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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148


Capacitive gas and vapor sensors using nanomaterials

P. Bindra1 · A. Hazra1 

Received: 18 October 2017 / Accepted: 14 January 2018 / Published online: 29 January 2018
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

An immense number of sensors has been reported in the literature employing various methods for the detection of different
gases and vapors. This article summarizes those sensors whose sensing layer is made up of nanostructured materials and a
change in capacitance value of device is the key parameter for detecting a gas or vapor. Now-a-days, capacitive sensors are
emerging as they consume less power, operate well at room temperature and show decent response and recovery time. The
sensing principles, configurations, mechanisms and performances of capacitive sensors based on different nanostructures are
summarized and discussed in the current article. Emerging carbon based nanomaterials like carbon nanotube and graphene
are also highlighted for capacitive mode detection of gases and vapors. Finally, an outlook of primary challenges in this field
are identified and discussed at the end of the review.

1 Introduction transfer of charges between sensing layer and contact elec-

trodes that is susceptible to flicker (1/f) noise and incomplete
The growing awareness of environmental problems has recovery of charges [12]. However, detection mechanism
accelerated the research and development in gas and vapor in a capacitive sensor is principally dominated by tracking
sensing field and thus many high performing gas and vapor change in dielectric property of sensing layer and does not
detection techniques have been developed [1]. Essentially, involve any transportation of charges. Thus, it provides more
a gas/vapor sensor has an element that converts amount of sensitivity and reliability for chemical detection [13]. Also,
adsorbed gas/vapor into an electronic signal. These sen- capacitive sensors consume no static power and thus are very
sors have different categories including resistive type that much in demand in energy constrained environment [14].
tracks change in resistance [2] of sensing layer, capacitive Also, in past few decades, there has been growing inter-
type that monitors change in dielectric property of sensing est in fabricating gas and vapor sensors using different
layer [3–5] and mechanical type that detects change in mass nanomaterials like metal oxide nanostructures [15], carbon
of sensor [6, 7] etc. Among these, capacitive sensors have nanotubes [16], organic/inorganic composite materials [17,
gained a great interest owing to their unique properties like 18], polymers [19] etc. Nanomaterials offer large effective
less temperature dependency that offers thermal stability [8], surface area [20], high quality crystal lattice [21], high car-
linear response and low power requirement [9]. The general rier mobility [22] etc. Sensors incorporating nanomaterials
structure of capacitive sensor includes two electrodes and significantly improve the thermal and chemical stability, sen-
a dielectric layer sandwiched in between them. Electrodes sitivity and selectivity performance [23–25]. Different nano-
of capacitive sensors can have two type of geometries: (i) materials like ZnO nanorods [26], carbon nanotubes (CNT)
two parallel plate electrodes and (ii) interdigital electrodes [27], ­TiO2 nanotubes [28], silicon nanowires (Si-NW) [29],
(IDE) [10, 11]. Silicon nanopillar arrays (Si-NPA) [30], Cu-BTC nanopar-
Capacitive gas/vapor sensors have also specific advan- ticles [31], ­SnO2 nanofibers [32] etc. were used as sensing
tages over resistive devices. Resistive sensors rely on the material in capacitive sensors. However, miniaturization
in nanometers regime exhibited many technical challenges
where reliable and consistent fabrication of nanostructured
* A. Hazra materials are difficult [33]. Capacitive sensors were demonstrated to sense many
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla
gases like H­ 2, ­O2, ­NH3, ­NO2 [34–40], ­NH3, volatile organic
Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)-Pilani, Vidya compounds (VOCs) like ethanol, methanol, formic acid
Vihar, Pilani, Rajasthan 333031, India


6130 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

etc. [11, 12, 41] and relative humidity (RH) [30]. Since, the 2 Device structures and working principle
review is about sensing of both gases and vapors, a brief of capacitive sensors
difference between these two terms is important to mention
here. Critical temperature, ­Tc, is defined as the tempera- In gas and vapor sensor devices, some of its intrinsic proper-
ture above which a gas can’t be liquefied by applying pres- ties vary as a function of concentration of gas and vapor. For
sure and this temperature is generally used to differentiate capacitive sensors, capacitance value of the device changes
between a gas and a vapor. In general, gas is a state of matter in the exposure of different gases and vapors [35]. Capaci-
that has a single and stable thermodynamic state crossing tive sensor offers simple structure with high reliability, low
its critical temperature [42]. As the critical temperature of fabrication cost and better selectivity [44–47].
­H2 and O ­ 2 is much lower than room temperature, they are Two types of device structures i.e. metal–oxide–semicon-
considered as pure gases at room temperature. However, the ductor (MOS) and metal–oxide–metal (MOM) were reported
term “vapor” is used to describe a state of substance which mostly for capacitive mode gas/vapor sensing [27–30].
has not crossed its critical temperature yet and its gaseous Figure 1a, b shows the schematic of both MOS and MOM
phase is in equilibrium with its liquid phase [42]. As an structure respectively. In general, capacitive mode sensors
example, critical temperature of water is much higher than follow the formula of parallel plate capacitance as expressed
room temperature and thus water molecules in gaseous state in Eq. 1 [46]:
at room temperature is known as vapor. Also, RH is defined
𝜀 0 𝜀r
as the ratio of actual vapor pressure to the saturated vapor C= A (1)
pressure at a given temperature and usually denoted in terms d
of percentage [43]. where, ε0 = 8.8541878176 × 10−12 F/m is the vacuum permit-
This review article discusses the current status of capaci- tivity, εr is the relative permittivity of the dielectric layer, A
tive gas and vapor sensors employing various nanomaterials. is the plate area, and d is the distance between two paral-
Firstly, the basic device structures and sensing mechanisms lel plates that can be treated as thickness of the dielectric
of capacitive sensors are described and then an overview of layer [46]. For capacitive sensing, target gas and vapor must
different nanomaterials for capacitive sensor is presented. induce any variation in εr, A, or d value of the sensor. Capac-
Various performance parameters of sensor devices are criti- itance of a sensor device principally increases or decreases
cally analysed for each nanomaterial considering the tech- depending on the dielectric properties of sensing layer and
nological advancement, limitations and future prospects. At target vapor. Humidity is omnipresent in the atmosphere and
the end of the review, a comparative sensing performance of can severely affects the capacitive sensor performance in
multiple capacitive sensors in tabular form is represented to terms of sensitivity, response and recovery time. In general,
get an overview of their strengths and weaknesses. dielectric constant of water and dry air at room temperature

