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1.11 e c u r r e n t in an clcclric Cireut s e s exponentaaly as given by 101-e A. Cakulate the charge

idr 10(1-) dr- 1o( ). =10(0.250+ e*-0-)-0.5326 C
75-W bulb draws a 680-mA current. How much time will be required to pas a 30C chargc through the

enat ge, 0 3 44.17s 7.35 min

Current. A 68x 0
1.13 A curent of 6A fows in a resistor. How many coulombs of charge puss through the resistor in 2 min?

q (current, AXtime. s)=6 x2 x60-720C

nc unnt O Toree s e newion ( and work measured in neiwon-metcrs ( N m ) , which n also the unit o
energy. Alternatively, energy is expressed in joues . where N etermne the
of 50 cm in the direction of a uniform cicctirc ticd E)
moving a S0-Ctheelectric
of 0 E V m , "
charge (2) through a distance
iore r g v e n oy

Force " (charge. CXeleciric fieal, Vim) = $0 x 10*" x S0 x 10° -2.5SN

Work done force x distance 2.5 * S0* 10 - 1 . 2 5 N m=1,25J

.l rower s dened as the rale of work done or the rale energy conversion. Thus, the unit of power is the joule
the 50-4C charge of Prob. 1.14
per second (J/s) which is equal to one watt (W). 1f thbe time taken to move
through 50 cm is 10 ms, calculate the corresponding power

Power= work i 125 W

me 10
.16 We observed in Prob. 1.14 that an eiectric charge experiences a force in an clectric field. Electric poxentia
ifference (betwcen two points) is measured in volt ( , and is deined as the work done in movinga uni
positive charge (from one point to the other). Whut is the potential difference berween two points ifit requires
220 a) to move a 10-aC charge from one point to The other

IV 1J/C or
V -22V

From Prob. 1.16. cs WA. culate e poha ercnee eroeso dissip
ng 50 w of power while taking 2.3A of current. Aso, CaicuC e onme v a e c

7 12V R -4.80
1.18 An energy of 12 is cxpended in moving a 2-C charge from infinity to a point A. Assuming infinity to be at
zero potential, dete rmine the potential difference berween point A and infinity (i.e.. the potential at A).

or znergy. J
V. charge. C 6V
1. 19 f an additional energy of 3J is requircd to move the 2C charge of Prob. 1. 18 from point A to another point 8.
difference between points A and B. Also determine the potential diference between
calculate the potcntial
point B and infinity.

Van work or cnei

1.5V 12+-7.5v
1.20 The potential difference between two conductors is 110 V. How much work is done in moving a 5-C charge
Trom onc conductor to the otherf

Workcner 0xS*30
1.21 Determine the charge that requires 1-t) cnergy to Ix moved from infinity to a point having a 12-V potential.

Chargc. C Cncrgy
pote tial. V 12 -83.33C

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