Good Tarot, The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Goddess Power Oracle, ot Wisdom of the Oracle along with thisone, Remember, oracle cardsare a tol for com- ‘municatingwith the universe. Listen toyour intuition ‘when itcomes to working with chem. lesthrough this first sense ofyour own connection tothe universethat informacion isfilkered. ‘Maybe today ll you need to draw is one card— ‘or maybe it would help co ask three key questions (as in che sample readings on the following pages) You might want to consider drawing a second card and posing a clarifying “Anything you want to add toll this” question. Aslongasyou intend co work withthe Conscious Universe for the highest good ofall, and you use your intuition while consulting this oracle, you will receive the answers you need right now. Jon's Creative-Prosect READING Jon had an opportunity to begin an exciting creative project, and he wanced ro get some insights, before saying yes. He was very enthusiastic, yee some- thing didn‘ eel right, and he couldn’ quite identify what it was, He cued it over and over in his mind. but didn’ gain clarity, so he chose to work with The Goystal Spirits Oracleco feel grounded and secureas hhemade his decision, The questions he asked and the cards he pulled were as follows: What do I need to know in this situation? #3 AMBER: Healing family patterns, releasing karma, preserving the wisdom gained by the lessons of the past For Jon, new projects spoke to his ad- venturous nature, and the opporeunity he was considering was particularly juicy. But as he reflected on his dysfunctional family patterns, he realized the message from this crystal pointed to how the owner of the new company reminded him of his absent father, whom he could never please. Jon hhad felt uneasy when meeting the owner, and recalled himself overselling his ideas and saying yes to things before he thought them through. He was triggered to re- member as well how the new opportunity required him to present himself as some- thing other than he truly believed himself to be. Although the new job would have been very lucrative, Jon realized that his integrity just wasn’ up for sale. Now Jon recognized why the project was making him so uncomfortable. It just wasnt bin. Where am I beaded if I stay the course? #14 CARNELIAN: Increased confidence, dignity, poise, self assurance Jon chose to say yes, only i the proj- cect would change o be in syne with his in- cegrity and honesty. Being true to himself ‘might mean sayingno to the job, buthe felt confident in this course of action. There would be other projects that would fie with what he valued, so there was no reason to compromise—he felt sure ofthis now. What action should I take to achieve the highest good? #48 Rose QUARTZ: SelFlove, self worth, being enough, worthiness Jon smiled when he saw this card, which felt like just che right companion card to #14, Carnelian Spirit, in this read- ing. He had worked hard to let go of his need to have other people like him and, as a result, developed a strong sense of selfworth, There still were times when he questioned whether he was good enough to deserve great opportunities—like this project—but he wasn’t second-guessing himself with this decision. He recognized that the action he most needed to take was to tarn down the project, explaining to the person who offered i to him why he ‘was saying no, unless his conditions were met, Jon felt good about passing up the project if the clement that made him un- comfortable could not be changed. He was confident that given his talents, he would be able attract another project soon—one ‘more suited to him, Exizanern’s INVESTMENT-OpPorTUNITY READING Elizabeth wanted to do a reading about an investment opportunity. Her pattern was co be afraid of eaking risks with her money, and she re- ally wanted to get over her old belief that she had to play safe or disaster would strike. Iwas a story set back in her childhood when money was tight, and now she had an investment opportunity that her head told her would be beneficial financially Bur she wasn't sure Perhaps she was feeling too ad- vvencurous, or perhaps that voice that said "Stop! Beware!” was just her ego's fear talking. She pulled the following cards: What do I need to know in this situation? #31 LeMURIAN QUARTZ: Vision, big- picture thinking, unlocking the secrets of infiniee possibility Go for it—thav’s the message of Le- ‘murian Quartz Spirit, and Elizabeth was relieved to have the card confirm that this opportunity really was not one t0 pass up. She fele reassured that she was not being reckless or foolish, just nervous because of her old feats about financial risks leading to ruin, Where am Iheaded if I stay the course? #25 GREEN AVENTURINE: Luck, good fortune, potential, possibiliy, ‘opportunities Elizabeth needed to learn not to re- iret past opportunites she had forgone by playingiesafe. She wasalso learningto stop being afraid that if she didnt jump on ev- ety opportunity presenting itself, her hesi- tation would make her miss out. Always a thoughtful, deliberate person who was re sponsible with money, Elizabeth was start- ing to trust herself and her ability to make good financial choices and do her home- work, Green Aventurine Spirit reassured her that she didn’t have to let her ego's fear cofnot having enough, or not beingenough, confuse her and make her anxious as she moved forward in pursuing the opportu nity with her eyes wide open. What action should I take next to achieve the highest good? #51 SMITHSONITE: Rebirth from chaos, evolution, stress relief, emotional boost, clearing of obstacles to growth New opportunities require us to transform and become comfortable with the turbulence of uncertainty. Fear can be an ally, and Elizabeth recognized that she didn’t have to let it stop her. Instead, i could accompany her as she began to embrace an opportunity that would chal- lenge her in positive ways and help with her personal development. Taking risks made her anxious, but she could learn to ‘quell her fear and make smart decisions that came from confidence rather than anxiety. Her nervousness would keep her alert co any pitfalls, so if she wasn’t calm the entire time—if her emotions were a bie eurbulene—ie was just a sign that she was evolving into the new Elizabeth who ‘was comfortable investing. Elizabeth was truly ready to leave her old story behind. She knew that in time that roiling sensa- tion in her belly would go away, because she was standing on the solid ground of her own wisdom and experience. CTAE CRYSTAL SPIRITS ORACLE SPREADS Although | hail from the tarot tradition where a 21- or 15-card spread had once been my norm, since T started creating my own unique oracle card systems found thar working with oracle cards such as these can provide you with deep and meaningful messages using much fewer cards One-Carb READING “There area few variations of one-card readings that will support your relationship 10 this deck. First choose from one ofthese three question options: + Which Crystal Spirit has a message for ‘me today for my highest good? © Which Crystal Spirit would serve me in meditation today? + Which Crystal Spirit illuminates what is hidden from me? ‘You can also create your own one-card question. Remember, in order to havea conversation with clar- ityyou mustallow the deck