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September 2021

H.E Anthony Blinken

Secretary of State
United States of America

Dear Mr. Blinken,

We are respectfully addressing you concerning the reopening of the U.S. General
Consulate in Jerusalem. While some Israeli officials may oppose this decision, it is
important for you to understand the utter importance of taking this step in order to
create the right conditions for a meaningful peace process - in line with your stated
position that Israelis and Palestinians should enjoy equal measures of freedom,
security, dignity and prosperity.

The previous U.S. Administration took dangerous steps that in many cases went to the
right of some extreme sectors of Israel. The closure of the historic U.S. consulate went
hand in hand with the promotion of an illegal annexation process, supporting the idea
of the Greater Israel that will forever control the lives of millions of Palestinians, while
downgrading the status of the Palestinian people to an office within the U.S. embassy
to Israel. Such steps were unanimously rejected not just by the Palestinian leadership
but by thousands of Israeli citizens, Jews and Palestinians, who believe in a just and
lasting peace. Regarding Israelis and Palestinians as equals means having separate
diplomatic missions for both peoples, including the recognition of East Jerusalem as
the capital of the State of Palestine. , 02/6496199 , 02/6408335-6 ,91950 ‫ ירושלים‬,‫ הקריה‬,‫הכנסת‬

The implementation of a number of measures considered to be “Confidence Building
Measures” (CBMs) cannot replace the need for political decisions to ensure that
Israelis and Palestinians live as equals, in freedom and security, ending the occupation
that began in 1967 through two democratic states. Failure to take such key decisions,
including the reopening of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, will not just undermine
the trust and confidence toward the U.S. Administration but will also send the wrong
message that the fulfilment of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, a basic
requirement for Middle East peace, will remain subject to domestic Israeli politics
rather than to universal principles of self-determination, peaceful coexistence and the
rule of law.

We are looking forward for your administration to translate your public positions into
concrete measures for the benefit of all, Israelis, Palestinians and the rest of the
region. Failure to do that will play into the hands of those working to perpetuate an
untenable system of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean
Sea, which contradicts the basic interests of a just and lasting peace that the vast
majority of the inhabitants of this region share.

Best regards,

Mk Ayman Odeh Mk Ahmad Tibi Mk Sami Abu Shehadeh

Mk Aida Tuma Suliman Mk Osama Saadi Mk Ofer Cassif

members of The joint list faction

Israeli Knesset , 02/6496199 , 02/6408335-6 ,91950 ‫ ירושלים‬,‫ הקריה‬,‫הכנסת‬

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