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Copyright Liz Greene and Astrodienst AG. All rights reserved. Version 2.



Yearly Horoscope Analysis
for Amauri Santini

Astrodienst AG, Dammstr. 23, CH-8702 Zollikon / Zürich, /

Yearly Horoscope Analysis
Amauri Santini, born 8 January 1988
No. 21046.10-1, from February 2021

Text by Liz Greene

Programming by Alois Treindl

Astrodienst AG, Dammstr. 23, CH-8702 Zollikon / Zürich

Tel. +41-44-392 18 18
Internet E-Mail

Copyright Liz Greene and Astrodienst AG. All rights reserved. Version 2.10
Astrological knowledge, complete text
and hand-drawn astrological glyphs
by Liz Greene

Programming and product design

by Alois Treindl
Programme Version 2.10 16 February 2021

Astrodienst AG, Dammstr. 23, CH-8702 Zollikon / Zürich

Tel. +41-44-392 18 18
Internet E-Mail

Copyright Astrodienst AG and Liz Greene. All rights reserved.


Contents of the Yearly Horoscope Analysis

February 2021 until January 2022

I. Introduction - page 6

II. The year's main themes - page 9

The dominant energy * Feeling loved and loving * Har-

mony with the outer world * Another important theme *
A time of vulnerability * The necessity of sacrifice

III. Significant trends in each sphere of life - page 15

1. The sphere of emotions - page 15

An open heart * A room with a view * Feeling alone
against the world * Shaky foundations * Conflict and
tension * Disharmony and discontent

2. The sphere of the physical world - page 23

New opportunities * Independence and self-will *
Adolescent rebellion

3. The mental sphere - page 26

Bright ideas * Light, bright thoughts * A restless mind
causes discontent * A transformed world-view

4. The spiritual sphere - page 31

Glimpsing the whole * Making peace with pain

5. The sphere of the Inner Self - page 34

Gifts from heaven * Firm boundaries * The value of

IV. Conclusion - page 38

Appendix - page 40
Suggested further reading * Technical Information

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 3
YEARLY HOROSCOPE ANALYSIS from February 2021 until January 2022
for Amauri Santini (male)
birthdate: 8 Jan. 1988 local time: 17:00 Sun: Capricorn 17°42'53
place: São Caetano do Sul (São Paulo), BRAS U.T.: 19:00 Ascendant: Gemini 7°48'17
long: 46w33'04 lat: 23s37'23 sid. time: 23:04:01 houses: Placidus

The selected transits and progressions for this period

2020 2021 2022
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

A]mD prog. Sun conjunction Venus p.10
T]qD prog. MC sextile Venus p.11 »

Q]nI prog. Ascendant opposition Neptune p.13
« sd sr sd
N^oI Chiron square Neptune p.14
I^oN Neptune square Chiron p.14 sr sd »

sr sd F^mD Jupiter conjunction Venus p.16

« sr sd sr sd
H^pB Uranus trine Moon p.17
sr sd G^oJ Saturn square Pluto p.18

« sr sd sr sd
H^nJ Uranus opposition Pluto p.19
B]oA] prog. Moon square prog. Sun p.21

B]oD prog. Moon square Venus p.22

T]mF prog. MC conjunction Jupiter p.23
B]mE prog. Moon conjunction Mars p.24

sr sd F^oE Jupiter square Mars p.25

sr sd F^mC] Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury p.27

C]qF prog. Mercury sextile Jupiter p.27 »

C]mD prog. Mercury conjunction Venus p.28

B]oC] prog. Moon square prog. Mercury p.29

sr sd sr »
J^mC Pluto conjunction Mercury p.30
« sr sd H^pI Uranus trine Neptune p.32

sr sd F^pN Jupiter trine Chiron p.33

sr sd F^mA] Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun p.35

« A]qF prog. Sun sextile Jupiter p.35

sr sd G^pQ Saturn trine Ascendant p.36

« sd sr sd
N^oQ] Chiron square prog. Ascendant p.37

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
2020 2021 2022

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 4

Content ordered by date

The most important themes of the year July 2021

prog. MC sextile Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
prog. Sun conjunction Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Saturn square Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
prog. MC sextile Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Jupiter square Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
prog. Ascendant opposition Neptune . . . . . . 13
Chiron square Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 August 2021: none prevalent

The prevalent themes of each month September 2021

prog. MC conjunction Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . . 23
February 2021 Jupiter trine Chiron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Saturn trine Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Saturn trine Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Chiron square prog. Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . 37
October 2021
March 2021 Jupiter conjunction Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chiron square Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury . . . . . . . 27
Jupiter conjunction Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Uranus trine Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Saturn trine Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
prog. Moon square prog. Sun . . . . . . . . . . . 21
prog. Moon square Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 November 2021
Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury . . . . . . . 27 Uranus opposition Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
prog. Moon square prog. Mercury . . . . . . . . 29 prog. Moon conjunction Mars . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Uranus trine Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Jupiter trine Chiron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Saturn trine Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Chiron square prog. Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . 37
December 2021
April 2021 Chiron square Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Uranus trine Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Jupiter square Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Saturn square Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chiron square prog. Ascendant . . . . . . . . . . 37
Pluto conjunction Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Jupiter trine Chiron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 January 2022
Uranus trine Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
May 2021 Saturn square Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
prog. Sun conjunction Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Uranus opposition Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Saturn square Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Uranus opposition Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Jupiter square Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

June 2021
Neptune square Chiron (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
prog. Mercury conjunction Venus . . . . . . . . 28

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 5

Chapter I


Many people assume that astrology is used to predict events,

and that a recognition of astrology's validity implies an ac-
ceptance of fatalism and a denial of individual free will. Over
the centuries, astrological prognostications have certainly
played an important role in the lives of world leaders and the
fate of nations. But predictability, and the fate which it im-
plies, are far more complex issues than simply a destiny writ-
ten "in the stars", about which the individual can do nothing.
In the following pages, your birth horoscope is analysed
according to the planetary movements which are occurring
over the next year. On one level, it is a "predictive" analysis.
But its purpose is not a foretelling of concrete events. It is an
exploration of the inner changes and cycles which occur in
every individual and which often mysteriously coincide with
events in the outer world. These planetary movements will
not tell us what WILL happen. They describe the stage the
individual has reached in his or her life, and what kind of re-
sponses can be expected to external situations which might
occur at any other time, but mean something special because
of the special time at which they are occurring.

The German poet Novalis once wrote, "Fate and soul are two
names for the same principle." This profound perception of
the identity of inner and outer worlds is often difficult for the
person unfamiliar with the deeper psychological dimensions
of astrology to recognise. Carl Jung echoed Novalis' senti-
ment when he said that a person's life is characteristic of the
person. We are complex creatures, made up of many facets,
and all the different dimensions of the human psyche will
seek, sooner or later, to find their place in the light of day and
achieve expression in the outer world. But some aspects of
the personality are inherently in conflict with other aspects.
Some will elbow others out of the way because we identify
with these at the expense of other, less developed attributes.
Human development, like that of any other living thing,
proceeds in stages, in an elaborate dance of interwoven
themes. When the time is right, certain aspects of the individ-
ual will strive for expression. In order for us to achieve that
expression, we may need to create, or find ourselves drawn

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 6

to, external situations which make us conscious of what we

were unaware of before.

Some life events are not the expression of any individual need,
conscious or unconscious. They reflect great collective move-
ments into which we may all be swept up. Wars, plagues,
famines, and holocausts may supercede any individual effort
at self-awareness or choice. But in those spheres where our
lives are our own, and not merged with the collective, we may
have many levels on which to fulfill the expression of our indi-
vidual horoscope patterns. We cannot be certain whether
particular events are inevitable, or whether, with foresight,
they might be avoided or transformed. We cannot be certain
of the extent to which we are required to act out or redeem
conflicts which have been part of the family psyche over many
generations. These things contribute to what we loosely call
"fate". Also, the choices we make at any point in time may
have unforeseen and far-reaching consequences on the kind
of events which occur later on. Cause and effect may play
more of a role in "fate" than we realise. What is clear from
the study of astrology is that no outer event is devoid of mean-
ing, or unconnected with individual psychological issues.
"Good" luck and "bad" luck are not luck at all, but reflections
of what in ancient Greece was known as kairos - the right mo-

Analysis of the year's planetary movements by computer is

necessarily limited, primarily because no computer can
ascertain what an individual has learned from experiences
which have occurred in the past. Every stage in life is pro-
cessed by individual consciousness, and the degree to which
we are self-aware, and have some understanding of our deep-
er needs and conflicts, may have a powerful effect, not only
on how we respond to events, but on the events themselves.
Consciousness, rather than fate, may determine whether we
are able to turn a painful or difficult time into one of inner
strengthening and self-knowledge, and whether we can take
advantage of the right moment to develop abilities or pursue
goals which previously we might not have realised were
possible. Our choices may be circumscribed by our genetic
inheritance on the physical level, and by social and collective
factors which place limits on our possibilities for growth. We
may also be circumscribed by our own self-doubt and blind-
ness, and wind up fating ourselves through reacting blindly to
the emotions which a particular situation stirs in us.

