Mahon Caramazza 2003

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Q1493–CNSI19 / May 28, 03 (Wed)/ [18 pages, 0 tables, 1 figures, 0 footnotes] – S endings, c.f. [no comma].

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6), 433–450



Bradford Z. Mahon and Alfonso Caramazza

Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

In this article we assume a domain-specific organisation of conceptual knowledge and consider two
questions: How does this architecture constrain further assumptions that might be made regarding (1)
the organisation of conceptual knowledge in the brain, and (2) the representation of conceptual
knowledge in the brain? Data from category-specific semantic deficits, functional neuroimaging, and
apraxia are recruited in attempt to clarify these questions. It is shown that the domain-specific
hypothesis can account for the extant facts. Furthermore, we outline one possible theoretical framework
that imposes empirical constraints on proposals that might be advanced in response to the two questions
raised above.

INTRODUCTION This theory assumes that category-specific seman-

tic deficits emerge as a result of damage to a type
The patterns of differential impairment/sparing of or modality of information (e.g., visual/perceptual
cognitive function subsequent to brain damage can vs. functional/associative) upon which successful
provide strong constraints on theories of the recognition/naming of objects from the impaired
organisation and representation of cognitive sys- category differentially depends (i.e., living things
tems in the brain. As the articles in this Special vs. nonliving things, respectively). However, a
Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology attest, the nearly exhaustive review of the literature on
phenomenon of category-specific semantic1 deficit category-specific deficits (Capitani, Laiacona,
is a compelling case in point. One well-iterated Mahon, & Caramazza, 2003-this issue) establishes
demonstration of the types of constraints imposed the fact that the majority of patients with such
on theories of cognitive organisation is provided by impairments do not present with a disproportionate
recent evaluations of a widely received explanation deficit for a type or modality of knowledge. From
of category-specific semantic deficits: the sensory/ this fact it can be concluded that the cause of cate-
functional theory (e.g., Warrington & McCarthy, gory-specific semantic deficits cannot be damage to
1983, 1987, 1994; Warrington & Shallice, 1984). a type or modality of information. This conclusion

In this article we use the terms “semantic” and “conceptual” interchangeably.

Requests for reprints should be addressed to Alfonso Caramazza, Department of Psychology, William James Hall, Harvard
University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA (Email:
Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by NIH grant DC 04542 to Alfonso Caramazza. The authors are grateful to
Laurel Buxbaum and Alex Martin for their comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. We would also like to thank Lauren
Moo for her insights into the functional neuroimaging data that have been reviewed.

 2003 Psychology Press Ltd 433 DOI:10.1080/02643290342000014

implies the rejection of the sensory/functional the- “tools.”2 The plausibility of the domain-specific
ory as a viable theoretical framework with which to hypothesis is established by the fact that the grain of
explain the existence of category-specific semantic category-specific deficits is as fine as the above-
deficits (see also Caramazza & Shelton, 1998). mentioned evolutionarily salient object domains
How, then, does one account for the facts of (see, e.g., Crutch & Warrington, 2003-this issue;
category-specific semantic deficits? Perhaps the Samson & Pillon, 2003-this issue; for review see
most straightforward proposal is that the organisa- Capitani et al., 2003-this issue).
tion of conceptual knowledge in the brain is subject The domain-specific hypothesis generates
to domain-specific principles (Caramazza & several predictions: First, at a functional level, the
Shelton, 1998). In this article, we assume a prediction is made that there will not be a necessary
domain-specific organisation of conceptual knowl- association between a deficit for a type or modality
edge, and ask two questions: If we assume a of knowledge and a conceptual deficit for a specific
domain-specific architecture, (1) what constraints category of objects. This prediction follows from
are placed on further theoretical assumptions that the assumption that processes/information are not
might be made regarding the organisation of functionally organised within object domain. In line
conceptual knowledge in the brain, and (2) what with this prediction,3 the majority of cases that
constraints are placed on assumptions about how presented with a disproportionate deficit for living
conceptual knowledge is represented? Relevant things also presented with equivalent impairments
neuropsychological and functional neuroimaging for visual/perceptual and functional/associative
data, as well as alternative theoretical proposals, knowledge. For instance, cases EA (Barbarotto,
are recruited in an attempt to clarify these two Capitani, & Laiacona, 1996; Laiacona, Capitani,
questions. & Barbarotto, 1997), EW (Caramazza & Shelton,
1998), FM (Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani,
1993), Jennifer (Samson, Pillon, & De Wilde,
Clues from category-specific semantic
1998), and SB (Sheridan & Humphreys, 1992) all
had disproportionate semantic deficits for living
The central assumption of the domain-specific things compared to nonliving things, but equivalent
hypothesis (Caramazza & Shelton, 1998) is that deficits to visual/perceptual and functional/associa-
evolutionary pressures have resulted in specialised tive knowledge of living things (for review, see
(and functionally dissociable) neural circuits dedi- Capitani et al., 2003-this issue).
cated to processing, perceptually and conceptually, A second prediction made by the domain-
different categories of objects. In this way, the specific hypothesis is that there should be relatively
domain-specific hypothesis provides a principled poor recovery of lost function for impaired catego-
way of specifying what constitutes a conceptual cat- ries. This prediction receives striking support from
egory in the brain, since it is restricted to only those a recent case study (Farah & Rabinowitz, 2003-this
categories for which rapid and efficient identifica- issue) of a patient, Adam, who suffered a bilateral
tion could have had survival and reproductive posterior cerebral artery infarction at age 1 day.
advantages. Plausible candidates are the categories When tested at age 16 years, Adam was dispropor-
“animals,” “plant life,” “conspecifics,” and possibly tionately impaired at naming pictures of living

For discussion of the domain-specific hypothesis in developmental psychology and comparative work with nonhuman primates,
see, e.g., Carey (2000); Carey and Markman (1999); Keil (1989); Santos and Caramazza (2002); Santos, Hauser, and Spelke (2002).
Early reports seemed contrary to this prediction: Patients were reported with deficits for living things who were also
disproportionately impaired for the visual attributes of objects compared to functional/associative attributes (Basso, Capitani, &
Laiacona, 1988; Farah, Hammond, Mehta, & Ratcliff, 1989; Silveri & Gainotti, 1988). However, these studies have been criticised
methodologically on the grounds that the tasks accessing visual and functional/associative knowledge were not matched for difficulty
(see Caramazza & Shelton, 1998).

