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2nd Meeting
* situation
Formal Response Informal situation Response

Hi, Hello! Hi, Hello! Hey! Hallo! Hey! Hallo!

Good Morning Good Morning What’s up! What’s up!

Good Afternoon Good Afternoon

Good Evening Good Evening

Good Night Good Night


* How is it going?
* How are you doing?
* How’s life?
* How are you doing so far?
* How have you been doing?
* How are you keeping today?
* How is everything?
* What’s up?
* Howdy!

*I’m fine, thanks

* Everything is ok
* I’m ok
* I’m great
* I am incredible (Gorgeous, Amazing)
* I feel good
* I’m not so good
* I feel bad
* I am terrible
* I am a messed
* A : Good morning Fatimah, how are you?
* B : I am just fine, thanks, are you well Diana?
* A : Yes I’m fine. How is Aminah?
* B : She is quite well.
* A : It’s nice to see again.
* B : The pleasure is mine.
Formal Situation Response Informal Situation Response
Would you be Allright, Thank you. Are you free next Allright.
interested in coming Monday?
to the cinema with
me tonight?
Would you like to With pleasure, Are you doing Sure, that sounds
come to my birthday Thank you. anything next like fun.
party? weekend?
Would you like to I’d like to very Do you fancy Fine, see you tonight
join our vacation? much, Thanks. coming to the
cinema with us
Would you like to It sounds great. How about joining Okay.
go o my boarding hang out this
house? weekend?
Would you like to What about having Fine, see you
visit us sometimes? I’d like to, but I’m dinner with our tonight.
not feeling well classmate?
today. (refusing)
Would you like to I’m sorry, I can’t go. Shall we begin the Sure, what’s on?
go with me? (refusing) discuss now?
* Arin : Hello Hany, nice to see you again.
* Hany : Hello Arin, haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
* Arin : I have been in America as a matter of fact.
* Hany : And how long have you been away?
* Arin : Just over a year.
* Hany : Going back?
* Arin : Yes, I am leaving the day after tomorrow.
* Hany : Well, time to get back to work I suppose! Would you have time to drop around and
have on chat with us this evening? I know Merry would be very glad to see you.
* Arin : Thanks, I’d like to very much.
* Hany : Good, see you tonight then.
* Arin : Fine. See you.

* I’m fine, thanks * Alright, Thank you

* Everything is ok * With pleasure, Thank you
* I’m ok * I’d like to very much, Thanks
* I’m great * It sounds great
* I am incredible (Gorgeous, Amazing) * Sure
* I feel good * Okay
* I’m not so good * Fine
* I feel bad * I’d like to, but I’m not feeling well today
* I am terrible (refusing)
* I am a messed * I’m sorry, I can’t go (refusing)
Topic : Hobbies
What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy a lot of things, but painting is my main
That’s really cool! What do you paint? I mostly paint landscapes
That’s amazing! Do you have any pictures of Sure, I have some of them on my phone.
your work?

Topic : Movies
What kinds of movies do you like? I love horror movies.
How about you?
Oh, I love horror movies, too. But I can’t Me neither.
watch them alone.
What kinds of other movies do you like? Well, I am big fan of romance movies as well.
If you need to discuss more about speaking, you

can contact me through:


+62 81231488047 (Devi Purmayanti)

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