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 7

The paragraphs which follow only sketch in the barest fash-

ion the possible areas in which outer events might occur,
according to the year's planetary movements. They focus
primarily on the inner developments, conflicts, changes and
realisations which reflect the real meaning of the time. We
perceive the outer world through deeply subjective eyes, and
interpret events in accord with our own highly individual psy-
chic constitution. One person might look at a glass of water
and say, "Ah, it's half full, there is plenty for me to drink."
Another might look at the same glass and declare, "Oh, it's
half empty, there isn't enough for me to drink." One person
might view rejection by a loved one as a reflection of the oth-
er person's failings. Another might view it as an opportunity
for a deep examination of his or her expectations and
assumptions in matters of love. When a group of people
describe the same event, they describe it in as many ways as
there are people in the group. What matters in the end is the
meaning of the time for each of us as individuals, and what
the time can offer us in terms of the greater unfoldment of the
essential self.

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Chapter II


The paragraphs which follow describe the main planetary

themes which are likely to dominate the year, and which may
permeate virtually every area of your life. They are like the
bass line in a piece of music, and set the underlying tempo
and key. Although other planetary movements may form a
musical counterpoint, highlighting specific issues in different
ways at different times over the next twelve months, these
main themes provide the overall backdrop for this particular
stage of your development.

The dominant energy

Because other people are so extremely important to you, this

year could prove immensely fulfilling and inspiring. The
underlying energies at work over the next twelve months may
spur your idealism, open your heart, and make you more re-
ceptive to beauty all around you, both in form and in the
world of ideas. Your dealings with others are likely to be
particularly inspiring and happy, and you may have the
chance to discover what truly makes your heart sing. Equally,
you may have to face what makes you unhappy as well,
which is sometimes necessary in order to define your personal
values. Thus you might have to deal with certain relationship
dilemmas which are somewhat uncomfortable, such as
rivalry, jealousy, or the necessity for compromise. But even
if such experiences sometimes seem disappointing or dis-
illusioning, they are likely to prove valuable all the same,
because you have the chance to establish a greater sense of
self-worth as well as deeper and more fulfilling relationships
with others. Love of a particularly harmonious kind may
change your sense of what human beings are all about, and
your natural care and concern for others is likely to be
enhanced by a deepening appreciation of the importance of all
human interaction. Creatively this may also prove an inspir-
ing time, when your tastes and aesthetic sense are heightened
and you are attracted to those who can bring beauty and grace
into your life. Any unhappiness you encounter is likely to be
"for the best", since it will serve to demonstrate to you what
you really need, and deserve, to be happy and content.

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Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

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Feeling loved and loving

On the inner level this period is likely to prove one of the

most important years of your life. You will probably be
challenged to become aware of and stand by your deepest and prog. Sun conjunction Venus
most important values. Perhaps in the past your values - what Beginning of May 2020
you love and respect in others and yourself, how you define until beginning of May 2022
love, what you consider worthwhile in life, what makes you
happy - have not truly been your own, but have been subtly or
directly influenced by your family background and social en-
vironment. This may have been inevitable and natural, but
the time has now come for you to define what matters to you.
During this period each area where a lack of real self-value
might have put you into imprisoning or unhappy situations is
likely to be spotlighted. Your personal religious or spiritual
beliefs and moral attitudes may have been too influenced by
others' convictions, and not a true reflection of your own
world-view. The process of affirming yourself as a worth-
while individual may involve some degree of pain if, for
example, you are involved in a relationship which cannot ac-
commodate such a change. But it is more likely that you will
encounter happy experiences at this time which reflect back to
you what matters most deeply in your life. You may discover
that you are discontented with people and pleasures which in
the past seemed perfectly satisfactory. You may also discover
a new pleasure and peace in people and things you might pre-
viously have overlooked.

Most of all you are likely to discover what really matters in

your interaction with others. This may involve a new
relationship in which you discover a contentment which you
previously never experienced. Your ability to value yourself
means that you are likely to break through old patterns of self-
denigration which may have created certain relationship prob-
lems in the past. You may also find that a long-standing
relationship comes to an end - by your own choice, because
the other person wishes it, or because circumstances make it
unavoidable. But even if you are not the one who initiates the
separation, you are probably the one who is most in need of it
- even if you experience feelings of pain, anger or hurt pride
in the process. It is likely that your unconscious expectations
in love, and your definitions of giving and receiving, like
those of most people, have been deeply influenced by what
you saw in your parents' marriage, and in your family back-
ground in general. During this period you can move beyond

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
A]mD prog. Sun conjunction Venus

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 10

any destructive patterns from the past to discover your own

capacity to give and receive love. This may bring you a new
love, or it may mean you must relinquish an old one - or
perhaps both. The new love may not be a sexual partner - it
might be a child, or a deep friendship. Because this is a peri-
od when your values are becoming truly your own, whatever
happens will leave you a more authentic, understanding per-

A stronger sense of self-worth may have repercussions in oth-

er spheres as well. Human beings define their values not only
through relationships, but also through material things. At the
moment you may find that you are better off materially than
you have been in the past, in part because a belief that you
deserve better may communicate itself to the outer world and
influence how you interact in your field of work. You may
also find that you are able to enjoy what you have, and can
give yourself permission to indulge yourself and refine per-
sonal tastes through clothes, artistic interests, physical appear-
ance, home furnishings or lifestyle. This is a time of inner
flowering. You may have experiences which are sad or
difficult. But if you do - particularly any disappointments in
love - try to remember that such changes may reflect the
breaking down of old conceptions and expectations in
relationship. Perhaps you have not been sufficiently true to
yourself, or have underrated your lovability and therefore
accepted situations which are destructive to your self-esteem.
Allow what is within you to blossom. If anything or anyone
must be relinquished, you will probably be able to recognise
that only now are you on the threshold of being able to allow
real contentment and self-acceptance to enter your life.

Harmony with the outer world

You may experience emotional as well as material rewards

and benefits in your working and private life right now. Your
relationships with colleagues and those in authority are likely prog. MC sextile Venus
to be harmonious, and because you can appreciate and value Beginning of July 2021
your own abilities it is likely that others will also recognise until end of May 2023
and support them. You probably feel at peace with the world
you live in, and are therefore able to offer your talents to a
wider audience without being troubled by fears and in-
securities that might have plagued you in the past. In your
domestic life as well, an inner attitude of tranquillity and tol-
erance is likely to lead to a period when family relationships

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
A]mD prog. Sun conjunction Venus »
T]qD prog. MC sextile Venus
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 11

run smoothly and you can enjoy the pleasures of affectionate


You may be able to express a love of adventure and a peren-

nially questing spirit, in ways which attract support from
others and coincide with opportunities to enhance your social
role or position at work. Although you have always pos-
sessed these gifts, you may not have recognised them, or may
not have found the right place, professionally or personally, to
show others who you really are. The role you are playing in
the eyes of the world may be particularly comfortable for you
at the moment, and your goals may feel deeply 'right' because
they are in accord with your personal values. Therefore what
you strive for is likely to make you happy, and decisions
which you make now about a future direction are likely to be
sound and valid because they reflect qualities and needs
which are truly your own.


Another important theme

There is another important dynamic at work this year, which

may sometimes support and sometimes contradict the ener-
gies described above.

Because your world is, to a large extent, an intangible one,

rooted in feeling and imagination and a sense of life's unity,
certain mysterious events and encounters over the next year
are likely to be understood and welcomed rather than feared.
This does not mean that you will not experience difficult
challenges, and perhaps also some unhappiness or disillusion-
ment. But the loosening of personal boundaries which under-
pins your development during this time is something with
which you have the resources to cope, because of your
essential openness to the invisible currents of life. Beneath
the surface of external events and emotional ups and downs is
a subtle awakening of the imagination and the heart. This
may require a breaking down of old structures and attitudes,
as well as a willingness to place your faith in what you cannot
see. You cannot afford to dispense with common sense, but
don't dispense with your belief in the magic of life. As long
as you can avoid identifying with either the victim or the re-

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
T]qD prog. MC sextile Venus »

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 12

deemer, you are likely to experience a deep inner con-

firmation of your fundamental belief that you are part of a
greater whole. You may be affirmed in your sense that reality
is far more complex and multi-layered than the material world
in which you live.

A time of vulnerability

This may be a deeply confusing yet strangely magical period.

