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Workshop Manual €Xl2-2 €EX30-2 EX15-2 E€X35-2 Ex18-2 €EX40-2 EXe2e--2 E€EX45-2 EXe25-2 Excavator HITACHI vases INTRODUCTION TO THE READER ‘This manual ig writen for experienced techn cian to provide tochicalinformaton needed to ‘mantain and ropa this machin, Be sure to thoroughly road this manva! fr cor ‘ect product inematon and sence procodue, try have any questions or comments regard ng the contents ofthis manual. ‘+ Two typos of manual are avaiable. One is Tech nical ManvalTM). The eter is Workshop Man usw. Use the manuals according to purpose. Information incaded inthe Tt tectncal information nacced for redelvery and alvery, operation and actvaton of all dovces and sytem, oporeional pecormance tt, and trobioshooting procedures Posse contact using “Service Manual Revision Re- ‘quest Form’ at the end ofthe manval {Wote: Do not tear of the form. Copy for usage. Publications Markating & Product Suppor FitsoniConeructon Machinery Ca. Li. ‘Tet: 61-208592.7179 Fa 81-298-81-1162 ‘oformtion included inthe Wt ‘octal infomation needed for maintenance and ropai of the machine, tools and. doves hveded for maintenance ane ropa, maintenance Standaras, and rorvainstalaton and asm: Blotasassombie procedures. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES © toate role to the mate listed below in adtion tots manual Tha Operator's Manus! “ih Pars Catalog * Operation Manual ofthe Engine Parts Catalog ofthe Engine Hitch Tring Mater PAGE NUMBER ‘ach page has a numb, lcatd onthe centr tower part of the page, and each number cotains the To owing iformaton: Sample: 7.01-08-05 ‘Concocuive Pago Number for Each Group Group Nubor ‘Section Number 1: Technical Manual We Workshop Manus wor INTRODUCTION SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL AND HEAD- LINE NOTATIONS tn this manual, tho folowing safety alr symbol and ‘Sina words ae used to alert the reader fo the po. ‘ental or persona injury or machine damage. By Tris sth safety aon symbol. When you soo ‘he eyo, be sl tothe potent Yor peraone! n= by Neverfail to felow the sey instucions proscribed long wih tho safety alert synbo. The seloty alot symbol is ako used to draw ator tin to componenipart woh To avad injury and damage, be suo to use appo- priate Ming techeuques and ogupment we ing hoavy pars. © Ay CAUTION: indtcsts 2 potently hazardous ‘stuation which cout, ot avoided, rest in Berson nuy or death, © IMPORTANT: snseates a shuston which, # nat ‘vcdad, could resutn damage tothe machine © NOTE: indcates supplementary techical informa ton oc knowhow UNITS USED ‘81 Unis (intratonal Systom of Units) are used inthe mamas MKSA System units ana English uns 9 also in Seat in parentheses just bohing SI uns. Example: 24.5 MPa (250 kaon’, 9 $60 psi) ‘A tie for conversion trom 1 units to oer sy8- {tem unds ls shown below for efrence puposes. amy To Conver TRB Gomay TSO Tay Guentty | Fem et By | OY | From bo By re ca Th | “0837 eseare MPa | on [107 Eee i [on 267 1" He te. Tg oat 103882 Teer i Ps ts60 Volume = Usa [1087 i HP [131 a = yg — [08 — rene oF [os i a 20s ; a ro Force N Terese [eects FR om — [40 W a er Toru Ts] “retes 11.0197 muter—[—estev J “10 a ETE IN-02 SAFETY RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION 1 Tisis the SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. When you see tis symbol on your machine or in this manual, be alot tthe potental or personal inury Follow recommended precautions and safe operating praices. UNDERSTAND SIGNAL WORDS 4x machine sty sans sonal words dexgning Se dogs orl! oi hasid “DANGER, WARNING SrCAMTION se costo ey ar ayrog ANGER DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous Siuatlon whic, # nt avolded, wi result i death of Sat A WARNING WARNING incicatos a potentially hazardous siuaton which, itnotaveded, could rest n ceath coro A CAUTION CAUTION incicates a potentially hazardous Situation whieh not avoided, may resutn minor rmederae nut, orveer or warn aney sige ne cee = IMPORTANT oar pects hazards, General precautons er ls. (.on CAUTION safety signs CAUTION aca ator to sloy masses n NOTE themanval To avoid confusing machine protection vith parsonat ssiey messages, a signal word IMPORTANT Ind ats a staston whieh ot avoided, could result ‘tamage tothe macnie, (© NOTE incites an adstional explanation for an el rent of inoraton, eo SAFETY FOLLOW SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ea ‘© Caretuly read and follow all safety signs on the — ‘machine anda aslety messages ns manual. Safety signs should be installed, maintained snd replaced when necessay 1 satety sgn or operator's manuals damped or ‘missing, replace wits new one. J + Lean how to operate the machine and ts cones corey and ea woe ‘Alon ony trained, qualied, uthozed personnel to ‘pera the machine ‘op your machine In proper working conto Unauthorized modiicatons to the machine may impair the funcion andlor safely and atect machine We 1 The safety messages in thls SAFETY chacior are intended to ilustvate asc safety procedures of rachis. However Is Impossblo for these salty messages to cover every hazardous stuaton you may encourta. if you have any questions, you ‘shoul fst consut your eupen/sorbelore operat ‘or perioming maintenance work on se machine. PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES ‘Bo prepared fre ears ori an accent occurs. Keep att i tan fr extngusher on hand, Thorough fead and uncestand the label atiachod cote re extinguisher to se it propery. Eealen emergency procedure. guidlines to cope with ros and aceon Keep emergency numbers fo doctors, ambulance seroe, nosptal, and fre department posted neer Your telephone re SAFETY WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ‘Wear close fiting clothing and safety equipment approprat to ho ob. You may need ‘Ahad pat Safety shoes Safety gasses, goggles, o fac shies Heavy gloves Hearing protection Retecive cotung Wet weather gear wo Respirator o ater mask ae aure to wear the corect equipment and clothing {or tho[ob- Do pet ake any chances 98 «ap — POLS Avoid wearing ote lating, jowsry, or oer ts that can catch on coral avers or ther pars ofthe machine, ‘Operating equipment safely requires the fl attention of the operator. Do not weer radio of music Deadghones while operating machine PROTECT AGAINST NOISE + Prolonged exposure to loud nolse can cause [mpaimens or ae of hearing Woar a sulabie hearing protective device such as ‘armulleor earplugs to protct against cbjectonable (FUncemforaly loud noses. INSPECT MACHINE ‘Inspect your machine caellly each day or shit by walking around bofore you star it to aves personal inure In the walkcaound inspection be aure to cover all pons described inthe "PRE-START INSPECTION’ hapten the apeators mana se © oo SAFETY USE HANDHOLDS AND STEPS. «Folin ison of the major causes of persona ru. When you got on and of the machine, avays face ‘hemabting and maintain 8 tree-pot contact with ‘he Seps ana handrale Do ntuse any convols as handhold. Never jump on or of Adsmoueta moving maznins aching. Never meunt or Be caret of sippory condtons on plaiorms, steps, and hancras when faving the machine. ‘ADJUST THE OPERATOR'S SEAT ‘© A pooty dusted seat for ether the opertor of for te work at hand may auesy fatigue the. operator ang to risoperations. ‘The seat should bo adjusted whenever changing