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It is hereby notified for the infotmation of all conce,ned students of Undergraduate Part-l &
Part-ll (private) Three Year Degree (B.A./B. Sc. / B.B.A./ B.c.A. /B.Sc. Home Science) General
Course that as per the recent Guidelines issued by the UCC-2{)21 on Examinations and also as one-time

exception due to the prevailing pandemic situation, their result shall be assessed based on ttreir internal
evaluation and malks of previous year as suggested in UGC-2020 guidelines.

No.: Exam/BPII/2OzllJ.57 - 3{ct ASSIS'IANT RE AR (EXAM. UG)

Dt.: t{ -09-2021

I Special secrerary to vice-chancellor rbr the kind inforr.otion of the Hon'blc vice-chanccllor please.
2 Sr. P.A. to the Dean Academic Affairs. University ofJanrnru, Janrmu.
3. Sr. P.A. to lhe Registrdr/COE/DSWDire.lor(DDE). University of Jammu, Jammu.
4. All Principals ofafliliated Degree Colleges fbr infoflDalion.
5. All Ofticers of the E\arinalion Wing.
6. Dr. Vinay Thussu (PRO) for necessary action
7. l/C websites ol Universily of lamrnu and Examinolion Wing u ilh thc rcquest to upload the Notification olr both
the websites.
8. l{ecord tile.

n L
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