Value Investor Insight Ensemble Capital

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May 30, 2021

The Leading Authority on Value Investing

Investor Insight: Sean Stannard-Stockton
Ensemble Capital’s Sean Stannard-Stockton, Arif Karim and Todd Wenning explain why they think the highest-quality
businesses can often be mispriced, the three main investment traps they look to avoid, the macro trend even macro-
agnostic investors should heed, and why they see unrecognized upside today in Home Depot, NVR, Masimo and Netflix.

You’re not alone in seeking out competi- duce tons of cash flow. There’s been dis-
tively advantaged businesses as invest- ruption in the payments industry, but it’s
ments. Why do you think, as you’ve said, mostly occurred on top of Mastercard’s
that the market “systematically underval- and Visa’s platforms as opposed to cir-
ues” such businesses? cumventing them and eroding the compa-
nies’ growth and returns. The fact that the
Sean Stannard-Stockton: An equity invest- stock has outperformed as much as it has
ment allows you to invest in a stream of is evidence that the market – despite ev-
future cash flows, and the value today of eryone supposedly knowing how great the
those cash flows comes much less from business is – hasn’t given the company full
what happens in the next year or two credit for its ability to fend off competitive
and much more from the decades ahead. challenge.
We want to invest in competitively ad-
Sean Stannard-Stockton
Ensemble Capital vantaged businesses quite simply because Does the opportunity to buy into such
Investment Focus: Seeks companies they’re much better able to protect and businesses mostly come from broader
with predictable businesses and skilled grow that long-term stream of cash flows. market or industry downdrafts?
management to defend and capitalize on There are two primary drivers to future
demonstrable competitive advantages. cash flows, the underlying growth of the SS: It can be that. We have long been fans
business and the return on invested capi- of Booking Holdings [BKNG], for ex-
tal it can generate. In a highly competi- ample, but guess what, its moat does not

ean Stannard-Stockton is perfectly tive economy, both of those metrics face protect it from a pandemic slamming the
comfortable owning companies “ev- constant decay. One reason growth stocks brakes on global travel. Cash flows last
eryone knows” are competitively ad- over long periods have not proven to be year collapsed and took the share price
vantaged and earn high returns on capital. great investments is that growth rates de- with it, but taking a longer-term view we
“The best companies have a bat signal on cay, sometimes pretty quickly. Returns on believed that the company would come
them saying we’ve got profits, come steal invested capital for competitively advan- out of the crisis with its competitive ad-
them,” he says. “We think the market as a taged businesses decay much more slowly. vantage intact and likely strengthened.
result systematically underestimates both We wouldn’t argue the market doesn’t un- They’re now the most important player in
the durability and magnitude of their ex- derstand that, but we think it can be slow the ecosystem for independent hotels who
cess returns.” to appreciate how long the high ROICs of are desperate for the demand that Book-
Targeting high-moat businesses to hold the best businesses can persist, and may- ing delivers. Competitive advantages give
for the long term, the Ensemble Capital be more importantly, the compounding companies time to react to broader shocks
equity strategy Stannard-Stockton manag- shareholder value that companies earn- as well as the resources to strengthen their
es – with $1.2 billion in assets – has since ing 40%, 50% or 60% capital returns can market positions through them.
inception in 2003 earned a net annualized generate. Very often it’s the case that the invest-
11.2%, vs. 9.9% for the S&P 500. In what We’ve owned Mastercard [MA] for a ment opportunity arises because a com-
he calls today’s “high-pressure” economy, decade now. Everybody knew a decade pany’s stock goes sideways for a couple of
he sees upside in such areas as home retail, ago that it was a lucrative business with years. Even the best business goes through
home construction, streaming entertain- secular growth tailwinds and tremendous periods where everything isn’t firing on all
ment and medical equipment. operating leverage that was going to pro- cylinders, but the issues are fixable and