co reflec the subject you areasking about For example, the fist question could be modified to "Which Crystal Spirit hasa message for my highest good about my relationship [or job)?” Keep in mind that The Crystal Spirits Oracle will point che way for you... but won't give you a pat answer. Ics designed to empower you to find your ‘own deeper, intimate answer once you have reflected ‘on the message provided to you. Two-Carp READING like chese simple versions of ewo-card readings: + Card 1 answers “Where am Inow regarding —____ situation?” ‘And Card 2 answers “What is my next right action for my highest good regarding this + Card I answers "What do I nced to now about this relationship from my point of view?" And Card 2 answers “What do I need to know about this relationship from the other person's point of view?” + Card I answers “Whae in mylife needs realigning now?” Card 2 answers “How dol realign forthe highest good?” Turee-Carp READING A chree-card readingisa great way to see the ow of potential and possible outcomes from whatever vantage point you start from, What is most impor- tant isto recognize that you are a story in motion and your Furure will never land on any specific fixed destination. The oracle will show you the essence of your experience rather than ell you the exact form iwill ake. This distinction is very important when youwork wich oraclesand re trying to discover what tomorrow holds. Remember, che furure is mutable, changing all the time based on your current state of ‘mind, your actions, and the effec of whae happens in your environment. Here are two versions ofa three-card reading. For each, frst state what you want to know about 2 specific situation and where is heading: Version One ‘Card 1 represents Past (the experience of your past) (Card 2 represents Present (where you are now as a result of how yout integrated the past) Card 3 represents Potential Future (the potential experience you are heading into) Version Two Card 1 represents Now Card 2 represents Next Right Action Card 3 represents Potential Tue CLarity Carp Whenever there is doubt abour the meaning of your reading, you can always choose a clacity card, asking about cither the entire reading or just one specific card. Sometimes you might need another card t0 give you more informacion—ofien be- cause youre too close toa situation and are unable to understand che subtle nudge from a Crystal Spirit—so you have claviey abour the message. REVERSED/UPSIDE-DOWN Cars. Just another note about cards that show up up- side down. Ifyou haveany of my other decks, you. know thae I don't design all of chem with rever- sal readings, what I refer to as Protection Cards. In this deck, if a card shows upside down, the Caystal Spirit requires you co have a look at your resistance to the subject of che catd. Consider it a gene, loving nudge from that Crystal Spirit to spend more time in self-care and Compassion around the message. My READING FOR This &)ECK FOR YOU | always ask a new oracle Iam creating to make sure itis absolutely the best i¢can be. For this deck, I did a chree-card reading using these questions + What do I need to know about this oracle for the highest good ofall who will seit? + What will people get out of using The Crystal Spirits Oracle as I've designed it? + What is the next right action for the highest good of all that we can take with the help of this oracle? And I followed up with a one-card reading to answer the question: + Isthere anything else I need to know about making this deck extraordinarily helpful for people? Here is what happened when I drew the cards: What do I need to know about this oracle ‘for the highest good of all who will use it? #49 SELENITE: Liquid light, fluidity, flexibility, illumination and clarity, rais- ing your vibration The message of Selenite Spirit is 0 release our rigidity and become more fluid and flexible—to join in the liquid light of Universal Consciousness and stop seeing, ourselves as separate from the flow. In fat, it our rigidey that makes us look for how wwe are different fom others or how a card doesn't quite fit our situation or answer four question. When we become flexible clarity arises, and we raise our vibration because we stop blocking the insights and. answers that dont sync up with what we thought the cards would tell us. Then we become open to their wisdom. What will people get out of using The Crys- tal Spirits Oracle as I’ve designed it? #10 BLack TOURMALINE: Healthy boundaries, repelling and dispelling un- wanted energies, shielding and protecting, healthy interdependence Giving too much when you're parched is something we all need to be aware of, and in a world that’s changing rapidly, setting healthy boundaries be- tween yourself and others is ever more important. Take time to work with The Crystal Spirits Oracle to protect yourself ‘when you're feeling that the world around you is going crazy or you are distracted by your own empathy or affected by other people's dramas or negative energies. You may stare to view the conditions of the ‘outer world as the only reality, and won der if your intentions will ever come to pass. Recognize that you have the divine fire within you and that you matter. So have a healthy, loving relationship with yourself and set good boundaries. Ie’s im- portant not to wear yourself out dealing ‘with all that you have to deal with, Learn how to say no and to be discerning about your choices. You ate finding your way home to belong to yourself and making that re- lationship sacred as you connect to the Conscious Universe. Working with the ‘oracle as it has been designed —with an aim to ground you, amplify the quali- ties you need to draw upon, and help you rebalance—will keep you from exhaust ing yourself and getting stuck in un- healthy relationships with others in your circle and your community. What is the next right action for the highest good of all that we can take with the help of this oracle? #17 CrT RINE: Joyful expressiveness, exuberance and happiness, letting go of any andall negativity Don't worry what others think, and don't ery to make yourself small to fi in. Your full self is needed right now! ‘This crystal reminds you that you are enough and don't need to prove yourself worthy of selfexpression and doing your “thing” out in the world. Juse do it! Jump in with joy, exuberance, and enthusiasm! Citrine Spirit can help you find the balance beeween giv- ing to the world and within your relation- ships in a healthy way and simply lecting yourself be the incredible, amazing person you are without apology, without hold- ing yourself back. Be present in the light, ‘expressing your purpose, and don't get too caught up in worrying about the darkness. ‘We areall being called tole our light shine so that the darkness will start to disappear. “The light always dispels the darkness! For clarification on this reading, Lasked: Is there anything else I need to know about making this deck extraordinarily helpful for people? #53 SPESSARTINE GARNET: Charm and charisma, shining and sparkling, be- ing a brilliant beacon of confidence that inspires others Every one of us is a being of light meant to shine and sparkle. Your light draws others to you, for we all seek the ight, and this beautiful crystal’s message is to embrace your natural charm and magnetism, Do you think you're not