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1.22 A car battery supplies 48I of energy at 12 V over a certain period of time. Determine the charge moved during
s pcriod

4 12V4C
1.3 Electric utilities employ as the unit of energy the kilowatt-bour (kWh. The power consumed in a houschokd
overa 24-h period is as follows:8A.M. to 2 P.M.-.3 w; 2.M. 10 6P.M.5w; 6 P.M. 1o l1 .M.-2.6kW;
and . M . to wnat B the cneTgY consumplion in
8 A.M.-.0w. megjoules
Total kWh=(power, kWXtime, h) 1.5 x6+0.5 x4 +2.6 x5+ 1.0x

9-33 kWh
3 3 x 10" X 60 x 60 W s = 118.8 x 10" J = 118.8 M

1.4 An electric heater takes 1.2kEwh in 30 min at 120 . What s the curreni input to the heater?

20 A
1.25 The heater of Prob. 1.24 has an ctficiency of9percent b e heat energy required to boil a certain amount of
walcr 15 k d , the curtent taken oy the heater i5 20A at 120 V, nd the bime requirca to boil the walcr.

Eficicncy 9*10 0.9 9x10

input mput
or 1nput U0.9910
120 x 2041.67s
.28 What s the ohmic valueof the resistance of the heating elcment of ihe heater of Probs. 1.24 and 1.25?

1.27 A 110-V light bulb takes 0.9A current and operates 12 h/day. At the rate of 7 cents/kWh, determine the cost
operalc the bulb lor 30 days
U-Pt-110 x 0.9 x 10 x 12x 30 = 35.64 kWh

Cost of operation 3564x 50.07 $2.50

1.28 A.
The voltage and
thecurrent in a circuit ekemer Bven y 00v2 sinV and i-5V2 sin

Instantaneous power p ui = (100V/2sin tX5V2sin i) = 1 0 sin' W=1000
x(1-cos 22)
P 00-S00 cos 2 W

The cosine function averages to zero, so the average value of p. P=500 w.

1.29 Aresistor draws a current i=8sin ur A at a voltage 200sin wt V. Calculate the cnergy consumed by
the restor pCr cycle (or over one period of the current wave). Hcnce, dclermine the average power disspated
n t resistor.

One period
Energy W), oi d ) , (200 sin wr)(8sin wr) dt

Average power F " 2 / w ( 2 /m
) 800 W

.30 The energy capacity or rating of a bartery is generally cxpressed in ampere-hour (Ah). A battery is required to
suppiy u. A COntinuously ior three days. what musi be ihe raling ol the battcry?

Ah-IX hr -0.5 3 x 24=

36 Ah
1.31Abattery is rated at 30 Ah. For how many hours can it continuously supply a current of 2.5 A?

Time 2 s 12h

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