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

the business is still building intrinsic value for a number of other conditions as well. moat and an easy-to-understand business,
while the share price stagnates. Starbucks Sequencing could make targeted cancer but we don’t have confidence in manage-
[SBUX] would be an example of that. The therapies based on specific genetic mark- ment. Warren Buffett has talked about
stock was a star performer up until late ers possible. We think the research enabled liking business that “even a ham sand-
2015 and then it was really kind of dead by Illumina’s equipment has inflected in wich could run,” but we don’t think that’s
in the water through mid-2018. Same- relevance and this is just the beginning. enough. In a hyper-competitive economy
store sales growth in the U.S. had slowed, The stock has done just okay on a relative where capital is cheap and abundant and
and the expansion in China wasn’t at the basis since the pandemic hit – the longer- new advertising platforms have made it
pace people expected. term story to us appears much better than easier than ever for challengers to take on
That impacted performance, but it the market has so far priced in. lazy incumbents and chip away at their
was the result more of company execu- business, it’s more important than ever
tion that could be improved rather than that management teams understand how
a decline in the business’s competitive ad- ON THE "MACRO": to create sustainable value and intelligent-
vantage. Management responded in a va- ly allocate capital.
riety of ways. In the U.S. they enhanced We think the shock caused Complexity is the third trap we try to
the focus on loyalty members, built out by the pandemic has trig- avoid. We may believe management is ca-
the cold-beverage platform and improved pable and that there’s a durable moat, but
the product offer and marketing around
gered a multi-year recalibra- we just don’t adequately understand the
the afternoon daypart. In China they tion of supply and demand. business. Maybe we don’t have the req-
ramped up new-store rollouts, recognizing uisite domain knowledge in a specialized
the need to step up their game in a rap- field. Maybe the financials are opaque, or
idly evolving market. Investors three years You’ve written about the importance of the company operates in multiple busi-
ago were recognizing what hadn’t been avoiding recurring traps investors are nesses and we might not always under-
going so well, but were slow to process prone to fall into. Describe how you’ve stand the unit economics. Stock picking is
the ability of a competitively advantaged refined your process for excluding ideas hard enough, why make it more difficult
company like this to react. As Starbucks from consideration. by pursuing companies or businesses that
has done that successfully, the stock has are overly complex?
re-rated nicely. [Note: Below $50 at the Todd Wenning: Three elements always
beginning of June 2018, Starbucks’ shares have to be in place before we consider in- How do you define your opportunity set?
today trade at nearly $114.] vesting in a company: a competitive moat
protecting it from competition, skilled SS: We invest only in companies that
Arif Karim: The set-up is somewhat dif- and honest management, and what we are U.S.-listed, though not always U.S.-
ferent, but Illumina [ILMN] would be call forecastability. We can represent those domiciled. We own Nintendo [NTDOY]
another example of a company whose three elements as circles in a Venn diagram, and Ferrari [RACE], for example. In these
shares had gone sideways for more than with the area in the center where they all businesses we believe we can understand
two years when we bought into it last intersect defining our investable universe. why someone buys their products, and
November. The company has become the What we’ve identified as particular that the reasons they buy are relatively
dominant provider of gene-sequencing in- traps to avoid are those companies exhib- the same everywhere. That wouldn’t be
struments and consumables, making criti- iting two of the three elements. Manage- the case for a company like Flipkart, the
cal medical research into the underlying ment may be strong and the business easy big online retailer in India. Given our lack
genetic basis for disease more scalable and to understand, but with a non-existent or of local-market and cultural context, we
cost-effective and opening a giant wave of narrowing moat we run the risk of falling recognize we’re likely to be at a big dis-
potentially innovative treatments. into a commoditization trap. As Sean de- advantage trying to understand its busi-
While the potential for gene-sequenc- scribed earlier, in this case both long-term ness relative to investors who are on the
ing research to revolutionize medical returns on invested capital and growth ground in India.
treatment was already established, we can decline faster than expected. Some There aren’t many more than a couple
believe the arrival of the mRNA vaccines investors will bet on a company’s decline hundred stocks at any time that meet our
for Covid-19 – made possible by sequenc- not being as fast as the market expects – criteria around moats, understandability
ing using Illumina equipment – has made that’s another way to make money – but and management. We want to own 20 to
that potential much more tangible. For we think that’s a difficult game and one we 25 of them that are each trading at a dis-
example, its Covid treatment was the first intentionally avoid. count to what we believe is their intrin-
one to receive FDA approval, but Mod- The second trap is a stewardship trap. sic value. We appreciate the academic re-
erna continues to develop mRNA vaccines This is when there’s evidence of a durable search that indicates you remove most of