434 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


things (40% correct) compared to nonliving things with a disproportionate impairment to a modality
(75% correct). Furthermore, Adam’s deficit for liv- or type of knowledge. The conclusion that follows
ing things affected all types of semantic informa- from this fact is that it cannot be assumed that the
tion investigated: The patient was at chance for cause of category-specific semantic deficits is
both visual/perceptual and functional/associative damage to a type (i.e., modality) of knowledge upon
knowledge for living things (visual/perceptual = which successful recognition/naming differentially
40%; functional/associative = 45% correct), while depends. However, this conclusion is silent with
performance was within the normal range for both respect to the possibility that one organising con-
types of knowledge for nonliving things (visual/ straint on the physical distribution of conceptual
perceptual = 78%, normal range = 70–90%; func- knowledge in the brain is modality or type of infor-
tional/associative = 72%, normal range = 73–92%). mation. The conjunction of the domain-specific
A third prediction made by the domain-specific hypothesis with the modality-specific assumption
hypothesis follows from the assumption that would imply that, within for instance the visual
relatively early (i.e., pre-semantic or perceptual) modality, information would be organised by object
stages of object processing will be organised by domain.
domain. With respect to the visual modality, this The assumption that conceptual knowledge
hypothesis generates the prediction that the struc- corresponding to visual/perceptual properties of
tural description system will be functionally organ- objects is stored in a different area of the brain from
ised by object domain. Perhaps the strongest knowledge about the functional/associative proper-
evidence consistent with this prediction is provided ties of objects must be distinguished from the claim
by the performance of patient Michelangelo that there are modality-specific semantic subsys-
(Sartori, Coltheart, Miozzo, & Job, 1994; Sartori & tems specialised for processing a specific type of
Job, 1988; Sartori, Miozzo, & Job, 1993b). Michel- information. In the context of the domain-specific
angelo was disproportionately impaired for the hypothesis, there are two reasons why it would not
category “living things” and was also disproportion- be theoretically coherent to refer to the “system”
ately impaired on an object decision task for living that stores information about the visual properties
things compared to nonliving things (see also, for of objects as a “modality-specific semantic subsys-
example, patient EW, Caramazza & Shelton, tem.” First, information internal to such a “system”
1998; Capitani et al., 2003-this issue, Table 3). would be functionally organised (and thus func-
Another aspect of Michelangelo’s profile of cat- tionally dissociable) by object domain. Second,
egory-specific deficit for living things is that he was information across these “modality-specific seman-
disproportionately impaired for visual/perceptual tic subsystems” would be functionally unitary
knowledge of living things compared to functional/ within any given object domain. In other words, we
associative knowledge (see also patient Giulietta: would no longer have functionally defined modal-
Sartori, Job, Miozzo, Zago, & Marchiori, 1993a). ity-specific semantic subsystems, but rather neuro-
If we take these data to be a fact of category-specific anatomically defined modality-specific semantic
deficits (but see Capitani et al., 2003-this issue), subsystems. In order to avoid confusion, we will
these data could suggest that object domain is not refer to the “systems” that represent/process
the only constraint on the organisation of concep- conceptual knowledge of a given type (e.g., visual/
tual knowledge in the brain. Specifically, one possi- perceptual vs. functional/associative) as modality-
bility would be to adopt the domain-specific specific semantic stores (for further discussion
hypothesis (in order to account for the data from of these issues, see Caramazza, Hillis, Rapp, &
category-specific semantic deficits) but not dispose Romani, 1990; and Mahon & Caramazza, in
of the modality-specific assumption. press).
To be clear: It is an established fact that the Modality-specific semantic stores must be
majority of patients who have presented with cate- further distinguished from modality-specific input/
gory-specific semantic deficits have not presented output representations. For instance, with respect

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 435


to visual knowledge, we will adopt as a working Clues from functional neuroimaging

assumption a distinction between the modality-
specific semantic store that represents/processes If we assume that conceptual knowledge is organ-
conceptual knowledge about the visual properties ised by domain-specific constraints within neuro-
of objects and the structural description system. anatomically defined modalities, then the strongest
Representations contained in the structural prediction that can be made is that there will be spa-
description system are pre-semantic, and thus pro- tial segregation of processes/information by seman-
vide one route for accessing information contained tic category within modality. We limit our
in the visual modality-specific semantic store. discussion to functional neuroimaging studies that
Assuming the validity of this distinction for have investigated category-specific patterns of acti-
discussion amounts to a strong (and by no means vation in inferior and lateral temporal areas, as these
uncontroversial) claim about the independence of neural areas correspond to (at least part of) the
conceptual knowledge from modality-specific “visual modality.”
input/output representations. We will return to an A number of investigators have observed differ-
evaluation of this distinction in our Conclusion in ential activation in the ventral object processing
light of the empirical evidence to be discussed stream for different categories of objects. For
below. instance, Chao, Haxby, and Martin (1999a)
Distinguishing between modality-specific reported activation in the medial aspect of the
semantic stores and modality-specific input/out- fusiform gyri bilaterally across viewing, naming,
put representations requires some specification of and matching tasks involving pictures of “tools,” as
why information in a modality-specific semantic well as for a task in which subjects were reading the
store is modality-specific. In other words: What is names of “tool” stimuli. In the same study, activa-
visual about “visual” semantic knowledge? At least tion was reported in the lateral aspect of the
three (nonmutually exclusive) possibilities could fusiform gyri for the same tasks conducted over
be envisioned. First, it could be argued that what “animal” stimuli. A similar pattern of results has
makes “visual” semantic information visual is that been found when contrasting the activation pro-
it is stored in a visual format. Second, it could be duced by “face” stimuli and “house” stimuli:
argued that what makes this information visual is Compared to houses, faces activated more lateral
that it is about the visual properties of objects. regions of the fusiform gyrus (e.g., Haxby,
Third, it could be that what is visual about “visual” Ungerleider, Clark, Schouten, Hoffman, & Mar-
knowledge is that it was learned or acquired tin, 1999; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997;
through the visual modality. These are questions McCarthy, Puce, Gore, & Allison, 1997), whereas
for future research (see Caramazza et al., 1990, for the reverse comparison (houses–faces) yielded
extended discussion). Our present interest is not in disproportionate activation in more medial regions
arguing for the architecture just described, but of the fusiform gyrus (Aguirre, Zarahn, &
rather is of the form: If we were to assume such an D’Esposito, 1998) as well as in parahippocampal
organisation, then what further expectations cortex (Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998). To sum up,
might we have regarding the neuroanatomical differential and spatially dissociable (although
organisation and representation of conceptual overlapping) foci of activation have been found for
knowledge? each of the categories “animals,” “tools,” “houses,”
In the next section, we approach the question of and “faces” (Chao et al., 1999a; Chao, Martin, &
whether conceptual knowledge is organised by Haxby, 1999b; see Martin & Chao, 2001).4
object domain within the visual modality from the Similar patterns have been observed in lateral
perspective of functional neuroimaging. temporal cortex. Items corresponding to “living

