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The 12 Keys Are Ancient Encoded Tools That Align Us With Truth…

12 Keys They Restructure Our Understanding of

Reality And The Process of Creation.
They Are The first awareness of The 12 Keys came
Codes to author Karon Korp after a booming
male voice entered her room one eventful
To Our night and spoke to her. Following a mysti-
Higher cal journey to Machu Picchu, she re-
ceived the Keys guided by Spirit and they
Being became the basis for her work and first
book, Remembering Our Spiritual Jour-
Karon Korp ney Home. After its publication, Karon
Author of
was given the knowledge that the Keys
“Remembering Our
Spiritual Journey Home were an ancient teaching given to her by Lord Rama himself 1,500 years
- The 12 Keys” ago in a previous lifetime.
We are living in times of unprecedented planetary Awakening. More and
more people are becoming aware of the interconnectedness of All Living
Things, and on deeper levels, Divine Codes for the evolution of Conscious-
ness are becoming activated. A new Chakra has been birthed that is con-
necting our physical body temple with our Higher Self.
A Divine Plan is unfolding, leading up to a major transformational shift we
have written to experience. Whether it occurs December 21, 2012 (the sub-
ject of her next book) or is already taking place, our roles will be deter-
mined by our conscious remembering and the realization that Source exists
within each of us, and it is from within us that All Things are created.
Just For You! Even our collective future.
With Keith
Blanchard’s The 1st Key is…..You Will Remember. So today, let us take a journey of
Kick Off for Remembrance together, lift the veils, and through The 12 Keys, connect
The Divine with that aspect of ourselves that is already illumined, fully engaged,
Principle! divinely guided, and completely in command of our Journey.

On Sale for About Karon: Her first book titled Remembering Our Spiritual Journey Home - The 12
Keys has met with great success, leading her to 100 events in forty two cities since it came out.
$15 ...Save $7. ! She is currently working on a new book about the Mayan Calendar and prophetic date of
December 21, 2012.
Karon travels the country speaking to groups and inspiring people to find their true passion
and spiritual purpose in life. As a traveler to Sacred Sites, she has visited 19 ancient Mayan ruins
in four countries, climbed the Great Pyramids in Egypt, conquered Machu Picchu in Peru, seen
the temple at Delphi, sunrise at Haleakala crater in Maui and many more power places!
You can visit her website at , sign up for her free monthly newsletter, or take
part in her monthly Group Teleconference Call on December 12th (8pm/est) by calling (712)775-
7000 and enter group code 421902 # . Readers describe her book and The 12 Keys as “delicious”,
a “power tool”, “divinely inspired”, and “a treasure”.
What Are The 12 Keys?

You Will Remember

The first key is a promise from Spirit that you will remember who you are and why you are here. Whether you choose to do that in this life-
time or the next is perfectly okay with Source, because Source knows your final destination. Like many others on the path, myself included,
you want to graduate this lifetime…and embrace your Illumination!

Take Responsibility For Your Life

The second key reminds you that you are the architect of your experience. Your spiritual blueprint was created by you, for you, so that you
could experience the greatest possible spiritual growth in this lifetime. How can you transform something, if you take no responsibility for
its creation?

Am A Teacher, You Are A Teacher
We Are All Mirrors For One Another
The third key teaches the process of mirrorship. The Universe, in its infinite wisdom, realized we wouldn’t see what needed to be brought
into balance within ourselves, so the Universe wisely placed mirrors all around us to provide us with our reflection. Everyone you meet mir-
rors an aspect of yourself, and everyone you meet has something to teach you.

There Is No Such Thing As Guilt, Shame Or Blame.

It Is All A Lack Of Love
The fourth key exposes the truth that guilt, shame and blame are illusions the ego uses to dis-empower you. All things come from love, and
all things will return to love, because all things come from Source and ultimately return to Source. The third dimension is so dense, that
things get twisted and changed into something unrecognizable from their origin.

The Answers Lie Within

The fifth key was really brought home to me when I locked my keys in the car, and I could see them on the seat, and I had very little money
for AAA to get the keys out from inside the car. The universe has such a sense of humor! The keys are locked inside – all the answers you
seek are to be found within you, because that’s where Source will be found. Within.

