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et al.

: New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Special Issue 2015

Entrepreneurial Behavior During Industry Emergence:

An Unconventional Study of Discovery and Creation
in the Early PC Industry

Alka Gupta
Christoph Streb
Vishal K. Gupta
Erik Markin

cting entrepreneurially in nascent industries is of Silicon Valley (henceforth PSV), which documents
a complex endeavor characterized by uncer- the activities of a variety of actors involved in the
tainty and ambiguity. Nevertheless, entirely emergence of the personal computer (PC) industry
new industries do emerge, often as a direct re- (Leonard, 1999).
sult of entrepreneurial behavior. We extend and apply discov- At present, the literature presents two perspec-
ery and creation approaches to study entrepreneurial behavior tives—discovery and creation—that explicitly address
during industry emergence by means of qualitative analysis of the role of agency and action in entrepreneurship
a film about the personal computer (PC) industry’s formative (Alvarez & Barney, 2007). For discovery theorists,
years. We find that discovery and creation behavior are funda- alert actors identify hitherto unperceived discrepan-
mentally interrelated and share a common element: bricolage. cies that can be readily rectified (Kirzner, 1997;
Moreover, ideological activism is a major component of entre- Shane, 2003). For creation theorists, imaginative ac-
preneurial behavior in a new industry’s formative years during tors create new artifacts (Mathews, 2010; Sarasvathy,
both creation and discovery processes. Implications for research 2001). In metaphorical terms, discovery is about
and practice are discussed. “searching the brushy woods for a choice of path,”
Keywords: entrepreneurial behavior, discovery, crea- while creation involves constructing new paths
tion, qualitative methodology (Hjorth & Johannisson, 2008: 343). For the most
part, these two theoretical perspectives have been
considered opposed to each other in the prior litera-
Entrepreneurial behavior is “risky business” un- ture. Despite the increasing popularity of discovery
der any condition, but especially during an industry’s and creation approaches in entrepreneurship
formative years when there are few precedents for (Edelman & Yli-Renko, 2010; Vaghely & Julien,
the kinds of activities in which enterprising actors 2010), these two perspectives have not been explicitly
want to engage (Sine, Haveman, & Tolbert, 2005). used to provide insights into entrepreneurial behavior
Nevertheless, entirely new industries emerge suc- in emergent industry contexts (Bird & Schjoedt,
cessfully, often as a direct result of human agency 2009). We therefore apply these perspectives, with the
(Garud & Karnoe, 2003). Studies of entrepreneurial goal of comparing and contrasting them to advance
behavior have tended to concentrate on relatively our understanding of entrepreneurial behavior under
mature industries where its dynamics may differ conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity (Alvarez &
(Mezias & Kuperman, 2001), resulting in “the persis- Barney, 2010).
tence of major gaps in our understanding” of the The film PSV is based on careful research that
phenomenon (Forbes & Kirsch, 2011). This lack of involved digging through “reams of documents da-
studies on entrepreneurial behavior in emergent in- ting back to the 1970s,” reading “all available books
dustries is a notable omission. Not only is entrepre- about those involved” in the process, combing
neurial behavior an important research topic in its through old magazine pieces written as events were
own right, but events and activities during this time unfolding, and viewing “miles of film and video
also tend to have a profound impact on an industry’s footage” related to the main characters (Huff, 1999).
subsequent development (Aldrich & Reuf, 2006). In Steve Wozniak, a key figure in the development of
our study, we begin to redress this research gap. We Silicon Valley and a co-founder of Apple Inc., pro-
extend prior research and empirically apply discov- vided an industry insider endorsement of the film
ery and creation perspectives to study entrepreneuri- (Korsgaard & Neergaard, 2011) when he declared
al behavior during industry emergence through a that it “pretty much reflected the events as they hap-
narrative analysis of a 1999 made-for-TV film, Pirates pened” (Wozniak, 2000). This is not to say that


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PSV, like other entrepreneurship stories, may not of entrepreneurship stories in biographical accounts
take some artistic license, substituting—in Gartner’s (e.g., The Toy Stor(e)y in Gartner, 2007) and books
words (2007: 614)—“unknowns in the knowledge of (e.g., Republic of Tea in Gartner, 2010b). Despite this
specific ‘facts as given’ with ‘facts as made.’” It nev- increase in the use of “stories as data” (Gartner,
ertheless serves as a rich source of information to 2010a), films have not yet entered the repertoire of
generate insights into entrepreneurial behavior scholars in our field. This is surprising, because film
(Gartner, 2010a). Ahl and Czarniawska (2010: 196) presents a story as a “sequence of events connected
argue that even if an entrepreneurship story is not by subject matter and related by time” (Scholes,
completely authentic, it can still advance the study of 1980: 209). In addition, films are important cultural
entrepreneurial behavior as long as “it is interesting and educational artifacts, and have a “pervasive and
to analyze.” enduring presence” in modern society (Neuendorf et
In the present study, we deploy discovery and al., 2010: 759). Our use of a film that is readily avail-
creation theories to cast new light on industry emer- able for future study thus has the potential to extend
gence using PSV as a key source of information story-based entrepreneurship research (e.g., Gartner,
about the formative years of the PC industry. We ad- 2007, 2010b) in new directions (Gartner, 2010a).
vance knowledge about entrepreneurial behavior dur-
ing industry emergence in several ways. First, the dis-
covery and creation perspectives that we employ not Theoretical Background
only allow us to examine and apply theoretical tenets Discovery and Creation Perspectives
from existing perspectives, but also to develop theo- Discovery and creation frameworks can be consid-
retically grounded insights into entrepreneurial behav- ered meta-perspectives comprising a wide variety of
ior in an emergent industry context (Aldrich & Reuf, entrepreneurship research based on underlying
2006). Forbes and Kirsch (2011: 4) contend that in- philosophical assumptions (Chiles et al., 2010a;
dustry emergence represents the “left side of a story Zahra, 2008). Although both perspectives are root-
whose center and right are comparatively well docu- ed in fundamentally different assumptions about
mented” in the organizational literature. Our use of the nature of the market process (Gloria-Palermo,
two established theoretical frameworks—discovery 1999), they embrace the idea that the economy is
and creation—seeks to shed new light on entrepre- driven by enterprising actors’ spontaneous actions
neurial behavior in a nascent industry context. (O’Driscoll & Rizzo, 1985). The discovery perspec-
Second, we use a qualitative approach to provide tive assumes a realist objective ontology, whereas
a context-rich empirical analysis of entrepreneurial the creation perspective is rooted in subjective con-
behavior (Gartner, 2010a; Hjorth, Jones, & Gartner, structivist ontology (Pacheco, Dean, & Payne,
2008). Our approach involves a holistic interpreta- 2010). The former posits that the world is com-
tion of the recorded activities and processes com- prised of objective phenomena to which entrepre-
prising entrepreneurial behavior (Phillips & Brown, neurs respond actively (Kirzner, 1997; Shane &
1993), which makes this approach suitable for re- Venkataraman, 2000), while the latter contends that
search in entrepreneurship (Chiles, Vultee, Gupta, entrepreneurial action continually constructs the
Greening & Tuggle, 2010a). Although researchers world (Chiles, Tuggle, McMullen, Bierman &
have long viewed qualitative research with indiffer- Greening, 2010b). In contemporary entrepreneur-
ence, skepticism, and even disdain, it is gradually ship research, discovery is associated with the work
gaining respectability in entrepreneurship and is ex- of, for example, Shane (2000) and Busenitz (1996);
pected to become more prominent (Gartner, 2007), creation is associated with entrepreneurship in the
so that some scholars now consider such research work of Sarasvathy (2001) and Chiles and Zarankin
crucial for knowledge generation in entrepreneurship (2005).
(Gartner, 2010b; Steyaert, 2007). The detail, drama, In recent years, discovery and creation have
and surprise that characterize qualitative studies pro- emerged as credible alternatives to traditional neoclas-
vide contextualization and intensity of experience sical models that provided a limited—if any—role for
that entrepreneurship researchers believe helps theo- entrepreneurial behavior in the economy (Klein,
ry development in their field (Fletcher, 2007; Hjorth 2008). Both the discovery and creation approaches
& Johannisson, 2008; Teague, 2010). spotlight entrepreneurs as enterprising agents who
Third, although stories about entrepreneurial introduce new products and services to the world
behavior abound in contemporary society (Fletcher, (Zahra, 2008), and celebrate entrepreneurial behavior
2007), such stories have traditionally been ignored in as an engine for economic development (Miller,
entrepreneurship scholarship (Ahl & Czarniawska, 2007). Table 1 presents a summary comparison of the
2010). This neglect has begun to change in recent two perspectives as they pertain to entrepreneurship.
years with scholars beginning to appreciate the value
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Table 1. Comparing Discovery and Creation Approaches