Not all investigators have observed category-specific effects with functional neuroimaging. For instance, Devlin et al., (2002) did
not find reliable category-specific foci of activation for the categories “animals,” “fruit,” “tools,” and “vehicles.”

436 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


things” differentially activated the superior temporal wouldn’t a feature-based model face the same
sulcus (faces: Chao et al., 1999a, 1999b; Haxby et al., dilemma that the domain-specific hypothesis pur-
1999; Hoffman & Haxby, 2000; Kanwisher et al., portedly faces? In other words, if conceptual knowl-
1997; animals: Chao et al., 1999a, 1999b). In con- edge is organised by the features that define objects,
trast, activation associated with identifying pictures so that the conceptual representations of objects
of tools activated more inferior regions centred on that share features are stored in adjacent neural
the left middle temporal gyrus (e.g., Chao et al., areas, then why would “chair” stimuli activate an
1999a; Martin, Wiggs, Ungerleider, & Haxby, area next to an area that has previously shown dis-
1996). Furthermore, lateral temporal cortex seems to proportionate activation for “animal” stimuli?
be specialised for processing object-associated What features are shared between the conceptual
motion. In a recent study, Beauchamp, Lee, Haxby, representations of exemplars from the categories
and Martin (2002) found that the superior temporal “chairs” and “animals?” Is the claim that animals
sulci and gyri responded differentially to biological and chairs share the feature “legs?” Would this still
motion (right >> left) while the middle temporal gyri be the claim if the word referring to the feature
and inferior temporal sulci responded differentially [+LEG[animal]] was not homonymous with the
to tool associated-motion (left >> right) (see also feature [+LEG[chair]]? What about the feature
Senior et al., 2000, for related findings; see [+ARM[human]] and [+ARM[chair]]: Are these the
Beauchamp et al., 2002, for review and discussion). same feature too because the word referring to each
Taken together, these data would seem to pro- is the same?
vide strong prima facie support for the hypothesis Data from a recent functional neuroimaging
that conceptual knowledge is organised by object study (Martin & Weisberg, 2003) lends some sup-
domain within inferior and lateral temporal areas. port to the argument that the patterns of differen-
However, a reductio counterargument that has tial activation by object category in inferior and
been raised against a domain-specific interpreta- lateral temporal areas are driven by domain-specific
tion of these data is based on the observation (Ishai, processes, and not object-specific features. The
Ungerleider, Martin, Schouten, & Haxby, 1999) authors compared the activation produced when
that “chair” stimuli activated an area in inferior subjects viewed the same physical stimuli (e.g., col-
temporal cortex lateral to that elicited by faces. In oured triangles) depicting either social or mechani-
other words: Why would the category “chairs” elicit cal motion. When these two conditions were
a discrete area of activation, since this category compared, activation associated with social motion
clearly does not constitute an evolutionarily signifi- (e.g., scaring, sharing etc.) was observed in the lat-
cant object domain? In the context of this argu- eral fusiform gyrus and superior temporal sulcus,
ment, Martin and Chao (2001, p. 196) propose that while activation associated with mechanical motion
these data are consistent with the notion that (e.g., bowling, conveyor belt, etc.) was observed in
conceptual representations are distributed over the medial aspect of the fusiform gyrus and the left
features: “A feature-based model can accommodate middle temporal gyrus.5 These data indicate that
the observation that an arbitrary category such as seemingly category-specific patterns of activation
chairs elicited a pattern of neural activity distinct can be invoked by stimuli that must be interpreted
from other object categories (i.e., faces and houses). (at a relatively abstract level) as pertaining to one or
Clearly, it would be difficult, as well as unwise, to another semantic domain. Crucially, this level of
argue that there is a ‘chair area’ in the brain.” The interpretation must be more abstract than the level
premise upon which this argument is based is that a at which the physical properties of stimuli are rep-
feature-based model could accommodate the results resented, since the stimuli in the mechanical and
reported by Ishai and colleagues (1999). But social conditions were physically identical.

Activation associated with social motion was also found in the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (Martin &
Weisberg, 2003-this issue; see also Castelli, Frith, Happé, & Frith, 2002; Castelli, Happé, Frith, & Frith, 2000).