all that special? Ifso, that is only because you haven't discovered your natural charisma and expressed it. The Conscious Universe wants you to let it shine forth, for your dazzling brilliance will be a beacon for others as you walk the healing path to- ward discovering your destiny. You can attract those who will help you and those who will benefit from all that you have to share—your talents, your love, your joy. ‘We are all so lucky to have you here. Feel your magnetism today. Express it. Shine your light with all your glory and let your- self draw in whatever will help you on your journey. gv ‘Whatever our challenges, we are meant to be joy- ful as we undergo this incredible experience of living on Earth at this time in history. Lets never forget to be joyfil, co express ourselves with exu berance, to shine our light and share our talents with the world, because life is good and we are so forcunate to be here! a Gros CTAEIR MESSAGES, @IEGIRINE —— ESSENTIAL MEANING: Integrity, solidarity, impeccability, reliability, consistency lichough we are always evolving, we all possess deeply held values that we do not have co compro- mise. Your personal integrity mactes, so if youre fecling pressured to say yes when your heart says no, of to be something you're nor, listen to the message Aegirine Spirit brings you: now is a time to remember the importance of being reliable and impeccable with your word, you really wanted co say no, don'e say yes for now and try to correct your mistake later. People may struggle to accept your truth and your decisions, bur stick to them—be solid and consistent, because what matters to you ddecp down macters to the Conscious Universe, who lovesyou. Ifyou ate feeling unsure, doubting whether you havea right to cake a stand, become still and recon- rece with che Conscious Universe through this crys- tal. l’snoryour job to protect everyone's feelings and. keep che peace at all costs. You don have to rush about smoothing everything over. Be at peace as you stand firm, for your deepest values are in sync with your purpose, and the Conscious Universe wants you to fecland be strong right now. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Do you struggle with trusting others? You need to ‘rust yourself first! Acgirine Spirit is calling you to be confident, for you deserve co trust yourself, crust the universe, and be crue o yourself Your strength and integrity will inspire others to show up as serong and reliable too, so be impeccable with your words. Consistenely assere the vahies you hold dear and your right to be your unique self, for there can bbe no wel-being when you are denying your truth. Bea beacon of integrity and you will draw to you others who appreciate you. PRospERITY MESSAGE Now isa rime to be unfailing in your adherence to your values. Know where you are willing to bend and where you are not. Be in touch with what mat- ters most to you, knowing that abundance takes ‘many forms—and will show up in many ways. Be fully presenc and impeccable in your financial trans- actions and dealings. If you have money decisions co make, mediate on what “fut” looks ike. You wll have greater clarity about where to make a stand and where a litle compromise feels tight. CrySTAa SPIRIT MEDITATION Acgirine helps pull us ou of our emotions and place us frmly in che well ofour strength. Meditation with this stone ean assist in showing us how far we have come in our journey Ie encourages us to embody all ‘we have leaned and reclaim our power: GIMAZONITE 4 ESSENTIAL MEANING: Truth, revelation, the evolution and natural flow of events Not everything reveals itself right away in full detail (Wouldne shar be nice?) Bue the Conscious Uni- verse is unfolding. plan for you so much more bril- liane than you can imagine, and Amazonite Spirit is here to help you trust in the process and flow of revelation. Some things will be disclosed chat may shake you up, but ifs, ital for your highest good, «0 pay close attention and go with it. The Conscious ‘ Universe prefers you to learn yout lessons without suffering, so if you allow situations to fluidly evolve instead of trying to control them, you will see chat much, much wisdom is being made available co you rightnow. Mind, body. and che Conscious Universe are interconnected, so be attentive to connections you previously overlooked or thoughe weren'e such aabigdeal. They have more insights for you than you ight have expected ‘Whatisunfolding willhelp you understand your purpose and find your destiny. You don't have to bea victim of fae, with your future defined by repeating. lessons learned in che past. You are being prepared for something awesome that you ae already moving toward, Excitement and trust are in order! RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Love is sometimes so blind, and we see what we ‘wane to see. Thus, we might need alitele nudge from the Conscious Universe in order to become aware of something bigger on the horizon for us. Maybe this relationship isnt meant to be, bu rather, is here co prepare you for the one you most deserve. Or maybe it needs to change into a new and better form... and youhave to lee go so itcan evolve nat- urally, perhaps developing into something deeper and more meaningful. Maybe what you have been worried about isan obstacle to trust and intimacy placed there to help you and your partner grow and become even more connected in love. Fear not, for what is being revealed is for the highest {good of all, The Conscious Universe wants you to be happy and has much co teach you aboue getting in your own way. Be open to the revelations you arc about to experience PRospeRiTy Messace ‘Siewations change, requiting us to change coo. Bue wwe like the familiarity of old patterns—even when they aren't working. Now, however, as a potential future is revealing itself co you, youre feeling the challenge of leeing go of the old and embracing the new. You have enough, and you are enough, but you still have some growing co do to fully embrace ‘whats unfolding. So pay ateention to what is being disclosed. Let go of your need to steer your boat, and let the river oflife carry you forward, Ask the Conscious Universe co help you be brave and enthusiastic as an unfamiliar map unfurls before you, and erust chat its ‘reasureswill all be revealed when youare ready. Pros- perity and abundanceare your natural state, and you ate returning to that. Open toa new plan now. Ama- aonite Spirit is calling you to tread a path that will cake you away from false beliefs about your potential CrysTAL SpinrT MEDITATION Meditation with this stone encourages us to explore who we area the deepest level. Ie assists usin ascer- taining what is true for us at the core of our being, and asks us to own what we know as our truth with unshakable certainty and absolute confidence. (MBER ESSENTIAL MEANING: Healing family patterns, releasing karma, preserving the wisdom gained by the lessons of the past The Families we come into as infants and the ones ‘we grow up in offer us experiences that yield gifs: lessons about love, about resilience and forgive- ness, and about our own power to leave behind old ways and embrace the new. Our current families do this too. By exploring our relationships with family members, we can discover our own strength and wisdom Amber Spire is here with a message ro reconnect with the "wounded" story you still recount, one that isalegacy ofyour family. Can you heal this storyand instead tell one from the perspective of love? How beautiful ics toalchemicallychange che experience of family! Thisway you may receive and give love within a family as defined by che heart and the magic of the Conscious Universe, who sends people your way to make sure youhave the caringand affection youneed and deseeve. Friends can be new family. Reflect today on the love you have created for yourself, and how precious you are—a gem like no “other. Reflect on the family surrounding you, the {guides and manifestations of the Conscious Universe hereto support you and send youlove, love, and then some mote love. Look co those who choose to offer youths gif, for ¢hey are your human—and animal— family. Draw strength from knowing chat love shows up, always, co bring you what was missing in your cwn family in the past. Tis balm i available for you to heal che family wound that has hurt for too long. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE In romantic relationships, we always have a choice to stay or go—to lear and grow... or to move on toanew partnership. Ifyou want to have a different sort of relationship the next time around, Amber Spirits message to you is clear: explore your fam- ily relationships. The nuggets of wisdom you mine will help you avoid repeating the pain of the past in your partnerships today and in the Future. Find these hidden gifts of wisdom and strength so thae you may enjoy'the loving partnership you deserve. PRospERITy MESSAGE The lessons we learn about security and prosperity in our families of origin are broughe into our lives asadules: Do you know what chose lessons were for you? What messages about money and finances, about saving and investing, and spending and shar- ing were you given? Amber Spirit appears with an invitation ro explore those lessons and messages in order to move forward consciously on the path of prosperity, unencumbered by old habits relaced to finances, These were perpetuated by you... be- cause, wel, ou never chought to question them. To enjoy prosperity, explore what your family aught you about abundance and make conscious choiees about whether co keep, alter, or replace the lessons n you learned. The Conscious Universe wants you to be prosperous and will support you in making changes and in creating and sustaining wealth CaysTAL SpiniT MEDITATION Amber is not a rue crystal but fossilized tee sap. Just as this resin is solidified, so too are patterns sometimes passed down by family: Meditation with Amber Spire is excellent to help explore these pat- tems and shed light on those that may no longer @METHYST ESSENTIAL MEANING: Familiarity, unconscious habits, old pattems in need of being released Glucopilor takes over when we require a rest from ‘mental overload. While this reaction can serve us well, Amethyse Spire brings a reminder to stop su rendering to che familiar, be mindfully present co the now, and examine your habits, Are they work ing for you the way you want them to? Are you ‘overdue for a new routine, perhaps a small, simple shife chat can make a huge difference? What could you say more often to those you love, or do more often to nurture yourself when your “go-to” is to sacrifice for others? What habits could you begin todevelop today to build your securiey and increase your prosperity? Can you sce how the old habits these replace should have been discarded long ago? ‘Amethyst Spirit's message co you is to be con scious of your habits so that you don't fll asleep 0 your potential for transformation and healing. You deserve so much more than you have right now, so awaken to your ability toco-createanew, one replaced habit ara time. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Relationships can be likea comfortable pair of sip- pers, well broken in. Butamethyst ishere ro awaken you to che exciting possibilty ofan even richer part- nership or celationship with someoneyou feclacon- nection to. Step out of the same old same old and into a new way of interacting, perhaps something as basic as saying “thank you” or “love you” more often, or speaking your truth with love and convie- tion even in relation co seemingly trivial chings. Big journeys of healing stare with small steps, such asas- serting your need to be listened to even when you i say something thae might make someone you care about uncomfortable—or to pause when someone is giving you new information that might make you feel defensive. The energy of rediscovery is calling toyou to deepen your rust and intimacy—donit be shy! You can do this! PRosPERITY MESSAGE Playing ie safe can mean not raking risks or, para- doxically, taking ig risks to create that familiar and comfortable drama. Are you aware of some money habits that ae ready to be questioned and changed, so that you can get off the roller coaster of Ob 70, it a disaster!/Ob yes, 'm on a roll and everything is going to be fantastic! Or, ate you affaid to even. look at your relationship with finances because you dont crust yourself to be able to build your wealth? Amethyst is here to urge you to give up the drama and fear and simply pay attention to your patterns related to prosperity. Trust that wealth is your nacu- ral sate. The Conscious Universe is supporting you in making the inner changes you need so that outer conditions can begin to reflect your new internal state, Fee yourself to enjoy the wealth you deserve by breaking the chains of old habies 6 (CrysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Amethyst calms our minds, helping us release at tachment ro all we think we “should” be doing and allowing us co relax into being. Meditaring with amethyst cleats che mind of extraneous thoughts, disengaging us from the busyness of our daily lives and offering us the opportunity to connect to Spir it eis a wonderfal stone to assist in exploring and ‘rusting our incuitive abilicies. 5 @PACHE CTEARS — ESSENTIAL MEANING: Letting go of grief, re~ covering from the past, releasing pain so old wounds heal ®efore we came to this planet, our souls agreed to experience both love and loss in this lifecime— along wich the pleasures and pains of being in our bodies—so that we might experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and find our destiny. There is great beauty in being broken open; for a heart that has fally expanded with grief is one chat truly 8 understands that “rejection is God’ protection” Faith in something better coming our way wll se the wheels in motion for attracting that which we most deserve. Often, we simply cannot recognize that there isa far bercer plan ae work than our own, “The message of Apache Tears Spirit is not to fear or repress your emotions. Release them through yourbody so you can prepare yourself to heal from the hheareache and eceiveal that the Conscious Universe has in store for your pleasure and happiness. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Often, our purpose starts to reveal itself in times of rejection as the Conscious Universe whispers, “You will see this through a different set of eyes one day. I promise!” Know that the Conscious Universe is allying with you even now, eagerly supporting you in your opening to the fulfillment and joy that you were born to feel. When Apache Tears Spitie ap- pears, itis calling you to recognize that losses and even betrayals come bearing unexpected gifs; they can break your heart open and send you on a mis sion to live more filly, more lovingly, more mean- ingfally. Much goodness is coming your way, so » hold on and hold fast to the eruth that you have a destiny unfolding before you. Recognize the Con scious Universe as your ally in co-creating some: thing so much better chan what you are exper encing now, Clear space by releasing the past and washing away the old wich your tears. You do nor need to hold on to old emotions. PROSPERITY MESSAGE Ax times, the Conscious Universes answer to you is ‘no’ but only because the Conscious Universe loves you unconditionally and wants you to experi- ence the very best of everything. The tears that fow will also water seeds of joy you don't even know are planted in the field of infinite possibility: Now is a time to allow yourself to grieve your losses asifyou ‘were swceping the doorstep and raking our the gar- bage, so chat you can make way for a new delivery. “The Conscious Universe has so much planned for you, so release any emotions chat might block you from moving into a stace of receptivity. Abundance and prosperity will soon be visible in your ourer conditions. CrysTAL SpiRIT MEDITATION Apache Tears are a translucent, water-smoothed type of obsidian invaluable in helping us process loss. Carrying an Apache Tear while grieving can assist us by providinga focal point and encouraging us to release painful emotions. Once the grieving process feels complete, the stone can be buried in the earth, allowing the emotions to be transmuted. 6 GQUA G@URA QUARTZ ESSENTIAL MEANING: Connecting to infinite potential; a renewed sense of purpose, won- der, and awe The earth is only one planet within a solar system within a massive galaxy tha itself isa mere speck within avast universe. How awesome itis to recog nize che power we all have when we choose co see ‘ourselves as part of this incredible creation, and when we tap into the Universal Consciousness thae continually generates love and guides us with the wisdom of the ages. 2 ‘The appearance of this crystal isa message to you to ceaseyour cynicism and worry, and open your heart to the wonder cha is you life, How unlikely we al ae, and yor we are here! Drinkin the magic oflife in your bodyon chisplanerand let yourself be filled wich wonderment. Open yourself to healing in its many forms as the Universal Consciousness eternally ce- ates new beginningsand generates abundance. Today isa day to appreciate che magic that is everywhere. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE. ‘There arc cight billion people on this planet, yer soul mates somehow find each other, friends and lovers show up in the most unexpected places, and love makes itselfknown just as youare beginning vo doubr that tis our there for you. Aqua Aura Quarta, Spirit's message to you today is to become childlike wich wonder, Believe in magic. Believe in the power of love to find its way to you no matter how dark the hour, for love is everywhere and you have not been forgotten. Open to the love that the Universal Consciousness wants you to fed in every cell of your body and every particle of your being, for you are the seu of stars PRospERITY MEssaGe Aslongasyouare on thiscarth and inthis body, you will always need co pay your bills and fill your belly bbue Aqua Aura Quaree Spire i here to remind you ‘of che magic thae happens when you align with the flow of abundance—you realize you really do have what you need. Resources multiply and you start to fee like Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, with abasker overflowing with gifs from those who remember what you did and who youare, who want you to know chat the money and support show up ‘when you let go of your fear that you aren't enough. You are enough—and more. Open yourself ro the abundant gifts from the Conscious Universe today and be in awe ofthe signs that say "Yes, !am listen ing, and Iove you to there and back!” CaysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Aqua Aura Quarez is a clear quarez that has been rcared with a specialized process, bonding finely powdered gold to its surface. The addition of gold changes the energy of the quartz into something “more” and very different than the original erys- tal, Meditation with Aqua Aura Quarez soothes the emotions and seems to on some level fel "sa- cred,” bringing in a feeling of attunement to the upper realms. GIQUAMARINE yee ESSENTIAL MEANING: Enhanced clarity, calm discernment, awareness and acceptance of one’s truth More than ever, it easy to get lost in a flood of in- formation. While remaining focused and on task may be difficult when your senses are overstimu: lated, Aquamarine Spirit has appeared to tell you that you really do have what it takes to sore ic all cout and become clear as you make decisions. Your powers of discernment are now magnified, and you 1“ are poised to make healthy choices for yourselfand the good of ll. CCrystalscan be found when looking carefully at a big rock formation or layer of earth. Ifyou call on the help of che Conscious Universe and work with the energy of aquamarine, you can see what sparkles and calls for your attention—and you can quickly understand it too, Take a deep breath and be patient as You practice discernment and observe details you might have overlooked before, firstone ata time and then in unison, Know that your ability to recognize the importance of small detals is supported by the Conscious Universe. Youareon the brink ofartaining some powerful insights, and Aquamarine Spirit has ‘come to show you the way RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE. Slow down and look carcflly, for there are details that need your time—this is the message of Aqua ‘marine Spirit, which can help you to become crys- tal clear both in communicating your needs and in understanding those of others. Old patterns may cause you to overlook new information, material thar could give you importanc insights into your re- lationship and asistyou in making the right choice for yourself Truse whae you notice. If youte feling a sense of déji vu when it comes to your relation- ship, itis the Conscious Universe calling you to learn che lesson of aquamarine. Be discerning and observant, and you will surely make decisions that ate for the highest good for al PROSPERITY MESSAGE Your abiliy co note details benefits you right now, and Aquamarine Spirit will help you make calm, clear decisions. With the confidence of having the Conscious Universe allied with you to co-create ‘wealth and abundance, you can take your time. Be- ing methodical is called for now. Those details you already checked? Its a good time to go over them again. You are poised co gan insights cha will ben- efit you as you work to heal old pacterns generated by your ego’ fear, patterns that no longer serve you. Break fee by exercising discernment right now, for the Conscious Universe has much wisdom to share with you, You can be confidene chat everything you need willbe sighe there for you. 8 CRYSTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Aquamarine assists us in communicating on a fre- {quency of love. Meditation with chis tone enables us to soften the edges of our words, reaching us to express ourselves