Key Elements Discovery Approach Creation Approach
Philosophical Paradigm Objective realist ontology Subjective constructivist ontology
Key Entrepreneurial Facility Alertness Imagination
Position on Agency Formulaic Bricolage
View of Opportunity Objective, hidden: waiting to be discovered Enacted, constructed: created through
Locus of Subjectivity Knowledge based on previous experience Conjecture based on future expectations
Source of Change Exogenous shocks Endogenous, by entrepreneurs in an
evolutionary, path-dependent manner
Nature of Planning Causation Effectuation
Market System Equilibrating Disequilibrating
Nature of Evolution Path dependence Path creation
Decision-making Setting Risky Uncertain
Representative Authors Busenitz (1996); Shane (2000); Gaglio and Baker and Nelson (2005); Chiles, Blue-
Katz (2001) dorn, and Gupta (2007); Sarasvathy (2001)

As can be seen in Table 1, a key aspect of the To date, theoretical and empirical research on
discovery approach is alertness, whereas in the crea- discovery and creation has largely centered on the
tion approach the focus is on imagination. The for- opportunity concept (e.g., Zahra, 2008; Sarasvathy,
mer involves scanning the environment to identify Dew, Velamuri, & Venkatarman, 2003). Entrepre-
pre-existing means-end asymmetries (Sarasvathy, neurship scholars have used discovery and creation to
Dew, Velamuri, & Venkataraman, 2003), while the examine business opportunities in Canadian small-
latter involves bringing into being new means and/ and medium-sized enterprises (Vaghely & Julien,
or ends (Buchanan & Vanberg, 1991). From a dis- 2010), Swedish mobile Internet entrepreneurs
covery perspective, action is based on the interpreta- (Berglund, 2007), and small ventures in the US
tion of past experiences (Shane, 2000) while, from a (Edelman & Yli-Renko, 2010). While such studies
creation lens, action is driven by expectations about have taught us much about the nature of business
an unknown future (Chiles et al, 2010b). In the dis- opportunities, they do not go far enough to explore
covery view, change occurs as a result of exogenous the broader domain of entrepreneurial behavior. This
“shocks” beyond one’s control, while in the creation is an important shortcoming in prior research, since it
view change is brought about by purposeful acts is possible that when it comes to entrepreneurial be-
(Vaughn, 1992). Discovery theorists encourage en- havior, discovery and creation operate differently
trepreneurs to identify and analyze alternatives se- than in the realm of opportunity. We advance Alvarez
lecting one with highest expected returns (Fiet, and Barney’s (2007) initial attempt to extend the
1996), whereas creation theorists advocate gradual scope of discovery and creation perspectives. Specifi-
commitments and experimentation (Sarasvathy, cally, we examine and apply discovery and creation in
2001). The former emphasizes formulaic agency the realm of entrepreneurial behavior, moving be-
(combining things in a predetermined manner), yond their limited application to business opportuni-
while the latter brings bricolage (making do with re- ty. A number of researchers in entrepreneurship and
sources at hand) center-stage. In discovery, entrepre- organizational studies have noted that discovery and
neurship is path-dependent (“where one can be de- creation theories offer distinct insights into entrepre-
pends on where one has been”), and in creation it is neurship phenomenon (Santos & Eisenhardt, 2009;
path-generative (“where one can be depends on Kor, Mahoney, & Michael, 2007; Pacheco, Dean, &
where one wants to be”) (Garud & Karnoe, 2003). Payne, 2010; Vaghely & Julien, 2010).


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Entrepreneurial Behavior in Emergent Ambiguity—defined as a “lack of clarity about