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 437


Interim summary and directions objects. If this were the case, these data would be
consistent with the proposal that conceptual
To this point, we have been discussing issues con- knowledge is organised by object domain within
cerning the organisation of conceptual knowledge neuroanatomically defined modality-specific
from two perspectives: category-specific semantic semantic stores.6
deficits (for review, see Capitani et al., 2003-this A domain-specific interpretation of category-
issue) and the patterns of differential activation specific patterns of activation in functional
observed for stimuli from different semantic cate- neuroimaging is by no means the received view. In
gories in functional neuroimaging (see Joseph, fact, the received view assumes that differential
2001; Martin & Chao, 2001; Price & Friston, effects of object category reflect the activation of
2002; Thompson-Schill, 2002, for recent reviews). object-specific features, but that these features are
Both methods provide evidence in line with the not explicitly organised by object domain (e.g.,
basic expectations that follow from the assumption Bookheimer, 2002; Gerlach, Law, Gade, &
that conceptual knowledge is organised by the Paulson, 2000; Ishai et al., 2000; Kraut, Moo,
domains of “animals,” “fruit/vegetables,” Segal, & Hart, 2002; Martin & Chao, 2001; Moore
“conspecifics,” and possibly “tools.” Furthermore, & Price, 1999; Mummery, Patterson, Hodges, &
the data from category-specific semantic deficits Price, 1998; Perani et al., 1995; Thompson-Schill,
lend tentative support to the possibility that there 2002; but see, e.g., Kanwisher, 2000). The primary
are two orthogonal constraints on the organisation empirical motivation for this proposal is the obser-
of conceptual knowledge: domain and modality. vation that the same brain regions are activated by
This architecture receives independent support objects from different categories (e.g., Martin &
from the functional neuroimaging data that have Chao, 2001). For instance, in inferior temporal cor-
been reviewed. For instance, differential effects of tex, the areas of activation observed for animals,
object category have been observed in inferior tem- tools, houses, and faces were differential and not
poral cortex, which is specialised for processing selective.7
visual information. A domain-specific interpreta- There may be methodological limitations
tion of these differential effects of semantic cate- regarding this inference: Many functional
gory in inferior temporal regions is consistent with neuroimaging studies first identify regions of inter-
either of two possibilities regarding the nature of est (ROIs) that are activated by objects from all of
the information stored in these regions. First, it the categories being investigated. For instance,
could be that these data reflect the activation of Chao et al. (1999a) first identified “. . . brain
modality-specific visual structural descriptions of regions that responded to visually presented objects
objects (see Whatmough, Chertkow, Murtha, & . . .” (p. 918) and then looked within those areas for
Hanratty, 2002, for discussion). In this case, these differential effects of object category, in this case
data would be consistent with the view that even at “animals” vs. “tools” and “houses” vs. “faces.” This
relatively low (i.e., pre-semantic) levels of represen- methodological approach is biased against the
tation, processes/information are organised by possibility of observing patterns of activation that
object domain. Second, these data could reflect are “selective,” and it is perhaps, then, not surpris-
semantic processing of the visual properties of ing that there is substantial overlap between the

It is a separate question as two why inferior temporal areas are activated: Are they activated by object-specific properties or is
activation in these regions driven (in part) by higher-level processes organised by domain-specific constraints (e.g., see above discussion
of Martin & Weisberg, 2003-this issue)?
The assumption that conceptual knowledge is represented as features or conceptual primitives is not in itself contrary to the
domain-specific hypothesis: This hypothesis is aimed at articulating the organization of information at the level of domain, and is thus
silent with respect to whether or not concepts are assumed to decompose into conceptual primitives or features (for further discussion,
see Mahon & Caramazza, in press).

438 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


activation produced by objects from different reviewed data. We conclude by considering the
categories. For discussion we will set this method- implications of the data reviewed in this article for
ological concern aside (for further discussion, see the two questions with which we began.
Joseph, 2001).
The most articulated version of the proposal that
The sensory/motor theory
conceptual knowledge is represented in the brain in
terms of the features that define objects is the Over what is conceptual knowledge of tools
sensory/motor theory of Martin, Chao, and col- distributed?
leagues (e.g., Martin & Chao, 2001; Martin, The distinguishing assumption of the sensory/
Ungerleider, & Haxby, 2000). There are two motor theory is that conceptual knowledge of
important differences between the sensory/motor manipulable artifacts and information about the
theory and the sensory/functional theory. First, correct motor movements associated with their use
whereas the sensory/functional theory assumes that are distributed over the same features.8 For
conceptual knowledge and modality-specific instance, Martin et al. (2000; p. 1028) write:
representations are functionally and physically “…[T]he position proposed here is that the infor-
dissociable, the sensory/motor theory assumes that mation about object function needed to support tool
conceptual knowledge is distributed over modality- recognition and naming is information about the
specific representations. The second way in which patterns of visual motion and patterns of motor
the two theories diverge is that, whereas the sen- movements associated with the actual use of the
sory/functional theory assumes that functional/ object [emphasis added].” If information regarding
associative information is crucial for recognising/ the correct use of a tool, or the visual motions asso-
naming tools, the sensory/motor theory assumes ciated with its use, is needed to identify the object,
that information about how tools are physically then how is such information accessed? None of
manipulated is required in order recognise/name this information is transparent in the visual presen-
tools. We can thus evaluate our working assump- tation of the object. In other words, a plausible pro-
tion that a distinction is required between concep- cessing story is required of how the information
tual information and modality-specific input/ about object use specific to the object being recog-
output representations by considering whether or nised is accessed, given that the object has not yet been
not the sensory/motor theory can account for the recognised. One possibility is that there are system-
extant facts. Specifically, we can evaluate the atic mappings from the structural description sys-
assumption that conceptual knowledge is distrib- tem to information encoding the ways in which
uted over modality-specific representations by objects are manipulated (for proposals in line with
asking whether this is a plausible assumption for the this, but which also assume a unitary-amodal
category “tools.” In the next section we briefly semantic system, see Caramazza et al., 1990; Plaut,
outline the functional neuroimaging data that have 2002; Riddoch, Humphreys, Coltheart, & Funnell,
been marshalled in support of the sensory/motor 1988).
theory. Empirical predictions are generated from The sensory/motor theory has been motivated
the assumption that conceptual knowledge of tools by two well-established results in the functional
is distributed over modality-specific representa- neuroimaging literature: It has been found that (for
tions and these predictions are evaluated with instance, naming) tasks performed over tool stimuli
neuropsychological data. We argue that the sen- (compared to animal stimuli) differentially
sory/motor theory is not tenable in light of the activated (1) the left middle temporal gyrus (e.g.,

Note the similarity between the sensory/motor theory of object recognition and the motor theory of speech perception (e.g.,
Liberman, Cooper, Shankweiler, & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967): Both theories assume that information required for production (i.e.,
motor engrams for using tools or producing speech sounds) must be retrieved in the course of successful recognition (of tools or speech
sounds, respectively).

