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Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10

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Solid waste generation and characterization in the University of Lagos

for a sustainable waste management
A.E. Adeniran a,⇑, A.T. Nubi b, A.O. Adelopo b
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Director of Works & Physical Planning, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Works & Physical Planning Department, University of Lagos, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Waste characterization is the first step to any successful waste management policy. In this paper, the
Received 27 December 2016 characterization and the trend of solid waste generated in University of Lagos, Nigeria was carried out
Revised 1 May 2017 using ASTM D5231-92 and Resource Conservation Reservation Authority RCRA Waste Sampling Draft
Accepted 2 May 2017
Technical Guidance methods. The recyclable potential of the waste is very high constituting about 75%
Available online 19 May 2017
of the total waste generated. The estimated average daily solid waste generation in Unilag Akoka campus
was estimated to be 32.2 tons. The solid waste characterization was found to be: polythene bags 24%
(7.73 tons/day), paper 15% (4.83 tons/day), organic matters 15%, (4.83 tons/day), plastic 9% (2.90 tons/-
Solid waste
Waste characterization
day), inert materials 8% (2.58 tons/day), sanitary 7% (2.25 tons/day), textile 7% (2.25 tons/day), others
Solid waste management 6% (1.93 tons/day), leather 4% (1.29 tons/day) metals 3% (0.97 tons/day), glass 2% (0.64 tons/day) and
Sustainable development e-waste 0% (0.0 tons/day). The volume and distribution of polythene bags generated on campus had a
positive significant statistical correlation with the distribution of commercial and academic structures
on campus. Waste management options to optimize reuse, recycling and reduce waste generation were
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (2016) ‘‘Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) represents

a contemporary and systematic approach to solid waste manage-
In today’s world, University communities can be regarded as ment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines
‘‘mini cities” with large territorial coverage, diverse human activi- ISWM as a complete waste reduction, collection, composting, recy-
ties, these having different degrees of effect on the environment cling, and disposal system. An efficient ISWM system considers
(Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008). Nigerian Universities in Oyo how to reduce, reuse, recycle, and manage waste to protect human
and Lagos state for example, have been said to act as their own health and the natural environment.” Amijo de Vege et al. (2008)
municipalities (Adeniran, 2014, 2015). The Universities and Col- identified waste characterization as the first step to any successful
leges are required by state and international bodies to adopt sus- waste management policy, in order to estimate potential materials
tainable development strategies in all their operations in order to recovery, identify sources of component generation, facilitate
have a positive impact on the socio–economic and environmental design of processing equipment, estimate physical, chemical, and
wellbeing of their immediate and extended communities. The thermal properties of the wastes, and maintain compliance with
importance of Universities in promoting sustainable development regulations. The composition of generated waste varies as a result
has been highlighted in a number of significant declarations, of seasonal variation, lifestyle, demographic, geographic, and local
including the Talloires Declaration (1990), the Halifax Declaration legislation impacted (Hockett et al., 1995; Irwan et al., 2011;
(1991), the Swansea Declaration (1993), the Kyoto Declaration AbdAlqader and Hamad, 2012).
(1993), the Copernicus Charter (1993), Students for a Sustainable Effective waste management program is generally low in Nige-
Future (1995), (IISD, 2002) and (Greyson, 2007,). ria. Although, there are legislations and regulatory bodies estab-
An integrated waste management system is one of the major lished to drive the program at the three tiers of government
challenges for sustainable development. According Rick Leblanc (Local, State and Federal) but less success had been recorded
(Nathaniel et al., 2012). There are a host of policies and regulations
on solid waste management (SWM) in Nigeria. Despite these,
⇑ Corresponding author. waste management is in its lowest ebb. Nigeria generates more
E-mail addresses:, (A.E. Adeniran).
0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4 A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10