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

the idiosyncratic portfolio risk with that fixed investment in private residential real pany is dedicated to serving do-it-yourself
number of holdings, but we also naturally estate – including new-home building and homeowners, with the other half selling
gravitated to that amount. It’s about the home-improvement spending – has been to small contractors – which the company
number of stocks we usually find interest- below the 70-year average rate of 5% for calls Pros – who depend on Home Depot
ing on a risk-reward basis, and it’s about more than a decade. (It had been above as a mission-critical business partner.
the number of companies we think we can that rate for four years prior to the crisis, The company doesn’t report on the
really know as well as we should to invest. from 2002 to 2006.) Freddie Mac esti- contractor business separately, but we
The average equity mutual fund in the U.S. mates that the U.S. housing supply deficit infer from management comments that
holds something like 150 names – that’s relative to what’s needed to meet demand contractors make up just 4% of the cus-
never made sense with how we invest. is 3.8 million homes. tomer base but about 45% of the annual
That’s all changed in the past year. revenue. Home Depot’s focus on Pros
Even the most macro-agnostic investors Home sales are going up. New housing helps it generate about 30% more revenue
are likely trying to make sense of the mac- starts are going up. Home-improvement per store than competitor Lowe’s, which
roeconomic outlook today. What’s top-of- hasn’t built out its contractor business to
mind for you on that front? as great a degree. Higher asset turns and
ON HOUSING: similar margins in the Pro business also
SS: If the world was not as complex as it There's a long way to go to contribute to very high overall returns on
is, we’d love to be macro-agnostic. That’s capital of around 45%.
generally our approach, in that we’re not make up for the dramatic Everyone likes growth, but one way
trying to call cyclical turns in the economy. underinvestment in housing to think about companies like Home De-
But we do think it’s important to be aware pot that generate high returns on invested
of the macro factors that can significantly since the financial crisis. capital is that the businesses can grow
influence the sectors we invest in. without needing to invest as much as the
For a variety of reasons we think the average company. Over the last decade its
2008 financial crisis created an ongoing spending is exploding. Home Depot is number of stores has only increased by
shortfall of demand in the U.S. that led comping at 30% per year! Many inves- 2%, while revenue over the same period
to low real economic growth, low infla- tors seem to believe we’re at peak growth has nearly doubled.
tion and low interest rates. That led many and it’s all downhill from here. To a cer- Which is not to say the company
people to assume that state of affairs was tain extent they’re right – I think it’s safe doesn’t reinvest back into the business.
the new normal and would exist in perpe- to say Home Depot will not again in my It invests in existing stores to keep them
tuity. We didn’t believe that, but we never investment career post a 31% increase in up-to-date and efficiently run. It invests
in a million years would have thought the comp-store sales. But we think the recov- in its supply chain to improve product
massive demand shock caused by the pan- ery in the housing market is still in the availability and delivery capabilities. And,
demic would trigger what we now see as early stages, fueled by demand stimulus importantly in an e-commerce world, it in-
a multi-year recalibration of supply and and changing attitudes about household vests heavily in technology, data analytics
demand. The demand support from the formation and what and where people and in delivering a true omnichannel retail
federal government and the Fed is mind- want their homes to be. There’s a long way experience. That said, due to the nature of
boggling – there’s $3 trillion in American to go to make up for the dramatic under- home-improvement spending, where parts
bank accounts that was not there before investment in housing since the financial are often needed the same day and many
the pandemic – and in many industries crisis. We have multiple holdings – includ- products are bulky and heavy, the store
we now see demand going from lagging ing Home Depot [HD], homebuilder NVR base is a clear competitive advantage. Well
supply to significantly outstripping supply. [NVR] and title-insurer First American over 50% of Home Depot’s online orders
We think it’s important to consider the rel- Financial [FAF] – that we believe will be are picked up in-store, despite the avail-
ative winners and losers as the economy beneficiaries of that. ability of two-day delivery to 90% of U.S.
recalibrates. households. That speaks to the unique
Housing is a particularly interesting Sticking with your interest around hous- nature of this category and why we don’t
area right now. It’s been a poster-child ing, describe your broader investment the- view Amazon as a significant threat.
industry for sub-normal growth since the sis for Home Depot [HD]. All of that plus the tailwinds we see for
2008 crisis, to the extent that we could housing-related spending set the company
argue the underinvestment in U.S. hous- SS: We think about Home Depot as two up for what we believe will be an extreme-
ing since the crisis is twice as large as the businesses built on top of a single opera- ly promising decade ahead. As Americans
overinvestment that occurred prior to the tional platform that allows it to leverage emerge from the pandemic, they’re re-
bubble popping. As a percentage of GDP, its cost structure. Roughly half the com- evaluating their housing needs. People are

