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Principles of Electrical Engineering Major -1

Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi

EEL102 Principles of Electrical Engg: Major Exam
(Closed book/Closed Notes) Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 25
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s answers”
All Questions to be attempted on the Question Paper Itself!

1. BlA uskF sAwF, m  rF sAwF s s'

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ks ?
Super Power...Factor kF cmkAr... Consider two industrial plants
plant 1 and plant 2 which are to be set up. The power supply company
is to give them power at 4000V.
(a) plant 1’s electrical load consists of 30kW of heating equipment, and
150kVA induction motors which operate at 0.6 lagging power factor.
i. Compute the overall apparent power (3 marks)

ii. Compute the total current (1 mark)

(b) plant 2 needs the same power, but operates at unity power factor.
(This is very difficult to achieve, but assume that it is so!) What
would be the rating of its supply transformer, and its maximum cur-
rent rating? (1+1 marks)

(c) Answer the following, with reasons: (5 marks)

i. Which plant will have to install a larger supply transformer?

Sumantra Dutta Roy, EE, IITD

Principles of Electrical Engineering Major -2

ii. Which plant will have to need thicker input supply wires coming
from the power supply company?

iii. Which plant will have more recurring costs, once operational i.e.,
which one will have to regularly pay more to the power company?

iv. Why is it easier to try to achive a close-to-unity power factor for

industries, and not our homes?

v. Why is it often difficult in general, to achieve and exact unity

power factor for a given load?

2. Transfer of power. . . The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

In deriving the Maximum Power Trans-
fer Theorem, one assumes a source hav-
ing a Thévenin Equivalent voltage VG
and Thévenin Impedance ZG , and a
load impedance ZL connected as shown
the the figure. The book derives the
condition for maximum power transfer
by examining the expression for the
power PL , and by examination of the formula, choosing a particular value
for a quantity in the denominator that would maximise it. (This was how
it was explained in class). The derivation then proceeded to look for an-
other parameter, and taking the derivative of PL . However, this is not the
most general way of going about it! (This was mentioned in class, too!).
Use the most general method of finding the extremum of a function for
this case, assuming that the extremum of PL in this case is guaranteed to
be a maximum, not a minimum. (2 marks)

Sumantra Dutta Roy, EE, IITD

Principles of Electrical Engineering Major -3

3. Teeing off is for stars. . . Y ? not my cup of T! This question asks

you to derive the formulae for the delta-to-star (∆/Π/T T -to-Star/Y /T )
transformation. Given the ∆ configuration of three impedances Za , Zb
and Zc on the left, derive an expression for the corresponding impedances
(Z1 , Z2 and Z3 ) between the same three points 1, 2 and 3 - when they
are connected in the Star configuration. The figure on the left shows the

∆ configuration, the middle one - the Star configuration, and the one on
the right shows the two superimposed. (3+2 marks)

Sumantra Dutta Roy, EE, IITD

Principles of Electrical Engineering Major -4

A scientist using many a phasor

. . . tired of shaving using a razor
4. Impedance to Phasors. . . aAEKr Q? He thought of an unusual way
But repents heavily, to this day
For he used a LASER
(a) Sinusoidal voltages and currents, and impedances can be represented
as complex numbers. Yes, why are voltages and currents phasors,
whereas impedances are not? (1 mark)

(b) Consider the case of series resonance: a series RLC circuit with a
voltage source whose rms voltage value is V . Compute the resonant
frequency ω0 . Compute the rms voltage across the inductor VL , and
that across the capacitor VC - both in terms of V , and compute the
quality factor Q = ω0 L/R = 1/ω0 CR. (1+0.5+0.5 marks)

5. Knowing where to draw a line. . . Linearity (2+2 marks)

A function f is linear if it satisfies two properties:
• Additivity: f (x1 + x2 ) = f (x1 ) + f (x2 ), and
• Homogeneity: f (αx) = αf (x).

(a) Why are both the above properties needed for linearity - why doesn’t
additivity alone serve the purpose? For instance, one can derive
f (2x) = 2f (x) from f (x + x) = f (x) + f (x). Explain your answer.

(b) Is the function f (x) = mx + c linear? Explain your answer.

Dear student, I hope that you have enjoyed

modified from a limmerick in the book Analog
the course as much as I have enjoyed teach-
and Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition
ing it and interacting with you. Since most
by A. Ambardar, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 1999,
of you will not have much to do with Elec-
p. xvii:
trical Engineering after this, I tried putting
in material that would be both interesting
A limmerick packs laughs anatomical
and have physical significance, as well as
In a space that’s quite economical
possibly of use (even remotely) in the fu-
After lots of searching, I’ve concluded hence
ture. However, these two requirements of-
that comical ones seldom make sense
ten do not go hand-in-hand. I think this is
And sensible ones so seldom are comical
best described by the analogy, which I’ve
Sumantra Dutta Roy, EE, IITD

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