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YNES AMPARO TELLEZ ITURRALDE PUBLIC INTERPRETER ENGLISH-SPANISH BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA I, Ynes Amparo Tellez Iturralde, holder of identity Card No. V-2932528, Public Interpreter of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in English-Spanish, according to the title ‘published in the Official Gazette No. 25334 and recorded at the Main Registry Office of the Federal District on March 1987 and later repuilished in the Official Gazetle No. 29159 on March 34, 1970 (for correcting the surname) and duly recorded at the Main Registry Office of the Federal District under ‘No. 321, folio 142 of the Main Protocol, Volume 1 and posted down at the First Instance Court of Justice in Caracas on March 31%, 1970. Do CERTIFY the truthfulness of the attached Birth Certificate Number 125 pertaining to MARTHA JOSEFINA DURAN MORA, FREE ISSUE | REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA | TACHIRA GOVERNMENT | FISCAL STAMP VALUE 0.02 TAX UNITS | OFFICIAL PAPER TA-2006 NUMBER 0589293 BIRTH CERTIFICATE N° 125 —Iesus Maria Borrero Garcia, Prefect of San Sebastian Municipality, San Cristobal District, hereby certifies that today April 5, one thousand nine hundred and seventy four, a female child was presented before this Office by Citizen: JOSE ANGEL DURAN FI ROA, Venezuelan, married, Graduated in Education, twenty eight years old, holder of Identity Card N° 3076884, who declared: that the child he is presenting was born Semidey Clinic of this Jurisdiction, on the twenty fifth of last month, at eight fifteen minutes at night and bears the name: “MARTHA JOSEFINA”, who is the legitimate daughter of the presenter and of: HELDA JOSEFINA MORA MEDINA, maztied, Graduated in Education, twenty five years old. ‘The witnesses 6f this act were citizens; Miguel Antonio Salcedo and Marco Sierra, Venezuelan, of legal age, neighbors and legally competent. After this record was read to the presenter and witnesses they signed. THE PRECEDING COPY IS TRUE AND EXACT TAKEN FROM ITS ORIGINAL, WHICH I CERTIFY AND ISSUE AT THE REQUEST OF THE INTERESTED PARTY FOR LEGAL PURPOSES, IN SAN CRISTOBAL, ON THE TWENTIETH DAY OF THE MONTH OF JULY OF THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND SIX, ‘Signed and stamped by Attomey JUAN CARLOS CARDOZO ARAQUE, CIVIL REGISTRAR OF SAN CRISTOBAL MUNICIPALITY (ILLEGIBLE). ‘Second Docume: BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA | MINISTRY OF PEOPLE'S POWER FOR DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, JUSTICE AND PEACE | REGISTRIES AND NOTARIES’ AUTONOMOUS SERVICE | CAPITAL DISTRICT MAIN REGISTRY OFFICE | LEGALIZATION DEPARTMENT Sime that he signed is: CIVIL REGISTRAR OF SAN TACANARTAIS tase ee CRISTOBAL MUNICIPALITY OF This legalization makes no judgment with respect to any other matter of substance or form, Payment for Autonomous Service according to Application Number 0770 for an fmount of Bs. §, 2.36, Including Tax Stamps for 0.8 Tax Unit, This document was drafted by the Public Official Mairclis Cedefo. Caracas, on the Fifth (5) day of the month of December of the year 2018, Signed and stamped by Attomey GREGORIA CALZADILLA, Deputy Registmr of Capital District Main Registry Office and Mairelis Cedefio, Public Official, Third docume: BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA *MINISTRY OF PEOPLE'S POWER FOR DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, JUSTICE AND PEACE* AUTONOMOUS SERVICE OF REGISTRIES AND NOTARIES ‘The preceding signatuce comesponding to Citizen Attomey GREGORIA CALZADILLA ‘Who is as stated, Deputy Registrar (B) of Capital District Main Registry Office. Attention is Gravn that this legalization makes no judgment with respect to any other matter of substance ot form, Caracas, December 05, 2018, 208", 159° and'19° ‘Signed and stamped on behalf of the Minister, NELSON JOSE GARCIA, GENERAL DIRECTOR OF AUTONOMOUS SERVICE OF REGISTRIES AND NOTARIES (illegible). Decree N°1979 dated September 04, 2015, published in the Extraordinary Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 6195 of same date and Resolution N° 162 dated September 09, 2015, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 40.743 dared September 10, 2015. This document has been electronically signed with the same probative