than 32 million tons of solid waste annually, out of which only 20– 2.4. Waste categorization and recycling potential rating
30% is collected. MSW are indiscriminately disposed leading to
blockage of canals, drainages and causing pollution to water bod- Three weeks trial sampling was conducted to determine the
ies. Despite being a model for other states in the country, MSW regular waste types generated on campus and the grouping pattern
is a big challenge for the Lagos State Waste Management Agency suitable for the sampling exercise. Waste were classified into
(LAWMA) to manage alone, hence the need to engage the services major categories using grouping system of the College and Univer-
of private waste firms and other franchise to reduce the burden of sity Recycling Council (CURC, 2001), with modifications to accom-
waste collection and disposal (Bakare, 2016; UNEP, 2009). Some modate peculiar waste stream generated on campus (Table 2). The
research works have been carried out on collection and character- recycling potential of each waste was evaluated based on the
ization of solid wastes in some cities like Enugu, Onitsha, Ota and availability of recycling market for each material within the
Ojo Local Government area (Uwadiegwu and Chukwu, 2013; locality.
Nwachukwu, 2010; Olukanni and Ugwu, 2013; Longe and
Ukpebor, 2008), There is little or no data on the volume or charac-
teristics of waste generated in most tertiary institution in the 2.5. Sampling procedure
country on which to initiate a design for waste management sys-
tem for the institutions. The work of Amori et al. (2013) focused Sampling was carried out using the ASTM D5231-92 and
on solid waste generation from residential areas in three institu- Resource Conservation Reservation Authority RCRA Waste Sam-
tions in South West Nigeria. pling Draft Technical Guidance methods. The ASTM method
The aim of this research is to characterize the waste generated requires that: (1) statistical criteria should be used to determine
in the University of Lagos (Unilag) Akoka campus with the view to the number of samples; (2) vehicles sampling should be random
determining the trends in the volume of waste generated and and performed over a 5–7-days period and; (3) the initial sample
examine possible integrated solid waste management strategies. should weigh approximately four times the subsample that will
be sorted (Gidarakos et al., 2005). The RCRA method provided basis
for field sampling after the vehicles had discharged. The number of
2. Materials and method
sample (n) required was determined using the equation:

2.1. Sampling area

n ¼ ðT S=EXÞ
University of Lagos, Akoka campus is located in the Western
part of Lagos, Nigeria. It is one of the major University campuses where
in Nigeria with an estimated 561 hectres of land area hosting 10
faculties, 330 staff housing units, 15 students’ hostels and several T⁄ = the student’s t-test corresponding to the desired level of
administrative and academic buildings. It has 52,779 students’ confident,
enrollment and 4688 members of staff for the 2014/2015 academic S = the estimated standard deviation,
year. Only about 25% of the student population and 10% of staff are E = the desired level of precision, and
resident on campus. The University campus has an estimated X = the estimated mean.
87,000 day population. Major activities on campus focused on
teaching, research and community services. In carrying out these The number of samples to be collected was statistically deter-
functions, academic, administrative, residential and commercial mined using the student T⁄ value at 90% confident level and 10%
spaces are provided. Majority of the area have permanent struc- precision level. The standard deviation (S) and mean X was calcu-
tures which are often purposely built for specific activity. Fig. 1 lated using polythene bags as the governing waste composition. A
shows the map of Africa showing the location of Nigeria, Lagos total of 48 samples were collected based on Eq. (1) (S = 0.52,
and the University of Lagos. X = 0.95). Twelve samples were collected from each zone. Sampling
was carried out thrice every month. The waste trucks were ran-
domly selected for sampling based on the waste collection zone.
2.2. The University waste collections system
After discharge, samples were collected at different layers using
shovel and polythene bags. The composite sample from each truck
For the purpose of waste collection, the University campus
is mixed and weighed. Average sample size is between 30-50 kg .
landmass was divided into four (4) zones A, B, C and D (Fig. 2).
The samples were sorted into each category of waste manually
Two private waste managers were employed to collect waste for
and the average weights of each component determined. Samples
zone A and B and the other to collect for zone C and D respectively.
were collected between October 2014 and September 2015.
The Waste is disposed to the University Sorting Centre where each
waste manager sorts the recyclable wastes and package for onward
transfer to recycling company. The residues are disposed for land 2.6. Daily waste generation
reclamation where feasible.
The daily waste generation on campus was determined by
2.3. Activity grouping of zones measuring the dimension of each waste truck at 90% of its
capacity to accommodate loading error that could be associated
Structures within each zone were categorized into four main with non- compactor waste trucks. Two waste trucks of 16.5 m3
groups viz. (i) academic and research, (ii) commercial, (iii) residen- capacity and a compactor truck of 18.6 m3 were used for waste
tial and (iv) administrative. A structure is block(s) of buildings con- collection. The waste volumes (m3) were converted to weight (in
structed for specific utility. The number of structure within each tons) using the NALAS Municipal Solid Waste Information
zone was grouped together based on the nature of activity. The System (SWIS) management software for municipal waste. The
breakdown of structural grouping of all zones is presented in numbers of trips per day by each waste truck are recorded in
Table 1. A correlation analysis using SPSS 21 was used to investi- the waste collection log book at the University sorting centre
gate the relationship between waste generation in each zone and which is used to determine the average daily waste generation
the activity distribution of the structures on campus. on campus (Table 3).
A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10 5

