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Procedure for doing Bunker survey for AI Marine Surveyors.

a) Prior going to the vessel try to input as much information as you can collecting from www.
b) Prior boarding the vessel take bow and stern profile photo of the vessel.
c) Prior boarding the vessel take note and picture of the fore & aft draft mark.
d) Once onboard, request to see the Chief Engineer.
e) Please inform Chief Engineer that there should be no transfer of oil and ballast during the Bunker survey.
f) Fill up the Form AIMS-BS 007, put no. 5 (Log book Figure time) 30 minutes after you meet the Chief
engineer and handover the same to the Chief Engineer for filling up. Remember to this signed form back
from the Chief Engineer before you proceed for sounding.
g) Request the Chief Engineer for the followings:
 Bunker Sounding Table (Class Certified Copy only).
 Ship’s Particular – Duty Officer will be able to provide also.
 IMO Crew List – Duty Officer will be able to provide also.
h) Check the heel/list of the vessel and if not upright request the Chief Engineer / Chief Officer to make the
vessel upright.
i) Once all the information is received, please fill up the Excel sheet Entry page first and then Table 54.
j) Use Ullage height from the Sounding Table for input of the Tank Depth in the Excel sheet and also verify the
same with the actual height of the tank (in most cases of Diesel Oil/LSMGO/Empty HSFO tanks).
k) Before proceeding for the sounding please note the Ullage height for all the available tanks in your note
l) Before proceeding for the sounding please check the General Arrangement Plan for the location of the
Bunker Tank, specially the one located in the Engine Room.
m) Log Book figure is the BROB at the time of the sounding. To determine the time the best way is to put the
time close to half way of the sounding.
n) Half way through the sounding of the tanks, please check the draft.
o) If you are doing an On-hire for the Charterer, please make sure to correct the draft.
p) Please enter all the Sounding, Gauge Volume, Temperature and Tank wise Density in Form AIMS-BS 008
and get it signed and stamped by the Chief Engineer before proceeding for computation..
q) Before commencing the sounding of the tanks, please verify the bottom length of the ullage tape as we
have noted cutting away of the tape between the joint. This was noted during the Off-hire survey for
reading less.
r) In the Engine room where there is Gauge for Service, Settling and Storage tank, please ensure the level
gauge is not stuck in one position.
s) After checking the sounding come back and calculate the volume of each tank, request Chief Engineer for
the tank wise density.
t) During Off-hire survey do not give back any oil, if we are doing the survey for the Charterer.
u) During On-hire survey, try to bring the oil figure down to Master Delivery Message (obtain the copy), when
we are doing for the Charterer (if have more than the declare figure).
v) Any issue/difficulty please call us immediately, no matter what is the time.
w) Please take photograph of the Bunker sounding Cover Page with clearly showing Drawing No. and the Class
approval signature along with the respective sounding page of all the Tanks so that you can prove your
client later on that your calculation was correct.

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