from the heart rather chan serietly from what we know. This brings a loving vibration to our speech and, interestingly, allows uso be truly heard, as the vibration isfeleby those wwe are speaking to. URALITE ESSENTIAL MEANING: Mindfulness, medita~ tion on the present To be mindful isto be aware of the now rather than diseeacted by the past of future and any thoughts of oughts, shoulds, and might-haves, Your quest for healing requires discovering what you are truly thinking and feeling when you are not distracting yourself Auralite Spirit calls you co. be mindful of your needs right now, for this may be atime to lee tears low or laughter arise, co recognize some- ” thing so subtle chat you previously missed i, or to understand chat you are so much more than what youcan accomplish or produce. Be here in this mo- ‘ment, fully present and accepting of what is. Make the ime to meditate today and simply observe what you know and feel, withoue starting to talk yourself out of ic and into something else. No matter how hard this moment may seem, simply by observing ic you will changeit RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Are you mindful of what is going on right now in your rclationship—its qualities and patterns? Au- ralite Spirit wants you to observe what is work- ing so you can build upon it, and to sce what is not working so you can begin to address it. Be fally present in your relationships today. Medicace, and then, as you interact with those you love, pay axrention—observing without judgment, noticing what is happening withour spinning a story of shoulds and ought-to-haves. Open your eyes, tha you might deepen your love and connection; for now, your ability to be present and free of distrac- tions is very strong. a” PRospERiTy MEssaGe Embrace your ability to be present in the now in- stead of lose in the past, thinking about the should haves, or wandering aimlessly in the future, worried about che whavifs. Auralite Spire is here to am- plify your consciousness of this moment and your experience of prosperity. You have much to build ‘upon, so ler go of your fear and juse see and know whae is yours right now. Whae opportunities are at your door? What have you gathered—wisdom, knowledge, and wealth—that can remind you of your ability to bring about the prosperity you seck? “Medication will help you see the answers CrysTat Spirit MEDITATION Auralite contains 23 different minerals and is a healer on so many levels: no one benefit ourweighs the others. Staring slowly, meditating with this stone for shore periods of time regularly allows us to become used to its energy. It works on all the chakras and isa stone that can be used effectively to address any issue ofthe mind, body, or spirit BIXBITE SES ESSENTIAL MEANING: Drive, courage, full speed ahead, spirited action There is a time to hesitate and a time to move forward with conviction, courage, and coral decermination—and that time is now. Bixbite Spirit has arrived to tll you to take a deep breath, and move fll speed ahead with forceful action on behalf of your own healing. Be ferce as you push through obstacles with laser focus, for nothing will stand in your way. You are meant to feel driven ac this moment, to break fiee of the chains binding you co unhealthy pacterns. Advocate for yourself unapologetically and be unshakable in your belief that you are worthy of achieving your goal. The Conscious Universe, the force that propels you, is always there for you as your ally. Now is a time for fearless action Sail on! RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Let go of anything chat might impede you as you act on chat inner conviction to bring love into your life by nourishing your relationships. There is time enough for to-do lists. Today isa day for connect- ing and reconnecting with those you care about, and for reaching out to those you have said you ‘wane co get to know bette. The universe is in love ‘overdrive right now and wants you to stop focusing so much on the everyday tasks that can startto wear you down, Prioritize relationships, for they have the power to help you heal and to recognize that you have all you need tight now to experience content- ‘mene and fulfillment. M PRosPERITY MESSAGE Full speed ahead, Caprain, even chough your ship ‘ay be sailing into uncharted waters. But that is exactly what you ate meant to do on your quest to experience the prosperous life the Conscious Uni: verse wants for you. Bixbite Spiri’s message isto rake action roward growing the wealth that is all around you. Claim your power to co-create a solid foundation for any adventure you wish to take. Your boaris made of sturdy wood so sail with confidence, leaving behind the scarcity thinking ofthe past. CaysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Bixbite is a rare red form of beryl, Due co its rarity, only small specimens can generally be found. How- cever, even a little piece packs a big punch! Bixbite is an excellent stone to increase self-esteem while simultancously giving us the courage and energy t0 take action on our own behalf. Fa BLACK STOURMALINE ESSENTIAL MEANING: Healthy boundaries, repelling and dispelling unwanted energies, shield- ing and protection, healthy interdependence There is a saying that good fences make good neighbors, Well-being likewise requires healthy boundaries that respect everyone’ uniqueness, sim- ilaritics, and differences. The appearance of Black Tourmaline Spirit is a sign that now is the time co make sure those fences are neither impenetrable walls nor so porous and broken down that you stare to lose rack of where you end and others begin, I invigorating to move between alone time and together time. Maybe you need to be with some extroverts fora while, or maybe you need along eve ning alone with a good book. If you've been feeling tired lately, pay attention to whether youre neglect- ing yourself ac some level, giving too much, suffer- ing from empathy overload, or depending too much, ‘on someone else and croveding them. You may need. some down time co remind you thar youare a human being not a human doing, You do not have to earn love through perpetual se sacrifice, nordo you have to feel overwhelmed and needy. Healthy boundaries mean leaning on others ina balanced way, and Black ‘Tourmaline Spirit ishere to nudge you to be mindful ofwhen you nced time to yourselfand when you need to beamong those who accept you exactly asyou are. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Ws natural to yearn for that one special someone to be everything you need, but even ifyoute matched with your soul mate, the two of you require some time away from each other now and again to truly > appreciate how much you enjoy being together. An afzernoon with friends or working on a project solo can recharge yout batceries. IF you dont want to be apart from che one you love, be sure that i nor be- cause youie afraid to be alone. The Conscious Uni- verse wants you to be yourself and relaxed in your relationship, for you deserve the gift ofalove thacis fulfilling and nurturing PROSPERITY MESSAGE Healthy boundaries build erus, which i imporcane when it comes to money and finances. ts so easy to jump up and insist, Oh no! I think I'm nor geeting 2a fair deal here!” When this crystal appears, be espe- cially observant of any tendency to be unclear or in- secure about the flow of money between or among you and your circle. Now isa good time to check in with everyone co be sure they are comfortable with how the force of prosperity is moving from person to person. We are meant to help each other and share our affluence, so confirm thae you are main- ‘aining healthy boundaries as you work with others in ways chat involve money and wealth. Fy (CaysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Black Tourmaline is an incredibly valuable stone for sensitive, empaths, and anyone susceptible to absorbing the energy of others. When carried or ‘wom on the body, it works industriously to eap- ture incoming energy that is less chan desirable and transmute ie into usable energy. When used in ‘meditation, i¢helps work through old “seu” froma neuteal perspective allowing us o keep the “wheat” and discard the “chaff” » ll BLUE GIALCEDONY — ESSENTIAL MEANING: Slowing down, easy does it, restoring balance and serenity ’s pace can feel overwhelming a times, and this cystal shows up just when you need co slow down and experience serenity and balance. Cereainey wonk present itself just because you are rushing around. Blue Chalcedony Spiri brings the message co immerse yourself in the moment and to surren- der your sense of urgency t0 the Conscious Uni: verse, You are pushing too hard now. Easy does itas “ you transition from che old ways into the new and begin o ery out your fledgling wings You are ever evolving, and the unfamiliar can send you hurrying back towhere you were or rushing. ahead to get past che uncomfortable part—the pare ‘where you have to confrone he truth that youre fac- ingmany unknowns. Your fearfl ego will ery to con- vince you that the way to get what you need isto work: harder and faster and move as swiftly as possible, but your best action now iso slow down Allow yourselE tobe clear on what you want so chat your intentions begin o coalesce in ways thar wll please you. As youtlook around, be fully present to what i, allowinga sense of tranquility nd ase tarise in you even though you may not be able to see what do next. The Conscious Universe has much co offer you, so take a breath and remember: easy does i. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Easy does it is again your motto as you decide on your relasionships best course, for the Conscious Universe wants to be sure you move forward with clear intention—and that requires reducing your speed. You willadvancein the right way ae the right time, balancing swift movement with progress at a a relaxed pace. Blue Chalcedony Spirit wants you to know thae the healing of old patterns i easier when you are nor leeting fear drive you to move too quick- ly through a transition, You wanted to change the old ways, and you are doing so, guided by the Con- scious Universe. So let yourself feel serene. Trust in this process as you slow things down to gain a clearer view. PROSPERITY MESSAGE 1k only natural co want to build on your inner af- fluence. You have been doing much co change the ‘old patterns—good for you! Now, however, Blue Chalcedony Spire is calling you to take a closer look at whar you have set in motion. Is it time to consider changes? Are you happy with what is com- ing into being, or do you need to do some healing ‘work to ensure you are comfortable wich your new- found material wealth? Perhaps you need to work fon trusting yourself and your co-creaive powers. You can learn much thae will help you build and ‘maintain a solid foundation—ifyou slow down at this time CrysTAL Spirit MEDITATION Blue Chalcedony is quite simply a serenity scone. “Meditating with it soothes the emotions, calms the adrenals, and brings peace to the body and mind. ‘Asa balm for feazaled nerves, ie would be well uti- lized worn or carried on one’ person when entering a situation where remaining calm is required. 8 12 BLUE [ACE (GATE aes rain hice ESSENTIAL MEANING: Peaceful acceptance, stress-free nonattachment, freedom from unnecessary dramas lichough crystals seem solid and permanent, all things on this earth change over time, even the minerals and the rocks, Transformation can be slow and nearly imperceptible, bue we are always changing. Our lives flow like a river, slowly or 4uickly but always in motion—and chats a good thing. The appearance of Blue Lace Agate Spirie calls for you to embrace the possibility of change without stress. You are not 190 old, too late, roo stuck in your ways, t00 anything: Youare enough, and youwill have help as you dare to be different and step into a new destiny, finding your purpose with peace in your heart instead of living according to the old patterns prob- ably created long before you even choughtabout your habits and belief systems, Why hold on toa past thae causes you stress and anxiety? It’s already changing anyway! Impermanence is the nature of everything, and the Conscious Universe has so many ideas for how to help you be Fulfilled, balanced, and joyful RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE The universe is ruled by divine order, so now isthe time co release all your anxiety. IF you are sensing thacyour relationship isin transition, know thatthe Conscious Universe wants the bes for you and will ‘work wich you to help you experience the loving relationships you deserve. You are not untethered and tossed about by the cold north wind, even ifit ‘may feel thae way right now. Beat peace, for you are firmly on the ground, with the Conscious Universe 6 as your reliable anchor. Connect wich this ally and this transition will ead you to something even bet- ter, foryou will member that change can bea very ‘good thing. Open yourself ro new possibilities for teansformation PROSPERITY MESSAGE Did an opportunity fade before you had a chance to seize i? No worties. Give your stress. a break. “This, fr something better” isa truth that Blue Lace Ag- ate Spirit wanes co remind you of for ic brings with ie che energy of calm and peaceful transformation. Maybe the opportunity to build your wealch wasn't the right one for you, and whats coming is so much beter thar you will say co yourself, “What was I thinking, worrying about the past? Endings lead to beginnings, so be present in this transition, learn- ing the lessons of the past and being enthusiastic about all the wealth thae will be available co you in 4 prosperous fueure. There's always more, thanks to the Conscious Universe, so you never need stress or try to hold on coo tightly: Your wealch may change ies form, but abundance is your birthright. Trust in the Conscious Universe and you will be guided 46 oward the opportunities for co-creating prosperity thatyou seek (CaysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Blue Lace Agate encourages you to relax and go ‘with che How. Ir opens the ehroat chakra and assists in clearyee gentle communication. Meditation with this tone can assstin slowing thoughe, clearing the mind, and connecting with angels and guides ” ®RONZITE — ESSENTIAL MEANING: Loyalty, trust, steadfast ness, self-respect, trusting that the Conscious Universe has your back Now is the time to be sure you trust in the Con- scious Universe and remain true to your authentic selfas Bronaite Spirit appears with the message that loyalty must be earned. Be judicious in extending your trust, knowing ie isa gift from the Conscious Universe that must be honored. Respect others by being cruseworthy yourself, speaking of them in ‘ways chat are honorable. Heal the past by owning your role in itso that you can trust yourself again, having learned che lessons chat will strengthen you. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Byen if you have been betrayed in the past, you can heal the sting by extending eruse again, as challeng- ing as that may be. Bronaite Spirit reminds you that this time, however, you are much wiser and stronger, much more mindful of the signs chat signal you nced to sep back and nurture yourself Being crue to an- other isan expression of the beauty ofthe divine, and you have cis capacity. Your loyaley and steadfastness ‘ill be rewarded by the Conscious Universe, perhaps in ways thae you dontt expect. Be true to yourself knowing that a loving, respectfl relationship with yourself lays the groundwork fora loving, respectlul relationship with another, Remember you are always protected when divinely directed. PRospERITY MESSAGE Your erue heart is recognized by the Conscious Universe, who wants only the very best for you. [As much as you wane co trust others, be mindful of others who you sense do not deserve your trust. Cautiously and mindfully vencure to lend yout loy alky again anyway, knowing that you are where you are meant to be, and you have the Conscious Uni- verse as your ally to send you signs when a situation or individual warrants your caution. You can release ‘your fears of being affected by the negativity of oth- crs. Be steadfast in your convictions as you work with others to build and maintain a firm financial foundation for yourself. You are stronger and wiser than you once were, and now you can trust yourself co know when you must make a change, take ac- sion, or speak a truth. Lee go of your self doubr, for Bronzite Spirits telling you that you can be trusted to know what you need to do to make good deci- sions regarding your finances. CrysTa Spit MEDITATION Meditation with bronaite can assist in discerning wwhae needs to be released in order for us to heal Duc to its iron content, itisalsoa stone of strength, lending supporcas we allowall thatno longer serves ro fallaway, (ARNELIAN ee ESSENTIAL MEANING: Increased confidence, dignity, poise, selfassurance Rising above the fray is much easier when you feel confident in your strengths and know that the Con: scious Universe is lighting the path for you. There's no shame feeling unsure as you leave behind the ‘unfamiliar, bue Carnelian Spiri is here to help you grow your confidence so that you can experience dignity and poise even when ie is clear that you are imperfect and not completely certain of whae step co take next. You have come so far and grown so much, Give yourselfcredie and know that you make the best decisions for the good of all when you feel self-assured because you are connected to the Con- scious Universe, your co-creator, at all times. You are awake and alert, heeding the signs that guide you on the healing path, so hold your head high, RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE “There is strength in allowing yourself ro be vulner- able, Afterall, intimacy and trust can only be buile ifyoullec yourself be seen as you really are. Be confi- dencinall tharyou have to offer partner and know thar the Conscious Universe wants all of your rela- tionships to nourish you. Camelian Spirits here co remind you of how wonderful you are. Rest assured that as you experience your dignity and hold your head high, others will recognize that you are a pillar of strength and a beautiful, unique spirit. You de- serve the relationship that you wane for yourself— be assured thar the Conscious Universe is working, to ee that you have it PRosrERity MEssaGe ‘When Carnelian Spitie appears, itis not a time for second-guessing yourself. Did you forget how much power you have to co-create che reality you wish to experience? You ae called today to be con- fidene in your strengths, co feel selEassured as you deal with unexpected challenges or boldly move forward into uncharted territory to explore its pos- sibilities for you. Feel che strengch of che Conscious Universe propelling you forward. Walk wich digni- tyand grace, for you are tuly capable ofco-ereating allyou need and more. CrysTAL SPIRIT MEDITATION Carnelian is stone of confidence, courage, and ac- sion, fantastic For chose who are prone to procras- tination or have difficulty gathering che courage co take the first step. Camelian lights fire in your belly (and other less comfortable places), pulls you up by the bootstraps, and says, Let: go for it! 3 15, (CELESTITE ESSENTIAL MEANING: Connection to the angelic realm and divine energy, clear channels for communication with your guides and Universal Consciousness Each of us is a unique expression of the Conscious Universe, whose endless imagination is also ex: pressed through guides and angels. Did you know thae these entities are eager to help you find balance and align yourself with the Conscious Universe so that you experience all you deserve? 5 elestite Spirit is here to let you know that you are always connected with magical beings from the angelic realms, beings that are especially gifted at showing us what the eyes don’ always sce. Your message roday i to be open co the guides and angels all around you, above you and below you. They are loving and supporting you in finding your purpose and feeling joy, love, and hope no marcer what your outer conditions, Youhaveall youneed and ate always accompanied by these entities who are devoted to bringinglove and healing toall ofuswhen weare ee! ing alone and weak. Today, connect with the angelic realm by calling upon these loving guides to light the path for you and help you become conscious of the unconscious gifts tha are therefor you now and always will be. RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE Right now, guides and angels who understand hu- rman frailties are close by, nudging you and whisper- ing to you, sending you love and helping you with any specific challenges you are facing in your ecla- tionships, They are completely dedicared to being that perfect ftiend, teacher, or healer and will do all ey they can co connect you to people with gifs for you. Sollisren to the message of Celestite Spiricand open your eyes to the workings of guides and angels in yout life coday: They will operate through people— strangers and newcomers in yout life, often—so if you have been isolating yourself, break out of that now. Pay attention to those being sent your way by the beings who know just who can help you. En- hance your relationship with guides and angels by reaching out to chem with a prayer or request cody. PRosPERITY MESSAGE Angel phone ringing ... pick up, please! Celestice Spirit has a way of amplifying chat ring so that the guides and angels—who are eager to help you achieve the prosperity you seek—come rushing to answer. Now is the perfect rime to ask so that you might receive. Do you doubs that angels and guides ae eager to help you experience the abundance that is your birthright? Send chat doube packing and ‘open your heart today, asking the angels and guides co assist You in aligning with a state of wealth thae you desire and deserve. They are buea prayer away 6

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