TAREA Role-Play (Metodología II)

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Karen (presenta) La situación 1, sobre la mala actitud por

parte de los estudiantes y los profes

Scene 1 ( Bad attitude ):

Miss Cinthya: ​Okay students we are going to continue with the previous subject, does
anyone do the homework? (Preguntas a cada uno)
Lizbeth: sorry miss , I didn’t the task, but i wasn’t the only one, I didn't understand the
last class and i tried to ask my classmates but they were as confused as me
Alan: I don’t know miss, I couldn’t attend the last class.
Victoria: No, miss. To be honest, I didn​'t the task
Sergio: Sorry miss, I don’t remember the topic of the class.
Karen: Miss! I don’t remember very well.
Miss Cinthya: It's a shame of all of you, all you do in class is gossip between you and
obviously you can't understand anything of what I say, but I have to continue (Luego
proyectar una imagen del tema del present simple). “Explicar​”
Sergio: ohh miss! I am so tired.
Lizbeth: I wanna go to sleep
Miss Cinthya: Okay students your microphones are on and I could hear what you said,
if anyone doesn't hear my class can go, but before that you must know that this is one
of my worst groups, probably the most of you are going to repeat this course.
Alan: I already knew it, but I don’t care.
Victoria: It doesn’t matter. Your methodology it’s boring.

Karen (presenta) La situación 2, sobre la buena actitud

por parte de los estudiantes y los profesores
Scene 2 (Good attitude)

Miss Cinthya: ​Okay students we are going to continue with the previous subject, does
anyone do the homework? (Preguntas a cada uno)
Lizbeth: sorry miss , i didnt the task, but i wasn’t the only one, i didn't understand the
last class and i tried to ask my classmates but they were as confused as me
Alan: I don’t know miss, I couldn’t attend the last class.
Victoria: No, miss. To be honest, I didn​'t do the task
Sergio: Sorry miss, I don’t remember the topic of the class.
Karen: Miss! I don’t remember very well.
Miss Cinthya: What a pity, but why is happening that,I'm going to fast with the
explanation?.. our what is happening students, you can tell me without problem.
Sergio: Miss! So sorry, but I was working in the morning, and I don’t feel very well.
Lizbeth: I’m struggling to form sentences , I'd like if you show us more examples.
Alan: Honestly, I can’t understand your teaching methodology and also, I have some
problems with my mother. You must be more comprehensible with us.
Victoria: I agree with my partner, Miss. I think that you should go more slow
karen: I think similar to what my classmates miss, I'd be perfect if you take our
comments in a constructive way.
Miss Cinthya: okay...thanks for letting me know what is happening with you students
and also with my methodology, I didn't realize that i was going to fast and i that my
explanation wasn't the best, we are going to look for solutions…

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