Fig. 1  Basic device structure for capacitive sensing: a MOS structure, b MOM structure

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6131

are 80 and 1 respectively [48] and it is observed that die-

lectric constant of the sensing layer increases as moisture/
humidity level increases for any operating frequency.
Major dependency on the dielectric property of the target
vapors make the capacitive device more selective towards
particular target species [49]. Apart from dielectric property
of target vapor, structural properties of the sensing layer also
play a significant role. As the effective surface area or sur-
face to volume ratio (SVR) increases towards lower dimen-
sions, capacitive sensing improves significantly in case of
nanostructured materials. Porous nanostructures offer large
free space which enhances the accumulation possibility
of target vapor on the sensing layer surface enhancing the
capacitive response of the sensor device [50]. Thus, nano-
structured materials like nanotubes, nanowires, nanorods, Fig. 2  C–V plot of Ni/SiO2/Si device for ­H2 detection. Reproduced
nanopillar arrays, nanoparticles etc. were reported as the from Ref. [51] with permission from Elsevier
promising sensing layer in capacitive mode sensor devices
[15, 19, 26]. The impact of these nanostructures in capaci- Conventionally, MOS capacitance is considered as the
tive mode sensing is discussed in Sect. 3. series combination of oxide capacitance ­(Cox) and deple-
Sensing mechanism of capacitive sensors can be tion capacitance ­( C d). ­C ox principally depends on the
explained with two different approaches i.e. (i) ‘pure capaci- dielectric property of the sensing layer (oxide layer) that
tive approach’ where only change of device capacitance is can be modulated in presence of target gas/vapor (Eq. 1).
considered in the exposure of different gases and vapors; and Depletion capacitance ­( C d) can be represented in Eq. 2
(ii) ‘impedance analysis approach’ where both resistive and as a function of surface potential (ΨS) that may also be
capacitive changes are considered in presence of gases and modulated by the metal work function in the exposure of
vapors in form of an equivalent circuit model. target gas/vapor [55].

𝜀 0 𝜀s q𝜀0 𝜀s ND
2.1 Pure capacitive approach Cd = A= A (2)
W 2𝜓S

In MOS sensor structure, device capacitance may change where W is the depletion width and N ­ D is the doping density
due to the physisorption/chemisorption of gas/vapor mol- of semiconductor layer.
ecules at metal interface and thus changing the work func- Another Ni/SiO2/Si MOS structure was reported in ref-
tion of metal plate. So, the flat band voltage of the device erence [56] for capacitive mode detection of H ­ 2 as shown
may change which alters the thickness of depletion layer in in Fig. 3. Detection range was 50–1000 ppm of ­H2 mixed
semiconductor from oxide–semiconductor interface. Thus, with ­N 2 (as a carrier gas) at 140  °C and 100  kHz fre-
capacitance of device changes which can be observed from quency [56]. However, sensor response was decreased with
the capacitance–voltage (C–V) plot. Figure 2 shows a C–V increase in oxide thickness as the trap state density reduces
plot for Ni/SiO2/Si, MOS sensor device towards ­H2 concen- with increase in oxide thickness. Since, most of the trap
tration from 50 to 1000 ppm [51]. states present only in the surface of S ­ iO2 and bulk trap
Usually, noble metals are preferred for the metal plates density decreases from S ­ iO2 surface to bulk. So, increase
to avoid any oxidation possibility at the metal surface. Pd, of oxide thickness has less contribution in providing trap
Pt and Au are the most commonly used top metals as these states [56].
metals can adsorb gases like H ­ 2, ­NO x, ­S O x, ­C H 4, ­S iH 4 In MOM sensor structures, oxide layer is directly
etc. [52–54]. Also, due to the catalytic property of metal responsible for the capacitive changes. In presence of tar-
atoms, gas molecules get easily dissociate into atoms. get gas/vapor, dielectric property of the sensing layer var-
These atoms get dissolved into the noble metal surface ies changing the overall device capacitance. In one mech-
and become polarized to form a dipole layer which results anism, high dielectric (greater than dry air) vapors are
in the shift of flat band voltage of the MOS device. For incorporated in the free space (pore region) of the sensing
the detection of ­H2, Pt and Pd are the two most commonly layer, adsorbed to sensing layer surface and enhance the
used metal plates. However, Pd is used more often for dielectric value of the medium between two electrodes.
detecting ­H2 at low concentration and Pt at high concen- In another mechanism, vertical filed applied between two
tration [52].


6132 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

2.2 Impedance analysis approach

To understand the mechanism involved in capacitive gas/

vapor sensor, the knowledge of physics of dielectric mate-
rial is essential. This section of article overviews the gen-
eral mechanism of capacitive sensor correlated with sensor
structure, equivalent electrical circuit model and impedance
analysis. Relative permittivity of a material has a complex
value having real part (εre) due to dielectric permittivity and
imaginary part (εim) due to dielectric loss and is given by
Eq. (3a) and (3b) [56].
ε = εre + jεim (3a)
Fig. 3  Ni/SiO2/Si MOS structure for capacitive mode H
­ 2 detection. 𝜎
Reproduced from Ref. [56] with permission from Elsevier = εre + j (3b)