Industries the meaning and implications of particular events or
Although some may argue otherwise, it seems evi- situations” due to unknown patterns of relationships
dent that much of what we consider entrepreneur- and actions (Santos & Eisenhardt, 2009: 644)—is a
ship involves intentional entrepreneurial behavior characteristic feature of emergent industries. Ambigu-
(Krueger, O’Reilly, & Carsrud, 2000). Defined ity in emerging industries can be contrasted with the
broadly, entrepreneurial behavior encompasses ac- inability to predict the probability of specific out-
tivities and events that enterprising actors enact to comes in established industries that have a widely ac-
pursue an entrepreneurial path (Bird & Schjoedt, cepted dominant logic (Sarasvathy, Dew, Velamuri, &
2009). By definition, behavior is concrete, not ab- Venkataraman, 2003). Specifically, emerging indus-
stract, and can be seen and/or heard. tries offer fertile ground for entrepreneurial action, as
An example of such concrete behavior is found in enterprising actors test new ideas that are retained,
the short story, A Toy Store(y), which is a retrospective discarded, or refined, depending on market responses
account of a toy retailing endeavor and recently the (Sine & Lee, 2009).
centerpiece of a special journal issue on narrative re- The undefined structure and multiple possible
search in entrepreneurship (Allen, 2007). In this en- cause-effect relationships characterizing emerging
gaging business story, an enterprising team starts a industries facilitate new interpretations that reduce
venture selling toys, confronts several obstacles in the their inherent ambiguity (Santos & Eisenhardt,
process, and cashes out after some weeks (Fletcher, 2009). Weick (1995: 95) argues that there are two
2007). The story describes the various activities and possible responses to ambiguity: “Ambiguity under-
milestones such as taking out loans, leasing commer- stood as confusion created by multiple meanings
cial space, obtaining merchandise, running promo- calls for … construction [and] ambiguity understood
tions, acquiring customers, and outsmarting competi- as ignorance created by insufficient information calls
tors (Allen, 2007). When interpreted and understood for … discovery.” Building on this insight, we sug-
in the context of the story as a whole, these actions gest that insights into entrepreneurial behavior dur-
provide rich insights into the concept of entrepre- ing industry emergence may emerge from discovery
neurial behavior (Gartner, 2007). Together, these ac- and creation perspectives (Alvarez & Barney, 2007;
tivities, each of which can be broken down into its 2010).
constituent elements (e.g., taking out a loan involves More than four decades ago, Baumol (1968: 66)
meeting with a banker, completing an application, observed that the entrepreneurial actor—“the Prince
etc.), constitute the entrepreneurial process. of Denmark”—is absent “from the discussion of
It is a truism that entrepreneurial behavior is Hamlet.” Twenty years later, Low and Macmillan’s
risky (Sine, Haveman, & Tolbert, 2005). In emerging (1988) seminal article urged researchers to study en-
industries, the level of risk is exacerbated as the pub- trepreneurial behavior on the part of enterprising
lic and resource providers are unfamiliar with and actors to understand and explain entrepreneurship.
skeptical about new market offerings (Sarasvathy, This new focus posed certain challenges: entrepre-
2001). Nevertheless, in the past few decades, various neurial behavior tends to be idiosyncratic, rare, and
new industries (e.g., the PC industry) have emerged, unpredictable (Macmillan & Katz, 1992), making it
providing employment, producing wealth, and fos- difficult to conceptualize and study empirically. In-
tering economic development (Garud & Karone, deed, in their recent review of the extant literature
2003). The successful emergence of new industries is on entrepreneurial behavior published twenty years
remarkable, considering that many nascent industries after Low and Macmillan (1988), Bird and Schjoedt
never manage to emerge, remain dormant for dec- (2009: 334) observed “a paucity of empirical re-
ades, or meet a conclusive death at some point. search and a lack of conceptual clarity” in the area.
(Forbes & Kirsch, 2011). Despite disagreements Thus, despite its value as a “fertile and unique intel-
about the precise temporal boundaries of industry lectual space” (Low, 2001: 22), scholarly understand-
emergence, there is a general consensus that emer- ing of entrepreneurial behavior in emergent indus-
gence refers to a new industry’s formative years, tries remains limited (Krueger, Reilly, & Carsrud,
concluding with maturity or stability (Aldrich and 2000). We hold that the application of well-
Reuf, 2006). In terms of time, it may take a new in- developed theoretical frameworks such as discovery
dustry anywhere from one or two years to more than and creation would be helpful in overcoming this
fifty to get to a stage where its dominant logic is problem.
widely accepted (Klepper & Graddy, 1990), at which We note that the present study is located in the
point it is considered an established industry (Mezias growing research stream illuminating entrepreneurial
& Kuperman, 2001). behavior during a new industry’s formative years
(Forbes & Kirsch, 2011). Aldrich and Fiol (1994: 645)
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observed that during the early years, entrepreneurial authenticity to the story presented in the film, making
behavior involves navigating “at best, an institutional it worthy of study (Ahl & Czarniawska, 2010). Sec-
vacuum of indifferent munificence” and, at worst, “a ond, PSV presents an account of events during the
hostile environment impervious to [entrepreneurial] PC industry’s emergence that unfold over several
action.” Despite these challenges, substantial entre- years, linking antecedents to consequences through
preneurial activity does occur in nascent industries actions, and in specific contexts (Lunce & Smith,
(Forbes & Kirsch, 2011). Event-driven methods are 2005). It creates a meaningful account of industry
required to capture the salient features of behavior emergence from disparate activities linking the indus-
that unfolds over time during industry emergence try’s fragmented, messy, and non-linear history into a
(Van de Ven & Engelman, 2004). Such methods em- coherent whole (Fletcher, 2007), describing how the
ploy narrative explanations to address how rare and industry came about, and the problems and opportu-
unpredictable events—in this case, acts of entrepre- nities encountered along the way (Fletcher, 2007).
neurial behavior—occur, and then relate these specif- Third, the film offers several well-researched entre-
ic activities to the big picture (Chiles et al., 2010a). preneurial episodes that can be supplemented with
The methodological approach we use emphasizes the additional research (Mumford, 2002). Although the
need to interpret specific events in the broader con- story told in PSV is a retrospective account by Steve
text in which they occur, and to understand the larger Wozniak (the co-founder of Apple) and Paul Allen
picture by making sense of the individual events (the co-founder of Microsoft), several notable indi-
(Klein & Myers, 1999). Our study thus facilitates a viduals (e.g., Ed Roberts, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and
new understanding of entrepreneurial behavior by Mike Marakula) and organizations (e.g., Xerox and
conducting a qualitative analysis, which can be em- IBM) that each played an important part in the nas-
ployed to study historical events in a variety of con- cent PC industry are also introduced, seen, and heard
texts (Mumford, 2002). in the film.

Research Methodology and Analysis

Method Our methodological approach involved the identifica-
Data tion of episodes of entrepreneurial behavior that
The data for our study was derived from the film could be analyzed to develop theoretical insights
Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV), which documents the (Mumford, 2002). We (i.e., research team of two sci-
emergence of the PC industry. A film is a “vivid entists and two research assistants) watched the film
text” that unfolds over time (Valdez & Halley, 1999). attentively (several times in full and in parts) to identi-
Rudy, Popova, and Linz (2010) argue that films oc- fy such episodes. Taking the theoretical tenets of dis-
cupy an important position in contemporary society covery and creation into consideration (see Table 1),
because they reflect social norms and conventions, we deliberately selected episodes of entrepreneurial
as well as socialize people by communicating ideas behavior that, in our view, illustrate the two theoreti-
about what is (or is not) acceptable in a particular cal frameworks dicussed above (Diesing, 1991). Our
society. Scholars studying the sociology of approach was consistent with theory-based sampling,
knowledge consider films to be very useful in estab- which selects examples for their potential to manifest
lishing and maintaining norms, values, and beliefs in or elucidate chosen concepts (Neergaard, 2007). An
society (Freeman & Valentine, 2004). Thus, films initial intercoder reliably of 90% was achieved among
constitute “an important cultural text,” especially in the four team members before the eventual collection
“a predominately visual culture, in which films are of entrepreneurial episodes was approved. These epi-
often watched far more readily” than other texts are sodes covered a variety of entrepreneurial behaviors
consumed (Jasper, 2004: 128). Yet, as Neuendorf across a range of contexts and situations. Since all the
and others (2010: 759) note, “films are a body of selected episodes occurred over a specific time-span
media content that is often overlooked” by business (the early 1970s to the mid-1980s) in a specific cultur-
organizational researchers. This is especially true in al setting (the US), our approach implicitly controlled
entrepreneurship research, where films remain unex- for historical and cultural factors (Eisenhardt, 1989).
plored as a data source for textual analysis (Gartner, We identified five exemplary episodes each of
2010b). discovery and creation. Some qualitative researchers
PSV has several characteristics that make it suita- have noted that understanding evolves when one
ble for this research (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). moves “from the whole to the part and back to the
First, the film develops complex arguments, going whole” (Myers, 2009: 191). This suggests that the
beyond the usual storybook template of entrepre- more cases a researcher examines and the more in-
neurship stories. This atypicality lends credibility and formation obtained about each case, the better the


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understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon production, as well as from the participants involved
and its various aspects (Gartner, 2007). Neergaard (Thompson, 1984), thus allowing for new interpreta-
(2007) compared such research to a jigsaw puzzle: by tions (Tan, Wilson, & Olver, 2009). In the words of
putting individual pieces together, a more holistic Ricoeur (1981):
picture emerges. However, there are no decisive
guidelines about how many episodes are needed to To interpret […] is to appropriate here and now
provide a complete understanding of any phenome- the intention of the text […] the intended meaning
non. Eisenhardt and Bourgeois (1988) use four firms of the text is not essentially the presumed intention
in their study of the microcomputer industry, while of the author, the lived experience of the writer, but
Mumford and van Doorn (2001) examine ten critical rather what the text means….
incidents from Benjamin Franklin’s life.
Following prior research (Klein & Meyers, 1999; Episodes and Findings
Mumford, 2002), we pursued a multi-stage ap- Tables 2 and 3 present a summary of ten selected
proach. We selected appropriate entrepreneurial epi- entrepreneurial episodes (five of discovery and five
sodes from the film, described the context in which of creation) with regards to their film context, the-
these occur, interpreted the interrelationships be- matic substantiation, and industry relevance. We
tween selected episodes and other parts of the film, summarize each scene individually, provide a time-
as well as its overall context, and eventually inter- line to identify its occurrence in the film, and link it
preted the results beyond the original context. The with events and incidents from the film and the real
interpretation and understanding of the ten selected world. Unless referenced otherwise, all direct quotes
episodes in their proper context was achieved by in this section (including Tables 2 and 3) are from
using a broad range of textual sources, including the film.
books and articles related to the PC industry. Our We use numbers (1 to 5) to refer to specific dis-
use of outside sources to understand the meaning of covery and creation scenes. For instance, “Paul Allen
each scene is consistent with the notion that once a and Bill Gates discover the need for computer lan-
narrative has been produced as a work (i.e. textual- guage” is referred to as discovery scene 1, and
ized), it acquires a certain autonomy from its original “Apple I is built” is referred to as creation scene 1.