Your sense of individual definition may seem to be dissolv-
ing, and you may feel you are no longer in charge of your prog. Ascendant opposition
own life. Experiences of a disillusioning or emotionally Neptune
chaotic kind may make you mistrust your ideals and your Mid-January 2021
judgement, and you may misjudge the motives and intentions until beginning of March 2023
of those around you. Your self-image is undergoing a
profound although subtle change, and you may find yourself
gradually letting go of certain defences and structures which,
although satisfactory in the past, might now be keeping you
from being as open to life and people as you might wish to be.
Such changes are likely to make you feel extremely vulner-
able and anxious, especially if you are conscious of how emo-
tionally needy and dependent you are probably feeling at the
moment. On a deeper level, your sense of where you are
going, and your faith in your potency and effectiveness, are
presently in conflict with a very childlike, sensitive, and ideal-
istic side of your nature. This conflict could cause you to try
to escape reality and seek an ideal world instead, or an ideal
love which promises the resolution of all your problems. For
this reason you should be extremely careful about any close
involvements you enter right now; for you might not be see-
ing people as they actually are.

Your need for emotional closeness has always been very in-
tense, and it has probably been hard for you to accept loneli-
ness or a sense of separateness in your personal life. Even
during uneventful periods, you may depend on the feeling of
being "taken out of yourself" to reassure you that you are not
alone. At the moment you are likely to feel particularly
needy, and also particularly vulnerable if you experience any
loss, separation, or disappointment in a close relationship.
You may need to work harder to build a sufficient sense of
real independence, emotional as well as material; for it is
likely that, in one way or another, you may feel let down by
others right now because they appear to have left you on your
own. The discovery that you may have been more naive,

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Q]nI prog. Ascendant opposition Neptune

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 13

childlike and gullible than you realised could prove very con-
structive, if you take the lesson to heart and learn to differen-
tiate between fantasy and reality. The probability is that you
have not realised how much you have been injecting fantasies
and secret dreams into your outer life. Now you have a
chance to honour deep-rooted romanticism and cherished
ideals while at the same time learning to discern the limits of
others and yourself. If any dreams are shattered during this
time, let them go. The ones which are truly valid will not be

The necessity of sacrifice

During this time certain cherished dreams or ideals may be

challenged by apparently unfair circumstances or events. The
sacrifice of something important, even if voluntary, may Chiron square Neptune
make you feel resigned and even a little sorry for yourself. At End of May 2019
the moment you may feel as though life is conspiring to spoil until mid-February 2022
some of your finest hopes, and you may experience some dis-
illusionment, not only with others, but also with yourself. The same themes are also
You may have to learn some hard lessons about the gap emphasised by:
between fantasy and reality, and possibly about your own
secret naivety in terms of certain assumptions you may have
carried about life. But if you can take the events and feelings
of this time in a reflective spirit, rather than simply feeling Neptune square Chiron
enraged, resentful, or martyred, you may gain an enormous Mid-May 2021
amount of strength and insight which can help you to deal until end of February 2024
with life in more realistic ways. Some distress or confusion
around the loss of a close tie is possible. You may have to
relinquish something or someone unwillingly. But it is more
likely that the real sacrifice involves giving up an old set of
attitudes and assumptions. If a relationship comes to an end,
it may be that, apart from any natural grief or pain you experi-
ence, you have also been misled by certain unconscious
fantasies or expectations which could never have come true in
reality anyway.

During this time you may need to accept gracefully what you
cannot change, and adapt your dreams to accommodate the
limits of human nature. Although this may prove a painful
process, it does not mean that you have to abandon your
ideals, or become bitter and cynical. Don't try to escape into
exalted mysticism, or into substances such as drugs or alco-
hol, in the hope of avoiding what you do not wish to face.
This would probably leave you feeling worse afterward. Try

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
« sd sr
Q]nI prog. Ascendant opposition Neptune
N^oI Chironsdsquare Neptune »
I^oN Neptune square Chiron sr
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 14

to understand the child within yourself, which has always

secretly sought perfect love and harmony in a perfect world.
Such innate idealism is neither wrong nor unhealthy. But you
may be trying to find redemption through ordinary people
who will, sooner or later, inevitably let you down. Perhaps
you have expected far too much from yourself. Or perhaps
you have secretly hoped that life would take care of you,
without your having to soil your hands with too much
mundane dreariness. These are not failings, but eminently
human - albeit doomed - aspirations. You could emerge from
this period with greater compassion for your own and others'
human fallibility. You could also develop a more detached
and philosophical attitude toward life's imperfections. What
is critical right now is not your circumstances, but your re-
sponses. These could make the difference between a sense of
profound healing, and a feeling of bitter martyrdom.


Chapter III


Because the cycles of the planets create a complex and in-

tricate pattern in the heavens, not every movement in your
horoscope will dance to the same rhythm at the same time.
There may be periods when the year's main themes seem to
fade somewhat, because some special issue has brought other
feelings, attitudes and responses to the fore. Some of these
trends and patterns may be brief and some longer-lasting,
giving variety to your life experience during the course of the

1. The sphere of emotions

There may be periods during the year when matters concern-

ing your emotional life take priority in a particularly fulfilling
way. When your heart is happily stirred, other, more difficult
issues may recede in importance, and perhaps rightly so; for
if you are at peace on the emotional level, you can cope with
other areas of your life in a more open and confident way.

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
« sd sr sd
N^oI Chironsdsquare Neptune »
I^oN Neptune square Chiron sr

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 15

An open heart

Whatever else might be occurring in your life, you are likely

to feel particularly optimistic and generous right now; and
these feelings will probably attract others' support and appre- Jupiter conjunction Venus
ciation, resulting in an unusually rewarding time in your per- Beginning of March 2021
sonal and perhaps also professional life. You are probably until mid-November 2021
feeling somewhat restless, but not disturbingly so; somewhat
excessive in your appetites, but not destructively so; and
somewhat inclined to take risks, but not foolishly so. The
sum of all this is that you are likely to feel good, look good,
and experience a period of pleasant freedom from material
and emotional worries and challenges. You have always had a
taste for the good things in life, and an instinctive sense that
better things are always just around the corner if you look for
them. This innate faith in your right to pleasure and happi-
ness may have sometimes got you in trouble in the past,
through poor judgement of others or a careless waste of en-
ergy and resources. But at the moment your belief in life's
bounty is likely to be vindicated, on intellectual and emo-
tional as well as material levels. This may also be a good time
to work at creative projects, for you are likely to be more
spontaneous and better able to trust and express your imagi-
native outpourings.

Things may seem particularly pleasant when you plan for the
future, especially if you travel right now, and you are likely to
experience a contentment which may have eluded you at other
times of life. Although this is a brief period, it is nevertheless
important, and you could help to anchor it more firmly
through taking advantage of any new contacts and oppor-
tunities which come your way. People whom you meet now
may prove to be helpful or inspiring, although not necessarily
the best choice for a stable long-term bond. Creative projects
which come your way may prove to be financially rewarding,
or helpful in moving you closer to cherished long-term goals.
This period is not likely to pass without some opportunity,
emotional, material, intellectual or spiritual, which you could
pursue to your own benefit; and such pursuit is not likely to
require any painful sacrifices or soulless drudgery. Provided
you do not take unnecessary risks, or gamble unintelligently
with resources you cannot afford to spare, the optimism and
openness you are currently likely to feel could be vindicated
by the tangible rewards of any effort you are prepared to
make. And if other spheres of your life are causing you

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difficulty, the faith in life which you are probably feeling

right now can help you to turn unhappy circumstances into an
opportunity for greater growth and understanding. Don't just
lie back and enjoy this time; turn it into something which can
have lasting beneficial effects for the future.

A room with a view

You may feel quite emotionally independent right now, and

you are probably able to stand back and view your personal
life with detachment and objectivity. You may also crave Uranus trine Moon
more freedom within your personal relationships, and you Beginning of May 2020
might wish to put greater emotional distance between yourself until beginning of February 2022
and particular members of your family or social circle. But
this process of self-definition is not likely to be drastic or
painful. It is more likely to take the form of a gentle letting
go, which reflects an ability to find resources within yourself
rather than depending on others to provide you with emo-
tional security. You may also experience an awakening of the
mind and spirit which, in its own way, could offer a comfort
and stability equal to that which previously may have seemed
only obtainable through close emotional ties. In short, you
are probably able to relate tolerantly and fair-mindedly with
others because you do not need that much from them. This
means that a strong element of friendship is likely to enter in-
to your personal life, not only in existing bonds, but also in
the form of new contacts - romantic or otherwise - which are
intellectually stimulating, unconventional, and exciting.

You may wish to make changes which give you greater free-
dom to travel, make new contacts, and develop your mental
interests along new lines. You are likely to feel restless and
easily bored right now, and this might be an excellent time to
get rid of unwelcome clutter in your life, both literally and
metaphorically. You are probably able to do this in a harmo-
nious and fair-minded way, and so are likely to draw support
and encouragement from others, rather than opposition or
friction. Everyday routines may at present seem somewhat
stifling and oppressive, and may need to be radically altered;
dietary and exercise patterns may need to be carefully re-
viewed; and even your personal image and appearance may
seem to you to need renovation. Open the windows and let
the fresh air in. This could be a positive and stimulating time,
when you are more than usually able to see your life in

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« sr sd sr sd H^pB Uranus trine Moon
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perspective, and recognise without distress where changes

might be long overdue.