where j = −1 , σ is conductance of the material, ω is
electrodes are varied because of horizontal filed originated angular frequency of signal, and ε0 is dielectric permittiv-
by the surface adsorption and desorption of the gas and ity of vacuum. Dielectric loss measures electrical energy
vapor molecules and overall device capacitance changes. loss in dielectric medium when an alternating electric field
Thus, nanostructured materials offer high effective surface is applied. Since capacitive sensor generally measures the
area, gas/vapor incorporation possibility and horizontal change in dielectric constant value for sensing purpose thus
field effect which extensively enhances the potential of impedance analysis technique is usually adapted to measure
capacitive sensing. the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant at
To make capacitive sensors more sensitive towards various frequencies [56, 58]. Device impedance can be rep-
the target gas/vapor, digitized metal electrode can also be resented by a series or parallel combination of capacitance
employed at the top of MOM structure as shown in Fig. 4. and resistance and the equivalent circuit (Fig. 5a) can be
Capacitive sensors based on digitized metal electrode exhibit modeled by measuring the frequency response of the device.
high sensitivity as vapor/gas gets extra surface area for the Cole–cole plot in Fig. 5b helps in determining the discrete
interaction with sensing layer [11, 57]. Though the digitized values of resistance and capacitance [22]. In most of the
electrode structure is complicated to design but could offer capacitive sensor, a semicircle plot of impedance exists as
significant improvement in capacitive sensing especially for shown in Fig. 5b and it can be interpreted as an electrical
the nanoporous sensing layer [53]. circuit shown in Fig. 5a.
In Fig. 5a, ­R1 is the contact resistance between sens-
ing layer and electrode, R­ 2 represents resistance of sensing
layer and ­C1 represents capacitance of sensing layer. At low

Fig. 4  Capacitive sensor with digitized top metal electrode

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6133

Fig. 5  a Equivalent electrical circuit model and b corresponding cole–cole plot of the equivalent circuit

frequency, ω→0 and thus reactance part tends to infinity. 3 Nanostructured materials in capacitive
Thus, capacitor branch of the circuit behaves as an open sensing
circuit and the net impedance of device become maximum
­(R1 + R2) which is plotted at ω = 0 i.e. the right most inter- Nanostructured materials are widely used in capacitive gas
cept of impedance value on x-axis. At very high frequency, and vapor sensor devices [29, 61–79]. Nanomaterials offer
ω→∞ and thus reactance part tends to zero and capacitor (i) very high surface to volume ratio (SVR) and (ii) free
branch behaves as short circuit. Thus, the net impedance porous region in it. High SVR accelerate the physisorption/
of device become minimum ­(R1) which is plotted at ω = ∞ chemisorption process that helps to accumulate gas/vapor
i.e. the left most intercept of impedance value on x-axis. To molecules inside the nanomaterial. This phenomenon also
measure the capacitance of device (C), the relation ωr = 1/ changes the dielectric property of free space inside the nano-
R2C is used where ωr is that value of angular frequency material which alters the device capacitance significantly.
where magnitude of imaginary impedance is maximum Potentiality of different nanomaterials in capacitive gas/
[59]. In some other reports, this semicircle is connected with vapor sensing is represented in this section.
another line or semicircle which represents addition of other
electrical components in equivalent circuit [60]. To under- 3.1 Nanopillar arrays
stand this concept more precisely, complex impedance plots
for ­ZrO2 nanoparticles under various RH levels have been Nanopillar array (NPA) has a unique hierarchical structure
represented in Fig. 6 and its mechanism can be explained by which is suitable for capacitive sensor devices as shown
using concepts of interfacial space charge polarization [61]. in Fig. 7 [62]. Due to the array like structure, vapors can
Impedance plots in Fig. 6a–e envisage that when RH level easily enter and exit through valleys and device can offer
is less, only one semicircle is observed on the cole–cole improvised response and recovery time [59]. In this nano-
plot and as RH level increases, this semicircle starts getting structure, valley is formed around nano pillars which are
smaller and in addition to that a liner response of imped- well connected to each other and make a channel network.
ance with frequency is observed. At low RH, conduction Thus, transport of gas/vapor molecules become faster lead-
process is principally governed by electrons injected from ing towards higher adsorption and desorption of target gas/
sensing layer and charged carriers due to H­ 3O+ ions [61]. As vapor molecules [59]. Silicon NPA is one of the most popu-
RH level increases, more water gets adsorbed to the sens- lar nanostructure because of its porous and spongy structure
ing layer surface which decreases the resistance of sensing that makes it more suitable for capacitive type gas/vapor
layer ­(R2) and hence lowering the diameter of semicircle. sensor [63].
At the same time, increased RH level in the void regions of X.J. Li et al. reported Si-NPA based capacitive sensor
sensing layer enhances the sensor capacitance (C). Incre- devices where Si-NPA was used as the dielectric layer over
ment in adsorbed water hydrated ­H3O+ ions and thus a large p-Si substrate with comb like Al as top electrode and Al
amount of ­H+ ions are available for the conduction. These layer as bottom electrode as shown in Fig. 8a [50]. Sen-
ions dominate the conduction process over injected electrons sor was used for ethanol vapor detection at room tem-
and hence another semicircle gets appear in cole–cole plot perature in capacitive mode. Capacitance as a function of
as shown in in Fig. 6b–e [22, 54, 61]. ethanol concentration is represented in Fig. 8b showing the
monotonic increment of device capacitance with ethanol


6134 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

Fig. 6  Complex impedance plots for various relative humidity (RH) levels for ­ZrO2 nanoparticle based sensor. Reproduced from Ref. [61] with
permission from Elsevier

concentration (0–500 pm). Proposed mechanism suggested energy. Thus, physisorption of ethanol vapors in the voids
that the change of dielectric value was responsible for the and pore walls of Si-NPA might be the dominant factor for
capacitive response. However, ethanol molecules can inter- the change of dielectric value as well as the sensor response
act with dielectric layer in two ways (i) chemisorption and [50].
(ii) physisorption where chemisorption requires high energy However, Si-NPA alone is seldom used in gas/vapor
to overcome the adsorption activation energy. As the experi- sensor because of it gets oxidized easily in the presence
ments were performed at room temperature, possibility of of air and humidity and hence offers poor device stability
chemisorption was limited because of insufficient thermal [64]. Therefore, various layers of different materials were

