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Group 2\
Daniel John E. Carmen
Timothy John S. Guarin
Gabriel Russel H. Capili
Gabriel Z. Fernandez

Guide Questions

1. The persona is a little child that is curious about his father’s at-home-office, more
specifically, the picture of Apo on the wall. The father of the persona is a strict military
man who works for the military.
2. The relationship the persona has with his father is like a relationship a servant and a
master would have. The servant has to do things the master wants in order to please
and make him happy. I would say that my relationship I have with my father is far from
that. We have a more understanding relationship and we often come up with
compromises to settle our disagreements.
3. Snappy by its definition is to move quickly while being marked by vigor. While snapped
means to speak out sharp biting words. They add to the “sound” of the poem by
providing similar sounds. They gave us the understanding that the father was strict to
his son about following the rules.
4. Apo is a term used to call someone of higher authority. Apo is the boss of the persona’s
father as evidenced by lines 7 to 9. Apo is spoken to be a powerful being, as he is none
other than the dictator himself, Ferdinand Marcos.
5. The father of the persona to Apo has the relationship of a king and a slave. He follows
the orders of Apo like a dog and he is essentially a slave to martial law, who sees it as
the absolute rule.
6. Discipline and respect for elders and those who are much higher than you, even if they
are not present, are the qualities that the father wishes to instill onto his child.
7. Yes, I agree with these values because if we treat others with respect, they will treat us
with respect as well. To avoid getting scolded, we must follow those who have
authority. The picture who the child was scared of was Apo, or Ferdinand Marcos and is
compared to the “scary” Jesus in the hallway. Because of the line in the poem “His eyes
are following me like he was that scary Jesus in the hallway screaming I know; I know
what you are doing.”.
8. Father is a snappy and loyal person to his Apo who is Ferdinand Marcos. Ferdinand
Marcos is like Jesus who knows everything we do because of his power.
9. It means every move you make is known, and it regulates behavior because if someone
knows what you are doing, you will act different for one thing or another
10. In our opinion, it is not the same, for the reason his contempt colored his perception of
the martial law
11. We are shown a glimpse when persona’s father, snapped at the persona when the
persona sneaked into the father’s office. Where he showcases pride from his military

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