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Under Decision No.: ............................................

(Theo QĐ số:1465/QĐ-ĐHFPT ngày 26/12/2017)

Course Name
Tên môn học
Course Code
2 IBI101
Mã môn học
No of credits
3 3
Số tín chỉ
Degree Level
4 Bachelor level
Cấp độ
Time Allocation This course is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of
5 1 course = 30business
international sessions; 1 session
including the=techniques
90 minutesand strategies for entering
Phân bố giờ học
and doing business in the international marketplace, the impact and
Pre-requisite dynamics of socio-cultural, demographic, economic, and political-legal
6 Nil
Điều kiện tiên quyết factors in the foreign trade environment. Topics mainly include: (1) Explain
LO1 and why the globalization
Understand world's countries differ in termsbusiness
and international of the economics and
7 politics, culture ofthe
LO2 Understand international
key concepts trade of and investment.
international (2)and
trade Explain the
Mô tả
LO3 Distinguish of regional economic
international integration.
business (3) Identify
from domestics the key factors
impact future exchange
LO4 Understand rate movements
the cultural environmentand manage currency
of international risks (4)
LO5 the strategies
Understand politicaland
legal system of international
risks businesses (5)
LO6 the special
Understand theroles of an international
government intervention business's variousbusiness
in international functions
including global production,
LO7 Understand outsourcing, and
how internationalization logistics,
strategies canmarketing,
be appliedR&D, and
to deal
with ethical issues in different countries
LO8 Understand and recognize the ethical issues and ethical dilemma faced
by international business
LO9 Understand the reasons why government sometimes intervene in
international trade
LO10 Identify the policy instruments used by government to intervene in
international trade
LO11 Describe the different levels of regional economic integration
Learning Outcomes (LO) LO12 Understand the implications for businesses that are inherent in
Đầu ra regional economic integration
LO13 Understand why firms forecast exchange rates
LO14 Identify the key factors impact future exchange rate movements
LO15 Understand and manage currency risks
LO16 Understand strategy in the international context
LO17 Recognize competitive pressures exist in the global marketplace
LO18 Understand forms of entry strategies by firms to initiate international
business activities
LO19 Explain how organization can be matched to strategy to improve the
performance of an international business
LO20 Understand thefunctional strategies in international business including
production, outsourcing, logistics, Marketing, R&D and HRM.

- Attend more than 80% of contact hours in order to be accepted to the final
- Actively participate in class activities
- Fulfill tasks given by instructor after class
Student's tasks
9 - Use their own laptop in class only for learning purpose
Nhiệm vụ của sinh viên
- Read the textbook in advance
- Access the course website ( for up-to-date information
and material of the course, for online supports from teachers and other
students and for practicing and assessment.
Textbook: International Business Asia Global Edition 2e by Charles W. L.
Hill, Chow Hou Wee and Krishna Udayasankar; McGraw-Hill Publisher.
1)Wild & Wild, International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, 7E.
Prentice Hal, 2014.
2)Mike W. Peng, Global Strategy, 2nd edition, Cengage Publisher, 2013.
Teaching & Learning
10 Materials
Tài liệu học tập & giảng dạy
1) On-going assessment:
- Class participation/preparation: 10%
- Progress Test (3): 15% x 3
- Group Presentation: 15%
2) Final exam: 30%
Assessment structure Total 100%
Cấu trúc đánh giá
3) Completion Criteria:
Every on-going assessment component > 0; Final Result >=5 & Final
Exam Score >= 4

Scoring scale
12 10
Phổ điểm
Course Schedule
Lịch trình môn học
Phương pháp đánh giá

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1
Lưu ý: Khi sử dụng biểu mẫu, có thể thay thế logo tương ứng của khối.
Đề cương phê duyệt sẽ được gửi đến các bộ phận liên quan dưới dạng PDF.

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1

ITU levels
Learning Outcomes
(I= Introduce, T =
Session Topic/ Sub-topics Đầu ra Materials Activitiy
Buổi học Chủ đề chính/ chủ đề con (đảm bảo mỗi LO tối Tài liệu Hoạt động dạy và học
U = Utilize)
thiểu 1 lần T hoặc U)

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 1. Globalization Teacher's Presentation,
1 LO1, LO2, LO3 I,T PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Introduction (cont) Teacher's Presentation,
2 LO1, LO2, LO3 I,T PPT presentation, and
Chapter 1. Globalization Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 2. National Differences in Political Teacher's Presentation,
3 LO3, LO5, LO6 T,U PPT presentation, and
Economy Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 2. National Differences in Political Teacher's Presentation,
4 LO3, LO5, LO6 T,U PPT presentation, and
Economy (cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Teacher's Presentation,
5 Chapter 3. Differences in Culture LO3, LO4 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Teacher's Presentation,
6 Chapter 3. Differences in Culture (cont) LO3, LO4 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Teacher's Presentation,
7 Chapter 4. Ethics in International Business LO7, LO8 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 4. Ethics in International Business Teacher's Presentation,
8 LO7, LO8 T,U PPT presentation, and
(cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1
9 Review and Progress Test 1 LO3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 U

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 6: The Political Economy of Teacher's Presentation,
10 LO9, 10 T,U PPT presentation, and
International Trade Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 6: The Political Economy of Teacher's Presentation,
11 LO9,10 T,U PPT presentation, and
International Trade (cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Teacher's Presentation,
12 Chapter 8: Regional Economic Integration LO11, 12 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 8: Regional Economic Integration Teacher's Presentation,
13 LO11, 12 T,U PPT presentation, and
(cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Teacher's Presentation,
14 Chapter 9: The Foreign Exchange Market LO13, 14, 15 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 9: The Foreign Exchange Market Teacher's Presentation,
15 LO13, 14, 15 T,U PPT presentation, and
(cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 12. The Strategy of International Teacher's Presentation,
16 LO16, 17 T,U PPT presentation, and
Business Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 12. The Strategy of International Teacher's Presentation,
17 LO16, 17 T,U PPT presentation, and
Business (cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

