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Springfield Nuclear Energy Inc. bonds are currently trading at ​$683.46.

The bonds have a face value of ​$1,000​, a coupon rate o

Solve for Rate in excel enter Nper=10, PV=-683.46, pmt=1.5%*1000 =15, fv=1000
Rate 5.75%
YTM 5.75%

Consider an annual coupon bond with a face value of ​$100​, 55 years to​maturity, and a price of ​$77. The coupon rate on the b

solve for FV of couopons $197.17

fv of bond at maturity $ 100.00
total money $297.17

What is the price of a 4​-year, 8.1% coupon​rate, $1,000 face value bond that pays interest quarterly if the yield to maturity on
solve PV of payments
rate=ytm 2.93%
nper 16
pmt =coupons -20.25
fv -1000
Price $886.30

What is the yield to maturity of a 9.4% semiannual coupon bond with a face value of​$1,000 selling for $875.82 that matures i
solve for rate
nper= 2*11 22
pmt=9.4%*1000/2 47
PV -875.82
FV 1000
Rate 5.70%
Yield to maturity 5.70%

Wee Beastie Animal Farm bonds have 7 years to maturity and pay an annual coupon at the rate of 5.7%. The face value of the
Capital gain yield = YTM- Current yield
current yield 0.053573
YTM 0.0461
Capital gain yield = -0.747%

A 11​-year bond pays interest of $28.10 ​semiannually, has a face value of $1,000​, and is selling for $788.07. What are its annua
coupon rate 5.620%
Yield to Maturity
solve for rate enter nper 2*11=22, pmt=28.1, pv 788.07, fv 1000
Rate 4.3220%
Yield to Maturity=rate *2 as 8.644%
Acme Inc. just issued a bond with a​$10,000 face value and a coupon rate of​7%. If the bond has a life of 30​years, pays semim
rate=ytm/2 as it is semi annual 4.50%
nper =2*30 60
pmt= 7%*10,000/2 -350
Fv -10,000
PV $7,936.20

You have just purchased a 15minus−​year, ​$1,000 par value US Government bond for​$909.20. The yield to maturity on the bo
solve for pmt then divide the answer by 1000 enter rate 8.6%, nper=15, pv=-909.2, Fv =1000
pmt $75.00
The Federal Government 2minus−year coupon bond has a face value of​$1,000 and pays annual coupons of​$33. The next cou

Rate =ytm 2 yr gov bond 4.50%

Nper 2
pmt 33
Fv 1000
PV $977.53
Price $977.53
A bond with an annual coupon of​$100 originally sold at par for​$1,000. The current yield to maturity on this bond is​9%. Assum
value of ​$1,000​, a coupon rate of 1.5​% with coupons paid​annually, and they mature in 10 years. What is the yield to maturity of the​bond

f ​$77. The coupon rate on the bond is 2​%. If you can reinvest coupons at a rate of 2​% per​annum, then how much money do you have if yo

rterly if the yield to maturity on similar bonds is 11.7% ​?

elling for $875.82 that matures in 11 ​years?

e of 5.7%. The face value of the bonds is $1,000. The price of the bonds is $1,063.97 to yield 4.61%. What is the capital gain yield on the ​b

for $788.07. What are its annual coupon rate and yield to​maturity?

as a life of 30​years, pays semiminus−annual ​coupons, and the yield to maturity is​9%, what will the bond sell​for?
The yield to maturity on the bond is​8.6%. What is the coupon​rate?

al coupons of​$33. The next coupon is due in one year.​Currently, the one and twominus−year spot rates on Federal Government zero cou

aturity on this bond is​9%. Assuming no change in​risk, this bond would sell at a​_____higher price than par________ in order to compensa
yield to maturity of the​bonds?

much money do you have if you hold the bond to​maturity? 

the capital gain yield on the ​bonds?

Federal Government zero coupon bonds are​4% and​4.5%. What is the correct price for the coupon bond at time zero​(immediately)?

_______ in order to compensate​_________for lower yield______________.

time zero​(immediately)?

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