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 439


Chao et al., 1999a; Martin et al., 1996; Moore & output projections: action naming and object
Price, 1999; Mummery et al., 1998; Perani, Schnur, naming. This architecture was implemented in a
Tettamanti, Gorno-Tempini, Cappa, & Fazio, distributed connectionist model, in which there
1999), and (2) left premotor cortex (e.g., Chao & was a topographic learning bias favouring short
Martin, 2000; Chao, Weisberg, & Martin, 2002; connections between semantic representations and
Grabowski, Damasio, & Damasio, 1998; Martin et modality-specific representations. When focal
al., 1996). Relevant to these findings is the observa- areas of semantic space were lesioned, the model
tion that the area activated in the left middle tem- demonstrated what Plaut referred to as a graded
poral gyrus is at most 8 mm away from an area degree of modality-specific functional specialisation
assumed to store information about object move- within semantics. However, the theory and the
ment (e.g., Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, implemented model are indistinguishable from an
Shulman, & Petersen, 1990; see also Beauchamp et amodal account of semantic memory in which there
al., 2002). Likewise, Martin and colleagues inter- is a privileged relationship between the semantic
pret the differential activation observed in left representations of a certain class of objects and the
premotor cortex in the context of the observation information contained in a certain type of modal-
that this area is activated when subjects are asked to ity-specific input or output representation (for
imagine grasping objects, but not to actually do so discussion, see Caramazza et al., 1990).10
(Decety et al., 1994). Assuming the sensory/motor theory in its
Because the sensory/motor theory assumes that strongest form, it is important to be clear about
conceptual knowledge is distributed over modality- what is meant by “information about the visual
specific representations, this proposal is a species of motion and patterns of motor movements associ-
a broader theoretical view which holds that concep- ated with the actual use of the object.” We reason as
tual knowledge does not constitute (physically) dis- follows: Since modality-specific input/output rep-
tinct information from modality-specific input/ resentations and conceptual knowledge are distrib-
output representations.9 The question is: Does the uted over the same features, this information must
sensory/motor theory make empirically tractable be modality-specific. Following conventions of the
predictions? literature regarding modality-specific representa-
In order to generate empirical predictions from tions encoding information about how to manipu-
the sensory/motor theory we will interpret this late objects, we refer to such representations as
theory in its strongest form. The reason for this is “sensorimotor representations” (these can also be
straightforward: It is not clear in what ways the referred to as visual/kinaesthetic representations).
theory might be “weakened” while remaining Two straightforward empirical predictions follow
empirically distinguishable from other theoretical from the basic assumptions of the sensory/motor
alternatives. For instance, a weaker version of the theory. Prediction 1: A deficit for conceptual knowl-
theory might propose to combine a unitary-amodal edge of manipulable artefacts will be associated
account of semantic memory with the assumption with damage to modality-specific input/output
that different types of knowledge are differentially representations (i.e., sensorimotor knowledge); and
important for different categories of objects and/or Prediction 2: Damage to sensorimotor representa-
tasks. This was the route taken by Plaut (2002). The tions will necessarily be associated with a deficit for
author presented a model of optic aphasia in which conceptual knowledge of manipulable artefacts.
a central semantic store received input from two Note that the structure of these predictions, and the
modalities, vision and touch, and made two types of empirical arguments to be developed below, exactly

For instance, Allport (1985) sums up this position as follows: “The essential idea is that the same neural elements that are involved
in coding the sensory attributes of a (possibly unknown) object presented to eye or ear also make up the elements of the auto-associated
activity patterns that represent familiar object-concepts in ‘semantic memory’” (p. 53).
We thank Laurel Buxbaum (personal communication) for raising this issue.

440 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


parallel recent evaluations of the sensory/functional objects when they were presented only in the visual
theory (e.g., see Capitani et al., 2003-this issue; modality (and the patient was not allowed to touch
Caramazza & Shelton, 1998). them). This last result indicates that visual infor-
mation alone was sufficient to support relatively
Empirical evaluation of Prediction 1 unimpaired performance on a task requiring objects
A deficit for conceptual knowledge of manipulable to be used, but the same information (provided in
artefacts will be associated with damage to modal- pictures) was not sufficient to support performance
ity-specific input/output representations (i.e., on a function matching task.
sensorimotor knowledge). The performance of patients FB and DM indi-
Consider the performance of patients FB cates that (1) there is a dissociation between func-
(Sirigu, Duhamel, & Poncet, 1991) and DM tion knowledge (what an object is for) and
(Buxbaum, Schwartz, & Carew, 1997), who could manipulation knowledge (how an object is used);
indicate the correct use associated with an object and (2) it is possible to observe, within the same
despite being impaired for semantic knowledge of patient, a semantic impairment for tools without an
manipulable objects. For example, when FB was associated impairment in using tools. These data
asked to verbally provide both function information would seem to indicate that it can’t be the case that
(what an object is used for) and manipulation infor- conceptual knowledge of tools is distributed over
mation (how an object is used) in response to a the same features as knowledge of how tools are
safety pin (presented visually), he responded: “You used, since these patients could access knowledge of
open on one side, stick something on it, close it, and how tools are used but were impaired at accessing
it stays in. I can tell you how it works, but I don’t see conceptual knowledge about tools. However, the
its exact use. I don’t think I have seen one like this strength of this conclusion is mitigated by the alter-
before, it is not a very common object (Sirigu et al., native hypothesis that patients such as FB and DM
1991, p. 2555). It seems, from this example, that are succeeding on object use tests through general
the patient has knowledge of how a safety pin is mechanical problem-solving abilities and not
used, but no knowledge of what it might be used for. through accessing stored representations of the cor-
Similarly, patient DM presented with impaired rect gestures associated with objects (e.g.,
conceptual knowledge of objects but relatively Goldenberg & Hagmann, 1998; Hodges, Bozeat,
intact ability to use objects. For instance, on a func- Lambon Ralph, Patterson, & Spatt, 2000; Hodges,
tion matching test, the patient was asked to match Spatt, & Patterson, 1999).
two pictures out of three that are used for similar In the case of FB, support for this alternative
purposes (e.g., given pictures of a can opener, a hypothesis is provided by the fact that on an object
hand mixer, and an electric mixer, the latter two decision task, the patient accepted nonobjects that
would be the correct choice). The unrelated foil on were not functionally anomalous as real objects,
this task was always visually similar to one of the suggesting that the patient was not accessing stored
two target items, and on many trials, all three items representations but was making judgements based
were associated (e.g., in the above example, all of on the extraction of object properties. Furthermore,
the items are found in a kitchen). DM’s perfor- neither FB nor DM were tested on a novel tool use
mance was impaired on this task (61%; 22/36) task, which is generally regarded as informative of a
compared to normal control subjects (94%; 34/36; patient’s ability to infer the function of a tool from
range: 29–36/36). In contrast, DM’s performance its physical structure. Finally, it could also be noted
was flawless on a task in which real objects were that neither FB nor DM had lesions extending into
presented in both the visual and tactile modalities the parietal lobes, and that parietal lobe lesions have
and the patient was asked to demonstrate the been associated with impairments in novel tools
correct use associated with the object. Crucially, selection tasks (Goldenberg & Hagmann, 1998).
DM’s performance was also very good (91%; 10/11) The possibility that FB and DM are succeeding
at demonstrating the correct use associated with on object use tests through general mechanical

