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Human Resource Management

12th Edition
Global Edition

Chapter 8
Performance Management
and Appraisal

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 8-1

HRM in Action: Employee Engagement
as a Strategic HR Tool
• Level of commitment workers make to their
• Engaged employees:
– Want to continue working for their employer
– Feel pride and motivation in their work
– Are willing to finish tasks in their own time and
see a strong link between the firm’s success
and their own career prospects
• A company that has demonstrated the value of
employee engagement is John Lewis, a
department store based in the UK
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Performance Management (PM)
• Goal-oriented process ensuring processes are in place
to maximize productivity at employee, team and
organizational levels.
• Close relationship between incentives and performance.
• Performance appraisal is a one-time event each year.
• Performance management is a dynamic, ongoing,
continuous process.
• Each part of the system, such as training, appraisal, and
rewards, is integrated and linked for the purpose of
continuous organizational effectiveness.

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Performance Appraisal Defined

• Formal system of
review and evaluation
of individual or team
task performance
– Often negative,
disliked activity that
seems to elude

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Uses of Performance Appraisal
• Human resource planning: Used in making
decisions such as promotion, demotion,
termination, layoff, and transfer
• Training and development: Points out
employees’ specific needs
• Career planning and development: Assesses
employee’s strengths and weaknesses and
determines employee’s potential
• Compensation programs: Provide basis for
rational decisions regarding pay adjustments
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Integrating Learning and
Performance Management
• Companies are integrating learning and
performance management into total system.
• Most integrated systems use competency
• Managers rate performance of each
employee, then look for differences between
individual ratings and desired ratings.

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Performance Appraisal
Environmental Factors
• External:
– Legislation requiring
appraisal systems
– Labor unions
• Factors within
internal environment,
such as corporate
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Legislation Affecting Performance
• Mistretta v Sandia Corporation: Federal judge
ruled against company, stating, “There is
sufficient circumstantial evidence to indicate that
age bias and age-based policies appear
throughout the performance rating process to
the detriment of the protected age group.”
• Albermarle Paper v Moody: Supreme Court case
supported validation requirements for
performance appraisals.

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Labor Unions and Performance
• Have traditionally
stressed seniority as
basis for promotions
and pay increases
• May vigorously oppose
use of management-
designed performance
appraisal system

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Performance Appraisal Process
External Environment
Internal Environment

Identify Specific
Performance Appraisal

Establish Performance
Criteria (Standards) and
Communicate Them To

Examine Work Performed

Appraise the Results

Discuss Appraisal with


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Establish Performance Criteria
• Traits
• Behaviors
• Competencies
• Goal achievement
• Improvement

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• Employee traits such as attitude,

appearance, and initiative are basis
for some evaluations.
• May be unrelated to job performance
or be difficult to define.
• Certain traits may relate to job
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Caution on Traits: Wade v. Mississippi
Cooperative Extension Service
In performance appraisal system, general
characteristics such as “leadership, public
acceptance, attitude toward people, appearance
and grooming, personal conduct, outlook on life,
ethical habits, resourcefulness, capacity for
growth, mental alertness, loyalty to organization
are susceptible to partiality and to the personal
taste, whim, or fancy of the evaluator as well as
patently subjective in form and obviously
susceptible to completely subjective treatment by
those conducting the appraisals.”
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• Organizations may evaluate employee’s
task-related behavior or competencies.
• Examples are leadership style, developing
others, teamwork and cooperation, or
customer service orientation.
• If certain behaviors result in desired
outcomes, there is merit in using them in
evaluation process.

