MT Officers Virtual Seminar October 21-23 OCtober 2020

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Maersk Tankers Officers Virtual Seminar: 21-23 October 2020

What do we want to achieve?
➢ Ensure a shared understanding of the vision
➢ Enable our Shaping the Future Strategy through
➢ Enable Cost Leadership through engagement
➢ Create shared commitment by aligning expectations
➢ Strengthen commercial mind-set by better understanding of
commercial requirements and impacts on MT results
➢ Strengthen our Safety Culture through interaction with our
fleet officers
➢ Discussion of safety incidents across fleet and
discussions of lessons learnt
➢ Create a forum for exchanging knowledge/ ideas and network
and to promote, emphasize and enhance Company SMS
➢ Develop people leadership skills to improve engagement and
performance on board
➢ Understand: "what does it take to get us there?"

Seminar feedback will be collected digitally through an online survey and link
for the feedback will be shared separately.
Separate feedbacks for each Day of the Seminar.
Agenda Day 1 – Wednesday, October 21, 2020
09:00 Welcome and Setting the scene Tommy Thomassen

09:15 Fleet Group Management – Key Priorities Umesh Shinde & Robert Elliot

09:45 Q&A

09:55 Regulatory affairs Jai Alimchandani

10:25 Q&A

10:35 Break

10:45 Sustainability Janus Auken

11:05 Q&A

11:15 HSSEQ and Marine Operations Peter Hawkin

11: 35 SIRE & PSC Madhav Kamath

11:55 Q&A

Post your Questions - Functional Corner Virtual teams

a. Fleet Group Mgmt & Procurement b. Crewing & Vessel IT
c. Marine Standards & Regulatory affairs d. Commercia l & Fuel Ops

12:30 End of Day 1

Agenda Day 2 – Thursday, October 22, 2020
09:00 Maersk Tankers Strategy Update along with Q&A Christian Ingerslev

10:00 Procurement Frederik Pind

10:30 Q&A

10:40 Break

10:45 Inventory of Hazardous Material (IHM) Luis Aranha

11:15 Q&A

11:25 Commercial Sanjeev Ranjan & Amit Anshu

11:55 Q&A

12:05 Fuel Optimization Kartik Kathavate

12:20 Q&A

12:30 End of Day 2

Agenda Day 3 – Friday, October 23, 2020
09:00 Review and Preview Tommy Thommasen
09:10 Feedback to Questions raised
a. Fleet Group Mgmt & Procurement : 0910 to 0925

b. Marine Standards & Regulatory affairs: 0925 to 0945

09:45 Feedback to Questions raised
a. Crewing & Vessel IT: 0945 hr to 1000

b. Fuel Ops & Commercial: 1000 to 1020

10:20 Break
10:30 Anti Corruption – Maersk Tankers MT Legal - Christian Kjøller
11:00 Q&A
11:10 Fleet Technology Ashok Patra / Steen Jacobsen

11:40 Q&A
11:50 Vessel IT Seenivasan Govindaraj
12:15 Q&A
12:25 Recap + Most interesting questions

Closing Remarks

12:40 End of Day 3

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