Fig. 1. Map of Africa showing Nigeria and the location of the University of Lagos.

Fig. 2. The University of Lagos Akoka campus map showing the solid waste management Zones.
6 A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10

Table 1
Activities grouping of structures in each zone.

Type of activities Number of structure in each zone ZONE Total

Academics and research 5 3 5 2 15
Administrative and services 7 2 5 1 15
Residential 27 65 9 48 149
Commercial 6 7 7 1 21
Total 45 77 26 56 200

Table 2 students and staff population with average daily waste generation
Descriptions of Waste Component Categories. of 0.56 ton (Okeniyi and Anwan, 2012). From Fig. 3, Zones A and B
Category Description are academic areas while Zones C and D are staff residential areas.
E- waste Electric cables, printers cartridge, phones accessories The variation, academic period, the waste generated on campus
Glass All glass materials would certainly be influenced by the schedule activities on cam-
Leather Shoes and bags made of leather pus. The volume of waste generated during graduation and matric-
Metals Tins cans, aluminum cans, iron and non aluminum ulation ceremonies (February/March), which normally bring a lot
Polythene bags Polyethylene packaging bags, sachet water bag, PP bags,
of visitors to campus, could be high while during period of students
Organic w Food waste, garden waste (branches, twigs, leaves, grass) vacation (September/October) waste generation are relatively low.
Paper Note book, printer paper, text books, glossy paper.
Plastic PET bottles, HDPE, and other plastic
3.2. Recyclable potential of solid waste generated on campus
Sanitary waste Pads, diapers and cotton wools
Textile Cloth wares and wigs Applying the solid waste recycling potential rating in Table 4 on
Other Dirty, hair and miscellaneous materials waste generated from Unilag Akoka campus shows that 75% of the
Inert Soil and stone
waste could be recycled. This can be clearly observed when the rat-
ing is applied on the composition of waste generated from each
zone (table 5). All the zones had high potential recyclable waste
(Zone A 69%, Zone B 74%, Zone C 93%, and Zone D 74%). The Univer-
3. Results and discussion
sity’s waste has a lower non-recyclable (25.0%) when compared to
other reported studies by Armijo de Vega et al. (2008) and Smyth
3.1. Quantity of waste generation
et al.(2010) of 34 and 28.2% respectively (table 6). Presently, the
University is able to recycle four categories of these wastes at a
The Unilag Akoka campus generated an average of 32.2 tons of
very low volume, plastic 66.7 tons, paper 7.4 tons, metal 6.5 tons
waste daily during the year. The daily waste generation rose by
and polythene 2.6 tones for the 2014/2015 operational year. Less
63.3% from 25.9 tons/day in the first month to 40.1 tons/day during
than 1% of recyclable wastes are being recovered, the rest are sent
the sixth month (Table 3). The waste generation volume was more
to the landfill as residual waste.
influence by the volume of waste collected in the zone A and B
which constituted an average of 74% of daily waste generated
and has a strong positive correlation (0.9491) at p < 0.01 significant 3.3. Waste composition
level with the total volume of waste generated (Fig. 3).
The University of Lagos has a day population of 550,000. About Fig. 4 gives the overall waste composition generated on Univer-
8000 students and 2000 staff with family members are resident on sity of Lagos, Akoka campus while the average percentage compo-
campus. The volume of daily waste generated in Unilag Akoka sition of waste generated in each zone is presented as table 5.
campus was 30 times higher than the daily waste generation on
Campus Mexicali I of the Autonomous University of Baja California 3.3.1. Organic waste
(UABC) with 1 tons per day (Armijo de Vega et al., 2008) and Cove- Food waste is the major constituent of the organic waste
nant University, Ota, Ogun state, Nigeria having 7087 and 1054 generated on campus representing 10% of the total organic waste

