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General Information Lesson aim: (What do you as a teacher want to
School: Melton Wold achieve?) To teach/facilitate:
Duration of lesson: 60min  the investigation into which shape of a
Grade: Gr. 4 hollow paper pillar is the strongest
Topic: Hollow paper pillar  investigate the strength of differently
Date: shaped tubes
Resources available at school  conduct a fair test
(very good, sufficient, limited)
Class size: 7 learners will participate
Other important information:
It is a multigraded class and the
learners are only Afrikaans
Objectives/Outcomes What are your teaching
What will the learners know/be able strategies/methods/approaches? (Explain your
to do/understand by the end of the choice)
lesson? (Start with: Learners will….) The learners will work in pairs of 2. Each group will
 Learners will be able to make make and test all 3 pillars, circular, triangular and
circular, triangular and square square.
paper tubes
 Learners will know which of Discussion – By discussing the outcome of the
the shaped tubes is the experiment, the learners are kept intrigued and actively
strongest through testing part of the lesson.

The Facilitator, or activity style

Facilitators promote self-learning and help learners
develop critical thinking skills and retain knowledge that
leads to self-actualization. This style helps learners to
ask questions and helps develop skills to find answers
and solutions through exploration.
Integrating Technology - Technology play a big part in
our society. Learners become more engaged in the
They start to take control over their own learning.
Effective technology integration change the classroom
environment and encouraging learners learning.
Learner-cantered education - teaching that shift the
focus of the teacher to the learner. It focuses on skills
that allow lifelong learning and independent problem
solving. Technology helps to make teaching of a lesson
more meaningful and fun.

The Introduction phase (How will you get the learners ready for what you want them to learn?)
Before class starts I will place an unstable table, with a broken table leg, next to the teachers
table in front of the class. When all the learners are seated I will walk over and put my bag on
the table, which will then collapse.
How long will this take? 5min
Questions you will ask:
What just happened?
Why do you think this happened?
Will you help me find out the best way to fix the table leg (pillar/tube) and help me decide which
shape will be correct for the table?

The main part of the lesson Learner activity (What will the Which teaching
Activity 1 learners do and say?) strategies
How long will this take? Learners will listen actively and /methods/approaches?
10min give attention to the video. (Explain your choice)
Teacher activity (What will you Share knowledge on
do and say?) strengthening materials. Narrative method
Do a quick recap on how one Learners will answer questions Direct teaching - learners
can strengthen paper. Show presented to them. Learners listen to the
them a video clip on different will access and recall teacher explaining what to do
ways to strengthen paper. information. Discussions - the class have discussions
?v=VF0hz29HSas Group work - activities are given in groups to help
?v=dIn8PsdAB3Q learners understand better
Demonstrations - show video
to help learners
Questioning - questions are
Questions you will ask: given to learners and learners
How can a page span across
two stacks of books to support
wooden blocks?
Name different ways that one
can use to strengthen
Give examples of material that
support or strengthen other
material in the classroom or on
the school ground?

 Folding
 Tubing
The main part of the lesson Learner activity (What will the Which teaching
Activity 2 learners do and say?) strategies/methods/approac
Learners will watch the video hes? (Explain your choice)
Watch the video and listen actively to the lesson. Direct teaching - learners
?v=9Bhl8HkmCzo Learners will identify the listen to the current problems and issues teacher explaining what to do
?v=VF0hz29HSas&t=38s presented to them and find Discussions - the class have
Experiment: Which pillar is the ways in which to solve it, by discussions
strongest? Fold structures. following the instructions. Group work - activities are
Do the experiment/test Learners will do the following: given in groups to help
How long will this take: 20min In their group, make pillars out learners understand better
of the paper sheets (one sheet A collaborative teaching
Teacher activity (What will you per pillar). strategy:
do and say?) They will use sticky tape if Think – Pair- Share
Divide class into groups of 2. needed. Active and passive activities,
Each group will make and test Peer tutoring
I will hand out the apparatus all 3 pillars. The circular, Cooperative group learning.
• four sheets of paper triangular and square.
• scissors Learners will follow
• sticky tape instructions:
• a piece of cardboard to form a Instructions:
platform as the lid of a box  Square – fold a paper into
• same number of the same four equal parts, stick the
type and size of books for each edges with cello tape to make
group a square shape
Method:  Circular – bring the sides of
Each group will make and test the paper together and tape
all 3 pillars. The circular, the sides together
triangular and square.  Triangular – fold a paper into
Instructions: three equal parts, tape the
 Square – fold a paper into sides together
four equal parts, stick the edges
with cello tape to make a 􀄅. Put a platform of cardboard
square shape on the folded pillars.
 Circular – bring the sides of .
the paper together and tape the Learners will answer questions
sides together given to them:
 Triangular – fold a paper into Answers:
three equal parts, tape the sides a. You will need glue or sticky
together tape.
b. You will have a square
I will demonstrate what the structures
learners must do and help them
if necessary

