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The researcahes would like to express their genuine appreciation and gratitude to the following persons
whom they owe a lot, for the assistance and making the researchers work a great success.

First and foremost to Almighty God, for His measurable guidance and wisdom, for giving the brilliance of
ideas and for answering all their prayers everyday. He who made all things possible;

To their most loving and caring parents, for their love and support while conducting the study, especially
on financial and morale support which made the study possible;

To their thesis adviser, Engr. Margery A. Altavano, for always helping them each time they needed her
guidance which became a great help for the researchers. Lastly, a deepest gratitude for helping them
walk through the path of success;

To their panel chairman, name, to their panel members, name,name for their significantly remarkable
suggestions and recommendations which truly help improve the research study.

To their research professor, Roland M. Llona, for his pieces of advice and for guiding them in building
them several ideas about the study; all the tips and techniques in conducting a research work;

To all of their professors in Civil Technology course, for teaching them the fundamentals knowledge
related to the subject; this wisdom gave them foundation in order to create such brilliant ideas;

To the Dean of BUCIT, Dr. Jonathan

To the respondents of this research work, for their full hearted cooperation on the assessment of the

To their classmates, who gave so much for their study, for the support and shared knowledge that made
their work a great success. Also, for those persons who challenge them that gave them the will to prove
they made a worthy research; all of them who serve as a motivation that made the researchers reach
the peak of success.


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