Staining of Children'S Teeth by Tetracycline: Laboratory Investigations

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114 S.A.

MEDICAL JOURNAL 8 February 1964

holics, all of whom were gravely ill, and 3 died; jaundice The results in initial episodes are similar to those re-
was noted in 2 of these fatal cases and was thought to be corded by Master et a/.4 in 1939 and by Jacobs' in 1951.
due to cardiac failure and pre-existing liver disease. Two These authors reported mortality rates of 23% and 19%
patients were known diabetics and 2 suffered from gout. respectively. Honey and Truelove' reviewed a large series
The serum-cholesterol level was measured in 26 patients of cases of myocardial infarction treated between 1943
and was found to be above 300 mg. per 100 rnI. in 8 and 1956 and found that the mortality had remained
patients. fairly constant during this period. Comparison of the re-
Laboratory investigations. The white blood count, sults of different series of cases is difficult because of
ESR and serum transaminase were estimated in most differences in case selection as well as possible regional
patients but, as the specimens were taken at varying times variation in the incidence and severity of the disease.
after the onset, the results have not been used to assess Nevertheless, the results now presented show how little
the severity of illness. improvement there has been during the last 20 years. As
this series is small and there were no controls, no attempt
Deaths. The total mortality was 18 cases (24%). The has been made to evaluate the use of anticoagulant drugs.
average age in the fatal cases was 64 years, compared Pulmonary emboli were recognized in 9 patients (12%)
with 59 years for the survivors. Seven patients died within but appeared to contribute to only 1 death. Small emboli
24 hours of admission and another 7 during the first were probably missed in the absence of gross signs, but
week; the other 4 fatalities occurred between the 8th and there was no evidence at necropsy that this had occurred
42nd days. Necropsies were performed in 7 cases and re- frequently. The relative infrequency of pulmonary emboli
cent infarction was confirmed in all. Cardiac failure was as a cause of death in myocardial infarction has recently
found in all 7 necropsies, pulmonary infarction in 1, rup- been commented on by Hilden et al."
ture of the left ventricle in 1, and rupture of an aneurysm
of the ascending aorta in 1. The 11 fatal cases in which It is concluded that in Durban the mortality from this
necropsy was not performed all showed unequivocal disease is similar to that reported overseas and remains
clinical evidence of myocardial infarction. Two patients considerable, particularly in recurrent episodes.
developed a generalized bleeding tendency while taking
anticoagulant drugs and were thought to have died from
intracerebral haemorrhage. An unselected series of cases of myocardial infarction
treated in a general hospital is reviewed. A history of
Discussion previous infarction is the most important prognostic fac-
The reported mortality from myocardial infarction tor. The mortality remains similar to that reported 20
varies widely,'" and ranges between 10 and 40%. This years ago.
variation is probably due to differences in diagnostic cri-
teria and in case material as well as the natural history I wish to thank Dr. J. V. Tanchel, Medical Superintendent
of the illness. of Addington Hospital, and Dr. N. A. Rossiter, under whose
care these patients were admitted, for permission to publish
In this series the most important prognostic factor was this re port.
a history of previous infarction. Recurrent infarction was
associated with a mortality of 33% whereas only 17% of REFERENCES
the initial attacks were fatal. Shock, cardiomegaly and I. DressIer, W. (1959): Arch. Intern. Med .. 103, 28.
2. Toohey, M. (1958): Brit. Med. J., 1. 252.
cardiac failure were also associated with an increased 3. Honey, G. and Truelove, S. C. (1957): Lancet. 1, 1155.
mortality, particularly among those with recurrent infarc- 4. Master, A. M., Dack, S. and Jaffe, H. C. (1939): Arch. Intern. Med.,
64, 767.
tion. The age of the patient and the duration of symp- 5. Jacobs, T. P. (1951): Ann. Intern. Med .. 34. 114.
6. Hilden, T., Iversen, K., Raaschou, F. and Schwartz, M. (1961): Lan-
toms before admission did :lot appear to be important. cet, 2, 327.


