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Mechanical paper 2013 Seta 7] A concentrated load P is applied at the end of a cantilever as shown in Fig. The cross section of the beam Is a square of side ‘a’ with a hole of dia ‘a/2’. The deflection at the tip of the cantilever is given by @ & © : iP 3P 13 3024p 13 | 1024P 13 2s6P 13 | Bat (256-3mE a* | (256—)B a | (1024-30) F a* # 2 | A cantilever beam is subjected to a UDL. The cross section of the beam is a W-Section placed as shown in Fig. The bending ctress distribution across the cross section will be ae com » 3 | A thick cylinder of inner dia ‘D’, wall thickness ¢ and length UIs sealed at its both ends with caps. The thickness of the cap ist. Allowable tensile yield stress = o', and allowable shear stress = ty. A gas is pumped into this cylinder at pressure ‘p’. The cap will yield in shear at | circumference of dianeter 'D’ when the gas pressure applied is more than Mechanical paper 2013 seta Lt | ye y= Ta a | Ataty B8tity Atz oy | 2taty | \ D | D D | D | \ | | | i I | TAN GH ube seed ino an AY tube, They are permanently fixed atone end, The othe end |" | arached to ag pate, trays Tis applegate rigid plate. The circumference of the |‘Af tobe tia ain ae end with respect to the fixed end rotates by a distance vim due to torque’, The polar MOI & Rigidity modulus of AI & SS are Jar Gat eran a| | Fan istesnetay | yee | 4 | | | | ATR] | 90 | ssube im) | | | |. —4 { | ; ie ye @ ja | | | DLT | DLT DLT | 2 DLT | | | \ | | | 2(Gatu~@ssss) | 26adar 2(GaJut Gedss) | Gaels | | Mechanical paper 2013, seta |avodof20 sai ted the cating of rot on ane end Actor of mass ataehed to sees Sean ioe tears psn Se nthe rods nar ema | s00 | rotor a: ae ¥50 ke | béaring [a w/z (b) 2007 [fe 3007 [fa)_ 400 ; —| [An automotive engine having a mass of 135 kg is supported on 4 springs with linear | characteristics. Each ofthe 2 front springs have stiffness of 3 MN/m while thestifiness of each of 2 rear springs is 4,5 MN/m. The engine speed (rpm) at which resonance is likely to occur is (a) 105 /(6n) |e) 36m Le 107m) (a) 10°7(3) | Aweighing m/e consists ofa 2 kg pan resting ona spring havingtinear characterises. In this condition of resting an the spring, the length of spring is 200mm. When a 20 kg mass placed con the pan, the length ofthe spring becomes 100mm. The undeformed lengt’s Lin mm and the spring stiffness K in N/m are | “ay t= 220 a eeise2 (B)L= 200, K= 1960 [teh t= 210, = 1960 L (a) =200,K=2 {A circular shaft is subjected to a torque ‘T’and a Bending Moment M. The ratio of max. shear | stress to max. bending stress is | [alam je) 77am Tte_2t7m Tawar Mechanical paper 2013 Seta AA solid block ‘A’ weighing ‘Q’ kg is resting on a fat floor. A smooth cylinder ‘8’ weighing “P” 9 | kg. is placed between the solid A and the vertical wall as shown in fig. The friction between the Floor cylinder, wall and the block A is negligible. The co-efficient of friction between the block A and | floor is 12. The minimum weight P required to disturb the block Ais Q ) oe (A-Tan 0) uQ ane uTand G-"Fan 8) @ HQ Coso 10 | cross sectional | ‘Ahydraulic jack is used to compress a spring as shown in fig. Stiffness of spring is 10° N/m. By applying 2 pressure ‘p’n the hydraut cylinder, the spring gets compressed by 1omm. The rea of the piston is 25 em?. The apptiod pressure ‘pis 1 spring —piston Mechanical paper 2013, Seta (a)ax 10% Pascale | (o) a0 Pascale (01250 Paseals (a)25 Pascale | a ‘A small plastic boat loaded with pieces of steel rods is floating in a bath tub. If the cargo is dumped into the water , allowing the boat to float empty, the water level in the tub will (a) Rise [(e)_ Fall ‘Tle Remains the same | (4) Rise and then fall 12 | viscosity of water in comparison to mercury | (a}higher [ibjlower [lelsame (d)unpredictable 13 | Froude numbers significant in: Ta) Supersonics, as with projectile and jet propulsion _ (b} Full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, alr crafts wings, nozzles, etc. (e) Simultaneous motion through two flulds where there is a surface discontinuity, gravity forces and wave making effect, as with ship’s hulls _ ((d) All oft 7 { - | 14_| The purpose of surge tankin a pipeline isto [[(a} smoothen the flow of water [[) minimize Wietion losses in pipe (prevent occurrence of hydraulic jump | (d) relieve pressure due to water 415, | Head loss in turbulent flow ina pipe | [varies directly as velocity {Bh varies inversely ag square of velocity (cl varies approximately as square of velocity | (a) varies inversely as velocity - 16, | A