Risks Identified For Global Green Books Publishing

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Name: Shubham Bhutada

Roll No: 20MBAIB049

Subject: Project Management
Topic: Case Study 02- The back to School Crunch at Global Green Books

Question and Answer

Q.1. What risks can you identify? Why are they a risk to Global Green Books
Risks identified for Global Green Books Publishing:
1. Employee unqualified people (undergraduates who have no experience and free time)
to complete the work.
2. The customer order cannot be delivered on time (the delivery starts to exceed the date
and time requested by the customer).
3. High quality text cannot be provided.
4. As a small business, it chose a big project. The global green paper publishing industry
relies on part-time employees, which is a high risk. The staff union leads to uncertainty
in working hours, as it delays due to other tasks and delays work.
5. Inexperienced part-time employees can also lead to a decline in product quality, and
they will have to spend more time and money to fix product defects. Therefore, these
will expose the company to resource risks, product quality risks and financial risks.

Q.2. What kind of impacts does each of your identified risks have?
Can you categorize these as low impact, medium impact, or high impact?
Hiring college students with flexible working hours and no plans, I think this is
one of the high risks. Because the working hours of part-time college students are
uncertain, and the length of working hours is also uncertain, the result is that the work
cannot be completed on time.
Risk High- Medium-Low Impact
Hiring unqualified High Unable to finish the
people to do the job job on time.
Unable to deliver the High Losing the customer
eBooks on time trust.
Unable to provide High Order cannot be
quality texts. deliver on time.
Choosing a big Medium There was no proper
project for a small- planning among the
starting company. employees to fulfil
the given tasks.

There are few more risks identified on this project including:

1. Hiring unqualified people to do the job.
2. Unable to deliver the eBooks on time.
3. Unable to provide quality texts.
4. Choosing a big project for a small-starting company.
 And the reason why it’s a risk to the company because it’s effecting their image,
the university is not happy about their work neither their professors nor students,
thus other collages or even companies might refuse to do a business with them or
even recommending them to others.
 Also they won’t be able to control their costs since money and time was being spent
fixing defects in their products.
 Since Global Green Books Publishing was dependent on part-timer employees they
were not taken the importance of the tasks ahead, and didn’t take under their
consideration that the students would ask for leave or report an absenteeism due to
more prior tasks they had, thus delaying the work.

Q.3 How probable are each of your identified risks? You can think about
something simple like categorizing these as not very likely, likely, and highly
likely to occur.
 The risks identified are very likely to be taken into consideration as an objective of
importance in the company.
 Operational risks, risk of quality formation, risk of loss of goodwill and many more are
likely to happen.
 As we have read the case, Loss of goodwill or image of the company is very likely to
incur since the company could not manage their staff efficiently which resulted in delay
of orders.
 Quality Formation is likely to happen since the company will try to deliver the orders
quickly and with an efficient staff management with less skills, mistakes in printing are
bound to happen.
 The risks which are not likely to happen are the ones involving mistakes in printing.
The staff was trained to print and bind and if they were not , they would anyways record
training from their co employees.
Q.4. What would you advise Global Green Books are their three most critical
1. As indicated by my perspectives Global Green Books initially plan for their work and
ought to give multi month preparing period for them. Since after got legitimate
preparing nobody representative can accomplish wrong work in the association.
2. Second they ought to be accompanied pre arrangement as we are very much aware with
regards to the arranging capacity of the executives, it assumes a fundamental part in the
association to get successes to accomplish their objectives.
3. Third market fluctuation, which are brought about by elements, for example, monetary
cycles in every local and changes sought after of end clients, influence the Group.

Q.5. What would you suggest that they do about these three risks? Are there
specific actions to deal with these risks? Have you identified a contingency
plan to carry out if the risk occurs?
1. Project risk and financial risk :
To deal with the project risk we need to make sure that we have sufficient stock available all
the time for the order received and need to be ready to deliver the order received. In order to
make efficient delivery and stock we need to make sure we have sufficient trained staff.
2. Organization Risk:
As the company has appointed the several student as part time employees same can be
mitigated by reducing the part time employees or by giving proper training to the staff
appointed so that the organizational risk can be reduced and ultimately the issues arising
from the lack of experience or training can be overcome.
3. External Risk:
As the orders, is not coming on any prediction basis same can be reduced by making some
techniques of Costing and stocking Like Minimum Stock/ Maximum Stock/Danger Level
Stock that is by making sure that we have stock all the time and secondly making a safe
stock level on the basis of the order that the company have received.

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