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6135

deposited over Si-NPA for better response and stability. But,

faster response and recovery time offered by Si-NPA sensor
was somehow sacrificed.
In one approach, S­ nO2:Sn composite was deposited on Si-
NPA (Fig. 9a) using vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) technique for
capacitive mode humidity sensing at room temperature [65].
Use of ­SnO2: Sn composite on Si-NPA offered response/
recovery time of 20/20 s at 1 kHz (Fig. 10a) that was compa-
rable with response/recovery time of Si-NPA only (5/15 s).
Unique surface morphology of ­SnO2: Sn/Si-NPA provided
higher surface area and the valleys surrounding by the pillars
offered easy transportation of vapors inside the nanostruc-
ture. Therefore, adsorption and desorption rate of vapor get
increased which leads to faster response and recovery time
In an another structure, nanowire silicon carbide (NW-
SiC) was deposited on Si-NPA through chemical vapor dep-
Fig. 7  Field emission scanning electron micrograph (FESEM) of Sili- osition (Fig. 9b) for analyzing capacitive humidity response
con Nanopillar arrays (Si-NPA). Reproduced from Ref. [62] with per-
mission from Elsevier [68]. NW-SiC as a dielectric material introduced high ther-
mal and chemical stability, large surface area and high aspect
ratio [68–72] that makes the sensor suitable for use in harsh

Fig. 8  a Schematic of capacitive sensor devices by using Silicon nanopillar array (Si-NPA) and b capacitance as a function of ethanol concentra-
tion. Reproduced from Ref. [50] with permission from Elsevier

Fig. 9  FESEM images of other material decorated Si-NPA: a ­SnO2:Sn/Si-NPA [65], b nanowires silicon carbide (NW-SiC)/Si-NPA [68], c ZnO
cauliflowers decorated Si-NPA (ZnO/Si-NPA) [59]. Reproduced from Ref. [59, 65, 68] with permission from Elsevier


6136 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

Fig. 10  Repeated cycle characteristics of a ­SnO2: Sn/Si-NPA [65], b NW-SiC/Si-NPA [68], c ZnO/Si-NPA [59] based capacitive sensor. Repro-
duced from Ref. [59, 65, 68] with permission from Elsevier

chemical conditions and at high operating temperature.

This type of structure also showed highly stable capacitive
response towards humidity with insignificant response varia-
tion of 0.7 and 0.9% for 6 and 12 months, respectively. At the
same time, NW-SiC/Si-NPA based humidity sensor offered
moderate response/recovery time of 105/85 s as shown in
repeated cycle characteristics in Fig. 10b [68].
Response and recovery time were improved significantly
in ZnO cauliflowers decorated Si-NPA based capacitive
mode humidity sensor where ZnO cauliflowers were depos-
ited by CVD method on Si-NPA as shown in Fig. 9c [59].
Response/recovery time was recorded for ZnO/Si-NPA [59]
as 20/3 s (Fig. 10c) which showed better performance than
other nanostructures involving ZnO like ZnO nanotetrapads
(36/17 s) [73], ZnO colloidal nanocrystal (50/6 s) [74] and
ZnO naorods (5/10 s) [75] etc. However, ZnO/Si-NPA struc-
ture was suffered from instability issue as there was a varia-
tion of 3.78% in response of capacitive sensor after 50 days
of storage in ambient air having RH of 11.35% [59].

3.2 Nanowires

Nanowires are one of the important nanostructure, reported

largely for capacitive mode gas/vapor sensing [76]. Si
nanowire (SiNW) and SiNW coated by other materials were Fig. 11  FE-SEM image of Silicon Nanowires (SiNWs): a top view,
reported mostly for capacitive mode detection [29, 76–79]. b sectional view. Reproduced from Ref. [76] with permission from
Top and sectional view of SiNW are shown in Fig. 11a, b, Elsevier
SiNW offers few specific advantages like high surface to
volume ratio, good wettability and chemisorption proper- C was increased non-linearly showing the capacitive sen-
ties [8]. Also, well established growth techniques, biocom- sitivity of 20.88% at RH level of 45 and 54.20% at RH
patibility and controllable physical and electrical proper- level of 95%. On the other hand, sensor response time
ties make SiNW suitable for efficient capacitive sensing was increased from low density SiNW (~ 150 s) to high
[79]. High density and doped SiNW were also used for density SiNW (300 s) and get further increased for doped
enhancing the sensitivity of capacitive sensors. For various SiNW (1500 s) [8].
RH values, capacitance (C) of sensor was measured and SiNW surface is hydrophilic in nature due to the presence
it was found that C increased monotonically with RH for of hydroxyl group (Si–OH) at SiNW interface which dete-
high density SiNW sensor [68]. For doped SiNW sensor, riorates the performance of sensor. Therefore, in one of the

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6137

approach, Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) was coated over SiNW and ­SiNix phases were formed on surface. Therefore,
the surface of SiNW which made the surface hydrophobic the surface become rough and more adsorption of vapors
due to the termination of methyl group from HMDS mon- occurred [76].
olayer that improves the adsorption/desorption rate of sen- ZnO nanorod/SiNW nanocomposites (Fig. 13c) were
sor [78]. Schematic of HMDS coated SiNW based humidity also synthesized for efficient capacitive mode humidity
sensor device with digitized top metal electrode is shown in sensing where maximum capacitance change was recorded
Fig. 12 [78]. from 2.4 to 64.4 nF for the RH level change of 11.30 to
Figure 13a–c shows FESEM images of modified struc- 97.69% respectively [67]. One of the key advantage of ZnO
tures of SiNW viz, (a) HMDS modified SiNW [78], (b) Ni/ modification over SiNW was that it offered large number
SiNW nanocomposites [76] and (c) nanorods on SiNW [67]. of hydroxyl groups which increased the adsorption rate of
Morphological properties of SiNW were changed by these water vapors on the sensor surface. Response/recovery time
modification methods enhancing the sensor performance of 26/7 s for ZnO/SiNW nanocomposites was found to be
towards humidity. Nickel coated SiNW or Ni/SiNWs nao- the best figures in comparison of other nanowire structures
composites (Fig. 13b) humidity sensor exhibited high sen- reviewed in this study [64, 75, 78].
sitivity and fast response compared to simple SiNW. Due to
Ni coating, distance between SiNWs was decreased effec-
tively and capacitance of sensor increased [76]. Due to the 3.3 Nanorods
annealing, Ni ions were started to diffuse on the surface of
Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods (NR) are frequently used in
capacitive mode gas/vapor detection because of its high ther-
mal stability and well established growth technique [80, 81].
Usually, ZnO nanorods (Fig. 14a, b) has been synthesized by
chemical bath deposition (CBD) method [80, 81].
ZnO nanorods were grown on ITO coated glass substrate
by CBD method and sandwich device was developed by
using two squared Ag electrodes as shown in Fig. 15a [79].
Growth mechanism of ZnO–NR was also studied and it was
found that diameter of NR increased from 200 to 250 nm as
seed layer thickness increased from 50 to 200 nm. Device
having the lowest density of ZnO NRs showed maximum
capacitive response [79].
A device having less density of NRs offers maximum
free space that can be filled with air initially and hence water
Fig. 12  Schematic diagram of HMDS coated SiNW humidity sensor. molecules (for humidity sensing) can replace the air and thus
Reproduced from Ref. [78] with permission from Elsevier change in the capacitance value would be more. In case of