There may also be periods when emotional difficulties arise,

which you would be wise to deal with in the most honest and
generous way you can.

Feeling alone against the world

Whatever is occurring in your outer life, your inner state is

likely to be one of considerable tension. You may have a
sense that powerful forces are aligned against you. Inwardly, Saturn square Pluto
you could be experiencing an almost mythic battle which, Beginning of March 2021
although external circumstances might not merit such a dra- until end of January 2022
matic interpretation, may feel real enough to you. A feeling
of threat and slight paranoia may afflict you now, and you are
probably not inclined to trust life or the people around you.
All your most primitive survival instincts are being activated,
and it may seem that the only options are total victory or total
defeat and humiliation. At the moment external pressures,
combined with powerful emotional responses, may make you
want to stand and fight ferociously, or else bow your head and
submit passively. Neither response may be appropriate, and
you might be wiser to hold the middle ground, preserving
what you know to be right for you while letting go of any
relationships, structures or attitudes which you know you
have moved beyond but which you have been clinging to
because of security needs. Your life is changing because your
inner nature is changing, and you are contacting deeper levels
and needs within yourself which you may not have given
sufficient acknowledgement to before. Your real battle may
be between that in you which knows it is time to bring a
chapter of your life to a close, and that in you which fears any
change over which you do not have absolute control.

The issues which are triggering your feelings may vary enor-
mously; but the effects are likely to be felt in everyday
mundane life, especially your habits, your relationship with
your body, and your working routines and rituals. You may
experience profound shifts in attitude, and may discover dark-
er, more primitive feelings and attitudes than you might have
realised you possessed. You may also discover the extent of
your emotional power and intensity, and will probably not be
able to ignore the strength of your feelings. Your reponses to
people and situations may not be governed by reason at the

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« sr sd sr sd H^pB Uranus trine Moon
sr sd G^oJ Saturn square Pluto
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moment, but by passion. This might not be not a bad thing,

because you could feel much more alive; but you may need to
be careful not to unleash your passions in ways which could
be destructive to you. Because you are likely to feel
threatened, you could react by attempting to gain absolute
power over those who seem to threaten you. This could in-
voke deep enmity and opposition, which would make your
life much more difficult. This is not a time to bring in the big
guns, for you may risk being defeated in your attempts to
achieve what you want. Small guns might be more appro-
priate; even better are the attributes of patience, diplomacy,
and the capacity to watch and wait.

Present conflicts may have roots in the past, and it is possible

that, around seven years ago, you made certain decisions
whose consequences are now facing you, or you began a new
venture or relationship which is now being put to the test.
You may need to look to the past, to see where certain
attitudes of your own, developing slowly over the last few
years, have helped to create the opposition you might now be
experiencing. You may have been too rigid, or too unwilling
to consider others' viewpoints; or you may have been too in-
sistent on having absolute control. Control and power are in
fact the deeper themes which underly this period in your life.
You may need to explore just how much you need power,
personal or worldly, and what you are prepared to do to get it;
and you may also need to recognise that compromise does not
have to mean defeat or humiliation. You could discover your
own hidden power-drives through facing opposition from
others' equally powerful need to control. Jungle warfare
would not be appropriate at the moment, no matter how much
you might feel like waging it. If you are able to avoid the
more savage human tendencies to retaliate and destroy, you
can emerge from this time with a much deeper sense of
strength and potency.

Shaky foundations

Unexpected changes in your external life may trigger power-

ful instincts and emotions within you during this time, and
you may feel as though you must struggle to survive and Uranus opposition Pluto
maintain control of your world. In common with many others Mid-July 2020
of your generation, you have particular ways in which you until end of April 2022
have tried to ensure the continuity and stability of the
structures and values which support you in life. Now you

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sr sd G^oJ Saturn square Pluto
« sr sd sr sd
H^nJ Uranus opposition Pluto
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may have to reevaluate these basic responses to life's

challenges, because you have outgrown some of them and
probably need greater flexibility and trust in coping with the
unknown. A major shift in your external circumstances may
make you question how you deal with the well-being of your
body and with everyday responsibilities, and you may feel
threatened or impotent in the face of people, circumstances, or
emotional eruptions over which you seem to have no power.
You may sometimes think that your whole life could be over-
turned by forces beyond your control, and you may react by
feeling victimised and passive, or by fighting ferociously, and
perhaps even vindictively, to reassert your power. Neither of
these extremes are likely to prove helpful to you. Apathy and
self-pity may breed resentment which could surface in covert
and perhaps unpleasant ways; and unthinking aggression may
be misplaced, or may create enmity and opposition which
leave you feeling defeated and humiliated.

This is a period of deep change within you. Any disturbing

outer circumstances you encounter at this time may reflect an
internal conflict between the need for greater freedom and
mobility, and the need to preserve the status quo - within
yourself as well as in your external life. You may need to
learn to let go gracefully when it is clear that you must
relinquish an old attitude, relationship, or worldly objective.
Try to keep pride out of the equation if you can. At the mo-
ment your pride is likely to be stung, and you may be more
worried about personal humiliation than you are about your
capacity to take advantage of changing circumstances. Don't
let a bruised ego make you indulge in poor decisions or im-
pulsive judgements. There is a primitive element in all
human beings which adheres to a kind of jungle law: fight or
flight when threatened. Neither is likely to be a very
productive response at the moment, although this primitive
element is being constellated in you right now. You can learn
a lot about your deeper instinctual resources, and could gain
in sense of self-confidence and strength as a result of this
time. But try to contain your emotional reactions and pre-
serve a balance between the extremes. Most importantly,
learn to trust life, even if you cannot yet see any positive
purpose or meaning in outer events. There may be wiser
patterns at work within you than the ego can at present recog-

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« sr sd sr sd
H^nJ Uranus opposition Pluto

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Conflict and tension

You are likely to be in a somewhat turbulent state. You may

be acutely aware of yourself as a separate individual, but
these feelings are likely to conflict with your need for har- prog. Moon square prog. Sun
mony and closeness. Thus you may find yourself inclined to Beginning of February 2021
assert your ideas, feelings and desires in a forceful or even until beginning of April 2021
aggressive manner, while at the same time trying too hard to
accommodate the needs of others. You have probably always
been able to find tactful ways of combining your relationship
needs with your desire for individual self-expression. Right
now, however much you may wish to please others, your
primary need is to affirm yourself - not in a destructively
egocentric way, but as a statement of the person you feel you
have become at this stage of your life, and as a reflection of
the talents and abilities you have developed. Your sense of
self is deeply connected with an instinctive sense of the deep
invisible currents at work in life. Even if you have found it
difficult to value this dimension of reality, your experiences
have probably demanded that you acknowledge it. At this
time you may be more aware than ever how important it is for
you to explore the hidden aspects of human nature and of life.

You may meet others who in some way epitomise a strong

spirit of self-affirmation, but your attraction toward them is
liable to be ambivalent and composed of a curious mixture of
fascination and annoyance. This does not mean that such
relationships are inauthentic or 'bad'. But you probably need
to live out your own special gifts and talents, rather than turn-
ing yourself into the devoted acolyte of a charismatic or gifted
personality. This is a time when you could, despite some
tension and emotional unease, experience a renewed sense of
confidence in who you are and what you have to offer. Try to
take advantage of such feelings by developing your creative
abilities as much as possible. You may discover new creative
avenues which you didn't think existed, or which you were
afraid to pursue because others needed your emotional time
and energy. This period may not be especially pleasant on the
emotional level, because you may experience internal con-
flict. But it is an important time because you could recognise
on an emotional, not merely intellectual, level, the outlines of
your unique individuality and the deeper sense of purpose
which can allow that individuality its fullest expression in

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B]oA] prog. Moon square prog. Sun

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Disharmony and discontent

You are likely to feel emotionally discontented at the mo-

ment, although you probably need an extra dose of affection
and harmony in your personal life. This is because your prog. Moon square Venus
relationship needs are being activated in ways which Mid-February 2021
challenge old emotional patterns and attitudes. What you need until mid-April 2021
from a partner may, at the moment, feel divided between the
wish to be looked after or 'mothered' and the wish to experi-
ence a more exciting kind of erotic love. You may find
yourself deeply in love, but if so there are likely to be con-
flicts which arise both internally and in any new relationship,
because what you currently want is not likely to make you
happy. Right now you seem to have a profound urge to be
both contented and stimulated in relationship, but the two
may seem mutually exclusive. Those close to you are likely
to respond to your confusion and 'double messages' by emo-
tionally withdrawing, thus adding to your feelings of dis-
content and disappointment.

