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I am

you Monday

1 What was good/bad

. about this day?
2 What have you/haven’t
. you done today from Work hard!
what was planned?
3 What new thoughts
. came to your mind?
4 What are you going to
. do tomorrow?


1 What was good/bad

. about this day?
I’ll take you 2 What useful have you
home! . done?
3 Who did you talk to
. today?
4 What are you going to
. do tomorrow?


1 What made you

. laugh/upset today?
2 What new have you
. learnt today?
3 What new thoughts Don’t be
. came to your mind? late!
4 What are you going to
. do tomorrow?


1 What was good/bad

It’s not far
. about this day?
from 2 What have you/haven’t
Friday! . you done today from
what was planned?
3 Describe appearance of
. the person you like.
4 What are you going to
You have done it!
. do tomorrow?


1 Tell what you’ve done

. today pointing accurate
2 What made you happy
. today?
3 What new thoughts
. came to your mind?
Relax! 4 What are your plans for
. this weekend?


1 Did you have enough

. sleep?
2 How did you spend your
. leisure time?
3 What household chores
. have you done?
4 What are you going to
. do tomorrow?


1 What was good/bad

. about this day?
2 What have you/haven’t
. you done today from
Have a rest! what was planned?
You deserved 3 What new thoughts
. came to your mind?
4 What are you going to
. do tomorrow?

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