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• Broad range of knowledge, skills,

traits, and behaviors
• May be technical in nature, business
oriented, or related to interpersonal
• Should be those that are closely
associated with job success
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Goal Achievement
• Use if organizations
consider ends more
important than means
• Should be within control
of individual or team
• Should be those results
that lead to firm’s

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Improvement Potential

• Many criteria used

focus on past
• Cannot change past
• Should emphasize

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Responsibility for Appraisal

• Immediate supervisor
• Subordinates
• Peers and team members
• Self-appraisal
• Customer appraisal

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Immediate Supervisor
• Traditionally most common
• Usually in excellent position
to observe employee’s job
• Has responsibility for
managing particular unit

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• Our culture has viewed evaluation by

subordinates negatively.
• Some firms find that evaluation of
managers by subordinates is both
feasible and needed.
• Issues:
– Could be seen as a popularity contest
– Possible reprisal against employees
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Peers and Team Members
• Work closely with
evaluated employee and
probably have undistorted
perspective on typical
• Problems include
reluctance of some people
who work closely together,
especially on teams, to
criticize each other
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• If employees understand their objectives
and the criteria used for evaluation, they
are in a good position to appraise own
• Employee development is self-development
• Self-appraisal may make employees more
highly motivated

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Customer Appraisal
• Customer behavior
determines firm’s degree of
• Organizations use this
approach because it
demonstrates commitment
to customer, holds
employees accountable,
and fosters change.
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The Appraisal Period
• Prepared at specific
• Usually annually or
• Period may begin with
employee’s date of hire
• All employees may be
evaluated at same time
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Performance Appraisal Methods
• 360-degree • Forced distribution
evaluation • Behaviorally
• Rating scales anchored rating
• Critical incidents scales (BARS)
• Essay • Result-based
• Work standards systems
• Ranking
• Paired comparisons
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360-Degree Evaluation
• Multi-rater evaluation
• Input from multiple sources
• Focuses on skills needed
across organizational
• More objective measure of
• Process more legally defensible
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Rating Scales
• Rates employees
according to defined
• Judgments are
recorded on a scale
• Many employees
are evaluated

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Critical Incidents

• Written records of highly

favorable and
unfavorable work actions
• Appraisal more likely to
cover entire evaluation
• Does not focus on last
few weeks or months

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• Brief narrative describing
• Tends to focus on extreme
• Depends heavily on
evaluator's writing ability
• Comparing essay
evaluations might be difficult
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Work Standards
• Compares performance
to predetermined
• Standards: Normal
output of average worker
operating at normal pace
• Time study and work
sampling used
• Workers need to know
how standards were set
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• All employees from group

ranked in order of overall
• Comparison is based on
single criterion, such as
overall performance

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Paired Comparison

• Variation of
ranking method
• Compares
performance of
each employee
with every other
employee in group

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Forced Distribution
• Rater assigns individual in workgroup to
limited number of categories
• Assumes all groups of employees have
same distribution
• Proponents of forced distribution believe:
– They facilitate budgeting
– They guard against weak managers who are
too timid to get rid of poor performers

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Forced Distribution (cont.)
• Require managers to be honest with
workers about how they are doing
• Also called a rank-and-yank system
• Unpopular with many managers
• May damage morale and generate
mistrust of leadership
• Rankings may be way for companies to
easily rationalize firings
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Behaviorally Anchored Rating
Scales (BARS)

• Combines traditional rating

scales and critical
incidents methods
• Job behaviors derived
from critical incidents
described more objectively

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Result-Based Systems

• Manager and
subordinate agree on
objectives for next
• Evaluation based on
how well objectives are

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 8-36

Problems in Performance Appraisal
• Appraiser • Recent behavior
discomfort bias
• Lack of objectivity • Personal bias
• Halo/horn error • Manipulating the
• Leniency/strictness evaluation
• Central tendency • Employee anxiety

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Appraiser Discomfort
• Performance
appraisal process
cuts into manager’s
• Experience can be
unpleasant when
employee has not
performed well
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Lack of Objectivity

• Factors such as attitude, appearance,

and personality are difficult to
• Factors may have little to do with
employee’s job performance
• May place evaluator and company in
untenable positions
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Halo/Horn Error
• Halo error: Manager generalizes
one positive performance feature or
incident to all aspects of employee
performance, resulting in higher
• Horn error: Manager generalizes
one negative performance feature
or incident to all aspects of
employee performance, resulting in
lower rating
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 8-40
• Leniency: Giving
undeserved high ratings
• Strictness: Being unduly
critical of employee’s
work performance
• Worst situation is when
firm has both lenient and
strict managers and does
nothing to level inequities.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 8-41