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 441


problem-solving skills raises an important theoreti- pantomiming the use of a tool to a verbal command
cal question: On the assumption that part of the (0/20); and (5) demonstrating tool use when hold-
conceptual representation of a tool includes knowl- ing a tool (2/20). Crucially, the same 20 tools were
edge of how to use that tool, a distinction is required used for all tasks with this patient, and yet he was
between the semantic system storing such informa- able to name and identify tools but was not able to
tion and the semantic system reading this informa- use them or identify them based on their function
tion from sensorimotor engrams (see, e.g., Sirigu et (see Figure 1).
al., 1991; and Buxbaum, Veramonti, & Schwartz, The patient reported by Ochipa and colleagues
2000, for discussion). That is, how might we distin- (1989) was also impaired at imitating symbolic
guish between the semantic system storing the gestures (4/20); symbolic gestures are learned
information that a hammer is used by swinging the manual movements, such as making the “peace
hand in an arc from the semantic system retrieving sign” or the “hitch-hiking fist.” Based on this deficit
this information by reading a modality-specific for symbolic gestures, it might be argued that the
sensorimotor engram? It is the burden of those patient had an uninteresting production deficit that
theories for which knowledge of the ways in which did not compromise sensorimotor representations.
objects are manipulated figures critically in the However, the patient reported by Montomura and
conceptual representations of those objects to give a Yamadori (1994) was unimpaired at making
principled account of how these two possibilities symbolic gestures to command, imitating symbolic
might be empirically distinguished. gestures, pantomiming tool use to command, and
pantomiming tool use to imitation, indicating that
Empirical evaluation of Prediction 2 the inability of the patient to use the same tools
Damage to sensorimotor representations will correctly cannot be dismissed in terms of a motor
necessarily be associated with a deficit for conceptual deficit. This patient was impaired at imitating and
knowledge of manipulable artefacts. pantomiming to command “meaningless” gestures
We turn now to the second, and determining (i.e., manual gestures that do not have a conven-
prediction made by the sensory/motor theory: tional meaning). This pattern of performance
There cannot be patients who are impaired at using suggests damage to a mechanism for directly con-
tools but can nevertheless access intact semantic verting observed hand movements to motor com-
information about tools and/or recognise/name mands, without accessing stored representations of
tools. If there were to be a patient whose perfor- what those movements mean; see Rothi, Ochipa,
mance was contrary to this prediction, then we and Heilman (1991) and Cubelli, Marchetti,
could conclude that it is not the case that conceptual Boscolo, and Della Sala (2000) for discussion.
knowledge of artefacts is distributed over the same The performance of the patient reported by
features that constitute sensorimotor knowledge. Ochipa and colleagues (1989) seems to indicate
In fact, there are a number of such patients reported
in the literature (Buxbaum et al., 2000; Hodges et
al., 1999; Montomura & Yamadori, 1994; Ochipa,
Rothi, & Heilman, 1989; Rumiati, Zanini,
Vorano, & Shallice, 2001). For instance, Ochipa
and colleagues reported the performance of a
patient who was relatively unimpaired at naming
tools (17/20 correct) as well as pointing them out to
name (19/20). However, he was severely impaired
at (1) pointing to a correct tool when given its func-
tion (7/20); (2) verbally describing the function of a
visually presented tool (3/20); (3) verbally identify- Figure 1. Dissociation of tool use from tool naming (Ochipa et
ing a tool described by its function (3/10); (4) al., 1989).

442 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


that the ability to recognise/name objects does not gestures associated with an object (73%; control
require that either functional knowledge (what an mean 99%). The combination of a deficit in both
object is used for) or manipulation knowledge (how gesture production and recognition indicates that
an object is used) must be intact and/or accessible. there is damage to stored sensorimotor representa-
However, it might be argued that it has not been tions of the correct gestures associated with objects
demonstrated that the patient reported by Ochipa (Buxbaum et al., 2000). Perhaps even more con-
and colleagues had damage to stored knowledge of vincing that the impairment in WC was to the
how tools are used. Specifically, it might be argued knowledge (per se) of how to manipulate objects is
that this patient was impaired at producing the cor- the patient’s contrasting performance on picture
rect actions associated with a tool, but the patient matching tasks requiring objects to be matched
was nevertheless able to access stored knowledge of based on either their function or their manner of
the movements associated with objects in order to manipulation. In this task, the patient is presented
succeed at naming tasks; this position entails the with three pictures and must choose the two that
hypothesis that the damage in Ochipa and are most similar. In the manipulation condition, all
colleagues’ patient was to the connections between three items on a given trial differ in terms of their
sensorimotor engrams and the production system. function, while two of the three are similar in their
A similar position has been advanced by Buxbaum manner of manipulation (for instance, given pic-
et al. (2000) to distinguish between what the tures of a piano, typewriter, and stove, the correct
authors term “central” and “peripheral” apraxics: response would be to choose piano and typewriter).
Central apraxics can neither recognise nor produce For this manipulation condition, WC was severely
gestures, while peripheral apraxics are only impaired (50%; control mean 96%). Contrastively,
impaired at producing the correct gesture associ- for the function condition, all three items on a given
ated with an object. It is assumed that central trial differ in their manner of manipulation, and the
apraxics have damage to sensorimotor repre- patient must pick the two pictures out of three that
sentations, while peripheral apraxics have damage have similar functions (i.e., given radio, record
to the connections between sensorimotor represen- player, and telephone, the correct response would
tations and the production system. The question is: be to select radio and record player). WC was at
Are there any central apraxics (i.e., patients with ceiling (100%) on this task. WC was also adminis-
impairments in both recognising and producing tered semantic probe questions testing his knowl-
gestures) who can nevertheless access intact seman- edge of specific conceptual properties of tools. For
tic information about objects? instance, given a picture of, for instance, a knife, the
patient might be asked: “Is it used for tightening or
Further empirical evaluation of Prediction 2 for cutting?” WC was at ceiling (100% correct) for
Damage to sensorimotor representations will neces- answering semantic probe questions about tools.
sarily be associated with a deficit for conceptual
knowledge of manipulable artefacts. Refuting the sensory/motor theory
Patient WC (Buxbaum et al., 2000) presented A final aspect of WC’s profile should be noted: WC
with an impairment for knowledge of how objects presented with severe anomia. This aspect of the
are manipulated but perfect performance on a num- patient’s performance seems to indicate, at least at
ber of tasks requiring access to conceptual knowl- first glance, that an impairment to knowledge of
edge of objects. For instance, WC was impaired at how to use objects is associated with a naming defi-
choosing the correct object out of four to match an cit. However, we know from the performance of the
observed gesture, indicating an impairment in patient reported by Ochipa and colleagues (see Fig-
recognising gestures (80%; control mean 97%). ure 1) that this association of impairments is not
WC was also impaired in using actual objects pre- necessary. Regardless, even setting aside Ochipa
sented in the visual and tactile modalities, indicat- and colleagues’ patient, the association of anomia
ing an impairment in producing the correct and an impairment for using tools is not relevant to