RONALD P. BENSON, M.B., CH.B. (CAPE TOWN), M.R.C.P. (EDIN.), D.C.H., Port Elizabeth

From recent literature'" it has become apparent that the 350 mll. The same authors discuss the frequent association
primary teeth of a number of premature and full-term of enamel hypoplasia with discolouration of the teeth in
infants may become discoloured because of tetracycline their series.
administered to tlIese babies during the neonatal period. CASE HISTORIES
The discolouration varies from bright yellow to yellow- Four case histories are described to illustrate these features.
brown. When such teeth are examined under an ultraviolet
Case 1
lamp they show a bright yellow fluorescence.' Wallman M.V. was born at 30 weeks gestation and weighed 2 lb.
and Hilton' demonstrated that the ultraviolet spectra of 10 oz. She was asphyxiated at birth, but soon breathed
solutions of the extracted tooth pigment gave an absorp- spontaneously. She received prophylactic tetracycline phos-
tion band at 270 mll, and tetracycline hydrochloride suit- phate complex ('tetrex') intramuscularly for the first 6 days
of life to a total of 300 mg., and a further 125 mg. at intervals
ably suspended showed absorption bands at 220, 270, and during the following 2 weeks by mouth and by intramuscular
8 Februarie 1964 S.A. TYDSKRIF VIR GENEESKUNDE 115

injection. She received no further tetracycline during her first adrninistered"·: However, there is no evidence of terato-
year of life. Other antibiotics used in the neonatal period to genic effect in the human embryo.
treat a lung infection were streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and
ampicillin ('penbritin'). She developed mild physiological jaun- Enamel hypoplasia, pitting of the enamel, and mal-
dice. She received 35 ml. of blood by scalp vein for mild formed cusps may go hand-in-hand with yellow or brown
anaemia at the age of 2 months. Her subsequent progress was discolouration of childrens' teeth after tetracycline therapy
satisfactory, and she was discharged from hospital 2t months (Case 4). This usually follows in teeth where the yellow
after birth weighing 5 lb. 1t oz. She cut her first tooth at the
age of 10 months. At 13 months there were 7 teeth which staining is at first intense. Whether tetracycline deposition
were well formed and showed no apparent signs of enamel causes enamel hypoplasia in every instance is uncertain,
hypoplasia, but they were all uniformly canary yellow in since enamel hypoplasia without discolouration may be
colour. There was no evidence of pigment staining of her observed in premature infants who have never received
skin, sclerae or nails. At the age of 15 months she weighed
25 lb. Her milestones were normal, and 8 teeth were present. tetracycline' Proved tetracycline-stained teeth may show
The cutting edges of the teeth were sharp and thin. They were no evidence of enamel hypoplasia, as in Case 2.
dull yellow in colour with irregular brown mottling of the According to Wall man and Hilton' the severity of pig-
enamel. Under ultraviolet light the teeth gave a yellow ment discolouration of the teeth is related to the high
fluorescence which was especially noticeable in the distal half
of the teeth. total dosage of tetracycline rather than to the duration
of therapy. Another observation is that the more prema-
Case 2 ture the baby, the greater is the extent of enamel involve-
E.E. was the first of twins who were born prematurely. ment. The colour of the teeth varies according to the age
Birth weight was 4 lb. 4t oz. The infant was blue and limp
at first. He slowly improved, but 3 hours after birth respiratory of the child. The younger the child, the brighter the yellow
distress developed. Physical signs showed cyanosis and pigment, while in older children the pigment is more
moderate sternal recession and poor air entry over the lower brownish. The teeth change from yellow to brown with
zone of the right lung. Treatment included a total of 225 mg. the passage of time, and eventually parts or the whole of
of tetracycline phosphate (tetrex) intramuscularly over a period
of 3t days. The baby improved and was discharged 22 days the brown-discoloured teeth may lose their fluorescence.
later weighing 5t lb. Only slight icterus neonatorum was This change in colour is probably brought about by the
observed. oxidation process of the tetracycline compound in the
He was breast fed for 6 months. The first tooth erupted at teeth.
5 months. He was seen at 16 months for acute bronchiolitis.
He weighed 26 lb. He had 12 teeth which were yellow in Tetracycline is slowly removed from teeth and bones
colour. The anterior molars were noticeably yellow, but there of affected children, and any ill-effects of prolonged re-
was no evidence of enamel hypoplasia. The teeth fluoresced tention of the drug in these and in other organs are as
under ultraviolet light. An iron-deficiency anaemia (Hb=65%) yet unknown. Teratogenic effects, which are reported to
was treated at the same time as the chest.
occur in the chick embryo: should nevertheless not be
Case 3 overlooked in humans.
E.E. was the second twin and brother of Case 2. He weighed The permanent teeth are unlikely to be affected by tetra-
4 lb. 14t oz. at birth and he also showed signs of respiratory
distress. He received 275 mg. of tetracycline phosphate cycline administered during the newborn period or later
(tetrex), 75 mg. of which was given intramuscularly and 200 in infancy, since the evidence is that the chief risk of
mg. orally. He made an uneventful recovery. At 16 months tetracycline pigment deposition occurs during the period
he had 12 teeth which were bright yellow in colour, slightly of rapid development of the tooth bud. Once the enamel
hypoplastic, and they also fluoresced under UVL.
is laid down and the teeth are mature, there is little like-
Case 4 lihood of significant tetracycline deposition. Tetracycline
T.T. was a full-term infant born after a perfectly normal is thus unlikely to damage the teeth of children over the
delivery. Several hours after birth he became cyanosed and age of 6 months. On the other hand, the more immature
distressed, and atelectasis was diagnosed. Treatment included
6 days of intramuscular and oral tetracycline phosphate com- the infant, the greater the chances of tetracycline deposi-
pound (tetrex). tion in growing teeth and bones. It is unlikely that the
The parents noticed that the infant's teeth were yellow when poor glomerular filtration rate of the immature kidney of
they first erupted. At the age of 4 years the child had 20 the premature baby causes higher blood levels of tetracy-
teeth. All the teeth were discoloured brown, particularly at
their distal ends. The enamel of the bicuspids was hypoplastic cline and consequently greater tissue penetration.
so that the cusps appeared sharp and saw-like. The canines Administration of tetracycline during pregnancy has not
were narrow, sharp and hypoplastic. Several dental caries were definitely been shown to affect the teeth of the foetus,
also present. The teeth gave a slight yellow fluorescence under
UVL In comparison, the teeth of his 2 older sisters were but if given during the last trimester of pregnancy in big
well-formed, unstained, and relatively free of caries. doses and for long periods, that possibility can arise.·
Tetracycline passes freely through the placental barrier to
DISCUSSION the foetus.
Discolouration of teeth was reported several years ago in Great care should be taken in the choice of antibiotics
children who suffered from mucoviscidosis and who were for prophylactic and curative therapy in premature as well
on long-term tetracycline therapy.3.' It is now known that as full-term infants. The number of ide-effects of anti-
tetracycline can be deposited in bone and in the dentine biotics is increasing, and alarming results are seen from
and enamel of teeth, possibly by forming complexes with time to time. Chloramphenicol, for instance, may cause
calcium ions. Yellow-staining of bones caused by tetracy- the 'grey syndrome' owing to the inability of the imma-
cline and cWortetracycline has been shown to develop in ture liver to metabolize and detoxicate the drug as rapidly
animals; and stunting and malformation of bones in chick as the mature liver. Novobiocin may give rise to yellow
embryos have been demonstrated when tetracycline was pigmentation of the skin and eyes and occasionally to liver
116 S.A. MEDICAL JOURNAL 8 February 1964

