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Elon Musk

The Real-Life Iron Man

Introduction • Birth date : 28 june 1971 (48 Years)

• Place of Birth: Pretoria (South Africa)

• Education : University of Pennsylania, Queen's

University, Ontario, Stanford University

• Founder: Tesla motors , SpanceX and Solar


• Famous Quotes: “Failure is an option here. If

things are not failing, you are not innovating

• Net Worth : US$19.5 Billion

About Elon Musk
Early Life Education
• Musk was born on June 28, 1971. • At age 17, in 1989, Musk moved to Canada to
attend Queen’s University and avoid
• At about the time of his parents’ divorce, when mandatory service in the South African
he was 10, Musk developed an interest in military. Musk obtained his Canadian
computers. He taught himself how to program, citizenship that year
and when he was 12 he sold his first software:
a game he created called Blastar. • In 1992, Musk left Canada to study business
and physics at the University of Pennsylvania.
• In grade school Musk was short, introverted He graduated with an undergraduate degree
and bookish. He was bullied until he was 15 and in economics and stayed for a second
went through a growth spurt and learned how bachelor’s degree in physics.
to defend himself with karate and wrestling.
Introduction • CEO and founder Of Tesla

of the • Founded on 1 July 2003

• (21.9%) owner

• Production output : 720,000 per year

• CEO of SpaceX

• Founded on 6 May 2002

• Private Co.

• No. of employee : 7,000

Elon Musk Wealth
The proportion of Wealth of Elon Musk

Failure in Business Life

• Launched a software company in 1995 with • Online banking Transaction company.

his brother.

• Board of Directors opposed that Elon is not • When he was busy in his personal life, the
fit for the CEO , and therefore sold the directors removed him from his position.
company to Compaq.

• He was having the 7% of equity in Zip2

Musk Grants are made in support of:
Foundation  Renewable energy research and
 Human space exploration research
and advocacy
 Pediatric research
 Science and engineering education
 Development of safe artificial
intelligence to benefit humanity

Thank You!

Presented by :
Stefan Mihajlovski

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