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 443


an evaluation of the assumption that conceptual One possible counterargument to our conclu-
knowledge of tools is distributed over modality- sion is the following: It might be argued by a
specific sensorimotor representations.11 It is this sensory/motor theorist that while WC had damage
assumption that is under evaluation. to sensorimotor representations, this damage was
Patient WC was at ceiling on several tasks not so extensive as to cause a deficit for the concep-
requiring access to conceptual knowledge of tools tual knowledge that is distributed over these repre-
and at the same time disproportionately impaired sentations. There is an empirical argument against
for knowledge of how to use tools. On the assump- this: If there were patients with disproportionate
tion that WC had damage to sensorimotor repre- conceptual deficits for artefacts compared to other
sentations that store information about the ways in categories of objects, then we could infer (based on
which objects are used, it would not be possible, the sensory/motor theory) that these patients must
given the assumptions of the sensory/motor the- also have presented with disproportionate deficits
ory, to account for the ceiling performance of this for the type of conceptual knowledge that is
patient on several tasks requiring access to concep- hypothesised to be distributed over sensorimotor
tual knowledge.12 Furthermore, recall that the representations. Specifically, the prediction is the
sensory/motor theory also appealed to knowledge same as is made by the original formulation of the
of the visual movements associated with using sensory/functional theory: Patients with dispropor-
tools: The performance of WC speaks to this tionate deficits for artefacts will also have dispro-
assumption as well, as the patient was impaired at portionate deficits for functional/associative
recognising the correct gestures associated with knowledge compared to visual/perceptual knowl-
the use of tools. The performance of patient WC edge. Contrary to this prediction is the perfor-
refutes the hypothesis that conceptual knowledge mance of patients PL (Laiacona & Capitani, 2001),
of manipulable objects is distributed over the same CN98 (Gaillard, Auzou, Miret, Ozsancak, &
modality-specific representations that are active Hannequin, 1998), and ES (Moss & Tyler, 1997,
when such objects are being used. Given that this 2000). These patients presented with dispropor-
is the central (and distinguishing) assumption of tionate deficits for artifacts, but equivalent impair-
the sensory/motor theory, the theory as a whole ments for perceptual and functional/associative
can be provisionally rejected.13 Our conclusion is knowledge of artifacts. Furthermore, the structural
not that conceptual knowledge of artefacts does description system was spared in patient PL, indi-
not include knowledge of the ways in which arti- cating that the impairment to visual/perceptual
facts are used. Rather, we have been arguing knowledge of nonliving things was not an artefact
against the claim, in the terms in which it has been of having damage to the structural descriptions of
proposed, that conceptual knowledge of artefacts those objects. Even more striking is the perfor-
is distributed over modality-specific sensorimotor mance of patient IW (Lambon Ralph, Howard,
representations. Nightingale, & Ellis, 1998) who presented with a

Data is not reported on WC’s naming performance by semantic category. However, on a triplet matching task, the patient was
presented with three words, and had to choose the two that were most semantically similar (e.g., given hammer, mallet, and saw, the
correct answer would be hammer and mallet). Contrary to what would be predicted by the sensory/motor theory, WC’s performance
on this test was actually slightly better for tool triplets (94%) than for animal triplets (83%).
Another task administered to WC investigated whether he could choose the correct object corresponding to a given tool. For
instance, when presented with a hammer, WC had to choose between a nail and screw as the correct object to use with a hammer. WC
was just below ceiling on this task (96%); however, when WC was asked to demonstrate the use of the same tools on the same objects
that the patient had just selected, the patient was severely impaired (58%). For instance, on the trial with a hammer and nail, after
selecting the nail, WC grasped the hammer at the wrong end and pounded the nail with the hammer’s handle.
The “other half” of the theory concerns living things. The assumption here is the same made by the sensory/functional theory:
The ability to recognise living things differentially depends on visual/perceptual information. (But see Capitani et al., 2003-this issue;
Humphreys & Forde, 2001; Mahon & Caramazza, 2001.)