Table 2. Discovery Episodes from the film Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV)
Discovery Episodes
Synopsis Film Context Thematic Substantiation Industry Relevance
(with regards to “discovery”) (Literature Support)
Scene 1: Paul Allen spots a re- This scene takes place fairly This scene shows that the initia- The film indicates that these
cent issue of Popular early on in the film. Allen tion of discovery occurring exog- events take place after 1974. This
Paul Allen Electronics magazine and Gates are Harvard stu- enously. Paul Allen’s and Bill can be confirmed, as the Popular
and Bill with a picture of the dents. It is followed by Gates’s prior knowledge and Electronics magazine cover depict-
Gates discover Altair 8800 computer Gates’s specific efforts to interest in computers led them to ing the Altair 8800 was published
the need for a on the cover. He gain direct contact with the pursue an opportunity that was in January 1975 (Karlgaard,
computer shows it to Bill Gates, makers of the Altair (Ed there for everyone to grab. Paul 2006). The Altair 8800’s intro-
language who realizes that the Roberts of Micro Instru- Allen “stumbles upon” the maga- duction was an important chap-
Altair lacks a program- mentation and Telemetry zine article about the Altair in a ter in the computer industry’s
Film ming language as Systems) to propose the typical Kirznerian fashion. He history, as its build-it-yourself
timeline: “right now it just sits development of a computer was not searching for it; in fact, design helped make small com-
10:25-12:17 there and blinks.” language. he serendipitously comes across puters available to a large con-
the article, which informs him of sumer (i.e. non-corporate) mar-
the Altair’s development. The ket, which eventually led to the
magazine stated that there was a development of the PC industry
demand for a suitable program- (Hill & Deeds, 1996). It is here
ming language (Day, 1994). Paul that Gates and Allen’s interest in
and Bill just needed to write a computers is channeled into
language to meet this demand. (business) efforts for the first
time (i.e., the development of a
computer language).

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Table 2. Discovery Episodes from the film Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV) (continued)
Discovery Episodes
Synopsis Film Context Thematic Substantiation Industry Relevance
(with regards to “discovery”) (Literature Support)
Scene 2: Steve Jobs and Steve This scene is preceded by Primarily due to their alertness, The recognition of the oppor-
Wozniak present the scenes depicting the gen- Jobs and Wozniak were able to tunity to sell personal computers
Steve Jobs and Apple I at the Home- eral struggle of both Jobs interpret the positive response to is a central event in the indus-
Steve Wozniak brew Computer Club and Wozniak to find di- their product as a clear indication try’s history (Holcombe, 1999).
discover a mar- meeting in Berkeley. rection in life. Up to this of a market opportunity. The The product they present is later
ket for personal They enter the venue point, they seemingly feedback from the audience is an referred to as the Apple I. The
computers while the Altair 8800 is have no clear aim or in- exogenous factor confirming market success of the Apple I
being presented on tention behind their ac- their discovery’s potential value. was due to its most distinct fea-
Film stage. At the meeting, tions. The obvious suc- It demonstrates that Steve Jobs ture: it was a fully assembled
timeline: they set up their own cess of their prototype, and Steve Wozniak find an unmet machine with an input device
18:49-20:40 homemade computer. basically anticipating the demand for small computers and an output device.
The computer’s design design of personal com- among people who had previous-
impresses the audience puters to come, confirms ly not been considered computer
and makes Jobs and their initial “feel” for the buyers (Bergin, 2006; Levy, 2007).
Wozniak the center of market and, most im- This demand was latent and not
attention. They leave portantly, indicates a clear explicit, as the major computer
the meeting with or- market potential. The companies of the day were appar-
ders for fifty comput- scene is followed by Jobs ently not aware of it, and poten-
ers. sharing his ideas about tial customers were not asking for
future prospects of their personal computers (Jackson,
endeavor with Wozniak. Mandeville & Potts, 2002).
Scene 3: Microsoft needs oper- Microsoft enters into a Microsoft realized there was a The episode supposedly takes
ating software to sell deal to provide the Disk business opportunity if they place in 1980, after Steve
Microsoft finds to IBM. The Seattle Operating System (DOS), could obtain an operating system Ballmer had joined Microsoft
DOS Computer Company, a product that, at the someone else had actually devel- and when IBM required an op-
an independent ven- time, they knew they did oped without seeing its market erating system for its microcom-
Film ture, had developed an not yet have. potential. Thus, based on its prior puters (Jackson, Mandeville, &
timeline: operating system Microsoft adapts the knowledge and alertness to this Potts, 2002). Not having devel-
50:34-52:55 known as QDOS QDOS to IBM’s require- gap, Microsoft discovered a sig- oped anything close to what
(Quick and Dirty Op- ments and licenses to nificant opportunity, which es- IBM was asking them for, they
erating System). After other companies. The sentially involved arbitrage acquired what was known as
some negotiations, deal is a turning point in (Loasby, 1992). As Kirzner (1973: QDOS (Wallace, 1993).
Microsoft buys the Microsoft’s development, 79) explained, an arbitrageur-
QDOS for 50,000 as it enabled it to become entrepreneur “sells for high prices
USD. an IMB business partner. that which he can buy for low
prices.” The arbitrageur helps
close pockets of ignorance in the
market by acquiring a bundle of
rights to attributes (i.e. a distinct
asset) in one transaction and sell-
ing the asset in another transac-
tion (Foss, Foss, Klein, & Klein,