tank 1.5m stands an a trolly and is fll of water. It has an orifice of diameter 0.11 at 0.3m from the bottom of the tank. Ifthe office is suddenly opened and coefficient of discharge of |__| erties 40.60, nen the roping force on the woley wil be | (a)sa37N | (0) 67.39N (evan 1a) 6.39 17. | A model of a hydraulic turbine Is tested at a head of 1/4” of that under which the full scale | turbine works. The diameter of the model is half of that of the full scale turbine. if Nis the RPM. | ofthe fll seaeturine, then RPM ofthe model willbe Le a [ty 2 [on Lan 18 Consider steady, incompressible and irrotational flow through a reducer in a horizontal pipe, where the diameter is reduced from 20 cm to 10 cm. The pressure in the 20 cm pipe just, upstream of the reducer is 150 kPa . The fluid has a vapour pressure of 50 kPa and a specific ‘weight of S KN/m". Neglecting frictional effects, the maximum discharge (in m° /sec ) that can pass through the reducer without causing cavitations is Mechanical paper 2013, seta [sa | rornestbity fog boty, nde te nen fav alan, which fhe fell Tia)o.08 [weio.16 (027 [rajo3e. | true? [Tal Metacentre should be below the centre of gravity [{b) Metacentre should be above the centre of gravity {(c} Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line 20. | A smooth pipe of diameter 200mm carries water. ‘The pressure in the pipe at Section Si Ta) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie_on the seme vertical ine | (elevation: 10m) is 50 kPa. At section $2 (elevation: 12 m) the pressure is 20 kPa and | velocity is 2 m/sec . Density of water is 1000 kg/m? and acceleration due to gravity is 9.8.m/ sec? . Which of the following is true? T[a) Flow is from $1 to $2 and head loss is | (b) Flow is from S2 to S1, and head loss is 0.53m |0.53m al |e} Flow i from Si to 52 and head loss is | (a) Flow is from $2 051 and headlossis 1.06m | 1.06m =) 21, | The2-D flow with velocity B =(x+2y+2)1+(4—y)j i Ta) compressible and irrotational (H) compressible and not irrotational [le] incompressible and irrotational (a) incompressible and_not irrotational 22. | A venturimeter of 20mm throat diameter is used to measure the velocity of water in a.) horizontal pipe of 40mm diameter. If the pressure difference between the pipe and throat | | sections is found to be 30 kPa, then, neglecting frictional losses, the flow velocity is {a) 0.2 m/sec [@)L0 m/sec {e) 1.4 m/sec Tita) 2.0 m/sec. | | A room contains 60 kg of air at 100 kPa and 15°C. The room has a 250-W refrigerator 23 | (the refrigerator consumes 250 W of electricity when running), 2 120-W TV, a 1-kW | | electric resistance heater, and a 50-W fan. During a cold winter day, it is observed | | that the refrigerator, the TV, the fan, and the electric resistance heater are running | continuously but the air temperature in the room remains constant. The rate of heat | | Toss from the room that day is Taina oss Oa wh [OBA KH | | aa. | Efficiency of Carnot engine is given as 80 %. Ifthe cyele direction is reversed, what | | ‘will be the value of COP of reversed Carnot cycle L Ct yaaa OS [025] ia)nane ofthe | | above 25, Seta An adiabatic heat exchanger is used to heat cold water at 15°C entering ata rate of 5 kg/s by hot air at 90°C entering also at rate of 5 kg/s. If the exit temperature of hot air | is 20°C, the exit temperature of cold water is {a)27°C (b) 32°C [a s2°c— (a) 85°C 26. For given combined radiati | thermal conductivity krC: given as and convective heat transfer coefficient ‘hy’ and given ical thickness of insulation for cylinder and sphere is 27, | Match the followin P:Compressible low | Ur Reynolds number Qi Free surface flow | V: Nusselt number | rE “Wi Weber number X: Froude number —P¥eMach number [TZ Skin friction coefficient (b) P-W; 0-X; R-Z; SU; TV. (@) PY: O-Ws 28, | A spherical thermocouple junction of diameter 0.706 mm is to be used for the ‘measurement of temperature of a gas stream. The convective heat transfer co-efficient | jon the bead surface is 400 Wim'K. Thermo-physical properties of thermocouple | material are k = 20 WimK, C = 400 J/kg K and r = 8500 kg/m’. If the thermocouple initially at 30°C is placed in a hot stream of 300°C, the time taken by the bead to | reach 298°C, is was Dads [oiais laws 28. ‘Two insulating materials of thermal conductivity K and 2K are available for lagging a | pipe carrying 2 hot fluid. If the radial thickness of each material is the same. '(@) material with higher thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and | ‘one with lower thermal conductivity for the