Your ideals of love involve a sense of sharing life's great ad-

venture, and travel and the exploration of new ideas probably
form an important part of your vision of perfect relationship.
At the moment you are likely to feel that you are very far
from the fulfillment of your romantic ideals - although you
may need to recognise that it is you, rather than a loved one,
who is creating conflict between two sides of yourself. You
may attribute your unhappy feelings to the failings of the
beloved. In part this may be true - someone close to you may
let you down at this time. But your own expectations may be
too high or secretly split. A collision between your instinctive
need to feel safe and secure, and your changing ideal of what
is worthwhile in life, may be generating much of your sense
of frustration and discontent. What you are experiencing is
not 'abnormal' - often we need things from others which con-
flict with our deeper values. If you avoid impulsive deci-
sions, you can learn a lot about what truly makes you happy.
And the more aware you are of your deeper values, the more
able you will be to transform feelings of disharmony into a
deepening sense of self-worth which can enhance all your
future relationships.


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B]oD prog. Moon square Venus

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2. The sphere of the physical world

Matters concerning your physical and material life are also

likely to prove important, and some of these may prove very
rewarding over the next year. You may enjoy the fruits of a
long period of hard work. Or new opportunities, arising as if
out of nowhere, may give you the sense that things are really
working for you on the worldly level, and that you now have a
chance to express yourself in ways that create tangible,
financially and professionally satisfying results. Try to make
the most of these opportunities; you may surprise yourself by
what you are able to achieve.

New opportunities

Your world is likely to expand radically right now, and many

new opportunities for professional success and recognition
may be coming your way. You are probably in a restless prog. MC conjunction Jupiter
mood, wanting to move ahead in new directions where you End of September 2020
have greater freedom and inspiration. At the moment you are until end of August 2022
likely to have the confidence to pursue those directions, and
because your intuition is working well you can spot oppor-
tunities and act on them with an assurance you might not have
experienced before. You are probably prepared to take risks
with time, money and energy in order to broaden your life,
and at the moment these risks are likely to pay off. But you
may also need a clear idea of where you are going, rather than
simply sailing off into the blue hoping that the right person or
opening will turn up at the right time. If you can combine
vision, imagination and intuition with some solid planning,
you will find that your efforts are rewarded in all kinds of

You have probably always had one eye on the future, even if
you have achieved success already. You may also need to
feel that your efforts have some kind of meaning, and you
may want to be involved in some kind of contribution to the
welfare of other human beings. At this time you may meet
many people who share your ideals and beliefs, and who can
offer you a collective medium in which you can pursue your
personal ambitions while also feeling you are participating in
human evolution. You may also find that you are able to
envision a happier future if you have been confined to a re-
strictive situation in the past. It might have been difficult for
you to see beyond the next wall, and perhaps you didn't have

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T]mF prog. MC conjunction Jupiter

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the confidence to make a leap into the future and begin a new
life. Now the intuition and the confidence are likely to be
there; so if you have not begun your climb, now is an ex-
cellent time to start. This period could mark a flowering,
when you are likely to have enough faith in life and in
yourself to see new possibilities and unlock hidden creative,
intellectual and spiritual potentials. Don't sit back and wait
for goodies to drop in your lap; use the time as fully as you
can to expand your life.

Independence and self-will

Your fighting spirit is being stirred at the moment, and on the

emotional level you may be feeling intense, impatient and
temperamental. You have always had a somewhat combus- prog. Moon conjunction Mars
tible nature and generally like to get your own way; but right Beginning of October 2021
now you are likely to be be especially self-willed and prone to until beginning of December 2021
anger if anything or anyone interferes with the pursuit of your
desires. It might be wise for you to find positive outlets for
your increased energy and drive; for if you try to suppress
your volatile emotions you may unconsciously provoke
others' anger and then feel victimised by their apparently un-
warranted aggression. You may also feel quite competitive
right now, and very desirous of being recognised as first and
best. This is another reason why you can get the best from
this period by being honest about what you want. Your com-
petitive needs, if unrecognised, may cause you to inadver-
tently set up a situation of rivalry with someone close to you,
and if you do not see your own part in it you may become
very upset and angry when someone else tries to 'best' you in
an emotional contest.

You may feel restless and irritable about the responsibilities

and duties of your everyday life. You may also be feeling
rather out of sorts, expressing your frustration through
symptoms rather than in more direct and positive ways. Try
to review the structure of your life and make necessary
changes with care and planning, rather than seething under-
neath because you feel burdened by meaningless tasks and
chores. You will get the most positive results from this period
if you can identify and formulate personal goals into which
you can direct your energy. If you don't make this effort, you
may merely become querulous and intolerant of others, and
inclined to start fights. You may be clumsier than usual and
prone to minor accidents through impatience. Or, if you are

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T]mF prog. MC conjunction Jupiter
B]mE prog. Moon conjunction Mars
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really frightened by your own anger or aggression, you may

produce physical symptoms which express your anger in indi-
rect ways. Rather than spending the next month or so being
an advertisement for Rent-an-Argument, make the most of
your enhanced mental, emotional and physical energy. Find
something or someone you really want, and go for it. Even if
you don't succeed, you will feel much better for discovering
that you have the courage and initiative to take charge of your
own life.

However, you may also have to deal with some less pleasant
mundane issues. You may have to face challenges which make
you question your work and your place in the world, and frus-
tration may bring your temper to boiling point or generate a
sense that you have failed. Try to keep your mind focused on
what you can learn from such situations, because you could
turn them into strengthening lessons which, when the time is
right, help you to achieve what you want later on.

Adolescent rebellion

Energy and enthusiasm are likely to colour your mood at the

moment. This could be extremely positive if you are working
toward a particular goal and need that extra burst of stamina Jupiter square Mars
and confidence to get there. But unfortunately, you might not End of April 2021
be in very good control of your energy at the moment. You until beginning of January 2022
may be more inclined to expend it in acts of rebellion against
authority than you are to channel it in a disciplined fashion.
You may be especially impatient of any restriction to your
freedom from routines and responsibilities, and your temper is
probably not at its best. Consequently you may need to be
careful, not only in all physical activities such as sport and
driving, but also in your dealings with those in authority.
Although you are likely to be intensely aware of your own
rights at the moment, you may need to exercise some diplo-
macy in how you articulate those rights to others. You could
be inclined to push too hard and too quickly, and if you do not
keep hold of your temper and your emotions, you may find
yourself creating messes which cost you dearly, emotionally
or financially, later on.

This time could be especially helpful if, in the past, you have
had problems in asserting your individuality in a positive and
confident way. You may be feeling special and want others
to recognise it; and you are probably in no mood to placate or

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B]mE prog. Moon conjunction Mars
sr sd F^oE Jupiter square Mars
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please if your own desires are being thwarted in the process.

But be careful of explosions of temper which reflect not the
reality of the present but the frustration of the past. Try to
define your goals, not just with your instincts, but also with
your rational mind. If you know what you really want, you
can find the energy and stamina to pursue it, and perhaps also
achieve it. But if all you know is what you don't want, you
may waste a lot of time as well as material and emotional re-
sources kicking against the status quo, rather than planning a
constructive future course. Try to maintain patience and
some self-discipline at the moment. Any opportunities which
come your way will need first to be carefully evaluated; the
fact that they are opportunities may not mean they are really
going to suit you later on. Keep your head, and exercise the
humble but extremely valuable faculty of discrimination.
Then you will get the best from this time of high energy and
expanded vision.


3. The mental sphere

The development of your mind, and the cultivation of new

skills, may also occupy a lot of your energy at different times
during the year. The life of the mind is as important as the life
of the heart and the life of the bank account, and this time
could prove very important in enhancing your level of knowl-
edge and the application of your talents. Try to take advant-
age of any opportunity to pursue new areas of study and new
spheres of interest, and if you have the chance to acquire
useful skills on the practical level, make use of the time in the
best possible way. Such opportunities may not always be
available, and you might be surprised at how life opens up
when your perceptions are changed and expanded.