the operator forthe machine ‘The operator should bo able to fuly depress the pedals and to corecty operate the conte! lovers ‘nhs back gaint he seat back "ct move the seat forward or backward, and check gal, oo SAFETY FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT(IF EQUIPPED) ifthe machine shouls overturn, the operator may become injured andlor thrown tram the. cab. Additonal the operator may be crushed by the fvenuring machine, resulting in serous injury oF death. Piero operating the machine, thoroughly examine webbing, Buckle an ataching rawr. any tam IS damaged or wor, replace the saat belt oF ‘component before oparating the machine. 5e nue to emai sete wth to teat bet securely fastened at all times when the machine Is in Wa recommend that the set bat be replaced every ‘hres your regardless ote apparent sonaion. MOVE AND OPERATE MACHINE SAFELY «Bystanders can bo rn over Tako exra care roto run over bystanders. Confirm the locaton of bystanders before moving, singh, ‘or operating he machin. ‘Aways Koop the travel alarm and om in working oration (t equipped), k warns people when the machine stats to move. Use a signal pecon when moving, swinging, ot ‘operating the machine In congested. areas, Coordinate hand signals ‘before starting the rrachine, e SAFETY OPERATE ONLY FROM OPERATOR'S SEAT « lnszeropiate engine staring procedure may cause the mashing to runaway, pos=bly resting in ecus Inyo death Sarthe angne ony rom the operators seat NEVER star the engine whe standing on tho rack ron grouna De nat start engine by shorting across starter Beloe staring te engine, confi that all contol SUMP STARTING «Batery ges can explode, resting in serious iy. ite engine must be jumpstart, be surat flow the lnstuctions shown in the “OPERATING. THE ENGINE” chapter nthe operator's marval ‘The oparator must bo in te operators seat so that the machine wil be under conto! when the engine stats, Jump starting isa twoperson operation. Never use a fozen bate False to folom cost jump staring procedures coud recut n'a batary explosion oF 8 raway ‘machine, KEEP RIDERS OFF MACHINE ‘© Riders on machine are subject to injury such as boing suc by foreign bjects and being town of emactine COniy alow the operator an the machine. Keep riders of Fliers also obstrt the operator's view, rosin in ‘he machine beng opratod nan unsae mare, —s6— SAFETY PROVIDE SIGNALS FOR JOBS INVOLVING MULTIPLE NUMBERS OF MACHINES ‘© For jobs involving multle numbers of machines | * provide signals cemmonly known by all persone! Irveved Also, appoint signal paxeon to coordi tho jb sto. Make suo that all personne obo ‘gral poreer's directions, CONFIRM DIRECTION OF MACHINE TO BE DRIVEN, a «© Incorect travel pedallever operation may resut in s [otetw. 1 | Engine cushion rubber mouning ut ee ee le | al ne) tame Engine bracket mounting Bok (Fron) wolel 7 |*@is | = 2 rats a Engine bracket mounting bolt Rear) cil ee eee 3 | Tank mounting bot ws] 7 || s | a loNer620 w|i 3s | 2 4 Hyrautc hoes and Union Joes LnFare-r8 elo ae nro or | os | es fw 5 | Pap mouning bot wz [2] 0 || 9 | 6 6 | arp cover mounting bt ee a Contra valve meuning bok 0 |e) 7 [ots gee [ale peecczeees| arate coe 7| cone vavetackst mounting tot eal = ree | als Jee ciate | aed (Tote ete 3 | Sving device mounting bat 2 fe] af et os | Batery mounting bot e fel ws fee pa ra w |e} 7 [wis to 10 | Oarepy mouning bok se [4 | oes ter | 52 71 [Ca mounting bot we fe | [vr fsa fa 72| Swing besing mouring bok vpperrustze | 12 | 14 | 19 | woe t 1 feo Swing beng mounting toto undecarane | 12 | 6 | 12 | 100 | 11 | oo 75 | Tveldevies mounting bot 2 [2 | 1 [wei | 14 Sprocket mooning bot [ee [wet too 15 | Gude mouning