Fig. 13  FE-SEM of surface modified SiNW: a Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) coated SiNW [78]: b Ni/SiNW nanocomposites [76] and c ZnO
nanorods on SiNW [67]. Reproduced from Ref. [67, 76, 78] with permission from Elsevier


6138 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

Fig. 14  FE-SEM image of ZnO naorod by CBD method a surface view, b cross sectional view. Reproduced from Ref. [80] with permission from

Fig. 15  a Schematic drawing of

ZnO nanorods based capaci-
tive sensor devices, b transient
response of the sensor at dif-
ferent RHs. Reproduced from
Ref. [79] with permission from

high density of NRs, most of the space is filled by NRs having The increment of sensor capacitance with ethanol concentra-
dielectric constant value higher than air but less than water tion can be explained by Eq. 4 [81].
molecules. So, the baseline capacitance of device having high
density NRs becomes more than the device having less density
n 2
of NRs. Thus, the net change of capacitance (∆C) in presence C∝
of water molecules become less in case of high density NRs
because of unavailability of sufficient free space to occupy. where C represents capacitance, n is electron concentra-
Hence, sensitivity (∆C/C) must be sacrificed in case of high tion and V
­ b is barrier potential. Since, fabricated ZnO NRs
density NRs. Figure 15b shows the linear increment of sensi- were n-type in nature due to native defects, its surface got
tivity with increase of RH level for ZnO NRs based capacitive depleted in presence of air as oxygen molecules capture free
sensor [81]. electrons from the surface. Thus, n value decreased and ­Vb
Xiaoyan et al. [81] fabricated ZnO nanorods by hydro- increased which results in the decrement of device capaci-
thermal synthesis where Ag paste was used as the electrodes tance in presence of air. When reductive ethanol vapor came
material. Sensor showed a maximum capacitance change in contact of ZnO NR surface, it reduced oxygen molecules
(∆C/C) of 122% towards 20 ppm ethanol. Furthermore, sen- from surface which resulted in the releasing of trapped
sor capacitance was increased with ethanol concentration at electrons and hence n value increased. Since, this process
low frequency (below 1 kHz) but no significant change was reduced the depletion width and hence potential barrier, V­ b,
observed at high frequency (above 1 kHz) as shown in Fig. 16. across grain–grain contact also reduced. Thus, according to

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6139

humidity sensor was also reported where porous T ­ iO2 was

prepared by using sol–gel template process [86]. Sensor was
suitable to sense humidity level greater than 33% at 100 Hz
with relatively faster response and recovery time of 5 and
8 s, respectively.
SnO2 nanofibers provide rough porous structure in the
fiber network where transfer of sensing mass is faster due to
the one dimensional (1-D) nanostructure [32, 82]. To further
improve the performance of S ­ nO2 based humidity sensor in
terms of sensitivity, KCl doped ­SnO2 nanofibers based sen-
sor (Fig. 17b) was used to get extra sites for adsorbing water
molecules. KCl (source of alkali ions) was doped with ­SnO2
nanofibers using electrospinning technique [82, 87] and then
it was mixed with DI water to form a paste. This paste was
Fig. 16  Capacitance of the ZnO nanorod as a function of ethanol
vapor concentration at different frequencies. Reproduced from Ref. put on a ceramic substrate using screen printing method and
[81] with permission from Elsevier Ag-Pd electrodes were used for the contacts. Impedance of
the sensor was decreased from ­108 to 1­ 03 Ω when RH level
was increased from 11 to 95% at 100 Hz [82].
Eq. 4, C value increased with increase in ethanol concen- Anodically grown ­TiO2 nanotubes array (Fig. 17c, d) was
tration because of increment in n and decrement in ­Vb. No reported for the capacitive mode detection of benzene, tolu-
significant increment of capacitances was observed at higher ene and xylene (BTX) sensing [83]. Capacitive structure
ethanol concentration at higher frequency because of insuffi- was developed by considering Ti substrate (or Ti foil) as the
cient settling time of polarization of adsorbed vapor [82]. At bottom electrode and physically deposited Ti metal as the
high frequency, it became difficult for charges to change the top electrode [83]. A physical modeling was also developed
direction with electric field and thus polarization remained by the authors to calculate surface to volume ratio (SVR) of
constant offering almost constant capacitance value [61, 82]. nanotube and capacitive response magnitude of the sensor
and it was found that the SVR was independent of nano-
3.4 Nanoparticles, nanofibers and nanotubes tube’s length. Equivalent circuit model shown in Fig. 19 was
constructed with two capacitances; one originated from air/
Other nanostructures like nanoparticles [14], nanofibers VOC in the free space of nanotube (i.e. pore and void region)
[82], nanotubes [83] etc. provide high porosity and high and another originated from the ­TiO2 solid. These sensors
effective surface area and consequently used in capacitive were used to detect BTX i.e. benzene, toluene and xylene
mode detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like and showed response magnitude of 14.33, 9.86 and 8.93%
methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, benzene- toluene- at 150 °C, respectively [83].
xylene (BTX) etc.
Copper-benzene tricarboxylate ­[Cu 3(BTC) 2], one of
the most studied metal organic frameworks (MOFs) was 4 Carbon based nanomaterials
reported for capacitive mode humidity sensor [84, 85]. for capacitive sensing
Cu-BTC is non-toxic in nature having regular pores with
material specific adsorption characteristics [84]. Cu-BTC Carbon nanomaterials are promising materials to be
nanoparticles (Fig. 17a) based sensors were fabricated using used as sensing layer in gas/vapor sensor devices as they
drop casting technique and nanoparticles were sandwiched exhibit outstanding electrical, thermal and chemical prop-
between two metallic electrodes: copper as a back electrode erties [88–91]. But, one of the most exclusive property
and silver as an upper electrode as shown in Fig. 18a. Capac- of carbon nanomaterials which make them competitive in
itive change (∆C) towards different VOCs like methanol, the sensing material community is their high activation
ethanol, isopropanol and acetone was tested below 20% RH energy. Carbon nanotubes and graphene are the two most
condition where individual VOC concentration was varied extensively used carbon based nanomaterials in gas/vapor
from 250 to 1500 ppm as shown in Fig. 18b. Order of capac- sensing applications [92, 93] and are discussed in detail
itive sensitivity decreased from methanol, ethanol, isopro- in this section.
panol and acetone [85]. Porous ­TiO2 based capacitive type