Table 3
Waste Generation Records.

Zone A and B Zone C and D Total

Month (M3) Tons No of Trips (M3) tons No of trips (M3) Tons daily/tons
14-Oct 1498.40 494.5 100 930 306.9 50 2428.4 801.4 25.9
14-Nov 1765.60 582.7 118 874.2 288.5 47 2639.8 871.1 29
14-Dec 2331.30 769.3 155 762 251.5 41 3093.3 1020.8 32.9
15-Jan 2186.00 721.4 146 948.6 313 51 3134.6 1034.4 33.4
15-Feb 2656.00 876.5 177 558 184.1 30 3214 1060.6 36.6
15-Mar 3005.90 991.9 200 762.6 251.7 41 3768.5 1243.6 40.1
15-Apr 2517.2 830.7 168 632.4 208.7 34 3149.6 1039.4 34.6
15-May 2342.8 773.1 156 855.8 282.4 46 3198.6 1055.5 34
15-Jun 1829 603.6 122 818.4 270.1 44 2646.9 873.6 29.1
15-Jul 2247 741.5 150 752.4 248.3 40 2999.4 989.8 33
15-Aug 2,216.40 731.4 148 558 184.1 30 2,774.40 915.6 30.5
15-Sep 1886.4 622.5 126 576.6 190.3 31 2463 812.7 27.1
Total 26,482.00 8739.1 1765 9029 2979.6 485 35,511.00 11,719.00 386
A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10 7

ZONE A+B (tons)

ZONE C+D (tons)

Quantity of Waste Collection

45.00 TOTAL (tons)

Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep-
14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Date (Month)

Fig. 3. Zonal and Total Waste Collection.

