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Syed M.

Afzal, 180401046

Assignment 01

1 What is an open loop control system and closed loop control system.

1.1 Open Loop System:

The control operation of this system is unaffected by its performance. In other words, it is one whose
functioning is time dependent. In the open loop system, there is no feedback. That is why it also called as
non-feedback system.

Figure 1 open loop system

1.2 Closed Loop System:

A framework whose yield is managed by its input is alluded to as a ‘closed loop control mechanism’. Between
the system's output and input, there are one or more feedback loops. These frameworks are made in such a
way that they consequently deliver the specified yield by comparing it to genuine information. The closed-
loop approach creates the mistake flag, which is the contrast between the input and yield.

Figure 2 closed loop system

Syed M. Afzal, 180401046

2 Compare open loop control system with closed loop control system. Write
down major advantages and disadvantages of open loop control systems.

Table 1 comparison of open loop with closed loop systems

Open Loop System Closed Loop System
An "open loop" machine is one whose output is The feedback of this system determines the best output.
unaffected by its input.
An open loop is a type of non-feedback device. A closed loop feedback system is what it's called.
The open loop framework has two components: access An amplifier, controller, regulated mechanism,
and regulated mechanism. feedback system, and other components are required
for a closed loop.

Since only a few elements are included in the structure, it The closed-loop design is extremely complex to build.
is simple to design.
It is untrustworthy It is trustworthy.
The system's precision is lower The system's precision is higher.
This system is more robust. The term "stable" here refers to the system's
performance remaining constant even after
It is not streamlined It is streamlined
It responds quickly It responds slowly.
The tuning of this system is more complex. It’s tuning is simpler.
The disruption had an impact on the output of this system. No impact of disturbance.
It's response is non-linear The input control system's response is linear.
The output mechanism includes things like traffic lights The closed-loop system includes things like
and electric washing machines temperature controllers and toasters.

2.1 Advantages of Open Loop System:

• Budget-friendly.
• Simpler in architecture.
• It's simple to keep track of.
• The situation is mostly steady.
• It's simple to utilize when the performance can't be measured.

2.2 Demerits:
• These systems are completely wrong.
• These systems are irregular.
• Any adjustment in production cannot be immediately reversed.
Syed M. Afzal, 180401046

3 Write requirements of a good control system. Is an automatic electric

iron an open loop or close loop system.

3.1 Requirements:
• The emphasis of the control scheme should always be on the goals. It should strive to accomplish the
organization's goals.
• The control structure should be tailored to the organization's requirements.
• The control system can react quickly. That is, it can easily detect any anomalies. This will assist managers in
easily correcting anomalies.
• The control mechanism has to be adaptable. It can adapt to changes in schedules, scenarios, and conditions,
among other things. A static control structure is doomed to fail at any stage. As a result, a control scheme
must be flexible.
• The control mechanism should be anticipatory. It should be able to predict potential deviations. That is, it
can detect anomalies before they occur. It should also take precautions to avoid such errors in the future.
• The control scheme must be cost-effective. This means that the control system's burden does not exceed its
• The control system should be simple to use. It should be quick to comprehend and operate. Those that would
use the control system should have a thorough understanding of it.
• The control mechanism should be enjoyable to use. That is, it should place a higher priority on avoiding
errors and a lower priority on punishing workers. As a result, it should motivate rather than hinder workers.
• The control scheme should be suggestive and have comprehensive answers to the following questions:
▪ What is the issue?
▪ What is the source of the issue?
▪ What is the best way to solve the problem?
• Standards should be in place with the management structure. The requirements should be crystal clear. They
should be precise, observable, and verifiable. They should not be excessively high or short.

3.2 Automatic Electric Iron:

It is a type of closed loop system. The block diagram is as follows:

Signal Actual
Reference Thermostat Heating Controlled
Plate of
Input Element Output
Controller Actuator Process

Syed M. Afzal, 180401046

Figure 3 automatic electric iron block diagram

3.2.1 Components:
A thermostat serves as the system's controller, while a resistive heating unit provides heat in an automated
electric iron. The iron instrument's sole-plate serves as a gadget functioning.

3.2.2 Working:
The fundamental usefulness of a mechanized electric press is that the warming movement is naturally
hindered when the sole plate’s temperature comes to an indicated edge. The warming cycle proceeds once
more in the event that the temperature falls underneath a specific limit.
As a result, it is clear that the controlling of this sort of system is dependent on the system's performance.
An electric iron's thermostat is initially set to a certain setting that acts as a reference input for the device.
The resistive heating unit creates heat inside the system when the gadget receives the input. As a result, the
iron sole's temperature rises. A feedback element compares the output temperature to the thermostat's
reference input.
If the produced output is less than the reference input, the temperature distinction triggers the indoor
regulator, which starts the heating system. As a result, the iron sole’s temperature increments.
Heating system turns off automatically when the temperature climbs over the predetermined point. The
temperature begins to decline after a certain period of time has elapsed.
The comparison, however, continues, and when the temperature goes underneath the predetermined point,
the warming component starts to increase the temperature of the sole once more.

In this scenario, the electric iron works.

4 Explain concept of superposition for linear system with examples.

4.1 Superposition:
The superposition theorem states that if we know our system responds to one input (s 1) with one output (u1)
and another input (s2) with another output (u2), then our system's answer to the sum of both inputs should be
the sum of the two outputs.

e.g., if 𝒖𝟏 = 𝒔𝟏 and 𝒖𝟐 = 𝒔𝟐 then 𝒖𝟏 + 𝒖𝟐 = 𝒔𝟏 + 𝒔𝟐

4.1.1 Example 1:
u(t) = 6s1(t) + 2s2(t)

s1(t) = z

s2(t) = z2

by considering s2(t) = 0 the value of u1(t) will be:

u(t) = u1(t) = 6z

by considering s1(t) = 0 the value of u2(t) will be:

Syed M. Afzal, 180401046

u(t) = u2(t) = 2z2


𝑢(𝑡) = 𝑢1(𝑡) + 𝑢2(𝑡)

𝑢(𝑡) = 6𝑧 + 2𝑧2

4.1.2 Example 2:
𝑦(𝜔) + 𝑦(𝜔) = 0
𝑑𝜔 2
𝑦1 (𝜔) = cos (𝜔)

𝑦2 (𝜔) = sin (𝜔)

cos(𝜔) = −sin (𝜔)
sin(𝜔) = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜔)
𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜔) = −cos (𝜔)
𝑑𝜔 2
𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔) = −sin (𝜔)
𝑑𝜔 2
Put values of y1(w) and y2(w) and their second derivatives in original equation we get

𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜔) − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜔) = 0

𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔) − 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔) = 0

So, y1(w) and y2(w) are solutions.

4.1.3 Example 3:
A linear transition in electrical engineering connects the input to the output in a linear circuit. A superposition
of input signals creates a superposition of responses as a consequence. Fourier analysis may be used to solve
this problem in a variety of ways. A related form of circuit analysis is the Superposition theorem.

4.1.4 Example 4:
Concurring to Maxwell's conditions of physics, the (potentially time-varying) conveyance of currents and
charges are tied to the electric and magnetic fields by a direct change. As a result, the superposition theorem
may be utilized to make calculating fields originating from a given charge and current distribution much
easier. The heat equation and other linear differential equations that emerge in physics follow the same

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