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Table 2. Discovery Episodes from the film Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV) (continued)
Discovery Episodes
Synopsis Film Context Thematic Substantiation Industry Relevance
(with regards to “discovery”) (Literature Support)
Scene 4: A team from Apple This scene follows Steve Apple clearly realized the huge This scene supposedly takes place
visits the Xerox Palo Jobs echoing Picasso’s fa- potential of these inventions and in December 1979, when Xerox
Apple discovers Alto Research Cen- mous words: “Good artists their impact on personal com- indeed granted Apple three days’
WIMP ter. Apple has copy. Great artists steal.” puters’ design and capabilities, access to familiarize themselves
learned that Xerox Jobs makes this idea the while the top management at with their Palo Alto Research
Film has been developing guiding philosophy by Xerox did not see much poten- Center (Levy, 1994; Wozniak &
timeline: new, advanced tech- which Apple conducted its tial in these products Smith, 2006). Although Xerox
1:00:51-1:03:53 nological applica- business. Viewer attention (Holcombe, 1999; Shane, 2000). received pre-IPO shares from Ap-
tions such as the is then drawn to Xerox’s Based on their prior knowledge ple for this privilege, the techno-
computer mouse and innovations. of and experience in the com- logical advantage Xerox was giv-
graphical user inter- puter industry, Apple realized ing away here was significant. In
face. Xerox corpo- The scene is followed by a that there was an opportunity to Levy’s words (1994: 77-78), “the
rate office does not voice-over from Wozniak obtain these technologies from number crunchers at Xerox con-
consider these inno- concluding that with Xerox. As Shane (2000) notes, sidered this a fairly innocuous
vations relevant to “about 100 billion USD prior knowledge “from work concession—they were getting a
their business, so head-start on anyone else, experience, education, or other tangible stock deal in exchange
they allow Apple to Apple was making tons of means, influences the entrepre- for allowing Apple a brief expo-
study them in detail. money.” neur's ability to comprehend, sure to technology that in their
The technological extrapolate, interpret, and apply minds belonged more to science
development at Xer- new information in ways that fiction than to future revenues.”
ox surprises the Ap- those lacking that prior infor- It ultimately led to the develop-
ple team, which pro- mation cannot replicate.” ment of the Apple Lisa with a
ceeds to adapt these graphical user interface (Wozniak
innovations for their & Smith, 2006).
own purposes.
Scene 5: When Bill Gates In the film, this specific Gates becomes aware that Ap- This scene presumably takes
discovers the graph- scene starts by showing Bill ple, with its progressive corpo- place in 1983 (Wozniak & Smith,
Gates discovers ical user interface, he Gates trying an Apple com- rate culture and technological 2006; Simmons, 2007). It depicts
the graphical user becomes concerned puter in his office. Having lead, is the real competitor in the an important moment in the
interface about Apple’s tech- met with Steve Jobs, direct- market. At a time when Jobs still development of the relationship
nological head start. ly after leaving the building, perceived IBM as the major between Apple and Microsoft, as
Film He is eager to join Gates mentions to Ballmer threat, Microsoft and Apple have well as between Jobs and Gates,
timeline: forces with Apple. “if he [Jobs] is not careful, actually become direct rivals. because it lays the foundation of
1:04:54-1:07:21 He is able to con- he is going to wreck the This opens the opportunity for the direct competition between
vince the initially place,” thus making no Gates to gain Jobs’s trust and to the two companies, which con-
indifferent Jobs to secret of his plans to copy adapt their innovations before tinues to this day (Wallace,
trust him (personally) Apple’s innovations for Jobs realizes what is happening. 1993).
and to provide him himself. This scene recalls Alertness to opportunities and Notably, at this time, Bill Gates
with prototypes of Apple adapting Xerox’s knowledge of market potential was not actively searching for
the Macintosh long innovations (Scene 4), with are the basis of Gates’s discov- new technologies for operating
before its introduc- the major difference that ery. software. Microsoft had already
tion to the market. Jobs is not aware of Gates’s gained a reputation in operating
plans. systems and programming lan-
guages (Rivlin, 1999). When
Gates saw the graphical user
interface developed at Apple, he
“knew [it] portended the fu-
ture” (Levy, 1994: 161). Mi-
crosoft then zealously turned its
attention to working on this new
software, which formed the basis
of its now ubiquitous Windows
product (Holcombe, 2003).

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Table 3. Creation Episodes from the film Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV)

Creation Episodes
Synopsis Film Context Thematic Substantiation Industry Relevance
(with regards to “creation”) (Literature Support)
Scene 1: Wozniak and Jobs, The actual scene does not The construction of the Apple I From the film, no clear de-
university students at depict the specific proce- computer was not based on an duction can be made regard-
Apple I is built the time, are at the dure by which the computer existing design; instead, it in- ing the period during which
kitchen table, chat- is built. Yet, the characters’ volved imagination, tinkering, and the construction of the Apple
Film ting and working on comments and work make it trial and error, with several set- I took place. But there can be
Timeline: constructing a com- clear that they are building a backs along the way (see Table 1). little doubt that design was a
16:09-18:02 puter (which later computer. For example, a According to Levi-Strauss (1967), milestone in the development
came to be called the reporter from the Mercury entrepreneurship often involves of the PC industry (Moritz,
Apple I). From their News wants to interview making do with “whatever is at 1984). The homemade com-
conversation, it be- Wozniak when he learns hand.” The conscious and willful puter was built from parts
comes apparent that, that they are building a com- tendency to make do also in- that were readily available;
so far, also with re- puter “all from spare parts.” volves combining and re-using yet, the finished product
gard to the computer existing resources to put them to turned out to be the first per-
on which they are unexpected uses, sometimes re- sonal computer that provided
working, they have sulting in “brilliant unforeseen a realistic marketing oppor-
no clear goal, not to results” (Baker & Nelson, 2005). tunity (Wozniak & Smith,
mention business The willingness to make do and 2006). The Apple I’s signifi-
intentions. engage in resource recombination cance also lies in it serving as
facilitated the construction of the a model for future genera-
Apple I by two young men with tions of computers, as subse-
very limited resources and no quent computers were ex-
existing blueprint to follow in pected to have a keyboard to
terms of what a computer should enter information and a mon-
look like. itor to display output.
Scene 2: Jobs and Wozniak This scene follows the suc- The formation of a new organiza- Organizing disparate business
start to build their cessful presentation of the tion is arguably the most im- activities and selling comput-
Apple is founded computers in Jobs’s Apple I at the Homebrew portant aspect of entrepreneurial ers into a formal business was
in a garage parents’ garage. They Computer Club in 1976. activity (Gartner, 1990). Apple obviously key to Apple’s
have little funds. It is The interest they saw among was founded when PCs were an commercial success (Wozniak
Movie also not clear at this people for their design con- untested idea, and it was not clear & Smith, 2006). If the various
Timeline: point whether vinced Jobs and Wozniak to why “ordinary people would want activities had not been orga-
20:40-23:04 Hewlett-Packard go ahead and build comput- computers.” Starting the compa- nized into a business, it
(HP) actually has ers in larger numbers to sell ny under such circumstances in- would have been impossible
ownership of Woz- to individual customers. The volved imaginative entrepreneurs’ to create the necessary mo-
niak’s computer de- scene is followed by another intentionality (to sell computers), mentum and legitimacy for
sign, as he works for scene, which shows Steve acquisition of resources (e.g., the new venture. As the Woz-
them, and has signed Jobs trying to secure a bank obtaining credit from suppliers), niak character explains in the
a contract. When HP loan to finance the busi- taking an organizational identity film, this was a time when
management scoffs at ness’s initial expansion, a (the name Apple Computers), and “business guys and bankers
the idea of computers task at which he is not suc- transacting with customers as a thought you had just barfed
for everyday use, cessful at first. business (Katz & Gartner, 1988). on their shoes if you tried to
Steve Jobs and Woz- interest them into computers
niak start their com- for ordinary people.” Apple
pany, calling it Apple soon becomes the world’s
Computers. leading personal computer
company (Levy, 1994), and in
less than five years after its
founding, Apple enters the
Fortune 500 list.



