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and after some reluctant conversation, Shivero was given their room number, and he manged to

request and be given some paper, as well as a quill to write. After receiving the items to create a
letter, a rush of emotions and memories began rushing back to Shivero, his recollection of the
past few months becoming a lot more clear, and his once cold thought began to warm up with
each and every thought that rushed passes his mind. He quickly rushes to a table, and using
candle light, begins to right in the best way he possibly can. As he writes, he keeps thinking,
and the tears soon begin to roll down his cheeks like the falling of snow on mountain peaks. The
letter he was composing said this: "Oh my dear companions, my dear friends, and even my
family. Bellator, Aurgelmir, Fae, Tom, and Luna, I know this may be something completely out of
the blue, but this day, I write to you in respect, gratitude, and love. I cannot begin to express
how much of a blessing it was to meet the lot of you, even though things may have begun with a
bit of a rocky start. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank whatever higher power set us
up on this path to meet each.other and become something even more than friend. I know to you
two, Luna and Tom, recently but I want to say to the two of you, keep working hard and staying
safe, I wish the best and only the best for the both of you, and I hope that maybe you remember
who I am, even if only by the name of 'The half ass.' My days with the tow of you I remember
quite vividly. We fought a toad md then afterwards we gambled and spent some time in the pub.
We did some conversation, and boy if only I had know then, I would have spent more time with
the two of you. Sadly, that time seems to be running out to me…"

"Fae, oh you sweet lass you! You have captured my heart, but not in a romantic way. What I
mean is that your compassion, your kindness, and your devotion to other knows no bounds. You
have woven you way deep into the hear of my soul, and I will always cherish the time I have
spent with you Young lady. The crying, the laughing, all the close calls. I truly owe my life to you,
as you have saved it many times before. I remember first meeting you; you ran in to the scene
of battle to help some strangers that you didn't know anything about, and that amount of
bravery, that amount of courage, it is truly astonishing and is at the core of your very essence. If
there is one thing you remember from me, please let if be this: 'You are a wonderful, strong,
brave, and caring soul. I'd be more than proud to call you my friend, and above even that, a
member of my family..." A space is left under that and a new address is formed. 

"Someone might have to help him read this, but Aurgelmir, my good pal, my comrade, my
frenemy if you will. You are something that many people can't fathom. Some may say you are
just a caveman, but I, I see you for who you are. You are Aurgelmir!! You are strong. You are
stubborn. But most importantly, you are truly caring. Even if it isn't really toward me, I know you
have a great, wonderful, big heart that lies inside your chest you giant softie! Please, protect
Fae, and protect our family and comrades. I know this sounds like a lot coming from me, but it
would mean the world if you could do me that favor. Sadly, I won't be around to drag you home
after we complete a mission, but you never really needed that in the first place. I know that you
haven't been doing the best since that demon attacked, but I trust that you will get better with
the help of our friends. Focus on moving forward you big lugg. I love you like a cousin, but I
don't know if you'd be able to comprehend that. Heh"

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