Questions you will ask

Why do we need strong
What are two ways to
strengthen materials?

a. What do you need to
stick the edges of the
paper together?
b. What structure will you
make if you fold your
sheet of paper into five
equal sections and stick
the last two together?

Explain to the learners as the

a. We need to investigate the
strength of differently shaped
b. Structures are built for a
purpose. They need to be
strong and able to hold an
c. Structures can be made
stronger by changing the
shapes in the structure.

Explain to the learners why and

how to make a fait test/
To make the investigation a fair
test, each group must use the
same :
• size and type of paper
• identical books
• platform
• amount of sticky tape
The main part of the lesson Learner activity (What will the Which teaching
Activity 3 learners do and say?) strategies/methods/approac
Test and write down findings. Learners will test the different hes? (Explain your choice)
structures to ensure that they Direct teaching - learners
How long will this take? meet the requirements for the listen to the
15min job. teacher explaining what to do
Discussions - the class have
Teacher activity (What will you Learners will note that the discussions
do or say?) shape of the structure will have Group work - activities are
Explain that in order to use different impacts on its given in groups to help
strong structures, they need to strength. learners understand better
test them to ensure that they Learners will follow the A collaborative teaching
meet the requirements for the instructions. strategy:
job. Each group will have turn to Think – Pair- Share
b. The shape of the structures test their structures. Active and passive activities,
will have different impacts on its 􀄇.Learners will add books Peer tutoring
strength. (one-by-one) onto the platform. Cooperative group learning.
c. Tell learners to watch their They will use the same sort
structures carefully as they and size books.
place objects on top of them 􀄈 Learners will watch their
d. Ask learners to write down structures carefully as they
the number of objects that go place books on top of them.
onto each tube. 􀄈. Learners will write down the
number of books that each
structure can hold before

The conclusion of the lesson Learner activity (What will the Which teaching
(quick quiz, class discussion, learners do and say?) strategies/methods/approac
learners ask each other hes? (Explain your choice)
questions etc.) How long will it Learners will answers Active and passive activities,
take? 10 min questions? Peer tutoring,
. Learners will discuss what they Cooperative group learning
discover through their activity: Direct teaching - learners
- What was easy listen to the
Which shape pillar would you - What was challenging teacher explaining what to do
say I must use to fix the table - What they found interesting Discussions - the class have
leg? about the activity discussions
Group work - activities are
Do you think this was a fair given in groups to help
test? learners understand better
A collaborative teaching
Discuss what they discovered strategy:
through the activity: Think – Pair- Share
- what was easy
- what was challenging
- what they found interesting
about the activity

Assessment activity and explanation. Include or attach the activity. (How will
you know if your outcomes/objectives/aims were achieved? Is it an informal or
formal assessment?)
Learners assessment - informal - class activity
Teacher - informal assessment -controlled , corrected and dated activities
The intended aims/objectives were reached because learners did well on the
activities and answered questions correctly.

Homework. Write down or attach the homework that you gave for this lesson.
Also answer: Why did you allocate this homework? How long will it take the
learners to complete at home? Will they need any resources or help?

Activity 1
Draw a bar graph on the board
Ask the learners to draw a bar graph to draw their findings

Answer these questions in their workbook

• Which shape of pillar is the strongest?
• Which ways are used to strengthen materials used in buildings?
• What is the purpose of folding, tubing etc. in the building structures?
• How can triangles strengthen structures?
• Where in everyday life do we find examples of folding, tubing and braces?
• What is a strut and where is it used?