6140 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

Fig. 17  FE-SEM image of a nanoparticle Cu-BTC layer [31], b KCl-doped ­SnO2 nanofibers [82], c top view of ­TiO2 nanotubes [28], d side view
of ­TiO2 nanotubes [29]. Reproduced from Ref. [28] with permission from IEEE and from Ref. [31, 82] with permission from Elsevier

Fig. 18  a Schematic of Cu-BTC based capacitive sensor, b transient characteristics of Cu-BTC sensor for methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and
acetone (RH below 20%). Reproduced from Ref. [31] with permission from Elsevier

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6141

sensing material is used to detect acidic, basic and water/

humidity environment whereas hydrophobic group is used
to detect volatile organic compounds [48]. Graphene oxide
(G-O) film has better hydrophilic property due to the pres-
ence of oxygen containing functional group on its surface
and larger interlayer space which increase the adsorption and
desorption of water molecules [96]. Thus, G-O film is used
widely for sensing humidity, also in capacitive mode with
high sensitivity, fast response and recovery, small humidity
hysteresis and larger stability [97].
In reference [96], in-plane capacitor having G-O films
as sensing layer and two sets of interdigital electrodes
were fabricated. Capacitance of sensor increased mono-
tonically with increase of RH. The effect of frequency on
Fig. 19  Equivalent circuit model of T­ iO2 nanotube based capacitive capacitance was also examined and it was observed that
sensor for VOCs detection; εr(vap): dielectric value of vapor and εr(nt): capacitance decreased with increase in frequency up to
dielectric value of nanotubes. Reproduced from Ref. [83] with per- 10  kHz and saturated afterwards. The reason of satura-
mission from Elsevier tion was explained as polarization of adsorbed water get
enough time to change direction with electric field at lower
4.1 Graphene frequency but at higher frequency, it become difficult to
change the direction with electric field and thus polariza-
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon having a two-dimensional tion remain constant and almost no change in capacitance
monolayer of ­sp2-bonded carbon atoms exhibiting high was observed [61, 96]. Numerically, relative changes in
chemical stability, good thermal conductivity, ballistic trans- capacitance value were 8000, 37,800, 32,200% for 100 Hz,
port, large surface area and hollow geometry which increase 1 and 10 kHz respectively when RH varied from 15 to 95%.
the adsorption of gas/vapor [94]. Sensors using graphene as Thus, graphene oxide showed excellent humidity sensing
sensing material with high sensitivity were reported for vari- behavior due to the presence of various hydrophilic groups
ous gases including O ­ 2, ­SO2, ­CO2, ­N2O, NO, N
­ O2, ­NH3 etc. like carboxyl, hydroxyl etc. Fig. 20 shows the schematic of
[93, 95]. Functional chemical groups used in vapor sensing physisorbed water layers on G-O sensing film. This sche-
applications can be divided into two groups i.e. hydrophilic matic was used to explain the sensing mechanism which
(tendency to mix with water) and hydrophobic (incapable discusses the dependency of dielectric constant value (and
to mix with water). Gas sensor having hydrophilic group as hence capacitance) on the humidity/moisture content [96].

Fig. 20  Humidity sensing mechanism at graphene oxide films. Reproduced from Ref. [96] with permission from Nature