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sr sd F^oE Jupiter square Mars

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Bright ideas

The world may seem sunny and benign right now, and you
may feel unusually optimistic and willing to view life from a
more philosophical point of view. Problems which in the past Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury
may have merely depressed you may now seem like lessons Mid-March 2021
from which you can learn and grow. You have always had an until beginning of November 2021
inclination to philosophise about life, but in the past this ten-
dency may have conflicted with more pragmatic elements in The same themes are also
your personality, or perhaps caused you to sometimes lose emphasised by:
touch with the demands of immediate reality - to your emo-
tional or financial cost. However, at the moment the opti-
mism and enthusiasm you are likely to feel will probably be
balanced by sound judgement, and vindicated by experience. prog. Mercury sextile Jupiter
You are likely to be restless, but not destructively so, and End of April 2021
your restlessness will probably make you want to explore the until beginning of January 2023
world and learn more about life from a universal rather than a
personal perspective. Your intuition is also likely to be alive
and active, allowing you to make connections between differ-
ent experiences or different facts so that you can see patterns
where before you may only have seen chance or random in-
formation. You might also be inclined to ask bigger questions
about bigger issues, for you are able to look beyond your im-
mediate experiences and explore the deeper meaning of
human emotional and sexual behaviour. You may also feel
particularly 'lucky' in some ways, although luck is not really
what is at work in your life. But opportunities may appear
which you never expected, and you might find solutions to
problems you thought insoluble, largely because intuition
combined with an open mind, plus a positive and inclusive
outlook, can lead to what looks like luck accompanying your

You can, of course, simply enjoy the high spirits of this time,
and then it will pass. But if you are wise you will try to take
advantage of the opportunities offered to you, especially those
which concern the development of new skills and new spheres
of interest and study. Although you may not see immediate
material rewards, you will be planting seeds for the future, for
you have rarely been so open to life's potential bounty and ex-
citement. Travel may prove particularly important to you
now, not merely because it is fun, but because you may make
new contacts and develop a broader outlook which will
benefit you greatly later. Don't just trust your luck and
gamble with money and resources; this could provide tempo-

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sr sd F^mC] Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury
C]qF prog. Mercury sextile Jupiter »

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 27

rary fun and perhaps some material reward, but it could also
prove a waste of time and cost you more than you can afford
to lose. This period is not about making a quick financial
"killing". It can offer you a powerful expansion and deepen-
ing of your mental attitudes, and a crystallisation of in-
tellectual and creative potentials which need further work and
effort to anchor in life. Take this time seriously, for you are
being offered a glimpse of a potential future for which you
can now begin to lay the groundwork. And anything you
learn and discover right now is likely to become a lasting part
of your world-view, which will go on enriching your life for
many years to come.

Light, bright thoughts

Your thoughts are likely to be light and bright right now, and
you may feel invigourated by a youthful spirit which makes
your outlook harmonious, positive, and open to the beauty in prog. Mercury conjunction Venus
life. You may also have this attitude mirrored by others, for Mid-August 2020
you are likely to make new friendships and professional con- until end of April 2022
tacts, and perhaps also a new relationship which brings happi-
ness and pleasure into your life. You may be able to express
your ideas and ideals very fluently and gracefully right now,
and you could probably develop new skills or artistic avenues
through which you can articulate your inner world. This
could be an excellent time for artistic projects of every kind,
and also for learning more about the arts. If you have a talent
which you have not had the chance or the time to develop, do
something about it now. You will probably feel confident
enough to discover what you are really capable of.

You may be especially able to express yourself harmoniously

and with style, in formulating your world-view or philosophy
of life, as well as in travel and "higher" fields of study. In
these spheres you may discover that you have talents you
didn't know existed, or a deep interest which merits develop-
ment. This is likely to be a happy time, and even if you must
confront difficulties in other spheres of your life, your attitude
is probably positive enough, and open enough to others' view-
points, to ensure that you deal with problems in a balanced
and courteous way. This happy frame of mind may not create
magical solutions, nor manifest dramatic events. But it is
there in the background, influencing how you see and inter-
pret your experiences, and ensuring that your perception of
reality and of others is fair, civilised, and balanced. Don't

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd F^mC] Jupiter conjunction prog. Mercury
C]qF prog. Mercury sextile Jupiter »

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 C]mD prog. Mercury conjunction Venus 28


waste this potentially productive time pass in pleasant day-

dreaming and delightful dinners with friends and loved ones.
That is valuable enough, and your social life may be
especially rewarding during this period. But your self-ex-
pression is likely to be at a height right now, and if you put
effort into nurturing your talents, the rewards of this period of
your life are likely to be enduring as well as considerable.

A restless mind causes discontent

Your curiosity about life is being awakened at the moment.

But new interests and different perspectives may threaten
established relationship patterns that have made you feel prog. Moon square prog. Mercury
secure in the past. Now the accent is on opening up new End of February 2021
channels for learning - through travel, further education, or until mid-April 2021
the development of talents and skills in new projects. But you
are likely to feel uncertain and sometimes irritable and con-
fused unless you can find interests which stimulate you. You
may also find it difficult to communicate your ideas to those
close to you, because you might be afraid they will oppose or
reject the directions in which your mind is moving. Your in-
terests may be drawn to all that is hidden and mysterious in
life, whether through your own volition or through emotional
conflicts which make you more aware of deeper dimensions
in life. This could be an excellent time to explore the realm
of psychology, as well as developing a greater awareness of
spiritual matters. Even if you must fight your own outworn
attitudes, or the prejudices or disapproval of others, there is a
youthful spirit of curiosity at work within you at the moment
which needs, and deserves, as much expression as possible.

You may also meet people who in some way epitomise this
spirit of curiosity through their intellectual achievements or
skills. But new contacts are likely to prove disturbing as well
as intellectually rewarding, because on the emotional level
they may turn out to be less than satisfying - reflecting your
own internal conflict between heart and mind. Make sure you
don't confuse intellectual restlessness with emotional dissat-
isfaction in existing relationships. It may be that what you
most need now is not a new partner but, rather, an extended
professional circle, or new friends who can provide you with
new mental challenges and help you to develop your interests
and skills. This could be a stimulating and rewarding time.
Try to get the best from it by taking your interests seriously,
and doing what is necessary on the practical level to ensure

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

C]mD prog. Mercury conjunction Venus

B]oC] prog. Moon square prog. Mercury
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 29

you have channels for further mental development and explo-

ration - even if you must defend your point of view within ex-
isting relationships.

However, you may also encounter some problems, especially

in communication with others and in the general tenor of your
mental attitude during this time. If you find yourself unusually
negative, critical or depressed, try to find out what is really
troubling you, rather than taking it out on others or in-
advertently causing difficulties in material affairs because
you are not conscious of your own negativity.

A transformed world-view

Your mind may dwell in strange realms right now, and your
attitudes toward life are likely to become deeper, darker, and
more serious. During this time you may be drawn to the study Pluto conjunction Mercury
of psychology, parapsychology, or other subjects concerned Mid-February 2021
with the hidden and the esoteric. Such interests could prove until beginning of January 2024
extremely fruitful and worthwhile, for your old attitudes and
opinions are changing and you need as much knowledge as
possible to nourish a growing need for insight. A strong
desire to understand the deeper motives and patterns in human
behaviour may now grip you in very powerful ways, and you
may feel committed to a new path which stirs your heart as
well as stimulating your mind. The skills you can develop
during this period are those of perception and insight. What-
ever field you work in or study, you are not likely to feel con-
tent to live on its surface and deal only with its superficial

You may become so intensely involved with new discoveries

and insights that you find it hard to listen to anybody else. If
you do not make some effort to keep the lines of communica-
tion open and flexible, you could antagonise others, who may
feel bullied or pushed. There may be a touch of the convert
about you at the moment. You are probably seeking in-depth
answers to profound questions, and when you find answers
which seem to satisfy you you may imagine you are in pos-
session of the only real truth. Be careful about the degree to
which passionate commitment to an idea can make you intol-
erant and opinionated. This tendency could arise because
your gut instincts and your mind are working in tandem, and
you may feel that you have discovered the key to survival.
Perhaps you have. But it is your own survival and your own

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
B]oC] prog. Moon square prog. Mercury
J^mC Pluto conjunction Mercury sr sd sr »

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 30

truth, and you may need to refrain from trying to force it

down others' throats.

Your intuitive faculties are also being activated right now,

and things may be apparent to you which may be invisible to
others - particularly in relation to their hidden feelings and
motives. This could make you feel a little suspicious or mis-
trustful, and inclined to keep secrets. If you encounter
difficulties, financially or emotionally, you may - rightly or
wrongly - assume that others are in some way working
against you. Try to be objective about others' behaviour at
this time. You are particularly able to solve difficult prob-
lems and undertake deep research right now, and this would
be one of the most creative ways of utilising the energy of the
time. However, the first object of your research might need to
be you, yourself. You have never had such a rich opportunity
to explore the inner world and understand your own complex-
ity. The things you learn about life and about people during
this time could prove enriching and sustaining for many years
to come, and you may be left with a permanent sense that life
contains patterns and mysteries forever waiting, like a vein of
gold in the earth, to be discovered by the intrepid explorer.


4. The spiritual sphere

What gives meaning to any emotional, material or intellectual

challenges and changes you might encounter is your spiritual
life, and here too you may experience certain important
changes in perception and attitude. Such changes may be
subtle and slow to register on your awareness, but they may
profoundly influence the way you experience and interpret
what happens to you over the next year. Never underestimate
the importance of the meaning you assign to events, because
the clearer your vision, the more likely you are to work with
the time in constructive and creative ways. You may experi-
ence a deeper sense of connection to the greater whole of
which you are a part, although such a feeling may not remain
with you all the time. You may also be open to new ideas and
ways of looking at life which make the world seem bigger,
richer, and more meaningful.