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Table 3. Creation Episodes from the film Pirates of Silicon Valley (PSV) (continued)

Creation Episodes
Synopsis Film Context Thematic Substantiation Industry Relevance
(with regards to “creation”) (Literature Support)
Scene 3: Bill Gates, Paul Al- At the time that Microsoft Microsoft succeeded in carving Around 1980, IBM decided to
len, and Steve dares to propose this deal out an entirely new software take on the challenge Apple pre-
Creation of the Ballmer visit IBM to IBM, the company has business market in an era when sented in the PC market. It re-
software business headquarters. They had only limited market the established wisdom was that quired an operating system for
offer to license IBM success. In the words of the profitable side of computers its machines (Jackson, Mande-
Movie an operating system Steve Ballmer, at this stage, is hardware, not software. This ville, & Potts, 2002). Microsoft
Timeline: for their new line of the company is still a “two- required imagination and conjec- saw the opportunity and the
48:02-50:30 computers to com- bit little outfit.” From this ture based on future expecta- market value in the software, as
pete with Apple. vulnerable position, they tions. We consider Microsoft’s opposed to the IBM’s emphasis
IBM finds their sug- sought to create a new exploitation of a perceived op- on the hardware. Within four
gestion “no big business, in which Mi- portunity in software as an entre- years of the “breakthrough deal”
deal”- “the profits crosoft would retain owner- preneurial creation episode, as it with IBM, TIME magazine fea-
are in the computers ship of the software and led to the unforeseen emergence tured the 28-year-old Bill Gates
themselves, not this customers would only ob- of an entirely new industry. By on its cover, calling software
software stuff” is tained usage rights. choosing to walk an unbeaten “the magic carpet to the future”
how an IBM manag- path, Microsoft was taking a and the “soul of the [computer]
er put it. massive risk (Aldrich & Fiol, machine” (Taylor, Moritz, &
1994). Stoler, 1984).
Scene 4: In the words of a This scene is presented in The mouse invented at Xerox It is not possible to assign an
Xerox executive, the film after Wozniak has was a palm-sized contraption accurate date or even timeframe
Xerox invents “We created the shared that “Xerox was that contained a metal ball to this innovation process. How-
the mouse and mouse and all the secretly developing all this pressed against two rollers to ever, the impact that the devel-
GUI rest of amazing stuff like the track movement and send digital opment of the computer mouse
it…” (1:02:30). mouse and the graphics on positional information directly to and graphical user interface has
Film the screen, instead of a the computer. Although it was generated for everyday compu-
Timeline: bunch of numbers.” It is not the first mouse invented (the ting today is significant: Both
1:01:04-1:01:48 followed by Wozniak com- credit for that goes to Doug tools are key interfaces for mod-
paring the development at Engelbart at Stanford Research ern information technology. Fur-
Xerox to a Rembrandt, Institute) (Levy, 1994), it provid- thermore, with regards to this
worth about “a hundred ed the predominant model for film, and related industry rele-
billion dollars.” use in PC for years to come. We vance, subsequent work at Apple
consider Xerox’s invention of and developments in the com-
the mouse as a creation episode, puter industry substantially built
because it clearly illustrates imag- on the mouse and the GUI
ination translated into reality (Wozniak & Smith, 2006).
through action based on future
Scene 5: This scene presents This scene is preceded by It becomes clear from the film The Macintosh was hailed by
Steve Jobs as saying: the depiction of Apple as a that the team, led by Steve Jobs, fans as the “most revolutionary
Apple creates the “Let me show you company that proudly dis- has created a game-changer introduction in the history of
Macintosh the future… the played its pirate parapher- through their actions, based on personal computing.” Although
ultimate, insanely nalia, and where employees their vision of the future, and it was fourth in the Apple series
Movie great, fusion of art were expected to work 90- using their imagination. The of computers (preceded by Ap-
Timeline: and science… It’s hour weeks on a regular Macintosh’s long-term impact on ple I, II, and Lisa), it was widely
1:07:21-1:10:16 called the Macin- basis. It is followed by future designs demonstrates its regarded as “the computer that
tosh.” Wozniak recounting that, at disequilibrating effect on the changed everything.”
this time, “Apple was tear- industry as a whole.
ing itself to pieces… the
Macintosh group against
everyone else in the compa-

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As explained earlier, these scenes were selected for limited finances and unclear ownership structure.
their potential to illustrate either discovery or crea- While this clearly outlines evolutionary behavior
tion, and demonstrated high inter-coder reliability under uncertainty driven by the actors’ imagination,
when they were classified into discovery or creation it also foreshadows a disequilibriating outcome (see
categories. Tables 2 and 3 provide more context, Table 1).
which is an important result of our analysis, as the In discovery scene 3, Microsoft is asked to pro-
following is only summarized descriptions of our vide an operating system—foundation software that
findings. allocates storage and schedules tasks in a comput-
In discovery scene 1, Paul Allen spots the Altair er—for a new line of IBM personal computers. Mi-
8800 computer developed by Micro Instrumentation crosoft finds that the Seattle Computer Company
and Telemetry Systems (MITS) on the cover of the has developed an operating system known as QDOS
“Popular Electronics” magazine, which he brings to (Quick and Dirty Operating System). Without dis-
Bill Gates’s attention. This appears to be a classic closing its intention to re-sell the QDOS to IBM,
example of entrepreneurial alertness as Allen Microsoft buys it from the Seattle Computer Com-
“stumbles upon” the opportunity that exists “out pany for $50,000. Microsoft then adapts QDOS for
there” through an exogenous event (Kirzner, 1997). use by IBM. We categorize this episode as discovery
Yet, when related scenes, as well as the overall film because it essentially involves arbitrage (Loasby,
context are taken into consideration, it becomes ob- 1992). Such transactions comprise both demand and
vious that simply finding the Altair 8800 on a maga- supply (Sarasvathy, Dew, Velamuri, & Venkata-
zine cover was not enough. It took Gates and Al- raman, 2003). As is seen in this episode, there is
len’s proactive action to convince Ed Roberts of both demand for and supply of disk operation sys-
their offer to provide a programming language for tem (DOS). Microsoft’s role was to buy at a low
the Altair, which facilitated their entry into the in- price and sell at a high price, with the profit as the
dustry and the start of Microsoft. As Gates (2010) reward for this arbitrage.
recounted recently, “Ed [took] a chance on us—two In creation scene 3, rather than sell the software
young guys interested in computers—and [when] outright to IBM as discovery theories predict, Mi-
our first untested software worked on his Altair [it] crosoft negotiates the right to retain the ownership
was the start of a lot of great things.” of the software. In effect, IBM obtained a license for
In discovery scene 2, Jobs and Wozniak arrive at the software from Microsoft, which was then free to
a meeting of the Homebrew Computer Club at Stan- also sell it to other computer manufacturers. We
ford. The club was “where a bunch of guys spent all consider this a creation episode because at the time
their spare time trying to …show the stuff they built, IBM believed that “the money is in hardware,” while
except that most of it didn’t really work all that Microsoft expected software to become important.
well.” They use the meeting to present their proto- Microsoft’s decision, which was based on certain
type of a personal computer, which results in sales to expectations of the future, led to the unforeseen
the club members. We categorize the recognition of emergence of an entirely new industry. The deal be-
the opportunity to sell personal computers as a dis- tween Microsoft and IBM can be readily traced to
covery episode because Jobs and Wozniak find an IBM being in dire need of an operating system and
unmet demand for small computers among common the Seattle Computer Company’s development of
people, who had not been considered by large cor- the disc operating system, which Microsoft bought.
porations as serious buyers earlier. In discovery scene 4, a team from Apple visits
However, from creation scenes 1 and 2 it be- Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) for a pre-
comes obvious that the demand only surfaced after view of their latest research. The Apple team is
they had presented a working prototype of the shown the new technologies PARC is developing—
computer they had built. We consider the building windows, icons, a menu, and a pointing device
of the computer a creation episode (creation scene (WIMP). These technological wonders amaze the Ap-
1 in Table 3), although the movie tells us little ple team, who ask probing questions about the differ-
about the detailed action taken to create the com- ent tools. By the end of the visit, the Apple team has
puter. The scene is rather implicitly presented but “about a hundred billion dollar head-start over every-
clearly indicates path-dependent behavior enacted one else” in the computer business. We categorize
by the two leading individuals behind Apple. Dis- this episode as discovery because it involves the Ap-
covery scene 2 is preceded by creation scene 1 and ple team seeing different value in the WIMP tools
followed by creation scene 2 when “Apple Com- than the Xerox corporate managers, who had already
puters” is started in a garage. More explicitly, crea- been briefed on the technological developments in
tion scene 2 describes Apple’s humble start with their research laboratory (Shane, 2000).