444 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


disproportionate (albeit small) impairment for then one cannot account for the performance of the
nonliving things compared to living things (33% patient reported by Ochipa and colleagues (1989).
and 42% respectively). In direct contrast to what Recall that this patient was relatively unimpaired at
would be expected based on the assumption that naming tools (17/20 correct) but was severely
functional/associative knowledge is needed to sup- impaired at demonstrating the use of the same tools
port correct recognition/naming of artefacts, this (2/20) (see Figure 1).
patient was disproportionately impaired for visual/ Another version of the sensory/motor theory
perceptual knowledge compared to functional/ stresses the contexts in which different types of
associative knowledge for both living and nonliving information are recruited:
things. At this point, it seems the only option left Consistent with the notion of ‘privileged access’ to various kinds
for a sensory/motor theorist is to assume that of stored information (e.g., sensorimotor versus verbal/proposi-
visual/perceptual knowledge is what is crucial for tional) according to the modality of the task (e.g., action versus
recognising/naming artifacts, and that it is this verbal), it may be that on naturalistic action tasks, manipulation
nodes for objects are the most strongly and rapidly activated,
knowledge that is distributed over sensorimotor
whereas on verbal tasks concerned with man-made objects,
engrams. However, at this point, the theory cannot function nodes receive greater and/or more rapid activation. The
explain the cause of category-specific deficits, since hypothesized privileged role of manipulation knowledge in nat-
both living things and artefacts would be hypothes- uralistic action may explain why JD [reported in Buxbaum et al.,
ised to depend on visual/perceptual knowledge. 2000] and WC are unable to use their relatively intact function
knowledge to prevent object misuse errors in naturalistic action
One way in which the sensory/motor theory
(Buxbaum et al., 2000, p. 94).
might be modified in an attempt to account for
the neuropsychological evidence that has been It is not clear what work the notion of “privileged
reviewed would be to drop the assumption that access” could be doing, unless the proposal is that
conceptual knowledge of manipulable artefacts is there is an amodal semantic system. In other words,
distributed over the same representations that are if the semantic system is assumed to be modality-
active when such objects are being used. In other specific, then there would be no need for the
words, it could be that sensorimotor knowledge is assumption of a privileged relationship between a
functionally (and physically) dissociable from con- certain type of semantic information and a certain
ceptual knowledge, but that sensorimotor informa- type of modality-specific input/output representa-
tion is nevertheless required in order to perform tion, since the semantic representations themselves
correctly on naming and recognition tasks. Note would already be modality-specific. However, if an
that the revised sensory/motor theory must assume amodal semantic system is assumed, then this is not
that knowledge of the ways in which objects are a “weaker” version of the sensory/motor theory, but
used is required, or at least differentially important, rather an amodal account of the organisation of
for recognising tools; if the theory does not assume semantic knowledge that stresses the importance of
sensorimotor knowledge is (at least) differentially different types of semantic information as a func-
important for recognising/naming tools, then it tion of task demands (see, e.g., Caramazza et al.,
would not have provided an explanatory account of 1990, and above discussion of Plaut, 2002).14
the cause of category-specific semantic deficits. In this section we have critically evaluated two
However, even on the basis of the neuro- assumptions: First, we have shown that the
psychological evidence that has already been assumption that conceptual knowledge of manipu-
reviewed, it is clear that revising the sensory/motor lable artefacts is distributed over modality-specific
theory in this way will not be sufficient to save it. sensorimotor representations is contrary to the
For instance, if knowledge of the ways in which performance of patient WC. Second, we have
objects are manipulated is required (or differentially shown that the (weaker) assumption that in order to
important) in order to recognize/name objects, name/recognise tools, information about their use
We are grateful to Laurel Buxbaum (personal communication) for bringing these issues to our attention.

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6) 445


must be accessible, is contrary to the performance of The argument that has been developed against
patients such as the one reported by Ochipa and the sensory/motor theory with respect to the cate-
colleagues (1989). In the next section we consider gory of tools is thus a species of a broader and more
how the data reviewed in this article constrain ques- general argument that has been articulated against
tions about the organisation and representation of the sensory/functional theory. The fact that the
conceptual knowledge. majority of well-studied patients with category-
specific deficits have presented with equivalent
impairments to both visual/perceptual and func-
tional/associative knowledge of items from the
CONCLUSION impaired category (Capitani et al., 2003-this issue)
demonstrates the inadequacy of the sensory/func-
The structure of the argument that has been devel- tional theory to explain the existence of category-
oped against the sensory/motor theory is not new: specific deficits. In this article we have suggested
Arguments of the same structure have been articu- that the simplest solution is to assume that the
lated against the basic assumptions of the sensory/ broadest constraint on the organisation of concep-
functional theory by a number of authors. For tual knowledge is object domain. Furthermore, as
example, some sensory/functional theorists have discussed above, adopting the domain-specific
proposed that the specific type of visual/perceptual hypothesis does not entail rejecting the assumption
information required in order to recognise fruit/ that conceptual knowledge is organised in the brain
vegetables consists of knowledge of their colour into modality-specific stores. If the domain-
(e.g., Humphreys & Forde, 2001). If we interpret specific hypothesis is conjoined with the modality-
this claim literally and in its strongest form, the pre- specific store assumption, the prediction is made
diction is made that a deficit for knowledge of that that there will be segregation of information
object colour must be associated with a dispropor- corresponding to different categories of objects
tionate deficit for fruit/vegetables. Notice that any within neuroanatomically defined modalities.
weaker interpretation of the proposal renders it Functional neuroimaging data consistent with this
unable to account for a category-specific deficit for prediction were reviewed: A number of investiga-
fruit/vegetables. Evidence contrary to this proposal tors have observed that living things and nonliving
has been reported by Miceli, Fouch, Capasso, things produced differential and spatially
Shelton, Tomaiuolo, and Caramazza (2001): dissociable peaks of activation in inferior and lateral
Patient IOC presented with intact colour percep- temporal cortex.
tion but impaired knowledge of the colours associ- The critical issue in regard to these functional
ated with objects. IOC did not present with a neuroimaging data concerns the nature of the infor-
disproportionate deficit for fruit/vegetables com- mation that is activated in a seemingly category-
pared to other semantic categories. These data specific pattern. For instance, does the activation in
indicate that the existence of category-specific fusiform regions reflect the activation of modality-
deficits for fruit/vegetables cannot be explained in specific representations (i.e., visual/structural
terms of an impairment to knowledge of object descriptions) or rather conceptual knowledge about
colour. Similarly with respect to the sensory/motor the visual properties of objects? The same question
theory: Patient WC was impaired for both must be addressed prior to an interpretation of the
producing and recognising the correct movements observation that tool stimuli differentially activated
associated with the actual use of objects, but was left premotor cortex. Does this finding reflect the
unimpaired for conceptual knowledge of objects activation of conceptual knowledge of tools or
across a wide range of tests. This indicates that rather of modality-specific sensorimotor represen-
it cannot be the case that conceptual knowledge tations? Either possibility is consistent with a
of tools is distributed over sensorimotor domain-specific interpretation, since this hypothe-
representations. sis assumes that both pre-conceptual and concep-

446 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2003, 20 (3/4/5/6)


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