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
J^mC Pluto conjunction Mercury sr sd sr »

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 31

Glimpsing the whole

Surprising insights into your deepest longings and ideals are

likely to be among the creative products of this period of your
life. On the most profound level, a sense of the hidden side of Uranus trine Neptune
life is being powerfully activated, and with this is likely to Beginning of July 2019
emerge a strong sense of mystical feeling, or a longing to ex- until mid-April 2021
plore religious or spiritual truths. A yearning for contact with
the ineffable is a part of every person, but it is possible that
you have not fully recognised or expressed this urge within
yourself. In the past it may have been channelled indirectly,
through seeking emotional fusion in intimate relationships,
rather than through a direct recognition of the spiritual nature
of the yearning. Now you are likely to be aware that you
need to feel connected to a deeper or higher life-source in
highly individual ways, and this may be accompanied by an
intense interest in esoteric or spiritual matters of an unconven-
tional or "New Age" kind. You may also wish to make some
kind of deep inner commitment to what you understand as a
higher purpose in your life, because you are aware of your in-
terconnectedness with others and of the unity of all things.

Although this process of inner awakening is likely to be

subtle rather than dramatic, it should be honoured and given
as much recognition as possible. Vague intuitions and dreams
could be important, and might need to be explored and taken
seriously. You are probably not in danger of being gullible or
exploited right now, even though you may be longing for a
kind of redemption; for your intellect and common sense are
also active and can bring the faculty of discrimination to your
quest. Try to be conscious of what is happening within you
right now. Even if you believe that any inner inspiration you
experience right now is due to a particular relationship or per-
son, if you look beyond personal circumstances you may see
that you share an awakening vision with others of your own
age-group who carry similar ideals and dreams. Thus this
time can also give you a sense of belonging to a larger human
family, through common longings and aspirations. Such
awareness can help you to achieve a broader perspective on
the patterns of your personal experiences and the course your
life needs to follow for the future.

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
« sr sd H^pI Uranus trine Neptune

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 32

Making peace with pain

At the moment you may have the opportunity to make peace

with some pain or unhappiness which might have plagued you
for some time. It is not that magical solutions are forthcom- Jupiter trine Chiron
ing for long-term emotional or physical problems, or for any End of March 2021
conflicts you experience in life; but you are likely to be more until beginning of December 2021
at ease with your own humanity, more philosophical, and
therefore better able to work within your own limits. The
mystery of human suffering has probably always mattered to
you, even if you have sought to rationalise it, transcend it, or
focus on more mundane concerns. Any world-view you
espouse needs to confront the challenge of life's unfairness,
and this innate concern gives a quality of depth and serious-
ness to your nature. At the moment you may find yourself
particularly thoughtful and reflective; if so, don't back off.
Feelings of hurt from the past, especially painful experiences
which might have affected your sense of confidence when
facing the outside world, could be seen from a broader and
more detached perspective right now, and feelings of bitter-
ness or grievance toward life may heal because you are able
to be more philosophical and less subjective in interpreting
what has happened to you. This is also a time when you
could deeply explore your belief-system and philosophy of
life, with extremely beneficial results. Because you can be
bigger than whatever meanness you might find in the world,
you may be able to link together and process your life experi-
ences, and discover a pattern or a meaning which makes sense
out of what you once might have considered unfair, or a re-
flection of your own failure.

An exploration of subjects which are linked with the process

you are undergoing - psychology, healing, or esoteric or spir-
itual thought - could prove very rewarding to you at this time.
You may be gently sorting through painful experiences and
making connections which help you to see past their emo-
tional repercussions to their meaning. This may not happen in
a great flash of inspiration, like some revelation from heaven.
It is likely to be subtle, and you may not even be fully aware
it is happening. You may also feel that you have something
to offer others through your own increasing understanding,
and this might be an excellent time not only to learn but also
to write or teach. One of the most creative potentials of this
period is a growing awareness that whatever you have been
through, others have been through too; and this may increase

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd F^pN Jupiter trine Chiron

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 33

your sense of compassion for others as well as your ability to

formulate and communicate your ideas. A more universal
outlook could translate what might once have felt like bitter
personal hurts into valuable experiences which have some-
thing to teach others as well as yourself. This doesn't mean
you have to preach; your understanding can be expressed in
subtler ways through any field of work in which you are in-
volved. The process you are experiencing is not likely to be
dramatic, but it is deep and important; and the more you focus
on it, the more productive the results are likely to be.


5. The sphere of the Inner Self

Deeper and more profound than events occurring in any of

these spheres is the development of the Self, which underpins
everything that happens to us in life. This is the real heart of
the mystery of fate, because if there is truly a destiny at work
in individual life, it lies within, and the astrological configu-
rations only reflect, at any given time, opportunities for this
hidden development pattern. You may only experience
glimpses of this inner pattern at work, through realising that
some experience is vitally necessary even if it is painful. You
may also sometimes sense the purposefulness of what is hap-
pening around and within you, even if you cannot find a
rationale for what you sense. Through particular feelings and
situations which make you grow, you can establish a strong
connection with the inner world, even if your heart is sore or
you are encountering trouble on the mundane level. But this
kind of connection depends on how willing you are to look
inward at the deeper pattern of your life, regardless of how
you are feeling at the time, or toward whom you feel it.

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd F^pN Jupiter trine Chiron

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 34

Gifts from heaven

This is a time of great opportunity, if you can recognise what

is on offer and take advantage of it in a practical way. On the
emotional level you are liable to feel expansive and confident, Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun
and may find yourself enjoying life to the full. But this is only Beginning of March 2021
the surface of what is happening to you, and if you do nothing until mid-November 2021
except sit back and take your pleasure, this period will merely
pass and leave a pleasant but vague memory. On a deeper The same themes are also
level, your sense of individual identity is growing stronger, emphasised by:
and you are in a better position to formulate your goals and
move forward because you are probably more certain of your
right to fulfillment and also more able to listen to your intu-
ition. You have always had a restless, adventurous spirit prog. Sun sextile Jupiter
which has probably, at various life junctures, caused you to End of July 2019
take risks and move into unknown waters in quest of some until mid-July 2021
vaguely intuited sense of a better future. But not for ten or
twelve years have you been likely to have experienced such a
strong sense of unlived potentials which need realisation. Sit-
uations which might have passed you by in the past may sud-
denly seem to hold the promise of future development and
gain, and it is these situations to which you should be paying
attention. This does not mean heaven will pour goodies into
your lap without effort. You may not even see material re-
wards for some time; or the rewards may not be material in
nature anyway. But whatever you begin now could have far-
reaching consequences for your future.

In order to feel really fulfilled in life you will sooner or later

need to explore the hidden dimensions of life and the human
psyche, and you are probably aware of this even if you have
not been able to act on the insight. If you have been fortunate
enough to make your outer life echo your inner values, you
may discover new possibilities within your chosen field of en-
deavour. It is in this sphere that you can best expand your life
and your aspirations. Although gambling foolishly with time,
energy, money or relationships would prove extremely un-
productive, nevertheless you might find the courage to ex-
plore new ventures which previously you would have been
too diffident to try. Even if an offer comes your way which
does not seem to be aligned with your present work situation,
take the time to examine it, to see whether it might yield
something of value to you for the future.

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd F^mA] Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun
« A]qF prog. Sun sextile Jupiter
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 35

You might discover that you need to do something radically

different with your life. You might also feel extremely rest-
less, and wish to move house, travel, or even emigrate. As
long as you retain some common sense and don't abandon
people, places and situations which really matter to you, big
changes of this kind might be the very thing you need.
Because you yourself are growing and changing, your envi-
ronment may need to change as well. You may also meet
people who are particularly inspiring, or who help you to
open new intellectual, professional or spiritual doors.
Because you are probably feeling tolerant and generous, you
are likely to attract tolerance and generosity in return.
Relationships which enter your life at this time may or may
not have the potential for enduring stability, but they are
bound to be exciting and expansive. Although you may not
be in the mood for a permanent romantic commitment, you
could be happily surprised by the lasting friendships that enter
your life now. Try to be patient. You are not pursuing a pot
of gold at the end of a rainbow, but discovering new
potentials within yourself, which will take time and effort
before they mature.

Firm boundaries

Your personality is acquiring definition and solidity, for you

are moving through a time in which you can accommodate
the outer world and adapt to it without feeling that you must Saturn trine Ascendant
compromise your own values. You can express who you are End of January 2021
in your own individual way, while at the same time respecting until beginning of December 2021
the rights and boundaries of others; and you are probably not
inclined either to assert yourself too forcefully or to give way
to the wishes and expectations of others. You can stand firm
on your own ground, sure of who you are and able to express
it effectively within your immediate environment. You are
probably also rather sober and self-controlled at the moment,
and your usual quick-witted flexibility may be more subdued,
focused and defined. You may need to develop and refine
your talents and skills right now, so that you can take advant-
age of this stable and supportive time to lay groundwork for
future plans and activities. This is probably not the best mo-
ment to rush about trying out new things; you might be wiser
to consolidate your lifestyle and goals and understand your
own limits and capabilities so that you can ensure future
success based on real aptitudes. You may also find that you
are more conservative and low-key in your manner of dress,

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd F^mA] Jupiter conjunction prog. Sun
« A]qF prog. Sun sextile Jupiter
sr sd G^pQ Saturn trine Ascendant
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 36

your personal image, and your way of interacting with others.