LO11, 12, 13, 14,

18 Review and Progress Test 2 U
LO15, LO16, LO17

Group Presentation,
19,20 Group presentation LO10==>LO17 U

Chapter 13: The Organization of International

Textbooks, workbooks,
Business Teacher's Presentation,
21 LO19 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1
Chapter 13: The Organization of International
Textbooks, workbooks,
Business (cont) Teacher's Presentation,
22 LO19 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 14. Entry Strategy and Strategic Teacher's Presentation,
23 LO18 T,U PPT presentation, and
Alliances Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 14. Entry Strategy and Strategic Teacher's Presentation,
24 LO18 T,U PPT presentation, and
Alliances (cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
25 Review and Progress Test 3 LO18, LO19 U
Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 16: Global Production, Outsourcing, Teacher's Presentation,
26 LO20 T,U PPT presentation, and
and Logistics Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 16: Global Production, Outsourcing, Teacher's Presentation,
27 LO20 T,U PPT presentation, and
and Logistics (cont) Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 17. Global Marketing and R&D Teacher's Presentation,
28 LO20 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Textbooks, workbooks,
Chapter 17. Global Marketing and R&D (cont) Teacher's Presentation,
29 LO20 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources

Chapter 18: Global Human Resource Textbooks, workbooks,

Teacher's Presentation,
30 Management LO20 T,U PPT presentation, and
Discussion, Exercises.
other resources
Final Exam

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1
Progress test/ Lab/ Practice STRUCTURE/ CẤU TRÚC ĐÁNH GIÁ
test / Workshop/…..

Progress test 1,2,3/ Lab 1, Scope of knowledge and skill of
Assessment Learning Number of
Part Weight Duration 2,3,../Outcomes
…. Type of questions questions
Category questions
Phần Trọng số Thời lượng Loại câu hỏi Phạm vi kiến thức và kỹ năng của câu
Hạng mục đánh giá Đầu ra Số lượng câu hỏi

Test the acquainted knowledge which

Progress Test 1 15% 40'
user: LO3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 Multiple choice 60 questions
student obtained in the delivered chapters.
Weight for each par The whole class is
divided into groups.
LO11, 12, 13, 14, Each group is Test the acquainted knowledge which
Progress Test 2 15% 40' Multiple choice
assigned to the case 60 questions
15, 16, 17 student obtained in the delivered chapters.
study provided in
every chapter and
read the materials to Test the acquainted knowledge which
Progress Test 3 15% 40' LO18, LO19 Multiple choice
deliver one 60 questions
student obtained in the delivered chapters.
presentation about the
assigned case study
infront of the class in Based on the taught chapters of this course
45 minutes. The (cover both classical and modern theories of
Group Presentation 15% 90' LO10==>LO17
teacher will international trade as well as examine the
summarise the key efficient of trade policies)
Class participation and presentation/discussio
10% n in class is expected
to answer student's
about what they are The question will cover the lectures, class
Multiple choice
Final exam 30% 60' L018->20 not sure, not very discussions, activities, exercises, and
60 questions.
things mentioned in textbook.
Total 100% the materials.

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1 6/9

Lưu ý: Khi sử dụng biểu mẫu, có thể thay thế logo tương ứng của khối.

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1 7/9


Cách thức đánh
Ghi chú

Teacher is allowed to select which unit content

IOS user: (topic or learning
user:outcome) to focus on each
examination session.
in Class room/ how to score,
room/…. Teacher is allowed to select which unit content
IOS (topic or learning outcome) to focus on each
examination session.

Teacher is allowed to select which unit content

IOS (topic or learning outcome) to focus on each
examination session.

The mark will be given based on each student's

performance, not on the whole group's. It
means each student will get their own mark.

Participation grade will be given based on

students' preparation, quantity as well as group

Not allow to use any document/information in

Exam room
any form in exam room

02.01a-BM/CT/HDCV/FE 1/1 8/9

Intent: Touch on or briefly expose the students to this topic
Relationship to learning objectives: No specific learning objective of knowledge retention is linked to this t
Time: Typically less than one hour of dedicated lecture/discussion/laboratory time is spent on this topic

Relationship to assignments: No assignments/exercises/projects/homework are specifically linked to this

Relationship to assessment: This topic would probably not be assessed on a test or other evaluation instr

Example: At the beginning of class an example is given of the operation of an engineering system to mot
aspect of the design. But, no explicit discussion of the design or analysis of operation is presented
Example: An ethical problem or dilemma is presented to the students that sets the context for an example
lecture. But, no explicit treatment of ethics or its role in modern engineering practice is presented.

Intent: Really try to get students to learn new material
Relationship to Learning objective: is to advance at least one cognitive level (e.g. no exposure to knowled
knowledge to comprehension, comprehension to application, etc.)
Time: Typically 1 or more hours of dedicated lecture/discussion/laboratory time are spent on this topic:
Relationship to assignment: Assignments/exercises/projects/homework are specifically linked to this topic
Relationship to assessment: This topic would probably be assessed on a test or other evaluation instrume

Example: The process and methodology of product design are explicitly presented to and exercised by
students on a project or assignment.
Intent: Assumes the student already has a certain level of proficiency in this topic
Time: No time explicitly allotted to teaching this topic
Relationship to assessment:Tests are not designed to explicitly assess this topic
Example: When working in a laboratory session, students are expected to utilize their skills of
experimentation. But, no further explicit instruction on techniques of experimentation are given.

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