Smart Refrigerator Based On Internet of Things (Iot) : An Approach To Efficient Food Management

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Smart Refrigerator Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

An Approach to Efficient Food Management

Shadeeb Hossain Ahmed Abdelgawad

College of Science and Engineering College of Science and Engineering
Central Michigan University Central Michigan University
Mt Pleasant, MI 48859, USA Mt Pleasant, MI 48859, USA

ABSTRACT database on the different food item and each grocery item is recognized
This paper focuses on the technology of the smart refrigerator through an ID. However, though the invention was intended for an
automated and intelligent cooking system of processed food the concept
connected through the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. It deals with
can be further extended to household refrigerators for an efficient food
the issue of food wastage and efficient food distribution through a management at the consumer level.
network of connected refrigerators within a defined neighborhood. The concept of a smart refrigerator that is connected to IoT has been in
This paper defines the three-layer architecture: front-end layer, discussion and each attempt has been made to automate the process of
gateway layer and the back-end layer that can allow the regulating the inventory of this appliance. A proof of concept was
implementation of the system. This low-cost network can be created proposed by Floarea et al. [3] that was based on the concept of product
through a microcontroller and wireless sensors at the front-end identification through Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
architecture. The process was discussed to determine: the stock item technology. It was based on the concept that most products will be
below a defined quantity or threshold limit, determining the product tracked through RFID tags and through a global database,
expiration date and eventually determining the purchase or exchange manufacturers and consumers can access information about the product.
of food items across the network. It also includes the proof of concept The proposed concept had several functionalities that included:
technology by allowing connection of an ultrasonic sensor to an IoT identifying any new and removed products from the owner’s
platform that can allow the exchange of information on the positioning refrigerator, an ‘essential inventory’ list that can be linked to a web-
of the food items inside the refrigerator. This eventually can allow for based shopping list, triggering alerts for products close to expiration or
a large-scale commercial implementation of the project to deal with had not been consumed for prolonged period and eventually an option
the current issue of food distribution. to check the product inventory at any period of time. The concept for
the design of a low-cost smart refrigerator was proposed by Wu et al.
[4] using Raspberry Pi. The proposed architecture involved capturing
Keywords real-time images of the inventory in the refrigerator that can be accessed
Cloud architecture, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Smart through multiple devices using an IoT platform. The hardware of the
refrigerator. system can be easily integrated into any conventional refrigerator,
thereby saving cost and the inventory information was, therefore, to be
accessed through a mobile device.
According to the data from the Food and Agriculture Organization The above technologies for the smart refrigerators relied mostly only on
(FAO) of the United Nations, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food is RFID scanning process to access product information. Edward et al. [5]
lost or wasted every year. Similarly, from the reports prepared by the used photodiode (IR receiver), barcode scanner and NodeMCU (which
Natural Resources Defense Council, that an approximately $218 billion is an open source IoT platform) as product sensors and to eventually
worth of uneaten food by the Americans is deposited in the landfill that process the data for a graphical user interface (GUI) output. The
eventually contributes to the greenhouse gases. The FAO website also purpose of the prototype included: keeping an inventory list of the items
states that in developed countries, approximately 40% of the food in the refrigerator, ordering low stock items, record transaction history
wastage occurs at the consumer level. A significant portion of a and also use it for many other configurations. It also had an auto
consumer's daily food is stored in the refrigerator and most of the ordering feature when the stock quantity decreased below the threshold.
discarded food is primarily because they have surpassed the expiration The ordering was automated through JavaScript Object Notation
date printed on the packaging. Given, the hectic lifestyle of an average (JSON). The concept of using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the
individual, it becomes difficult at times to keep a record of the groceries age of individual vegetables in the refrigerator was proposed by Sweta
on a regular basis. Therefore, connecting the Internet of things (IoT) to [6]. It also suggested an option for the text message that can notify users
a regular refrigerator can be an effective approach for the food about the vegetables that have not been consumed, which would help to
management at the consumer level that can eventually help reduce the keep track of balanced food consumption through constant reminder. A
food wastage. 360-degree micro cam was used to capture the image and compared
with stored histograms of learned images. The experimental results of
According to a research by Quested et al. there are several behaviors the prototype had 96.55% accuracy at identifying the vegetables.
and practices that account for food wastage [1]. Planning meals in
advance, checking levels of food before shopping and making a A prototype for a smart Medical refrigerator was constructed and field
shopping list were listed as the potential activities that can reduce food tested by a team of four undergraduate students and their three
wastage. Other multiple correlating activities can eventually account for supervisors [7]. The primary purpose of the built prototype was to alert
the food wastage. Hence, a smart refrigerator can be an ideal solution a guardian if the patient does not take their medicine in a timely manner.
to automate the entire process and hence reduce food wastage. In 2006, A microcontroller was used to monitor the door position and if it was
Nakano [2] had food information management system" that contains a not opened within a programmable time period it would be sent an e-