6142 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

In general, electronic polarization is observed when charges was synthesized in nanopores of the aluminum anodized
oscillate or reorient with applied field. At low RH level, oxide (AAO) template by flowing a mixture of 9% acetone
water molecules adsorbed through double H-bonding. Thus, in Ar at a rate of 6 sccm at 750 °C for 1 h. The role of AAO
first layer of water molecules was tightly bound with surface was to catalyze the reaction of breaking acetone into CNT
grains and was not free to reorient with the external electric arrays. Capacitive response increased as gas concentration
field. Hence, less polarization results in less increment in ­(NH3 and HCOOH both) increased (Fig. 21). However, it
capacitance value. As RH level increased, second layer of was found that response and recovery time of N ­ H3 was more
water molecules adsorbed through single H-bonding on the than that of HCOOH and detection limit of N ­ H3 was less
hydroxyl group. This second layer of water molecules was than that of HCOOH (Fig. 21). In the proposed mechanism
loosely bound and hence become free to reorient with the of this behavior, the sensor capacitance was modeled as two
external electric field. Thus, polarization and capacitance of parallel plate capacitors, one having CNT arrays as dielectric
the sensor increased significantly at higher level of RH [96]. material and other has air. The complete circuit constituted
rows of these capacitances in parallel as represented in Eq. 5
4.2 Carbon nanotubes [12, 79].
𝜀1 A1 + 𝜀2 A2
Carbon nanotubes are members of fullerene structure and is C= 𝜀0 (5)
made up of wrapped graphite sheet in the shape of tube [37]. d
If only one layer of graphite is rolled into tube, then single where C is the effective capacitance, ε0 is the free space
layer tube is formed and is known as single-walled carbon permittivity, ­A1 is the total area of the plate occupied by
nanotube (SWCNT) and if more than one layer is rolled, the CNTs, ε1 is the dielectric constant of CNT, ε2 is the dielec-
result is multi concentric tubes and hence structure is known tric constant of air and A­ 2 is the total area of the parallel
as multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT). Single and multi- plate exposing to air. When a new gas molecule is adsorbed
walled CNT films demonstrated excellent sensing towards to the surface of CNT, polarization of absorbate is changed.
­H2, ­NH3, ­NO2 and O ­ 2 gases [37]. But one of the problem Debye equation, as shown in Eq. 6 gives the relationship
of this type of sensors is that individual CNT is difficult to between polarizabiltiy and dielectric constant [98].
fabricate and CNT bundle has a long recovery time. Thus,
( )
it is required that CNT should have an ordered structure for 𝜀 = 1 + 4𝜋N1 𝛼0 + (6)
better performance [12]. 3kT
In reference [12], capacitive sensor having highly ordered where ε is the dielectric constant of gas or vapor, N ­ 1 is the
CNT arrays as sensing layer was used to detect ammonia number of molecules per c­ m3 which is proportional to the
and formic acid at room temperature. Ordered CNT array gas concentration, α0 is the intrinsic molecular polarizability,

Fig. 21  Capacitive response of CNT sensor towards, a ­NH3 gas, b HCOOH vapour. Reproduced from Ref. [12] with permission from Elsevier

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148 6143

µ is the dipole moment, k is the Boltzmann’s constant, and for porous T­ iO2 based sensor [86] and best recovery time
T is the temperature in Kelvin. Adsorption of gas molecule of 3 s was observed for ZnO cauliflowers on Si-NPA based
primarily depends on the number of active sites available sensor [59].
on sensing layer surface. Responses of ­NH3 and HCOOH
were different because of their different adsorption mecha-
nism [99]. It was found out that value of dipole moment and 6 Summary and prospects
polarizability of HCOOH molecules were larger than that
of ­NH3. Thus, HCOOH molecules showed better capacitive In this review, the versatile capabilities of capacitive gas
sensing compared to ­NH3. and vapor sensor with different nanomaterials are demon-
Yeow et al. demonstrated the use of multi-wall carbon strated. To realize the capacitive sensing, possible sensor
nanotubes (MWCNTs) as capacitive humidity sensor [48]. structures and their gas/vapor sensitive parameters are dis-
The MWCNT based sensors network was formed by ran- cussed in both (i) pure capacitive mode and (ii) impedance
domly aligned porous nano-structure on a stainless steel mode approach. To assess the impact of structural and mor-
substrate. Not only high surface area was provided by the phological parameters on capacitive sensing performance
MWCNT sensing layer but also capillary condensation was towards different VOCs, gases, relative humidity etc., vari-
induced offering amplified capacitive response. Capillary ous nanostructures like nanowires, nanopillar arrays, nano-
condensation is a process by which water vapor become tubes etc. are reviewed in this article. The sensing mecha-
condensed into liquid water within pores at a lower humid- nism of these type sensors are straightforward and sensitivity
ity level. When water molecules and surface of MWCNT can be tuned by optimally selecting the dielectric material,
is confined in a very small volume, due to incremental Van frequency, amplitude of applied alternating voltage and
dar wall forces between them, water vapor condensed into operating temperature.
liquid [100]. Since relative dielectric constant of water is Capacitive sensors are usually used to sense relative
much higher than that of water vapor and thus capillary con- humidity because of large change in dielectric constant value
densation increases effective dielectric constant of system in sensor leading to high sensitivity. These type of sensors
even at low RH level [48]. Thus, this approach enables to are slightly more suitable for selective detection of vapors/
fabricate a humidity sensor with high sensing resolution. gases. Moreover, these type of devices are simple to fab-
Capillary condensation mechanism is valid for any other ricate and operate at relatively low temperature and hence
nanostructures that significantly enhance the sensing per- consume low power.
formance of capacitive vapor sensors even at very low vapor However, despite of all these developments in gases and
concentration. VOCs detection by using different nanomaterials, there
are many issues where capacitive type sensors are lagging
behind its counterparts. Capacitive sensors have practically
5 Comparative sensing performance low selectivity for a number of gases and vapors because
of capacitive type sensor devices humidity is always present in real time environment that
hinders the performance of capacitive sensors. To over-
Table 1 reviews the performance of gas, VOC and RH sen- come these major issues, few approaches can be employed
sors which measure capacitance change in the device for by which capacitive type sensor can be improved further.
sensing. Sensing layers are mostly nanomaterials which Nanomaterial based capacitive sensors can be modeled by
include SiNWs, CNT, G-O, ZnO NRs, ­TiO2 NTs, Si-NPA, an equivalent electrical circuit and the circuit parameters can
­SnO2 nanoparticles etc. be tuned to get the best sensing performance. The selectivity
Capacitive sensors were reported mostly in humidity of capacitive sensor for gases and VOCs can be enhanced
detection as water has a very high value (~ 80) of relative by using porous functionalized nanomaterials. Selectivity
permittivity [48] which increases the capacitance of the may also improve by choosing a dielectric material which is
device to a large value and hence sensitivity of device is sensitive and stable towards a particular gas/vapor molecule.
large. Various capacitive sensor has been reported in Table 1 However, the review exhibits the possibilities to vary multi-
where ZnO cauliflowers on Si-NPA [59] and graphene oxide ple parameters of the devices to achieve improvised sensing
[96] showed excellent sensitivity for humidity detection. The performance in nanomaterial based capacitive sensors.
best response time of 5 s for humidity sensing was observed