Table 4
Recycling potential of waste. dents Hostels and Commercial areas) and lowest (3%) in zone D
(Professorial residential area). Organic wastes pose a lot of environ-
Category recycling potential rating
mental and health challenges with the potential to release green
1 2 3 house gas and attract vectors if not properly disposed (Smyth
E- waste et al., 2010).
Leather 3.3.2. Plastic and polythene bags
Metals Plastic bottles and plastic packaging bags represent the largest
stream of waste generated on campus representing 34% of the total
Polythene bags
waste generated. Polythene bags are the major recyclable waste
Organic waste generated on Unilag Akoka campus constituting 24% of all waste
generated. These bags are mainly low density polythene packaging
bags used for sachet water and packaging items. Zones C was found
Plastic to have generated the more volumes of polythene bags (47%) con-
Sanitary waste sisting 60% of students faculties. Most disposed polythene bags are
contaminated from source making sorting difficult with additional
cleaning process needed after sorting. Polyethylene terephthalate
Other (PET) bottle used for packaging water and drinks constitute 9% of
Inert the plastic waste generated. It is the highest recycled waste on
campus: 74% of total recycled waste. The remaining components
1 = Waste with existing recycling market. of plastic wastes are high density plastics mainly from broken
2 = recyclables with no existing market. domestic materials: buckets, plates and chairs. The composition
3 = non recycle waste. of polyethylene bags and plastic were also high in waste generated
for University Tecknologi Malaysia (plastic 17.2% and polyethylene
bags 31.8%) before the institution of a Green office initiatives (Zen
generated, while garden wastes from lawn cutting and cleaning of et al., 2016). However, Polythene wastes have not been observed in
green area constituent the rest (5%). The average organic waste large quantity from waste composition of some other universities.
generation was found to be highest (22%) in the zone B (70% of Stu- Plastic (including plastic bags) only constitute 5% of waste in cafe-

Table 5
Waste composition in each zone in(w/w)%.

Waste Types Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D

E-waste 0 0 0 0
Glass 0 5 0 0
Inert 24 4 1 8
Leather 0 7 7 1
Metal 3 4 3 4
Polythene bags 10 13 47 19
Organic 10 22 18 3
Other 4 4 6 11
Paper 20 7 6 34
Plastic 13 8 7 8
Sanitary 3 20 0 7
Texile 13 6 5 5
Total 100 100 100 100
N 12 12 12 12
Total weight of sample collected (kg) 367.7 kg 427.0 kg 640.9 kg 291.0 kg

N: number of samples.
8 A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10

Table 6
Comparing the waste potential analysis of the this study with other previous research works.

Research and year Armijo de Vega et al. (2008)b Smyth et al. (2010)a Adelopo et al. (2017)c This study 2015
Waste categorization (w/w)% (w/w)% (w/w)% (w/w)%
Recyclable 32 49.34 11 33.3
Potential recyclable 34 21.61 55 41.7
Non-recyclable 34 28.2 34 25
The waste potential analysis of the Prince George campus of the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Canada.
The waste potential analysis of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) Mexico.
The waste potential analysis of active landfills in Lagos, Nigeria.

3.4. Correlation studies

The Spearman correlation analysis (Table 7) shows that there is

a positive statistical significant relationship at p < 0.05 level
between the distribution of commercial and academic structure
with volume of polythene bags generated on campus. This implies
that the polythene bags generation has linear relationship with the
number of commercial and academic structures. Similar trend was
observed for the food waste with strong positive statistical rela-
tionship (0.60) with commercial and academic structures. The vol-
ume of PET generation on campus had a positive correlation with
only administrative structures while paper generation bears very
weak statistical relationship with the distribution of structures
based on activities. Although very strong positive correlation
(0.9) was observed between academic and administrative struc-
tures on campus but the volume and types of waste generated
from them has no statistical similarity.
Fig. 4. Overall waste composition.