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mail alert to a responsible contact person. It also had status coded color Fig.2 shows the flowchart for determining if the stock item falls below
indicators: green to indicate the person had recently consumed the the threshold level. The consumer can input a pre-determined minimum
medicine, yellow that the dosage is due and the flashing red LED quantity for a food item and when the amount falls below that threshold
indicated that an alert has been sent. Though there were initial problems value, this will trigger an automated connection to the central database
with the field testing such as the patient only partially opening the to find whether the same item is available for selling by another
refrigerator that failed the sensor to detect and difficulty interpreting the consumer. Similarly, Fig.3 shows an automated process that can occur
LED. The system was eventually modified for greater sensitivity and on a daily basis to check whether food items are very close to the
interpretation and had eventually a patent pending for marketing the expiration date. If a stock item is within 15 days of expiration, it can be
licensing rights for the device. listed to a database that will have similar items to sale for consumers
that need buying that same grocery item and was listed in the database
Also, in June 2000, LG electronics had launched its own internet of Stock Deficiency in Fig.2.
refrigerator under the title ‘LG Internet Digital DIOS’ also known as R-
S73CT [8]. The refrigerator had several features including TFT-LCD
(thin film transistor-liquid crystal display) screen and also local area
network (LAN) port. The product features were, however, more
synchronous towards an everyday official management portfolio such
as video messaging option, schedule management, data memo among
many others. However, certain features such as monitoring of the inside
temperature, the freshness of stored food and nutrition information and
recipes were more inclined towards the product's added advantage but
were heavily offset due to the high cost of the refrigerator being more
than $20,000. The consumers found the added features as unnecessary
to the product and the product itself was also expensive primarily
because of the high initial investment of approximately $49.2 million
for the research [9-10]. Hence, it becomes important to realize that the
product features that can solve a vital issue especially on the consumer
side and the cost itself are essential factors for the underlying success
of any product.
One of the major issues underlying on the consumer side for food, as
discussed earlier usually involves around its wastage and efficient
Fig.2: Flowchart to determine whether the stock is below the threshold.
management. Identification of the expiration date can be an important
indicator but it becomes even more important that attempts are taken
through food management after that data is identified. The main
contribution of this work is to propose a low-cost platform to save food Fig.4 shows the flowchart in order to contact the consumers whose
on the customer side. The proposed architecture hence tries to solve this product is close to expiration and simultaneously the consumer that is
issue through IoT platform in a cost-effective way. in need for the stock of the item. The contact can be made through a
text message and the quantity at the price available for sale can be
2. PROPOSED CONCEPT specified. Since the distribution is done within the same neighborhood,
The smart refrigerator should be designed to include a variety of the cost of transport will be reduced and simultaneously it will be a
functionalities that help in both improved food management and also much efficient way for food management instead of letting it expire on
helping to keep track of the balanced diet for the consumer. The primary the fridge shelf without consumption. In case, the potential buyer is not
issue is to allow consumers to allow distribution of the food to the interested in the purchase, an online option to make the purchase from
neighbors that need the same grocery items before the expiration date a fresh grocery store or a farmer's market can be made available. The
has been reached. This problem at hand can be tackled through an user can also have an option to discard the purchase altogether.
interconnected IoT platform for the smart refrigerators. Fig.1 shows the
primary schematic for the proposed architecture. Each refrigerator in
the neighborhood can be connected to a centralized IoT platform. This
can allow easier monitoring of the food items in the refrigerator that are
very close to the expiration date and simultaneously identify consumers
in those neighborhoods that can benefit through borrow/purchasing of
the product by scanning the grocery items in their respective
refrigerators. This will eventually allow improved food management
and hence reduce food wastage.