value that the law grants written documents, according to articte 4 of the Law of Electronic Data Messages and Signatures. THIS IS A TRUE TRANSLATION OF THE ABOVE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NUMBER 125 PERTAINING TO MARTHA JOSEFINA DURAN MORA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I SIGN AND STAMP MY SEAL IN CARACAS ON JANUARY 157, 2019. Yes Amparo Tellez Iturralde saci vers RicIOAUTENOUS DR eC RTAOE NOTA. FECHA OSti2720:8 PUB estes enn dene ma ine ‘das cote pr nt carcass oz seth ‘Gresaanvexgeciv, ow sige de s02 (2) ne prenegsbas pave eset docu, Aged Reverie a met cospcnrte is 0) seeneto areas bE REO! Ree Ndimoro plana -213-01920080 lj ' 7 ‘atin ‘ah Némero Control :488-0000-0000 Te ee ee into Tipe deActo: Logalizacion de Firma | Nore y epalido del Soiciante: | SEDE PRINCIPAL, JORNADA ESPECIAL ‘GUURIFPPasapore del Solckante Forma de Paco To. GhequelAprebeatn 735 200083375 Nombe'y elias el Depostante: Lanacus Hevacucles, Maia Efe, | SURE ssesete sel Denssant: | cheq de Grea GBBAUSY mise Banco ~ Vy Farina) Gageeta unto ds Venta fae 2 | Pago par Intemet je : | Morita %n Leas: ime. [bgp ere odo] ie Fiscal Torall poxeet erat er eT) + Se Funcionamioewsor | runciomnorecertor | runcionarioncusor | RecISTRADOA/NOTARIO. Nombres y apellidos. ] Gregoria Cairadilie JEAN CARLOS SANCHEZ | fastens Cédula de Identidad : astessen hese Cargo: contrara00 Fecha: o6r1272018 Firma games | —_I eas eee arcosReeeu | cents 4, gonin on | aes 9002-Banco Industri: re saagagre hs ADTE: 666 Sno7Bence omten | "EOGEe, ots croasanonde Ves | Nance 8 Ofeebanes dl Towar | Ee ss (hos-Baneo Provinle onto 85.236 ax G-200083875 | oo vcs RETO enna alge es OS EXPEDISION GRATUITA PaREDS DE NACIMIENTO NP to 5. Tews Moria Rorrero Gatela, Prefecto del [Municipio San Seb ntos setent: [de mil nor 3 et @ Gudadanc: JOSE ANGEL DURAN ‘FI entidad N° S076884, guien de esta Fosisdiccié de la noche y Heva pot nombre: "M. action, Distt Gon Cristobal, hace constat: que hay cinco de abril |, cmatro, fine presenfadt en este Despacho, unanifia hembra. |, EROA, venezolano, casado. |, _[bisensiado en Educacién, de veltioetio aioe de edad, pot neo: que la fifa que presenta nacié en ta Clinies |, Gia veintieinco det pasado mes, JOSEFINAL , fel seolante y de: HELD A JOSEFINA, MORA MEDIN era, venezélanos, mayares de edad, vecinos - LA ANTERIOR COPIA, SOLICITUD DE PARTE INTERESADA PAR: LOS VEINTE DIAS DEL MES DE 3} tador de ta Céedula cenciada en. “9 fueton les ciudadanos. # > 16 i fhe nN i TAM 7 A PAE Zs IHAt fs ABOG. WAN CARLOS CARI SAN CRIsTOD AN uw REGISTRADOR CIVIL DALLMITS Ea at fea) Ph PIG Nt, ge Mtn ae SELES SERV viet suse fel Bi tubipiiniient 4. Lanes GASTRO TaNcH DAMARTAMBN 1DOR CIVEL senvier aurONNO DE REGISTROS fy NOTARIAS VeNsevnn A PAIA RLLACIONES 1p NTRRIONES, JUSTICLS y rag, 2 AUTONONO DE REGISTRONY NOT DEL Dustarto Canin VU: DE LEG MAACIONES the, ARG: sonstea's gue para nel we tegeticer ha firtue te él (la) eteelactunna fey ABG. JUAN n pura ta fecha que stserihe ZO ARAGL 1BIG SAN CRISTOBAL DEL-ESTADO k a prujizge aeercy leningiin otro cetreno de te legilToacein no prjtnge i Solietiuit N°. 0770. Por un Pesen Por Serviei Auednuine Inctyyenine Finbres Ficales 08 bormda-par ta Mairolis Cede te Diciembre ALZSDILLA Lacan REPUBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA POPULAR PARA RELACIONES INTERIORES, JUSTICIA Y PAZ" SERVICIO AUTONOMO DE REGISTROS ¥ NOTARIAS ia) ciudadano(a) ADILLA. Se legaiiza la firma que entecede ABG. GREGORIA CALZ Incipal del Distrito Capital. en es como se titula, Registradora Auntiliar (E) | Registro Se advis que la presente legalizacién no projuzga acerca de Ningin otro extremo de fondo ni a seus, 05 de Diciembre de 2 Cara 208", 1597 y 19 Porel Ministro, NELSON JOSE GARCIA DIRECTOR GENERAL DEL SERVICIO AUTONOMO DE REGISTROS ¥ NOTARIAS iccréto NY 1.79\del 04 de septieeebre de 2015, publeads.cn a Canola Oficial ds ta Replica Hofvavisna de Venazucia N°8.1US sae na deo migina loth y, Resoluson Ni" 162 del OD de septembre de 20°6, nuDicada en ly Gaeta Ola ds le Repibice Bolivariana de Venezuela NAO, 743 del 10 de septembre de 2015 Documenta firmade electrdnicamente eon el mimo vater probitoria que te ley otorga a los tacumentos eserttos, segt articula 4° de te Le de Meusajes de Datos y Fivmas Electronica,

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