An impressive image may be less important to you than
authentic personal effectiveness, and superficial acceptance
by others may mean far less than genuine, hard-won respect.

This may prove a stabilising time in your personal life, when

you are more realistic about your close relationships and more
willing to allow others to be what they are within their own
limits. You might not be feeling especially romantic, but you
are probably capable of making deep commitments right now
because you are not likely to be afraid of taking on re-
sponsibilities or accepting something less than a perfect
dream. You may wish to formalise a close bond, or make
some concrete or material commitment which provides your
life with structure. You may feel somewhat ambivalent about
such commitments, because you are probably acutely aware
of their weight and importance; but you can look realistically
at the future and assess the options and make sensible choices.
You may find that the ideals of your youth have magically
transformed into a much more conservative outlook, and you
may find the company of those older than yourself more re-
warding than those of your own age group. Your taste in
music, clothes and other personal spheres of expression may,
at the moment, seem to have changed beyond recognition. But
don't be alarmed by this; the process which you are under-
going is not going to leave you trapped in a dreary and cyn-
ical world-view. You are crystallising as an individual, and
discovering deeper values whose importance you might not
have realised. And when the next phase of joyous enthusiasm
comes along, you will have a sound and realistic sense of
life's fundamental laws, within which you, like everyone,
must live.

The value of denial

Although this period is likely to be healing and formative, you

may not feel very comfortable or at ease, physically or
psychologically, during this time. A sense of frustration may Chiron square prog. Ascendant
beset you, and you may experience depression and a lowering End of May 2018
of your spirits and vitality. Your usual quick-witted until mid-February 2022
perceptions and responses may seem to have dropped into a
hole and vanished. You may also experience unexpected
difficulties in close relationships, which make you doubt
yourself or feel wounded and unfairly treated. It may some-
times appear that the unfair side of life is taking over right

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
sr sd G^pQ Saturn trine Ascendant
« sd sr sd
N^oQ] Chiron square prog. Ascendant
jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 37

now, and you may find it difficult to maintain your trust in

others and yourself.

Although you may experience a somewhat bumpy ride at the

moment, this is not intrinsically a negative time. You are
being challenged to reevaluate how authentically you present
yourself to others, and how able you are to communicate what
you really think, feel and want. On a deeper level, a process
of increasing consciousness is occurring, which may be
triggered by some painful experience which makes you ques-
tion assumptions which previously you have taken for
granted. Who are you really, and what do you want from
others and from life? Is the image you present a truthful one,
or simply one which you hope will please? Do you really
believe in yourself as an individual, or is your confidence
sustained only by external props and supports? You may
need to ask questions such as these, and wait quietly until you
have some answers, before you come out fighting or blaming
others for misunderstanding you or making you unhappy.
Moods of self-doubt could lead you to a deeper understanding
of where your insecurities lie, and why; and this could help
you to accept your human limits as well as overcoming old
inhibitions which you have no need of in your present life.
Try to view this period as a learning time, and you could
emerge with a much stronger sense of identity and individual


Chapter IV


The Greek philosopher Herakleitos once wrote that nothing is

permanent except change. The human psyche is always in a
process of change and unfoldment, and the planetary configu-
rations which reflect your pattern of development over the
next year will change to new configurations which reflect new
patterns over the years to come. When we miss opportunities,
they usually come back again in a different form and on a dif-
ferent level, because life not only changes but moves in
cycles, reflected by the planetary cycles in the heavens. What-
ever "fate" might be, it is not a rigid design which denies us

2020 2021 2022

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
« sd sr sd
N^oQ] Chiron square prog. Ascendant

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 38

freedom to choose, grow, make mistakes, re-choose, and grow


Each of the sections given above describes planetary patterns

which, at core, will be shared at some time and in some way
by other human beings. What we experience is not as unique
as we might think; we all go through joy, pain, good fortune,
loss, loneliness, togetherness, light and darkness, and we all
have certain needs and drives in common. But the timing and
distinctive expression of your constantly changing growth
pattern is unique to you, and so too are the individual heart,
mind, body and spirit which experience that pattern. What-
ever might occur in your outer life over the next year, finding
meaning in it, and connecting that meaning with who you are
and what you really seek in life, can unlock previously un-
suspected funds of energy and creativity, and can give you a
greater range of choices in the future. We are taught as chil-
dren to "use time wisely". What does this mean? Perhaps the
most profound meaning is that time has qualities, and each
moment of time has a special meaning for us as individuals.
And understanding and working with these qualities and
meaning can transform how we experience the circumstances
of our lives.

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 39


Suggested further reading

On planetary cycles and movements:

«The Gods of Change» by Howard Sasportas (transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto)
«Transits: The Time of Your Life» by Betty Lundsted
«Transits» by Rob Hand

On individual planets and their meaning:

«The Astrological Moon» by Darby Costello
«Prometheus the Awakener» by Richard Tarnas
«Venus and Jupiter» by Erin Sullivan
«The Inner Planets» by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas
«The Luminaries» by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas
«Exploring Jupiter» by Stephen Arroyo
«The Outer Planets» by Liz Greene
«Saturn» by Liz Greene
«Neptune» by Liz Greene
«Chiron and the Healing Journey» by Melanie Reinhart

On the subject of fate:

«Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle» by C. G. Jung
«The Astrology of Fate» by Liz Greene

Other Astro*Intelligence reports written by Liz Greene can enhance the value of this report, because
the greater your understanding of yourself, the more intelligently you can work with the meaning of
the time. For an in-depth analysis of your birth horoscope, you can order the Psychological Horo-
scope Analysis. For deeper insight into your relationships, the Relationship Horoscope can offer a
new perspective. If you are still looking for your vocation, Career and Vocation can provide new
impulses for you. And for a greater appreciation of the unique personality of your child, or of your
own childhood, you can order the Child's Horoscope.

A wider view of your personal perspectives for a period of six years is offered by the Long-term

You can order these reports at the same sales point from which you received the report you are read-

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 40

Technical Information

In order to create this analysis, the following astrological factors have been examined:
- major progressed aspects (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) of the Sun, Moon,
Ascendant, MC, Mercury, Venus and Mars to natal planets and angles.
- major aspects ( conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) of transiting Pluto, Neptune, Uranus,
Chiron, Saturn, and Jupiter to both natal and progressed planets and angles.
- conjunctions and oppositions of transiting Mars to both natal and progressed planets and angles.
- aspects between progressed planets, especially progressed new and full Moons.
Special importance is given to stations of transiting planets close to natal planets and angles. Im-
portance has been given not only to the nature of the specific progressed or transiting planet and
aspect, but also to natal configurations which echo the progressed and transiting aspects, to house
positions of natal, transiting and progressed planets, and to the overall balance of elements and con-
figurations in the birth chart. Internally the results of the Psychological Horoscope Analysis are used
for the evaluation of each chart.

Because the importance of any transit or progressed aspect is not limited only to the time of the pre-
cise aspect, but extends for some time before and after, orbs of aspect have been used. These recog-
nise the buildup and gradual diminishing of the energy of a particular planetary movement. Con-
sequently some configurations are described which may not reach exact aspect until the following
year, but which are already beginning to show their effects, or which have already made an exact
aspect in the previous year.

The report which results from these considerations is assembled from selected interpretation text
sections. Not all transits or progressions which occur during a year are included in the printed report,
only those selected by Liz Greene's model of interpretation. As in all works by Liz Greene the Plac-
idus house system is used.

The transit graphics

The timing of the transits and progressions within the focus period of this report is visually
represented by 'transit bars'. They are printed in the graphical overview on page 4 and on the bottom
of each page where the interpretation of a transit or progression is given.

A transit bar begins at the moment when a moving planet enters for the first time into the orb of a
natal planet, and it ends when the moving planet finally leaves the orb and doe not return into it (un-
til the next full cycle). When the planet is in orb, the bar is reprsented by a full line. A planet can
leave the orb and return later into the orb. During this time the bar is represented by a dotted line. A
planet can change its direction of movement; when it becomes retrograde, this time is marked with
'sr' for stationary retrograde. When it becomes direct again, the time is marked with 'sd' for sta-
tionary direct. The moment when a transit (or progression) becomes exact is marked with a little ' on
top of the transit bar.

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 41

The Month Table (page 5)

Some entries in the month overview table are marked with (2). Please check the sidebar of the in-
dicated page carefully. The mark (2) indicates that in the given month it is not the primary transit
which is activating an issue but one of the secondary transits or progressions listed below the
primary event in the sidebar.

jap2.2021 as.21046.10-1 42

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