Fig.1: The central database connecting all the refrigerators in the same
neighborhood. Fig.3: Flowchart to determine product expiration
Membrane 1x4 keypad
The keypad can allow punching the secret key combination for
different individuals sharing the same refrigerator. This can help create
individual profiles about the food consumption and help keep track of
the food consumed by measuring the difference in the reading of the
Flexiforce A401 sensors in different compartments before and after the
refrigerator door is triggered.
Raspberry Pi Camera Board V2-8 Megapixel
The pi camera can be used to capture an image of the grocery items
within the refrigerator. This can be activated when an individual open
and closes the refrigerator's door. Similarly, image analysis can be
performed by programming through the Raspberry Pi, to further
identify the quantity of the good that has been consumed or the amount
that is left in the stock.
Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi 3
Fig.4: Flowchart for distribution or purchase
The Raspberry Pi is an integral part of the proposed architecture. The
aforementioned sensors can be connected to this mini-computer that
3. PROPOSED CLOUD BASED ARCHITECTURE can eventually process all the necessary data and then relay the
The framework for the proposed IoT application is inspired by the information to the IoT platform for a graphical interface. Python or
multi-layered architectural framework [11, 14]. The design can be C++ can be used to perform the following data analysis, which
composed of primarily three layers: front-end layer, the gateway layer, involves, the reading from the ultrasonic sensor, password
and the back-end layer. Fig. 5 shows the proposed IoT architecture that identification, image analysis, measuring the quantity of food
can help to connect several refrigerators in the same neighborhood and consumed and also decoding the expiration date.
therefore allow the exchange of food data for more efficient food The 64-bit Raspberry Pi 3 has a quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex A53
management. clocked at 1.2GHz and 1GB RAM. The fast speed and enough memory
ensure that real-time data analysis can be performed by relaying data
3.1 Front End Layer from the front end layer to the cloud. However, Raspberry Pi-3
The front-end layer is the hardware components in the architecture that consumes slightly more power than its predecessor and hence if power
is responsible for collecting and processing the data. These include consumption is an issue, the aforementioned microcontroller can be
devices that can communicate directly or indirectly with the internet. replaced by Raspberry Pi 2.
It will have four components: sensors, interfacing circuits,
microcontroller, and the wireless module. Fig.6 shows the interfacing Interfacing Circuits and Wireless Module
of the four modules at the front-end layer. An interfacing circuit is primarily an Analog-Digital Converter (ADC)
or a Digital-Analog Converter (DAC). This interfacing circuit chip
ensures that the analog signal from the sensors is converted to the
digital signal that can be processed by the microcontroller. A 6-bit CA
3306 ADC can be used for the purpose which has low power
consumption and high-speed digitalization. Raspberry Pi 3 has a built-
in Wi-Fi module, 802.11n Wireless LAN.

Fig.5: Cloud-based IoT architecture for smart refrigerator

FlexiForce A401Sensor
It can measure forces between the range of 0-1 pounds and even
between 0-7000 pounds can be easily measured through a
recommended circuit arrangement. This sensor can help to realize the Fig.6: The front-end layer for the smart refrigerator architecture
quantity of food consumed by measuring the changes in the weight
before and after the refrigerator door is opened.
3.2 Gateway Layer
HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic sensor The gateway layer provides a communication link between the front-
This ultrasonic sensor can measure an approaching individual within a end layer and the back-end layer. For the data exchange protocols in
certain range and hence activate the connected sensors to take data of the IoT Gateway, the standard bus-based, the data-centric architecture
the grocery items in the refrigerator. of Data Distribution Service (DDS) for real-time system analysis can
be used. Similarly, the message-centric MQTT can be an alternative
Barcode/RFID Reader RC 522 Scanner protocol used for information exchange. The IEEE 802.11n, the
This hardware component can allow scanning of the items, so that module provides a net data rate of 600Mbps and the operating
product information, particularly the expiration date can be regulated. frequency band could be 2.4GHz.
3.3 Back-end Layer
The cloud-based back-end layer accepts information from the IoT
gateway. In the cloud, it is stored and processed for the graphical user
interface, e.g. web application or mobile application.
The food data information collected from the front-end layer, which
primarily includes the ID of the food item, the ID of the fridge, the
product expiration information and the quantity of the product in stock
can eventually be stored in the cloud database for Expiration Product
and Stock Deficiency, as discussed in the earlier section. Similarly, data
analytics can be performed by developing an algorithm from using the
major concepts outlined in flowcharts shown in Fig.2, 3 and 4.
MQTT would be an ideal protocol for developing a secure interface
for communication between sensors and the cloud. Since the data
information are sensitive on the client side and it can also involve Fig.8: A hypothetical typical arrangement in a refrigerator
credit card information for purchase as shown in Fig. 4, hence
advanced security becomes crucial for its implementation. TLS/SSL
should be enabled to avoid remote access of IoT sensors and devices.
The proposed cloud-based IoT architecture for a smart refrigerator
allows an efficient food management. The three-layer architecture
4. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AT allows also the integration of access to food information across
different users within a defined vicinity. This can be eventually
FRONT-END AND BACK-END LAYER implemented on a commercial scale but the primary hazards usually
Apart from the sharing of information on the product expiration date, involve the cost of implementation and the security of information.
another important factor to be evaluated is the quantity of the product
that is left in the stock. FlexiForce sensors discussed earlier can be an
efficient method for achieving such information about the product 6. REFERENCES
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