Adrienne Bish

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“Temalahanan in the discovery of the language of the unise?”, question

Hehe ested by The final Math Myny Eple of the PS papilar science is
NOVA Battcharly been conceyed by the film that the anthid, math is a human inventum
There is an ampe by the manera senor establishment to promote the idea that mathermos
Is what the universe cuesivis of. Thot is mathemumes in the new version of GOD. So they was
30 worship mathematics and the line people who om manquime and control how we interpret
The third over the mathematical machinery by which taklidmetlla
What is that the world that we live in.

The callinl sciemific method can demorate that mathematical disordina

The operation of the method upon uale actually produce the deep underlying mathematicall
That govem nawe as hem ought to invest muc helief in mathematical systems with any
Gallike powers or possessing uhanate secres of the nature of the verse.

Iser to view membomatics as merely a setud human evention and all of theoretical
Physics useful tool that uits our importion of only and nothing more

Early on we are told that Fibonaco numbers hoog in flower petal counts. The sen
Displays flower which have petals coomed in accordance with the honacce segunce. That,34,35 Hiwo when I gotide my house I discover a lin
Of flowers with petal annt of fine and fine is a Finacci number. That is a datarting fact.
Nestan agert oth that Sually the Fibonani mmes show up a lot. Sa te
Entified to take account that not a flowers follow the mathematical law of the
Fibeurther in fact what appears to be a mathematical law governing nature turns out t
Be only a matical likelihood which is aut overwhelmingly convincing as a rule for govemeg
Spurs because mathematics b the huge of the universe.

One of the deceptive arguments present in the film, is the cham that mathematics is
Tespenchir la fe great hological achievements of our age. The question then mat be us
Hine do we really know that the mathemaal lases that we have really true
Jaws of the universe? How do we know that physical laws are not an illion and not real

The answer to this questium, in that we don’t actually know the tool and trus fawe ut the
Se cumplety. What we know only how to use certain mathematical lawe at what are
Called idealizations to solve yertain types of problems with contained houndaries through.
Delication. The film gives as an example of how idealization work and how they are used to

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