Activity 2
• Use only 2 sheets of paper,
• Create the tallest tower you can possibly make. You can cut the paper, roll
and fold the paper,
• You may use paper clips, tape and glue as to connect the paper, but not to
strengthen the structure.
• The structure must be able to stand on its own for 10 seconds.
How can you/did you cater for learners who need enrichment or those who
have special needs?

I showed the videos and did hands on activities,


Subject/content-specific words that
are important for the lesson
• Folding
• Tubing
• Structures
• Strut

NB. Have you checked the time for your planned activities and the duration of the
lesson? At the end of the lesson, check your timeframes and reconsider how you plan
timeframes for the lesson if you have to. Sometimes you may have anticipated 10 minutes
for an activity, but when you actually teach it you find that the learners are struggling and
you have to allow more time.

Attach examples of all learning and teaching support materials you used during the lesson


(For use by mentor teacher)

Dear Mentor teacher

Thank you so much for hosting our Unisa student in your classroom for his/her supervised
teaching practice period. I know how busy you are as a teacher and really appreciate
everything you do for our students! Please assist the student as far as possible with lesson
planning and preparation as well as general and practical orientation to the teaching

Kind regards
Dr V A Nkonyane

Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Mentor teacher: …………………………………. Tel No: ………………………………………


Planning and writing out the Situation analysis (relevant and effective)
lesson Objectives (clear and achievable)
Lesson phases (all phases accounted for)

Introductory phase Beginning of lesson

(Learners must be Linking with prior knowledge
accompanied to personally Authentic examples
identify with the new
objectives and content)

Middle phase (learners Revealing the new content (effectiveness)

must be brought into Teaching and learning activities
contact with new content (appropriateness)
and must interact with it) Formative assessment (effectiveness)

End phase (Attainment of Summative assessment and remedial

outcomes/objectives must actions (effectiveness)
be assessed, remedial Homework (attainable and relevant)
actions and further
knowledge, skills)

Expertise Knowledge of subject

Control of language (subject and

Learning and teaching Integration of LTSMs (satisfactory)

support material Effectiveness (satisfactory)

Classroom climate Atmosphere relaxed

Adequate control by student teacher

Learner participation Participation by learner

Teacher-learner interaction
Learner-learner interaction

Communication Voice control of student teacher

Questions/instructions clear with sufficient
waiting time
Feedback to learner

Presentation Self-confidence
Empathy and friendliness

Total mark out of 100



Signature: .............................................


To become a better teacher, you will need to become more reflective about your teaching.
That means you will have to look back at your lesson and eventually at the entire period
you were on teaching practice and evaluate it from different perspectives. This means you
also need to consider how the learners feel about the lesson and whether they found it
interesting and stimulating, and most importantly: did they learn? For an individual lesson
you will consider what went well and what was not so successful. Only by looking at this
will you be able to improve on your skills as a teacher. To be reflective you will have to
answer some questions about your teaching. This cannot be done quickly. You will have to
find some quiet time to think about your whole lesson.

1. How do you feel about the lesson? Substantiate

Satisfied Dissatisfied your answer.


2. What in your opinion contributed to the of the lesson?

success failure partial failure


3. What went well in this lesson? (e.g. your confidence, introduction, discipline, use of visual aids,
pace, learner response etc.)


4. What do you want to improve?


5. How can you improve this?


6. Were you happy with the level of understanding/competencies/performance of the learners?

Why or why not?


7. What will you try to do differently in your next lesson?


8. What do you think the learners’ perception of the lesson was? Why do you say so?


9. Try to differentiate the things you can control in a lesson and the things you cannot control.
You should find that you can control a few aspects in a lesson. Try to work on the things that
you can control in a lesson rather than focusing on the things you cannot control.

Things I can control (e.g. finding pictures to Things I cannot control (e.g. the large
help learners understand the water cycle) class)

Assess your own lesson (Please tick the applicable box)

5 Outstanding 75% + above

4 Very Good 70-74%
3 Good 60-69%
2 Satisfactory 50-59%
1 Needs Attention Under 49%

Your actual mark:

Your signature: …………………………………………..

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