3.5. Proposed management strategy

The results show a wide gap between the quantities of waste

terias/kitchen waste in Turitea campus of Massey University, New
generated on campus and the waste sorted for recycling. Out of
Zealand (Mason et al., 2003) and the highest plastic generating
about 11,719.0 tons of solid waste collected during the period of
source of 8% was only found in the community centre at the uni-
study only 87.02 tons was sorted and recycled. This represents
versity of Mexicali I campus of Autonomous University of Baja Cal-
0.74% recovery despite the 75% of recyclable potential. The import
ifornia (Smyth et al., 2010).
of this observation is that the University will need broad base
waste management strategies which will capture all categories of
3.3.3. Paper waste waste streams. Waste reduction is a cardinal step towards an effec-
Felder et al. (1999) and Smyth et al. (2010) analysis of univer- tive waste management strategy (Zama and Lehmann, 2011).
sity waste had observed higher portion of paper at 32%, and Waste reduction advocacy will focus on reducing waste from
29.1% of the whole generated waste in the University of British source through deliberate university waste policy encouraging
Columbia, Vancour, and University of Northern British Columbia, reduce, reuse of resources and then recycling. The result has also
Canada, respectively. In this study, the papers disposed repre- presented major waste stream which the University would need
sented only 15% of the whole waste generated in Unilag Akoka to target using some underline waste management strategies to
campus. They are often wet or soiled with other waste. Cross con- be discussed.
tamination of paper is the major challenge associated with recy-
cling paper from mixed waste (Mason et al., 2003). Newspaper is 3.5.1. Organic waste
not a major part of the paper waste generated on campus. Most For the effective management of organic waste, Westerman and
newspapers are bought by the departments and are kept as archive Bicudo (2005) have identified three different second life uses of
for the library unit and research references Less 0.01% quantity of organic waste: Composite production, energy generation and for
paper are sorted. Soil nutrient. More universities are able to manage their food waste

Table 7
Correlation relationship between major wastes generated and the activities grouping.

Food waste Paper PET Polythene bags Academic Administrative Residential Commercial
Food waste 1.000
Paper 0.122 1.000
PET 0.112 0.169 1.000
Polythene bags 0.685a .0370a 0.009 1.000
Academic 0.387a 0.129 0.240 0.365a 1.000
Administrative 0.235 0.204 0.303a 0.254 0.949a 1.000
Residential 0.246 0.007 0.024 0.280 0.738a 0.600a 1.000
Commercial 0.608a 0.042 0.091 0.426a 0.500a 0.316a 0.105 1.000
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10 9

