PST PCT Comparative and Superlative, Little/few

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Complete the sentences with go, play, get, do, ride or drive.

0. I can’t _play_ tennis this weekend.

1. Do you __________ on the bus to school?
2. They __________ to work by car.
3. Three days a week I __________ running.
4. Do you __________ aerobics?
5. Peter wants to __________ a motorbike.
6. I __________ to work at 9:00 and start working at 9:15.
7. In my job I __________ lorries.
8. We __________by boat to France every year.
9. You can’t ________ basketball here.
10. Where can I __________ yoga?

Complete the text with the present continuous or the past simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
Last year I (0)_was_ (be) in my home country. I (1) _____________ (live) at home
with my family and I (2) _____________ (not work). Now it is all different. This month I (3)
_____________ (stay) in Belgrade. Last month, I (4) _____________ (be) in Llubijana and the
month before I (5) _____________ (go) to Berlin and Vienna. What (6) _____________ (I do) this
year? I (7) _____________ (travel) by train all over Europe and I (8) _____________ (learn)
languages. Last year, I (9) _____________ (can not) speak any Serbo-Croat. Now I can say
‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. This year, I (10) _____________ (work) in a shop
in the middle of Belgrade and I have no problem speaking. Last year I (11) _____________
(can) only speak one language. Now I can speak a little of six languages! Last year I (12)
_____________ (not know) anything about the world. Now, I (13) _____________ (travel) all
over the world!

Fill in the blanks using either the present simple, present continuous, past simple
or past continuous forms.

Steve Evans and Mike Brockall 0____are____ athletes but they 1_____________ (have) different
hopes. Steve 2_____________ (run) in the London Marathon this week. Mike 3_____________
(be) at home this week. He 4_____________ (break) his leg last week and cannot run for
eight months. How 5_____________ he _____________ (break) his leg? He 6_____________ (climb) a
hill as part of his training when a tree 7_____________ (fall) on him during a storm. Steve
_____________ (hope) to win a marathon. Mike only 9_____________ (want) to run again
Complete the text with for and since.

A photographer’s life
Martha Schwarz, 29, freelance photographer
I’ve had three different homes ………………… I was born. My family and I lived in a
small flat ………………… the first years of my life, then we moved to a larger one. My
parents have lived there ………………… then.
I moved out when I got engaged and I’ve lived in a small house near the Danube
………………… the last seven years. My husband and I have been married …………………
almost five years now.
I’ve been a professional photographer ………………… nearly six years now and I
love it. I worked for Newsweek ………………… four years and I’ve been freelance
………………… I left. I much prefer working for myself.
My favourite camera is my old Nikon 601. I’ve had it ………………… my 21st
birthday. It still works perfectly.
Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form by adding
any necessary words.

Dear Marie,
I’m writing to tell you about Merryville’s Country Fair which took place last
weekend. It was ………………….. (big) event of the year!
There were more people at the fair than there were last year. People were selling
………………….. (nice) ornaments and ………………….. (wonderful) arts and crafts I had ever
seen. I bought a beautiful hand-woven rug. It is ………………….. (big) and much
………………….. (thick) the old one I have. Luke found an unusual painting and we decided
to buy it and hang it in our living room. It looks ………………….. (good) the old picture we
had there.
Although it was getting really cold as it got dark, people stayed to listen to the
band which was playing …………………………. (fantastic) dance music I had ever heard. As
we watched the band perform, we ate …………………………. (delicious) toffee-apples I had
ever had in my life!
And guess who this year’s winner of …………………………. (large) pumpkin contest
was! My granddad!
I hope you’ll be in town for next year’s fair. I’ve heard that it’s going to be
…………………………. (good) this year’s!

Take care,

Complete the text with the words or phrases in the box.

the can’t (x2) worst the best any lot can cheaper many most of a (x2)

There is (0) a_ market on the corner of my street. It sells (1)_______________

vegetables in town. You (2) _______________ find many different types of vegetables and a
(3) _______________ of the vegetables are not from this country. For example, (4)
_______________ of the vegetables come from Turkey. (5) _______________ the fruit comes from
Spain, about 80%. I buy Spanish fruit because it is (6) _______________ than fruit from this
country. I love bananas but the market doesn’t have (7) _______________ now. They arrive
in September. I (8) _______________ wait for September! (9) _______________ market is open
from Monday to Friday. It also sells the (10) _______________ bread in town. It’s really bad!
The market (11) _______________ make bread so I buy it from (12) _______________ bakery
near the market.

Complete the sentences with the given quantifiers.

( a little (x2) / a few )
Try to get ……………… exercise before a long camping trip. It will help you feel better
on the trip. ……………… good stretching exercises every day will help. ……………… walking
or swimming is also useful.