Central Tendency

• Error occurs when employees are

incorrectly rated near average or
middle of scale
• May be encouraged by some rating
scale systems requiring evaluator to
justify extremely high or extremely
low ratings

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Recent Behavior Bias

• Employee’s behavior often improves

and productivity rises several days or
weeks before scheduled evaluation
• Natural for rater to remember recent
behavior more clearly than past actions
• Necessary to maintain records of

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Personal Bias (Stereotyping)
• Managers allow individual differences
such as gender, race, or age to affect
• Effects of cultural bias, or stereotyping,
can influence appraisals.
• Other factors
– Example: Mild-mannered employees may be
appraised more harshly, simply because they
do not seriously object to appraisal results.
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 8-44
Manipulating the Evaluation

• Sometimes, managers control every

aspect of appraisal process and
manipulate the system.
• Example:
– A supervisor wants to give pay raise to
certain employee, so supervisor may
give employee an undeserved high
performance evaluation.
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Employee Anxiety
• Evaluation process may
create anxiety for
appraised employee
• Opportunities for
promotion, better work
assignments, and
compensation may
hinge on results
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Characteristics of Effective
Appraisal System
• Job-related criteria
• Performance expectations
• Standardization
• Trained appraisers
• Continuous open communication
• Performance reviews
• Due process
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Job-Related Criteria

• Most basic criterion

needed in employee
• Uniform Guidelines
and court decisions
are clear on this point

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Performance Expectations

• Managers and subordinates must

agree on performance expectations in
advance of appraisal period.
• If employees clearly understand
expectations, they can evaluate own
performance and make timely

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Firms should use

same evaluation
instrument for all
employees in same
job category who
work for same

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Trained Appraisers

• Seldom receive training on how to

conduct effective evaluations
• Training should be ongoing
• Includes how to rate employees and
how to conduct appraisal interviews

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Continuous Open Communication
• Employees need to
know how well they are
• Good appraisal system
provides highly desired
feedback on continuing
• Should be few surprises
in performance review

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Conduct Performance Reviews
• Special time should be set for formal
discussion of employee’s performance.
• Withholding appraisal results is absurd.
• Performance review allows employees to
detect any errors or omissions in
• Employee may simply disagree with
evaluation and want to challenge it.
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Due Process

• Provides employees
opportunity to appeal
appraisal results
• Must have procedure
for pursuing grievances
and having them
addressed objectively

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Legal Implications

• Employee lawsuits
may result from
negative evaluations
• Unlikely that any
appraisal system will
be immune to legal

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What Courts Normally Require
• Either absence of adverse impact on members
of protected classes or validation of process
• System that prevents one manager from
directing or controlling a subordinate’s career
• Appraisal should be reviewed and approved by
someone or some group in organization
• Raters must have personal knowledge of
employee’s job performance
• Predetermined criteria that limits manager’s
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Appraisal Interview
• Achilles heel of entire evaluation process
• Scheduling interview
• Interview structure
• Use of praise and criticism
• Employee’s role
• Use of software
• Concluding interview

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Interview Structure

• Discuss employee’s performance

• Assist employee in setting goals and
personal development plans for next
appraisal period
• Suggesting means for achieving
established goals, including support
from manager and firm
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Conducting Separate Interviews
• Conduct separate interviews
for discussing:
1. Employee performance and
2. Pay
• When pay emerges in
interview, it tends to dominate
• Performance improvement
then takes a back seat.
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Use of Praise and Criticism

• Praise is appropriate when warranted

• Criticism, even if warranted, is
especially difficult to give
• “Constructive” criticism is often not
perceived that way

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Employee’s Role
• Should go through diary
or files and make notes
of all projects, regardless
of their success
• Information should be on
appraising manager’s
desk well before review

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Concluding the Interview
• Ideally, employees will leave interview with
positive feelings about management,
company, job, and themselves.
• Cannot change past behavior; future
performance is another matter.
• Interview should end with specific and
mutually agreed-upon plans for
employee’s development.

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Global View of Performance
• Special problems when translated into
different cultural environments
• Example: Chinese companies tend to focus
appraisals on different criteria
– Place great emphasis upon moral
– May tolerate less than optimal performance
because maintaining family control is so
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
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mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of

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