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

cheap we find the shares. This is a business

generating returns on invested capital ap-
Home Depot Valuation Metrics proaching 50%. We think it’s set up for
(NYSE: HD) (@5/28/21):
high-single-digit annual revenue growth
Business: Leading retailer in the U.S. of HD S&P 500 on average over multiple years, with free
building materials and a wide range of home- P/E (TTM) 23.3 37.2 cash flow compounding at a mid-teens
improvement products, sold both to do-it- Forward P/E (Est.) 21.5 22.5
yourself and professional client bases. rate. Given those assumptions, we think
Largest Institutional Owners today you could lock in a 9% market-type
Share Information (@5/28/21): (@3/31/21 or latest filing): annual return on Home Depot’s stock by
Price 318.91 Company % Owned paying as much as 40x the consensus 2022
52-Week Range 234.31 – 345.69 Vanguard Group 8.2% EPS estimate of nearly $15. The stock cur-
Dividend Yield 2.1% Capital Research & Mgmt 5.2% rently trades at 21x that number – and we
Market Cap $338.93 billion State Street 4.5%
believe that consensus estimate is likely to
BlackRock 4.4%
Financials (TTM): be low and that the growth outlook over
Fidelity Mgmt & Research 1.7%
Revenue $141.35 billion the next five to ten years has improved
Operating Profit Margin 15.8% Short Interest (as of 5/15/21): versus the past decade. We’ll leave it to
Net Profit Margin 10.4% Shares Short/Float 1.0% others to do their own math, but we think
this stock has more upside than almost
anything else in our portfolio.
350 350
It’s important to add that Home Depot
did right by its employees during the pan-
300 300 demic, spending $2 billion on increased
pay and bonuses, half of which they’ve
250 250 made permanent. We always think it’s im-
portant that our companies treat employ-
200 200 ees well. Home Depot's line is that they
put associates first so that associates put
150 150 the customer first, with everything else
2019 2020 2021
taking care of itself. If we’re in an environ-
ment where pricing power is shifting to la-
THE BOTTOM LINE bor, companies with the best relationships
While the market seems to expect more of a return to the past decade's "normal" in U.S. with their employee base should have an
housing-related spending, Sean Stannard-Stockton sees numerous tailwinds for such
advantage. We’ve already seen this play
spending driving mid-teens annual percentage growth in the company's free cash flow.
out in our portfolio with employee-centric
"We think this stock has more upside than almost anything else in our portfolio," he says.
holdings like Home Depot, Starbucks and
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
Chipotle. They simply are not having the
same challenges with hiring that so many
retailers are experiencing.
buying and selling houses at an increased With the shares now trading at around
clip. Wage growth is increasing and unem- $319, how are you looking at valuation? Impacted by some of the same general
ployment is decreasing. Mortgage rates trends, why are you also specifically opti-
are still very low and equity in homes is SS: Investors will look at historical P/Es mistic about the upside for NVR?
rising sharply. The chronic underinvest- and say the stock must be expensive be-
ment in housing stock means there’s a lot cause it’s trading above averages in the SS: We’ve concluded for the most part that
of remodeling and repair work to do. Peo- past. But if a stock outperforms like this the publicly traded homebuilders are re-
ple spending more time at home are creat- one over long periods of time, that tells ally land speculators first, which we don’t
ing office space, building decks and spend- you in retrospect it was cheap at those his- think is a sustainable thing companies can
ing on landscaping. Bears would say much torical multiples. We think that will prove get right over and over. NVR decided not
of that will be ephemeral and revert to the to be the case here as well. to be in that business, instead focusing
status quo of the past ten years. We fun- The only way to truly value businesses only on homebuilding. They option land,
damentally don’t believe that will be the is on discounted future cash flows, but giving them the right but not the obliga-
case, and that Home Depot will continue rather than offer a precise fair-value esti- tion to buy any parcel, and then build
to be one of the primary beneficiaries. mate, there are other ways to express how homes only to custom order. That gives

