Handle Meetings With Confidence: Elementary

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myClass Teachers’ Notes

Handle meetings with confidence 05

A day out
Lesson description
In this lesson you will have a discussion to plan a work day out. You will learn language for making and
responding to suggestions and will develop your vocabulary to talk about leisure activities.

Taking part in a meeting to plan a day out.

•  Phrases for making and responding to suggestions.
•  Vocabulary for leisure activities.

Learners will discuss different places in which to have a work day out and agree on one. They will then
plan a schedule for the day.

Information on days out (photocopiable).

Suggested running order

Lead-in Mingle – free-time activities.
Vocabulary for activities.
Input Reading a leaflet about an activity centre.
Language focus Making and responding to suggestions.
Task Discussing a work day out.


1 Learners mingle and find who can answer ‘yes’ to their questions. Elicit an example question
first (they are all present simple) and encourage learners to ask follow-up questions.

2 Learners find the activity vocabulary from the mingle and add it to the table according to the
verb pattern.

go to: go -ing: do: play:

the country go cycling yoga computer games
the gym go hiking

1  myClass  Elementary 05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

myClass Teachers’ Notes

Handle meetings with confidence 05

3 Learners add the words in the box to the table in 2.

go to the cinema go climbing do karate play football
You can then ask learners to think of more examples to fit these patterns e.g. go jogging, do
aerobics, play chess.
4 Tell learners to test their partner. A says an activity e.g. yoga B responds with the phrase e.g. do
yoga. They could also add additional activities of their own and give comments e.g. I do yoga
every day.
5 Learners discuss the questions in pairs / small groups to introduce them to the topic of the


1 Learners look briefly at the text to say what kind of text it is (a leaflet) and what it’s about (an
activity centre)
2 Learners look again at the text and find the answers.
1 paintball, canoeing, rock climbing, quad biking, go-karting and archery (plus horse riding, fishing,
rowing, pool tables and bowling)
2 No. Beginners can have lessons.
3 by the lake
4 pool and bowling
5 yes
6 yes
7 private parties, children’s activity days and team-building events
8 no
9 Phone 0756 6787 4532 or email akhurst@adventures.com
3 Learners find activities in the text and add them to the table in the lead-in.
go: canoeing, rock climbing, quad biking, go-karting, horse riding, fishing, rowing, bowling
do: archery
play: pool, paintball
(or go paintballing)
4 Learners discuss their opinions of the centre.

Language focus

1 Learners match the suggestions and replies.

1 b 3 e 5 a
2 d 4 c
2 Learners put the suggestions and replies in order to make a dialogue.

2  myClass  Elementary 05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

myClass Teachers’ Notes

Handle meetings with confidence 05

Let’s go to the activity centre tomorrow.
That’s a good idea. There’s lots to do there.
How about going canoeing?
I’m not sure. I’m afraid of the water.
Shall we go horse riding?
I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s dangerous if you don’t have experience.
We could have riding lessons.
Ok, I like horses and that sounds safer.
Then we could have lunch and go bowling after. What do you think?
Great idea! We’ll be hungry after riding.
Put the complete ordered dialogue on the IWB for checking and making it easier to read in 3.
3 In pairs, learners practise reading the dialogue in 2. You could drill pronunciation first or give
feedback after a first reading and then get learners to read it again.
4 Learners look at the activities in the lead-in and input (see table) and make suggestions and
reply in pairs.
A: Let’s go swimming tomorrow.
B: I’m not sure. Swimming’s boring. How about going to the cinema?


1 Give each pair information about one day out (photocopiable). They look at the information and
discuss the three questions.
2 Regroup learners so that each learner has a different day out to talk about. They tell each other
about their places, discuss them all and choose one for a work day out.
3 In the same groups, learners decide which of the activities to do and plan a schedule for the
day, thinking about activities, refreshment breaks and entertainment.
4 Learners report to the class about their plans for their work days out.

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myClass Teachers’ Notes


4  myClass  Elementary 05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

myClass Teachers’ Notes


5  myClass  Elementary 05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

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