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Nevertheless, creation scene 4 clarifies that this unanticipated findings. First, we found that that dis-
discovery would not have occurred had Xerox not covery and creation are fundamentally interrelated.
invented the WIMP technology in the first place. At Second, at least, during industry emergence, discov-
the time of its development at Xerox, WIMP’s use- ery and creation behaviors share a common element:
fulness was unclear and it seemed to belong “more bricolage. Third, we also found that ideological ac-
to science fiction than to future revenues” (Levy, tivism is a major component of entrepreneurial be-
1994: 78). In short time, the Xerox preview proved havior in a new industry’s formative years, as entre-
to be the “bedrock” on which the computer industry preneurs seek to convince others of the value of
was constructed; a future in which Apple went on to their offerings and evangelize them into a new in-
become a leading player, while Xerox was relegated dustry. We discuss each of these major findings of
to a footnote. our study in greater detail below.
In discovery scene 5, Microsoft learns that Apple
is incorporating GUI into their computers, which is Implications for Theory
radically ahead of the command-line system in which Our findings about the nature of entrepreneurial
Microsoft had been investing (Levy, 1994). Mi- activity during industry emergence have important
crosoft recognizes the usefulness of GUI and de- implications for theory development in entrepre-
cides to incorporate the user interface in the now neurship.
ubiquitous Windows product (Holcombe, 2003). We We find evidence of ideologically motivated be-
consider this a discovery episode as it involved Mi- havior’s role in discovery and creation in the emer-
crosoft recognizing the potential value of a system gent PC industry. We believe our finding is doubly
that was already being developed by Apple. At this informative. First, it reveals that during industry
time, Microsoft was not actively searching for new emergence, both discovery and creation activities in-
technologies to use in their operating software, as volve enterprising actors engaging in evangelical ef-
the company had already gained somewhat of a rep- forts to make the new offering comprehensible and
utation for its existing product line. acceptable to others. The role of evangelism- or ideo-
Nonetheless, in relation to creation scene 5, one logical activism- rather than economic maximization,
can see that Microsoft made a radical about-turn re- has been previously recognized in the successful
garding the technology underlying its earlier soft- emergence of new industries such as automobiles
ware. It “just copied the Mac” in giving the new (Rao, 2004) and wind energy (Sine & Lee, 2009).
Windows software its look and feel (Jobs, 2005). We However, these studies attribute evangelical efforts
associate the Macintosh computer’s construction mostly to third-party organizations such as consumer
with creation because it redefined the trajectory of clubs and social organizations (Lee, Sine, & Tolbert,
the computer industry, setting the whole industry on 2011). Our research reveals that enterprising actors
a new path. According to Chan (2004), the Macin- occupy a vanguard position in advocacy efforts with
tosh was “the most revolutionary introduction in the ideological—rather than economic—motivation driv-
history of personal computing.” The features that ing them to engage in entrepreneurial behavior. To
made the Macintosh “insanely great” were not, how- our knowledge, such evangelism has not received any
ever, incorporated in response to consumer de- attention in the discovery and creation literature,
mands or market feedback, but reflected Apple’s which we hope will begin to be redressed as a conse-
proactive initiative to “transform the world” and quence of our findings. Second, our conception of
“put a dent in the Universe” (Levy, 1994: 6). evangelism is consistent with the previously recog-
In the next section, we discuss various implica- nized influence of so-called champions who “energize
tions of the findings reported here. Although these efforts toward collective action and devise strate-
findings are derived from an analysis of a specific gies… to create entirely new industries and associated
industry context (i.e. the PC industry), we believe institutions” which is at the heart of the growing insti-
they have broader implications for entrepreneurship tutional entrepreneurship literature (Garud, Jain, &
theory and practice, a topic to which we now turn Kumaraswamy, 2002: 197-8). Notably, our findings
our attention. extend this understanding of championing behavior
in a new direction: Where evangelists have traditional-
Discussion ly been believed to occupy “positions associated with
The formative phase of a new industry is, in Utter- the highest degrees of legitimacy,” our research shows
back and Suarez’s words (1993: 17), “predominantly that activism is a key aspect of emerging industries
entrepreneurial,” making it worthy of closer study to even when the champions engaging in evangelizing
understand entrepreneurial behavior. Our research- efforts are themselves striving to gain legitimacy
using a novel qualitative method- revealed three key (Maguire, Hardy, & Lawrence, 2004: 667).

72 New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 72
et al.: New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Special Issue 2015