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

them super-fast asset turns and allows and NVR has shown a knack for identify- lidifies deep local and regional connections
them to generate returns on invested capi- ing promising areas for development. For- with suppliers, who can deliver directly to
tal far higher than those of competitors. tunately for them, that geographic niche is the factories. Work can be more consis-
They’re also focused geographically, in high demand right now as remote work tently done regardless of the weather. This
targeting well-placed markets in the Mid- opportunities have made secondary and all helps increase supply-chain and manu-
dle Atlantic and Southeastern U.S. where tertiary cities more attractive. facturing efficiency so NVR can build at a
they can maximize regional market share. A less appreciated part of NVR’s busi- structurally lower cost in its markets than
They broadly avoid competing in top ness model is its pre-fabrication factory competitors.
metro areas and build more in secondary network. It has seven factories that pre-
and tertiary metro areas like Richmond, fabricate framing, panels, doors and other How would you characterize the balance
Virginia and Greenville, South Carolina. A building components for its developments. sheet and how it's managed?
key factor in homebuilder profitability is Most of NVR’s communities are within
finding cheap but still desirable land. That 100 miles of its factories and we think the SS: We don’t see much need for improve-
generally means ex-urban locations, 25 network provides a number of advantages ment there. By optioning land and turning
miles or more away from the metro area, in driving strong local market share. It so- inventory faster, the company can use less
balance-sheet leverage to achieve strong
returns on equity and doesn’t see its prof-
its crash in housing downturns. During the
NVR Valuation Metrics housing crisis, NVR was the only major
(NYSE: NVR) (@5/28/21): homebuilder to make a profit every year.
Business: Construction and sale of single- NVR S&P 500 That plus the conservative balance sheet
and multi-family homes in U.S. markets east of P/E (TTM) 19.7 37.2 allows them to invest when others can’t.
the Mississippi River, under such trade names Forward P/E (Est.) 13.3 22.5 As an example, the company expanded
as Ryan, NVHomes, Fox Ridge and Heartland.
Largest Institutional Owners into Florida in 2009 when most everyone
Share Information (@5/28/21): (@3/31/21 or latest filing): else was retrenching. That’s the way man-
Price 4,887.23 Company % Owned agement thinks.
52-Week Range 3,050.00 – 5,308.47 Vanguard Group 9.8% Another anecdote that I think speaks
Dividend Yield 0.0% Capital Research & Mgmt 7.9% to how the company operates: As lumber
Market Cap $17.68 billion BlackRock 6.1% prices have spiked, most homebuilders
Wellington Mgmt 4.6%
Financials (TTM): have stopped building to order because
State Street 4.2%
Revenue $8.02 billion they didn’t want to lock in a price when
Operating Profit Margin 15.8% Short Interest (as of 5/15/21): such an important cost element was so un-
Net Profit Margin 12.1% Shares Short/Float 1.1% certain. NVR said, we’re a homebuilder,
this is what we do and part of that means
managing input costs. Business as usual.
6,000 6,000 They play the long game, which we think
is the best way to stay ahead over time.
5,000 5,000
How do you see the positive dynamics
4,000 4,000 for the company and industry translating
into upside for the shares, now trading at
3,000 3,000 around $4,890?