damage." The sulphonamides, e.g. sulphafurazole ('gant- and cloxacillin, are well tried and relatively safe antibiotics
risin') are not without dangers in premature infants since and few infections of the neonatal period fail to respond
they elevate the unconjugated form of bilirubin in the rapidly and completely when these antibiotics, singly or
blood, and this in turn may lead to kernicterus in suscep- in combination, are given.
tible babies.
Tetracycline is normally a bright yellow compound. It
stains the skin when handled and it turns the urine yellow. The case histories of 4 children are presented whose
We can now add to these minor drawbacks the more primary teeth were discoloured yellow from past tetracy-
serious ones of staining the teeth, hypoplasia of the cline therapy in the newborn period.
enamel, and the staining of bones and certain other organs, Their teeth frequently show enamel hypoplasia which
e.g. the eye, particularly in premature infants. Other may be an important factor in the development of dental
effects, such as malformation of bones and stunting of caries later on in childhood.
growth, are not certain," but Bevelander' reports that Antibiotics are often needed for the treatment and pre-
when newborn infants are given tetracycline in doses of vention of infections in the neonatal period. Great care
100 mg. / kg. for 10 days, the result is a decrease of up to should be exercised in the choice of an antibiotic for in-
40% in the linear growth of the fibula as compared to the fants of this age group. Side-effects may be harmful, while
normal growth rate. After cessation of drug therapy the the correct dosage of the antibiotic should be ascertained
rate of growth returns to normal. He also attributes a before prescribing the drug.
number of cases of dental caries in children to tetracycline Tetracycline-stained teeth are not only unsightly but
administration during infancy which has led to enamel they may also be costly because of the dental attention
hypoplasia. required later. It would appear that tetracycline should be
Tetracycline is otherwise safe and popular and it has given with great circumspection to infants under the age
a wide antibiotic spectrum. Its use should not be lightly of 6 months, considering the complications of tetracycline.
discarded in the newborn period, but before prescribing REFERENCES
any antibiotic in this age group, the dosage and side-effects I. Wallman. I. S. and Hilton, H. B. (1962): Lancet. I, 827.
of this antibiotic preparation should be carefully con- 2. Davies. P. A., Little, K. and Aherne. W. (1962): Ibid., I, 742.
3. Zegarelli, E. V., Denning, C. R., Kutscher, A. H., Juoti, F. and Di
sidered. Wall man and Hilton' pointed out that oxytetracy- Sant'Agnese, P. A. (1960): Pediatrics, 26, 1050.
cline did not produce staining of teeth in their cases. 4. Shwachman, H., Fekete. E., Kulozycki. L. L. and Foley. G. E.
(1958 - 59): Antibiotics Annual, p. 502. New York: Medical Encyclo-
While chlortetracycline is known to stain the bones of paedia Inc.
5. Buyske. D. A., Eisner, H. J. and Kelley, R. G. (1960): J. Pharmacol.,
animals; there is no reliable evidence to date that this no, 150.
drug and related demethylchlortetracycline can affect the 6. Bevelander, G., Nakahara, H. and Rolle, G. K. (1959): Nature (Lond.),
184, 728.
teeth and bones of infants." Demethylchlortetracycline is 7. Bevelander, G. (1963): Brit. Med. J., I, 54.
normally broken down in the body with the release of 8. Rendle-Short, J. (1962): Lancet, I, 1188.
chlortetracycline or free base. 9. Miller, J. (1962): Ibid., I, 1072.
10. Hargreaves, T. and Holton, J. B. (1962): Ibid., I, 839.
The soluble salts of penicillin, streptomycin, erythromy- I!. Leading article (1962): Ibid., I, 847.
cin, and the newer penicillins," e.g. ampicillin, methicillin 12. Stewart, G. T. and Holt, R. J. (1963): Brit. Med. J., I. 308.