outer. (b) material with lower thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and one with higher thermal conductivity for the outer. (©) it is immaterial in which sequence the insulating materials are used [@) itis not possible to judge unless numerical values of dimensions are given. Mechanical paper 2013 seta “The definition of K as per the internationally accopted temperature scale is (a) 1/100th the difference between normal boiling point and normal freezing point of water. (b) 1/273.15th the normal freezing point of water (©) 100 times the difference between the triple point of water and the normal freezing I point of water. (@) 1/273.16th of the triple point of water. For a perfect gas mateh list I with list I: List] (A) Isobaric thermal expansion coefficient | (B) Isothermal compressibility (©) Isentropic compressibility QW (D) Joule ~ Thomson coefficient aur | © up Op List 1 ao Qe @A4B3,C2,D-l_| O)ATB2C4,D-6 [(QA-4B-SC-6,D-1 | @) A3,B-4,C-6, DS 32. | For a given heat flow and for the same thickness, the temperature drop across the material will be maximum for (a) copper [@) steel ©glass-wool___ | (@) refractory brick 33, Select statements from List II matching the processes in List I. Enter your answer as | A, B if the correct choice for (1) is (A) and that for (2) is (B) | List List (A) Fourier number | (B) Weber number (© Grashoff number | (D) Schmidt number (1) Surface tension Q) Forced convection (3) Natural convection @) Radiation ( Transient heat conduction (6) Mass diffusion WAT BACH DS | WAS BA, C3, D6 [WAS B23 DA | OAS BCR DS 34 Inara ive heat transfer, a gray surface is one | @which appear gray whew (© which has reflectivity equal to zero ] (b) whose emissivity is independent of wavelength | @ which appears equally bright fom all directions 35. Mechanical paper 2013 seta A system undergoes a state change from 1 to 2. According the second law of thermodynamics for the process to be feasible, the entropy change, $2 —SI of the system 36. | In descending order of magnitude, the thermal conductivity of (a) pure iron, (b) liquid (@)is positive or zero (@)is negative or ze |@iszero |) can be positive, negative or zero __ water, (c) saturated water vapour and (d) aluminum can be arranged as (T@abea [@)bead (@dabe (@)adcba sa 37. | For the same inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluids, the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) is (I @) greater for parallel flow heat exchanger than for counter flow heat exchanger. [J @) greater for counter flow heat exchanger than for parallel flow heat exchanger. | (©) same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers. _| |_| (@) dependent on the properties of the fluids. - 38. | A positive value of Joule-Thomson coefficient of a fluid means | (@) temperature drops during throttling ature remains constant during (T@ temperature rises during throttling _| (d) none of these 39. | A Carnot engine rejects 30% of absorbed heat to a sink at 30°C. The temperature of the heat source is (a) 100°C (b) 433°C ©BlC Ta) 1010 °C 40. | An engine operates between temperature limits of 900 K and T and T and 400 K. For both to be equally efficient, the values of T will be (a) 700K (b) 600K (750K Ta) 650K a Ina heat exchanger, the hot liquid enters with a temperature of 180°C and leaves at 160°C. The cooling fluid enters at 30°C and leaves at 110°C. The capacity ratio of the heat exchanger is ‘ao: Te) 040 050 r@joss S s 4 ‘Mechanical paper 2013, seta 42 | A system of masses rotating in different parallel planes is in dynamic balance if - (a) Resultant force is zero (b) resultant couple is zero in () resultant force is numerically | (d) resultant force and the resultant couple, equal to resultant couple __| both are equal to zero. _| 43. | A torsion bar with a spring constant “k’ is cut into “n’ equal lengths. The spring | constant for each portion would be T@ak _ lo _| (© Kin @ur 44 | Logarithmic decrement of a damped single degree of freedom system is 5. If stiffness of the spring is doubled and mass is made half, then logarithmic decrement of the new system will be equal to | (7 V@ 128 b) 5 ~ [h@ 25 ay vb 4s ‘To ensure self locking in a screw jack it is essential that helix angle is (a) larger than friction angle | (b) smaller than friction angle — ~ (c) equal (0 friction angle ____| (d) such as to give maximum efficiency in lifting For a particular load distribution and support condition in a beam of length “L’, 10 45 | bending moment at any section "x" (O

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