2,000 2,000 TW: We think 2021 and 2022 are going to

2019 2020 2021 be very strong years for NVR’s new-home
orders and average selling prices, which
THE BOTTOM LINE should then hold at those higher levels.
The company is uniquely well positioned strategically, operationally and geographically Over the next five years we expect com-
to benefit from the multi-year surge in U.S. homebuidling that Sean Stannard-Stockton pound revenue growth of 10% and for
expects. Even without that surge he believes its stock should warrant a high-teens
operating leverage to drive annual free-
forward P/E multiple, rather than the pedestrian 13.3x the market is assigning it today.
cash-flow growth in the mid-teens.
Homebuilders tend to trade at low val-
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
uations because they’re capital intensive in

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

owning a lot of land. We obviously think but Masimo’s pulse-oximetry sensors are money but also precious time in caring for
NVR with its business model and returns now the standard of care in most of the patients. It’s not surprising to us that cus-
on equity should trade at a premium to country’s operating rooms and intensive- tomer renewal rates are around 98%.
peers, more like a best-in-class manufac- care units.
turer or even a retailer. In a normalized How do its products reduce system- The company had a tremendous 2020,
economy we’d argue the shares should wide costs? The higher accuracy of its driven by pandemic-related demand by
trade at a high-teens forward P/E. With sensors reduces false alarms that waste hospitals. Are you assuming those benefits
the multi-year surge in building we expect staff time and often result in costly unnec- aren’t entirely transitory?
and the resulting growth in free cash flow essary procedures. Non-invasive sensors
we see for NVR, the market should price take away one need to extract blood via TW: We are. We believe 2020 was also a
the shares at a premium even to that. That syringe, which entails added risks of infec- transformative year for the company, un-
isn’t the case today – the shares trade at tion and requires incremental lab testing. locking new addressable markets and new
13.3x consensus 2022 earnings. In general, its sensors help streamline pa- applications for its technology.
tient monitoring, which can shorten times Stepping back, Masimo in 2019 devel-
SS: Other people might view the surge in in emergency-room and ICU beds, saving oped as part of an FDA innovation chal-
the business as a surge above trend that
you should pay a low multiple on be-
cause it’s clearly going to decline. Again,
we think the big step up is more stepping Masimo Valuation Metrics
(Nasdaq: MASI)
up to normal as opposed to a surge above (@5/28/21):

normal. That’s why understanding the Business: Global development, production MASI S&P 500
macroeconomic context is so important. and sale of non-invasive medical monitoring P/E (TTM) 54.7 37.2
devices and equipment based primarily on Forward P/E (Est.) 49.1 22.5
proprietary signal extraction technology.
Explain your investment case for pulse- Largest Institutional Owners
oximeter company Masimo [MASI]. Share Information (@5/28/21): (@3/31/21 or latest filing):

Price 215.60 Company % Owned

TW: We’ve all seen the graphs and charts 52-Week Range 203.81 – 284.86 BlackRock 12.2%
showing how Americans spend so much Dividend Yield 0.0% Vanguard Group 8.3%
per capita on healthcare, but our out- Market Cap $11.92 billion Fidelity Mgmt & Research 4.0%
comes are worse than average. Inevitably, Ownership Capital 3.4%
Financials (TTM): State Street 3.0%
through market or government forces, we Revenue $1.17 billion
think that will realign. So as a basic re- Operating Profit Margin 21.5% Short Interest (as of 5/15/21):
quirement for us to invest in a healthcare Net Profit Margin 19.5% Shares Short/Float 2.4%
company, we have to fully believe its prod-
ucts and services both improve patient
outcomes and help reduce system-wide 300 300
costs. Masimo is on the right side of both
250 250
of those things.
The company’s core business is built on 200 200
its proprietary signal extraction technol-
ogy, which first received FDA approval in 150 150
1998. The technology is primarily used in
100 100
pulse oximeters, which are small, portable
devices that can be clipped on a patient’s 50 50
finger to noninvasively monitor levels of 2019 2020 2021
blood oxygen and pulse rate. It has proven
to be a superior product, delivering much THE BOTTOM LINE
more accurate readings when patients are The company had a great 2020 fueled by pandemic-related demand, but Todd Wenning
in motion and when oxygen levels are very argues that it was also a transformative year for unlocking new markets and applications
for its technology. He argues that the stock price today reflects only its core traditional
low, both of which are common in emer-
business, with the new "unlocked" opportunities providing significant upside optionality.
gency situations. It took quite a long time
– which speaks to the switching costs and
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
the inertia in healthcare settings like this –