Table 1  Comparative sensing performance of nanomaterials-based capacitive sensors for the detection of different gases/volatile organic compounds (VOCs)/relative humidity (RH)

S. no. Sensing layer Other structural Fabrication tech- Sensing gas/vapor Sensitivity formula Sensitivity Response ­timeb Recovery ­timec Ref.
parameters nique

1 Porous nanocrystal- Pore thickness: – VOCs ∆C = C − C0 0.15 pF (hexane) for – – [1]
line silicon 15 nm 800 ppm
Pore sizes: 5–50 nm 0.1 pF (toulene) for
1000 ppm
2 P doped SiNW Thickness: Vapor–liquid–solid Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 54.20% – – [8]
100–150 nm For RH of 95%
3 MWCNT Uniform diameter of Acetone pyrolysis NH3 and HCOOH (∆C/C0) × 100% NH3 100 s for 15 ppm 150 s for 15 ppm [12]
CNT is 40 nm and 2% (1 ppm) ­NH3 ­NH3
average inter-tube 10% (15 ppm) 20 s for 175 ppm 70 s for 175 ppm
distance of the HCOOH HCOOH HCOOH
CNTs is 80 nm 2% (35 ppm) 15%
(175 ppm)
4 Cu-BTC nanopar- Size: 100 nm, Drop casting tech- Methanol (∆C/C0) × 100% 61% (250 ppm) 178 s for 250 ppm 140 s for 250 ppm [31]
ticles Thickness: 8 µm nique 412.5% (1500 ppm) methanol methanol
5 Cu-BTC nanoporous ~ 5 µm of Cu-BTC Electrochemical Ethanol and metha- (∆C/C0) × 100% Methanol: 12% – – [47]
film layer with particle method nol (250 ppm)
size of 2–3 µm 58% (2000 ppm)
Ethanol: 4%
(250 ppm)
20% (2000 ppm)
6 Si-NPA Pillar height: 2.5 µm Hydrothermally Ethanol ∆C% = 430% (500 ppm) at 15 s at 50 ppm 30 s at 50 ppm [50]
Distance between etching of Si (C − C0) × 100 200 Hz
two neighboring
pillars: ∼ 4.0 µm
7 ZnO cauliflowers on Diameter of ZnO Chemical vapor Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 21,400% (RH 20 s 3 s [59]
Si-NPA cauliflowers: deposition changed from 11.3
∼3 µm to 94.6%) at 1 kHz
8 SnO2:Sn on Si-NPA Film thickness: Vapor–liquid–solid Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 265% at 1 kHz 20 s 20 s [65]
200 nm growth method
9 ZnO/SiNW Length of Water bath process Humidity Slope of C-RH 0.69 nF/RH (%) 26 s (97.69% of 7 s (97.69% of RH) [67]
ZnO NR and RH)
SiNW = 200 nm at
8 µm respectively
10 SiC NW on Si-NPA Diameter: 15 nm CVD Humidity ∆C% = 960% 105 s 85 s [68]
(C − C0) × 100
11 Ni/SiNW Length of SiNWs is Wet chemical etch- Humidity ∆C% = 1900% Minimum: 39 s, Minimum: 24 s, [76]
90 µm and diam- ing (C − C0) × 100 maximum: 101 s maximum: 53 s
eters of SiNWs
ranged from 60 to
300 nm
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148
Table 1  (continued)
S. no. Sensing layer Other structural Fabrication tech- Sensing gas/vapor Sensitivity formula Sensitivity Response ­timeb Recovery ­timec Ref.
parameters nique

12 ZnO nanorods – Chemical bath Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 25% (for seed layer – – [79]
deposition thickness: 50 nm),
14% (for seed
layer thickness:
200 nm)
13 ZnO nanorods Diameter: Hydrothermal Ethanol (∆C/C0) × 100% 122% for 20 ppm 3 min 4 min [81]
80–150 nm synthesis ethanol
14 TiO2 nanotube array Wall thickness: Electrochemical Benzene, toluene (∆C/C0) × 100% Benzene (14.33%) 69.4, 21.9 and 27.2, 13.5 and [83]
16 nm, inner anodization and xylene toluene (9.86%) 67.9 s for 200 ppm 63.6 s for 200 ppm
radius: 25.2 nm, xylene (8.93%) of benzene, of benzene,
spacing between toluene and xylene toluene and xylene
two nanotubes: respectively respectively
14.4 nm
15 Porous ­TiO2 – Sol–gel template Humidity ∆C% = 120% (RH 11 to 5 s 8 s [86]
(C − C0) × 100 95%) at 50 Hz
16 Graphene oxide – Hummers method Humidity (∆C/∆RH) × 100% 37,800% 10.5 s 41 s [96]
17 Macroporous Si Pore size: 4 µm. Atomic layer depo- Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 297.5% at 1 kHz, 300 s (100% RH) – [101]
with ­Ta2O5 Thickness of sition 59.6% at 200 kHz
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

­Ta2O5: 95 nm
18 SnO2 nanoparticle Particle size: 10 nm Dip coating process Ethylene ∆C = C − C0 5 pF (100 ppm) 5 min 7 min [102]
to 15 nm
Film thickness:
1300 nm
19 Nickel-silicon Macro-porous of Electrochemical Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 700% – – [103]
microchannel plate ∼ 5 µm width etching
20 Amorphous carbon Average grain size: Direct current mag- Humidity (∆C/C0) × 100% 200% (RH changes 3 min 4 min [104]
film/n-Si hetero- 30 nm netron sputtering from 11 to 95%) at
junctions 1 kHz
21 ZnO nanorods Length: 10 µm and Thermal decompo- Humidity Slope of f-RH 52.3 Hz/RH% 90 s 20 s [105]
radius: 200 nm sition technique
 Co is initial device capacitance, C is final device capacitance in target vapor ambient
 Response time is time taken to reach 90% of saturation response
 Recovery time is time taken to come back 90% from saturation response


6146 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2018) 29:6129–6148

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