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MUF0012: How to Write the Solution of SPSE

How to Write the ‘Solutions’ Section of the Research Essay

● The intention of this section is to identify and explain solutions that are
currently in place or proposed to resolve this issue
● The Solutions section should have at least two TEEEL paragraphs.
● Read and discuss the example ‘Solutions’ paragraphs, then use the sentence
starters to formulate your draft.

Topic: Youth Binge Drinking in Australia

Question: What are the problems associated with binge drinking in Australian youth and how
effective are solutions in reducing the amount of binge drinking among young people?

Solutions (What information is necessary for the Solution section?)

1. Write a topic sentence that defines the solution.
2. Explain the solution and who is responsible for implementing it.
3. Provide evidence and steps/examples on how the solutions can be implemented
4. Show how the solutions solve the problem
5. Linking Sentence

Quick Tip: Choose three solutions that address your problem. If there are several solutions, choose the
ones that have the most information and sources discussing them. The best way to organise this
information is to put each solution in one paragraph.

There are many solutions available to the government to help reduce the problem of youth
binge drinking in Australia.

The first option is placing restrictions on nightclubs and pubs. These restrictions would be on
the trading hours and outlet density, which can be achieved by controlling the amount of
outlets in a specific location. The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) found that
extended trading hours causes high levels of alcohol consumption and has implications for
young people and regular heavy drinkers (Australian Government Preventative Health
Taskforce, 2015; Howard, Gordon & Jones, 2014). As a result, the government changed the
law in 2014 to the NSW Liquor Amendment Act or “lockout laws” . This was created to stop
alcohol service in pubs and clubs by 3am and a 1.30am “lockout”. This also prevents people
from coming into the venue or getting takeaways after 10pm (Edgerton-Warburton, 2018).
The implication of these laws is that young people are thus unable to gain access and
therefore are prevented from consuming alcohol at nightspots. This belief is that by doing
so, it will indirectly stop young people from binge drinking alcohol with their peers in a
social setting. Therefore, it is argued that by limiting access to alcohol by closing drinking
venues earlier, there can be a reduction in serious assaults, injuries and drinking for youths.

MUF0012: How to Write the Solution of SPSE

Using the different colours highlight and annotate the 5 different parts of the solution
1. Topic sentence that shows the solution
2. Parts of paragraph that shows synthesis
3. Explanation of examples
4. Linking sentence

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