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Item-word Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5

1. showing dislike and no sympathy
2. having an attitude or acting in a way that shows you do not like people and do not care if they
like you
unfriendly Poco Huraño Odioso antisocial Antipático

1. uncomfortable with other people and unwilling to talk to them
shy Tímido Introvertido Penoso Inseguro Retraído

1. unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen
2. anxious because you're thinking about problems or other unpleasant things that are
happening or may happen
worried Preocupado Intranquilo Inquieto Alarmado Pensativo

1. feeling or showing surprise because something has happened that you did not expect
surprised Sorprendido Alucinado Asombrado Desconcertado Impresionado

1. generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings
2. not causing harm or damage
kind Amable Agradable Cordial Sociable Encantador

1. to enjoy or approve of something or someone
liked Apreciado Favorito Respetado Distinguido Amado

1. feeling fear, or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation
afraid Temeroso Asustado Acobardado Aterrado Espantado

1. certain; without any doubt
2. to be very or too confident
3. to have confidence in and trust someone
sure Seguro Confiado Audaz Firme Fijo

1. feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something
disgusted Asqueado Fastidiado Indignado Hastiado Harto

1. having hope
2. giving hope
3. having hope or causing you to hope; believing or causing you to believe that something
desired will happen
hopeful Esperanzado Optimista Ilusionado animoso Deseoso

1. opposed to change or suggestion
2. A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else
stubborn Terco Rebelde Dificil Testarudo Obstinado

1. feeling ashamed or shy
2. shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation
embarrasse Avergonzado Perturbado Sonrojado Deshonrado Humillado

1. not having made a decision or judgment about something
2. not having made a decision about somebody/something
undecided Indeciso dudoso Vacilante Confuso Indeterminad

1. funny and not serious
2. done as a form of play rather than intended seriously, or wanting to have a good time and not
feeling serious
playful Juguetón Bromista Alegre Travieso Bullicioso

1. to make the effort to do something
2. to spend time and/or energy doing something
bothered Molesto Incomodo Pesado Inoportuno Cansón

1. showing that you think something is funny
2. to keep someone interested and help them to have an enjoyable time
amused Divertido Gracioso Distríado Entretenido Ameno

1. interested in learning about people or things around you
2. having a strong desire to know about something
curious Curioso Interesado Fisgón Preguntón Entrometido

1. worried and anxious
2. anxious about something or afraid of something
nervous Nervioso Angustiado sobresaltado Atemorizado Alterado

1. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do
2. feeling tired and impatient because you have lost interest in somebody/something or because
you have nothing to do
bored Aburrido Cansado Desganado Desanimado Tedioso
1. not treating someone very well; not considering someone's feelings
2. unkind (to somebody/something) (to do something) unpleasant or unfriendly; slightly cruel
unkind Cruel Antipático Desagradabl Odioso Inaguantable

1. behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other
people's feelings
2. having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others
polite Cortés Educado Correcto Respetuoso Correcto

joking Chistoso Burlón Humorista Payaso Bufón

1. not willing to give or share things, especially money
2. unkind or unpleasant
3. frightening and likely to become violent
4. characterized by petty selfishness or malice
mean Malo Maloso Mezquino Tacaño Miserable

1. showing a lot of love towards someone
2. providing and showing strong affection or affection and a strong attraction
3. showing that you like something very much
loving Cariñoso Amoroso Afectuoso Aficionado Tierno

1. very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much
2. wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much
3. enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc.
4. liking somebody/something very much; very interested in somebody/something
keen Agudo Acertado Aplicado Entusiasta Sagaz

1. happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended
2. feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this
relieved Aliviado Tranquilo Calmado Liberado Aligerado

1. doing things in a secret and unfair way
2. used to describe something you do, eat, or drink especially when you do it without telling
anyone or when you should not really do it
3. secretive or dishonest
4. behaving in a secret and sometimes dishonest or unpleasant way
sneaky Solapado Malicioso Oculto Hipocrita Tapado

1. slightly rude or showing no respect, but often in a funny way
2. used to describe something that you eat, drink, or do, especially when this is done quickly,
without planning, or when you should not really do it
3. rude in an amusing or an annoying way
cheeky Descarado Insolente Impertinente Desvergonzad Cínico

1. telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie
2. (of a person) truthful or able to be trusted; not likely to steal, cheat, or lie, or (of actions,
speech, or appearance) showing these qualities
3. always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating
4. not hiding the truth about something
honest Sincero Honesto Legal Integro Intachable

1. wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it
2. relating to a person or group who has a connection with a particular situation, event,
business, etc
3. giving your attention to something because you enjoy finding out about it or doing it; showing
interest in something and finding it exciting
interested Atraído Cautivado Fascinado Inclinado Interesado

1. to not believe someone or something
2. not believing that something is true or that somebody is telling the truth
disbelieving Incrédulo Desconfiado Infiel Poco Receloso

1. not taken care of well enough
2. not taken care of
uncared Abandonado Descuidado Sucio Desaseado Dejado

1. unhappy and without hope
2. not expecting or believing anything good in a situation
3. having or showing a lack of hope
4. dark or nearly dark
gloomy Triste Melancólico Pesimista Sombrío Gris

1. to suddenly feel frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do something
stupid, dangerous, etc.; to make somebody do this
2. Feel or cause to feel panic
3. Drive someone through panic into (hasty action)
panicked Aterrado En pánico Histérico Aterrorizado Turbado

1. peaceful, quiet, and without worry
2. not excited, nervous or upset
3. Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions
calm Relajado Pacífico Sereno Adormecido Templado

1. not certain or having doubts
2. without confidence in yourself
3. Not feeling, showing, or done with confidence and certainty
unsure inestable Inseguro Vacilante Variable Inconstante

1. Using thought or rational judgement; intelligent
2. the process of thinking about something
3. ideas or opinions about something
4. the process of using your mind to understand matters, make judgments, and solve problems
5. the activity of using your mind to consider something
thinking Pensador Inteligente Razonador Sabio Intelectual

1. unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or
because something did not happen
2. unhappy or discouraged because your hopes or expectations about something or someone
were not satisfied:
3. Sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or
disappointe Decepcionad Desilusionad Defraudado Frustrado Desencantad
d o o o

1. very serious or bad
2. needing or wanting something very much
3. feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the bad situation you
are in
4. willing to be violent, and therefore dangerous
5. feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying
about danger to yourself or others
6. having a great need or desire for something
7. Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal
desperate Desesperado Pérdido Urgido Ansioso Exasperado

1. Feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions,
or perceived advantages
2. Feeling or showing a resentful suspicion that one's partner is attracted to or involved with
someone else
3. upset and angry because someone that you love seems interested in another person
4. unhappy and angry because someone has something that you want
jealous Celoso Envidioso Posesivo Ardoroso Afanoso

1. uncontrolled, violent, or extreme
2. not civilized; primitive
wild Salvaje Temerario Silvestre Tormentoso Agresivo

1. A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others
2. kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people
3. Displaying kindness and concern for others
caring Afectuoso Cariñoso Expresivo Mimoso Apegado

1. extremely angry
2. using a lot of effort or strength
3. with great energy, speed or anger
4. Full of anger or energy; violent or intense
furious Furioso Colerico Rabioso Feroz Frenético

1. Distressed or offended by another person's behaviour
2. to make somebody unhappy or upset
hurt Lastimado Dolido Sentido Lesionado Golpeado

1. very unpleasant
2. filled with or causing strong dislike
3. very unkind or unpleasant
4. Arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred.
hateful Odioso Detestable Aborrecible Reprobable Despreciable

1. Unhappy, disappointed, or worried
2. to make somebody/yourself feel unhappy, anxious or annoyed
upset Molesto Caer mal Indispuesto Insoportable Insufrible

1. Slightly angry; irritated.
annoyed Irritado Acosado Exasperado Enfadado Iracundo

1. feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has
happened or been done
2. feeling sad and sympathetic
3. feeling disappointed about something and wishing you had done something different or had
not done something
4. feeling disappointed about something and wishing you had done something different or had
not done something
5. Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else's misfortune
sorry Apenado Achantado Justificado Disculpado Absuelto

1. feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done or about a quality in your
2. feeling bad because you are aware that others know that you or someone connected with you
has done something wrong or embarrassing
3. unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment
4. Reluctant to do something through fear of embarrassment or humiliation
ashamed Humillado Ruborizado Abochornado Colorado Ultrajado

ignoring Ignorado Evitado Aislado Desechado Rechazado

believing crédulo Confiado Ingenuo Cándido Incauto

1. Sad because one has no friends or company
2. Without companions; solitary
3. unhappy because you are not with other people
4. (of someone) feeling sad because you are alone, or (of something) causing this feeling
lonely Solitario Desolado Desamparad Insociable Arruinado

1. to like someone or something very much; to like doing something
2. kind and loving
3. Affectionate; loving
fond Entrañable Afectivo Besucón Buen Querer Amigo

1. having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation
2. Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger
3. having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout
at them or hurt them
angry Airado Soberbio Iracundo Ardido Alterado

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