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In groups of four answer these questions. Each group must answer a

question, then you’ll tell the other classmates:

1. What does the word SUFFRAGETTE mean? When was it used firstly?
2. Why do you think women began to claim for their rights?
3. What was women’s role in the XIX century?
4. What’s women ‘s role nowadays?
5. Describe both pieces of news and tell the differences:


14 October 1905, Manchester when they stood up and unfurled
Two young women have chosen their " Votes for Women" banner.
to go to prison rather than pay a Their behaviour provoked and
fine for causing a disturbance. angry reaction from the crowd.
Chistabel Pankhurst and Annie The women were drgged from the
Keney are the first women to be hall and thrown in to the street,
immprisoned for demanding the where they were arrested by
vote. police officers.
Uproar broke out at Manchester´s In 1903 Christabel Pankhurst
Free Trade Hall when Pankhurst founded the Women´s Political
and Kenney demanded to know if and Social Union with her mother,
a Liberal government would give Emmeline Pankhurst, the pionner
women the vote. Their protest of women´s suffrage.The arrest of
came at the end of an election the two women marks a nw
address by the leading Liberal militancy in what had been a
politician Sir Edwahrd Grey, peaceful law-biding campaign



14 June 1913, London

Thousands of people have At King´s Cross Station the
attended the funeral procession mourners paid their final respects
of Emily Davison, who died as the coffin was loaded on to a
after throwing herself in front of train bound for Northumberland,
the King´s horse at the Derby where Miss Davison was laid to
ten days ago. rest in her home town of Morpeth.
The tragedy happened as the field Described by many as an act of
thundered around Tattenham crazed sacrifice, Miss Davison´s
Corner, when Miss Davison dramatic action has focused public
darted out from the crowd and attention on the Votes for Women
flung herself at Anmer, King campaign. There have been many
George V´s horse. She was violent clashes between
knocked to the ground, and died suffragettes and the forces of law
four days afterwards from her and order in recent months.
injuries. The police found a return Members of the Women´s Social
ticket to the racecourse in her and Political Union have staged
handbag, suggesting that she had noisy, disruptive protests at many
not intended to die but only to public meetings. They have
make the horses shy up. marched, shouted, chained
A guard of suffragettes dressed in themselves to railings and
white black sashes excorted Miss smashed the windows of
Davison´s coffin as it was drawn government buildings.
through the streets of London by Suffraggetes have refused to pay
four black horses. taxes and to recognise the
authority of the courts.


1-Answer the following questions after reading text A:

1. When was the Women’s Political and Social Union founded?

2. Who founded it?

3. Who has been arrested?

4. Why are they going to go to prision?

5. Why were they arrested?

Tell the other half of the group about your news.

2. Answer the following questions after reading text B:

1. Who has died?

2. How has she died?

3. Whose horse was it?

4. Did she want to die? Why?


5. Where has she been buried?

3-Match the following dates and facts:

1838, 1867, 1869, 1872, 1903, 1906,1910, 1918,1928, 1931,1945
- Men were given the right to vote their representatives in the Parliament
in the U.K.
- Women were given the right to vote in the same conditions as men in
- Women were given the right to vote in Spain in the Second Republic.
- The Charter of Rights and Liberties foresaw women´s right to vote.
- The Law for older than 35 Women´s right to vote was projected and
accepted in Great Britain .
- Women were given the right to vote in the same conditions as men in
Great Britain .
- H. Fawcett founded the National Society for Women´s Suffrage in
Manchester, and similar societies appeared in London, Bristol,
Edinburgh and Birmingham.
- Jacob Bright obtained the Town Vote for women and presents a project
to obtain Parliamentary vote, but it is refused.
- Emmeline Pankhurst founded Women´s social and political union, that
initiated in 1906 terrorist campaigns to protest.
- Women were given the right to vote in the same conditions as men in
- Women were given the right to vote in the same conditions as men in

4-The reasons men gave to deny women´s right to vote were…

A) Women were considered too immature
B) Women would vote for the same party as their husbands, so it wasn´t
worth all the trouble.
C) Women were uneducated and therefore unable to decide for themselves.
D) Women could not read and therefore could not choose the voting paper
E) People who wore skirts or had long hair were forbidden to vote.
F) Women were not interested in politics


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