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Institute of Rural Management Anand

PGDM-RM42 – Term I –Mid Term Examination

< BSA>
<13th September 2021>
<Anvesh Verma, Roll Number: P42176>

Question Numbe r 2

All the innings were separated based on their venue that is home, away and neutral. For each case
the mean and standard deviation was found and used to standardize the runs scored. The
standardized values were hence arranged in descending order with the top 5 innings representing
the best performances of Sachin Tendulkar.

Question Numbe r 4

Answer (a) In place of histogram a line graph can be used to represent the fraequency/frequency
distribution for the given data.

Answer (b) For finding the outliers without the box and whiskers plot quartile function can be used.
We find the quartile 3 and quartile 1. Subtract q1 from q3 to get the IQR or the Inter Quartile
Range. Then we calculate the upper and lower limit using the formulae

Upper Limit = Q3+1.5*IQR

Lower Limit = Q1-1.5*IQR

The data that lies beyond the Lower and Upper Limit represents the Outliers. Since here we have
no such data hence we have no outliers.

Question Numbe r 3

Answer (a) In case a honey consignment is selected at random, since there is no additional
condition given it is 0.75 times or 75% probability that it was from Sitaram’s farm.

Answer (b) If there are 10000 honey consignments then 7500 will be from Sitaram, 1500 from
Sukhia and 1000 from Sundardas’ farm. Also given that 5% of Sitaram’s honey is adulterated while
it is 8 and 12% for Sukhia and Sundardas respectively therefore Sitaram, Sukhia and Sundardas
will have 375, 120 and 100 adulterated samples.

Therefore probability that adulterated honey is from Sitaram’s farm is –

P(Honey is adulterated and is from Sitaram’s Farm) = 375/(375+120+100) = 0.6302

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Institute of Rural Management Anand
PGDM-RM42 – Term I –Mid Term Examination
< BSA>
<13th September 2021>
<Anvesh Verma, Roll Number: P42176>

Question Numbe r 1

Answer – It is given that there will be four doors in the game show out of which 1 has a car while
the remaining three has goats. If a door is selected at random there is 25% chance according to the
player that there will be a car behind it. Now if two of the three unchosen doors having goats are
opened then the probability that the door first chosen by the player has car remains 25% but behind
the other door becomes 75%. Hence if each player chooses to change his choice there is 75%
chance of winning a car.

In the problem it is given that 260 players will be participating hence 75% of 260 ie 195 stand a
chance to win a car at max. One car costs $10176 while a goat costs $25. Also given is that 30% of
the advertisement and sponsorship can be received by Mr. Hall who is in a debt of $10000. This
means Mr. Hall can get $1.968 million before the expenditure on cars and goats is calculated. If the
cars are taken into count he will end up spending at least $1.984 million to gift to the winners.
Since Mr. Hall is already in debt of $10000 and the cost of goats has not be added to the given
expenditure his consultant should warn him against signing the agreement as it feels like a losing

Question Numbe r 5

Answer – The assumption made by the expert Arnab Goswani is that both the deaths are
independent and hence he has multiplied the probability of both the cases to come to the judgement
that the possibility of two deaths occurring is in 144 million. However Brugada syndrome causes
irregular hearbeat and hence it is possible that the death of her husband might have caused a shock
to the wife and she too died in a few days. Also there has been no factoring in of the old age of the
couple. Since both the parents of Cyrus were in their mid 70s it is possible that old age could have
been the factor that triggered the Brugada syndrome to act. The assumption should be made that the
death of the husband has affected and caused the death of the wife making Cyrus innocent.

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