We also found that bricolage comprised a major and creation, why the two might trigger reinforcing
part of both discovery and creation. This is a novel cycles, and how entrepreneurial agents can navigate
finding because bricolage has traditionally been as- through the two as catalysts for ongoing entrepre-
sociated only with creation approaches (Garud & neurial behaviors (Graetz & Smith, 2007). Thus,
Karnoe, 2003). As the film reveals, bricolage helped based on the findings of our study, future research
nascent entrepreneurs—at Apple and Microsoft— would do well to consider the interactive nature of
counter their resource deficit by combining the re- creation and discovery from the outset.
sources around them. For example, the building of
Apple I computer involved recombining readily Implications for Practice
available parts, and the founding of Apple involved Our research also has certain implications for entre-
obtaining parts on credit from a supplier and con- preneurs. First, there is growing interest worldwide
verting Jobs’ parents’ garage into a production floor in practically relevant entrepreneurship research
and an office. Particularly interesting in the PSV (Busenitz et al., 2003; Corner and Pavlovich, 2007).
context is that in the new industry’s very early days, Entrepreneurship researchers are often encouraged
bricolage was dominant, while formulaic agency to use entrepreneurship practice to inform their re-
occurred much later (after venture creation) (Katz search; consequently, practice shapes research from
& Gartner, 1988). Furthermore, we find evidence the very onset. DeTienne and Chandler (2004) note
that bricolage also plays an important role in the that studying real-world entrepreneurial activity, fo-
discovery perspective. Contrary to the notion that cusing specifically on issues related to actions and
discovery involves simply fulfilling predetermined processes, will make entrepreneurship research more
resource requirements (Edelman & Yli-Renko, engaging. Corley and Gioia (2011) argue that re-
2010), we find evidence of bricolage in several dis- searchers in management schools should conduct
covery episodes, such as the discovery of a market studies that provide business insights derived from
for personal computers and Microsoft’s discovery real-world observations. This may specifically apply
of DOS. Specifically, these episodes involve to entrepreneurship researchers, who are often called
“network bricolage”: the use of pre-existing contact to and tasked with enhancing entrepreneurial activity
networks to achieve objectives and goals (Baker, in society. By seeking to understand behaviors of
2007). Research on bricolage only began in earnest some of the most enterprising actors during one of
in recent years. Based on our findings, we call for the most entrepreneurial periods in recent US histo-
further research to gain a deeper understanding of ry, our research engages closely with entrepreneur-
bricolage’s role in both discovery and creation. ship in a real-world context.
Finally, our research reveals that discovery and Second, prior research and anecdotal evidence
creation behaviors are fundamentally interrelated, ra- indicate that nascent entrepreneurs are often advised
ther than simply competing (Edelman & Yli-Renko, to not disclose information about their activities to
2010) or complementary (Zahra, 2008). Creation be- others. However, we find that even when entrepre-
haviors generate new artifacts that enterprising actors neurs share their ideas and clearly describe what they
discover over time yield more new artifacts, which are considering, others may not appreciate its poten-
become the basis for future creative endeavors. The tial. For example, Steve Wozniak was required to tell
intersection of discovery and creation thus moves the Hewlett Packard’s (HP) management about his work
entrepreneurial process forward. We therefore sug- on the new computer, but HP saw no future in activi-
gest that, rather than polarize entrepreneurial phe- ties related to designing and making a computer for
nomena by theorizing, researchers need to encompass individual use. Similarly, even when Microsoft in-
both discovery and creation to build “constructs that formed IBM managers that it wanted to be able to
accommodate contradictions” (Lewis, 2000: 773). sell the operating system to other firms, IBM failed to
Consideration of the interactive nature of discovery realize that software could actually be a profitable
and creation may not find favor with either discovery business. These corporate managers’ prior
or creation purists who tend to be dismissive of those knowledge, which was based on their work experi-
on the other side of aisle. Yet, our findings suggest ence, industry exposure, and education, prevented
that comprehensive understanding of industry emer- them from recognizing the value of these new en-
gence requires combining insights from both perspec- deavors. In other words, managers’ existing
tives. In a similar vein, Evans and Doz (1992) argue knowledge corridors adversely affected their ability to
that the duality concept offers a new provocative evaluate new business initiatives with an open mind.
framework for exploring complex phenomena such It would thus be incorrect to assume that everyone is
as entrepreneurship. Within a duality framework, re- equally and instantly capable of exploiting an oppor-
searchers and scholars can explore questions related tunity once it is presented to them (Endres & Woods,
to the kinds of tensions that exist between discovery 2006). It seems that the secret to engaging in entre-
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preneurial behavior does not lie in information about should consider the implications of interactions be-
new opportunities, but in making sense about them- tween discovery and creation as we found in our
what Garud and Karnoe (2003) refer to as study.
“interpretive asymmetries” (Garud & Karnoe, 2003). Finally, our study is situated in the context of a
Finally, films may be particularly well-suited for technology-based industry. The extent to which the
entertainment education (Singhal & Rogers, 2002) in findings revealed here will generalize to other indus-
entrepreneurship, as millions of viewers watch entre- tries (e.g., non-technology industries such as man-
preneurship-related films—for example, The Social agement consulting) cannot simply be assumed, but
Network (2010) and Risky Business (1983). While most needs to be carefully examined. Relatedly, the ap-
people probably watch these films for entertainment, plicability of the theory used here and the findings
prior studies have shown that people are also im- obtained is limited to the United States. Whether our
pacted by the entrepreneurship-related information theoretical insights and empirical results hold prom-
depicted in them (Bumpus, 2005; Champoux, 1999). ise for understanding industry emergence in other
In addition, according to the drench hypothesis countries is a topic for future research.
(Greenberg, 1988), noteworthy or striking examples
presented in films (e.g., Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in
PSV) can have a significant influence on viewer atti- Conclusion
tudes and perceptions. Social cognitive theory (e.g., This study was undertaken to explore and apply
Bandura, 1986) suggests that audience members can discovery and creation perspectives to the study of
vicariously learn norms and behaviors from films, as entrepreneurial behavior in an emerging industry.
people are far more likely to mimic a behavior they While prior research has done a masterful job of
have seen rather than one that has been recom- articulating the two perspectives (Alvarez & Barney,
mended but not demonstrated. Seeing someone 2007), our study addresses the next critical step in
who—like them—starts out small and overcomes advancing this research stream: Extending discov-
tremendous obstacles to succeed in the face of ad- ery and creation approaches to generate insights
versity is likely to enhance students’ beliefs in their into an important area that is in need of theoretical
abilities—or self-efficacy—with regard to entrepre- elaboration and empirical examination: entrepre-
neurial behavior. neurial behavior during industry emergence (Bird &
Schjoedt, 2009). Although the use of entrepreneuri-
Limitations al stories as text for qualitative entrepreneurship
Notwithstanding our interesting findings, our study research has begun to gain traction in the literature
has certain limitations that suggest avenues for fur- (Gartner, 2007, 2010b), our study goes one step
ther research. First, our study uses data derived from further and conducts a textual analysis of a film.
a film officially based on the book titled Fire in the Given the complexities associated with gaining ac-
Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer by Paul cess to historical data about industry emergence,
Freiberger and Michael Swaine. It is possible that qualitative research that analyzes texts (e.g., books,
looking at the PC industry through a different films, and magazines) may provide researchers with
worldview would uncover some different entrepre- a unique window into what happened during a new
neurial behaviors not covered in the PSV—the industry’s early years (Mezias & Kuperman, 2001).
“Rashoman effect,” which posits that people see and Thus, our research advances knowledge about en-
describe reality based on their unique filters trepreneurial behavior by capitalizing on well-
(Mittelmeier & Friedman, 1991). Future research regarded theoretical perspectives (Okhuysen &
may use other texts about the PC industry’s emer- Bonardi, 2011) and using an innovative methodolo-
gence, such as Accidental Empires (Cringley, 1992), or gy (Corner & Paclovich, 2007) to better understand
the 1996 PBS documentary derivative Triumph of the the complex and dynamic phenomenon of entre-
Nerds to further generate additional insights into en- preneurial behavior during industry emergence
trepreneurial behavior. (Gartner, 2007).
Second, following prior research, we treated the We encourage future research to extend the
two theoretical perspectives—discovery and crea- knowledge frontier by studying industry emergence in
tion—as distinct. Consequently, we did not consider other industrial and national contexts, using process-
the possibility of interaction between the two theo- theoretic methods such as the one presented here and
ries in our interpretation of the PSV episodes. It is variance-theoretic methods that are more common in
possible that had we focused from the outset on the entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurial behavior
intersection between discovery and creation, we in emergent industries is an important research topic,
would have identified novel findings that were not one that merits further research attention using differ-
uncovered by our current approach. Future research ent methodological approaches.
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This article benefited from comments and suggestions provided by conference attendees at the Eastern Academy
of Management. A prior version of this article was presented at the 2012 International Council for Small Business
Conference in New Zealand where it received the Best Paper Award in Methodology and Theory Development
track. The authors thank special issue editor Golshan Javadian and anonymous NEJE reviewers for critical feed-
back and suggestions during the review process. All errors and omissions remain our own.

About the Authors

ALKA GUPTA ( is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business and Eco-
nomics at Lynchburg College. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration (concentration in Organ-
izational Behavior and Leadership) from State University of New York at Binghamton. Her research inter-
ests include entrepreneurial orientation and focus on decision-making dynamics under crisis situations. She
has published in journals such as Organization Research Methods and Leadership Quarterly.

CHRISTOPH K. STREB ( earned his Ph.D. at the Jacobs University Bremen
(Germany) before taking up a professorship at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), next to
extended visiting professorships in China, India, Peru, and Egypt. During his career he has engaged in
several entrepreneurial activities on a multinational level, in the automotive, software, and publishing
industries. He also serves on the advisory board of a number of distinguished companies. At his current
position at the University of Luxembourg, he is researching the intersection of entrepreneurship and material cul-
ture from a business historical/archaeological perspective.

VISHAL K. GUPTA ( is Associate Professor in the School of Business Admin-

istration at the University of Mississippi. He received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management (with emphasis
in Entrepreneurship) from the University of Missouri. His professional experience includes starting or
managing businesses in machine tools, automobile ancillaries, and vocational training sectors.

ERIK MARKIN is a doctoral student of Management at the University of Mississippi. His areas of interest
include entrepreneurship and family business. He has owned and operated multiple small businesses, a
small business consultation, and instructed economics at the university level.


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