bok 2 [2 | | 9 6 7 CT cas | 4 [v6] 2 | ws | wt 100 17] Cover mounting bot a vw fe;tye 2 wo | wie je 76 [ Pretecor mousing bok wo «|v | «| s | 12 Coserwognt mounting bat we [2] a | 2} of a NOTE: (1) Aplyiubvicant (i.e. white zinc B cssalved io spindle ol) fo bots and nus fo tabetha eon ‘onfiants (2) Mako sure bot and rut reads are clean befor insatng (9) Apply Loctte to treads of engine cushion rubber mounang bats, lower roller mounting bots, and ‘Swing post vericatpin mourtng balls baer naling thm, wo1-02.02 GENERAL INFORMATION / Tightening aes5are fs Demin BR | ey [ren Sn wm ovo |e fel [a Ee baat nas Fa a] 7 | « 2 a xo bit may nt Fy mle} ow La aut song a ealserimen el pRerieas]—| es A nmtcronesiionsion ins] | 2 | o weve! | |e papaya = >e> ete Soa mer isaac ani [ea 7 | Control valve bracket mounting bot Ba 5 a a ia a 1 [Sag soma a eopet eet ss 7 10 2 Ww 49 i 5 | 96 7 |e mei eo nomena etetoa te 1 |Seogterm nontgpaoumanae | te par] Sugierramamete means | (a) 0 |x |i cr rg eee 1 [Sona ang se a tsleaenanmata = obetow [er nega uote ash 7 [ee nora be] ba 18] Cover mourting bot 2 |e ° un ieisie 20] Counterweight mounting bot 22 2 32 sag {55 | 998 NOTE: (1) Apply rian octets. (2) Make sure bolt and nut reads are clean bole nstaing ite zinc 8 cssoved ito spine oi to bolts and nuts to stabilize tor fiction (8) Apa Loctte to theads of engne cushion ruber mourang bots, lower roller mounting bos, and ‘swing-postvrtcalpin mounting bots before nstalng tram. wor-02-08 GENERAL INFORMATION / Tightening roe, Base | omeptns sotoia |g |en sco vn me Ere cain ntker mania re a 1 |Engine cushion rubber mounting bolt 318 e 24 205, 7 [Fra ect meus bt Fon eee en meee ce Eng cet mnin bt oe mel lb aL 3 [vera ok 8 ue nk mei ok [v0 | 6 [17 | a loner 1 | 4] rungs torneo hoses and png funeari- 2 | UNFai36 a _| ee | Big mang bo 2 fe] [es 6 | Puno oor movning bok wo fe[ 7 [Ts 7 [cont ave mourig ot era) ara '8| Control valve bracket mounting bolt ° “ v “o 2 [i] w |e 3 | Svng doves rosin bk so |e | «| 208 @ fe] pests 10] ater reuning ra Peete 77 Caney ning tok sofa | ee | mos taf se 12 [5 mung tot wef « [ee er fe fot 13] Sug bewna mounina tokio mpmamicure | | a2 | 22 | 75 | xe | 100 suing taxing mouring boro undwariage | 12 | 20 | 19 | wos | os | oo 74 Tre! doves moun bt ao | 2 [vs tet sao 15 | Serctst mening bok “ [oe fe ao 1 | Une er mening ta rm zor Pw to 17 [Lower ror mong bat wee] 27 | a0 | ao | aaa 3 al con es 18 cone marina bot eI ees 2 w | wisie 7o | Prtcormauig bak 0 f«[ 7 [ets a 2 Gast mouning BoE we | [as | wf a7 NOTE: (1) Apply iuvicant (i. wht zine B cssolved ino spindle oi) t bots and nus 10 stabilize thor Hoton ‘ootint, (2) Make sire bat and rut treads a clean before intalig. (9) Aaply Lecue to tvesss of engine cushion rubber mounéng bots, lower roller mounting bots, and ‘swing-postvertcakpn mounting bls beter insaling thor ‘wo1-02.04 GENERAL INFORMATION Tightening aaa Ee, Bi cauT0% tne woe serps forte work Pasir eet ieeneeeenion arte ate tr fa en et Span sate anh ae Sere ae See ae ists we ey ab re een pera ey Bott Types Tighon ruts oF bolts corsety to torque specications. Four dlerent types and grades of bolt are empoyed soe Make sure to employ caret bats and tghtan them cr. recly when assombing tbe machine or components. Noncen Test Hop HBat Hoan Mc Set ‘Spectied Tightening Torque Chart Feagon] tba fi i ‘bon | wronen HEH@990] 7 Boh, Socket bot Hot Bot Oa. | sizo "S20" | Wm itm | wen | Nm igim | wt | Nm igtm | ee re en me ree Oe [oO er [eR etter Mio} ir vee eg earn dg org ae fia ea Mere] ag in| oa ab ogg ggg ae ga Mabe ge ag gee aah ay a ion | eae a 6 ata gag aaa a age ae Mae apa began ag Baa Sopa ae (M3080 beans aba rea (a A a aa