through compost formation. Camosun College, in Victoria, British were sensitive to cost. More importantly, is the need for the uni-
Columbia, have run a successful food waste composting program versity community to be aware of the volume polyethene bags in
since 2003 which was able to diverts 51metric tones of food waste circulation. The effects of this type of waste to the environment
away from the landfill annually (Symth et al., 2010). Ohia Univer- and the need to change our lifestyle.
sity had successfully commercialized the in-vessel composite unit
which is able to manage 6 metric tons of food waste daily (Ohia
University). The university could review the possibility of com- 3.5.3. Paper
mencing a compositing unit to drive into the renew commitment The low volume of paper (15%) waste disposed may be associ-
of the federal government on agriculture. There are five different ated to the University effort at reducing paper utility with the
central cafeteria points on campus with high food waste genera- introduction of a paperless policy. Most registration and record
tion potential. Education of the operators of these cafeteria centres are done online. Lecture notes are more of softcopies and staffs
is needed to stimulate the habit of proper food waste separation are encouraged to use the internet for more official activities. How-
from source. Mason et al. (2004) evaluation of cafeteria waste in ever, data are currently not available in respect of the volume of
Turitea campus of Massey University, Zealand reported an initial papers which have been curtailed via the policy. Also, there exist
food waste recovery of 25% but increased to 88% when proper sort- unofficial papers recycling in some departments where staff
ing of food waste was carried out on waste generated after training directly sells paper waste to recycling agent. Paper reduction will
of the cafeteria staff. Residential apartment and student hall of res- demand a more commitment to the paperless policy and improved
idents are also possible outlet for food waste which has to be tar- paper recycling by staff and students. The student body will need
geted to ensure food waste is separated from source. Mbuligwe to champion the campaign for better disposal of used note book
(2002) studies of waste generation from residential hall of three and handouts which are mainly found as mixed paper. The ‘‘ Use
universities in Tanizia reveal that organic wastes were 40.0%, wisely A paper = trees” campaign of the student union University
54.5% and 67.5% respectively. The composite generated will be a of Oregon was found to create more strategic information network
valuable asset for farmers within the suburb of Lagos state. The for paper reduction on the campus (Symth et al., 2010). The green
university may also consider the use of the food waste as biomass office initiatives of saving paper also reduced the volume of paper
for biogas generation. The University has a constructed wetland used on the University Tecknologi Malaysia campus from 58% to
wastewater system which is been processed through anaerobic 30% (Zen et al., 2016). Presenting departments’ paper reduction
digestion to generated methane gas and also serve as secondary records and its cost benefit report to member of staff could induce
treatment for the wastewater. Anaerobic digestion of food waste increased departmental performance to the paperless policy.
has been reported to have approximately three times the methane Goldenhar and Connel (1992) and Kim et al. (2005) found receiving
production potential by volume than municipal wastewater solids recycling feedback on volume of recyclable waste sorted had
(EPA, 2008). More sewage facilities with excess digestion capacity higher levels of recycling behavior on students and working group
are now been used for the management of food waste in some within the Universities.
municipal in the US (EPA, 2008). Optimized reduction of the parti-
cle food waste size and liquefaction are essentials treatment
needed for the food waste feedstock (Izumi et al., 2010). It is esti-
3.6. The University waste policy
mated that 100 tones daily food waste could generate sufficient
power for approximately 1000 homes. (EPA, 2008) The University
Leveraging and developing a Zero waste strategic has been the
may need to consider the possibility of managing its food waste
focal point of waste management policy of the University for a Sus-
through a synergy with present sewage system to optimize
tainable Environment that is envisaged. Policies are currently
methane gas generation for energy generation.
being put in place to encourage recycling but also eliminate cre-
ation of unnecessary waste from source. Such policies include pro-
3.5.2. Polythene bags and plastic
viding color code cycling bags to residents at nominal costs and
A major factor that could be responsible for high volume of
incentives to and encouragement through the University Environ-
polythene bags (24%) on campus is the use of low cost polythene
mental and Beautification Committee for the Cleaning Unit,
packaged drinking water referred to as ‘‘sachet water” which is
Department, Faculties and Faculties on campus. The University
sold in most places on campus. The campus receives an average
stakeholders’ commitment to these policies will be driven by effec-
of 7000–8000 of 50 cl sachet water daily. High volume of poly-
tive communication, performance incentives, sustainable technol-
thene bags content have also been reported in some municipal
ogy and Feedbacks. Collaborative research work are also on-going
waste in Nigeria being the second largest class of waste after
towards a zero waste management objectives.
organic waste at 16.5% (Babatunde et al., 2013). The challenges
of increasing polythene bags waste generation in developing coun-
tries have been highlighted by Yildiz et al. (2012) observing that
majority of developing countries have a lot of polythene bags 4. Conclusion
waste with little or no recycling capacity to control the associated
environmental hazards. There is need for effective control of the The estimated daily waste generation of University of Lagos
volume of polythene product within the circulation on campus. Akoka campus is about 32.2 tons with polythene product repre-
Dada (2009) had observed that the growth of polythene sachet senting the largest portion of waste 34%. The University waste
water was due to the desired of customers to have portable water has high recyclable potential (75%). The organic waste generated
at reduced cost. The University needs to enact policy which will could be managed via composite formation or integration with
encourage use of water dispenser in Cafeterias, commercial areas the sewage management system. Strategic policy and community
and offices. This will help localize plastic generation point for ease participation are needed for the source reduction and improved
collection, discourage the use of sachet water while providing recycling of waste. Waste characterization as highlighted in this
water at less cost. Students and staff will be sensitive to saving paper provided a better understanding on the waste generation
cost. Convery et al. (2007) report that introduction of an addition pattern in the University campus and how it should stimulate
tax of 53 Euro cent on the use of plastic bags in Ireland stimulated the basis for a better decision on the sustainable strategic in the
shift away from the use of plastic bags by 90% because consumers management of waste on campus.
10 A.E. Adeniran et al. / Waste Management 67 (2017) 3–10

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