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

lenge a product called Opioid SafetyNet, $1 billion annual-revenue business within flowing businesses. That allowed Netflix
which is still pending regulatory approval. the next ten years, generating comparable a long head start in developing its global
Using the core signal extraction technol- 70% gross margins. We hesitate to cite a subscriber base and global content library.
ogy, it’s a sensor that clips to your finger specific value for it, but it’s fair to say that It now has over 200 million subscribers,
and can remotely monitor breathing and if we’re right about its potential, the com- providing it with unmatched breadth and
blood-oxygen levels and alert medical pound returns on the stock would be quite scale that make its unit economics signifi-
professionals if someone starts crashing, a bit in excess of a 9% market return. cantly better than the competition. Once
which is a real risk in opioid patients. I haven’t yet mentioned the founder the content is paid for, it can be sold over
When Covid hit, hospitals didn’t have and CEO, Joe Kiani, but he is a big reason and over again. That allows them to sell a
enough intensive-care beds and over a pe- we’re so high on the company’s prospects. subscription in India, say, for $3 per month
riod of a few weeks the company altered We believe he’s very much a visionary to build awareness and the customer base,
the SafetyNet product developed for opi- and has created a culture that reminds us still at almost 100% incremental margin.
oid patients to remotely monitor people Competitors without the same breadth
with the coronavirus. That could mean and scale will struggle to have that kind
elsewhere in the hospital or at home if ON MISPRICING: of flexibility.
the patient wasn’t at as high a risk. The We also see the broader competitive
The market is slow to appre-
product worked, and by earlier this year dynamic going forward as less of a war
more than 200 hospital systems were us- ciate how long high returns among streaming services and more about
ing Masimo’s Patient SafteyNet single-use on invested capital of the the accelerating decline of the high-priced
products that cost only about $150 apiece. traditional cable and satellite bundle,
So a core part of our thesis is that the best businesses can persist. starting in the United States. Covid-19
company can capitalize on this success may have accelerated this, but we don’t
by expanding its addressable market for think it will be long before economics dic-
continuous-monitoring applications. That somewhat of the one Steve Jobs created tate that Disney offers its full ESPN sports
would increase penetration in the general at Apple. The money matters, but they’re content via streaming, which is likely to
floors of hospitals beyond intensive-care trying to solve big problems and improve hasten cable’s demise while global leaders
settings. That would also mean increas- both the efficacy and efficiency of the in streaming content flourish. It’s a huge,
ing use at home and as part of telemedi- healthcare system. We think that having global market and there’s room for four or
cine protocols. If the core product can be that culture makes it more likely they’ll five of the big streaming companies – in-
customized for more effective treatment actually continue to do so. cluding those leading with technology like
of Covid and opioid patients, it’s likely it Apple and Amazon or media giants like
can be adapted similarly for other chronic It’s been some time since we’ve had some- Disney – to do well. Netflix is decidedly in
conditions as well. What’s absolutely criti- one recommend Netflix [NFLX]. Why do the lead, and we think it can at least dou-
cal is that Masimo has established a repu- you consider its shares attractive today? ble its global subscriber base from here, to
tation with medical professionals that it 400 million.
has superior technology they can rely on. AK: There’s clearly been an uptick in
competition from new streaming services, The stock is off 15% from its 52-week
The shares don’t appear optically cheap at and there appears to be concern that such high. How are you looking at valuation
today’s $215.60 price. How are you think- competition will impair Netflix’s growth from today’s share price of around $503?
ing about that? and margins as prices for the best enter-
tainment content go up. We’re not indif- AK: We believe Netflix’s service is under-
TW: The traditional sensor and monitor ferent to the fact the market has gotten priced relative to the value it provides.
business is quite forecastable, with highly more competitive, but we don’t believe That’s supported by its $1-per-month
recurring revenues and set replacement other investors are recognizing the com- annual price increases since 2014 as the
cycles. We think it can generate on the or- pany’s competitive strength or the full na- content slate has expanded and subscriber
der of 10% annual revenue growth and ture of its market opportunity. engagement has increased. The scale eco-
maintain roughly 70% gross margins. Our Netflix until fairly recently had for al- nomics here are powerful. As the company
DCF of that business gives us a value right most ten years built out its content, geo- continues to increase per-subscriber prices
around the current share price. graphic and technological footprints with and flattens out per-subscriber content
Then there’s the optionality of the Safe- very little competition. Other media com- spending, we think profitability is inflect-
tyNet product line. As we work through panies were typically tied to more narrow, ing. Operating margins that were 18% last
various potential scenarios for it, we don’t non-Internet distribution channels and year we believe within the next five years
think it’s unreasonable that this could be a had to worry about protecting legacy cash- can be in the mid-30s. We think revenue