ap ge ea be gab] 680 0 bog | re apo Mar ar ag gpa ag 0b 680s E760 | ga 390 Mayas pe 4 gta ag ani [430 sas 060 | sad 65a Messy eo" ba geo" 90 aed 1 810 tas ano | a0 8a ese) ee ay |S ao a0 a 810 an ne 0 | oS GENERAL INFORMATION Tightening IMPORTANT:(1) Apply lubricant (6. white zine B dissolved into spindle ol) t0 nuts fand bolts to stabilze thet ction Contents @ Torque tolerance is #10 2% (@) Be sure to use bolts of correct length. Bolts that are too long cannot be tightened, 26 the bolt ip comes Into contact with the bottom of the Bolt hola. Gols that fare too short cannot develop su: ont tightening free. (4 The torques given in the chart are {or general use ony Do Mot use these torques Ifa at- ferent torque is glven for = spe- ‘ie application. (©) Mako. ture that nut and bolt ‘threads ate clean before instaling. Remove dit or corrosion, i any. Bott Tightening Order Wien tightsing two or more bots, sghtn them aber natal, 25 shown, to ongure oven bgeenng. as win ve “any Tat cnr Sey a ‘£rD 800 oe oe Rod ooo $ oe0 wor-02-06 GENERAL INFORMATION Tightening ‘Service Recommendations for Spit Flange IMPORTANT: (1) Be sure to clean and inspect seal- Ing surfaces, Soratehes / rough: nets cause leaks and seal wear Unevenness causes seal oxtru- ‘sion I defects cannot be polished ‘out rplace the component. (@) Be sure to use only speciied O- fings. Inspect O-rings. for any ‘damage. Take care not to Tle O- fing surfaces. When instaling an (Oring into 2 groove, use grease to hold iin place, @) Loosely assemble spit flange halves. Make sure that spit is cen tally located and perpendicular to the port. Handstighten bolts to hol parts in place. Take care not te pinch the O-ring, (Uy Tignten bolts altemately snd diag onal, a& shown, to ensure even tightening. (6 Do not use at wrenches. Using an ‘ir wrench often causes ughtoning {of one Bolt fully before tightening ‘of the others, resulting In damage {fo Orings or uneven ghtening of bots [Nut and Bolt Lockings © Lock Pats IMPORTANT: Do not rouse lock plates. Do not try to bend the same point twice «spit Pin IMPORTANT:Do not reuse splt pins. Match the ‘holes inthe bolt and mut while tight- ‘ning, not while loosening, © Lock Wie IMPORTANT: Apply wire to bolts in. the bolt tightening dlvection, not In the bolt loosening direction. RIGHT oo nicht WRONG 6 wrona & ‘wo1-02.07 GENERAL INFORMATION /Tightening PIPING JOINT o Qe Pipe Thread Connection / Union Joint Tightening “Torque Specieations Union Joint Metal sosing surfaces (4) and (6) of adaptor (1) and tos (2 og bl ress Une ot — tod ton sit dato Eee IMPORTANT.) Do net overstghten nut (2). Eee a eee Seeing srace (and (), post = Biy racking daptor {Be ure = {olignen nut) to specteatins soe on tf in et €@) Scratches or other damage to enor Seating tutaces (or (wl Shue ou leaage at ejomt rane [ Wena See] —_Tahonng Tore Sie oot to eamage tere When mn fm afm, et) Cennecing kiesonnecting a mame} 2 5 (0.28) % fs (ae) 2 ser (ieto!) & 175 (12,190) Oring Sea Joint eo zs (20, 188) ea (6) sot agaist ond fen of sar (7) 0 seal prossure ol IMPORTANT:(1) Be sure to replace O-ring (6) with ‘anew one when reconnecting (@) Before tightening nut (9, contm that Oring (6 is seated coractly in Ong groove @, Tamerng fut @) Wit O-ing (6) csi sl damage ring (resting n oll leakage. (0) Toke care not to damage O-ing ‘groove (8) sealing surtace (10), Samant Cuan wi oe ot Bane o Ong © a a nmin, ot) (0 Jone ut found tbe 7 erewen Sasang’a esage do et 2 Sse) ‘onan te stop lenge stent H] (84 101) ‘lace Osi @ ath new one oP BS (38 190) then Ughten nut (@) aftr confi Ing tnat ing () is securely seat an pace, wo1-02-08

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