You Are A Diamond, Unique In

All The World
The sixth key is about self-worth, and calls you to truly see the incredible radiant and beautiful being that you are. Like so many others,
experiences in my childhood created self worth issues that left unchecked, were carried into my adult relationships wreaking havoc until
healed. The truth is, you are as magnificent as every star you see in the heavens.

The seventh key is simply one word. And a key to your power. I know how convincing your illusion is, I’ve been there, and I’m here to tell
you that you have to believe through the illusion - like cutting through the middle of it - to see your belief manifested on the other side. Any-
thing not in alignment with your Divine Nature is an illusion.

Your Life Path Is Not An Accident

The eighth key helps you recognize your spiritual blueprint at work, and that all things are serving a purpose in supporting your spiritual
growth. When you look around at your life, relationships, and experiences, and begin to see the thread of connection between everything,
you understand the perfection of your journey as it unfolds.

© 2010 Karon Korp, Magic Mountain Press
The 12 Keys continued...
You Are A Divine Creator
Heal Your Body And The Rest Will Follow
The ninth key has two parts. The first, teaches you a deeper understanding of Einstein’s equation E = mc and through the relationship of
energy, mass and light that you are a powerful creator – 24/7! The second part of the key talks about bringing the body into balance and
healing blocks on an energetic and soul level.

Learn To Be In Silence
The tenth key asks you to quiet the mind and connect with Source. As you go within, you develop a relationship with the sacred, holy di-
vine aspect of Source inside you. The more you travel the pathway, the easier it is to get there. Find five minutes a day – more if you can –
to tune in and plug in!

Follow Your Own Truths

The eleventh key connects you with universal truth – All Paths Lead Home. There is no other destination. Now, some folks might want to get
on the first train out of here, others like myself, are happy to stick around because we’re having so much fun! Take it all in, then discard
what doesn’t apply to you, respecting everyone else’s truth and journey.

Nothing Exists Outside Of Yourself That Does Not Already Exist Within You
The twelfth key brings the other keys together, recognizing that all things come from within you. All creation occurs from the within, to the
without. That’s how God did it, that’s how we do it. Therefore, if you don’t like what you are seeing or experiencing around you, know that
the change has to occur inside, because the Source of All That Is, is within you.

Now that you have read The 12 Keys, take this moment to look at the coming year,
what you hold to be true about yourself and our world, and dream, envision and
express what you desire, and how you might realize your dreams!

ENVISIONING 2010………. A Process of Self Discovery

Please Fill In The Blanks And Answer The Questions Honestly….
This Process Is Only For Your Eyes And Your Benefit!

What I Truly Desire To Experience Or Create In The Coming Year Is…

Are My Goals & Dreams In Alignment With My Highest & Greatest Good?
Let me clarify, if yes and if not, why?

I Believe These Truths About The World…

© 2010 Karon Korp, Magic Mountain Press
The Truths I Believe And Live My Life According To Are Based On…..

I Feel My (3) Greatest Talents Are…


I Believe My (3) Biggest Weaknesses To Be…


Some Of The Most Effective Tools I Have Used On My Spiritual Path Have Been……And The Ones I Wish
To Recommit Myself To Are:

New Spiritual Practices I Would Like To Implement Are…

I Have Always Felt I Was Here To…

So Far, My Past Can Best Be Described As….

I View The Most Emotionally Painful Experience In My Life As….

I View The Most Joyful Experience In My Life As…..

I Believe It Possible The Following Limitations Or Blocks Are Keeping Me From Creating What I Truly
Desire….And I Have Created Them Because…..

© 2010 Karon Korp, Magic Mountain Press
In 2010, I Truly Wish To Create…..

Next Year, My Intention Is To…(fill in the blank)









The Gifts I Wish To Receive From This Process Of Self Discovery Are…..

A Prayer….to Support The Power of Love.

Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Beloved Source of All That Is,

Today, We Pray For the Power of Love To Prevail in All Things,
In All Places, In All Countries, In All Hearts,
May the Power of Love Transform Any Darkness Into Your Light,

Today, May the Power of Love Prevail

In All That I Am.

So Be It.

© 2010 Karon Korp, Magic Mountain Press

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