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Sean Stannard-Stockton

operated in a world of relative informa-

tion scarcity. Getting your hands on the
Netflix Valuation Metrics right information at the right time could
(Nasdaq: NFLX) (@5/28/21): potentially drive a lot of alpha. But with
Business: Provider of online streaming NFLX S&P 500 the arrival of the Internet and the S.E.C.’s
video-on-demand services sold on a monthly P/E (TTM) 60.9 37.2 Regulation FD (for Fair Disclosure) –
subscription basis; currently reach over 200 Forward P/E (Est.) 38.7 22.5 which made clear that the use of non-
million subscribers in over 190 countries.
Largest Institutional Owners public inside information is actually ille-
Share Information (@5/28/21): (@3/31/21 or latest filing): gal – that shifted the equity analyst’s job
Price 502.81 Company % Owned profile. In a world of information ubiquity
52-Week Range 404.25 – 593.29 Capital Research & Mgmt 13.3% and consistent access, the analyst’s job is
Dividend Yield 0.0% Vanguard Group 7.1% less to uncover information and more to
Market Cap $223.41 billion T. Rowe Price 4.4% filter and process it. The amount of signal
BlackRock 4.3%
Financials (TTM): hasn’t changed, but the amount of noise
Fidelity Mgmt & Research 4.2%
Revenue $26.39 billion has dramatically increased. You need to
Operating Profit Margin 21.2% Short Interest (as of 5/15/21): create filters that help you screen out the
Net Profit Margin 14.2% Shares Short/Float 2.1% noise and focus on the signal.
We find that writing and speaking pub-
licly about our process and ideas chal-
600 600 lenges us to better refine and focus our
thinking. At the same time, it has allowed
500 500 us to develop a global network of inves-
tors who make us better. They want to
400 400 compare notes about ideas. They might
have a meeting set with the CEO of one of
300 300 our companies and want our input in pre-
paring. They introduce us to people who
200 200 know a lot about a company or industry
2019 2020 2021 we’re interested in. To the extent we’re
putting all this informational value out
THE BOTTOM LINE there, we’re getting even more back. We
The market isn't fully recognizing the company's competitive strength or the nature of its think that’s a competitive advantage. VII
market opportunity as streaming services benefit from the ongoing decline of high-priced
pay-TV bundles, says Arif Karim. Paying what he considers a discount for a company
with this growth profile and ROIC, he says, is "a trade we're always likely to make."

Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information

growth – more from pricing in the U.S. growth profile and what should be 40%
and more from subscriber growth outside returns on invested capital over time,
the U.S. – can still grow at a mid- to high- that’s a trade we’re always likely to make.
teens annual rate for many years.
One way we look at valuation is to ask You’ve been very active, including with
at what multiple of the consensus 2025 social media, in talking and writing pub-
EPS estimate of $26 would the stock trade licly about your investment process and
at today if it was fairly priced, again mean- research. Thank you for that. How do you
ing to deliver a roughly 9% annual return. find all that benefits you?
We think that multiple today would be
around 30x, while the stock currently SS: I have actually thought a lot about
trades at 19x. If we can pay what we con- that. If you look back, prior to 2000 you
sider a discount for a company with this can make the case that we as investors

May 30, 2021 Value Investor Insight


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and represents the securities held for the quarter ended 3/31/2021. Information on the
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performance shown in this chart will not equal Ensemble’s composite performance due to, among
other things, the deduction of fees and expenses from the composite performance and the timing
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As of 3/31/21, the Ensemble Equity Strategy AUM was $1.12 billion and the Ensemble Equity
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managed with an overall Equity objective whereas the Ensemble Equity Composite is a subset of
the strategy comprised of accounts with an Equity objective which are fee paying, fully
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December 31, 2003 and composite performance includes historical performance for accounts that
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Net of fee performance was calculated using actual management fees. Management fees for an
Ensemble Equity account range from 1.00% to 0.50% on an annual basis and are typically
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