B. PARKER, M.B., CH.B., Oranje Hospital, Bloemfontein*

Elizabeth B. is a 37-year-old White imbecile, an inmate in both lower limbs, buttocks, left upper limb, neck,
of Witrand Institution, Potchefstroom. She has contrac- face, breasts, and within the thoracic cavity (Fig. 2).
tures of her knees and a paretic left upper limb. The patient herself, on account of her partial paralysis,
From 1952 onwards, her folder contains frequent notes is unable to search for pins where they are likely to be
about superficial areas of inflammation, e.g. 'multiple found. It has been discovered that several other imbecile
boils', 'cellulitis', 'furunculosis', etc. As witness patients have made a practice of collecting sharp objects
and presenting these to the patient. One was discovered
to this, she has numerous scars on many parts of her
in the act of taking a cigarette-box to her filled with rusty
body. In December 1962 she developed an inflammatory
swelling of her left forearm. There is no doubt that the patient herself introduced the
On X-ray examination her forearm was seen to contain pins, since she is well able to defend herself against attack
21 pins (Fig. 1). Subsequently, the rest of her body was by others, and her sound arm is conspicuously free of
X-rayed, revealing 202 foreign bodies in her tissues. Most pins.
appeared to be pins, of which the heads had been broken When accused of having pushed pins through her skin,
off, but sewing-machine needles, darning needles, and the patient denied it, and was quite unruffled. She became
pieces of wire were also present. These objects were seen very angry when a superficially situated pin was removed
under local anaesthesia. She reacts normally to painful
* Previously of Witrand Institution, Potchefstroom stimuli administered by other people.

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