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(James C Collins and Jerry I Porras)

Adwitee Chandra
Gandhrav Gaurav
Rishabh Patel
Rohan Arora
Shikha Bose

• A well conceived ‘VISION’ consists of two major

- Yin, the unchanging ‘CORE IDEOLOGY’
• Core Ideology defines what an organization stands for
and why it exists.
• Envisioned Future is what an organization aspires to
become, something that will require change and
progress to attain.

The enduring character of an organization. It holds an

organization together through time.
Core Ideology consists of two parts
- Core Values, small set of timeless guiding principles,
that hold importance to those inside the organization.
- Core Purpose, the organization’s reason for existence.

• The key is not what core values an organization has

but that it has core values at all.
• Only a few values can be truly core, fundamental and
deeply held that will change seldom, if ever.
• A company should not change its core values in
response to market changes, rather it should change
markets if necessary to remain true to its core values.
Who articulates Core Values?

• Mars Group – People who have a gut understanding

of the core values, the highest level of credibility with
their peers and the highest levels of competence.
• Distinguish between enduring core values that should
not change and practices and strategies that should be
changing all the time.

• The Company’s reason for being

• Doesn’t describe the organization’s output or target
customers, it captures the soul of the organization.
• You might achieve a goal or complete a strategy, you
cannot fulfill a purpose. A guiding star, pursued but
never reached.
Getting at a purpose..

• Five Whys
- We make X products or we deliver X services, and
then ask, Why is that important? Five times.
• Random Corporate Serial Killer game
- What would be lost if the company were sold to
someone who would pay a very generous price,
guarantee jobs, in a different industry BUT after the
sale, the buyers kill the company? What would be lost
if the company ceased to exist?

• On one hand, it conveys concreteness, something

visible, vivid and real. On the other hand, it involves
a time yet unrealized, with its dreams, hopes and
• Envisioned Future consists of two parts
- 10 to 30 year audacious goal
- Vivid Descriptions
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BEEHAG)

• A true BHAG is clear and compelling, serves as a

unifying focal point of effort and acts as a catalyst for
team spirit.
• It engages people – reaches out and grabs them.
• Tangible, energizing and highly focused
Setting a BHAG…

• Applies to the entire organization and requires 10-30

years of efforts to complete.
• Requires team to be visionary than just strategic or
• It will have only a 50%-70% chance of success, but
the organization must believe that it can achieve the
goal anyway.
• EXTRAORDINARY effort and a little luck.

• Vibrant, engaging and specific description of what it

will be like to achieve the BHAG.
• Translating the vision from words into pictures.
Creating an image that people can carry around in
their heads.

• Core purpose is the reason why the organization

• BHAG is an articulated goal.
• Core purpose can never be completed.
• BHAG reachable in 10-30 years.
• Core purpose is the guiding star.
• BHAG is the mountain to be climbed.
Organizations excelling in
articulating a vision

• Core Ideology needs to be meaningful and

inspirational only to people inside the organization.
• Find and retain people who will share the core values
and purpose of the organization.
• Build the strength of the organization as the primary
way of creating the future.
• Always have a BHAG to replace one that has been
achieved by the organization.

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