( a / some / much / many )

Making a fire is ……………… skill, but it’s easy to learn. You won’t need ………………
practise before you can build a roaring campfire. Start with ……………… paper and leaves.
Place the wood on top of these, and leave spaces for air. Don’t use ……………… big pieces
of wood. Put two or three over the sticks, and keep the rest to the side.

( How much (x2) / How many (x2) )

Plan your food in advance. ……………… sandwiches are you going to make? ………………
bread will you need? Are you planning popcorn and pancakes? ……………… butter should
you bring for these treats? ……………… eggs will you need? Make sure you have enough of
everything before you leave.

( a few / a little / ( very) little / a lot of )

On our family’s first camping trip, we had ……………… equipment and almost no
experience, but we still had ……………… fun. It was a blast. We swam, we hiked, and we
made new friends. Of course, we had ……………… problems, but not many.
Anyway, ....................... inconvenience didn’t interfere with our fun.
Present Perfect or past simple? Circle the correct form.
Forever Friends
I knew/ have known Teresa for ages, almost since we were/have been born. We
met/have met at the same nursery school when we were/have been only four years old
and we are/have been friends since then. We went/have been to the same primary
school, we were/have been in the same class at secondary school and now we are at the
same university. At least we don’t study the same subjects. We have been/were together
for a long time and we shared/have shared a lot of great experiences.

Complete the spaces in the text below with an appropriate form of the verb in
brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous or present perfect.
Paul Wilson, author of The Little Book of Calm, not only writes books, but he also
………………….. (work) for an advertising agency and is the director of a hospital. From
time to time, he also………………….. (produce) musical albums and he frequently
………………….. (give) talks to business people. Because of, or despite this busy life, he
………………….. (become) a world authority on calmness. He ………………….. (already
publish) two novels and many books on the subject of calmness. In the last few years, he
………………….. (sell) more than any other Australian writer. So far, his work …………………..
(appear) in over twelve languages, and this number ………………….. (increase). As a result,
he ………………….. (become) very famous around the world. National newspapers
regularly ………………….. (write) articles about him and, at least once a month, there is a
TV programme which discusses his work. At the moment, he ………………….. (work) on a
number of new projects and, at the same time, ………………….. (try) to find time to spend
with his three children.
Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets, past, present
perfect or with will.

Next year, in June, the World Student Games (0)_will be_ (be) in Bangkok. There (1)
………………….. (be) 11 student games so far and the last one (2) ………………….. (be) in
Izmir last year. In Izmir, 15 countries (3) ………………….. (send) over 2,000 students to
the games. This means that in 11 games, over 20,000 students (4) ………………….. (play) a
sport or (5) ………………….. (do) an athletic event. Next year, again, many people (6)
………………….. (win) gold, silver or bronze medals. This is very expensive. The games in
Izmir (7) ………………….. (cost) over 2.5 million pounds and the International University
Sports Federation (FISU) (8) ………………….. (spend) over 25 million pounds for all 11
games. Next year, more than 5,000 students (9) ………………….. (attend) the games and
the cost (10) ………………….. (be) higher than any other games. FISU (11) …………………..
(not decide) what to do yet but I am sure they (12) ………………….. (increase) the price of
tickets. We hope there (13) ………………….. (be) a discount for students.
Complete the text below with appropriate tenses Past Simple or Present

Since computers were first intruduced to the public in the early 1980's
technology (change)___________ a great deal. The first computers (be) __________
simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have,not) __________ much
memory and tehy (be, not) _________ very powerful. Early computers were often
quite expensive and the costumers often (pay) _________ thousands of dollars for
machines which actually (do) __________ very little. Most computers (be)
___________separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or
playing games. Times (change) ________. Computers (become) ___________
powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create)
___________ a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching
foreign language to book keeping. We are still playing video games, but today's
games (become) __________ faster, more exciting interactive advetures. Many
computers users (get,also) ___________ on the Internet and (begin) ________
communicating with oher computer users around the world. We (start) _________ to
create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of
the past (envolve) __________ into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.
Make the present perfect - it could be positive, negative or question.

1. (I / go / to the library today) 

2. (you / keep a pet for three years) 
3. (you / come here before)? 
4. (it / rain all day)? 
5. (who / we / forgot to invite)? 

6. (we / not / hear that song already) 


7. (he / not / forget his books) 


8. (she / steal all the chocolate) 

9. (I / explain it well)? 
10. (who / he / meet recently)? 
11. (how / we / finish already)? 
12. (he / study Latin) 

13. (I / know him for three months)


14. (we / not / lose our tickets) 


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