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Journal of Public Health | pp.


Harnessing strategic policy on COVID-19 vaccination rollout

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in the Philippines

The World Health Organization developed and disseminated Duterte recently signed into law the ‘COVID-19 Vaccination
a vaccine introduction readiness assessment tool.1 This key Program Act of 2021.’6 This law allocates = P500 million for the
instrument guides all countries to be strategic in COVID- COVID-19 National Vaccine Immunity Fund to compensate
19 vaccination rollout that includes decisive planning and vaccine recipients who will experience serious adverse effects
implementation, data and monitoring, supply and logistics, or die thereafter the vaccination. It guides strategic policy-
and acceptance and demand. making, decisions and delegation of IATF and the NTF.
In a recent correspondence, Cordero2 has succinctly However, efficient implementation of COVID-19 vacci-
pointed out that, ‘every person deserves the right to choose nation rollout still remains unclear. The government must
which brand of vaccine he or she will get for protection.’ The address a joint coordinated action plan and implementation
author has rightfully reiterated that public officials should not of strategic policy, reflect on critical loopholes and empower
take away the fundamental right of human freedom in the more centralized multi-faceted delegation to qualified public
implementation of the government’s COVID-19 vaccination and private sectors to address lack of sufficient frontline
program. In other words, the government’s key role is to be healthcare manpower, healthcare facilities and concrete
proactive, transparent and efficient in COVID-19 vaccines mobilization through multilateral vaccination rollout.
procurement and rollout to promote public trust to reach The Philippines shows a gradual progress but slow vac-
herd immunity. cination rollout. With the previous arrival of vaccine doses
However, Philippines’ recent House Bill 9252 or ‘Manda- from Sinovac-made ‘CoronaVac’ and Sputnik V, the country
tory COVID-19 Immunization Act of 2021’ alarmed the received another more than 2 million doses from Oxford
public as it sought to require all Filipinos to receive the vaccine AztraZeneca, on 8 May 2021 and 193, 050 doses from BioN-
for free at any government hospital or health center, except Tech Pfizer on 10 May 2021. But, IATF and NTF against
for those persons unfit due to medical conditions.3 At the COVID-19 ‘focus and expand’ strategy reveal inefficiency
moment, the said proposed bill is too premature to push of vaccination rollout of Oxford AztraZeneca vaccines that
through due to uncertainties and vulnerabilities of COVID- will expire on 30 June 2021. Filipinos cannot afford to waste
19 vaccination program in the Philippines. Indeed, freedom these vaccines. The public urges the government to let private
to choose vaccine must be encouraged by the government sectors help in vaccine rollout.7 This implies leveraging strate-
because most Filipinos mistrust China’s Sinovac.4 gic preparedness on vaccination rollout as the Philippines
Thus, this paper addresses two salient points. First, it crit- expects more 20 million vaccines to arrive on June 2020.
ically analyzes the urgent need to harness the Philippine Therefore, the Philippines’ COVID-19 vaccination program
government’s strategic policy-making, decision-making and should harness a multilateral and multi-faceted strategic policy
centralization of delegation on the acceleration of COVID- to address the loopholes of accelerating vaccination rollout.
19 vaccination rollout. Second, it strongly urges the Philippine
government’s Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for Manage-
ment of Emerging Infectious Diseases and the National Task Acknowledgement
Force (NTF) to provide a more concrete, detailed and long-
term strategic plan to the public by leveraging multilateral and No Funding was received from this paper.
multi-faceted approach on its ‘focus and expand’ strategy5 on
COVID-19 vaccination program.
Conflict of interest
To expedite the procurement and administration of
COVID-19 vaccines, Philippine President Rodrigo Roa The author declares no conflict of interest in this paper.

© Crown copyright 2021.


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Downloaded from by guest on 08 September 2021

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